(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Chen Chen likes to poke fingers into my nostrils n fingers into my mouth. Pull glasses his favorite too

Saw dat pic many many many times thru forwarded mails. Ya v v touching

Hubby is the one who make milk for Gareth in the middle of the night now. Cos Gareth refuse to let me go make milk, must be with him all the time, and Gareth refuse to get out of his cot and the room. So, I must try to make sure he don't scream. Then when the milk is here, he must see me then he will drink the milk. *sigh*

Just hope that his growth spurth will end soon.
Hi Mummies,
v.busy with work.. only read those post addressed to me.
yeah.. now only can go back home around 4-5pm everyday after completing all the marking etc.
My fridge is upside down type.. freeze at the lower compartment while the fridge is on top..that is why Ryan can reach the freezer.
Sanrio.. yeah..meet up with u on Friday.. take some time off to relax with Ryan and friends.. must have social life also ..hehe
Hi Mummies,
MIA very long.... did anyone miss me or Ian? Hahaha...

Sanrio, read that you are quitting your job. I'm so happy for Ash! Hehehe... wish I could quit and stay home with Ian too...

I've been vomiting everyday this first trimester... wonder if I put on any weight at all. No joke working like that.

Shook, QSG, I have decided to transfer myself to NUH. Will be seeing Mary Rauff next week.

PVL, Sarah's skin looks very good now!
Can understand dat kinda feeling. No appetite. Last time I ate to survive. It will b terrific if I dun need to eat. My dad kept saying y I dun wanna eat. Only my mum understands

Mystery solved. Thx for your reply

I wz thinking of u when Brenda shouted for the mummies to come into the thread
Did u vomit everyday when u were carrying Ian in the stomach?
hello mummies n eureka,
ashrel's daily exercise, few tx a day: wearing track shoes, walking rd d whole hse, 2day wanted to hold on 2 my wallet. af walking w tat heavy shoes, so tired, laze on ti lum then 'shun bian' lie down, but din allow me to take off his precious shoes.
i help him put on n take off his fav shoes, few tx a day, evyday, v bo eng..

sure we miss u n Ian. u post Ian's recent fotos to show us wen free okie
wen i had morning sickness, i cant work at all, vomit n giddy, i only wan to lie down n do nothing. mus b quite tiring for u, u take gd care

haiz...mayb cant cum tis fri cos Ash 2day got runny nose thou he seems perfectly fine n still v active.

dear mummies,
oh, ashrel wean off d pacifier himself few mths bk. he jus 1 day decided not to take it anymore, if give to him, he will throw it away. put in his mouth, he wan to vomit. gd, save $ n so far he dun suck his thumb but like to put all his fingers into his mouth, to ease his teething discomfort.
sarah a pretty little girl. i like her hair but all her curls seem to b gone..

hello mummies,
yup i feel so much beta af making d decision to say bye bye to my boss/co. havnt told him yet. now mus type letter.
sori i only manage to quickie browse tru d posts evyday. briefly read tru wat happened. hope evythg will turn out fine. u dun wori too much
as for most cc, they accept 18mths onwards. but some do accept 16/17mths, can appeal to MCYS, likely to b approved according to them. but below 18mths cant claim govt subsidy, full day:$150, half day: $75.
There r still some red dots on Chen Chen's body n legs

If u din say, din know the pair of shoes is heavy.

My parents said Chen Chen not interested playing wif toys. He wanna play wif the buttons on TV, remote ctrl, telephone (toy phone dun want), computer (mouse, keyboard, on/off switch). Sigh... Do your tod behave like tis?
Ash interested to play w 'non-toy' items too. ya, i tink d shoes more suitable for 2yrs old n above tod. but Ash's feet long n fat so he can fit into it nicely now, in fact a bit tight.
sori i miss ur earlier posts, wat is 'rosela'?
hahah.. sorry, dun noe where to get but saw another boy wearing it. Barney peeked out of his hawaiian shorts...hahhah

HAhhah Skyblue,
Kieran so cute.. pong ur specs. Jem only snatch his papa's specs.. others' he not keen. dunnoe why?

hahahha... Jem hor, when asking for his nite feeds dun open his eyes one..hahahah, so he can't see n dun care who's w him as long as the bottle is pass to him.

Jem play w his toys and all that u mentioned plus things in the kitchen. Toys got to switch every now and then alas they get sick of it easily. I put my plastic wares in the drawers he usually ransack. So he'll walk round the kitchen then try to pull me down so that he can 'spoonfeed' me (wished he'll still do that when i'm old). Last nite he can't sleep n run out of the room while i was still reading in bed. I came out to find him on the tv, sit on the sofa w remote in his hand... exactly like the dad. So I guess they are learning to model themselves after us.. not being naughty.
Hahaha u gotta buy things dat r for tod a yr older than Ash for Ash

Rosela n infection. V high fever 3 to 5 days followed by red dots fm head to toe abt 5 days after fever subsided
shook, sanrio,
Ashley oso like that. she like to follow my maid to use cloth to wipe table n floor!!! Yah she literally go on all fours to mop the floor with a cloth!!!
Now i'm trying to buy a broom set for her but cannot find anywhere. only have toy vacuum cleaner!

U peggie ah!!! Congrats! I must be very out dated!
Chen Chen ransack drawers n cabinets. @ home, I removed the handles of the cabinets in the kitchen but he knows how to open the cabinet door w/o handle after seeing how my hubby did it. He loves playing wif my pots n pans, plasticwear, .... wat I can't stand most is playing wif containers wif seasoning n container of rice coz he opens the rice container cover n spills the rice grains on the flr

Chen Chen follows after my hubby n get the magic clean stick when my hubby magic clean the flr. He oso love to play wif the mini brush n the dustpan. U may like to buy the mini brush n dustpan. V cheap $1.05 fm value shop
Good idea!!! Will be getting her a small pail, rag n a watering can. I like the watering can from ikea, soooo cute!!!!
shook, brenda,
mine ransacks my wardrobe, esp the lingerie compartment. He'll pull out everything n chuck them everywhere! Can faint! I got a fren whose son ransacks the kitchen, dunno how he managed to open milo tin, dumped entire content on the floor. If Kieran does dat, i bet i'll hit the roof!

Kieran loves the vcd player. Now he knows how to press the button for the 'slot' to come out, n play wif the CD. Scolded him many times liao, tried to distract him when he does dat instead of saying NO NO NO all the time, but he keeps doing it. How ah?
heheh cute hor.. esp. when they try to imitate cookng. I bought a small rice container that can hold 2.5l of rice n place it on higher cabinets along w the seasonings. And hb actually made the effort to install those bbs locks for those w chemicals etc.

hahah.. did he start to eat the rice? Jem fund the left over candles last nite n eat candles.
Shook, Ethan is like that too... like to play with non-toy item. Maybe you can get him the play kitchen set... have frying pan fork spoon knife pots and pans and fake food items. Ethan has it and he likes it too. Something different. And in the evenings, he will use the fork to poke the fruits to feed us! ehehehee... he loves his duty. His other duty is to help me to close the bedroom door everynight so that I can switch on the aircon. Sometimes I also let him switch on the aircon with the remote. Last night, he was holding onto the cymbals and then I told him to come into the room... he came in, came up to me, said, "nah!" and handed me one cymbal and said "nah!" and handed me the other... then he went to close the door. I didn't even tell him to close the door last night.. had actually wanted to help him close it coz I saw that his hands were full. After he closed the door, he came back to me to reclaim the cymbals. ehehheee...
I find that now he has a memory..ehheheehe...
Many more incidents to tell me so... like he knows where he left his apple and can go back to find it (on my maid's chair...ehehheee...)!

Sanrio, Ash's legs look very solid! Like he did training...
<font color="119911">sanrio</font>, thanks for the compliments on Sarah. She still has some curls esp when her hair grows a little longer. You quitting your job ah? Becoming SAHM? Sometimes if our boss or job is lousy, it's really not worth staying on. Better devote our time to our precious little ones who will not be toddlers ever again. Wah! Ashrel wears those big big shoes around the house! Looks so cute. But on the bed....?

<font color="119911">emily, skyblue, giggler</font> thanks also for the compliments. Sarah has always looked grown up, I think because she doesn't have the usual baby proportions.

<font color="119911">jul</font>, poor you. Having a difficult time with MS. Take care of yourself, yah? Sarah's skin only 'looks' good from the pix. You haven't seen the back of her legs at the bottom of her calves, they're like volcanic eruptions. And the pompholyxes on her feet get really itchy sometimes. The Elidel that she's using is too mild for her eczema but because she's on a clinical trial we don't really want to switch her back to steroid creams too often.

<font color="119911">brenda</font>, Sarah is really really curious. Kaypoh, in fact. But I think all our toddlers are, right?

<font color="119911">shook</font>, aiyoh, your chen chen plays with your pots and pans in the kitchen? Sarah has tried to open our cupboards and drawers, but usually I'm close by, so she gets raprimanded. And most of the rest of our furniture is baby-proof. She's not allowed into the kitchen yet, so I don't have so much problem there.
Yup... me back from HK but in meetings the whole day yesterday so not much time to post. HK trip was good but weather wasn't. Affected by the typhoon so it was pouring thruout the period I was there. Had to occupy our time at the shopping centres most of the time since it's sheltered. Didn't get to visit much of the small street stores. Thankful though that the day we were in Disneyland, it rained but at about 10 min intervals so there was time to go from one place to another before hiding in the shops etc. Also managed to catch the parade and the fireworks which was good coz the fireworks was cancelled the day before.

HK Disneyland is def much smaller than the rest. Can finish in a much faster time and perhaps coz we chose to go on a Monday and it was also the raining season, we didn't have that much problems with crowds. Got pushed twice but guess that's considered quite good already. Park was still v clean despite having the chinese tourists around.

Think Ally enjoyed herself. Realise that she really loves to explore hotel rooms, running up and down and going across rooms (coz inlaws was staying in a connecting room). She got oversimulated in the day though despite taking short naps ... kept waking up to cry at nite even though she's co-sleeping with us. It didn't help that she was teething at the same time. Brought her for a few rides in Disneyland ... winnie the pooh which she got scared when the lights turned dark (strange coz she's never been afraid of dark rooms), dumbo ride and a carousel. Brought her for a 3D show too but she also freaked out ... prob coz the music was quite loud. Anyway she was scared but at the same time curious so got her to lie on me while watching the screen and covered her ears. My MIL tried to cover her eyes but she'll push her hand away.

Gotta go for 2 meetings back to back. Chat with you guys after lunch
u r v POWERFUL leh! u brought the thread back to life! i heard ur shouting loud n clear but last few days not feeling too gd lah ... so din come in n post.

Jem ate candles????? u managed to dig them out from his mouth???? so scary!!

it's must be terrible to be in such a dilemma...feeling relieved for u now

shook, skyblue
i tot jana is the only one with such disgusting habits! Its usually when i'm patting her to sleep .. she'll poke my nostrils too and then after that force her fingers into my mouth ..yucks!

u were eating the tiong bahru chwee keuy huh? my current craving is chee cheong fun...looking around for those that comes with red sauce rather than the usual blackish sauce. u know where i can find or not?

recent pic of Jana at my cousin's wedding bandquet, its the first time we brought her for a wedding banquet.

nowadays, when she's outside, she'll refuse to b carried and wanted to b let down to the floor but the big problem is that she doesn't know how to walk! headache!

any plans for children's day? v tempted to bring Jana to sentosa this sat, there's this cafe/pub along siloso beach having some activites for kids, but Jana dun like sand and also she's still not walking yet, am worried that it wont be much fun for her. anyway, more info @ http://www.coastes.com/index.htm
hahha.. i enjoy seeing jem with his routines too. His are to on the lights when we reach home in the evening, close the gate and join me for brushing teeth in the morning. I'm trying to get him to put back his shoes on the rack but till date he still wants to play w it
I watch Gareth in envy..haiz

hahhahah.. the candles were misplaced lah. i'll keep close watch of my home instead.

not Jem.. as least not as much as i hope for.

ME dripping w envy whenever i see the way u dress Jana!!! she's really pretty!

u not well too? take care hor... k, i hush hush dun shout for u. but u mus promise to drop by whenever u feel better.

Not i powerful.. the mommies here need to push one..hahah. u know, like,"Oei! Go clean up ur room!"
Reporting on what i eat for my dinner yesterday. haha, I have rice, vege, prawn and fish. hahhaa. Told hubby that I wanted to have a gooooooood meal, so we went to clarke quay one of the seafood restuarant for dinner. Those waiter there mistaken us as korean. Till now I still wonder how come and why. hahhahaha

Went to see doc today again for my cough, so trying out new mixture now and hope that will clear my cough soon. I've got nose block and ear block as well. *sigh* Hopefully, i can go home after my 11am meeting to rest.

Will be bringing Gareth to see pd again this evening too, his cough and runny nose got worst too.

So did Jerome eat the candles in the end??

haha, don't worry abt the non-toy thingie. If they not interested in the toys, let them play the non-toy and train them to help us run errand. I have trained Gareth to throw rubbish and take things for me already. hahaha, it amazed me that he actually know where is the kitchen, the bedroom, playroom and studyroom. hahaha
Jana so pretty. one big flower on her head right? Where u get the dress? I need to attend a wedding dinner on 29 oct. Planning to bring her along. She dun like the sand? May be u try the sea? Cooler and she may love it. Janelle also dun like sand initially but my friend brought her the sea n she loves it now. End up she got sunburnt and my hubby gave me the dark face back home..


Ok once here tat i posted Janelle pix.. so other mummies dun bong me..
nose and ear block? 1st time like that??? cos ur cogh due to ur block nose? My coughing is alwasy due to my nose, cos the back drip cos my throat very irriated and i coughed none stop.

May be just cure the nose and ur cough will gone.
I'm not too sure leh... was on the phone w Mark then i saw him holding some broken candles. Dig his mouth only a small pc came out. But he looks alright so din think much.

FINALLY!!!! another precious pic of ur gal. Very cool hor! another sunshine gal!

Jem on contrary dun mind the sand so much but he still not too keen in the water.. ahahha.BUT HE WUN BE GIVEN A CHOICE!
Morning Mummies!

Jem celebrates halloween in advance, eating candles?? BUt i think only 7th mth chinese ghost do that? HAhahahhahaha......bet sure freak u out!

hahahha, i like Jana's complete dress up for the occasion...her hair accessory! Frm the lower portion, her legs n shoes seem like little bb still, not a tod. Unlike Ash, he looks like 2yo+ boy in his favourite shoe

I craved for chee cheong fun too during Rae's time!!! R u expecting a boy?
..hehehehhe....I could eat 3-4tx weekly the chee cheong fun frm a small eatery near Orchard Cineleisure. Shiok n marvelicious! hhahahaha.....not sure if it is black or red sauce but it is very fresh, not lua lua type, juicy sedap mann!
Simply Luv it. N u know wat, I am one tat dun fancy CCF on normal days one.

Hi SHook,
Elyse bites her proper toys but play with real things. Wat chen chen does, elyse also doing. She will take the remote n upset ur viewing n very happily waiting for u to have some reaction. If u show pretence of anger, she very high, running away giggling!!!

Shook, some mums told me their kids since young, TRAINED not able to enter kitchen!!! I dun know how but just let u know it is possible lor.

I heard that Ethan is really a dear! Very sociable n handsome! Think one of these days, got to date him at PP, can??

I also almost forgot u r preggie too! Surely I miss suave Ian...post his foto leh! U take care n rest WHENEVER possible!

Ash, let him wear the shoe thru out lor, take off only when he is sleeping...hahahahha....really bo eng leh!
. Those closed up foto really shows the shoes rather heavy liao!

Poking.....hahahaha......u better springclean ur nostrils often for Kieran's sake lor!

AY, elyse very 'toad'! i ask her where her ears, hair etc, she can point correctly at her own respective part. BUT when i ask where her eyes, she will without fail, point n POKE very hard at MY eyes!!!!!!!!!! Ouch! Dun know wat is her concept n understanding hor? weird!

Ur spectacles, watch out ah! They can be very rough! My heart tore when they pick up the specs n pull the side wide wide!

Also, kieran sure knows his gender well....going for the right thing.....ur lingerie!

I imagine u now browsing thru the spread n scratching ur head on wat to eat...no chicken....looking at the water, want to dip in anot?

R u there? Have u bought Jerald's passport cover? I just bought Thomas the Engine cover for my kids....dun look very durable but nvm lah, the kids shd luv their 1st passport cover
Also Shook,
Now, think we know y some pple say, dun need to invest in expensive toys for kids? hahahha....u know those new bedsheet? U remove the fabric part n then those cardboards coming along with it? my kids luv playing with that too!

Then hor, the toys....just circulate n re-cycle them, they can play until very shiok too, machiam all new toys again!
try for a girl next??? if u need help ... <center><table border=1><tr><td>
word file
Choice_of_boy_or_girl.doc (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
its my ex-colleague who taught me but i din try it out lah ..she only consider the 2nd n 3rd factor mentioned, the rest she din bother.

Janelle's face look a bit more chubby or is it becos of the cap?

the dress is from this shop called chateau de sable, can find it at tanglin mall or paragon. yes, its a big matching flower from the same shop. but my sis n mother v pang tang ...they din like the plain white flower, so i added some crystals n blue beads on it.

she din like the sea either cos she scared of the waves. Recently we realise she's quite timid, she's scared of lots of things... the zebra, elephant in the animal book we bought her. the baby eistein VCD, there were a sceens where puppet or image will suddenly pop-up or appear and she'll be startled each time. whenever the cd tray pops out from the player. whenever the TV darkens e.g. starting of movie, in between shows/ads. and just last nite, i scolded her cos she pulled my hair and she also tap on her chest and indicate she scared!
Talking abt Clarke Quay, oh mine, changed alot leh! I very suaku! THink maybe for ages, they hav those dome shaped shelter liao hor but I only saw last sat! Gd tat u r eating better but no veg leh

Ay, U do have korean features mah!! Ur eyes!

Hey, I also train my kids to run errand for me in the hse. This elyse hor, take my hp go throw inside the dustbin n came back to me say NO MORE n gesture!

Hi Hong,
Janelle always looks like a big gal but actual fact she is just a cutie sweet doll!!!!
YES! Ethan handsome n sociable!! Make a good date..hahahhaha

Huh Hong,
No leh, twice i see her pics. (the first one in eureka's pl) i dun find her boy leh..

So nice of u...hahhaha, thanks for the extra help!

hahhaha, i already establish the image of Jana being the Asian model for Chateau de Sable...

U very into craft hor...
Tat's the document on choice of gal or boy tat i wanted to forward u much earlier.......
, remember?
Viv is ur saviour here
Hi Mummies

Woo....looks like your trip was a bit dampened by the weather.
Maybe the loud noise combined with darkness frightened Ally. I bet Ally was exploring the toilet and pressing the telephone in the hotel room..... hehe
jesse so far is also not scared of the dark, he will stride into our flat without bothering..... and we also just 'act normal'.

Yes, mine are fraternal twin gals.... two sacs, two placentas... so two eating separately....

Sarah big girl, who she resembles? U working on ur 2nd one?? Hehehe...

Combi has this fork and spoon set which is curved, it aids the toddler in self-feeding. We find it useful, v cheap... comes in a container, easy to bring out.

U beta? I dun take medicine if I can help it....

The light blue dress is really sweet...I can go there liao!!! Hehehe....
But I think most of their stuff is linen???
How u feeling these days????

Good advice : I shall rembr it!!!! Relax, relax, no point getting worked up right ... ahaha... guess it was pointless to say anything anyway. Maybe it's becos your mil never spent much time with Jem therefore he rejected her??

Chris Chong well known????

The eating candles sounds scary leh.... aiyoh, beta watch him ah!!! The funniest thing jesse ever left in his mouth was I gave him cookie with mac nuts, he ate everything except the bits of mac nuts in his mouth...ahahha!!! Later he spit them all out.

jesse is also like that...but lately we notice not so much... he likes to twist the covers of my claypot and pot... he also ever grabbed a handful of rice and threw on to the floor. We let him go kitchen cos we never cook, but the balcony and laundry area is a no-no to him and he knows that.
Now he is into cleaning...ahah...we have this small duster and he will clean here and there...

I find that if u were to work part-time, u still gotta get up early, u know the feeling of taking half day, still feel tired one.
If u work one full day, then u get a full day off, it's not that bad. But yah u brot up a point: whether ur mum can handle.
Btw she ok with taking care??... macham v siong for her leh. Haha, seems I am always v concerned for your mum... cos I know that taking care of bbs/toddlers is really not easy....

Yes, sure to have some solution, just that have to make adjustments, shud be ok ultimately.

Talking about being sahm, the prof was telling us it's good (if able to) to devote six years to the child, thereafter go back to work. Thinking it will not work for me, cos by the time if I wanna go back to work, really too old liao... hehe...
Since ur hb supports and can afford, by all means go for it!!! Ash is fortunate... ! If u need to destress, just download here lor! Dun know if my advice is sound --- altho I'm in no position to give u advice (heee) .......but..... dun let your life revolve round Ash... try to take time out for yourself and have a breather! Take a break when hb comes back from work to take over... do something to pamper yourself from time to time, maybe take up a cookery class or something once a week. Find some time to meet ur gfs for time-out.

U know, my mum was a housewife all the way, now thinking back, I feel I'm v fortunate too!! cos she was always there for me.. too bad I can't do the same for jesse and the gals...... maybe one day I find I got no choice, then I will stay home lor....

Ash's shoes look so thick at the bottom, easy for him to walk or not?? Dun know if his feet can grip properly..... best to get thinner soles esp if he is walking....

Got CCF near Orchard Cineleisure? Where exactly is it? I stimes take it for breakfast....

jul, jul
U VOMITTING ah??? Aiyoh, so poor thing... have some tseng buay on standby???
I have no vomitting but super tired man......

Did u go KL after all????

Wah, Vane sounds so 'fierce' ah....!!!!!
brenda, hahaha... so Vane is not the only terror ard lah.
Vane will automatically drinks other pple's drinks on the table. Jem ate candles? Vane likes to eat coins that we let her slot in her coinbank. Sigh.......

sanrio, since u decide to be sahm, have u consider to have No. 2? Vane also likes to walk ard the flat with her handbag, shd take pix of her doing that.
That's gd... Vane seems to be more attached to her pacifier after her sickness.

B2, you just sit there and let Ashley slapped you??? I dun think I'll allow it leh. But at least your method works on Ashley. Hahaha.... Vane likes to clean the table top for us using tissue paper.

eureka, aiyo.... pls lah, dun spoil Rae's image here leh. The way you describe abt his vital organ really obscene leh!!! Why you teach Elyse to throw hp? I taught Vane to pass hp to me and now she able to recognise whose hp and will pass to that person accordingly.

pigletz, you shouldn't be dieting now leh. Good that your appetite is coming back lah. Gareth sick now? Vane just recovered leh.

shook, Vane will slap on whoever snatches her toy/things from her. Dun really know how to stop her but just keep telling her "NO" in a stern way. I agree with Brenda that the tod are copying our actions nowadays.

jul, were u like that when you have Ian? Sounds bad to be vomitting everyday leh.

absolut, sounds like Ally enjoyed herself in HK. So will you be having any more trips before you give birth?

Viv, you not feeling well but still want to bring Jana out? Where did u get that hair clip? Very nice leh. Vane also timid leh but I guess it's ok since she's gal lah.

hong, is Jan consider tall for her age? She looks tall from the pix leh. Did you apply any sunblock on her or not?

styloBB, ya lor... she not as gentle as what some mummies said lah.
At least Elyse knows where the eyes r located. When we ask Kieran where's daddy, lao3 ma4, yi2 por2, he'll look in their direction, minus the pointing. Ask him where's mummy, he looks away. Wah liao eh, heartpain man.

Dats such a pretty dress jana is wearing. Thks for dat doc
I quickly went to print it out. Hehehe...

Wahahahah, Ethan so cute...knows how to say 'nah'.

Janelle is such a big gal. How old is she?
mummies, (sahm), i'm not missing lah, just reading.

last wk so quiet, now after BRENDA'S SHOUTING and most mummies coming back frm their overseas trip - the thread b'came alive again.

the whole family (all except my sis) was down with cough n flu - thus really got a hard time looking after the rascal.....me n my mum took turns to rest, hardly got time to go toilet (where got time to post)
pv n mummies,
Ash's 'chunky' shoes was a gift fr sil. brand new so he wen up d bed w it. ya, probably it will end up only for hm wear cos i noe too heavy shoes ar not suitable for young tod. he has other pairs but like tis 1 a lot, tink d bright red color n fanciful shoe laces plus velcro caught his attn.

no. 2 certainly not on d way yet.. Ash oso cari my hello kitty bag n brg him to his 'car', as if wan to go 'kai kai'. i took a video clip. wen upload will show u. yes pls post pic of Vane. i miss her leh

tks. yup i certainly will treasure d tx w him. oh, once a while, my huuby on leave, i oso on leave, go kai kai n makan w gf or go body massage. my fav way of relaxation.
ear block and nose block hinder the cough to recover i think. Cos doc say it's has being more then 10 days since i started coughing. Last time never last so long maybe becos they give me strong medication, but this time, due to pregnancy, they very careful in giving me medication.

Aiyooo...Janelle really got the sunshine girl look leh. hehe, bet the mummy must be as pretty as the daughter. *grin*

Got got, I got eat vege. But lunch not eating yet, cos I just come back from meeting. Waiting for my colleague to come back to settle some stuff and I will go home and rest liao. The medication making me drowsy now.

I know what you mean by don't eat if possible, but no choice leh, yesterday i cough until my tummy pain pain. That's why decided to go see doc again.

Me not dieting, just not appetite. Hope that my appetite can be good for all the meals like last night. Ya lor, Gareth still not feeling very well, tonight go see PD and hope that he will recover soon.

you take good care of urself also okay. Then can take good care of Jerald. Just to assure you, I think you are doing a very good job as a sahm. Jerald really looks like a happy boy the last time I see him. *grin*
Thanks for the compliments leh and for advertising for Ethan. Why? You scared Jem have too many gfs you need to divert some attention away? :p ehehheee... Just teasing hor... don't get mad!

Thanks for the compliments. Can can... want to date Ethan... can! Only Elyse can date Ethan hor... you cannot! Coz you are married. But you and Rae can be the company lah! Just call anytime when you are in the area and I will bring him out!
Can't wait to see Elyse...

Ethan can say a lot of things... very talkative and assertive too! ehehheee... Every evening when I come back, he'll tell me a lot of things.. in his high and low pitches ... Although we don't really understand what he is saying sometimes, we make it a point to answer him and talk to him (in adult manner) so that he knows we are listening to him. This will encourage him to talk more.
But some words are real like once he pointed to my pjs and asked, "What's that?" I said, "My hair". He pointed again and asked, "THIS!" ... I laughed and said "that's mommy's pajamas."
In the evenings as soon as I reach home before I go to change, I will carry him, hug him tightly and kiss him... and he will lead me to the kitchen and point to his timetable. My maid actually records all his activities there for me like what time he eats, drinks, sleeps and what he eats/drinks etc. I will read the chart for him and he will nod excitedly, smile and hug me... like he's happy that I am proud of his achievements. And every morning when he is up before I leave for work, he will cry if he is far away from me... he will insisit my maid carries him near me and in his tears, he'll say, "Bye! Bye!" then I'll tell him to be a good boy, listen to auntie and that I leave early and will return home as soon as I can. Then, clean his tears and he will hug and give me bye kiss.
Your bb will be doing all these soon... very cute one u know... very heartwarming!
Enjoy it while it lasts... coz soon... they're grow up to be teenagers and not bother to even talk to us.. ehehheee....

jul &amp; pigletz, feeling bad? Poor thing... hugs.... it's just a phase and you know it... hang in there and things will be better tomorrow.

absolut, hehehee... good to hear that you had fun!

hong, this is the 1st time I am seeing your daughter.
Thanks for posting for us here... she's bigger than some of our kids??

viv, Jana is as sweet as ever... I love her dress... and flower and tights. Ai yoh! So sweet! She still looks so young.... think it's the tights!
You mentioned that she loves to come onto the floor but cannot walk yet... don't worry! It's a phase! Once she learns to walk, she won't even want to come down! ehehheeee.... remember, I once mentioned here previously that I was so tempted to sew mittens for Ethan so that he can crawl on the shoping mall/restaurant floors? :p It's just a phase! Maybe you and hb can hold her hand... each one one side for her to pratice walking...
Now that Ethan can walk, sometimes he gets into his moods and won't walk (unless we can tempt him). Just the other day, I had to buy him a box of biscuits to eat so that he can walk home from PP with us. Sigh! ehehhee... It's just a phase!

Shook, how's chen chen now? better?
Ash is tough n 'muscular' (esp his legs), guess becos he exercise a lot, walking, running, climbing, jumping, rd d clock! he is still a bit bak bak but not d 'fleshy' type. being so active, he is now in d top 50th percentile, no longer 90th percentile liao. oso becos he is quite tall, abt 86cm.
ya lor, buying clothes for him is v difficult. he is now wearing size 18-24mths but some can b too tight. if i get kids size (smallest size 2), somtx is a bit too big for now.
wrong lah.. Janelle got a fatty mummy. heee..

Yah so shld cure ur nose and the block ear and cough will go off. Now i go for acupunture and today my nose not block leh.. aiyo u dun know i am so happy.. like i can breathe liao.

blame myself lor cos i cant find the sunblock lotion n we are in a hurry. I apply some lotion with UV protection n obviously it doesnt helps.
Yah she is quite tall for her age, i think hits 90cm now. As for weight... wow dun dare to think.

with the cap, look like a boy boy.

Eureka, thanks for for praising my girl.
I tell her aunty eureka praise her tonite.

Janelle is coming to 21 months.

i heard of the shop before. I went in to look for dress too but too demure for my girl.. whahahaha..
Oh the white flower, yah the old pple all very pantang... u very innovative still can make some changes to it.

BTW, how are u now? better liao?

There is a period Janelle also very timid, saw some character in the VCD and she also scream and ask us to switch it off... dun worry they will overcome it.

but Jesse more gurang than Janelle. We always say she big size but always kena bully.

yah yah.. cos didnt really post much but this pix is taken by a friend and find it quite well taken but cannot fight with Brenda and eurake's hubby skill lah..

OK i post another one.. last one liao..
I lower the resolution so may be can see some pixel.


i like janelle chubby cheeks, af sun, rosy rosy, she's so sweet...
she does look tall to me. no lah, she dun look like boy boy, w d cap on, v sporty n nice.
