(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Mummies,
Long time didnt chat liao ....

How's Jem today? Why go to KKH? Is the allergy very bad?? R u on leave today to take care of him? Hope Jem is much better now.

The conversation between Chen Chen and ur SIL really made me lauff hahaha .... a very good destresser for me
Early in the morn, i got to rush out an urgent request, felt very stressed out even after i finished the request, so decided to come here and saw the conversation, really help me a lot! Thanks to Chen Chen

It reminded me of an advert, think its abt milk powder, dunno whether u know which one i refer to.

Long time didnt hear fr u, how's ZL doing? Btw, which child care did u put ZL to?
I actually thought of u yesterday, coz i happen to know tt there is a private sale at Isetan, i know u like to go for their private sale ;)
Why did u create a new userid? U forgot ur old one after u didnt come inside here for a while??

How r u doing today?

Any mummies remember the lyrics for the song: The more we get together???


The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

For your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends

The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Good morning mummies!
hahhah, think i too tired last nite liao, anyhow say things. Its not that serious actually and Jem's back in school.

It was quite a freak incident tho due to the school's negligent in informing us. The day before when we went to pick Jem up from the centre.. hb actually questioned them why Jem slept so much. The teacher couldn't answer much n i just take it that he was plain tired. Only the next morning, i found the rashes breakout to be very bad but becos he din complain or hv fever, we brought him to school again. We found it fishy that the moment we step into the centre, the nurse came out to check his hands n legs.. thus we started to question them. Only to know that Jem shows signs of discomfort yet they din tell us.

So we decided to bring him straight to kkh cos of delay for the rashes and he's showing signs of lethargic.

I LOL at the conversation between ur SIL n Chen Chen... so good hor, Chen Chen noes how to verbalise himself so early. Jem still lazy to talk..hahhaha

he has rashes all over his body and he was very tired n cranky.. he slept for 5 hrs in the day.

Welcome back.. miss u n ur boy so much!

No lah, i hv history of prawn allergy too that's y delay in feeding jem that.
stylobb,how much have you spent buying clothes for your twin girls? Are you buying things like 2 cots and 2 more car seats?YOu already have a room for them?

Hong, i think 1 hour is good also but BJG which seems quite good is so far away from where i stayed..so far didn't sign dana up for anything...abit lazy also.
Now i can sing both the chinese and english version to YH liao!!! hahaha ....
YH likes the chinese version, whenever i sing, he will guai guai listen to me and didnt move around. I tried singing the english version, but can only recall up to the 2nd sentence and hum the rest, now i can do both liao!!! Thanks to aunty Pigletz ;)

Any mummies want the chinese version, i can give u the han yu pin yin

Glad to know tt Jem is ok and back to sch liao

Did u tell the teacher there next time if they find anything wrong with Jem, pls let u know?? Not very responsible for them to keep it fr u
haha, my whole face wet liao. hahahahha

I always sing songs for Gareth and nowadays he know what songs he want to listen. If that song I sing he don't like it, he will make noise and I will have to change to another songs. Got once he listen DO RE MI until sian already, that he refuse to listen anymore. hahaha
Pigletz, Ur Do Re Mi is the Do a deer a female deer har? Gareth listen to the standard version or the extended version by SOUND OF MUSIC.

I find the SONG OF MUSIC version is better cos at the end they have "Do So La Fa Mi Do Ra, Do So La Di Do Ra Do". Janelle love the last part and she can do it without me guiding her.

they have two branches. both also too far for u?
haha, the extended version. with the "Do Mi Mi, Mi So So, Ra Fa Fa, La Di Di" too.

I try singing the rest of the songs in sound of music also, but haha, didn't manage to remember the lyrics very well.
My SOUND OF MUSIC also extended limited version.. ahhaa.. they only end at Do So La Di Do Ra DO... cos i play from a children CD so they only till then.

So wat is Gareth's favourite Song now?
haha, I got the soundtrack for sound of music mah and I went to watch it too. haha

Gareth's favourite song now is "Row Row Row your boat"

He will look at me and say....roooow rooooow roooow...haha, then i know he want to listen to this song.

the children cd you taking abt is the cheap cheap one is it?? If yes, I got it too, 4 for $10. hahah
Hong, i stayed jurong west so both are very far for me..

Pigletz, what is the rest of the lyrics for "row row row your boat"..i wanna sing this song to dana but only know this line.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Then u just keep repeating it lor. hahaha
Hi All...

Thanks for the WELCOMES!!! Missed you all!! Doing nothing in bed is not my cup of tea...feel like some Queen Bee..only no bell to ring and a butler!!

Re: Nepia..

Thanks for the info...I've managed to get some from NTUC.. bt merah.. Tampines too far...

Re: Maxine

Yup Girl's Name and it's pronounced "max-seen"
Meaning is "greatest"

Boy's Version is Maksim (piano player that looks like a guy you don't your daughters to be dating)

Re: Pregnancy

Popping soon and now legs are swelling.. looks like I'll be the first to pop amongst our six mummies!!

Re: Confinement

Ermmm this time no MIL!! I sure peng san...as it is already suffered in 2nd Tri from pain and inactivity (who said 2nd Tri is the best??)

I'll be catering confinement from Natal Essential. Unless I get C-sect.. then hubbby going to help with confinement.. (lotsa leave to clear!!)


Re: outing...

can i bring my "bump" too?? 14th right?? I'll be glad to come meet everyone get tummy rubbed...LOL
I'm confused.
I'm going thru the i think i'm P but not so sure phase again. Wish i am but so much wish i'm not. Did not plan to find out nor tell hubby abt my suspicious. i think all the hormones are acting up on my emotions again.
Now juz pray that the giddiness will go away n my auntie will come soon. Maybe its only stress??!!
Arrgghhhhh.... this feeling is driving me up the wall!!!!!
No.. the Children CD not cheap cheap one lah. My sister grab it from her CC before it closed down.. kee kee..

Is a very old Children Song CD.

pigletz, In the CD there is a song goes like this.

Michael row ur boat ashore, A Leh Lu Yah.. ( spelling may be wrong). Jan like to repeat the last portion cos very catchy. My mum said aiyo.. so christain.. i told her dun worry next time i teach her "Amitofoo"..

So the song goes, Michael row ur boat ashore.. amito..fooo..

Some perth photos...


At the bed & breakfast place, super freezing!! Even with my "double heat"!!


Shortly before taking a swan river cruise


Still at Bed & Breakfast place, Margaret river


matt up to mischief.. bef he tipped all the potpurri on the floor


Matt on small cruise..bef he went over the divider of cushion
u shld test so clear all the doubts. There is once my mense didnt come for 2 months but i tested and still negative. I got worry so went to see my gynae. Guess wat, he did a less than 5 min scan and told me "Ur mense coming" and his 1 sentense consultation cost me $80 (no medication). *faint*. Two days later my mense came....
I see. The cheap cheap one is actually a karaoke VCD. that's where i learn most of the lyrics too

Haha, you so funny. But pay $80 to buy a peace of mind. I think okay lah.

Nice pics!
Your MIL still don't like to tie hair hor. hahah

yah.. everyone says she looks very untidy!! She claims they just jealous of her hair... Sigh..

See this one?? How neat?

How abt taking half day to go for the class? Me prob taking half day.

When I asked yesterday afternoon, they mentioned that there was one vacancy for class starting on 22 Oct, 930am and 23 Oct 930 and 1130am.

Did you bring Randall for any trial class with GUG before signing up?

Yup the lady asked me to bring a change of clothes. Wah... so dangerous... better make sure Ally doesn't wear her white tops then. Tends to be stained so easily.

Didn't wear to pay more than $30 - $40 for basic tops. Was looking more for fashion tops and bottoms in overseas shopping websites but didn't anything that I really fancied coz most things are usu v-neck and sometimes quite low.

Bought a few stuff from Gap and mostly from Old Navy for Ally during the summer sale. Now not that nice coz heading towards winter. Maybe wait til next year when they start their summer clothing again.

Wah... how come Jem's reaction to prawns is so bad? Ally has been taking prawns since she was abt 8 months. No prob even though she's got history of eczema.

Was just reading a harry potter book and came across the name Maxine and thot of your daughter.

Me staying in east but also find BJG and GUG far. Wished BJG never moved to Pasir Ris and stayed in Katong then super near for me.

Shook, where do you stay? You dun find BJG far?

Your doc's $80 prediction better than fortune teller hor?? Keke...Anyway test kit very ex..Good ones also at least 16.90/18.90?.. test every 1 week also about that much. peace of mind from expert.. worth it!!

She does not like it.. she said she looks like "ah Mah"... sigh...

She even more big headed when some "ang mos" also said her hair nice...

Seriously I think her hair is like most of the seniors in Perth.. white white..

However most all got stylish cuts... :\
Ur boy super handsome!!!!

hmmm... u look a bit different.

more chocs for u??

actually my reactions to prawn is even worse..hahha. at times whole face can swell up one.

I feel so ticklish over ur consultation.. ur gynae must be saying,"Thank God for easy money" in his mind.
How long has it been delayed? Agree that you shld just test it out. I take it that it's not planned?

I was also shocked when I tested positive. It was in the plans but it was only a month after my period finally returned from 1st preg. Guess I was really happy to say good riddance to period again!
pigletz n hong,
i'm so confused. i think i'm in denial. i dun even wan to let hubby know....
anyway, i'm a few days overdue n my cycle is usually very accurate. what irritates me is this constant PMS i keep having. Cramps, cold feet, giddiness that has been going on for days. kept expecting "auntie" to come but never appear.

Your experience is really extreme. now i dun even know whether i shld try the test kit.

Y the chocs ah?
hmmm, just go buy one test kit to try lah. The other time I also keep having the feelign that auntie coming, but never come in the end. hahaha, that's why i go buy test kit. It's definitely cheaper than going to a gynae. hahaha
V surprised to c u here beg of the mth. How's work? How's ZL?
U changed your nick n register as a new member?
Where is Lorna Whiston? Wat do they teach?
I dun hv Chen Chen's photo in the office. Post when I get home

How's your grand pa?
U like dat conversation. Dat's another 1 dat my SIL told my hubby. My SIL pt to flower n said car Chen Chen insisted hua, n the 2 went on n on till Chen Chen wz annoyed, cupped my SIL's mouth n pushed her mouth machiam saying u shut up

Oh how can the cc cover up impt thing like tis
Since u r allergy to prawn, better delay introducing seafood to Jem till 3 or 4 yrs old. Somebody told me tis
U envy Chen Chen's vocal developement, I envy Jem's show of passion

I sing all the songs u mentioned to Chen Chen (even composed songs for him) since NB everytime I nursed him but he no reaction
He likes techno n hot music. He appreciates twinkle twinkle little star n incy wincy spinder after watching your bb can learn vcd. I v si pai hor

I stay in Sengkang v near Pasir Ris

Matt puts on wt
Your tummy reminds me the 1st time we met. Equally big huh

Go test n wish the result is wat u desired
i saw the pangkor luat resort before, but its so ex and its only malaysia, no worth it leh. save the money and go for this instead ?


how's work? take it easy..dun overwork urself hor.

i happen to read Gina Ford book yesterday nite ... she mention that some toddlers refuse solids because they were given too much milk, esp those that still hv nite feed. mabbe u wanna try to cut down on aloy's milk feed?

my house no grills, mine's a resale, we took them all out during our reno
now still considering whether to install them back.

i also guilty leh...i planned to introduce seafood much later but during the wedding dinner last mth, there was lobster in the cold dish, i couldn't resist feeding Jana! lucky she's okay with it!

last round, my tummy only start showing in 5th month so i was wearing normal clotings in bigger sizes. then come 5th month, i had pre-term labour and bed rested for 2 mths. so i only started wearing the maternity clothes during 7th mth when i'm allowed to go back to work.

heh heh ..my homemade shorts also v v jian bu de ren leh! but i still wear them to mama shop, then also wear them home from my mum's place

anything to buy at mothercare? now all the clothing v thick right? i prefer their summer range
, more suitable for our weather. i went zara yesterda
y, bought a flora halter neck top for Jana, v nice but too big for her at the moment.

wah! u compose songs for chen chen?? Jana also likes twinkle twinkle little star n incy wincy spider cos she also watches them on bb can learn n Barney's. She knows the actions to both songs. her favourite is incy wincy spider n if ur happy n u know it clap ur hands.
how r u? nice home u have, i like the full length window. when is ur EDD?

so far, i have not seen jesse's photo leh... have u posted here before?

wow... ur taste seems very unique and high leh... btw, i have not got any chance to see zara children clothes. see, me so sua ku

ur mil reminded me of dong fan bu bai leh...

oh so isetan private sales reminded u of me?! hahaha... i didn't go this year...

how's ur YH? Didn't see any recent pics of YH...

hey, there was one time u were sharing your wedding photos right? share with me leh.... u have my email address?

zl is still with cherie hearts but i will review his cc again before he turns 2.5 to 3. i think now i just look for good teachers and care, after 3, i will look for good curriculum.

changed my nick coz one friend saw my posts and i realised a few of my colleagues visiting this site!

oh... so fast, jem is back to school. have u found a cc? which cc u r going?

yeah, buy one test kit to test lah....
chocs can ease up on the PMS feelings mah.

yah.. i also told that to hb after this incident to delay longer in giving jem seafood. Hahahah, irony is my PIL sells Prawn Noodles n they keep wanting him to try.
hahaha, Gareth like music and soccer since young, follow daddy and mummy mah. hahaha

haha, my house okay lah. Nothing much, just simple. All becos of Gareth. hahahha

My EDD is 10 March, but i'm hoping the little one pop out on 9 March. hehe
<font color="ff6000">Friday,14 October, 11am @Taka, meet at ground flr fountain area, next to Aunty Anne's Pretzels</font>
We shall discuss where to eat later. Can start thinking about it.

<font color="119911">Priviledged</font>
<font color="119911">Sanrio</font>
<font color="119911">Pringles</font>
<font color="119911">Mom2nat</font>
<font color="119911">Lyn </font>
<font color="119911">Berry ?</font>
<font color="119911">Pigletz ?</font>
<font color="119911">QSG</font>
<font color="119911">Natalie</font>

Okie, noted. Hope to see u for next weekday meetup

Sure, welcome to join us if you are okay walking around!

Can't recall the exact amt i paid to install window grilles. Will check with hubby later and let u know. Not very exp unless u are going for more fanciful ones. Hey, pls do join us next fri even if its 12pm. Sms any of us.
Btw, any recent pics of Dana? Haven't seen her for ages...wonderin how she looks now.

Double-boil pear(big round brown skin or normal yellow skin chinese pears) - Cut into abt 8 pcs or less, add tsp of each nanxing and beixing (optional) and add enuf water to cover the pears in a small bowl. Then place the bowl into a pot with water and steam. Check abt 30mins later if its soft enuf. If ok, Off fire.

wah....where is this beautiful place?? So exotic and mesmerising!!

How are u and ZL? Ian and Alicia very babyish....ZL must be looking very big boyish??

Deer and Pigletz
U2 forming a duet team?? Hehe

Oh no, is Jem better yet? What sort of prawns u gave him? Large king prawns?
Chen Chen follows the action of twinkle twinkle n incy wincy fm your bb can learn vcd too

My colleague prengnat now oso come into tis forum. I hope she doesn't come into tis thread

My mum still not feeding Chen Chen yam n seafood other than fish. She said Chen Chen always scratch his head n rubbed his foots (in the past). She said yam n seafood cause itch

My hubby n I played muscial instrument but Chen Chen not really into music leh
Y u hope your no 2 pop 9 Mar?
Absolut, QSG
How are ur gals' hair growing? Sometx i feel so tempted to shave off Alicia's hair and see if the thoery of shaving really works..ie, makes the hair grow out better and fuller....haiz, really cannot bear to do it leh....currently, i just use scissors to trim her back when it gets too long...and i'm gonna resume to applying some olive oil at the front and sides...hope it grows faster:p
I let you know next week.

No lah, no duet lah. hahaha, anyone want to form a choir here? hah

is it? both of you from band last time?? Hubby from band and i'm from choir last time. and I always sing to Gareth when I'm pregnant, bring Gareth to watch soccer match when i'm pregnant too.

If no 2 pop on 9 Mar, will be exact same date as Gareth, just not the same month only. Easy to rem.
Hi Mummies,

So many events have happened these 2 weeks... Just have a sentiment to share, really cherish the people around you.... Life is really very fragile....
Maybe Gareth can form duet with u and bb No#2 can later join in as trio!!Ya, let us know next week, hope to c u.

What happened?
Pigletz / Pringles
Me choir girl too. Hubby used to be in band in sec school too.

Ally's hair is growing at a slow pace but dun think I'll shave her hair otherwise she'll really look like a boy. Tried olive oil before but she started scratching her scalp quite a bit so stop it. Just gonna be patient and hope for the best coz my hubby really has a lot of hair leh.
U suan me ah?? U notti pig hehehe ....
Since u like to sing, i guess u know quite a no. of nursery songs, can share more?? Most of the songs i sing to YH r chinese songs, english ones i only remember twinkle star and london bridge, do re mi (the std ver) the rest cant remember liao, can share share the lyrics?
Why 9 Mar?? Ur b'day? Ur hb's b'day? Ur wedding anniversary??

Nice photos, all of them very well taken! Matt very handsome! I love his mega watt smiles in the pic "matt up to mischief"!

Thanks for asking abt my grandfather. He is taking the treatment quite well. Initially we were worried tt he will hv problem taking his meal 4-5 days after his treatment started (we were told tt this is normal), but he still can swallow food. Even though he sounds tired sometimes, but overall he is ok.
Us SIL very notti hor, seems like she enjoys irritate Chen Chen. Btw, will her test confuse Chen Chen?? Chen Chen clever boy, aunty deer muak muak hahahah ....

Jo ah!
So u were reading the thread when we went thru the craze of exchanging wedding photos??? Why didnt u appear huh?? Recently i m very bz at home, totally neglected phototaking, except tt day my sis celebrated my nephew's full-mth. I took a few pic of YH, but didnt take any pic of my nephew, coz he cried quite a lot, need to be bf, didnt hv any opp to take pic of him.
Wait till i hv some nice pic of YH, i will post, ok?
U didnt ans me abt ZL leh, how is he doing? Is he getting stronger, better health?? Any pic of ur handsome zl??
Is Cherie Hearts good? Where is it??
I dun hv ur email, u can email to me at [email protected]
Btw, believe me anot, when we were exhanging wedding photos, i actually thot of u, i remember i once promised u i will show u a pic of myself .... but i cldnt find a nice pic. but wedding photo not accurate lah, however, its better to show smthg nicer than smthg not so nice hahaha
Yeah, i still own u my senior's photo, remember?? The photo is still lying somewhere in my parent's hse .... wait till i hv time ....

YH also hving the same problem regarding hair .... i shaved him botak when he was 4 mths old, coz his hair was not growing. but until now, he still doesnt hv much hair. I dun think shaving works. Just hv more patience, i heard tt some bb takes 1-2 yrs to grow their hair. I m waiting "patiently" for YH to grow his ....
Pringles, thanks for checking for me on the grilles. Do you eat the pear as well or just drink the water? Took some pics during bintan trip but couldn't see her face very clearly as she kept turning away from the camera
we brought tripod there to take family pic , tried 3 times she still looked away in the pics. Dana's hair has grown slightly longer but not thicker very far from sarah or elyse's hair...i was quite concerned about her hair also but some friends said some bbs just take longer for their hair to grow and sometimes its due to genes. I think its abit late to shave alicia's hair now esp now she is past 1 year old and walking around everywhere. Can't imagine seeing her botak now lei..i din apply anything for dana so far.

Deer,was thinking about you yesterday wondering how come haven't heard from you for so long..glad you appeared

Thanks! *muak muak* u too ;)
I m very bz at work and at home. got to take leave on and off, so all my deadlines become quite tight, plus briefing and courses in between, my deadlines become even tighter...

Just received this fr a colleague, so cute ... share with all mummies

