(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi mummies
I had a tough time with Alicia just now. Brought her out the whole morning and came home about 12pm. Fed her lunch, then milk and later read her favourite books since she requested. She's teething REAL BAD again! She has sprouted 1 premolar and now i suspect another one is coming. Thats why her persistent crying for the past few days of sleepless nites and her ultra crankiness! I've been bringing her out every morning to distract her. But just now, she was really tired and yet kept fussing. Kept wanting me to repeat the same book over and over countless times until i got so fed up. Then when i put it away, she starts to fuss. Finally, i decided to tuck her away to nap but she did not behave like her usual self. She refused to sleep and wanted me to carry. Yet the instant i carry her to rock her, she struggles and wants to get down again and so on... I was really tired counting my bad nites too and in the end, I shut her room door and left her to cry on her bed. I had no other solution. Then i waited next room and listened to her loud wailing until finally, there was silence. I walked over to peek and sure enuf, she had fallen asleep but sobbing a little still. Then i went to her and stroke her and covered her with the blanket. I recall so far since birth, I've done this to her at least twice alredi. Feels really cruel and heartbreaking but its the only solution since I know my gal well enuf. Any of u moms do this too?

Okay mums...
I'm deeply embarrassed by the constant reminders of my 'shoutings' ... I shall revert back to my cold n hush hush ways...hahhahaha

Dun noe Chris Chong well known anot.. but he's a gentle n friendly gynae so decide to follow on coz i realise the new KKH rates r not any cheaper than private.

So funny?!? Jesse dun like nuts?

hahhha... really arh? Vane wun find the metallic taste yucky meh?

rest rest...

I very angry!!! I sincerely like ur ethan LEH

Ur girl really look like big girl hor.. got that happy jie jie look
R u going to put water in the pail n watering can 4 Ashley to play?

We keep the remote ctrl of TV n vcd player on top of the tv so dat Chen Chen can't get it. @ times my hubby forgot n left it on coffee table, Chen Chen will ya ya ya n press the buttons on the remote ctrl

Intially Chen Chen can't reach the level which I put the seasoning. Now he is tall enuff to reach out for the seasoning. I plc the rice container @ the lower level coz easier to take. Mine hold 3 kg of rice
Chen Chen started eating rice
Wa man eat candles. Did he swallow the candles? U c dat in Chinese
movies. U know wat I mean
Hey Jem so gd boi, join u brush teeth, Chen Chen use his tooth brush to brush my teeth n my tooth brush to brush his. Peng....

Can assign more duties to Ethan
. Oh yes, bb n little tod hv v v gd memory. Their brains still v blank mah

Aiyo Ethan so sweet. @ times Chen Chen wave n say bye bye to me, @ times he bo hill me

U always work so late, Ethan still so close to u. U r v gd in bonding wif him
Ethan so clever can ask Wat's dat
Chen Chen perfectly ok except the red dots on his body n legs

Priviledged, Eureka
Initially Chen Chen dare not step into the kitchen. Back @ home when my hubby goes downstairs to wash car, I hv no choice but bring Chen Chen to the kitchen when I need to prepare lunch. So Chen Chen knows dat kitchen is not a forbidden city for him. Back @ my parents' plc, we forbid him fm going into the kitchen by closing the kitchen dr

Bsides digging my nostrils, Chen Chen digs his own as well. Last 9 I purposely said in front of my hubby "u dirty boi, likes to dig nose like your daddy"
Jana may walk anytime n take u by surprise
Jana is so.... pretty in dat dress

U n Gareth hv gd rest n both of u get well soon ya

Janelle looks v tall in the pic. She has long body
She looks pretty wif hair tied up. Tie up her hair more. Her face chubby

Elyse is another ma lao jang
Do u intend to train Elyse not to enter the kitchen?
Chen Chen likes to use his fingers to scratch foam so dat the foam fall machiam snowing. But.... a hard time to pick up the pcs

Wow, Vane more scaring. Eat coin. She ever swallow coin? No wonder she sick so often. Coin v v dirty
Chen Chen once get hp, will not return. He enjoys playing wif the buttons of the hp. I m suprised he can push the navigate button n press the button on hp to listen to the voice recodrings or ringing tones

Drop to 50percentile gd, dun need to go on diet next time
i agree w u. can b so so 'wen xin' to c them doing such 'tasks'. Ethan is a gd helper to mummy now. wen Ash fin drking his milk, he will brg d milk bot n put into d small basin (i usually wash 2 or 3 bot 2gether).
u saw d pic he's holding my wallet. af a while, i realised my wallet 'missing' n ask him where's mummy's wallet? he point to d sofa n say 'there' ('there' is 1 of his fav word). i said, 'can u brg d wallet to mummy?' he wen to d sofa, took d wallet n hand to me. he actually hid d wallet under my hello kitty cushion! c lah...d more i c him evyday learning n doing new thgs, i more bu se de go back to work loh..
Jana looks very nice in her outfit from head to toe
So sweet.
You remind me of my pregnancy last time when i craved for chee cheong fun/carrot cake/yam cake/pork porridge with egg. I could eat it for breakfast everyday for a period of time:p

This is the first time I'm seeing Janelle's photos! She is such a big gal and she looks very active and fun loving sort. Think Alicia can play with her in the sea water!

I like the picture of Sarah in the bathrobe! Looks adorable!

You actually trained Vane to pass the hps to the respective owners! Hahaa.....I haven't thot of that yet! So cute! My gal also throws her toys into the waste paper basket at times.

Elyse also likes to say NO MORE??LOL..Alicia too

Come to think of it, you do have some korean features leh! Hope u and Gareth recovers quickly! Take care.
rest well n take care

((Hug)) Yes, I do cruel act to Chen Chen n regret, feel heartache after dat. Every1 has a limit. Beyond dat, we do things which we care less or do things which we dun wish to do. Overall, U r a great ma ma. ((HUG))
tink w me n my hubby's genes, Ash unlikely to b fat next tx, hehee.. n w mummy being health conscious crazy, Ash eats a lot but healthy n nutritious food. he is not fussy w all d brown, whole wheat, organic n vege stuff tat mummy has been feeding him all along n hope he wld nvr b.
i taught Ash to throw his soiled diaper to d waste paper basket. now even he c new ones, will oso throw, hahaha! i will tell him no no!

Ash loves d watering can. it's his fav toy during shower tx.
haha...tell me about it, when i was changing Alicia's diaper one day, she went to take the clean one and threw it when i didnt see! "Wrong one baby!!"

Thks for consolation.
i help him do a comparsion. i put d folded soiled diaper near his nose n said 'smelly n dirty, throw'. n he actually show me 'yee, smelly look' on hsi face. n let him smell d clean 1 n said 'clean, not smelly, keep ok' n ask him put it aside. i find it quite fun 'teaching' him, keke..
WAHaahaaaa! It must be very funny when he gave u the smelly look on his face! I also taught A something simliar. I teach her "cho cho" (smelly) and ask her to pinch her nose and fan her hand..haha....so she does that!
dun feel bad. i did tat too esp at tx wen i really really cant take it. instd of shouting at him n losing my temper n patience, i rather leave him alone, to cry n yell..
But i read somewhere that babies' sense of smell isn't very strong yet....thats why the smell doesn't bother them as much as it bothers us!!
hope Alicia has a gd nap n will wake up her happy self agn. ya lor...teething seems nvr an end. hope u're feeling beta
mayb i said smelly, yee...so he jus show me tat look loh. so funny, wonder how he noe how to show d smelly, yucks look n turn his face away...
c Ash's long body n legs. d shirt he is wearing is meant for 24mths n jeans (gift fr frd) meant for 18mths but seem not long enough..
eat ccf=bb boy??? then i go drown myself in ccf!!!
actually or i prefer girls leh and i think its much more fun for Jana to hv a sister than a brother...can share things, can chit chat, shop together etc. but having a boy means tat i can close shop in peace and nobody will nag at me to have a 3rd one.

my hubby was shocked by Jana's complete dress up for the occasion! ...cos head to toe all new! that's the fun of having girls mah!

if u looking for cheap briefs can get it at the si beh lor..the kuan ying temple there. i went there last week n found this shop selling bb clothing v v cheap. i got pyjamas pants for $1 each, 100% cotton n v soft. Also bought alot of singlets/tshirts for Jana for homewear, all abt $1.50 per pc n all 100% cotton. got some strawberry shortcake panties for Jana, but cant remember if they hv barney's brief.

i bo pian..if i dun do up the flower then kena banned by my mum and my $4 wasted leh ...

not feeling too gd ...i'm into 2nd trimester yet seems to be puking more this few days...my doc say that for some mums, it does get v v bad and then suddenly it'll all disappear, hopefullly i belong to this pattern one.

the dress is v nice but a waste of money lah ..cos likely that's the only time she's gonna wear it. becos its a special occasion, i bought the 12 mths instead of 18 mths cos doesn't want her to look clusmy in an oversize dress. dun think she can fit into it in another one month's time and there's no occasion to wear it for now.

yah, some of the clothes r linen but they usually come with another layer of soft cotton underneath.

so have u started shopping for the girls????

got the hairclip from the same shop as the dress, chateau de sable. i realise i needed to get bigger hairclips for Jana, i used to buy those v v small ones abt 1 inch long, once we found her chewing happily in her mouth! we din realised that she had pulled it off...so scary!

Jana is v v bored at home during weekdays, so we try to bring her out during weekends. so no matter how i tired i am, i'll still drag myself out, just dun stay out too long lor.

gd luck! if it doesn't work dun come after me hor

now i complaining she not walking ...later i'll come in n complain tiring! motherhood v fun hor
ash throwing away the new Nepia diapers as well? then i go catch! heh heh

ethan's so sweet, v tie xin! Jana will happily wave bye bye at me and shower me with flying kisses whenever i leave my mum's place

tat's a v v pic of Janelle ! she looks abit ang mo leh!

dun feel bad...i think both of you need a gd rest ...it'll all be ok after the nap!
Ash indeed v long body.

I dun fancy ccf when I wz pregnant leh
U really shopping queen. I work near n go kuang ying temple abt twice a mth din even seen the shop u mentioned. Is it the bldg next to the temple?
tell u all something v disgusting hor!!! i'm eating ants!!!!!!!

i was happily eatin my pack of pork floss just a sec ago when i realise that there's alot of ants on my desk ... i suddenly realise where they had came from! stop chewing and wrap up n throw away quickly....dun dare to even look into the plastic bag. now i feeling itchy all over!!! eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
which shop ar u referring to? can b more specific on where it is located n shop name, if any. sori hoh cos i v seldom go there. i nid to get some sleeveless hm wear top for Ash, n hope is soft n 100% cotton cos he's alwy sweaty n prone to heat rash. he outgrow those elmo ones (biggest 12-18mths) oreadi.
Jana oso wearing nepia? my huuby jus bought 10 pkts of nepia fr ntuc few days bk. ks right, cos he said it's on gd offer.
it's really tiring chasing af Ash esp in d shopping mall. he has endless energy! even my hubby surrendar! wen Jana walks/runs, u hav to ask ur hubby chase af her liao.
yup, Jana also wearing nepia, yah we also stock up 2 or 3 weeks ago cos they were out of stock for almost a month. u hubby not ks lah ...cos we bought hv abt 24 packs in storerm now
shook, sanrio
the shop is at the building opp the temple, where they hv alot of shops selling herbs. i checked the streetdirectory, think it could be blk 269C, the shop is at the left most corner. its like a wholesaler, u hv to buy min 6 piece, some comes in a dozen. i bought the singlet with holes for Jana to wear at home cos she super duper hot babe

should be going to the temple this weekend, will check the proper address for u all.
dun think i will put water in the pail. but i know she always like to disturb the pail with water when i'm cleaning up the house.
but will definitely put water for her to water the plants. then send her to bath.
I like to buy clothing made of cotton for Chen Chen. he sweat till hair wet wet. Luckily not much hair.

Sanrio, Viv
The most I got 6 pac of diaper. My hubby wz like shaking his head. Read Sanrio's hubby bot 10 pac I wz wow! Viv 24 pac, I read n re-read n re-read 24 PAC! How u lug them home? U din buy @ 1 go rite

I know which store u referring to. I went there to buy nappy, mittens, booties n kimono b4 Chen Chen pop. Din check the px of other clothing. They oso sell towels n adult under garment in bulk rite
giggler n mummies,
Ash taking mommy's hk pouch, drive car, go kai kai

yup Ash evy hr hair wet wet even w big fan blowing. he now has more hair n his hair grows long v v fast. but i like his hair soft soft n v fine, af shower, can 'pia shampoo ad', keke... evytx me 'bu se de' cut his hair but c him so sweaty. cut until so short, < 1mth, v long agn..
we bought them separately, i think on 3 separate trips. nepia takes a long time to re-stock, so we just buy whenever we c them at ntuc. hubby wanted to go to their headoffice n buy by cartons

yep ...think its the same shop.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Indigestion due to CCF dun come after me hor! Scully come out another pretty gal, dun come after me hor!

AY, I also prefer gal leh, so much more interesting! But was telling hb if #3 is a boy then I go for it. If #3 a gal, dun wan lah. Hb hear #3, run till no life! haiz......hahahahha

AY, u referring to the shop opp the temple, just beside the mkt rite? a corner shop? Those brief n Ts all chucked in carton box? THen in their shop are mainly selling towels n shorts, wholesaling?? I bot many singlet for Rae there. very comfy for home wear. Just tat got to bear with the wording, supposed to be sesame street, it is some other thing like 'sleepy street'...cheong one lah...hahhahha....

Fear.....take heart, not tat Jana is chicken hearted lah....it's natural. At Nite safari, Rae asked us to go home, scared scared...he is 2yo+!!!! In fact, more fear coming up!

Jana dun walk u lament. Same thing mah. ELyse now dun want to walk liao, into want carry stage liao...lazy liao! N rae refuses to let her have her stroller, Rae sit n we carry Elyse #@#@##!!

ANTS..........eeeerkkkkkkkkk, but u ai swee rite? Pacify urself ants are nutritious, rich in protein lor....go see mirror, u GLOW mann! hahahahahh, VIV, U VERY TICKLISH!

no lah, I din train elyse to throw hp lah. It is just that she tot fun? I ask her to throw rubbish n she tot everything go into dustbin? U see Alicia, clean or soiled diapers, all throw into dustbin. I feel that they are really very cute at this age!

Senang leh u....got pple sms u, 'Vane, go take mummy hp here'

Chen chen sure is very active n great explorer!!!! If u see my earlier foto posted, u saw elyse ransacking my kitchen drawers, emptying them? So to speak, I din train or stop her leh....
....har base liao!

Btw, my kids partying in the room is for real, not that i imagine by watching too much shows

How r u now, powerful cat nap anot?? I know of mums that do leave their crying bbs in a room by themselves to go to sleep or time out. So really dun think u r cruel or wat. U already tried ways liao!

Just want to share smthing. HB's boss was shocked when he heard our kids go to sleep at 9+. HE said THAT IS FAR TOO LATE! He said his 3kids by 8pm or even 730pm, all sent to room to sleep by themselves liao! U remember that bb documentary also sending their kids to sleep at 7+pm....how ah, asian kids??

My sis said Elyse machiam indian bb. Her gesture is vrey indian style. When she says NO MORE, her hands will be like a open lotus action n shake her head at times!
JAnelle is so versatile! Sporty look n girlish sweet look, all image suits her leh
. She really look big for her age in foto but in real, her action everything still a little girl!
Being a sahm, how to she de go back to work, ash is so cute!

I enjoy viewing video clip alot but those loading time, I very impatient. Then view hor, only sec!!!!
Don't get angry lah! I love love you okay??? What do you like? Sweet or chocolate.... I buy for you.... :p
Hey! We LOVE your shouting!! Don't be quiet okay?? shouting more friendly!

Wow! Ash is tall!!! Ethan wear pants for 15months must fold at least 2-3 times coz too long. Remember when they were young, Ash was the exact same size as Ethan after 1 week? ehehehee....
Ash also so clever... it is so fun to talk to them now.

Thanks. Yes, although I work late, Ethan is still very attached to me. That's why I am so attached to co-sleeping and breastfeeding. It is only at those times that I can bond with him.

heheheee... u so funny in what you say... "Oh yes, bb n little tod hv v v gd memory. Their brains still v blank mah"
Yeah! Remote control and HP are their favourite things now. Ethan also loves the keyboard, mouse and webcam! ehehehe...

I like it when your girl ties her hair... very sweet!!! Feel like hugging and kissing and cuddling her!!!

Elyse so cute... and cheeky! Can throw away your hp and still go and tell you no more... ehehehee.... and I remember when she can put things i her mouth... still can got and show you... does she still do that?
I tried to get Ethan to do it... but he only show me his mouth when he has nothing in it... when he has stuff in there... he will not show me.
I buy ur parenting method, talking to our kids in strictly adults' tone. Ethan simply is so dear, how u 'hardened' ur heart to leave him to work? He also know u din give correct answer, eng siew him n bang for the rite answer for 'THIS'!!!! Charming leh......

Elyse, anything edible she wont show u lah. Only those cannot swallow type, she will stick out her tongue to show u, machiam telling u 'Pls hor, get it out for me'! My girl nowadays very teh, cannot raise voice at her. Just a simple NO, she will invert her lip, show displeasure n cry out loud. My sis got taken aback, kept telling us 'I din scold her leh, I just say NO only'! Elyse peeped at her nei nei n then peeked at her own, so my sis said NO!

Watever, we are really at the honeymoon stage of our motherhood...........very vry cute n adorable, our kids!
Ally is not big but she's got quite a big tummy and has also been wearing tees for 2 years old. In fact, been buying tees for 3 years and above now coz some of the cut are quite small. She's still ok with the bottoms but I learnt my lesson so usu buy bigger.

Glad you've sorted out your thinking abt being SAHM. Guess it's a struggle for you coz you're happy in the company and prob find your work fulfilling. Not easy to find a good company. But it's true that you're really blessed to be able to be a SAHM without financial worries and have hubby's support. It's a wish some of us have, so do treasure it
u got cheated by emily liao... see her "Don't get angry lah! I love love you okay??? What do you like? Sweet or chocolate.... I buy for you.... :p "

Hong ah,
Bo Hwa leh, hit 90cm, everything got to pay liao. Some seasoned mum was telling me we can spook our way to places of interest telling pple our kids not yet 3yo etc, to siam the entry fee. So lately, many places using height of 90cm as guide.....u cham liao....lol! Must go seaside more often, free one!
Excuse me, moms...

Me reading stories from Sgbrides... wallowing in miseries from all the sad encounters there. Enjoy my quietness!
Our forum getting unwanted attention frm another forum, saying we women are whiners!!

Now u enjoy reading those stories?
eh???!?!? u prefer gal but if #3 is a boy then u go for it, if gal, dun wan ??? i confuse leh ????

oops...i better go back n check the strawberry shortcake spelling tonite.

oi! always say i vain ... wic gal dun like to look pretty ...
Any tods now insisting on self-feeding? Ally insisted on self-feeding during all her meals in HK. So super frustrating coz she'll mess up the table, floor and her clothes but she refuses to let us feed her.

Was not easy trying to find food for her at times. thot go for dim sum sure got porridge. In the end, they only serve porridge for breakfast. Sometimes dun even have plain porridge. Ended up eating kway teow and noodle soup quite often.

After this trip with in laws, realise that despite all the good intentions, i'm thinking twice abt the possibility of staying with / near my in-laws again. Guess we just dun agree on the way kids should be disciplined and they love Ally too much and keeps letting her have her way. Actually been quite open to the possibility of staying with my in-laws if we get a big enough place but my hubby has been the one that's always against it. Now I see why. Ally is fed biscuits almost all the time when she's with my MIL coz Ally likes biscuit even though it's nearing her mealtime. It irritates me to the core coz I really want her to be hungry during meal times so she won't insist on self-feeding. Also, likes to feed her the plain white porridge and not too concerned abt giving food. Dun agree with that coz dun want my daughter to pile on carbo only and get fat. She needs her nutrients from solids. Even if I'm feeding her in the restaurant, she'll insist on wanting to feed her and if I'm holding on to Ally's bowl of food, she'll take another bowl and feed her. In the end, I give up so I told her if you wanna feed, you can feed from this bowl and I just started eating my dinner. And dun even get me started on what she's willing to feed Ally with. And I thot I was open enough with food. There was once she even used her knife to stick into her watermelon which she sprinkled salt on and fed Ally. I rolled my eyeballs at my hubby and told him in future, maybe they should just bring Ally out on their own and dun let me see coz it's just makes me super frustrated. If I had my way and Ally is kicking a fuss abt not eating if she cannot feed herself, I'll prob just stop feeding her and her dinner ends there but I know my in laws will feel really heartpain for her. My mom said let them be since it's only for a short while and not everyday but told her that I can't imagine if we are staying together.... won't be able to discipline her at all and Ally is clever enough to know who can protect her by now.

felt really bad abt being so pissed with them since I know what they do is out of love for Ally but it's not doing Ally any good.
Actually VIV,
know wat? I find u alittle hostile in person too, or lost? But at forum, u really very entertaining n fun too! Brenda sure thinking say so earlier lah, only said abt her coldness only

Ok.....listen hor

#1 boy, everyone ho ha happy
#2 girl, wow, complete
#3 if a girl, elyse becomes middle child. Just feel tat she is very poor thing. Everyone sure dote on the only boy n #3, the last one, everyone sure focus more attention. So, conclusion, elyse very poor thing, I DUN WANT TAT TO HAPPEN.

If #3 a boy, ELyse will then be a gem, only girl! N all the 3 will get all the attention rather fairly.

Perhaps crap it sounds to be for my reasoning, but tat's how i deem thing will be leh. U think got some element of truth?

Get it?

Strawberry shortcake...dun know cheong can be wat hor? Strawberry pancake?
Viv, Jana also very good what! At least she lets you go to work without any 'bu se de' feelings... can an xin go to work.

Eureka, yeah... I cannot bear to leave him at home every day... it's a battle!!! I always take MRT to work... and rush home in a cab! ehehheee...

Yeah... think what Eureka saying true... today all of us in the hneymoon stage of motherhood... :p

Pringles,... sorry hor.. except u. :p
Hope you feel better. Am still thinking about the perm thingy. They say about $140 to $170. Actually quite ex hor as compared to other saloons. What do you think?? Worth it??
Mei mei n quality perm mah, go for it. Perm liao, come n meet me, ok? heheheheh

Sobbing away now....???

huh? who complain we r whiners?

Can't help it leh.. it always amazed me why got girl can give bf 10k n only realised kenna conned much later, n those who file for annulment within weeks, then guys who choked up 100k debts, n of course weird mils lah..hahhaha

Oh yes, i really feel like crying after reading all those stuff..hahhahaha
