(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Bought a few stuff from Spring maternity. No probs so far. There was once I bought a pink dress and the sphagetti strap gave way the first time I wore it. Luckily it gave way before I stepped out of the house. Mentioned it to the sales lady which I went back to shop and she got me to bring it back and got the seamstress to mend it FOC. Even apologised to me for it.

I use Nepia on jesse for day (diapers) and going out (pull-ups)... at nite it is not 'powerful' enuf for jesse's output... hehee.. MP still reigns for nite and long-wearing periods. I find the material v soft and comfy.

U also another one like viv can tahan until delivery??? I dun think I can... as u can see... now I go shopping ...ahaha... for the gals.... Really pei fu pei fu.....

Beta for your brother to get his own place and for your mum to retain her flat.... makes life more harmonious for everyone.

O dear, I just re-read ur posting... ur niece ok or not? The blood came out from within? Not from any tear of the skin?
Hope the PD / hospital can find out the reason for it...

Hahah....yah yah I like to 'cup' Ally's tummy cos so round and solid.......hehe...... yah she looks petite but hb says she is v v mobile!! Ahaha!!!
It does seem that boys' 2T size is a big bigger...esp the polo t's.. I'm still waiting for jesse to wear his polo t's.

Bird's nest.. me also dun know.... maybe like what Fann Wong recommended, take it before breakfast....ahaha...to absorb the nutrients. I also dun know if bird's nest is the contributing factor but I feel if the mother herself is strong, healthy and eats well, the bb wl do ok too. Me v confused lah, eat too much of this is too liang or too heaty.. .aiyoh, just take everything in moderation lah. I like black chix soup though....

Is Ally now sleeping properly at nite or not??
Now ur hb wants a third one?? Haha.... my hb also does not mind more!!! Dun know if for my case has middle child syndrome or the gals will 'gang up' against jesse?? Funny thot right......

Can take it (pearl powder) even if no phlgem??? How much is a dosage? Put into a spoon or mix with water??? I think I ever saw my colleague buy, so little, so precious..... not cheap....

Maternity clothes - did u wear back those from the first pregnancy?
Most of my pants and shirts are still in good condition altho I got a few more pairs from Thyme, which reminds me to tell u that my tummy is also big that I can't fit into my M-sized Thyme maternity shorts.... looks like I gotta upsize otherwise nothing to wear for the nite....
I bot two denim bottoms from Spring, 1 capri, 1 long, not bad, stretchable waist - type... pretty comfy. No other stuff caught my eye though.... seems the tops aren't so good????

How are the prices at Swell? Think they have mostly spaghetti tops?? Too 'revealing' for me.... hehe....
yah that is the one... small small pearl and ask them to powder it. Jana taking too?

Absolut, Viv, Pigletz.
Did u try buying Maternity wear from oversea website? I find their maternity wear look so much nicer than we have in spore.
for boy if no phlegm better dun take too often. Myth saying if boy take too much will be come sissy. hahhaa.. dun know true or not.

Yah very little, very precious and not cheap.
i at most tahan until 20 wks and then will call up clinic liao!

Yes, i'm wearing maternity clothes from 1st pregnancy cos all v new ...only gwore it for abt 3 mths during the last preg. my mum made some simple shorts for homewear, very very cheap. 1 meter of material at $5 can make 2 pair of shorts! For nite, i'm wearing my mothercare nursing wear, very roomy n comfy. Prices range from $60+ to $80+ at Swell.

Jana takes the pearl powder once a week during the 1st month. Now we dun give her anymore unless she's going for injections.
<font color="0000ff">Viv,</font>
Ur pearl is so minute n precious. Use 1 enuff ah? must be ping pong size then 1 is enuff i think. Anyway, dun know wat is it?

U nvr fail to make me lol, u n ur hb!!!! Ay, no budget, go to banyan tree villa or Pangkor Island.....the latter looks rather nice leh. Me bo lui lah, cant consider.

Lip service is free mah, think hb just fat hope saying only...bring whole family go europe, pant drop! Promo air tix cheap but the makan n transportation there etc, so cosy! Think will pack whole luggage of maggi mee there ah.............

I have nvr been to any malaysia beach resort...those foto are hb's recent co retreat...pathetic hor
? So he was saying not too bad for a short getaway. In fact tell u, i am not keen. Sunbathing, I cant fit into any bikini. Watersport, I am not into it. Only can think of their seafood.... If i go, i sure think of u n hb's mahattir's story! So ticklish!

<font color="0000ff">VIv, Lyn,</font>
Bet lyn, if time allows, she will come in n say, UR DREAM AH, Jerald gd boy....hahahahha.....or she will say, ON lah, ur mum take over lah....hahhahah....then she sob at home, missing jerald alot!

<font color="0000ff">Absolut,Pok POK,</font>
THink all or most HBs luv the real thing, especially luv toddlers over babies. BBs in tummy machiam still some time to pop, no sight, not in mind yet. They only know accompany us to go gynae checkup n browse their free ST there....hahahhaha! Think ur #1 will still have alot of attention till ur #2 become a tod. Then u see hb doing somersault with the 2 and how they giggle non-stop....

Ally is only bbish in this batch of foto leh. At my place, she looks tod in that flare-skirt outfit!

<font color="0000ff">Pigletz,</font>
Wat u advise on ur bro n mum is really true, I fully agree. It is like 'Be bad men 1st, gentlemen later'......IMHO, the better the relationship is, the more should not stay together.

<font color="0000ff">Giggler,</font>
How much is the fee for GUG ah? once a week? FOr how long? Sounded good n interesting!

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Enuff of msn, come back here...u want to be yelled at to fall in?
hmm, then i must really think twice if I want to buy more from spring liao. But I really need to buy more bottoms then top. Will go swell and take a look one of these days.

hahah, I can tahan until delivery.

As for maternity clothes for 1st pregnancy, I wasn't working then, so don't need to buy. Usually wear T-shirts and shorts, L size type will do. haha, tummy not big mah. Got a dress as a gift from my friend, so wear it for dinner if require.

Oh ya, regarding birdnest, my mum always ask me to take b4 i go to bed. After taking, I'm not suppose to talk or eat or drink anymore things. Like that then got effect according to her.

Nope, didn't try those online type, cos i prefer to try on the clothes to see if it's nice anot. I'm more of a visual person, so don't dare to take the risk to buy online.
Hi mummies, thk u for coming in to fill the slots. Here's latest update for weekday meetup.

Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:

<font color="119911">Priviledged</font> - (11 - 1.30), this FRI or next wk ok, wed after the 12th
<font color="119911">Sanrio</font> - 10 to 1pm, WED/FRI, not this wk
<font color="119911">Pringles</font> - (930 - 1pm) FRI
<font color="119911">Mom2nat</font> - (11 to 1am) next wk, any day except wed
<font color="119911">Lyn</font> - (11 - 230pm) FRI
<font color="119911">Eureka</font> - (11 to 1pm)TUE/WED, after 16th Oct.
<font color="119911">Berry</font> - timing/this WED

Seems like this week is out for most of us. Can i propose a 1st meet up on <font color="0000ff">next FRIDAY(14th Oct),11am, @Taka</font> for those who can make it?
you making me very tempted to meet up with you all leh. Cos my next checkup has being postpone to next friday morning. My checkup is at Mt E.
eureka, absolut, giggler,
I just called GUG and checked with them their schedule for trial classes. Seems like they have slots for tomorrow 4pm and friday 4pm. Trial costs $38/-. I don't know if I can make it... thinking maybe ask my maid to bring Ethan for the Friday one.. but not confirmed. All weekend classes are full now... except Saturday 9.30am slot. Class is 1.5hr each. One term 8 classes $280 (for weekend class). 16 classes for a term, (2x a week) for weekday classes $512. Class I checked is until 18months. After that, another kind of program...
Each class consist of:
- Phonics
- Storytelling
- Project Time
- Music &amp; Movement
- 15min Mandarin class (only for weekday classes)
Have been thinking of sending Ethan there for sometime now... just don't seem to be able to get time.
Shook, where do u bring Chen chen to? How much is the class and what program do they have there? Where is it located? Just wondering what is the difference between that and GUG. Thanks.
You keep me in the loop lor, if I can take leave on Friday, I will join you all. Will only know if there's any urgent matter need to settle by mid next week.
Juz when I suggested u tell your hubby u dream of your bb, u dreamt of Jerald. Hmm...perhaps u r carrying a bb boi

I bring Chen Chen to BJG at Pasir Ris. BJG focus a lot on flash cards(English, Chinese, Encyclo, dots). The teacher flash cards of the maj words b4 she sings. They hv singing, dancing (parent wif tod), gym (can't compare to gymboree) play wif musical instrument n play time (toys dat aid in motor development).
Course fee is $350 for 10 lessons. On top of dat need to pay reg (can't remember how much) $10 uniform n refundable deposit $100. Ea lesson is 1hr. Those who join the same class as Chen Chen can get 10% discount
I din bring Chen Chen to GUG but fm the info I read fm GUG's website, the diff is dat GUG focus on learning by exploring. Giggler will b in a better position to comment more since Vane attended both BJG n GUG
Bear in mind GUG no make up lesson if child fall sick n lessons on public holiday
Seem to be buying more dresses this time. Didn't buy much maternity for 1st preg coz could wear normal clothes for quite long. Pants too. Think only had 2 black pants and 2 3-quarter pants the first time. Tops only abt 7 pcs. Tis time bought additional 5 tops and 3 dresses. Think I started this preg slimmer than my first so some of my bottoms and tops are too loose. Bought more fitting stuff but now that tummy is growing bigger, my new stuff are getting tight. My friend passed me some stuff coz I lend her my stuff after my preg. Decided to stop buying maternity already so dare not go into the shops now. Just passed Spring maternity during lunch.

Find swell prices on the higher side. Bought a dress from there but that's coz I made a mistake. It was on 50% sale and saw the original price as $58 so thot quite cheap. In the end, when I was paying, realised it was $158 but too pai seh to return so paid $74 for the dress.Super heartpain. Somemore dress a bit lowcut. Sigh.

Thanks for the info on GUG. Looks like you got a more helpful person than me even though I made a trip down there on sun. Asked my hubby to bring Ally there on Fri but he said it's better that I go and assess for myself. Tried calling but kept getting the machine. So emailed them to ask if there was an available trial class for 15 Oct, Sat class slot at 930am. If not then will go for this sat's slot. U interested to go for same slot? Prefer that hubby or I assess the class instead of my maid even though I know she'll be able to handle her well or even better than us.

Also asked how diff the parents &amp; tots class would differ from parents &amp; babes since Ally will be turning 1.5 years in 2 months time and depending on their earliest registration date, may have to sign her up for that class instead.
Didn't buy maternity wear from the overseas website even though I was super super tempted. Not that cheap after conversion and delivery charges. Bought quite a no. of Ally's clothes from old navy and gap though through the web.
BJG has makeup classes if child sick or lessons on PH? When's Chen's class? Will prob go for the trial at BJG and decide from there. Both GUG and BJG quite far for me so now really depends on the class itself.

You interested to go for BJG trial class? Anyone else interested?
Absolut, I think I called on a weekday, that's why she has more time to explain to me as compared to you going down on a sunday. I spoke to Evelyn. Called at about 1.30pm... maybe that's like their lunch hour and they don't have a class then, that's why she can answer. ehehheee... :p

btw, I can't go for saturday morning slot... gotta work! :p but thought I could sneak out at 4pm (take it as my lunch hr).. eheheeheheheee... since I am nearby and ask my maid to meet me there with Ethan. Want to see how Ethan is with mandarin too... Oh, u know, I don't know where but Ethan is speaking mandarin quite a little.. like "bu yao" "yao" "mei you". Think maybe I am watching too many chinese drama serial at nights. The other day, he said "I don't know" and "father" in malay. ????

Hazey! Where are you??? When U coming to pick up the tube of cream???
absolut, I don't mind checking out the BJG trial. Can help me book? When is ther trial? Am not free this saturday. Sunday okay. If not, next week. Thanks.
hahhaa, isn't it good for Ethan to speak mandarin?

I'm thinking of buying those VCD that teach mandarin one to show Gareth. hahaha, and also those ABC one lah.
Hi Shook &amp; Mummies,
Me back to work yesterday, very busy, no time to read the archives, will only reply to those who address to me, sorry.

Ya, its very enjoyable to go holiday with aloy &amp; hb, even if only go for chalet in Singapore also fun. Yes, quite ex to take plane to Genting but no choice leh.

Wow, yr hb so lucky won travel voucher &amp; his co travel benefit so good.
Which part of Australia u intends to go to?

Aloy still depend on milk most of the time leh, hes not into solids yet except occasionally we will feed him whatever we eat, but he dun take much also.
Ya sometimes I will go CP on weekends. U havent seen me b4 rite, how will u lookout for me then?
hehehe.... hazey! so looks like u do read but never chat here! I live in Punggol 21. Do u take MRT to work?? If so, I can maybe meet u to pass u etc etc...
I hv been promoted to a silent reader.....muahahahahhaha..... want to comment abt so many things, but really no time to do it... Until pigletz told me u are "shouting" for me.... Punggol 21 ah... I stay in Hougang, so can go n collect from u... but no rush lah....
Pringles, your house oso no window grills hor.... Me still debating whether to install them or not....

Alicia is such a big girl now, and Ian really knows how to boogie!

Skyblue...talking about songs again, here goes.. "courtesy is for free, courtesy is for you and me.It makes for gracious living and har-mo-ny....."
Email BJG already. Will wait for your schedule and advise you ok?

Have you booked for the GUG trial yet? Called them but they told me the sat morn class doesn't have any avail trial. Only got space for pple who wants to pay $$ to sign up for the new term. Only 1 vacancy for sat class 930, sun 930 and 1130 class starting on 22 Oct and they expect it to be full. B2, if you want to sign up for Ashley better call them quick.

I'm bring Ally for the Fri 4pm trial instead. Hubby still prefers that I go so may take half day then. Let me know if you going then we can meet there.
BJG auto make up for public holiday. I think they allow max 2 make up classes if child fall sick
Chen Chen's class on Sat 4:15pm. There r 4 students in the class. So can hv 2 tods for trial
Dunno if GUG requires u to carry Ally to sing n dance or not. Check wif the staff. Might b unsuitable for u if it involves physical

Chen Chen's teacher is gd but she teaches on Fri n Sat only

Absolut, Emily
I can book trial @ Pasir Ris for u if u interested
If u interested to sign up, pls let me know so dat I let the stuff know u r my friends to enjoy the discount

Do u feed Aloy the same kinda solid food everyday?
the cases detected only on weekends for the past few weeks 3 cases..so they only disinfect the place etc. haven't close it.

What weekend meet up are you gals having? Do keep me in the loop
Absolut, I prefer Friday too...
Have half a mind to do that! But prob is... (1) I can't confirm until that day - coz office may have urgent matters and can't run off saying going for lunch, yeah? and (2) got to inform the centre one day in advance for them to prepare the materials.
emily, shook
we have tried to give him those that we eat which have quite a bit of variety oredi, but he still dun really take much leh, i'm really at my wits end liao. think i will juz take things natually until he's ready for solids lor.
Randall has been totally off solid for coming to 2 wks liao. I really mean TOTALLY. Not even a tiny little bit. He is active and all. PD said should be teething. All in all I think 6 teeth coming out. Dunno this gotta last for how long. Hai~ really kek sim to the core.
Randall totally off solids?? Tell u... got an idea! hehehee... buy him a cooking set... get him interest in cooking. With all the cooking that he will be doing, he'll definitely feel hungry! ehehehe... why??
U know after his sickness, Ethan all of a sudden kept wanting to eat... non-stop. Every half hour to an hour, he'll ask for something to nibble on. We give him a slice of apple, banana, biscuits.. everything... he'll even feed on rice on my plate etc etc... even after he just finish his meals. Kept wondering why he is always so hungry. We even increased his meal intake... but didn't help. Then yesterday night, I thought, maybe it could be due to the cooking set... maid said he kept playing with that all day and also kept asking for food. So, I told maid to bane him from play-cooking until at nights when I am home. Then I can monitor his food intake and maybe use it to increase my milk ss. ehehehe.... and guess what! Today, he only asked for his rice and his fruit once during lunch... and didn't ask for snacks at all! So in conclusion, think the cooking set as well as different types of food for his play-cooking really made him keep thinking about food! ehehheehe... maybe you girls can try this on your tods!
You signed up for the class sometime ago? Coz when I asked they don't have saturday classes anymore.

Jaz, read my post above to Val... see if that will help him.
Got window grilles in every room hor....did u see clearly? I wish i didn't have to install them but with our toddlers....no choice! Where do u stay? Think better install grilles...dun play play...
<font color="aa00aa">Friday,14 October, 11am @Taka, meet at ground flr fountain area, next to Aunty Anne's Pretzels</font>
We shall discuss where to eat later. Can start thinking about it.

<font color="119911">Priviledged</font>
<font color="119911">Sanrio</font>
<font color="119911">Pringles</font>
<font color="119911">Mom2nat</font>
<font color="119911">Lyn</font>
<font color="119911">Eureka ?</font>
<font color="119911">Berry ?</font>
<font color="119911">Pigletz ?</font>
A very interesting song

<font color="aa00aa">BABIES ARE GROSS
Words and music by
Sue Wood</font>

<font color="0000ff">Don't play with babies, cause babies are gross.
They spit out their food, and suck on their toes.
Don't play with babies, cause babies are gross.
They always have something, running out of their nose.

Don't play with babies, cause babies are gross.
They put sand in their mouths, and stains on their clothes.
If there's a baby at your house, you'll know what I mean.
The best reason to stay single, that I've ever seen.

But babies can cuddle, and give you a kiss.
The love of a baby, should never be missed.
Remember you were one, a long time ago.
That somebody loved you, and helped you to grow.

I play with babies, cause babies are gross.
They teach me a lot, and get food on my clothes.
I play with babies, cause babies are gross.
I love to hug them, and hold them close</font>

U can hear the song fm http://www.musicforbears.ca/
Click sample song
As stated earlier, I only able to join after 16th Oct, U sahms go ahead with the 'open ceremony icebreaking meetup' then, enjoy!

Tks so much for the timely info, giving me a rough idea on the respective wkday n wkn fee, curriculum etc. I got 2 kids to consider, so really looking into value for $$ kind of lesson
! Tks!
If u wanna look for hazey, must use songs to lure her out :p U stay in punggol? Which area?

Of cos cannot identify u lah cos nvr see u b4 mah. I recognise mummies thru bbies. Like dat time went to sahm's hse, wah piang so many mummies n i dunno who's who. So i look at babies, then i roughly know who. I've seen Aloy's pics here b4.

I see Ian n Alicia, machiam got fu1 qi1 xiang4 leh. :p

U mean u can remember the whole song or until the harmony part? Remember the Speak Mandarin Campaign song?
HI mummies,
Wah! so many topics here... happy chatting!

Jem's down w allergy, think its prawns cos first time let him eat over the weekend. Haiz, stupid me all the while keep saying will let him eat only 1.5yrs old but gave way after a few temptations. End up at kkh

Oh shook, wanna tell u that the PD mentioned that rashes for fever will only occur if the temp. reaches 39 n above. If rashes n mild fever, betta check the cause of the rash.

wanna koon liao... happy outing n chatting!
Thx for the info on rashes after fever.

Last 9 I peng over the conversation b/w my SIL n Chen Chen. My SIL pt to the flower print on my mum's blouse
My SIL : ball
Chen Chen : hua
My SIL : ball
Chen Chen : hua
tis goes on n on. Eventually Chen Chen shouted angrily : ya ya
My mum said when Chen Chen is noti my SIL will say Chen Chen u noti xiao ya ya. So Chen Chen wz scolding my SIL noti xiao ya ya
Lyn/pringles, how to double boil pear? the china type yellow color pear is it?

Absolute, she had her morning nap but the ferry trip is during her afternoon nap.

Hong, one small pearl so expensive ah and can only eat 2 times
how to eat? make into drink or just try to swallow the powder?

Pringles, how much does it cost to install grilles? Did you do it right from the begining when you shifted in or only recently?I may join you sahms next friday but can only reach there about 12pm since my official lunch time is 11.45am.

Brenda, what allergy symptons did Jem has? He better now?
The powder so precious. How to make into drink?
Put the powder in the spoon, mix a bit of water and drink lah.

Emily, absolut,
Did the GUG lady remind u to bring extra clothing for ur kids when u go for the trial? cos they may engage in some art and craft so may dirty the clothes. so dun have to wear the best clothes there. Janelle stain her polo tee with watercolor paint and i nearly couldnt get rid of it....
hi long time no hear mummies!!!

although i am so busy with my work but i really miss u mummies so much!!!

brenda! gosh... how's jem??? i didn't know feeding prawns before 1.5yrs will cause allergy! u r very happy go lucky hor...

mummies going for GUG
i have quit from GUG a couple of months back. reason being the main lead teacher is on very long MC (almost 1 month) due to operation and they got this assistant to cover for her... she is not that committed and energetic, like just wan to chop chop finish her job... also it is not easy for zl to sit still to participate in some of the acitivities.

now i am looking at Lorna Whiston after zl turns 2 years old heehee...

pls post chenchen's photo leh... i don't remember seeing his recent photo leh...

ur hubby's skill so good!!! my idol!

got to know that u have quit your job... so far enjoy being sahm?

jul, pringles
alicia and ian look very babyish leh... ian looks like "gu tian ler" and alicia looks prettier! think her cheeks chubbier?

ok, got to go, will come in more often!

Hong, i remembered i took some powder stuff long time ago and i actually got choked and kept coughing bec of the powder hence asked if can mix into drink or what
How long has janelle been with GUG?
Eat too much pearl powder will be sissy?? Hehe...that's cute... Dun know leh, macham my mum hesitant to give jesse any of this... she always says jesse eats normally is the best... no need for anything more.... good input, good output..... cos he does his biz once a day. I discovered he likes to drink my mum's soups, will point to the soup bowl and ask for it even tho he already has his share... then will slurp slurp on his little spoon...
Last nite he was eyeing hb's slice of papaya, I told hb just give him one piece is enuf cos getting late....

I believe if u leave the powder with a bit of water in the spoon, it should dissolve in no time and dana can just drink it up.

OIC.. gender of bb.....I thot ur ren gong is really so good..... still, pigletz can tahan the most!!! Haaa...

What da u mean 'wore only 3 months for last pregnancy' ... your tummy was small????
Hey my mum also made a pair of shorts for me... yeah cheap and comfy!!! But a bit jian bu de ren.... hehe.... cannot like wear to downstairs....

Btw I went Mothercare again..... even tho I was quite tired, I still made my way there...haha.... perked me up a bit after a day's work...

OIC...didn't know u weren't working that time.

Actually I ordered quite a fair bit of shirts from Motherhood.... cos I could not find anything nice here for workwear.... it's ok once u know your size.... not that difficult to order. For pants, I get mostly from Thyme....

Swell - oh, then really not cheap hor, even after discount ... I only have one black dress...ahaha.. cos I find I look v weird in dresses..... u always see me in shirts and pants.... I feel v 'empty' when I'm in a dress.... heheh...
Actually for the overseas maternity tops, I dun find them that expensive.... maybe SGD50 each.... ok compared to Thyme....

Gap stuff for gals is cheap? Can order thru Vpost? I looked thru the website but found nothing to my liking so far.

Btw is Nicholas kicking a lot??? Me woken up by the gals' kicks this morning, shucks, the weather was so nice plus air-con was on.... but I did not get back to sleep until after drinking milk and bread, tossed and turned... then KO again an hour later.

Prawn allergy - so serious until have to go KKH???? Rashes???

U start all over again? How are u?

OIC, mixed a bit of water so u wld choke urself. Quite tasteless actually.

Janelle went for the trial but i didnt sign her up cos i wanted to look for something that not everyone is rushing to and is gd. Cos wat GUG teaches will be taught in almost all CC. So looking into other places and I found BJG.
Something different from the rest of the enrichment class. Just that BJG class is shorter than GUG but i think 1hr is enough for my daughter.
