(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hey Jem look as big as Gareth

Brenda, Pigletz
U got your boi the same top on purpose?

I thot Hazey is lady version of chu lu xiang
Hazey dun pong me hor
No worry lar. Can take pic of Chen Chen when the tod carry latern tis wk. How ar, on or not?

haha, i bought the top for Gareth, then i look and look, i think Jerome will look nice on it too. So hor, i bought one more for Jerome lor. hahaha

Ya, for lantern, you check with Lyn when she can already? I got very tight week leh, so can only make it on Thursday or sunday leh. How?
Sanrio & Shook
I just checked with United Sq today. The Disney Baby result is out. If you don't get any calls from them means that baby didn't not get into the finals. You can collect your baby's picture are the reception counter.

u very funny..."most accident prone girl". Think she was just tired that's why. She's always very clumsy when she wants to sleep. She immediately knock out when we get into the car.
Eh Shook, won't bong u lah.. but dun understand leh... I look like Zheng Shao Qiu n my hubby look like Shen Dian Xia isit? Hahahahahaa!
ya, let me know once you arrange with Lyn.

hahaha, well, cos everytime i see her, she's crying and then heard that she knocked here and knocked there. But she's really very cute. I like the incident where she push Gareth aside to come near me. hahaha, so sweet. hahahah
yeah...for the bah kuah...hahaha.
She knock a bit only cry...and usually the knocking is caused by herself...at home also like that.
haha, yup...for the bak kwa. haha
She's okay lah, cry abit then will stop liao. Gareth also do that too. But he fall and knock until abit numb liao. hahaha
Din receive call. How abt u?
How much is the photo? Need to collect by when? Wat time can collect the photo?

No lar. I thot u dao cu lu qin (your tube of cream)
hahaha, chu liu xiang got alot of admirer leh. haha, I don't mind Gareth being chu liu xiang, but Gareth must be faithful to Vane. hahahahha
yeah, me sure... i stayed there for 3 over years leh. Din wan to take photos cos I worry capture wrong things then I'll freak out totally n wans to move home. hahahha.. You christian rite?? then u'll understand. My dad kept a lot of idols from thailand. subsequently, when i move in, i pray each walls before painting over it. My cross broke while hanging on the wall. I was disturbed by noises above my unit tho i'm staying at the highest floor. And got the bells ringing every nites for 3 weeks before i was allowed to stay on undisturbed. stubborn mok moks !

mebbe i should go n shave Jem hair hor.. his face also round round one.. then i dun need to cut his hair so frequently..hahahha

alwen eat bak kwa arh?
chen chen's poo dropped on the floor ????????? eeeeee!!!!!
Jana wouldn't kuai kuai sit on potty... she usually read when she's poo'ing, and we'll need to get ready a couple of books to keep her occupied. okie...hv uploaded the photos n added the link liao ..enjoy!

the rest of the mummies who hv received the video link
pai seh! din know so diff to load the video! u can see the photos instead lah ...
hahaha, u she de to shave Jerome hair meh? After shave, no more korean looking liao leh.

Aelwen didn't eat the bak kwa, she just stared very hard at the bak kwa. hahaha
tomorrow going for the scan n blood test. then thursday go see gynae for results.

i feeling ok, but tired all the time. suppose to go shopping cos this sat cousin's wedding dinner. but cannot find the energy to shop at all so me n Jana got no dress, no shoes! stress ah ...
I know Jerome look like what now. Jerome looks like the daddy now. But daddy getting abit skinny nowadays.

Aelwen guai cos she didn't eat the bak kwa ah? haha
The tired feeling will be over soon lah.
I suppose to go shop for something to wear during my bro's ROM next week in Taiwan also, but haven't got time to go shopping. Know where to buy cheap and nice and modern looking maternity clothes?
u mayb right too. there was 1 nite he cried, woke up then asked for potty. n he really pee n poo at 1am+, then happy bk to slp. many nites cld b nitemare too cos he plays too much during d day. pd told me is common esp for active bb/tod, even more so af 1 yr old.
tks. i will go collect d foto. so funny, they called me tink on a monday to tell me he din get in to finals.. i tot call is gd news. nvm lah.
u dun need to wear maternity clothes mah ..ur tummy can hardly be seen! i dun wanna wear maternity now leh ... they make me feel v clumsy. i was thinking of looking for baby doll dresses, intend to check out mphasis n see if they hv any.
pigletz, thanks so much for opening your home for the gathering and for cooking such yummy porridge for Sarah. Sorry I couldn't stay long. My Saturdays are always very packed.
Wa man, your cross broke n u got all the disturbance u still dare to stay there

U really wanna make Jem to look like a budhha to chase away the
is it? U no longer stay in dat spooky plc wat

Ya v disgusting right. My mum or SIL gotta clean up Chen Chen's droppings
Jana so gd gal read book. How I wish Chen Chen can sit guai guai n read books
Will c your wedding photos 29
U look radiant during the gathering, no tired look
mummies, too occupied with the rascal to read the postings!!
bn to the links where some of you posted ur wedding pixs (ruffy, cant view yours, keep asking me to login??)

absolut looks totally different!!!! got this ABC look but forgot the name of this particular actress??

shook, lee sure look 10yrs younger with that dashing hairstyle.

will try to post mine into the yahoo database once my rascal 'approved' my time off.

pringles, tks for ur invitation. do let me know when you n alicia convenient.

sanrio, did it occur to you that those tricks ash is doing with his tougue...is to comfort his aching gums??

throwing temper: depending on situations, sometxs i do hug/comfort him but there are also times where i let him scream out and ignore him completely.
but over at my mum's plc....throwing temper is just like going to the toilet, very common n acceptable to them!!! *haiz*

aiya, got to go again.

shook, pigletz, c u on thur. sorry for that stupid request made earlier, me v. insensitive, dun pong me.
not all my 'gong1 lao2', ashrel usually has gd appetite (we thank God for that).
hey, ashrel 'likes' u! rare occasion.. he waved n said d words bye bye 2 u. daddy n myself oso seldom get such 'priviledge' leh...
yup cld b. but oso he loves to 'play' w his tongue since he's abt 2mths old. i took many pic of him n realised tat, wen i looked at his past n present pics.
No leh.. according to shook, jem looks like the laughing buddha pendant Mark wears, not Mark..hahahah

Aelwen guai, dun eat bak kwa, eat biscuits.. hahhha

yeah, I agree w Viv, dun wear maternity clothings yet..

mok mok disturb only leh, wun harm.. just wait till they get sick of me can already. U thot movies arh? hahhaha..
I like to wear doll dress when I wz pregnant

I told Lee your comment on his look in the wedding photos, he hahahahaha
No worry. U 4got abt working timing liao. Can understand
U v efficient. So fast loaded so many photos. U carry qi pao v well. U r so.....slender. I

U r v daring

Can't c your photos via the link u posted
I know why u still get the funny words under the utube picture coz they dun allow direct cut and paste from utube to blogger.. so have to paste in word then copy and paste from word to blog..then will be a nice picture of the video clip.
i like ryan's sweet seet voice. hey... u ar in d right profession. u ar a gd teacher n really sounded like 1

ryan so smart. ashrel thou now can speak more words but still 'bb talk' a lot.
Hong, me doing okK gg to remove my stitches tom.

Viv, does that mean Jana is toilet-trained? Vane only poos in the potty if my mom manages to catch that shes pooing by her expressions.

Stylobb, youre rite, I got endometriosis. Its one of the factors of infertility. Thats why its really a blessing that I have Vane.

Pigletz, Gareth and Jerome got the same shirt? So nice of Gareth to be so faithful to Vane leh. So sweetK

Mon/sanrio/shook, any of your bb get into finals?

Pigletz/viv, think theres quite a few modern maternity clothes like Perfect Mum, Spring Maternity, etcK.

Ruffy, you started working liao rite? How's everything so far?
sanrio, Ashrel so cute...
Vane just learnt how to make those monster's sound too. But hubby stopped her from doing it cos he didnt know that what it meant. Sigh...

Ruffy, Ryan really smart boy, can count liao. How many months is he?
I would like to find out more... cos one of my gfs has it.
Dun mind if I ask the flwg:
1. Did it take long to finally conceive?
2. Will it be diffi to conceive?
3. Must the person be on any medication?
4. Understand that the condition may recur, is that so?

If tummy not yet showing, can wear shift dress ..
I tried pasting the link of the clip into words then to blogger. Still the same msg
So sweet of u to troubleshoot for me
I can't view video clip in the office. Will c it @ home

U back @ home? Hey u still up @ 2+am.
Din receive phone call 4 the bb contest. Think Chen Chen din get in2 final
I'm not sure if they have a timing for collection. Think as long as the reception is open can collect cos the photos are there.

Aelwen loves biscuits.
i follow ruffy's steps n i manage 2 post ashrel's videoclip into his blog w'out those funny msg. u take a look..

ashrel din get into finals. he has been imitating animals sound since many mths bk. used to roar v v much like a lion but now his roaring change. i din really stop him cos he only make those sounds wen he c animals. he loves animals! he's jus being excited. nowadays i m more a less protective mum, i let him explore, talk n even dirty himself. my boss (a v modern doctor by profession) said childhood is only once, let them hav fun in growing up. i 'buy' tat. but of course i stop him fr doing ridiculous n dangerous thgs.
u feeling much beta now?

emily n pigletz,
tat 'comical' foto of ashrel was accepted by immigration. yeah! passport ready for collection 16 sep. can go holidays liao! mummy is so happy!

dear mummies,
tks for all ur concern n advice. ashrel slp tru for d past 2 nites. i supposed it is really 'han min' n teething discomfort. he is into 'full' teething. almost all teeth are cuming out.
