(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Good morning mommies...

Me super tired cos weekend too hectic. think we played too much.

Saturday brought JEm to Mac and a walk in the morning. Then we went over to Marina Square w the Women's Weekly Card. Had lunch at Pariss with the 1 to 1 promo. Dun find it nice leh!! Any mommies eaten there before? Then hor... me big mouth went to tell Jem we r getting him new clothes and shoes, HE THREW HIS SHOES AWAY without our knowledge..haiz. So went on to Carrefour to get his new shoes. ask hb to pay while i move on to Fox BB(rushing off to a wedding dinner) So happily buy his clothes etc. Back to the car, wanna let Jem try his shoes, then we realised Hb miss out on that bag!! Sad to say we already drove off already so end up Jem still no shoes at the wedding dinner have to carry most of the time.

Sunday morning quickly went over to JP to get a new pair of shoes and went to zoo. HAhahah, first time we can walk in zoo so i think he went a bit haywired. Reached home only in the evening, hb went to another wedding dinner while Jem knocked out early.. Poor me did housework till 1am

Now super tired n aching all over.. sob sob
Eureka, u making apple pie/crumble/strudel??? Don't tempt me hor... I love anything with apples... even Ethan's 1st birthday cake was an apple cake. :p (ABC Cake) ehheeee...

How true... why didn't I ask you ladies before I buy the air styler? The effect not as good as the actual hair-dressing onw... tried it already. Think maybe I'll try it with stlying cream and see whether can last. :p

Nat, welcome back... gd to hear that you enjoyed your trip and is well rested.

QSG, the last time I took a trip to Ubin... during the ferry trip... Ethan was in the sling... he just fell asleep during the boat ride and woke up when we reached. So, no problems for me leh. Maybe he was younger then... about 6months I think... maybe if it is now, things will be different. I think it also depends on the kid's mood that day. So, don't worry so much... who knows air trip is better coz the engine not so noisy.

Pringles, Alicia looks like a very good and happy baby.
Aiyo, u cough for so long. U wanna try double boil fish maw wif ji ping, nang xin, bei xin? It helps me when I coughed for a long time

The trip sounds v tiring for u. Poor u n your hubby sea sick still need to look after Dana. Did any of u puke?
I wz so blur. Met my x course mate in Orchard JL yes'dy. Thot she is u (2 of u look alike 1st time I saw u I find u look like her). Then look @ her gal. How come look so different fm Dana n her gal so much bigger than Chen Chen. N her hubby doesn't look like yours. As I talked to her, then I recalled who is she. Luckily din chuang pang. Heng. I can still recall her name but not her hubby's when I introduced my hubby to them.

Ya unless strike toto/4D or else we can only go cruise

My MIL din let Chen Chen drink fm the cup while she is drinking. She use the cup they use daily. @ home my mum let Chen Chen drink fm his own cup
Can understand your love hate relationship wif your MIL. When we r v tired or short handed, we appreciate any help. B4 Chen Chen pop, I told my mum, I dun 1 my SIL to look after Chen Chen. I dun like her style. Now I v happy she helps a bit here n there

Where u get 1st choice diaper? I can't find it since few mths back
My aunt fm I'sia has a relative who raises swallow for the nest. Her relative told her bird nest is no longer gd like the past coz the manufacturer disolved the hair n the nest tog then paste the nest up into a pc. Dat's y the bird nests we got nowadys r v clean. So dun take too much coz u consume the hair n the glue. Best taken ard 8th mth of pregnancy. Dat's the time when bb's skin grows
Gd dat Jana nap twice. More break for main care taker. Oso gd for her brain development
I oso dun take ginko nuts. I love the tao ki

Did hse chore till 1am. Dat's v tiring. R u on leave today?
You're so funny. I love that dessert leh. But usu dun add egg in it coz egg is savoury food for me.

So is Jana coming back this week? Poor thing... must be quite tough to leave her there. I'll be really upset too but at least you can get proper rest at nite. U feeling better now?

When Ally was younger, I insisted on flying during the nites so there's a higher chance of Ally sleeping in the plane. Even now, it's good if the timing coincides with her naptime. It just takes a bit more effort trying to make her nap in the plane so I'll have to stand around and carry her til she falls asleep. Other than that, I make sure I bring enough toys to entertain her when she's away. If all else fails, will give her biscuits which usu appeases her quite quickly unless she's really in a foul mood or in discomfort.

What are you cooking with so many apples? Apple pie?? haha! Agree with your analysis also so that means if I want no 3, I should try for a girl since middle child is a boy?? Anyway, prefer girls. Would def rather 2 girls then 2 boys.

Alicia has grown even more. She looks so steady on daddy's shoulder. Been asking hubby to play more active games with Ally coz it's suppose to help develop them.

Giggler / Shook
Did you do a trial with GUG? Went to enquire yesterday but they said that they are usu full so no chance for trial. So trying to get feedback from pple who may have tried it. It'll take some effort for me to make a trip there every weekend too since it's at novena and me staying in the east.

So excited for you. Counting down to the birth of Maxine! How did you find Perth? Was there in July. Think I prefer Sydney and Melbourne though but we chose Perth coz thot we could do with a slower pace holiday with Ally. Did you carry Nat alot during the trip? My inlaws and hubby helped but I still had to carry Ally quite a bit esp when it comes to nap times so came back with a major backache.
Welcome back!!!

Good to hear u feeling betta now. Me too can't stand the tao ki barley dessert. Yucks!

is driving really difficult? haiz, many ppl keep asking me go take licence now cos the car small easy to drive. I thot it sounds a bit absurd..hahahha

Had fun on the trip?? Sure a bit tiring .. but refreshing too rite?!?
Again, I type long long post and my stupid IE hang on me. *sigh*

Will only retype those important thing now.

Any mummies can recommend VCD/DVD for kids, mainly to teach ABC one? My auntie requesting me to buy for Gareth.

Think Dana not ready for the trip, while you and hubby not feeling well. We tired Gareth out by bringing him for a swim everyday for 1 to 2 hour while we were at bintan.
Good morning mummies
Many posts here since I last logged in.

welcome back to the forum! You nearly popping soon, ah? Who's going to help you with your confinement this time? Your MIL again? :p

I'm free just about every day for lunch. Wednesdays, i can take the car out. Other days I can easily take Sarah in the pram, LRT and MRT. Sarah needs to take her afternoon nap at by 2 pm, and she can't sleep outside. That's my only limitation.
pigletz, seems like bronchiolitis really common among bb hor? Vane also got it few weeks back but fully recovered now. But my niece's condition got worse and now is hospitalised in KKH. Her poos are all blood and doc said it could be errosion in her gastric. Really hope nothing serious happened to her. I let Vane watch "Baby Can Read" but it didnt teach ABC one lah.

absolut, it's a must to have your own apt. Also, try not to stay too close as to side by side lah. My fren who stay face to face to her in-laws also got prob. Bintan not so safe leh, think you better go Sentosa lah. Hahaha. I suggest that you attend the trial before u decide if you want to sign Ally up. Cos I feel that every child got diff reqm. And I had trial before I signed Vane up for the course.

jul, do we still get NTUC promo if we order direct from them? Can I have Nepia's no? Dun give yourself too much headache about care-giving part. Things will get clearer as the days draw near.

Nat, you giving birth soon rite? Wow, good that you managed to enjoy yourself at Perth. Maxine is gal's name?

sanrio, think my camera too slow liao. By the time, I ready to take the pix, Vane not doing the action anymore. Sigh

Viv, $30+ still consider ok. Do u know if there's anywhere I can get those cute short skirt for Vane? You also getting maid to help looking after both your kids? Aiyo, your mil so nice to you, you still complain. Take more gingko nuts lah, heard that it's good for memory leh.

styloBB, oh ya, I forgot abt you the Nepia expert. Heehee so how much is one pc of Nepia pull-up?

lyn, how come you still sick for so long? Did u rest enuf or not? You can drive legally on the road liao?

pringles, do u always bring Alicia for outdoor activities? She looks so tanned and healthy.

QSG, hehee. You suffered the same fate as me. I remembered I suffered when I brought Vane to Thai. So now I wont bring her for trips till she much older.

eureka, I understand your No3 theory cos my family quite big mah. Guess that's part of the reason why I dun want to have more kid cos I want to give 101% love and time to Vane alone. That's what happened to me too leh. I failed when I was very confident but passed when I was so nervous.

brenda, you really had a tiring weekends leh. You didnt go back to get the shoes the next day?

shook, heard from my cousin that the nan bei xin/ji ping/chuan bei nan is good for cough. Cruise is not cheap also leh.
So is Vanessa with GUG? They said unlikely to have trial coz always full class leh. Thot maybe it's a more worthwhile class coz it's abt 1.5 hours compared to Gymboree which is only 45 mins and mostly just play. But when I was there at 215 (class suppose to start at 200) ... class hasn't started and parents were still strolling in.
ya lor, think bronchiolitis really common. But PD say becos i got history of sensitive nose, so more likely Gareth is prone to bronchiolitis. Parents or family members that got history of asthmas and sensitives, kids are more prone to it.

I let Gareth watch Baby Can Read too, but auntie say Gareth getting sian of it already and she find that they didn't teach alot of things. She find that Gareth can learn more with more variety of VCD/DVD.

Anyway, me just hope that he will recover fully soon.

I like cruise also, but never try go cruise with a todd b4, don't think I want to try that. hahaha. Like I told Jaz, I will not bring Gareth to genting, cos it's more of a gambling place to me, same as cruise, just that cruise got more things. hahaha
sorry to interrupt. I haven't gotten the chance read thru. only saw the wonderful pan of apples.
Yah, eureka, what do u do to the apples huh???

Just wan to check those mothers who bought the Tiger Magic pot, is it really useful or is it another white elephant?? Saw it during the Taka fair. Does food really get cooked after 3 hours ie. the meat gets really tender? can only use to cook soup?? What abt curry, stew or porridge?
absolut, yup Vane is with GUG now. Though the class is at 2pm but for the first 15-20min, the kids are left to roam the classroom to get themselves used to the environment.

pigletz, ya my PD said the same thing. I got sensitive nose and childhood asthma so Vane more prone to bronchiolitis. Who's your PD again?

Mummies, anyone heard of Dr William Yip? My niece got blood in her poos and the doc at KKH didnt help much though she is hospital since Sat. I suggested my sil to discharge from KKH as the doc recommend and see another PD. Her assigned PD is Dr William Yip, is he good?
How long has Vane been with GUG??? I'm on their waiting list some time ago, but haven't heard anything from them.
If they r still not contacting me, was thinking of trying Rthymn in Me first.
the 1st choice diapers were on offer many months back n we bought quite a few packs n kept them

my mum also say the same thing abt bird nest, she's v worried abt bleaching agents used to make them look so white. in the last preg, she actually bought those unprocessed ones and pick out the feathers/dirt herself. But its v time consuming, takes abt 2 days to pick just 1 piece of birdnest. This time round, she dun hv the time to do it anymore so i'm looking around for more trustworthy supplier to get the birdnest.

yes i'm definitely feeling better now! yipee! hubby n I are trying to arrange for a day where we can both go back early so tat Jana can hv some time to familarise with the house/environment before we put her to bed.

i really envy you and all the mummies who get to travel. my holiday plans keepks changing ...initially planned to go perth but now hubby not keen cos he's worried i'll be tired. Then last week i was trying to persude hubby to go bali instead ...who knows 2 days into our planning, bali got bombed
now hubby say just go nearby bintan ..sian ....

wah ... ur weekend really v siong!

I haven't been shopping for Jana lately but of most of Jana's recent clothes r from fox. Yalor, bo pian, dun think my mum can cope without a maid cos Jana is not v independant and i cant send her to cc yet. yes, i'm v v lucky to hv a mil who is v nice to me, beside the tao ki dessert, i get either birdnest or chickn soup weekly too. i'm touched n appreciative of her so tat's y kuai kuai force the dessert down my throat
afternoon Mummies

U asked me about bird's nest, I was advised by mil not to overtake cos can cause phlegm in bbs (proven case in two babies but I dun know if really the case.) During jesse's time, I took twice, big bowls. For this one, so far, none. I have bottled ones at home though.
Actually I like snow frog with lotus seeds and quail's eggs..... nope, dun like tao ki....

Thank goodness ur bleeding is gone... must have freaked u out... U miss carrying jana? Me too miss carrying jesse.. now when we go out, hb gotta handle stroller, bag, and jesse....

Hb also nearly wanted to bring us to Bali...when I told him the news on Sun, he said he was shocked.

I haven't been buying clothes for jesse.... the stock at home is quite a lot... mostly 2T but they are loose for him... he can still wear some of the 18mo tops and bottoms.... seems like he does not grow horizontal anymore, only taller.
Some stuff were given, some I ordered, some bot on sale. Hb is quite fussy about his clothes, so I gotta check with him first altho most of the time, our tastes are rather similar...hehe... When he was younger, hb stopped me from buying a lot cos we only needed outside clothes on weekends, now he has more, cos perspire so much, need to change twice....
Ash can wear 2T ah? Wow... big boy ah...

Shopping for twins ah - wow, I went to Mothercare on Sat while hb went to check out on his shirts....ahaha...wow, all the sweet sweet colours... ahaha... they sell those Pack of 2, so just nice for the gals.... now is autumn/winter collection but I think when spring collection comes, even more interesting. Now I know why mummies go gah-gah shopping for girls!! Haha!!!

It's 30 pcs for L, 26 pcs for B, at $16.90... can calculate? Hehe......quite ex for one pce hor? But convenient leh...
They are having promo for home delivery... tel no is 6226 2650. Promo till end Oct.

Do housework till 1am?? Oh....oh... v tired today rite??? Poor thing, sayang.
Jem lost /threw away his shoes?? Oh-no!!!
somtx i wish Ash can nap more cos i so tired but he simply has lots of energy. nvm lah since he slp abt 8-8.30pm at nite.

dr william yip fr s'pore bb n child clinic? i tink d pds in tat clinic specialise in diff fields eg: they hav a asthma n cough clinic etc. i tink d pds there are quite gd, some ar v experienced. i hav brought Ash to c dr ngiam wen he had croup, quite gd n detailed.

did Ally like those rides, was she afraid? tink we wld go ahead w our aussie trip in mar n to hk wen Ash much older.

evy wkend, we oso 'cheong' w Ash d whole day. tink we're more tired than him. he enjoys running ard.

pringles n sahms,
any wkday is fine, yup shall we mt in town?

giggler n pigletz,
i hav history of bad sinusitis. till now, it can get quite bad at tx until 'cant breathe'.. Ash has sensitive nose n skin. recently he has tis runny nose tat seems to go on for >1wk oreadi. seen pd. he is fine, no fever n nothing else except d muscus keeps dripping. wonder how long tis will last?? shd i cont to give him med or leave it alone to recover..
if u order directly fr nepia, it's 4 for $64. u can hav both diaper n pants. if order b4 1 oct, can get $5 ntuc voucher, wonder whether still hav..
he is wearing 18-24mths but some ar a bit tight. can fit into their 2T now. evytx i brg him out, pple comment tat he looks big or tall for his age. but in my eyes, he is like a bb (behave like 1) n he dun look like a 2yr old to me leh..
Ash is watching bb einstein series of DVDs, he likes, no abc but teaches on colours, music, animals, nature etc etc
How abt those bottled bird nest? U know those big big bottle kind?

dun know is it true that bb will have phlegm but Janelle indeed got quite alot of phlegm and we feed her pearl powder periodically to clear it.
My mum just got me packets of pearl powder for Janelle. My mum said my youngest sister was having alot of phelgm last week. Mum asked her to take a pack of pearl powder in the morning and nite. Next day all the phlegm gone.
Viv, I'll go to Fox and take a look. I forced to take chix essence by my mil last time too. She'd heat up one bottle for me every morning.

styloBB, wow that's ex for a pc of diaper. But I'll still take note of the no. since my sil uses it for my niece.

sanrio, ok... I'll let my sil knows abt Dr William Yip. Thanks... I'll give Vane medicine to stop the running nose if she has cos I afraid that it'll lead to something more serious later.

hong, heard that pearl powder helps to clear phlegm. Jan also coughing?
My PD is Dr Anthony Chee, but he's all the way at Hougang.

Err, I got a friend who's father is the president of bird nest association. haha, so if you feel more confident, I can recommend you that shop.

usually if Gareth got slight runny nose, I will give him Zytec, once a day, at night before he sleep. Usually, after 3 to 5 days he will recover.

Thanks, I will check out that VCD.
those library books, we borrowed them a week ago and brought them along with us when we are in the train....it really helps to keep Alicia occupied when she gets bored during the ride.

Nice picture of the apples!! So artistic!!

U must be busy with work these days. Woooo....Ryan is multi-lingual. U and hubby really notti to withold the biscuit frm him just to make him say all his "thank you"s.

Ally looks very cute repeating her arlows over and over again!! Oh wow, the jumbo elephant ride looks so fun! Was Ally holding on tightly to you? Did she enjoy it? Looks like u really enjoy during this trip b4 Nicholas comes along!

Actually Alicia not tanned at all in person. She's quite fair but the lighting in the photo made her seem tan.

SAHMs and anyone free on weekday,
I'm ok with meeting up in town. Alicia also naps ard 130pm onwards. So i'm able to meet in the mornings right up to 1pm.

Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday:
Priviledged - time
Sanrio - time
Pringles - (930 - 1pm)
Did u take nap during lunch time

I din bring Chen Chen to GUG for trial. Heard fm a few mum dat they no longer give trial. 1 thing I dun like abt GUG is dat they hv a v rigid n unreasonable rule. No make up lesson if lesson falls on public holiday n when child fall sick. Oso only 1 care taker is allowed in the class rm

Baby bumper bee vcd teaches words. I bot 1. If u 1, I lend u 1st. U c if Gareth likes b4 buying
Personally I dun like cruise. When I go holiday, I like to walk a lot n c scenery. If not 4 Chen Chen, I won't go cruise. I dun like genting

Ya all those things r gd for lung n throat. Wat is chuan pei nan?
Cruise during promotion is cheaper than flying overseas. Bsides, all meals n accomodation covered. No xtra cost if u dun go casino n restaurant which u need to pay
O no the poor little bb. Hope she gets well soon. Your bro n SIL sure v worried. Is your SIL still on maternity leave?

I think Gold Storage discontinue 1st choice. They carry G value now
Oh yes, the unproceesed 1 is gd but pick feather till eyes popped. Your mum loves u v much
Your MIL v gd to u. Cook bird nest, tao ki n brew soup

Nepia fans.
NTUC having promotion for Nepia till 5th Oct.
I saw baby bumper bee at Harbourfront just now too, too many CD down there, don't know which one is good. If it's not too troublesome, I borrow from you on sat, then return you on sun, so that Chen Chen can continue to watch.

As for holidays, there are places that I don't like to go with kids, haha, genting and cruise is one of them.
That's why I don't mind leaving Gareth back at home.
Lyn, i was able to log in on sat nite bec dana slept already and hb not at home. I let dana ate fish porridge (though i can't really find any fish inside), bread and cereals.

Eureka, me also curious what you trying to make with so many apples..can tell us?

Shook,we didn't phew just nauseous.If chuan pang that day infront of your ex course mate sure very pai seh hor?:p

Absolute, actually tried giving dana toys but each time her concentration dun exceed 2min..gave her tings to eat also but only kept her busy for a while...now quite worried if she may have attention deficit...

mummies are your tods concentration span very short as well?

Brenda, its a good break from work but now come back lotsa to to do again...wish the break could be longer...

pigletz, gareth's stamina very good can swim for 1-2 hours...won't get sunburn for being in the sun for so long?

Sanrio, you managed to stock up your nepia already? if clementi dun have, JP still have. Bought some diapers and pants yesterday.
haha, Gareth like swimming and we play with him in the pool mah. As for sunburn, nope, we put alot of suntan lotion for him.
I called tem up.. they claimed that its not there

Ya.. think u should go Fox Kids to take a look.. lotsa cute gal's wear. It's often good to look out for their sales tho.

Ur poor bb niece.. hopes she gets well soon

I bought the Magic pot. Still using it weekly for soups, stew and curry. Never tried porridge cos i bought the big one. So far so good lor.. tho gotta mention that it suits my taste. Cos it has very little water loss, end up the food is more to the light (read bland if u r those who use salt to cook) tastes. But my hubby gotta add in light soy sauce everytime.

I also think u can consider those big bottled ones (arnd $30bucks). I had 2 bots per week.. one spoonful/day. Its very tiring to go for the unbleached one.

HAhah Sanrio,
I like the way u use the word 'chiong' w Ash. hahaha, no lah.. ours jem more tiring cos i seldom run after him.

Nope, din take nap during lunch... hahhaha, went lunch with Pigletz to see how round her tummy is now. No mater how i try to get her to find out issit bb girl or boy, she still hush hush leh.. how? hahahahah
didn't leave u out leh....refer to my earlier post. I asked all the sahms and anyone who's free on weekday but so far only PVL and Sanrio answered me...

I better re-edit:
Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - time
Sanrio - time
Pringles - (930 - 1pm)
Mom2nat - time
nope, not round leh.. little wonders tho w the amount u r eating ! Whahahahah

VAL!! RANDALL's mommie!!
Share share ur 'cool' display pic on msn here leh!!
Oh, can take the course online now b4 getting maid..that's more convenient. There's a filipino maid in my estate whose really gd with handling kids. She's been taking care of a toddler ard our bbs' age and now, a second newborn baby too! I really marvel how she copes. All the best when ur new maid arrives!
Jan had phlegm when she is newborn.
Sometime sick, got too much phlegm will feed her pearl powder as well. My MIL will feed Janelle 1 dosage of Pearl Powder she knew any jab that may cos fever.

Stime will feed her pearl powder once a month (if MIL buys) else will feed her when we feed she is getting heaty cos she is on FM. So get heaty very easily.

Somemore Pearl powder believe to give them go complexion. Gd for the girl... now my mum got me so many packs so asked MIL take home and feed her.
I went to a shop @ Chinatown Point to look see when i was preggie then, but didn't buy cos like very exp. The lady told me nvr buy bird's nest dat look very white cos they're bleached.
Bird's nest - me also dun noe how true, mil says, I just listen...haha.... since she means well.
Actually me no craving for bird's nest.... can boys take pearl powder?? jesse got no phlegm, me just curious....
I told u he stopped taking those vitamin pills right, mum says he is beta off with his usual diet of solids and fruits and milk.... says he tends to get heaty if he takes too much of the pills.

Ash still toddler right?.... So toddler behaviour...hehe.. so he is back to his usual eating habit now???
I'm tired, on weekends when jesse takes his nap, I also KO......
How u enjoying ur days now?? Mind is more set and not wandering...hehe.....
The 2T are still rather loose on jesse... but now the 18mo look a bit tight-fitting... haha...also dun know how... I'm kinda lazy to look for boys' stuff now... U can find stuff at Fox for boys???
Ash has sensitive skin? As in how?? Break out in rashes or what? From the pics, cannot really tell....

I'm getting the hang of gals' clothes.... Hahaha....!!!

Nepia is having promo till end Oct. Call them lah....... U intend to get the pants for Vane? Actually the L sized diapers are pretty worth it, but the pants are more ex. Dun know if Vane can fit???
The NB size are pretty worth it lor...

Vane still has running nose???

Mummies interested in Nepia
Nepia itself having promo now, cheaper than NTUC... they will deliver to your home...
U can still exchange for the NTUC $10 voucher for every 10 seals..

I took one bottle of chix essence last week, cos was feeling drained.. Was told not to take too often though...

U ok now??

So tummy obvious or not?? U know the gender??
Is Nepia good? I find it rather small piece leh. You use nepia for day use, night use or gg out??

Mummies and bbs able to meet on weekday in town:
Priviledged - time
Sanrio - time
Pringles - (930 - 1pm)
Mom2nat - 11 to 1am (with Nat), 3 to 6pm(w/o Nat) Hee...
hahaha, my tummy starting to get obvious liao, just not round enough. Pple will still wonder if I'm pregnant or fat. hahahahah

Nope, don't know the gender and don't intend to know till I give birth. That's why brenda trying very hard to convince me to know it soon. hahahah
stylobb, me still having stuffy nose.

Hong, will pearl powder help adult clear phelgm? Me got phelgm very uncomfy. Buy from where?
pigletz, Hougang really far liao. You can tahan till giving birth meh?

Pringles, so it's the lighting? Cos Alicia looked really tanned.

shook, not sure what's chuan bei nan too. But my cousin said that can get easily from Fu Hua. My sil not on maternity leave anymore so got to take leave and child mc these few days.

brenda, ai yo...so bad that you paid the shoes for nothing.

Viv, you also take the course online? Heard from my fren that she benefitted more when she took the course at the centre.

hong, where do u get the pearl powder? Maybe I shd give Vane too since she has phelgm quite frequent recently.

styloBB, thanks for your info. I check with my sil later abt Nepia. Dun think she has mood now since her gal still in KK. I took everyday that time after my op.
haha, can. I tahan the last time round, don't see why can't tahan this time round. hahaha, think it's my gynae who can't tahan and always very tempted to tell me. hahahah

Hougang is far from you lah, but near to Sengkang mah. Beside, Gareth like that PD, cos PD always gives him toys to play and biscuit to eat. hahaha

Sat I send the bb bumper bee vcd to your home after BJG class. Will sms u to ensure u 2 home. Pls keep a look out for sms ard 5+pm. But hor remind me on Fri can. Aiyo dun need to rush to return me the vcd. I collect when Gareth finish watching.
I cannot bring myself to leave for holiday w/o Chen Chen.

Ya chuan pang ma lu like anything
Kids hv short attention span. Young tods' brain absorbs things v fast, so they keep on exploring new things. Dun worry. Dana won't hv concentration deficit
I find shuang ser dang (a kind of powder) v effective in clearing phlegm. I took xin ren powder. It helps but need to take some time. Or can try double boil er li wif nan xin bei xin n rock sugar as recommended by Pringles

Follow Pigletz when she visit her gyne. Ask Pigletz to ask her gyne to let u know her bb boi or gal

Your SIL din take one shot 3 mth of maternity leave?
