(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

ok, thanks for dropping it at my place, will let you know if I'm at home on sat evening anot.

Haha, not all parents can go for holiday without their kids, but I'm trained to do that. My mum always do that to me last time. hahahahah

Don't give brenda such idea leh, later she will cannot tahan and tell me the gender of my bb one, and she will announce to all of you. So I will get to know one.

my mum n mil dun like the bottled type leh.

yes! can check out the contact for me please? TIA!

din know tat there's no more 1st choice diapers. U tried G value yet?

tks. hopefully i'm lucky to end up with a gd maid. my neighbour's filipino maid is v gd too, My neighbour n hubby r both working and they left their girl alone with the maid. Their girl is 2 weeks older than Jana n her development is v fast and it's all the hard work of the maid. When they were leaving for UK 3 mths ago to futher their studies, i was so tempted to take over their maid but my mum hasn't agreed to a maid then...wat a waste!

i only take chic essence when i'm tired n yet desperately need to concentrate on my work in the office.

can get the pearl powder from chinese medicine hall. my mum will give Jana pearl powder before all her injections. i usually buy the pearls n then get them to grind on the spot.
pigletz, yaya.... you bot clothings for both gender the other time round. Forgot abt it.

shook, my sil took one short but she started her mat. leave before she delivered.

Viv, you getting Fil. maid? Ya, you shd get the maid transferred to you since she's so good. Any medical hall will do? Just tell them I want pearl powder? How much does it cost roughly?
Can't get my friend now leh. But I know where the shop is, just not the name. Can go with you to buy if you want to. If not, wait till I get hold of him can? I think I need to buy abit too, cos my mum too busy to do the picking also. hahaha

I also don't like the bottle kind of birdnest, rather don't eat then eat bottle kind.

haha, ya, you just need to rem that I'm the unique one who don't want to know the gender and don't breastfeed can liao. hahahaha, the one and only in this thread.
HI mummies,

<font color="0000ff">Brenda,</font>
ah duh, so action packed! Shagged ah! U also did hsework till 1am?? Hey if eric koo wants to film local movies, can film us together. 1 super thin woman n another super fat ah soh doing hsework at wee hr on sat? I remembered I went to bed at 0140am?

Elyse lost her 1st pair of shoe at airport....we walked frm dun know which belt to which belt, also couldnt find. Then funniest thing is 1 malay family told us they saw it at specific place, went to search, bo leh...har base!

Ok lah, tonite go home, hse clean clean waiting for u to rest early!

Driving, I have always tot it is absurb to own a car in singapore, let along get a licence. Tat's y at such awkward 'old' age of mine, then I went to pick up driving n it is auto course. NO WAY would i ever go for manual. Think my hands n legs will be knotted badly n disaster will occur!

Now that ur family have a car n u planning for more kids, go for it.....go get a licence. Next time, u imagine picking up #1 frm c/c n #2 frm dun know where when Mark is at reservist.......make sense?

Magic pot gd ah? Jo mentioned it is gd too. I dun fancy slow cooker type of soups. Convenient but the meat is not tender anymore. Magic pot, no such problem?

<font color="0000ff">Emily,</font>
Ok, u try n let me know hor.....n must tell me what cream u used. I doubt it works, wat u call that, cold shower me...hahahah.....ah bish!

<font color="0000ff">Ruffy,</font>
Ryan's voice very cute. He looks so bbyish in the clip!

<font color="0000ff">Shook,</font>
Cruise now promo $199 for 4 to go. I still think it is not worth it....4 go almost $800-$900, dun know applicable for balcony cabin anot...may as well stay at home n wait for toto to strike, go further

<font color="0000ff">Absolut</font>,
I analyse ur case but dismissed the tot, unhealthy. Ally got all the attention now but it maybe shorter span compared to nicholas n her #3 mei mei. #2 a boy, everyone wow wow. If #3, a gal, then everyone will dote on this last kid?? Then ultimately, ally lose out! Maybe i think too much lah...hahahah....or stop at 2?

Ally's clip, she looks so babylish too....i tot i heard nicholas instead....HELLO HELLO, very cute!

<font color="0000ff">Giggler,</font>
U r always very sweet to acknowledge everyone with their latest concerns!

I get very motivated by ur comment on ur test. This time round, i machiam 'heart die' liao, bo chap liao...so u hope i pass ok?? I pick u up at certain mrt n send u to Pigletz's pd at hougang if u really need n keen, ok

I hope ur niece is ok soonest, very heartache!

<font color="0000ff">VIV!</font>
We also have been planning for a holiday lately but nothing concrete yet as hb not ard. We toying with the idea of HK, BALI, genting, langkawi n then now, macau.

We went Bali for our 1st honeymoon n tot wouldnt it be sentimental n sweet to bring our rae there this time round. Then the bombing n my hair all stand up. U read abt the news on 1 woman trying to rescue her kid when she is already dead. Very scary. Tot wont happen again, wont be so zun but it just happened.

I used to dun take tao ki at all. But pple telling me very gd dessert, I just take n grow to like it. U know when pregnant, ur taste bud changes? I used to like japanese ramen but now hates it!

That dress is $30+, tot it is ok too! I have a wedding dinner coming up soon, i have no clothes 'can c pple' one. Sm more, not motivated to shop n buy any, so fat. Sianz lah. cham hor? Yah lah, all women ai swee lah, tat's y u always look gd lor..... glowing n very radiant nowadays??

Just came back buying 1/2 a dozen of undies for Rae. Took foto of them to be added to our blog! Those undies very sweet hor for girls?
hehehheheh...............saw few $1 sleep pant too but din buy. prefer elyse to wear sleepsuit.

<font color="0000ff">Pigletz,</font>
Tummy not round, then sharp? then it is wat gender ah?? Round is girl, sharp is boy? anyway, too early to tell lah........
yup, any medical hall will do. cant remember the price but not cheap. tell them pearl powder for bb and for wat purpose, they'll be able to recommend how much to buy.

wah ...can ren3 so well...pei fu! pei fu! hmmm...is tat y gareth ended up in the pink suit ?

its ok, i'm not in a hurry to get it cos will take it only later. we can go n get it together also, where is the shop?
Pigletz, viv,
Dun like bottled one ah? I dun mean those bottle Brand birdnest leh. It is those Lo hung kar $80+ per bottle frm HK.

Ya, double boil at home is best lah. But can afford to do it everyday or keep inside fridge n resist taking more than 1 spoonful daily
!? hahahahah........

VIV< u very ho mia.....not only mum, ur mil also gan jeong over u. I dun have such life mann.
hahaha, still too early to tell round or sharp lah. When tummy big big then can tell right?

haha, I very pampered since young one, always take double boil birdnest. The last pregnancy I took it twice a month. This time round, took once already, but told my mum to stop 1st cos I don't feel good after eating.

Will get my mum to start again after her tour spree.

Okay, in the meanwhile, I wait for my friend to come back from his overseas trip then ask him. The shop is at people's park complex. We can go together, cos my mum say this time round, she won't buy so much for me liao, hahaha, she will save the birdnest $ for her dil. hahhaha, now got dil don't want daughter liao. so sad hor.
Call hospital n ask for the bb gender. Then pretend as if u know nothing till after birth, then tell hb. hhahahhahaha.........see who more notti!
as i read ur msg, i keep going eh!!!!!!!
1. hubby also suggested langkawi last nite...i ask him y langkawi, he say mahathir stay there! wat has mahathir got to do with our holiday ????
2. we went maldives for our 1st honeymoon and tot it would be sentimental to bring Jana there when she's 1 yr old...but cannot execute plan as Jana doesn't know how to walk yet and she hates sand!
3. we went bali for our 2nd honeymoon, 2 mths after we came back from maldives. tat's y i tot of going bali! i wanted to go jimbaran for the seafood .. and there's this restaurant called bumbo bali tat's v v v good too!
4. i started hating japanese ramen during my 1st pregnancy! hubby was eating it at taka food court and i suddenly feel v v nauseous looking at the ramen. now also cant stand the sight of it so hubby banned from eating ramen!

i like birdnest in any form! but then its my mum/mil who r picky lah ...

hubby's ren gong v gd, he hasn't told me yet. ur SIL is as lucky as me
got a v v nice MIL. my SILs complain that they din get the tao ki/fu chok dessert when they were pregnant.
hahaha, now no more ho mia liao lor. My mum out front tell me that I gotta take care of myself now since she got a daughter in law now. hahahah
wow, so now got any new destination to go anot? If not, then maybe can go cruise. A very relax trip I would say. But if want to go hor, please go soon hor, avoid December. haha, my auntie just told me got pple predict will have tsunami in December again. Don't know how true is it.

haha, my mum very good to her dil, cos she long treated her like daughter even b4 she's my sil. My mum and sil's mum super good friends since young. So you can see that it's qin shan jia qin that kind of relationship.
haha, you teach Viv bad ah? hahaha, mummies here got funny funny idea one. haha.

so you gonne execute what Eureka taught you?
HAHHAHAHHAHAHA, can die...lol...ur hb! Ask hb go brunei n check out those gold plated toilet bowl for their sultan lah
, so ticklish!

Langkawi is considered as it is a reasonable short flight, 1hr+. Rae fancy cable car n there is one over there. Also a beach resort to lazy ard.....





Ay, we think alike leh. So sentimental. Nvr tot of bringing my kids to 'expensive' spot yet cos dun know they will appreciate anot. Oso, 1st trip, darent be too adventurous, not travelling with extended family members. TEST TEST WATER 1st. Hb commented want to bring our kids to effiel tower to show them the real thing instead of letting them play with the model which we bought there at our 2nd honeymoon. Dun know can materialize anot! Financially cant afford liao

HEY HEY........same same! I also started hating ramen once i have rae!!! I used to luv those real spicy one but totally turned off since I my 1st pregnancy!

HUh wat, u say wat keep going? Go where? Tat wholesales shop ah? BLur leh!
sahm, tot i can book mid Nov for my test....but all dates taken up, now i waiting for early/mid dec dates.
what are you trying to wipe up with so many apple?? home made apple juice??

viv, 5+1 for $200+++ is for 5 bottles. the +1 is actually the 6th (free bottle).
ur mil stuffing you with ginko/fu chok soup??? ginko is my fave...gd for complexion.

shook, i've bn double boiling the pear soup that june taught me. it finally got rid of the phelgm over the wkend.
now i diligently went to the med hall every day to get cough herbal t.

brenda, small car definately eazier to drive!! i drove illegally my cousin's mazda 2!! better than vois!!
aiya....chris chong...u scare me?! tot i got to switch gyane in time to come.
how come u didnt notice jem threw his shoes away??? into the main dustbin at hme?? or outside?? no way to retrieve?? n the missing shopping bag - u paid but didnt take it with you?? can you call the shop to retrieve it?

giggler, how to rest when whole family down with cough n flu!! it's gd enuff that me n my mum rotate a few days to rest and look after jerald. everybody got it except my sis!! she's bn bz with her projects, thus she's hardly at hme.
nah...i cant drive on the rd yet. only illegally in the car park.

absolut, ally so cute to repeat "hello" again n again!!! jerald love to play with the phone. but he always either keep quiet or scream into the phone!
surprised that ally are allowed on those rides!! i was rejected to carry jerald on those rides at the escape theme park at downtown east!! they comment jerald too young thus not suitable??

pringles, you planning a wkday meet up??? i only available after 11-2.30 (between his morning n afternoon nap).where you gals going?

qsg, jerald got a short attention span!! even i on his fave sesame st cds...he would keep fidgeting in his seat, run up n down to the tv n sofa.
Hi Mummies,
yeah very busy with school. Ryan's school has some cases of HFMD.. so in two minds on whether to continue sending him to childcare..but then no one else to take care of him etc..
..haiz!.. will check with the school on how it;s disinfection is getting on etc. Any suggestions? Any SAHM..want to take care of Ryan
I din try G value diaper.
Wat a waste u din get dat maid
I hv another idea to terkan your hubby. U find out gender of bb. Tell your hubby u dreamt of your bb's gender n tell him your dreams v chun 1. Keep repeating to him. Make him wanna confirm your dream but cannot tell bcoz he said cannot tell in the 1st plc

Ryan is so cute. Multi lingual. he sounded tired after saying so many times to your hubby

U loose a lot of wt. Poor u. Muz hv suffered a lot
Ally so cute kept repeating hello hello.
I wanna record Chen Chen calls ma mi ma mi n use it as my ringing tone but everytime I take out my cell phone. He goes after my phone n stops calling me
Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - time
Sanrio - time
Pringles - (930 - 1pm) WED/FRI both fine with me
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am (with Nat) FRIDAY, 3 to 6pm(w/o Nat) Hee...
Lyn - (11 - 230pm)

Can i suggest this wed/fri @ TAKA?
Mummies and bbs able to meet this week for brunch @TAKA (we will discuss where to eat later):

Priviledged - time
Sanrio - time
Pringles - (930 - 1pm) WED/FRI both fine with me
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am (with Nat) FRIDAY, 3 to 6pm(w/o Nat) Hee...
Lyn - (11 - 230pm)
Berry - timing TBC, WED
Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - time
Sanrio - 10 to 1pm, wed/fri, not this wk
Pringles - (930 - 1pm) WED/FRI both fine with me
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am (with Nat) FRIDAY, 3 to 6pm(w/o Nat) Hee...
Lyn - (11 - 230pm)

Can i suggest this wed/fri @ TAKA?
Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - time
Sanrio - 10 to 1pm, wed/fri, not this wk
Pringles - (930 - 1pm) WED/FRI both fine with me
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am (with Nat) FRIDAY, 3 to 6pm(w/o Nat) Hee...
Lyn - (11 - 230pm)
Eureka - 11 to 1pm/Tues or Wed, after 16th Oct.

Can i suggest this wed/fri @ TAKA?
Your kids look so guai! So good can sit and take photo. I can never get Ethan to pose for a pic properly now.

Okay... will try the styling cream then tell you... I still have to figure out which brand to get! :p So, when will u be in Punggol next?
Do you find that GUG is interactive enough and does Vanessa show interest in the class? Like the fact that they cover quite a few subjects instead of just play or music. They said very low chance of trial which I take it to be no hope and said I should just sign up. Can share a little of what Vanessa has gone thru?

Good for you that Jana's coming back soon. Hope work is ok for you so at least you dun get stressed over that part too.

I was also considering going to Bali but decided to go to HK instead. Now I'm really glad I made the right choice. Dun think Bali's tourism is gonna pick up anytime soon now ... Feel quite sad for their pple though. Their livelihood was just improving and this bombing is gonna deter more pple away for a longer period of time now.

Jem still manages to sleep well at nite without proper naps in the day? That's really good leh. Me suffered in HK coz Ally kept waking in the nite ... suspect it was over-stimulation in the day.
boi boi can take pearl powder but not too often. Normally boy will take only when they get heaty or having alot of phlegm. Gal can take periodically for complexion. hee... u can consider since u got 2 gals.

yes... if Van having alot of phlegm u shld feed her some. If the phlegm issue is there for sometime then u can feed her 2 x. U can feed the 2nd dosage 2 or 3 days later. See if the phlegm reduce.. stime 1 dosage may not be enough.

QSG, based on my sister case. The pearl powder is very effective to clear her phlegm. No harm trying. U can go to medical hall, tell them u want pearl powder. Best to chose ur own pearl and ask them to powder them. The pearls are the small small kind hor.. not those big round pearl u saw in the Jewellery shop.

Rbr to ask the price before getting. Normally cost ard $20-30 for 1 pearl.
sorry for late reply. Had some connection problems...

Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - <font color="0000ff">11 - 1.30, fri this wk or next wk ok, wed after the 12th</font>
Sanrio - 10 to 1pm, wed/fri, not this wk
Pringles - (930 - 1pm) WED/FRI both fine with me
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am (with Nat) FRIDAY, 3 to 6pm(w/o Nat) Hee...
Lyn - (11 - 230pm)
Eureka - 11 to 1pm/Tues or Wed, after 16th Oct.

Can i suggest this wed/fri @ TAKA?
Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - 11 - 1.30, fri this wk or next wk ok, wed after the 12th
Sanrio - 10 to 1pm, wed/fri, not this wk
Pringles - (930 - 1pm) WED/FRI both fine with me
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am next wk, any day except wed
Lyn - (11 - 230pm)
Eureka - 11 to 1pm/Tues or Wed, after 16th Oct.
Sorry if that last post seems a bit ancient. Wrote it in office yesterday just after lunch and got caught in meetings all the way after that. Only remembered that I didn't post it on the way home so posting it this morn. haha.... yup... me dun log off at the end of the day coz it takes too long to log on again the next morn.

Viv, Stylo
My MIL is a believer of bird's nest. So had quite a bit when I was preggie with Ally coz MIL was also recovering from some treatment and made regularly. As my sis-in-law (bro's wife) was also preggie then, my mom felt bad that I had bird's nest but sis-in-law didn't have so bought and made for her too and I had a portion too. My family never ate bird's nest before that coz too expensive. Ally was quite small when she was born but from young, she was really tough and has a lot of strength. My mom was wondering if it's the bird's nest coz she's def stronger than my other 2 nieces and they are older. Told her dun think so but prob my BM powerful. hahaha!

Oh no... Ally also wearing 2T tops and some of them are quite fitting around the tummy. Maybe girl's fitting top cutting smaller. Sigh! Her tummy really quite big hor. Wondering if we are overfeeding her but her weight is ave leh. Not even on bigger side.

Ally was ok with the kiddy rides. Liked the dumbo one esp when we were going up but after a while got bored. She got a little scared at the winnie the pooh ride coz there was a section where it got quite dark and the music was really loud. Same for a 3D show that we went for and the fireworks. Had to carry her, hold her close and cover her ears BUT she still insists on seeing the shows. MIL kept trying to cover her eyes which she'll push away. Think those rides may be more suitable for tods above 2 years.

For dumbo ride, think I held on to her more tightly coz afraid that she'll wiggle her way out. Yup... must try and enjoy coz supposed to be my final trip before Nicholas is born and will have to wait til Nicholas is at least 6 months before we travel again.

Didn't take any of the rollercoaster rides. Only those that were safe for kids. Nothing too bumpy. Anyway the only no-no ride that was avail is space mountain.

Maybe she was just in a cranky mood and couldn't sleep when she wanted too. Dun worry... should get better when she's slightly older. Did she miss any nap time before that?
pigletz, oh ya you didnt bf Gareth at all rite? What's your reason for not bfg him huh? You take bird's nest so early? I think I only took them during my 2nd tri. Wow, your sis-in-law is very fortunate to have your mom as mil hor? Actually I also find my sil very fortunate cos my mom really take good care of us. But sometimes I feel that she finds my mom a nag.

eureka, ok ok hope you can drive legally on the road soon. But I hope that I wont need to visit Pigletz's PD lah. heehee.... I dun find the theory on tummy zun leh. I also turned off from spicy food while I had Vane leh. Now I dun eat as much chilli as before liao.

Viv, ok... I'll ask my mom to check with medical hall near her place. Langkawi looks nice and suitable for you as you can laze ard if too tired to move.

lyn, better take herbal tea more diligently to be fully recovered. So you only taking test end of the yr? Sure that there'll be tsunami in Dec?

jul, Ian really handsome leh, looks like ang-moh.

pringles, aiyo... Alicia so sexy with her shorts.

Ruffy, the c/c didnt close sch with case of HFMD?

shook, you even more 'du' to Viv's hubby leh.

absolut, most of the time Vane sits down throughout the class and listens to what the teacher tells her to do. But sometimes she likes to wander round the classroom. From the class, she knows action from action songs, some phonics action, interactive with teachers, etc. I feel that she benefits quite alot from the class lah. But as there's no makeup class so the fee is steep if you tend to miss classes. As Vane tends to fall sick last few mths so I feel lugi that there's no makeup class for her. Also, I intend to send her to playgrp next Jan so will stop GUG end of this yr.

hong, how many pearl do we need for 1 dosage? I'll ask my mom to check with the medical hall first. Scared too ex leh.
haha, I sure lost out to my sil one. My mum loves my bro so much. haha, so will sure loves my sil. I don't mind lah, cos I know my mum loves me alot too.

Gareth is the apple and gem in all our relatives eyes now. Hope that the little one come out won't snatch it away from him.

haha, no particular reason for not b/feeding lah. Just not comfortable. Not regret so far as Gareth is still one of the strongest baby here. haha, that's my view lah. And Gareth is growing up well. *Not to offend those super pro b/feeding mummies*

I start taking birdnest beginning of 2nd trimester. Should be fine lah. Only once a month i think. My mum say my good complexion is becos of the birdnest she took last time. Gareth good complexion also becos of that. I think so too cos our family got no history of allegry.

Yup, my sil very fortunate. I just hope that when they stay together with my mum won't get the prob we get when we stay with mil. That's why i strongly encourage my bro to get a place of his own when my sil PR status is being approve and hor, insist that my mum don't sell her current place away.
pigletz, heehee... same here. I encouraged my bro to get his own flat too. Dun want them to spoil their rel'p staying together lor.

Mummies, is there Fox baby at Suntec?
yes there is a fox baby at suntec.

U can try 1 pearl 1st. 1 pearl can make it into 2 dosages. Can ask the assistant to split into 2 packets.
Giggler, next time when Vane falls sick, just ask if you can send nother bb to makeup for Vane absence... then one of us will go on your behalf. That way, not so lugi and we can get trial too. Gd idea???
Ally still looks like bb hor. Chiam lah... maybe it's the hair. It's growing at such a slow pace that it's getting worrying.

Tell my hubby lor... he's thinking that it'll be nice to have three. Never experienced middle child syndrome coz both of us come from a family with only 2 (last time stop at 2). My friend was also telling me that Ally will still have the most attention with my in-laws coz she's the first grandchild. Can def feel that bb nicholas has less attention even while in my tummy. Find that even hubby doesn't spend time talking to bb nicholas unlike with Ally. Maybe coz he's quite zonked after putting Ally to bed.

Ian and Alicia look very cute together. Like siblings coz hair qty also abt the same. Looks like they have become fast pals!

I agree with you. Hubby also dun spend much time with the 2nd one in the tummy compare to the 1st pregnancy. Feels a bit sad at times......
yeah! i think eureka's idea's great!! but will only check out the bb's sex later on, mabbe abt 20 wks or so, its fun to keep myself in suspense for awhile more

i heard a mummy complain abt spring maternity in one of the threads ...the piece she bought got defect, they went back to change the next day and the salegirl say not allowed to change! n tat she should hv checked properly before buying!
she was only allowed to change after making a big fuss n talking to the boss. i bought a spagetti strap tshirt there during the last pregnancy but now i scared of spring maternity leh ...

i only bought 1 bottom from Swell so far...i'm starting to wear maternity bottoms cos my tummy so HUGE
but for tops i wear normal clothes in bigger sizes

the langkawi pics r v v nice. which resort did u stay? just realise this morning that the langkawi holiday i picture kinda diff from wat my hubby have in mind ...i drooling over the sheraton resort n he's thinking of a 3 star resort cos its his clients and can get discount

can teach me how to make the pear soup? i dont hv phelgm ..just tat the pear soup sounds yummy!

u know someting weird happen last nite ...i dreamt of jerald ?!?!?! i woke up all confused n blur! in my dream ..u left him at my mother's place and we dun really know y and i told my mum u prob hv to go for ur driving lessons ?????? anyway jerald was a v v gd boy in my dreams

jul, pringles
first look at the first photo and i tot alicia and ian playing o-bay-som!

another gd idea!!!!

my big boss wanted me to be involved in a new project on top of all my current work! and its a v huge n major project, but my immediate superior is v understanding, he manage to persuade my big boss so that i remain status quo till after i come back from my maternity leave. so i think work wise would be ok for me during this period.

haven't considered hk cos its really not my place, i went there just before the handover and i felt so lost there ...couldn't speak their language and worst is at restaurants, the menu all in chinese but written in fan2 ti3 which i cant read at all!

i think birdnest is more for the complexion lah ... my elder SIL took quite alot during her pregnancy but her kids r always down with cold/flu/cough...

the pearls i buy r v v v tiny ones ... only abt 2mm in diameter!
Is it? Didn't know abt the complaint on spring maternity. I bought 2 tops and a bottom from them last sat. I haven't take out and see it since I bought it. I will go back and check them tonight.

I need to start buying more liao cos I really running out of things to wear with the tummy starting to show.

Where is swell?

What is the 3 star resort that your hubby's client having? Can check thru the internet to see if there's good review anot. Sometimes 3 star not really that bad one.

My boss is suggesting that he pay me extra to work from home during my maternity. Cos they seems no one to take over my job for the time being. But nothing confirm yet, think will only know when the time draws nearer.
i should be bringing my mum along if my holiday plans materialise, else v pai seh ..cos its all work n no play for her. but am worried she'll fuss over Jana too much!

ur hubby is v nice to want to bring the kids to paris!! if i propose that to my hubby prob he'll run for his life! just look out for airfare promotions, sometimes they do hv v v cheap tickets to europe.

huh ???? i got say keep going meh? i blur also!!!

the top i hv from spring maternity keeps shrinking everytime i wash it
U can find Swell at paragon, 5th floor at the kids corner.

Its CityBayview ...i checked the internet liao... a bit different from wat i hv in mind leh...this is y i dun mind doing all the planning n booking for all our holidays

if the work is not gonna be too siong then quite a gd offer leh considering that we r already paid during our materity leave.
