(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Oh pringles, I think I know which salon you are refering to .... lots of SQ girls go there.....

Don't feel bad abt alicia ... it happens.... better than u getting all frustrated and start to shake her or whatever.... rite?

Wow, i'm amazed dat Ethan can do so many things. How u tch him to hug n kiss u? Other things if Kieran doesn't know, it's alrite wif me but i want very much for him to hug n kiss me leh. I very thick skin one. Now he doesn't know how to kiss me, so i jus put my cheek on his lips n take it dat he's kissing me :p Hehehe...

Kieran is very determined one. Once he spots the remote, he'll tip toe and try to reach for it. When dat fails, he'll try to climb up my TV console. Haiz...

If fail, too late for regrets oso :p fated lah.

Who said we're whiners?
U puked out your food?? Sounds bad.
I never puke but super tired every nite....

Clothes - yah yah later do internet shopping !
Did not really buy anything so far...

I see some nice dresses but dun know if I will bear to buy...I'm thinking of buying nice material and asking my mum to sew.

Nuts - dun know, maybe too small for him to chew.

Your 'ghost' icon is rather funny, guess that is the first thot when we hear jem eating candles...!!! Maybe he thot was popsicle candy...

jesse self-feeds when we are outside.. so far quite ok.

Absolutely understand what u are talking about... me once a while face such problem with mil, I know it is out of LOVe but the LOVe can become NO DISCIPLINE which I cannot stand... but thankfully does not happen often cos she does not see him often... but nothing serious I just keep quiet. twice some unhappiness happened.... long story.
U sure u wanna live with inlaws? Leave and cleave...haha... simplier.....
Gd dat Rae sits in stroller n u carry Elyse. Elyse lighter than Rae mah
Wow man Rae on TV Elyse shakes legs r real scene. Woman u v lucky, your kids v independent. Chen Chen if left in the rm himself a sec only he ma mi... da di... puo puo... or walks out of the rm to look for us
Wa man sleep @ 7pm or 7:30pm. Dat's the time I come home fm work to nurse Chen Chen. Let kids sleep @ 7pm will never happen to me
As FTWM, no choice but hardened our heart to bid our tod bye bye no matter how bitter they cry for us.
I imagine Elyse saying neh neh neh pu pu to show u inedible in her mouth
I raise my voice then Chen Chen lowers his head wif guilty look

<font color="ff0000">NEVER STAY WIF IL</font>
My MIL not any better. She give Chen Chen kiam sng ti. Wanna feed him porridge wif light sauce. Always give Chen Chen plain water using the cup n spoon they use

U hv to keep your remote ctrl out of Kieran's sight then
Thks for asking but ehh..I really only had a cat nap which is not very much as usual la...hehe..but at least after my gal's power nap, she woke up with all smiles and was very happy the whole evening!
Elyse also "invert" the lip??Hahaa.....i've been thinking for ages how to describe this expression and now u say it - INVERT THE LIP!!LOL My gal sama sama....machiam so poor thing...as if bullied by others...but i guess its funny to watch coz the boys won't do this sort of thing!
The ang moh bbs sleep so early??Strange...forced to sleep or wat? No wonder those babies end up throwing a tantrum coz its wayyy to early....i think should go with each bb's own timing la...if not tired, how to sleep rite? Of course, we can set a regular timing for them so that they end up sleeping ard same time each day.

EH...hellooo....I think the honeymoon motherhood period is definitely not just for today for the mummies......its EVERYDAY for the next couple of years or so...and I'm ENJOYING EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!!

Guess for me, i'm so comfortable with Alice and trust her alot coz she never ever gives me a bad hairdo and I feel the price i pay is well worth it. Down right gd service! So it depends on ur personal preference.

Is that so? I didn't know that salon is frequented by SQ girls but my sis went there b4 she entered that line too.

Hazey, Viv, Eureka
Thks for the consolations...i feel much better alredi. Read too much on different parenting theories until sometimes I become uncertain wat's right and wat's not. Sometimes I just follow my own maternal instinct better.

Think i'm the 3rd person to tell u the same thing - DON'T STAY WITH ILS or even our own parents if possible. Maintaining a distance will always make the heart grow fonder but daily contact will sure give you more issues and headaches. No matter how much our parents love us or our kids, there will always be some differences in their way of handling compared with ours. Even my own mom whom I really love, at times can really do things that clash with my way of parenting. In the end, can affect the relationship. So wat more ILs? Much much more differences.....
At least u raise your voice at Chen Chen he can give u a guilty look. When Alicia does something she shouldn't be doing, she reads my disapproval and stares at me with mischief in her eyes and grins while she shakes her index finger to show me "ah ha..no no" like I always do to her. Sometx dunno to laugh or get angry!
<font color="0000ff">Absolut</font>
Set this scenerio for u - Happily sourcing for a bigger place. Probably very nicely furnished or in the midst of renovation, disagreement (theme crashed) n lots of compromise arise. Then shift in, as days go by, U got little things here n there not very agreeable the way they handle ur 2 or 3 kids. Then gradually, nothing seems too right n U tearing ur hair n heart, I want to stay alone but too late. Shift out n pi bin? HOW?

Conclusion, no matter how gd ur term with ILs or ur own parents, stay apart to maintain the gd relationship.

<font color="0000ff">Shook,</font>
I tot Rae shd be old enuff to walk by himself n the stroller is for elyse. Then we are load free!
I lucky?? I need to be spying over them n opening the door to warn them to go sleep, no more 'hanky panky'

So cute, cc will bow his head n show that he is remorseful at this early age??!!! Hahahaha, i would luv to provoke him more to see his such expression!

<font color="0000ff">Shook, absolut,</font>
AY, u know wat? Whenever after a meal, Mil will drink her glass of water n pass it to my kids to drink. I always imagine tat layer of grease she leaves on the rim or the top layer of water, n my kids 'glupping' it down....GROSS to the core!

<font color="0000ff">Absolut, forgot to add. I was so mad by </font>how my own sis handles my kid tat i msn my hb in states. SHe dotes on my kids alot n help me out alot but I couldnt help it! How to even imagine staying with ILs EVERYDAY?? ILs will also frown at u when u discipline ur kids when they are older. They will say they are too young to understand, they too young, dun let them cry. Even carrying them away n u look darn dumb! Wat will u do then? Go snatch ur kids back n continue discipling? Once u start discipling ur kids, they will give u those ugly look that u are such a monster mum, treating ur kids like tat. Haiz....

<font color="0000ff">Pringles,</font>
I understand ur feeling. Motherhood is really alot of roller coaster emotions. I mentioned b4, we surely have our own parenting manual initially but as time goes by, it just got to be modified accordingly to suit our kids' temperament!

FYI, ur shutting of alicia out, some book recommended that as a solution too! Just that not alot of parents bear to adopt that!

Back to cheerful side, alicia sure has her way to escape her noti deeds, shaking her index fingers at u! Mirror reaction mann!

Invert lip....Rae does that too but not as early as Elyse n Alicia.

<font color="0000ff">Brenda, skyblue,</font>
Whiners' remark....frm some supposed to be men's forum.

<font color="0000ff">Lyn</font>
Weather is bad.....u take care!
Janelle chubby? Yah she still got her baby fat leh.. Her mummy chubby too. wanna hug me or not?

excuse me.. i am sure she is the product of my hubby and i never get the wrong child from the hospital.. dun scare me.. Ang mo look some more..!! hahaha..

Eureka, talking abt 90cm got to pay the fare.. My BIL was talking abt it the other time but i hope the bus uncle wun insisted me to pay for her cos she barely 2YO leh.
She look big but she still a little baby. Once she open her mouth and "talk" will "chuan bang".
Your MIL passed the cup of water she drank to your kids. Yucks!
Wat man, those men came in to silent read our thread n comment we r whiners? Whose the actual whiners

Pringles, Eureka, Absolut
My MIL INSTRUCTed me to feed Chen Chen kiam sng ti. Her tone is instruct not ask. I carried Chen Chen away, she insturcted my hubby's niece to feed Chen Chen. The little gal is sensible enuff to ask me can or not. I m sorry but to reject her than she pop the kiam sng ti into her mouth. Mission completed. Kiam sng ti eaten. Machiam the follower brot the heart of a wild boar to snow white's step mother
Good morning moms!

LAst nite I did this to Jem...

He's been cranky for the past two weeks too due to teething and fever. 2 days back he puked all over the carseat so it was at home. Last nite on our way home, he keep moaning and changing positions (no more strapping mah). I was very tired n having bad cramps then he stepped on my TUMMY! Dun noe why i simple lost my cool and push him back onto the seat n start shouting at him while hitting the cushion nearby. Tho within mins i cooled down its too late, he totally froze n start at me in shock. No tears, no whines...
I hugged him n starts to weep.. he kept quiet n fell asleep. Then I realised he was tired n wanted to sleep.. usually in the carseat, he'll just go to sleep on his own.

I guess unhappiness happens, not controllable. Only can control the other times to be filled with happiness so that when it do arise, the damage is minimize.

Do you mommies practice apologizing to our tods? After we reach home and I put him in bed.. I whispered sorry to him. He actually pucker up his lips n gave me a kiss on mine. Think it's one practice that i'll be keeping liao.
din read arh.. the tods learn by examples now. TEll hubby to demostrate more often in front of kieran lah!!

I totally agree w the leave and cleave part!

I do agree to certain extent w the men that the girls over at sgbrides whines quite a fair bit.

I learned my lesson... dun visit sgbrides when PMS time is near.. It throws our already haywired emotions to further turbulents

eee... think i'll blow my top if my mil did what urs does.
Early in the morning u make me want to weep with ur story ah! Oh dear, heartache for Jem. Guess his crankiness was because he wanted to sleep! Haiz, I can relate with u cos I ever had such bad moment too...

Just a few nites ago, dun know wat got onto me, really! Was leisurely teaching Rae 'Opposite', 1 of his barney's collection. All went well except a couple of difficult ones. I still leisurely taught him n finally he was left with only 1 that couldnt seen to get him thru. I over-confidently or turned aggressive. Repeat n repeat, more than 10txs. Still no progress, I lost my cool n beat the pillow nearby n asked him 'U not listening to mummy hor!' He froze n cried loudly. Suddenly, i woke up n guilt all flushed in. Dun know wat happen to me, not me at all too. I also very concerned wat will I be when he comes back with schoolwork for me to teach when he is in pri sch!

Think the damage is there liao....we have our reading sessions still but he outrightly tell me 'I DUN WANT BARNEY BOOKS'.....I LOL n hugz him! Still salvaging.....

Yes, I do practise saying sorry to my kids too. They need to be respected too. We err n thus still have to apologise. Jem is so sweet...kiss u!

Brenda, Shook,
Those men referring to sgbrides 'Matters of the heart'.......

That little girl knows how to behave better than adults!

I LOL at ur posting! I want to hug u! YES!
More so for Janelle! I agree with everything u mentioned here. Once Janelle opens her mouth, everything chuang pang! Very babyish still! In fact, after i posted, I asked myself if Rae is 90cm liao. I always shiok shiok go in out mrt, nvr paying extra! I always think 3YO is the borderline for everything. So now, we still have 3 mths to bring Rae go anywhere before footing extra! HAhahhahha..........

Ay, dun tell me ur girl as tall as my son??? Dun scare me leh!
We are humans after all.. who ever can say she never lost her temper??? Which mummy never made a mistake??
Stimes in our own moment of tiredness or just feeling xian, we fail to read what our toddlers are trying to tell us.
Once jesse got up dun know what time calling for me, instead of comforting I was so angry with him for disturbing my sleep, I smacked and scolded him, think he cried himself back to sleep, I held his hand and after a while he fell asleep. But I regretted my action and that nearly spoilt my whole day. Probably that nite I was super tired and hormones raging nowadays. After all, it's only natural if he wakes up, he looks for mummy right (he does not want daddy..)? So I told myself next time, I die-die how tired also must be patient... so when it happened again, I held him in my arms and told him mama is here, gently led him back to his mattress, put my hand on his body and soothed him back to sleep. Glad I did not lose my cool the second time round.

Yeah what, living with inlaws is v complicated, it never entered hb's and my mind to do that!!! A lot of issues will crop up and cause unnecessary friction and happiness. Plus, after a day's work, I need some peace and solitude for myself....

Your mil addicted to giam tseng di? Why she likes to give chen chen that?? I dun understand....

About saying good-bye in the mornings, I think u rather jana smiles at u when u leave than if she were to wail right?
Brenda, yes, I wanted to comment that those sob tales that you have been reading must have got to you... stop reading those! Sayang Jem....
Yes, last time I apologised to Chen Chen after I wronged him, raised my voice @ him put him in the highchair to face the dark study rm. IMHO, every1 makes mistakes. I apologize for the mistakes I made no matter the person is younger or older than me. By apologising to Chen Chen for the mistake I made, I teach him to admit n apologize when he makes mistake

My MIL is a giam sng ti addict
I also apologise to my boi and also hb when I know I'm in the wrong. Think jesse does not understand,nvm, nowadays I remind myself to be more patient.. if I really cannot take it, I take a breather and ask hb to take over. But lately jesse is ok, pretty happy and cheerful... so more joys than 'pains'...haha..

She herself addict ok lah, dun make others addict haha... in the end who took the g-s-t?
Hi mummies,
so happy that all chatting again, but sad that i gotta do quick reading again. hahaha

shook, sanrio and viv,
You all really can leh. I never stock up the diapers one leh. hahaha, yesterday go auntie place and get 4 pcs to go home and use. Cos home one finish liao and lazy to go buy. hahaha. Even the taiwan trip hor, think i didn't bring too much also, the last day when coming back hor, I only got 1 left. hahaha, I keep on telling Gareth, you better don't poo poo hor, if not hor, I got no diapers for you to wear liao. hahahhah

I totally agree with you not staying with inlaws if possible. Not that all inlaws are really that bad lah. But sometimes, it's better not to stay together. More conflict will arise.

I always say sorry to Gareth if I didn't something wrong that cause him cry. haha, will tell Gareth, sorry okay, ma ma still learning, next time will know liao. hahaha

Yesterday, after feeding Gareth medicine, he puked out everything cum his biscuit. Think he got a shocked. hahaha, I carry him to the bathroom and told him we take shower. And praise him for being a good boy for puking all the phelgm out. Then he looks more comfortable. ahhaa, think he tot i will scold him for making a big mess.

Oh ya, brenda, I LOVE YOUR SHOUTING!!!!! ahahhahaha
Hi mummies
Juz got back from our genting trip. Very tired but fun. aloy enjoyed himself very much. A bit wasted is that not many kiddy rides that aloy can take as most of them required at least 3 years of age. actually i find that there's nothing much at genting other than the theme park there. but hubby promised us that we will go again when aloy's much older so that he can take those rides which he missed this time.
glad that you enjoy ur trip!!

My mil have being pestering us to go genting with them since Gareth is few month old. She say she will take care of Gareth when we go there.

But guess, I won't go with them. I find it too tiring, especially I usually go there to gamble. hhahhaa...me a gambler. hahahaha
HI Pigletz,
Actually hor, smtx look at our toddlers' reaction also dun know to laugh or not. U see, when they anticipate us to scold, we din scold, they also blur n wonder! haahhahaha....my rae kena many tx liao. He stared at me n all prepared for my reprimanding but I din. Then he waited for awhile to recover, too gd to believe

Hi Jaz,
Nice seeing u pop by! Can i keep a look out for u too at compasspt nowadays?

Last saw Aloy's foto n I got a shock, so BIG boy liao! Hey, we also considering to go genting but wonder the long journey will it be taxing n cranky for my young ones!

Aloy ok with it? U went up in car or coach? morning or nite departure? U pack luggage for aloy himself anot?

Sollie, me so much query but no guts!
Wahahhaha, what a way to get ur boy off the purple dino!!
hahaha... can really imaging u hugging him n lauf cos i felt like doing the same to rae just by reading it!

Wahahah Hazel,
u really make me lauf with ur sudden short post leh!

Wondering... issit ur mil has the thinking that the g-s-t can 'kai wei'? so felt that by letting chen chen eat whenever she can, can improve his appetite?

hb i also apologise readily.. but i do realised that i also readily dismiss saying sorry to jem when its minor minor stuff.. think must really cultivate the habit hor.

i believe u love me n not just my shouting..hahahhaha
ai yoh! This thread is moving tooo fast....

Gotta scan scan scan and read... by which time, when I post... next topic liao!

Okay... here goes...

Just told hb about my intension to perm my hair this sunday. He said, "where got time! and you also want to go to your mom's place!" Today, my office building has gilette sale. Saw the hair styler... $20.. can straighten hair, can curl big curls and small curls... think I will try to use it and see how I like the effect. :p Can't wait to try it out tomorrow morning. Don't know if it can be used on wet hair.. gotta read the instructions.

Don't feel bad about whatyou did to Alicia... think we all lose our cool at times. Even me... wow! read the above posts... so many examples today.
Mommies, let's cool it and give our kids more hugs and kisses... okay?

I always hug and kiss Ethan... it's like a family thingy... we hug and kiss when we meet family. So, guess that's why... but when I and hb hug and kiss and snuggle in front of him, he cannot take it and must come in between us for the three of us to cuddle. heheheee.. me and hubby like to play a game: we count one two three then we kiss ethan on the cheek together.. one on each side... we keep going for a long long time while hugging him too... to tell him we love him... hehheee... he LOVES it!!! Always come out of it laughing and smiling! Or I'll carry Ethan and hubby will hug us together while I hug Ethan and the three of us will dance or hop away... ehehhee....
Sometimes, I see Ethan looking very stress while feeding and eyeing me. So I will kiss his hands and feet while he nurses or simply tell him, "Don't look so stress.. smile! Like this... smile.. no smile... smile... no smile..." all the while showing him on my face how a smile and no smile looks like... it always makes him smile (even while he nurses). heehhee...

So skyblue, I think it is important to incorporte it in your lifestyle so that it will come naturally to Kieren too.

Children sleep at 7-7.30pm... then for full time working mothers like us.. no need to play and bond with kids liao. Ethan only sleeps after 11pm. Worst then your kids... can't imagine the face on your hb's collegue if he learns about it! ehehheee....

I agree with the mommies here at the moment... if possible, don't stay with MIL... meet once in a while okay... but living together is totally different. I already told my hb if his mom (after her retirement) wants to come and stay more than 2 nights per week every week. She can jolly well stay while I shift my kid and maid to my mom's place. Told him if it happens and he doesn't do anything like to stop it... then he will have to face the consequences. :p

Hong, can can... you want me to hug you??? ehheheee... :p

Don't feel bad... all of us are prone to tempers to especially if we're tired or PMS! Hugsss....
Yes, I apologies to Ethan and hug him too... I think it is fine to admit our mistakes and anyway, we should lead by example.
u go compasspoint very often? we only go back to sengkang during weekends, sometimes we go to compasspoint when we are back. hope to c u there too.

we went there by air to kl airport, nite flight. then from kl airport by coach up to genting. he was ok on the plane except that he cry when there's a sudden change of air pressure. aloy slept thru' the journey from kl airport to genting so was not so bad. think your kids won't be a problem if they go there to.

yap, pack many clothings for him, milk powder too, his luggage is the heaviest. hehe
wow, u gave me a big wave, i return by giving u a big hug too. hehe

sad to say no photos leh as we forgot to put in the sd card into our video cam.
I pop by compasspt often cos there got KP....

Yah, my hb also suggested taking plane if want to go genting....so i thinking of sm other places....

Yah, my friends told me pack kids' stuff already enuff for 1 luggage liao. Hbs n theirs combined not as much as the kids!

Tsk, no foto, so sayang!

U take care
I went to check my kids' singlet....it is SWEET STREET, not sesame or sleepy street. Wat's ur? Stawberry XXX?
My neighbour shared this with me...dun know u believe anot?

Watever $ u won at genting, spent there as well, dun bring back. Then go back to casino n roll in more $$. She n her hb, her 3 gals always buy alot of kids' stuffs n eat eat eat there.......

She said very 'ling' for her family lor. Win n spend.......then win more
Ya, i know, my "what to expect" series says that we should never let baby cry by themselves.....i take it with a pinch of salt after having gone thru 15 mths with Alicia alredi...

Yes, I never hesitate to apologise to Alicia whenever I'm in the wrong. Its a gd practice for parents to set the example for our kids.

Emily ah....
I think u didn't read my posting properly leh....seems like no head no tail..haha...nvm, but I didn't loose my cool at Alicia at all. I simply left her to cry by herself and wondered if i did the rite thing coz some books say to do that and some books say no....anyway, i'm convinced i did the rite thing for that incident! Cheers

Oh, so u've been away to Genting. No wonder no news from you. Any pictures to share? Was it nice and cold up there? How long was the drive uphill? btw, I still hv the tin of Gain IQ for u.

Ya, its not a wonder why u get pissed with ur mil. I mean, doesn't she know giam sng ti not gd for health? But i guess, alot of people know wats not gd for health but they still continue to do it..eg smoking.
1st offer Chen Chen ate the kiam sng ti. 2nd offer my hubby's niece ate it

How many pc of diaper u change for Gareth a day? He toilet trained already?

Gd dat your trip is materialized n u enjoyed it

U so sweet think my MIL feed Chen Chen kiam sng ti to let him hv appetite. Chen Chen is not the type who can't eat or hv problem feeding. N we never tell him Chen Chen has no appetite. She feed juz bcoz she feels like it. The sweet thing I can think of is she shares her favorite wif Chen Chen but I appreciate it if she respects my words when I said kiam sng ti is no gd for Chen rather than instruct me or others to feed Chen Chen not only once but > 1 time
<font color="ff0000">Mummies!!!!!!!!</font>
MEN so troublesome! Always outstation n now, received hb's notification letter that reservist for 2wks soon!!!!! @#$@$@#$#$#$@#$22FFFF!
hahaha, me and hubby not super gambler lah. But the impression of genting is only gambling. PILs are really into gambling. Always donate money to the casino one. Even after finish all they have in the pocket, will still go atm to withdraw one.

hahaha, I always limit myself a few hundred there and don't expect to bring back one. If got chance to bring back, means bonus liao.

As for our todds expect us to scold them, hahaha, I usually try not to scold him, just keep quiet and stare at him. hahah, but so far, Gareth didn't really make me very very angry b4 lah. Maybe becos my expectation is not very high. hahahaha

hahaha, you beh paiseh one ah. I think I love ur Jerome more then you leh.hahaha

errr, I don't know how many pc of diaper I change for Gareth leh. But if you talking abt weekday hor, 1 at night b4 he go sleep and then 1 in the morning b4 we go out. For weekend hor, change as and when I think it's heavy lor.

Nope, Gareth not toilet train yet, think abit young now cos he don't understand and don't know how to tell yet. But if I let him without diaper, he will cry once he urine, cos he scare to get scolded. hahahah
My mil has got 1 version of kids' handling tat freak me out totally. She said we cannot ever deprive our kids of anything. Must just give anything that they want, let them eat to their hearts' content n they wont ask for it anymore. Lately, elyse resists or show no interest in biscuit. Mil happily in trumph told me 'I told u liao, feed her biscuits till she dun want liao, see wat i mean?' I kept quiet n thought 'I may as well teach my kids all the vulgarities now, later when they grow up, they wont pick up in army or wherever'.....

Craps rite? G-S-T, remember my rae used to sneak into 7-11 n help himself to the wide spread? Tks to her also......ah duh! Haiz, luv them also not luv in this way mah.
ya, i agree, holidays are always good.
When &amp; where r u planning to go?

ya, me very happy that we are able to go in the end. i've always wanted to have a break after my treatment b4 i go back to work.
ya, went to genting for a few days. we forgot our sd card, so din take any photos there.
the weather was very nice &amp; cooling, not as cold as we thot it shud be though. the drive was about 2 hrs from kl airport. by the time, we reach hotel is about 12 midnite, so first day was gone.
oh, the milk powder. maybe i'll pick it up from you this weekend. will call/sms you to make arrangement, tks alot.
hmm... mummies, think i got to rephrase my question. Do you practice saying sorry for the little little stuff?

Example : Jem bang the table with the spoon in a restaurant. I'll just take it away and say "sshh..." but given my hb using the phone too loud, i'll say,"sorry, can u lower ur volume? ppl is staring."

dunnoe leh, when jem kiss me.. it occurs to me he is old enuf to show forgiveness... but at the same time, i also feel that it will be soon that he shows resentment/disagreement/judgements.

We all know we should treat them like adults when it comes to respect ... but still there's this tendency to disregard it cos afterall, they are still little fellas.

But then again, I might be thinking too far.... hahahha
I really LOL at u! U told emily she din read ur mails properky then u also missed out Jaz's part on din bring her card to genting. Hahahaahha....all due to speed reading! ah bish!
so Fun n funny!

U heong leh, few hundreds??? I really till now dun know wat the jackpot machine is all abt. Only hear sound of the coin or token (?), i happy liao.

Gareth....not time yet lah tat u boil.....1 more yr?
I dun know also....but as for Rae, he only 2-3yos, forgives n forgets very fast, no resentment/judgement yet. Just very obvious assertiveness!

Ayoh, the singa or sin-ya lion frm the courtesy campaign many many yrs back came into my mind leh. I apologise only very naturally lor, not at all little little stuffs for my kids leh. If not, i am thelion liao! Oops...................
haha, me and hubby those that decided to throw how much and stop when all $$ gone kind. hahaha, that's why we never complaint when we lost $$ one. The jackpot machine? We master it already, won't play those that no one play one, will play those that pple play long long and never kanna jackpot one. hahaha, usually can get a few hundred from there. hahaha...sounds like expert?? hahahah

Ya, I also think that not time yet for me to boil. Maybe when the second one come out already, hahaha, I will be boiling everyday. hahahahha
Hi all, finally managed to speed reading the postings during lunch. Think my eyes nearly popped out liao.

lyn, very tiring to look after little ones when you yourself are sick hor? I got experienced with that too. Take care and soon all of you will recover.

sanrio, why not considering No.2 since you're quitting your job? I long time didnt take pic of Vane liao. It's so difficult to take pic of her with her walking away or snatching my camera. Maybe I shd try to take video clip of her carrying her kitty bag. She'll carry her bag and waves bye bye to us and walk to the door. Very funny.... Ash still so big size, Vane shrink liao, not as chubby as bb anymore. Is the Nepia promo still on? I find it quite gd too.

pigletz, think you need more rest since you cant take strong medication. Is my future son-in-law better today?

emily, you're rite... now they really want us so must treasure. Vane will wrap her arms around my neck to put her face near mine and goes to sleep. Think she treats my neck as her bolster. Really heart-warming when she does things like this.

hong, you mean Jan is slim and slender huh? It's good for a gal mah so never mind her wt lah. Wow, Jan is a beauty leh...

pringles, no leh... I never let my gal cried to sleep. I cant bear too leh. I didnt train her lah but I think she knows whose the hp belong to so she'll pass the hp to us since she not allowed to play with them.

brenda, dun think she feels yucky since she's like enjoying herself biting on the coins. I do apologised to Vane. You having your menses thats why the bad cramp?

shook, our kids really can do amazing things hor? Vane ever change the ringing tone of my hp for me too. Not sure how she does it though.

Viv, is things from Chateau ex? They look nice and demure leh but doesnt really match for Vane hor?

eureka, you trying for No.3??? You're rite... now I'll ask Vane to take/pick up things for me. heehee... Think your hb's boss will faint cos Vane sleeps at 12-1am every nite. Vane got the same action as Elyse when she said No More. Aiyo, Elyse is truely a gal hor? So teh... Is it??? Someone complained that we're whiners??? I kinda of agree to your theory of having no. 3 as boi for your case.

absolut, difficult to stop mil from doing things to Ally, esp you know she loves her hor? I can understand your frustration. Vane insists on self-feed too, and def make a mess out of it. So now I very scared to bring her out to meet friends for meals.

Jaz, so fun to go holiday with Aloy and hubby hor? It's quite ex to take plane to Genting leh.
If I can rest, but workload too much now to take anymore leave/MC.

Your son-in-law got mild bonkitis, pd say if one week later cough still there, might need to go for x-ray. Hopefully will clear by then. Now letting him take more cough and flu mixture plus antibotics. He don't like the antibotics, also vomit after taking.

Yah... learning lesson abt staying with inlaws. Last time not so bad without kids but think friction is higher when there's disagreements on bringing up children. It's just that my inlaws seem to want to spend more time with Ally and I am hoping for a bigger apt to move to in the future. So the latest plan that they suggested was to sell their current apt and buy 2 apts in the same development (either beside or diff floors) so they can see my daughter more often. Think it's a big sacrifice on their part coz they have never been willing to move out of the city area but now with my daughter, they are willing to consider moving to the east. haha! No matter how... will have to have my own apt. I'm def a person who needs to have control over the design of my apt and now need some space from them so my children can be disciplined. Talking abt discipline, there was once sometime back that my daughter discovered screaming and started doing that during dinner at a restaurant and I covered her mouth to tell her not to do that. After doing it twice, my FIL told me to let her be, never mind. Buay tahan. My parents who were there saw it for themselves. Luckily my mom is the type that agrees with discipline even though it's her grandkids.

My MIL also fed Ally water from her water bottle and cup. sama sama ... somemore got lipstick. *fainted*
