(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I have a can of Friso 3, not Gold one unopened. It's a sample can sent to me but they sent months later, by then Jem already happily drinking Neslac already. If u r keen, i bring it down for u.

What's impt is, YH likes to drink the milk!! if not pay more also no use.. save more also waste money!

EXACTLY, see?!? even ur hb says YH looks like yoda when young. I found that he looked a tad too serious too. NOw so much better looking!!! THAT'S A SINCERE COMPLIMENT, OKAY!

Goat Farm? is around Jalan Bahar. There got a lot of various farms n we've been there for the past few weekends. Farmart, marine fish farms, aquatic fish farms, veg farms, goat farm, bullfrog farm etc. then get to see dogs, rabbits, fishes, goats, chix etc lor... Jem likes the Kois most i think.

Recent pix har... have. but now i no time to resize..later, k

yah, that's y till now we still dun dare to get a dog...hahahah. I even think thousands time to get a rabbit!

RE : Maids
My cousins r really lucky n gotten good maids.

One of them returned to her country to marry. SHe took care of my cousin till she's in primary school and I still remembered how affected my cuz was. But the maid continued to write to her, send her pics of the wedding photos and the last tx (after 2yrs), she came back to singapore, she actually request to borrow the oven to bake a cake for the girl. The friendship between the caregiver the child is really special but hor the bond between parents n child is irreplaceable too. Be friend friend?

The other one still in SIN taking care of my twin nephews now. She was with my cousin even before her firstborn, took care of the first girl well... so when the No. 2 and No. 3 came along, my cousin get another maid to help her. Thank goodness, cos its this very maid that brought my nephew to hosp in time when he's down w infection while the parents are not in town. So hor, dun worry that the maid luvs ur kids too much, worry only when she dun!!

Try cooking porridge same way same ingredient as your mum. Oso ask your mum whether YH eats porridge hot or warm or cool. U may try cooking a bigger portion of porridge. U eat the same porridge as YH n feed him fm your bowl

Dunno y Maxene poo.
U got the virus fm Ally? Aiyo, preggie sick v tiring. Cannot take strong med somemore. Last time I juz take mc n rest @ home. Din eat the med. U take mc n rest. But hor like wat u said wif Ally ard, diff to rest. U can rest only when she is napping.
Whole family sick dat's a headache. My parents n SIL sick. I guess dat's y Chen Chen recovered n got it agn. He recovered when he is back @ home during wk n.
Chen Chen on antibiotic for flu till yes'dy.

$168 v x leh. How long will u use it?

absolut, Giggler, Deer
Maxene out of ICU to nursery liao

Giggler, Pigletz
Yap yap a lot a lot of patience needed. When I loose my cool, I raise my voice @ Chen Chen. Sometimes I push his highchair wif him in the highchair to the entrance of the study rm n let him face the window. When I cool dwn, I hug him n bring him back

Where is Jln Behar? Near Kranji is it? Can juz walk in or need to register 1st to go to the farms? Wanted to go 2 wks back but Chen Chen zzzzz

Agree wif your hubby let your maid eats in the kitchen. Of coz she doesn't feel comfortable eating wif boss esp she is new
When u r @ work, who look after Jana?

Cannot b sensitive nose. Chen Chen's running nose is watery than thick
I m at a loss now. My mum called to said Chen Chen's cough n running nose is getting worse. She asked if shld stop giving med. I asked her to cont anyway left 1 or 2 feeds only. she suggested bringing Chen Chen to consult Chinese sin seh. Wat u gals think?
foreverfrd, absolut, deer,
i oso dun noe why ash is so daring n brave wen it comes to 'water' n animals. even dare 2 slide down (w me) d quite high kids slide in d pool, no bb/young todd does tat, cos it's quite steep as compared to playgrd slide n d water will splash all over d face n body. but 'human'/stangers he scared. he is now quite ok w strangers but wont allow pple to touch him unless he super gd mood tat day.

YH looks like a little todd now
ash is on gain iq. he has no poo prob so far. but he usually dun hav constipation prob, only wen he tried enfapro then. but i alwy add 10ml water extra cos he dun like 2 drk water. i agree w pigletz, all fm brands ar competitive, most impt is bb like it n no prob af taking it.

i din get d hip carrier. i tried it at mothercare 1 wkday wen d shop was quite quiet n d sales staff helped me w it. 2 me, it makes not much diff compared to carrying ash w'out it. n i find it quite 'ding tay' cos it's seems too big n bulky for a small size me.

ya hubby was shocked wen he saw ash wan to pull d golden retriever tongue n touch its gum n teeth! quickly grab him away. but d dog was scared of him n mayb find ash v irritating, hahaha...

jem n ash frd frd. can go 'jogging' n c animals 2gether next tx. yup, gareth mus cum along 2. oh oh, but poor animals...
haha, it's a shop at rivervale plaza. Was shocked to see the price, monitor that their stock actually quite new, that's why dare to buy. Anyway, I'm giving Gareth Mamil Gold Step 2. NTUC selling at $24.90 while this shop sells at $22 only.
i m not into chinese sinseh esp for bb or todd. jus personal view.. oso bb/kids mayb allergic to certain herbs but i do undstd v common n mild ones will b used 4 kids.
cld it b allergens in d environment tat trigger his frequent runny nose? eg: ash sneezes a lot n gets runny nose (watery not thick type) whenever d fan blows direct at him or is too strong or d fan is a little dusty. he gets cough af he wake up or in aircon environment 4 too long. i tink is due to dry n irritated throat.
brenda, now you got car it's easier to visit those farms hor? Ya, you're rite lor... only need to worry if your maid not caring towards your kids. My maid still ok with Vane though she prefers my niece lah. It's Vane who doesnt like her in the first place.

shook, supposedly can use till the kid is 3-4yrs old lah. But think by then, they walk on themself liao. Does Chen Chen cry when you push his highchair to face the window? There's once when I ignored Vane when she throwing her tantrums, she cried & crawled to me at the same time. Seeing the scene, I sim tia went to hug her. My col always ask me to bring Vane to see sin seh but I declined. Cos I not sure if can trust the sin seh or not leh. I'd stick to PD if bb is sick lor.
Giggler and shook,
ya, most important must have a happy kid. The other day i scolded Gareth cos he nearly tear down his pram while we were shopping at tampines mall.

Haha, then he give me the very angry look and refuse to look at me. Later I tell him why I scold him and he's back to normal again. hahahha
sanrio, Ash really daring to touch the dog's tongue leh. Yucks.... Ok, I'm still considering if I shd get the Ergo carrier. Did u try that?
pigletz, ya they have temper now hor? Vane gets angry if we misunderstand her too. But she'll feel very happy if we praise her.
ya lor. Nowadays they really know what they want leh.

Yesterday morning, Gareth refuse to get out of the house, keep pointing to the TV. Then at night, once reach home, want to watch TV again. Don't know what's going on with him these few days.

When I scold him...he will shout back "MA" (scold in chinese) to me. hahahhaha, sometimes really dunno to laugh or to be angry.
just in case u wondering why I still giving step 2 when Gareth is already 18mth. I was told to give step 2 until he don't want anymore then switch to step 3. Anyway, he's still drinking so I don't bother too much lor. haha
i'm also not comfortable to let our kids see chinese sin seh at this age cos dunno wat goes into those self made medications ...
I dun hv to bring med to show PD. I only bring Chen Chen to consult 1 PD

Ash touch the dog's tongue. Yucks
Chen Chen starts wif running nose than after a few days the mucus become thick. Cannot b sensitive to dust or wat ever rite

Suggest u try the carrier b4 buying
Chen Chen cried n look @ me when I pushed his highchair to the study rm

Giggler, Sanrio, Pigletz, Viv
Thx for your reply on the chinese sin seh question
I see, that's good.

So, maybe bring Chen Chen to see the PD again and see if need to change medicine anot lor. Very heartpain to see him sick for so long.
Shook, do you trust chinese sin seh? Personally i dun feel comfy for sin sehs to treat young tods.

Brenda, do you have the exact address of the farms? Didn't know jalan bahar got so many places we can visit. Good hor, near our place somemore.

Deer, dana taking enfagrow.

Viv, Giggler, Emily, does your maid have 1 day off each week? It is a common rule or up to individual employers?

Giggler, your maid is indonesian?

Stylobb, how big is your waist line now? XL also cannot fit ah?
pigletz n deer,
i oso get gain iq fr a ok chinese med hall near my hse. it's $3 cheaper than ntuc. i m not wori as i look tru d printed content on d can n expiry date, it's d same. i believe it's becos they choose to earn a lower profit margin than big marts like ntuc, else cant compete w d giants, 'bo li duo xiao' loh..

i tried d ergo bb carrier too. my frd is d distributor. my opinion: it's a gd carrier (if i nid a carrier, will buy tis), but i wont buy now as ash is big oreadi n i may not use it 4 long to justify d cost, mayb if i hav no.2, may consider. oso ash is heavy, 12.1kg n i m skinny, 43kg so as long as i cari him, it's heavy wt n streneous to me. d carrier may help but i wont b able to sustain long too. if i m alone w him now, i cari cum he walk cum force him sit stroller.
ar u able to cari heavy wt, then perhaps can consider. next tx no use liao, sell it at sb lah
It's actually from Jurong side to Kranji side.. quite a lot of farms arnd. U can try Farmart for a start. More variety n see see whether Chen Chen likes those environment anot. But the goats, rabbits, chix etc there not as well kept as those in the farms.

The farms will state at their entrance whether they allow walk-in or not.

Dun go chinese sinseh lah... try PD again? I'm not again chinese medications but i feel they r better for building up the body rather than fixing it.

I told u Jem this few mornings din wan to go school rite. I noe why already. This morning as usual he was watching his vcd, then i woke up n sit next to him. When Mark came out all dressed, he ran to take his shoes to me. So i thot today will guai guai go school already. Who noes after wearing it, i told him,"You wait for a while, papa haven't wear his shoes yet", he starts to hold on to my top n stare at it. I think he realise i'm not changed. Next thing we knew, he shake head at the dad n refuse to go the door again. Think he missed the days i bring him to school liao...
shook, poor you, poor chen chen. Sick again? Oh dear. Have you tried giving him multivites?

brenda, you found B2 small one in NTUC? Let me check my NTUC here tomorrow when I do my grocery shopping.

giggler, sure. When I have the chance, I'll go and look around the shops for the hip carrier. I might ask this friend of mine when I next see her, which might be in 2 wks time.
sanrio, I think the success of the hip carrier also depends on whether you have big hips or not

deer, I don't give Sarah formula, but I buy the Fernleaf 1 from Johor, which still uses Full Cream Milk, and has added DHA. Don't know if I'm shortchanging her or not, but this milk doesn't have as much 'chemicals' added and also is cheaper. Sarah doesn't drink much milk anyway. Only about 300 ml a day, + bm in the mornings. She prefers her food.
Brenda, Jem taking neslac 1+ is it? Caltex house at raffles got exchange of any growing up milk for 1 tin of 1 Kg Neslac 1+ but must bring mother's IC and child's birth cert.Available today and tomorrow. Heard from colleague today no queue.
U are not crazy, all we working mums always have this dilemma, tho I think I am not the domesticated type, there are times (esp lately) I wish I can look after jesse myself... but for my case, when the girls come out, I already pyscho myself I need all the help I can get (and also advised by the book I read) so I cannot expect to 'hoard' all three of them.
If I have one and can afford and dun mind staying home, then maybe I would have done it.

Yesterday jesse refused to leave with my mum, he ran back to our bedroom in tears, climbed onto the bed and said 'take off' (his shorts)... me and hb felt so heartache. Thankfully he is ok today.

Now the XL tops fit just ok. For the pants I managed to get the type that still covers my tummy with the stretchable type of material for the tummy area. I find I can't wear the underbelly type cos it tends to slips off and not comfy.

Maybe bring him back to PD and ask what the PD thinks is the problem. That is a long time to be sick.
I consult a well trusted chinese sin seh. But dunno if he is gd wif little tod. Last time my mum bbsit 1 boi who consulted chinese sin seh near my mum's plc. Dat's y my mum suggested bringing Chen Chen to dat sin seh

April suggested I bring Chen Chen to consult chinese sin seh since he cough n flu for so long. Dat's 1 of the reason y I think of chinese sin seh

Chen Chen mucus yellowish a bit watery yes'dy

Sanrio, Pigletz
Some of the chinese med hall sells diaper, fm cheaper than super mkt.

Thx for the link
I thot consulting chinese sin seh is to build up body n consulting western dr is to fix the problem

No I din give Chen Chen multi vit. I m not in favor of giving him chemicals @ such a young age

Do u give your tod evaporated milk or cook food wif evaporated milk for your tod?
shook, will your heart soften after looking at Chen Chen crying to you? Vane will cry in a very pitiful way till your heart goes out to her.

QSG, where do u normally buy Enfagrow? My maid is Indonesian and doesnt have day off, think this is the common rule for Indo maid. Are u thinking of getting one too?

sanrio, your fren Lulu? Get you get discount from her? Vane's wt is also 12kg now and I'm abt 50kg. Still can carry her but not for long lor. Ya, if I can maintain it in gd condition, I still can sell it hor?

brenda, so did u bring Jem to sch today?

PVL, prob I'll go to Motherhood to try out its hip carrier.

styloBB, Jesse prefers to be at home? Vane prefers to be home at nite but at my parents' place in the day. Think she's used to this arrangement liao. Wow, your tummy sounds real big!!! Must take photos of yourself now leh.
my friend say that she has learnt how to use the ergo carrier so won't be selling off 2nd hand. Actually the best if for you to take vane for a trial run of it..to see if she will sit in it.
really arh?? hmmm, raffles place arh. gotta psycho myself out of sarong then. Thanks anyway!

hahah.. think i should type as "Dun go chinese sinseh lah... try PD again(.)"

Oh, if Chen Chen now so weak u might want to think twice to bring him to the farms. Cos weather really hot in those areas and of course there's those feathers/furs etc that might aggravate his nose.

Din take note of evaporate milk leh... but he took goat's milk last week. no prob leh.

no lah... let him cry all the way to the lift lor. Afterall, once he's in the car, he'll only have his eyes on the vcd n his doggy rather than me.

I'm not very affected by his crying except when he's unwell. Think that's why he dun cry much n i dun shout much. No TIme! hahhahah
Heart soft oso muz let Chen Chen learn his lesson. So cold turkey for a while than hug him. Otherwise he carries on wif his tantrum. Actually hor, last wk I tried talking to him consistently. Repeat n repeat no no no dunno for how long. In the n, he succumb. Of coz I gave him the bait later on. I like tis mtd but MUZ B V V V V V PATIENT
I thot there is a new rule dat muz give maid a day off per wk

Goat's milk is v gd. Heard dat kids who take goat's milk more intelligent. Goat milk x
Is it ok to go to the farms now dat bird flu is on?
Gd not to shout. I hate shouting but sometimes I loose ctrl esp when I m rushing
Giggler,so far i have only bought enfagrow once...i bought a few 1kg cans from carrefour few months back. Where did you buy yours? Not thinking of getting maid especially when we dun even have a proper room for dana, wonder where the maid sleeps...maybe unless i got twins like Stylobb then really need alot of help
. Currently used up all rooms already but hb wanna shift dana out of our room by this month to the dressing room where we put our wardrobe and some other stuff. Now the challenge for me is to reorganise all the things to make space for dana. I wonder where am i going to shift those things to as storeroom already full (wardrobe can't be shifted out though). I also dun like the idea of a stranger in the house so if next time got number two may put dana in CC then our folks take care of number one. Your maid's english good? I heard indo maids english usually not as good as filipinos and they are slower.
Actually I think you won't be getting a maid also. I guess your asking of maid's question is just for knowledge purposes.
my mum is taking care of Jana.

no off day for my maid, but we pay her $20 more.

hahaha...yes hoard is the perfect word!! my mum is worst..she's possessive and addicted to Jana. Everytime i wanna bring Jana home ...she'll always insist on keeping Jana with her! i have started to bring jana back home again on and off recently and consecutively for the past few nites, but yesterday nite she refuse to let me bring her home n pyscho Jana to stay with her ...she says she cant sleep without Jana around!! luckily i'm having another 1 so we can have 1 each ..hahaha...

yalor...very heartache when they start to fuss n cry when ur leaving! sometimes i hv no choice but to sneak away ...v bad but bo pian ...

think i'll drop by thyme tomorrow to c if i can get anything.
pigletz, i asked more for info..curious mah..
but we never know if i may get in future...actually we did consider getting this year instead of buying car since getting maid cheaper but our folks dun like the idea of a maid at their place.
jesse is ok at my parents' place but once a while he will have his moods, ie dun wanna leave in the mornings... But come evenings when we go fetch him, he is all game to come home.

Ur rooms used up for what ah???
Yah, with another one, I think still ok to manage w/o maid. For my case, clear cut lor, have to get a maid....

I have to be realistic about it mah, since I will be back to work after the gals, I need to rely on help.

Ur mum looks after jana whole day does not feel tired? Why she still wanna look after at nite???
Does ur maid go over to her place then?
My hb will never allow jesse to stay overnite at my mum's place, he die-die and how xing ku also will bring him home.... anyway I also won't allow cos I want my mum to rest well every nite. Now that he is older, it's actually not difficult to take care of him.

Most of the time, jesse is ok but stimes he macham wakes up on wrong side of bed and will fuss a bit.

I was telling hb it looks like even w/ discount, I can't fit in their clothes anymore...hehe... I bot three pairs from them a mth back cos my pants can't fit...

The off-day is only coming into effect next year.. so far the agency can't confirm anything yet.
haha, you give me the impression that you and hubby prefer more private time together. Maybe you will get one if ur #2 or #3 comes along lor.
Stylobb, jesse has never stay overnite elsewhere besides your own home before? Only got 3 bedrooms, 1 for study (hb's pc room), 1 master bed room and one for wardrobe and other stuff. I wonder also if next time got 2 kids how to squeeze into the dressing room when the big wardrobe is there.
My maid (filipino) is off once a month but I let her go for filipino ministry which is held in my church so she leaves abt 2 hours earlier and meets us for service in church.

For new filipino maids, think they usu get no off for 6 months then 1 off a month unles there's an arrangement to pay them more as a replacement to their off day. But dunno why my friend's maid contract is no off for the 1st year of service. So chiak lat hor... feel quite poor thing also lah ... how to work for 1 whole year without off day. She's already acting up a bit after 1 month and asking for off once a month and time off to go to church on sun. Funny thing is she insists on going to a church in woodlands when my friend stays in sengkang. Told my friend to try and let her go out with the family if they go shopping etc otherwise can go crazy leh.

What are you gonna wear when your tummy gets bigger since you're already at XL? Can't imagine...

Your mom so funny. Now fighting to have more time with Jana. Thot she would be tired after a whole day of looking after her.
tat's y i say my mum addicted to Jana!
we used to bring her home until i had bleeding when i was 8 wks pregnant, Jana was also difficult then, kept crying in the middle of the nite and had to be carried n rocked so no choice but to leave her with my mum, hubby n i stay over at my mum's place for a few nites a week so that my mum can catch up on sleep. now that the pregnancy is going well, we want to bring her home every nite again.
I think only three times in his life! Twice was hb/I drove to KL to take a break when he was newborn. Then the other time was when I had to fly to KL and hb was on resvc or sth. That's why till now he is v attached to us.

OIC...it's the big wardrobe that is taking up space, so it's time to pack and dispose...hehe...

Yah me also telling hb how can we not let the maid have off? We are all humans right... even we employees make noise if we have to work late... haha... what more for the maid to face the four walls everyday?

Wear - I also dun know... now the blouses I have are XL... stimes I wear the t-shirt tops which are stretchable....

Hb/I feel that since he is our own kid we shud look after, plus I find it's not healthy to leave them with gramps overnite, just our thinking. Everyday we have only so few hours with them. It was quite tough that time, but u see, those times we can never get back, so we always look back and cherished that growing up process (the pains and the joys) we had with jesse.
U been co sleeping wif Dana all the while? How come wanna shift her out?
I dun like having a stranger in my hse

I laugh over your description of your mum hoardding over Jana. My mum wz like dat when I wz on ml. Now she tired looking after Chen Chen the whole day. But when we go back to her hse on Sun 9, she is more than happy to carry Chen Chen. Your mum really v possessive leh. Nite time oso wanna "hoard" Jana
I also keep telling myself 'I dun like having a stranger in my hse'... but what to do, can't possibly separate the twins... so the only solution is to get a maid...
ah Lulu?? no no.. another person. tink i cant get disct 4 getting just 1 fr her as she sells her stuff at a fixed price. sori..

eh... afraid i cant advise much. ash muscus was watery. if his runny nose lasted only abt a day, i dun give him med. otherwise, i gave him Zadine which d pd previously prescribed. quite effective. perhaps brg chen chen to pd agn. heartache to c our precious little 1 sick..

haiz... ash has diarrhoea 2day. fr morning till 8pm, 13 tx! my poor ash n his bum. once he noe i gg 2 change diaper agn, wan 2 cry liao.. i apply desitin thick thick on his bum. told hubby i clean n wash his bkside until so tired.
I got a rude shock when I reach home to c Chen Chen breathing v deeply. There is hissing sound. He has slight fever 37.4 degree. My heart sank. Out of sudden his condition deteriated so badly. Brot him to PD. Pd shook head n said Chen Chen is suffering fm bronchitis. He needs 2 b on neubraliser.

indeed heart shuttering 2 c our little 1 sick. Poor ash diarrohea 13 times. Bum sure pain n red. Did u bring him 2 consult dr? Dun let him wear diaper. Give him cloth nappy. Try 2 air his bum once in a while. Clean his bum wif moist cotton butt. Wish ash recovers asap
What! Bronchitis!!! Any medication? Can u take cc leave to be with him?

How come ash has diarrhoea? He ate something which caused it?

Hope ur two dears get well soon.
Last time Chen Chen had diarrohea bum red red. PD prescribed Zaricort to apply on his bum. V effective. Not sure if need prescription or not. May b u like to try

I utilised my 2 days childcare leave. I applied urgent leave tis morning.
QSG, what absolut says is correct. For Filippino maids, no off days for 1st 6 months, then one day off every month. That's the norm. But for my agency, it's no day off for 4 months, then one day off per month. But for my maid, she chose not to have day off, so I pay her $20 eatra per month. But two months ago, she requested day off for one month coz it's her birthday and she wants to go out with her cousin. So, I let her go.

shook, oh no! chen chen still sick? I also don't believe in doc hopping.

yesterday I went to the childcare centre below my block to enquire about rates etc etc. Think I'll be sending Ethan to childcare next year for 3-5 hours a day. Will make my maid's life easier when no. 2 comes along.

Are you taking leave to look after chen chen? So poor thing... hope the bronchitis clears up fast with the neubraliser.

I decided to take mc today but lazy to go docs now. Prob go late morn or wait til hubby is free in the afternoon to bring me.
