(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

ya lor, we mummies, so heartpain. pd prescribed him a cream n i oso used on him lots of desitin, his bum ok. ai yo, chen chen oso sick. auntie sanrio saiyang saiyang him n wish him a speedy recovery
u take care 2.

jus realised tis morning, he 'ate up' some of my cards n d colour prints came off a bit, dun noe whether tis is d cause of his diarrhoea. all my fault 4 being so careless, haiz...
oso dun noe is it sat he wen to play n touch d doggies. but i did wash his hands.

U still feel sick? Beta go see doc and have a good rest.

I woke up this morning and hb told me beta not sleep too much cos I end up feeling worse, but stimes really so tired that I rest on the bed, then I dozed off.

What! He ate the cards!!! Whoa... haiyoh. jesse ever nearly bit off the crayon, hiaz, and drank his bath water!!!!
Hope ash wlbe fine. I hate it when they have diarrhoea cos v chaam.. butt so painful.
Last time I bot this cream Hydroderm... it was rather effective.

Bronchitis wl take some time to clear rite?
HOpe that Chenchen gets better soon.

Hope that Ash recovers soon also.. so that during the hols..Ryan can drop by and play with him.
shook & sanrio,
HOpe that the 2 boys will get well soon.

You 2 take care of yourself too okay, cos now the boys will be very sticky to the mummies.
erm... sneaking away from the child actually instill more anxiety for her leh. Cos now they already noe the ways a day goes by, so she'll hv the impression that u'll 'disappear'if she dun keep a look out.

It's really better that she cry out for the time being while learning that ur 'bye bye, i'll come back in the evening' do happens everyday.

Keep us in the loop abt Chen Chen, k

he teething arh? jem recently had a bout too.. till the skin came off. Take care yah!
Ruffy, Vane has tried the carrier before and she's ok with it. Guess she's a sling bb lah.

brenda, you very good hor? Can tahan his cries.

PVL, hahaha.... sorry, typo error it's Mothercare.

shook, when and how you talk to Chen Chen? Now I try to talk to her after she slept, hope it goes into her sub-conscious mind.
Think the new rule abt off-day only start next yr. Goat's milk that good meh? Vane got that few mths back, my niece's condition was worse, even got hospitalised. Think Chen Chen got to be on anti-biotics also. Did you rent the neubraliser? It's quite common in kids cos their breathing tubes are still quite narrow. Dun worry.... Lucky you brought him to see PD and not chinese sin seh.

QSG, I thot you want to get maid cos you asked so many qns abt it just now. heehee.... I buy Enfagrow at NTUC, the nearest cos I always buy last minute. My maid's Eng is ok, we can communicate lah. You got so many stuff in the store-room?

Viv, your mom really dote on Jana hor? My mom also like to keep Vane with her but I always bring her home lah. Vane wont want to stay with her if I'm gg home too.

styloBB, so Jesse is more comfy staying at home? When do u need to go back to work? Think you'll suffer more after this 2 weeks of rest leh.

absolut, my maid doesnt want off-day leh. She said she got nowhere to go also, she'd rather stay at home. So what I did is, let her do less work on Sat/Sun. You ok? Think it'll be very easy for you to take mc now rite?

sanrio, it's ok.... I not sure if I want to get also. 13x!!! That's alot... think his bum sure red now.
v tired today ...Jana woke up at 5am today and refuse to sleepy ... so i've been up since 5am..now feeling v sleep, gonna take half day leave today.

ur cold getting worst? rest more ok?

i read that from bbcenter too, and i try not to do it but then sometimes really no choice, esp when she's already v v cranky.

at least Vane cooperate with you and follow you home, Jana sometimes choose to stay behind n i hv no choice but to leave her there.

yesterday nite was bad...Jana wanted to stay behind but after we left, she started crying, think she regretted and changed her mind. my dad brought her downstairs, she couldn't find us and cried harder n threw up all her milk, then refused to be brought back into my mum's house to change. mum called me and we went back again to fetch her home. first time she changed her mind!

shook, sanrio
hope both of your boys recover soon.
Thanks for your concern. Think the cold is just running its course plus my walk in the rain yesterday didn't help. Anyway,will go see doc later in the afternoon. Hopefully she give me 2 days mc. haha! If not, will try and ask.

Nat mentioned that she's still in the hospital. Maxene is going for jaundice text and Nat is starting breastfeeding today so they want to monitor esp since she's got constipation and high blood pressure.
Giggler arh,
The truth is... Jem seldom cry...hahhaha. On average once a day.

Can i date u on 10 Dec?

Jana so cute! really noe what she wants hor!
I read in another thread dat not advisable to send young tod to childcare unless u hv no choice The big tod bully the young tod.

U ask dr yo give u 2 days mc. Usu Dr lienent wif preggie. Wish u get well soon
I applied urgent leave today.

Gd to hear dat Ash's bum is ok.
Last time Chen Chen had diarrohea I asked PD if it wz due to teething. PD said dun blame everything on teething. It is bcoz the little 1 put things into their mouth dat they get the virus. Sigh.... unavoidable

Dunno how long it takes to recover PD said go back for review 3 days later

I talk to Chen Chen when he makes the mistake. Keep repeating the same thing wif stern look. Hmm...U talk to Vane after she sleeps, does your words get into her mind?
Read dat goat's milk v gd. Better than cow's but v x
PD rent the neubraliser to me.

Wat time Jana gets up normally? May b she scared u leave her quietly. So wake up early. I notice chen chen does dat

I got to give Chen Chen med via neubraliser every 3 hrs even mid of the 9. He is much better but still breath deeply. Will slowly extend to 3.5hrs than 4 hrs interval. Thx
bring umbrella leh. nowadays weather so unpredictable!!

On contrary, my doc told me that when our tods r showing signs of teething, we can make it a point to wash their toys and hands regularly, give them snacks every now and then to ease the discomfort to lessen the tendency to bite other stuff. By now our tods seldom put things into their mouth for explorations already but will do so to ease their gums. So.. can avoid one.

if u keep on goat's milk hor.. can purchase fresh one from Jalan Bahar leh. Quite near our place.
brenda n foreverfrd,
i agree teething is d indriect cause of ash diarrhoea cos he put thgs in his mouth to bite n ease d gum discomfort. i did wash his hands regularly. tink i got 2 b more 'alert' watching over him then.

dun noe is d cards or wat.. i remb we brought him to imm foodcourt on sun. he wanted a spoon so i gave him 1 plastic spoon fr 1 of d stall. we were shocked to c tat af a while, his cheek n chin broke into rashes. took d spoon away n quickie wash him. mayb d spoon is contaminated.. haiz..

tks. oh yes holidays are here agn. ok let me noe wen lah.
ya lor.. i 'record' down d freq of his diarrhoea 2 'report' 2 my hubby. he's v concerned n will call back hm often 2 check on his bao bei. once ash diarrhoea started, i apply desitin v liberally, tink it was v gd as a protection 4 his bum.

ash is an early bird, wakes up at 6.30am almost evyday. i find d day so long n hard to pass tx. he slp at abt 8.15-8.30pm evy nite. we tried to let him slp later, oso wake up so so early. me as a sahm nvr get d 'luxury' 2 wake up a bit later leh..
dear sahms,
do u all prefer to mt up in d mid/late noon instd of morning? af our todd wake up fr their nap, we can mt ard 3.30-4pm for tea then let them run ard. i find tis arrangement less rushing n our todd wont b so cranky 4 being tired, hungry etc.. hope more moms can join us then. even d working moms can take half day leave mah

is a friday in dec a gd day?
Mummies, on leave today. Took CC leave today but dana with MIL so that i can do some clean up at home.Dana has not been teething for at least 6-8 months. At 15mths she only has 8 teeth, do you think there is any cause for concern?

Deer, forgot to reply you yesterday. I got the bathroom slippers but both hb and myself dun really wear lei. Maybe not used to wearing. Recently i bought a anti-slip mat but only a small squarish piece to put in shower area for dana. Sometimes she will try to walk out of that boundery so difficult to bath her alone without hb standby holding her.

Shook, how is chen chen now? Dana is not really co-sleeping with me. From newborn she sleeps in her own cot in our room. Hb said he felt she is old enough to sleep in another room herself. Actually i felt no hurry since now no 2nd bb yet, on the other hand i remembered some of you mentioned the later we moved the tods out, the more difficult it gets.

Absolute, do agree with you that the maids can go crazy like us if work non-stop
Your maid attend both the filippino and English services?

Emily, any idea why for first few months maids are not allowed to have 1 day off. Btw, you leave ethan with your maid at your parents' place? or she looks after ethan on her own?

Giggler, storeroom really got alot of stuff mine and hb's accmulated through years. Actually most are my shoes ha ha...some dana's stuff also.

Stylobb, can't throw the wardrobe lah...firstly not easy to dismantle...somemore still quite new and cost us about $3K although its not custom-made.I also bought another small wardrobe for dana recently and squeeze into the same room so that i can hang up her dresses
I feel wat your dr said is v text bk. It depends on individual. Like Chen Chen he picks up anything he likes to bite, not necessary toys. When he is full, he won't eat anything.

Jana doesn't co-sleep wif u, may b not so difficult to move her to another rm. Bsides she sleeps thru the rite
I dun think it is a concern dat Jana has 8 teeths @ the moment.

I juz bring out the concern I gathered mah. Another friend oso told me she brot her daughter to look c, her daughter got pong by n older boi n her daughter stood there gong gong to get pong. So heartache. It is better to tell u now than scarly the problem happens when Ethan is in childcare rite. I remember Eureka oso said b4 childcare no gd. May b u wanna hear Ruffy's comment since Ryan is in childcare.
Emily, usually parents dun dare to leave the kid alone with the maid but in your case you dare is it bec you know the maid before that (transferred to you by someone you know)?

Shook, think you tired after looking after Chen Chen. Mine girl is Dana and Viv's is Jana

Emily, i am also thinking about cc if really got number 2 but i heard kids fall sick easily when in CC and the parents will be busy taking leave to take care of them. If dun wan maid or in your case you wanna relieve your maid i guess no choice. There is no perfect solution.
hehehhe, u join me in Spring Cleaning arh? gonna put up any xmas decors anot?

Jem also hv 8 teeth now.

My hb also feels that its time for Jem to sleep in his own room.. even threaten to swtich it to a Mahjong Room if i dun try to soon..hahahha

Can't help u on CC thingy cos i pro centres.

hahhaha, mebbe lor cos din noe chen chen still put things into his mouth. I saw the tods, jem n my goddaughter no longer does it mah. Actually its becos i noe Jem no longer does that then i allowed him to run free at the farms and botanic garden and now, scribbling w crayons. If not, big headache.
Brenda, me not doing spring cleaning. Just trying to clear those things in the dressing room to prepare for shifting dana to that room. We put up christmas every year but this year hb said dun put up in case dana pulls/plays with the wires of the bulbs or push the tree. Dunno how lei, he has a point but i tot dana will like or be fasinated with the tree. You putting up any decors?

Wah, mark really very serious with shifting Jem out hor, is there a deadline for you to shift Jem out?

What type of crayons did you buy for Jem?
Viv, you went back home to rest liao? It's very common for Vane to wake up in the middle of the nite to play leh. Usu, it's my hubby who wake up to entertain her. Vane alr used to stay with us during the nite liao, I guess. Maybe Jana miss you once she didnt see you. Jana looks like handsome boi leh. I like her smile.

brenda, can can.... where shall we go? We're very eng on Sat.
Have u try the goat's milk? I never try before leh.

shook, dun think that's really true abt cc lah. It more or less depend on the character of the child? Heehee... I only start last nite so not sure if it works or not. Do you say "cannot put things in your mouth", "cannot throw tantrum", etc? Thot we shd say more positive words but I dun really how to restructure the sentences leh. The neubraliser will help alot. Rem to give med regularly too.

sanrio, which Desitin are u using? Think there's 2 version of Desitin leh.

QSG, my store-room also very packed but not sure whose things. Some left over from my sil's family, some are my mil's, some my hubby's but none of my things there. I dun even dare to touch though I really want to clear them.
Hey mummies,
went to visit Nat just now during my lunch time. She's doing fine and Maxene looks soooooo much like her bro.

Think she will try to post Maxene's pic here once she gets home.

If i'm not wrong, she will be discharge tomorrow.

Oh ya, this one must tell...haha, KK is such a happy daddy. Haha, Maxene never left his arms since I walk in and he's always looking and smiling at her.
So far no problem when we go fetch him, he happily leaves my mum's place. I mean I'm glad we dun have to put up w any tantrum in the evenings. I guess my place is more interesting cos a lot of his toys here mah..got two cars that he can ride about in the flat...

Yah, praying that I'll be ok next week.

Ur wardrobe that big ah? I dun mean dismantle, I mean tidy up and throw away those things u dun need.

U take leave and go home and sleep ok??
Next time, must decide whether to bring jana home or leave her at mum's.... toddler thrive on routine..

Gotta feed every 3 hours, so xiong..
Gareth also prepare our own place then my mum/aunty's place. He will be more than happy to leave with us. I guess, he actually know where his house is.
Hi mummies,
So diff to follow this thread, it run so fast .... actually i read some of the msg yesterday while at home, but no time to post .... just want to say thank you to those who has replied to me on FM
Sorrie cant go back and "dig out" the names and thank one by one, coz the thread run too fast.

Shook and Sanrio,
Hope Chen Chen and Ash recover fast fast fr their illness. Both of u must be very worried, heartpain and exhasuted. Take good care of urself too. So tough to be a mummy hor .... i guess we can now fully appreciate what our mums hv done for us.

I guess u shld know i m pulling ur leg abt YH handsome or not, so dun need to type ur sincerity in caps lah hahahah ....
I fully agree with u abt ur theory on the cost of FM with respect to whether YH like it or not, tt's why i m in a dilemma on whether to change FM .... will decide later since too many things on my head now. And thanks to ur offer on the Friso, since i hvnt decided to change FM, i think i wont take fr u. Thank you so much

Hope by now u hv seen a doc and hv been given 2 days MCs. U take care hor. Resting will help u to recover better, rest well.

Jana really look like a big girl, and a very beautiful one, with a bright smile and smiley eyes

U very bored at home? Go and pick up a good book and read lah. Agree with ur hb, sometimes sleeping too much will make u feel worse. Reading will help to pass time faster. I m currently reading "Noble House" by James Clavell, very interesting story, but i can only read it on the bus and MRT, how i wish i hv the time to finish it at one go!

Got to go liao.
This thread really move so fast. I can't catch up.

SOrry I couldn't make it on MOn. Really dunno if Nat wants 1 or 2 naps leh. My plans always screw up bcos of her naps. THinking of bringing to some enrichment programs on weekdays oso difficult. Did you gals and bbs enjoy yourselves?
Oh u clearing up that room har... hahhaha, i dun wanna look at mine yet.

Hb n i share the same view as ur hb w regards to the tree leh. Too lazy to keep shouting "hands off" hahhaha, our philosophy at home is,"If its a no-no to Jem, then dun place it out" But i'm thinking of getting those that i can hang higher up like the mistletoes etc.

No lah, i dun think he's that serious... no deadline

bought the Faber Castel ones which is washable. USually weekn if we r home, will put him on a mahjong paper to scribble.

no lah, wanna ask Vane to pop by my place cos most prob Tyra n Gareth coming over.

Goat's milk hor... we had it at the farm. Jem drink as norm. Hb says taste no diff. Me felt that it has those mutton kind of aftertaste... u noe, those 'goatie' taste..hahahha

Hi mommies,
I'm opening up my place on the 10 Dec. yeah, i know, Jurong very far. Think Hazey, Pigletz n Giggler more or less coming by already so if you dun mind the distance, do join us as well.
brenda, you start doing spring cleaning? Me too, doing bits by bits on every Sat since quite eng now. Vane still put things in her mouth also leh. Not sure when she'll stop doing it. Ok, sure to be there to meet my future son-in-law. Hahaha.......

brenda/QSG, you gals reminded me that I got to try to train Vane to sleep on her own now. My hubby so diff from yours, he's the one who is reluctant to let Vane sleep on her own.

pigletz, hahaha.... KK so cute. You still got time to visit Nat during lunchtime? Which hospital is she in now? Ya ya... we are mj-kakis. I think Vane also like that leh, think she knows where her house is so must go home to sleep.

styloBB, oic.... I scared you wont get used to work life after 2 weeks of rest.

Mom2Nat, will Nat go cranky if she doesnt have her nap? If she's ok, then you can just bring her out regardless how many naps she take?

Think my turn to be down with cold liao. Finished one pack of tissue within half an hour.
gotta rephrase :

THOSE dun mind the distance, do join us...

Those cannot one hor, continue to chat leh. Dun hang the thread, hahahhaha
haha, I'm different from you. I want Gareth to sleep in the same room with us, as long as he don't sleep in our bed can liao.

Anyway, Gareth know that he's suppose to sleep in his cot and he prefer his cot to squeeze with us also.

Oh, Nat is at SGH. Not that far.
Yeah, this way, saves us further heartache.. at least they happily leave to follow us home..

I not BORED leh, I HOT...hehe... if I nap I will switch on the aircon. I was eating my kuay teow soup with perspiration dripping down my face.
Yeah, me reading two books now, "Twins" and "The Birth Order Book".... today not so sleepy...

Hmmm... not used to also have to... let's see how it goes... my mil has volunteered to drive hb/I to work....

Vane sleeps with u? Time to let her sleep on her own liao.

viv in slumberland liao???

We bot the Crayola Big crayons for jesse to draw on mj paper too...

Btw did anyone watch Tab TV last Wed???
yeah, me started spring cleaning already. cos SIL giving birth early Dec then xmas etc.. dun wan to hv too much on hand suddenly so started early.

mj arh, u gals gotta find enuf ppl. I noe nuts abt it..hhahha, but i volunteer to bbsit ur kids!

aiyoh, sneeze already? drink more Orange Juice
ya lor, I agree. I guess for us working parents, it's the going home time and the little time that we spend with our kids that provides the bonding.

Imagine by the time we reach home, it's abt 8pm liao. Gareth suppose to sleep at 9pm. So I really treasure the bus/mrt/lrt journey that we share.
Brenda, what time are you opening up your place on 10 Dec?Where did you get the Faber brand crayons?

Stylobb, is crayola washable? Like not many places have crayola crayons lei.
Usually i open house from 11am to 6pm, hahahah. U can come anytime in between. Most prob, no lunch but sure have finger foods. If wan to stay after 6pm hor, can... but must excuse me while i prepare dinner...hehehhe

Better that u arrange w the others what time they wan to come by.

Crayons from Faber most major bookstores or craft shops have. Crayola can get it from those kids stores at GWC, Paragon etc They have washable ones as well. They even hv one that if u use it on their special colouring book, the colour will appear. Other books/floor/walls etc, no colours at all. Of course more ex lah
pigletz, but I scared the bed too squeezy for the 3 of us as she grows leh.

styloBB, ya Vane still sleep with us. You also think I shd let her sleep on her own? Didnt watch Tab TV, what's it abt?

brenda, dun know why out of the sudden started sneezing non-stop. Now having headache and bodyache. Ask your hubby to join us for mj lah.

QSG, you can go to Brenda's house if it didnt clash with Dana's class hor?

shook, how's Chen Chen now? Hope he's better liao.

sanrio, Ash still poo poo-ing?
Mummies going to Brenda's place, what time you going? need to see if can drop by cause Dana got class that day.

Giggler, you are right.
u caught a cold issit? drink some hot tea?

hb arh? hahahha, he only interested in betting big big alas he finds it no kick. So usaully i dun let him play in front of me alas i heartpain leh..hahahha

I bought mine from Pioneer Mall's stationery shop
QSG, I free the whole day. What time can you make it?

brenda, drank hot tea liao but still no use. How big your hb play?
why not train her to sleep on a mattress on the floor?

I think too early to decide what time to go. Still early to say now.
dunnoe... only remember he shakes head when i ask him wan to join my relatives in the game cos they only play 10cts/20cts. Think my IL side goes by dollars so he finds it no fun..hahahha

u not going home yet? go back rest rest
pigletz, ya I gg to train her to sleep on mattress. I trained for a while but gave up after 1 week. Now got to retrain again.

brenda, ya ya... I'll also shake head if 10/20cts leh. I can only knock off at 6pm leh.

pigletz, ya I gg to train her to sleep on mattress. I trained for a while but gave up after 1 week. Now got to retrain again.

brenda, ya ya... I'll also shake head if 10/20cts leh. I can only knock off at 6pm leh.
