(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

better not lah. Usually try and finish the meat/fish on that day of defrosting coz bacteria grows very fast. My maid used to defrost and keep in fridge for few days til I found out and told her to throw away esp since it's for Ally
Forgot to answer your qn ... this HK trip is prob the last before i pop. Have to prepare myself to stay put in Singapore at least for the next 10 months coz dun think we'll go anywhere til no.2 is abt 6 months old. Told hubby if really buay tahan... maybe can go bintan? haha!
Think me going crazy shopping. Bought quite a bit of clothes for Ally and Nicholas (no.2) in HK and bought more for Ally yesterday at Isetan sale and bought some more for the both of them at Seiyu sale today. Going broke and crazy! Had to buy 2 toyogo 5 tiered drawers recently to make space for Nicholas' nappies and all.
Hey perhaps u can start toilet train, Gareth since he knows urine on the flr gets scolding

Next time your kids ask for $. Ask your MIL to give them till they scare of $.

U back to work already?

As long I m wrong, nitty gritty mistake still will say sorry.
I think your ,"sorry, can u lower ur volume? ppl is staring." is not apologising so to speak. It's like "excuse me, can u ...."

Wat if the forzen stuff brot dwn to chiller doesn't defroze? My forzen stuff defroze in the chiller only after the 2nd day
Hi Mummies!

Pringles, I admire you being able to shut the door on Alicia and letting her cry till she stops on her own. I can never bring myself to do that with Ian and hubby thinks I am just spoiling him.... sigh...

I don't think i ever want to stay with my in-laws but hubby is the only son and it is an inevitable thing in the future.... sigh again...

Yup, still puking daily, Giggler, Eureka, Shook, etc, thanks for asking... Ian didn't give me any of these MS problems at all then... sigh sigh sigh...

Very depressed these days. Hubby wants his mum to look after Ian and the baby next year at our own place, so I guess he's really sick of staying at my mum's place. But the fact is there is no space at my mum's place for a maid. Wanted to buy a bigger place but can't sell my masionette yet. Dilemma. Headache everyday...

Viv, you also Nepia fan? Can order from them direct and they will deliver! Very convenient! Ian also using Nepia

Eureka, I understand what you mean by having number 3. If my baby turns out to be a girl this time, I will be in the same situation as you. Argh...

Sanrio, Ash is really tall. Ian only 76cm I think.

Another reason why I don't want my in laws to look after my kids... they can't educate them as well as my parents can... I look at how much Ian has learnt and grown and I really fear what things will be like for the baby! *help*
hahaha, i'm a lazy mummy. will leave it to my auntie to do all the training. My auntie is the one who taught Gareth to hold his own bottle. hahhaha
<font color="0000ff">HI ALL</font>

How's everyone?? I'm alot better!!! Just waiting for time...
Believe it or Not..I still haven't packed for hospital yet...

Heh heh.. will pop in more soon ...
Give you a shopping solution... jus pass me all your extra cash and I'll spend on your behalf.. ehehehee.... :p
give yourself a break! Maybe you are stressed that's why all the shopping... me too! Shopping is like therapy for me. :p

re: staying near MIL
Think this is definitely a better idea than staying the in same apartment. At least, more breathing space... and if you guys want some space at home, just tell them that you are not in... only maid is in... etc etc... and relax! ehehheee....

I did not read your mail wrongly lah. I thought you felt bad leavng her in the room... so I console you lor...

just went back and re-read some messages...
Hehehee... to the part where Brendali says what adult tone... :p food for thought: Maybe I talk adult tone to kids and talk childishly to adults? hehehehee... :p

Jaz, am not going anywhere lah.... just feel that I need a break from SIngapore... but don't know where and when I can go. Am waiting for April 2006... think I'll be able to make a trip then...when maid goes back to Philippines for holiday.
hi jaz,
nice to c u here agn. i nid a holiday n break too. we will b gg to australia in mar. my hubby won $700 travel voucher in his d&amp;d his co has another $700 travel benefit yrly.

yup pd said he is tall for his age. pple outside alwy comment tat his size now is like a 2yr old.

tink not now loh.. take diff pic lah. take 1 wen she walk, take 1 wave bye bye, take 1 at d door. u get ready but hide d cam, once she's in action, take take take.

recently i bought quite a lot of stuff fr fox bb 4 Ash too. oops... i beta cut down since jobless liao, keke..

due to temp change, bacteria may still multiply esp on meat stuff. so beta not loh.
i not too sure whether nepia promo still on, mus ask viv, hehee.. but their stk alwy run out v fast. Ash not really tat chubby now too but guess becos he is tall n got a bit of 'bak' here n there, so he looks 'big'.
wat i do is, if i wan to cook d food today, i brg it down fr freezer to chiller d nite b4 i slp. next morning i take it out fr chiller n put in rm temp in d morning. by early noon, can cook liao.
hi nat,
welcome back. gd to hear tat u're feeling much beta. wen ar u due? hav u count count count d strokes (like wat u did for matt) n came up w a name for ur little princess?

baby not yet turned still doing swimming...which is what made hubby n I did something naughty...we packed the family off to Perth for some easy self drive!! it was GREAT!!! Will post picts soon. :p

The pain is nil...except for some heavy feeling at times (toilet feeling) tummy is HUGE!! even the immigration officer thought I was due..lucky for my letter 33 weeks... short of one week and I'm grounded!!


no count count strokes yet!! not even pack hospital bag even!! forgot what goes into it..LOL
The most is her English name "Maxine". That's it!!

Wow Ash soooo tall!! can reach the second shelf already!! I suppose you buy all the 2T clothes for him now??


You wanna go Hols?? better do quick quick.. 34weeks cut off on SQ...LOL..

I already did mine to Perth!! never felt better!!
wow...good that u enjoy urself in perth. But from now on, please be a good girl hor, don't walk too much, don't do too much work okay.

Err, your gal's name abit like pad name leh. *paiseh to say that*

Absolut came back from her holiday too. ahaha

Yes Madam!! I'm rejuvenated to pack for Lao ER..
"pad" name?? LOL! hmmm don't think I ever saw that brand leh... well at least not kotex or sofy. No paiseh* la...hehe

Eh so absolut already went holiday?? no time to read thru' the posts...lol. So I've picked off on this latest page.

<font color="ff0000">Ladies</font>

anyone to recommend confinement caterer?? I hear Natal essentials are good..but anyone tried em before?
haha, just abit lah. But as long as u like that name can liao.

Just to update you:
Absolute come back from hk
I come back from taiwan
brenda come back from hk
Jaz come back from genting
QSG in bintan now

I've heard the good news on the grapevine... but no chance to congratulate you!!!
So here-<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS!!!</font>

re: nepia..

NTUC ran out.. so many places ran out...ended up using drypers... and poor Matt bottom a bit red.
I've realised they don't sell pampers in Perth.. so eneded up getting huggies for Matt.. also rashy around the thigh area!

Nepia also sold out...I'm thinking of ordering the NB ones for Max together for Matt. it's still 4 for $64 or something?
hahah, seems like you are getting ready for lao er now. Good Good. But you still got a few weeks, so don't rush okay. Rem must take care and rest well!

speaking of genting... we almost went to genting... but doc says drive might be too long and uncomfortable..

So I asked if can fly... then he said find out which airline can take...we found SQ.. and so we flew!!! I got green light on a Tuesday.. wednesday book tickets, reserve car and hotel.. Thursday left returned yesterday!! LOL!!


u sent me a chocolate sms remember?? I was at the Chocolate factory!! Such a coincidence..LOL. KK was also surprised..sadly can't SMs u back..some parent long winded talk till my prepaid card ran outta balance... :\

Good good, at least can get of singapore for a while and relax.

My Edd is March 06 while Viv one is April 06. Not sure abt Jul's and StyloBB one.

But Stylobb is having a twins.

Ok, can't chat with u liao....gotta go.

Your hse v big, u still wanna get a bigger unit?
Is your hubby the only son?

dat's the case, i better take frozen stuff outta fridge to defroze
Ash's limbs not so bak bak now. He seems to slim dwn a lot still stoutky tho

Nat, Sanrio
How nice u gals went/going Aust for holiday. I

Hey your pain n giddyness go off the right time for u to go holiday. How long u stayed in Perth? Did your PIL tag along?
How's our sam seng?
Drink coconut juice

PIL went along..Matt was on good behaviour.. alot of things to see... only matt feeding times were a bit hard...

It's more a trip for my FIL... his bdae was 28th Sept!! and he's getting very old and immobile..we got first rate treatment!! first on plane but last to get off... at least luggage arrived on belt aready.. FIL used wheelchair.. very convi!

Lao er shifted position.. less place for her to swim.. so she does not move as much... only stretch limbs from time to time..so she does not connect to nerves.. I keep telling her "kuai kuai ah? Don't press on mumy's nerves.." Only once or twice the BHCs bad... apart from that very good!!

I think it's also the fresh air and a bit of the cold made me feel better!! LOL.

sam seng got his cheeks red red..apart from that he's very good.. slept with daddy on big bed.. and I took the single bed extra in the room courtesy of hotel to make me as comfortable as possible...heh heh. Oh and he's been charming the tourists with his double flying kiss and bye bye..

Coconut Juice?? ermm not as faithful as with Matt... reminds me..need to go tiong bahru soon.. LOL

Re: trip..

soon it'll be your turn...don't worry!!

we were in perth for 8 days..cold and windy!! but had wonderful weather first few days. Heard it was really bad n chilly on the day we flew home..yesterday!!
Jana was also train to go to bed at 7pm since 1 wk old. she used to sleep by 8pm. it was gd cos hubby n i have time for ourselves to watch tv or hv a quite n peaceful dinner. i remembered we wanted to celebrate valentine's day so we tire her out during the day, din give her the afternoon nap and she knocked out by 630pm till the next day. but since my dad started working, my mum n me dun have time to put her to bed so early so now she sleep at around 8.30 to 9pm.

i checked the panties, its just "so sweet" *phew* i was expecting the worst e.g. stawbelly shotcake

emily, stylobb
Jana also happily wave bye bye when we leave her at my mum's place for the nite, i haven't been able to bring her home for the past 1.5mths cos i cant carry her. she used to cry if we leave her there at nite. my heart really broke the first time she send flying kisses when we say gd nite to her ... i cried all the way home

the dresses r abt $30+, is it ex? not all the dresses r so sweet sweet one, they also hv v nice simple design which definitely suits Vane.

Thanks for the info! next time no need to go ntuc n lug all the diapers back home. Jana wears nepia only when sleeping or when we're out. the rest of time she wears drypers or cold storage hse brand if she's at home with us. at my mum's place, she wears nappy with panties.

the nepia is $15.90 now for both diaper n pull ups. cheapest i ever got is $14.95

tks..nice to c u back here. my edd's 27 mar 06.
U never ask me,the nepia 'expert'...hehe... promo on until 05 Oct. I saw some at my side....

Nepia is having promo, they will deliver... give me ur email addy and I'll email u the details.

Thanx. My EDD as of now is before CNY....hehe...
U due soon?

I read u weren't well, u are much beta now? This pregnancy for me is a very tiring one.... Yes I have having twin gals, I have a boi, so that makes three...

I think Jul is due in April, but I dun know the date.

Jana has been staying over at ur mum's place...?
U not able to take care of her at your place? Sure will miss her... we miss jesse if we dun see him.. everynite we look forward to being with him.

Actually they increased the pull-pants to $16.90 now.

Wow the dresses aint cheap hor? Think I'll ask my mum to sew instead...

Whether jesse cries depends, if he is awake, usu he is ok, if we gotta wake him up when my parents are here, he gets all fussy..

My EDD exactly two months prior to yours.

The problem is so many gals' clothes around I dun know where to start...

Now jobless cannot anyhow spend ah...haha... but stimes the sales at Fox's is worth it right. I went internet shopping... everything I have to buy double...ahaha...all in different colours...
Jana has been staying over at my mum's place. I had bleeding so i'm not allowed to carry her and Jana would occasionally wake up crying, and i also had bad ms so my mum ask me not to bring her home for the time being. Very sad to wake up in the morning without Jana beside me.

gd news is that i think i'm over the ms phase ...these 2 days feeling quite gd, din really feel that nauseous and din vomit at all. yesterday nite even went out for Jap bbq with hubby. so think i can start bringing Jana home again next week. and i'll be getting a maid in another 2 mths and my mum say that she'll come over to my place instead....really looking forward to it!

are u taking bird nest at the moment? any lobang for bird nest?
which website/s got gd buy ah, esp clothes for boys? i bought quite a lot fr fox cos buy $40, get $10 voucher. oso he 'suddenly' grow quite tall n outgrow many of his clothes..

u're right, Ash is now growing vertically much faster than horizontally, hehee...

i tot i bought nepia at $13.90 during recent ntuc promo?? tat's why my hubby bought so many. i order fr them n it was 4 for $64.
Ash slp at abt 8.30pm evy nite. he only takes 1 nap (abt 1 to 2hrs) a day now.
yes i usally get size 2T for him now. he can reach d 3rd shelf of my book rack, which is quite high. he tip toe a bit n will sweep evythg down, me headache... cant possibly hide evythg into d storerm.
U v lucky leh received 1st rate treatment on plane n hotel
Wow your IL went along. Muz hv cost u quite a lot. U went F&amp;E is it? U pre book hotel or go there then book on the spot?
I bo lui to go until Aust. M'sia still can afford.

Jana so kuai slept by 8pm thru so dat u hv couple time wif your hubby. I never ever enjoy dat since Chen Chen pop. My couple time is every morning on the way to work. So pathetic
Cold storage hse brand diaper, is it 1st choice?
mummies, cant catch up with the pace of the thread!! my head still spinning, my cough still there...but just cant make myself sleep.....many tks, will keep myself alive n healthy.

nat, nepia alots at tp mall ntuc. various sizes also. saw them only last evening

absolut, when you mention nick...than i was thinking who's this boy????? then i remember, ur NO2.

brenda, usually if i need to thaw meat, it usually took a day, tonite out frm freeze, 2morro evening then can use. normally after 2 days, i eat them myself...but for bb better not. fyi, i love to marinate my chix/meat for more than a day.

qsg, back frm bintan??

pringles, read that you shut urself out when alicia is showing her tantrums?? BOTH HANDS UP IN AGREEMENT!!! i do that too (but not very often) only when he really gone to my limits until i really cannot tahan...THAT'S IT!!! either i leave the rm n shut the door behind me...or i just leave him alone, scream all he wants. i only pick him up when he quiets down.

sanrio, hv u made up ur mind to tender ur resignation?? very hard decision to make...i've bn there, done that....now ur turn.

aiya, got to go...
brenda, sahm, emily,
Get hubby to demo to Kieran? Hehehe...got got, we always do dat in fact n like Ethan, Kieran will cheong to us n wanna be part of the loving hugs n kisses :p

Great to hear from u again
Glad to know dat u enjoyed ur trip. Wat did Aloy eat when he was in Genting? U go to CP on weekends? Will keep a lookout for u when I'm there.

The courtesy campaign? OMG, now the beginning lyrics come flashing in my mind 'Courtesy is for free, courtesy is for u and me...'

I LOL at ur suggestion to sahm to ask the ILs to give $$$ until the kids scare :p

SO LONG NO HEAR FROM U!!! U popping soon? Wow...

Gd dat ur MS is disappearing. When i had Kieran, hubby usu bought bird's nest from zheng4 zhong1 pin2, a chinese medicinal hall at Plaza Singapura. It has a few branches.
ok, my rascal wants to say "hi"!!!

viv, i usually get my bird nest frm Hock Hua. 5+1 $200+++

brenda, reading back .... yes i do apologise when i'm in the wrong...
it always happend since i got a foul temper and rascal jerald is just as stubborn as me! at the end of the day, i'll always tell him why i got angry, what either me or him did wrong, then we sayang each other.

sahm, may i ask....can u drive legally on the rd yet??? u know what i mean.
the parallel parking is driving me crazy....until i gave up request the instructor let me take a break, go merry go round in the circuit.
Thks for ur kind thot
Eh, hope u don't regret buying the electronic hair curler/straightener. I bought one in the past and in the end, its just chucked aside and forgotten:p Coz the effects are not permanent.

Alicia also sleeps by 830 or 9pm like Jana. Ya, after that, hubby and me get to relax but then, she also wakes up early ard 730am. Glad for u your ms is fading. Feels much better isn't it? Your maid arriving soon? Where is she from, sori if i missed out on your posting earlier. Did u have to attend a course when u apply for maid?

Wat does the name Maxine mean?

Hee.. u make me feel better! I don't do it often too. Think Sanrio also agrees. Especially as sahm, face bb 24/7, sometimes we really cannot tahan, have to leave them to throw their own tantrum when we have done everything and they still don't stop.

Have u started shopping for your twins' clothings yet? I know there a lots of bb girl boutiques ard, but if u are looking for cheap, comfortable and nice designs, i find that places like metro and taka have gd quality 100% cotton rompers that are very sweet too! I recently bought some for Alicia that cost only $6 each.
Hello aunties! I turned 16 mths old today





Aunties Eureka,Sanrio,Mom2nat,Lyn and PVL
When are u all free to go gai gai on a weekday?
Mummies, i'm back on friday afternoon. Reached singapore about 4.30pm. This short trip is quite a challenging trip for me. 3 of us went there with a cold and came back with one. Went beach resort but hb can tell me he forgot to bring his swimming trunks after i reminded him. So i went into the pool with dana despite 2 of us still having cold, dun wanna miss out the opportunity.

Usually dana is quite kwai but dunno why during this trip turned very cranky...think she cried the most number of times during this trip since she turned 3 months old. Most of time if she is not wondering about in the room playing with our shoes (yucks), outside jalan jalan or eating with us, she will be crying and sticky to me. Wonder if it is not a familiar place hence she behave like that?

Mummies who bring your tods overseas on flights, how you all cope?after this trip, i am glad hb objected going to perth. i tot initailly 1 hour ferry trip is no big deal, i was wrong, 1 hour seemed so long, dana refuse to sit down, tired cannot sleep kept wanting to walk around in the ferry, both me and hb got abit of motion sickness yet have to attend to her, she fussed and cried in the ferry especially in the return trip and disturbed those on board sleeping till we so pai seh. There was one moment we gave up left her standing on the ferry and she fell knocked her head against a hard pillar, cried again.In fact she knocked her head many many times within 3 days. She went under the bb cot dunno how to get out and knocked 3 times when she stood up then slip and fell in the cot and bang against the cot on and off also knock her head on the cot when sleeping...suppose to be relaxing trip but find it quite tiring...

She couldn't sit still for 10 mins in the shuttle bus to the terminal. We were sitted right behind and a jap couple squeezed between us bec no other seats liao. Dana actually crawl onto them from me to hb then from hb back to me...so dangerous...they were amused. Dana kept playin with the jap girl's tie hair thingee(a rubber band with something like crystal) till she surrendered the thingee to dana ..ha ha...ang mohs played with her till she cried when she is in the resort..think this trip quite a adventure for her but not for hb and i.

lyn, think me sama sama with you find the trip tiring. Same for you bec you have to take care of jerald?

Jul, you going to nuh, the gynae is recommended by your colleagues?

Brenda, is CC Khong the one going or have went to Gleneagles?

Long posting since didn't post for 3 days
Eureka, you thought of me ah?both me and hb went ahead to eat chicken didn't really think too much when we were there. I even ate abit of a half cooked egg by mistake for breakfast...the question lyn asked you i also wanna know, can tell us?
pringles, i remember i only did it once or twice b4 i b'came a sahm..that was b'cause i admit i got a foul temper and get angry with jerald easily. now as a sahm, i tried very hard not to "abuse" it. sometimes if we do it too often...it might not work esp on jerald...he knew as long as he quiet down, i'll go pick him up.

qsg, u lucky u still got ur hb to help you. but it's dana not being cooperative. during my trip, no doubt jerald enjoyed himself...andy hardly help ard.

btw, the CC Khong you and brenda talking abt issit the one previously frm KKH, Snr Consultant??? Is he not at KKH anymore? He was my gynae.
Lyn, hb got help around when i asked him too but i realised instead of sticking to PC he sticked to the TV discovery channel whenever he is in the room. What is your hb doing since he didn't help you? Not sure if the gynae already left KKH but heard from Brenda he is going private sometime back.
qsg, surprised u r login at this hr. ur hb stick to pc/tv??? mine ah....brought along his gameboy!!! he's either watching tv otherwise bz with his game!!!

so what u gave dana these few days?? they got a wide variety of bread!! jerald's fave!

if cc khong hv left....most probably will not go back to kkh for my no2...if any.
So frustrating, msn n hotmail cant seem to get in for whole day now!

Hi Brenda,
hahahha....i understand. It is always nice feeling if pple bother to reciprocate or acknowledge ur posting! I tot ur concern or query is valid mah!

Hi Giggler/Jul,
U2 made me feel I am normal to bear those 'crap theory' on my #3. So nice that u all bothered to analyse n agree with me....YEH, I AM NORMAL

Hi Jul,
Whenever there is a change, an addition or anything, we all have to make adjustment. THe initial transistional period is always of pain. The solution deriving part is lagi headache. But watever, A SOLUTION will b derived whether we like it or not. After mths, hey, we accomodate well finally, all will fall into place somehow. Take heart, dun be depressed lah.....sure got solution one, 'keng' harder! Some sacrifice maybe inevitable.......

Hi Pigletz,
I LOL at ur comment on the pad's name! Really pengz!

Hi Viv/PRingle,
I think 830 to 9pm is a reasonable time to tuck our kids to sleep. We can unwind n kids need alot of sleep for gd development (brain?) too!

I ever heard of this, dun know if it is true. It says bird nest it is best to take on daily basis, no need alot cos excess will be flushed out. Tat's y 'lo hung ka' came out those unsweetened bottle of bird nest. 1 day 1 spoon....U may like to check it out?

Also, ginko, barley, egg n tao ki also very gd for bb....fu chok they call it? economical too....can save $ to buy clothing for bb/kids later

3rd foto of alicia.....I see a potential scholar in her! Very focused!

Hi Shook,
I also bo lui go far far leh....we must buy more toto n 4d!

Ur mil let cc drink frm same cup ah? Tot only mine?? Cos u said YUCk for mine, din know urs also?

I lol till pengz at shook's remark for the ask $ frm mil till my kids scared part! She really very gd n crude, I like it!

U make me feel so young......u also know that singa song? I hummed alot last time too.....

Much tat i shared abt my mil 'mishandling' my kids, I still really appreciate her lots for helping us look after my kids...love hate relationship i think

Hi Emily,
Also want to tell u my VS home hair salon set also collecting dust at home. It is dumped there for my kids to ransack only. My hairdresser told me those home one bo la sar cos the heat is not powerful enuff n thus not lasting. I think I havent even have the patience to try using it for my whole head! Too lazy....let the salon pple do the job better lah!

Hi Lyn,
U cant stand parallel parking but who knows u just pass on 1st attempt. I very confident for my everything but still fail leh.......

NOw, I bo heel liao....havent even book any revision tho test date getting nearer. Pass pass, no pass, swat lah!

Hi Qsg,
Today ST flashed a headline on bird flu till my sis dropped the idea of cooking chicken rice!

Lyn, QSG,
Not well ah, I cook this for u! sure get well very fast!

Those borrowed books u took along or ur family just came out frm library?

Apples, see, smile n get well lor.......

Show me ur harvest leh!

ashrel can tahan with just 1 nap? Jana still need 2 naps per day n 1.5 to 2 hrs each.

the nepia u bought is really cheap!

yes its 1st choice. We trained Jana since she's 1 wk old, everyday 7pm, she'll be brought into the bedroom, changed into her pj and we dim the lights n on music n no more stimulation from then onwards. then during nite feed, no eye contact and no talking.

tks for the info, will check them out.

wat's 5+1? is it the bottled one?

Jana also wake up at 7+am.
we intend to bring in the maid in Dec and my mum wants a Philippino maid. Heard from hubby that we can take the course online now.

Alicia really look like v v much like daddy in the 2nd pic !

yes, i also heard the same thing, a spoonful a day is all that's needed. but my mum n mil dun like bottled ones, they prefer to double boil themselves.

Ah!!!!!! the ginko, barley, egg n tao ki is my nitemare!!!! my mil cook for me every week during last preg. i told her i dun take ginko nuts, she says just take the rest but tao ki is a veg to me n i find it weird eating it as a dessert. today went over to mil's for lunch n found a big pot of it waiting for me ...my nitemare has started again!
