(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi mummies,

nice to hear all that all of you are fine.


your photos are so nice and Matt is getting more and more handsome.After you try the confinement food, let me know. I want to cater this round too.

giggler, just got my test date today. not so late in dec but early dec, b4 my b'day. Pls pray that i got a nice b'day gift, ok. Tks.

viv, it was pringles who taught me with the pear soup mths back when jerald is down with cough n phelgm. usually i buy frm shing shiong big yellowish brown skin pear (frm china 3 for $2.20)
1. use 2 pear, skinned, cut into 1/4 (sliced)
2. cover with enuff water ( you got to aga aga, i also duno how much but i just pour)
3. 2 tablespoon (big spoon) nan bei xing ren
4. 2 cube of honey rock sugar (sml cube) just to taste n get rid of any sourish taste

all of it double boiled 3-4 hrs. till pear soften turn brown. i give soup n mashed pears to jerald (if cant finish n already tastelss u can discard) but normally the best i saved it for hb n rascal, i always eat the nan bei xin with ice cream!!!

u can try, but now that u r preg, not sure can u take or not??

ahhh. u dreamt of jerald!!! tks god. lucky thing he guai guai behave...and not screaming n shouting away.

sahm, viv is kind to hv such a dream cos she knew that my whole family is hving cough...so she ask her mum to take over to look after my rascal so that my mum n me can recover faster.

brenda, how's handsome jem?? how come the teacher didnt notice that jem not his usual self???

qsg, pear soup, pls c reply to viv.
the pearl powder, got different grade. even the lowest grade is v.ex. i normally get it frm hock hua. 1 liang abt $30. mashed into powder, i mixed it for jerald in his milk. for adults, u can mixed into warm (not hot) water for consumption.

pringles, 14/10 ok with me. any bb friendly eatery at taka?? it seems quite a big group - better to decide fast n make reservation.
Coffee club?? perhaps they can give us a corner at the rear (nearer to the lifts at taka SC)

jo, how to say enjoy or not enjoy being a sahm!! pros n cons lor. managed to survive the past 2 mths.
how's ZL???

nat, pls rest more. yr gal got a nice name. how did you end up with this caterer??
very nice pixs frm perth!! u look radiant!

b2, go get a preg test kit!

hazey, y all of the sudden in such a tone??? what happended?
hi mummies,
Thanks for the advice. i just not ready to face the result. i dunno whether to be relief or happy shld the result be +ve or -ve. I guess that's the reason why i kept procrastinating the test. i even tot of terminating the preg if the result is +ve. That's why i think i'm nuts. Hubby wld definitely straggle me if he knew i have such tots. i actually went thru that too for my 1st pregnancy. i m almost symptom free with minimum MS but my emotions n moods went totally extreme. N i have this gut feel that something like that is happening again.
Hubby n i r definitely ready n #2 is part of the plan. we didn't make n effort to have one but neither we took precautions. i guess i'm just caught off guard AGAIN!!!!
BTW, to confirm again. (sounds like some 1st time mum).
I can use the test kit immediately after i miss my menses or must i wait? 1 week, 2 weeks???
Cannot remember liao.
I guess if it's +ve, it's just a shock to you lor. I also got the thought of terminating it b4, but just a thought. Haha, as long as no action done, it's okay. *griN*

Best is to wait for one week after the miss, but if you kan cheong, can always buy those twin pack type to try, cheaper and save u the trip to go down and buy again.

For you!

Mary had a little lamb,
Little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went,
Mary went, Mary went,
Everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go

It followed her to school one day
School one day, school one day
It followed her to school one day
Which was against the rules.

It made the children laugh and play,
Laugh and play, laugh and play,
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school

And so the teacher turned it out,
Turned it out, turned it out,
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near

And waited patiently about,
Patiently about, patiently about,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"
Love Mary so? Love Mary so?
"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"
The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."
Loves the lamb, you know, loves the lamb, you know
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."
The teacher did reply
This Old Man

This old man, he played one
He played knick-knack on my thumb [some versions use "drum"]
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played two
He played knick-knack on my shoe
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played three
He played knick-knack on my knee
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played four
He played knick-knack on my door
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played five
He played knick-knack on my hive
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played six
He played knick-knack on my sticks
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played seven
He played knick-knack up in heaven
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played eight
He played knick-knack on my gate
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played nine
He played knick-knack on my spine [some versions use "line" here]
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home

This old man, he played ten
He played knick-knack once ag'n [some versions use "on my hen" here]
With a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
When Chen Chen wz a NB, he fed every 2 hr. Ea time latch on for 1hr+, I sat there face him nothing to do. Sang the same songs till I sian, so compose songs for him

The shave hair theory not true. Chen Chen shaved after CNY. Lately than grow more hair
My mum shaved me when I wz a bb. She said my hair din grow until she applied hard liquor on my scalp

Pigletz, Pringles
I learned piano. My hubby played trumpet in school band
Next time u gals can teach our tods to sing

My SIL likes to play wif Chen Chen n Chen Chen enjoys playing wif her. Think she purposely said the wrong thing to test Chen Chen's confidence n whether Chen Chen really understand the words.
My hubby said Chen Chen doesn't understand my meal time questions. He simply repeats the 1st word of my question so I repharse Ask Chen Chen "is the porridge nice?" instead of asking "nice or not" Chen Chen ans nice nice whichever way I phrase the sentence

A penny for your thots
Hi-hi... nice to see u here again... Me ok lah, waddling around now.... find it difficult to turn while in bed!!! Thanx for asking about me, appreciate that.
Me busy at work...
Wanted to go Thyme yesterday to pick up some shorts but ended up I left the office late and did not go... maybe will go today. Want to knock off on time...

Hair - jesse's hair is ok... he had a nice haircut, then one girl from our church said 'Your hair will not be messy hor...' cos he has wavy hair...and not the smooth type...hehe...

How u doing? Work is still so much?? Hope u get some rest... How is YH?? Everyone coping well???

How come u come here and like huai jiu ah... sing the Get Together Song... macham like back to school days.... ahahha.....

Oh-oh....about clothes, maybe $170 so far .... but u'll forgive me right...hehe.... u will understand....hehe...
Got some stuff from Mothercare...I buy all in pairs loh but in different colours, eg white/pink, pink/green, pink/beige...
That time got two tops from Zara...light pink/dark pink. Just ordered some stuff from Old Navy...dun know the 'damage' yet.
Looked at some stuff from Lands End but cos now for USA, mostly autumn winterwear, so will wait till their spring range comes in. Same for the stuff at Mothercare. Pink is never my fave colour but I guess I got no choice now, I think green is rather nice.....
U buy a lot of clothes for dana???

Yes, I already have two cots --- nope, we decided they will be with us... my master bedroom can take the two cots. I think it will look like a mini nursery!
Yes we have a spare room but since I intend to b/feed again, no point putting them in a separate room.
Car seats - I only have one car seat now... headache, dun noe what to do about it.... squeeze one more car seat into present car or change family car??

Yes, Gap stuff are all mostly in long sleeves now ... look so hot!!

SOUND OF MUSIC is just so nice right...
"When u know the notes to sing, you can sing 'most anything!!!"

Rite or not??

U are sounding chirpy, me in 2nd tri, finding it tough too... my 'bump' is becoming like a mountain!!!!
Nice pics... That your mil? Looks much beta with the tied-up/bun-up hair...hehe...!!!! Maybe those short stylish cut will be nice....

Yes, can buy test kits from Watson's, they have different prices.... that time we were rather sure it's positive, but I delayed till hb kept bugging me to get the self-test... bingo... the line was so clear! 7-8 weeks should be clearer right?? Dun be stressed ok....
U/hb ready for #2 yet u feel off-guard ah??? Maybe it is just a moment of accepting it... dun think about terminating lah.. many pply try to conceive and unable to leh...

Looks like u are settling well as a sahm....u recovered???

Someone mentioned DOM...ahaha...sounds so potent, dun know if really good to apply on toddler's hair... dun try ah, I just say only....
We never shaved jesse's hair, hb already said cannot shave the girls' hair... U trim Alicia's hair????

I posted the link last time... aiyoh.... u want to see ah.... Nice to see u back here again.....

My taste is unique and high?? .. hehe... no lah.... just fussy, that's all.
Zara clothes - not cheap... I only bot when they were on sale lah... lately also thick thick winter clothes..not suitable.
I'm v sian of looking at boys' clothes here, so prefer to shop on website...

U changed ur nick, but macham still easy to identify leh... hehe....

The pics look nice, reminds me of Maldives......

OIC ...bedrest for so long... wow.... me wearing tops meant for third trimester now!!! Sheesh...........I feel like a ball....

Mothercare - yeah, now for UK is winter soon, so more long sleeves and thick material... so will wait and see what they have later... but they still have some for our weather.. girls' stuff, lotsa to see and be 'tempted'. Do u get things from there?

Yesterday ran into my mum's neighbour and she said my tummy 'so big'...today had lunch with my ex-boss and she said the same thing when I told me only into my 24 weeks... the consolation I get is from hb, he says, 'well at least that means the gals are growing well.'

Chen chen talking away ah?? Can he sing those songs?

Actually I find prawns not easy for toddlers to chew...

U feeling the aftermath of the Bali bombing? Yep, life is short and uncertain......
While u are at it, can u recall the lyrics for this one:

Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie
When the pie was open
The birds began to sing
Wasn't there a dainty dish to set before the king?

The king was in the counting house
counting .. his money
The queen was in the parlour
eating bread and honey...

and the rest I forgot... u know or not?
Lyn, must add sugar for double boiled pear? Seems that pringles's recipe dun have. Where to buy the nan bei xing ren or the nanxing and bexing that pringles mentioned? Hock hua will have?

Stylobb, wah, so you bought zara clothes for your girls...how much is each top? Even during sale, zara clothes still very ex lei. I did buy quite alot of clothes for dana, many until now no chance to wear since seldom go out, i am still tempted to buy somemore. Always finding reasons to buy ha ha...you just need to squeeze in one more car seat?thought should be 2 more? Think probably need to change car right? if not how to squeeze in 3 car seats at the back? You bought the cots brand new or hand me downs? You were right about the pics viv posted, its maldives think she posted before, she went to 2 resorts in maldives during her honeymoon...really very nice, missed the place very much but very ex to go lei.
My EDD is 27 March, initially i wanted to hv an earlier delivery, cos late stage v v siong mah ... but now i realise that i hv to tahan till at least 21 Mar cos i want an aries bb instead of pisces bb..heh heh

today u karaoke queen har ??? "sing" so many songs ...

no no! dun shave alicia's hair!

realise i forget to mention where the place is
its actually Tahiti...that's my dream holiday...but must wait till i stike toto

tks for the recipe, i go check with medical hall before i try it out.

wat happen???

i know how ur feeling...i've just been thru that and i hv tots of terminating the pregnancy too. i couldn't accept my pregnancy, din tell hubby my suspicion and i was v careless(purposely) n bo chup hoping that i'll accidently lose the bb ...until i started bleeding. when i saw the blood on my panty ...my legs turned weak n started to tremble and i tot "wat hv i done!!!" at the point when i face a real possibility of really losing the bb then i realise wat a terrible thing i'm doing...i cried badly in the hospital, i felt so guilty and probably will hv a hard time forgiving myself if anything happens to the bb.

i did my test 5 days my menses is due...there r some pregnancy test kit that r more sensitive n can detect earlier. so if its still early for you to do the test then just enjoy these few days for the time being afterall ignornance is bliss ...

my tummy size more kua zhang than yours i think ...i told my colleagues i'm coming to 4mths...she said she tot i'm abt to deliver!

lemme try to recall..think i bought bodysuits, sleepsuits, some tops for Jana, then nursing wear, maternity pads for myself. Jana has abt 5 pair of shoes from mothercare as well.

qsg, stylobb
i miss maldives too ...how i wish i can b there now ......
ai yoh! U ladies very eng today leh... kept singing... ehhehehee...

absolut, yeah I know can take half day... but nowadays boss not good mood, so I'm afraid of asking for half day to bring Ethan for trial lesson. Maybe I'll see how their mood is tomorrow then decide.

Nat, Matt seemed to have put on weight.
Thanks for the lyrics! Didnt know Mary had a little lamb has such a loooooong lyrics, i was actually amazed by ur good memory until i see the link .... aiyo, u must at least wait for me to praise u 1st then u post the link mah hahahah ....

U going shopping tonite ... hope u get smthg nice. Ask the salesgirl whether what u get can last u thru the pregnancy, tell her urs is twins, think they know how to estimate.
Me on half day leave tomo afternoon.

Really no time to read those long long posts, got to go liao ...
U and ur hubby can make music together any time at home and Chen Chen can enjoy too
I just ordered my kawai digital piano and its arriving tmw. Soo excited coz my own piano is at my mom's place....miss it so much.

Absolute, QSG, Deer, Shook,Stylobb and Viv
Thks for ur replies regarding bb hair. I won't shave it. Since some of u already tried shaving and find it doesn't work really, I believe u!!

Yes, I trim Alicia's hair behind once in 3 mths or so coz it grows long very fast but the sides and front still very short.

The window grilles cost ard $350. Ours are very simple grilles. As for the double-boiled pear, adding honey rock sugar is optional coz some mummies here quite particular abt giving baby any sugar at all. But for me, I added 1 cube of honey rock sugar to 1 pear in water. U can easily get the pears frm NTUC or cold storage.

Wah...u are really adventurous ...eating the nan bei xin with ice cream?? Is it nice??
Gd that u can make it for next fri. U make it sound like we are having a very formal lunch. Hmmm, can consider tho we can't really confirm the numbers until closer to the date. Actually I dun even mind buying lunch and eating at the fountain area with our kiddoes!!Very Flexi...coz how long can our toddlers sit still? But thats me lah....okay, coffee club is a gd idea! Anywhere else, anyone?
Haiyoh...dun make me pai seh... on sale, the t was $9.90... ok right???
Haha... but I think jesse wl need booster seat...
see how lah.... also dun know... sigh....

Clothes - when jesse was younger he had limited clothes cos only need for the weekend, but now need more cos he perspires a lot and needs a change twice a day stimes....

When u talked about termination, are u referring to ur present pregnancy?
Ur waist is also big ah, u wanna measure and tell me cos we wer comparing our waists at the twins thread.... heheh...

We also went maldives for our honeymoon....

Yeah I waddled my way to Thyme... bot 2 pairs of shorts and a blouse..they are having promo. Shocked to discover that the L-sized top is just nice, so bot XL ....

U take care and dun overstrain yourself... ok.

U play the piano well? That's cool...
Jesse sleeps in his own rm?
2 cars seats for the twins, then how abt Jesse?
Chen Chen is a chatty boi. He doesn't know how to sing.

U can get na xin (South almond sweet) n bei xin (north almond bitter) fm hock hua. Even NTUC oso sell dat. They r Chinese almond.

Wat did u do dat u bled. Boi your description makes my hair stand

Both Lee n I stopped playing the muscial instruments for ages

Absolut, Emily
BJG staff called me juz now. I told them u gals wanna bring your tod for trial. She told me next wk full liao. If u want, can go for trial wk after next. Tis wk's lesson postpone
Sorry, forgot, the cots were passed to me by my gfs.. the first one she never took back, the second one just passed to us recently cos this fr closed shop after her third child....

jesse sleeps on the mattress in our room, we have an extra room but we haven't decided if we want to move him over... becos if we do it when the gals come, he might feel hurt that how come mama/daddy like dun want him...

I mean two car seats for the gals, one booster seat for jesse...

Wat's up? U ok??

Yah lor, wonder why u wanna do that... (the bochap attitude re pregnancy....) thankfully nothing happened...
dun want lah!!! wat if my measurements bigger than mummies with twins????

yes, its the present pregnancy cos i din want the bb initially.

carelessness - carried, rock, swing Jana & neglect - tire myself out n din bother to rest.
Your rm muz b v big to accomodate a mattress for Jesse, 2 cots for the twins n a master bed (King or queen size?)

Fm the photos, it looks as if Jana is standing but need support to sustain
alexandra hospital has cc? i think i am not very happy with zl's childcare coz they do not have a teacher to receive zl every morning. i start work from 8:15 so got to leave childcare about 7:45. in fact, they asked cleaning aunty to look after zl until the teacher comes about 8plus
i don't feel comfortable coz that cleaner can't even change diaper...etc. once i stayed there pretty late and zl pulled his diaper and frown at me... i knew he poo! imagine i left for work and the poo will stay with him until the teacher comes? *faint*

9 or 10 of Mar, can lah... very close! heehee

thanks for sharing the lyrics website, I have looking for some of the lyrics and found it there! big THANKS!

hahahaha post zl's recent photos here! i also don't believe in shaving will grow more hair... but my hubby insisted to shave zl for hygiene purpose.

msn u liao...

wow... u add icecream on nan bei xin ren???? *faint* very creative leh... i still prefer my banana and icecream.

issit???? i miss it leh... pls post link here again leh..... pls.....
huh issit? my new nick still easy to identify? hmm... must change again...

u tempt me to check zara clothes... zara clothes for boys nice?

which church u from?

hahahaha... u r so funny to say about very eng, kept singing hahahaha...

hahahahaha... chenchen looks even more babyish than alicia and ian!!!! so cute!!!
oh as for lorna whiston i think they are offering speech and drama course... heard they are very good. my gf sent her older daughter there for lesson, she does not know what they teach but she knows her daughter enjoyed the lesson very much and always look very happy when she came out of the room. so she just continue to send her there lor...

wow... u let jana drank the water? u changed her clothes after that? she looked so happy in the photos! oh, i really love the light blue dress u bought for jana... SOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEET, u made me feel like having girl! but will not consider no. 2 for now... maybe 2 years later.

now he will give this cheeky smile when i asked him to look at the camera
oh yes, Jana can stand up/walk if supported but she cant do it independantly yet. hubby was telling me last evening that we r too protective cos we always hold onto her all the time when she's standing or walking. his friend suggested that we should let go after awhile to let experience balancing on her own. Doesn't really sound rite to me leh ... wat if Jana lose confidence, dun trust us anymore and refuse to stand/walk??

eh ..hubby din stop her from licking her hands then i was sitting 2m away and wont be fast enof to stop her too ...so just let her be lor. lucky she has strong stomach!! heh heh
Pringles, u play the piano very well. Hubby plays too. His piano from FIL's place will be moved in today. Maybe we can have a gathering at either's place n have a sing-a-long session!!!

Its postitive!
Pringles/lyn, do we just drink the pear soup or more effective to eat the pear as well?

Stylobb, $9+ okay i thought like $50 that kind of price. Which resort you stayed in maldives?Great that there are friends passing you the cots, if not will sure alot to buy 2 more cots.
ya... told him only this morning... was confuse the whole night. had wanted to keep from him until i cannot hide, then spill the beans. i don want him to worry. i mean he is just picking up in his new work. income not so stable, i feel this child will be more of a burden.
Don't worry, everything will turn out well. God has his own plan for your family and God thinks that it's a right time for you to have another kids. Trust HIM and everything will turn out well.

When I had Gareth, I just lost my job and my house coming and there's alot of family prob, I also feel the same way you feel. But everything turns out well and even better now. This second one come when I'm in alot of debts due to the new house, but I believe that everything will turn out well too.

So, don't worry and be a happy mum. Start sharing this good news with Ashley.
hazey, stylobb, qsg
this morning i was listening to class95 and currently they hv a contest wic u can win tickets to maldives by sri lanka airlines.
how to win? haha, I never being to maldives b4, hope to go, but not my 1st choice.

I still wanna go europe again. haha, wanna go spain and watch soccer match.

Here's your lyrics:

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened,
They all began to sing.
Now, wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the King?

The King was in his countinghouse,
Counting out his money;
The Queen was in the parlor
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes.
Along there came a big black bird
And snipped off her nose!
B2B3M4, don't worry so much... things will sort out themselves. There's always a reason why things happen. Don't think so much about it and believe in your hubby. I know it will work out fine... your love will see you through...
btw, CONGRATS! Hugzzz... am so excited for you!

jo, zl looks so big already! Has definitely been a long time since we last saw his pic here.
And so happy looking too!

Shook, thanks for asking for us. So absolut, you booked the trial already or shook booking for us??? btw, when is the trial??? Is it on a saturday??

Absolut, I will call the centre to book the trial lesson for tomorrow if there's a vacancy. Let you know later. I will leave the office at 3.45pm and ask my maid to bring Ethan to meet me there.

Viv, can Jana stand with support on her own?? Just wondering... don't worry, she's still not late.

Ladies, you all love to sing and play music... maybe we should form our own playgroup like within the districts and meet once a week to teach our bbs music, phonics, flash cards etc etc ourselves. We can take turns to prepare the materials for the lesson. Can save money hor. What do you think??
hahaha, that's a good idea. And our kids can mingle around and learn from each other also.

But hor, don't learn from Gareth now. hahah, he's very active and very notti nowadays. Running, climbing all around. hahaha
King sized bed!!! Hahaha... Yes my master bedroom is considered big.... resale flat mah....

Waist - ok, ok, dun want..... me just thot it's cute mah... measure measure see how big.... hehe.....

Walking - maybe u dun stand too far from her mah, just like 2-3 steps away, and always encourage her..hey, how u know? She could just do it! That's what we did with jesse.... always clap our hands even if it's just 1-2 steps.

Contest - really? How to take part.
Tell u sth funny, when the plane landed, everyone on the plane clapped, hb said is it considered a triumph that the plane landed?? Haha.

No lah, I am not so siao nor rich to pay $50! Hehehe..... yah their gals' clothes are v nice but super ex!!!

Cots ah, yah, indeed God provides. Got two cots, two sarong slings... other things dun really need leh... even my steriliser was passed from my gf and she never asked it back!! Ahaha....told hb we must buy her a new one shud she have her next kid....Even a second cot bumper was given to me by one of my mummy friends from the other thread.

I think it's club ranalee (can't rembr the exact name)...that time we booked, did not know got such thing as water bungalows so we booked normal room... can see the water bungalows when we walked round the island.... but upon reaching the main island, gotta take speed boat to the Club... took us one hour, I think, in pitch darkness to reach the place. But found it very relaxing ie nothing to do..!! hehe... perfect for honeymoon leh... .stimes hb/me still thinking about it....

Hehe.... of course so easy to identify u... email me lah.. [email protected] and I'll reply ok?

Zara ah, lately not so appropriate cos those thick thick tops.... if I go and spot their new range of t's, I'll inform u ok? Last time they had v nice tops and polo t's...

Confirmed ah? U used self-test kit.... <font color="0000ff">CONGRATS!</font>
How did ur hb take it???
Dun think of bb as burden lah, it is a blessing, I must emphasise that many women are trying to conceive w/o much success so u gotta be thankful.... if u only want two children, then consider your work done liao!!! Forgive me if I say too much....

U found the lyrics for me or not?

Hehe...like your optimism (so funny the way u say u are in debt!!!) ... indeed God will provide...imagine me have two, everything is doubled!!! Hb always says not to worry... and indeed he got a new job with beta pay, beta location .... ahahaha!!!!
just listen to the station and answer a simple question via sms. i love to go beach resorts..v v v idle ...lie down n do nothing!

i haven't been to europe yet! so sua ku! and hubby n i attempted twice to go spain n failed
1st failed attempt i ended in sentosa, 2nd failed attempt i end up in bkk. mabbe by the time i make it there ...they finish building the Sagrada Familia already

yep, she can pull herself and can stand on her own in the exersaucer. she can also cruise around on her own.

actually she attempted to stand up without support, first time she did it we laughed n clapped ..BIG MISTAKE! now she push herself up...goes ha ha ha ha and then 1 sec later sit down already and then start clapping! and if we dun clap she come'll over and bring your hands together n ask u to clap
haha, I have learn to stay as positive as possible ever since my 1st pregnancy. And proof that it works quite well. hahahah

You are welcome for the lyrics.

then i got no chance to win liao. haha, I don't listen to the station one. No time.

I like to idle idle, lie down and do nothing also. haha, and I like to stay uncontactable. hahaha

You will get your chance to go europe one, do some long term planning. haha, I will definitely wanna go there again, but think not in the near future. Maybe will got australia or new zealand 1st. hahha

Why not try bringing Jana to toys r us? When she see so much toys, she might just forget everything and start walking and running for the toys. hehe
Brenda, Absolut, Pigletz, Natalie,
u all dun laugh leh.. so naughty of u.

i was worried cos i tested negative and waited for another 2 weeks (1.5 months) and my mense still no here. I scare there is something wrong with me so i went to see my gynae..
If i waited a few more days and i can save the $80.

hahaha, sorry lah. But I think it's a money well spend to get a peace of mind lor.
Maybe the gynae did something to make ur menses come leh.
