(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

It is Jana, Viv's princess.
Hey, glad to hear you are recovering well, but doesn't mean you can sit and surf for so long hor!

I leave everyting make up style, hair style to my make up artist. She din bun up my hair on my actual day. It wz a beautiful weather on dat day
I hv cough n phlegm now. Thx for your concern
Dowager din buy a single pc of clothing for Chen Chen since birth. She only open her mouth n oppose.

We din know abt the accident initially. Heard my hubby said oh oh, I look @ his direction n saw Jem lying on the flr. He din cry. I thot he wz so tired dat he lied dwn. Walked over n my hubby wz lecturing Chen Chen. He said Val's mum said Chen Chen n Jem were competiting for a toy n Chen Chen snatched the toy over then Jem tim bo....

I dun n din eat the chwee kueh. It's my hubby who said it's gd. He works in Tiong Bahru Plaza. He eats the chwee kueh v often. He din know the 1 u bot is fm Tiong Bahru.
Share your wedding video wif me can

Sammi is v professional, friendly n humble. I left gown selection, make up n hairdo to her hand. She wz the chief designer during my time.

OK. I go post the link to my wedding photos in yahoo later
Got it. Nice nice.. i like the B/W photos.

Are u the one PM me har??

Viv, Jana look so diff now.. Pretty little girl.

Pai seh. i still dun want who is who.. BUT all the little one are so cute!!
Pls do post all ur wedding pics in the yahoo grp link. I wish i have a scanner too to download mine. But its fun seeing ur nice photos

You look so young and pretty in ur pics. So exciting having ur photos taken in sydney. My hubby proposed to me in sydney too - actually he wanted to do it on top of sydney harbour bridge but in the end, i chickened out at the sight of the height. I don't mind climbing on it now if we go back there:p

You look equally stunning and elegant in ur photos. The gowns really look great on u. Tan Yoong's design suit u very well.

Great to know ure doing well. Looks like gotta keep vane frm playing with ur bellybutton too! Heheh. We missed u and vane this time. Hope to see u next gathering. Speedy recovery!

U only return to SK on weekends? If u drive and its convenient to pick up the Gain IQ frm my place, i don't mind. Let me know again. Anytime is fine with me, just sms me. Maybe Aloy can play with Alicia for awhile too
U have my address and hp no? Its in the contact list.
dear mummies,
tks for replying to my post. yup we tot it was nitemare too but i observed n realised each tx, ashrel wld pull/tear his ears real hard, till bleed n deep cut/tear behind his ears. so i tot is he having ear discomfort?? cuddling n saiyang din calm him down, he wld struggle n i really bo lak liao. so i wake him up but he took v long to open his eyes. somtx tis happen 3 to 4 tx a nite n we really peng san....
may brg him to pd n c how..

i m trying not to let him play till so wild esp few hrs b4 bedtx but he is v active tru'out d whole day. even i dim light, he wld still run, jump, climb round d whole rm. hubby read him stories but 1 min or less, he will start moving agn...

so far, din mt any neighbours at 1am else who noe they may call d police hoh, haha...
Wah... your gowns quite drama hor. Nice nice. Must have spend a bomb on the gowns. Love the flowers too. U certainly haven't put on any weight since wedding hor. Still so slim.
I went to see Tan Yoong but no guts to go in to see see coz the shop seemed so exclusive and high class.

Aiyo... u mean I look old now. Sigh! just joking lah. your hubby so romantic, brought you to Sydney to propose? My hubby planned a whole evening out in Sentosa but in the end decided to propose in my apt carpark coz the heat at restaurant (open-air at beaufort) got to him and spoiled ambience for him. ;P

Glad you're recovering well. Must be quite a struggle to keep from carrying Vanessa. How long more must you avoid carrying her? So you're staying at your mom's place now?
hello mummies,
can tis b used for passport foto? he simply loves to stick out his tongue. tis was taken abt 4mths back. now v difficult to take cos he wont sit still for even a sec. mus i crop it n to wat size?
Maybe it's her cough and phlegm that is affecting her breathing, thus waking up several times. Is she on medication? Is she feeling insecure?
Does she take proper naps in the daytime?? Jialat.... one nite of interrupted sleep is already bad enuf.....
Hiaz...headache right, when they dun sleep well. All we ask for is a good nite's sleep rite!!!!
I agree with u re the sleeping with maid.. already we have so little time with them, then putting her with maid will mean lesser time...
Your mum tired liao... poor thing.... hehe.. Ally is really a little dynamo!!!

Hahah your hb's proposal...so funny!!!

Can email me? Me not in the yahoo group... [email protected]
Tan Yoong ah? I wanna see!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thot u can capture some artistic shots of the 'tunnel' mah... hehe....

Got it, I will view later....thanks!

Pain in belly button? Did u over-exert yourself or not? Yah, must rest ok?
Try to sit and hug Vane, not carry her... I also can't carry jesse much... feel like I'm missing something... tell myself after I give birth and resume my strength I'm gonna carry him long long!!!!!!!!!

1am....haha....me deep in slumberland.
Scratch until bleed?? That sounds serious......
He must be in some discomfort....ears blocked??? I think u beta bring him to PD asap man.......

Haha...the pic looks so cute....!!
Her schedule is usu like that
630 - 7am Wake
830 - 9am Short nap (15 min - 30 min) Sometimes will skip this
9 - 930am breakfast
11 - 1130am Nap for 30 - 45 min
1230pm Lunch
2 - 230pm Nap (usu 1 - 1.5 hr but nowadays 30 mins)
3.30 - 4pm Milk
430 - 5pm Try to get her to nap another 30 mins if she only naps for 30 mins after lunch. Sometimes failed attempt

Maid was off yesterday so had to look after her on my own. Only slept when we were out and refused to sleep when we reached home. (1110 - 1130; 1430 - 1500; 1715-1800). My back was hurting like crazy coz had to carry her around esp last nap coz she refused to nap after milk. After trying for an hour, gave up and told hubby to go for supermkt shopping and she'll surely fall asleep. True enough slept in the car on the way to the supermarket.

Dunno where Ally gets her energy from and how come she's so active also coz both hubby and I are the opposite. Now I'm curious to see if my little boy will be as active or maybe more subdued than Ally. Can't imagine having 2 dynamos.
haven't gotten the chance to reply u abt Ashrel's night behaviour. Ashley oso have the same problem twice. she just started crying n tearing. we really do not know wat's the problem, juz assume she had night mare n spend around 1hr to coax her to sleep. usually if she is very tired, we dun have such problems. but she has enough sleep in the day, she has a tendency to wake up n cry. n yah, they have this strange habit to "rub/falp" their ears, like dogs scrathcing themselves.

r your tods in the throw tantrums stage? realise ashley when she dun get what she wants, she will just sit on the floor n cry. i ignored her n let her cry. sometimes she can cry until she fall asleep. dun want to give her the impression that whenever she cry, i will give in to her. anyone has the same problem.

emily, Shook,
remember i was saying my girl dun "talk" much. after the gathering, she just starts to babble n "talk" non stop. I think its a good idea we meet up often, our tods can watch how others behave n learn. faster than i try to train n coax her.

i only put a few pics inside. hope u don mind. will send u a mail later.

Pringles, Absolut,
thanks for the compliments. Hb was actaully the way who chose Tan Yoong. I was contemplating between Sil n Ted Wu (also!!!!). But hubby thinks Tan Yoong's gowns look so much better. Since he is paying, i didn;t protest. I dunno abt the shop being exclusive. but i know its really small. one bride trying the gown, the rest will have to hide in one corner. that's why they r appt based. if just walked in, no space to stand.
ashrel is full of energy too. he wakes up at 6am+ n somtx can play, run, jump, climb, crawl, scream for continuous 8hrs, until 2pm then nap. mummy peng san n surrendar!
why like tat leh? ya ashrel alwy throw tantrums. somtx i really cant take it esp i m w him all d tx. he will cry n lie face flat on d floor. i oso leave him alone.
talk about throwing temper... Ethan was throwing his temper almost half of yesterday... dunno why so fussy. Don't want to walk... don't want to sit in pram... only want me to carry... hb and maid also cannot. cry and cry while I strap him into pram and pushed him around in punggol plaza. people were wondering why this mommy didn't care. Then my hb cannot take it, carried him. He still cried, until I carried him. Then he wanted to nurse and was nodding off to sleep... gosh! I felt so guilty!!! At night, kept apologising to him, and hugging him to sleep. He was cranky and won't let me change too! Think they learn habits very easily... at ntuc, one kid screamed, then ethan was like, scream scream until I covered his mouth. Sigh! Think I felt so guilty about ignoring his tempers yesterday that last night, I dreamt about a kid's funeral. So sad... think Ethan seemed to have slimed down after the crying screaming session... hope he doesn't cry himself into fits and fall ill. Lousey me... should have thought before I reacted... coz he just had his chicken pox jab on saturday.

B2B3M4, am so glad to hear that your darling's talking non-stop. heheehe... think she's a good influence for my Ethan... to learn to act calmly... :p
same thing abt the full of energy. Ashley walks, jumps, climbs non stop. Favourite activity, takes things from tables, wear my watch, uses daddy's inhaler!!!!!! take tissue to cover her mouth so that she can cough (fake one!)
But she juz don eat alot. i switch to Dumex Dugro 1 with fine cereal. think she put on weight (n mass) after taking milk with cereal.
Ya, yah.. i agree peng san taking care of them. go back to work after weekends, always feel more tired.
haven't received ur photos leh.?
thanks for the photos..

the clip is attached to the seatbelt only.It is a placed in the belt while the other part is to be slide in and out with the other seatbelt. I bought it from the Tai Seng( Little Tikes) at Targore lane. cost $8
don feel bad. I really don think it was entirely bcos Ethan was hungry. According to my mum, they just misses us badly when we r away at work. for some reason, daddy will always only be daddy. Esp for breastfed children, their bonds with mothers are always the strongest. Ashley is super sticky to me whenever i come home in the evening. She doesnt even want my mum who takes care of her all the time.
hi sanrio,B2B3M4,absolut,
i face the same prob too.He'll throw tempers when:

1) we pick him back from my inlaw home
2) we don't let him open the drawers
3) he wakes up
4) we don't take him out for a walk.

I'll normally try to pacify or distract him.Sometx,he'll cry until he sleeps.

but i tink Ashrel is really very energitic.Maybe becoz he eats a lot???

here is lionel schedule:

7am-7:30am: wake up
8am: 7oz of milk
9am: b/fast(fruit,cereal)
10am: bath
10:30am: 6oz milk
11am: half to 1hr nap
12noon: lunch(porridge)
3pm: 7oz milk & 1hr nap
5pm: dinner(porridge)
6pm: bath
9pm: 7oz milk/sleep

Ted Wu & Tan Yoong r ex. I chose Margaret Brides.
Clarence is so.... romantic

Ya join the gathering. Tis is the 1st time u join us not considering the 1 u hosted
I added the link of my wedding photos in yahoo group

Your wedding gown is very beautiful.
My bridal boutique gave me a bouquet to bring home using the same type of flower u hv but it wasn't use for my studio shots
Yar, nice seeing u, ash n ur hubby yday
Ash really make u very bo eng hor? Hehehe... EH, i very superstitious kind. U a christian or buddhist? If u're buddhist, how abt using anh huey to clean Ash? Hehehe...i tink i offered tis suggestion to someone b4. If christian, how abt a bible under ash's pillow?

I found the paper from kindermusik. $19.50 for the trial class. Must call n book in advance.

Hey, nice meeting u too. If u nvr called me, i won't have recognised u :p I bad at remembering pple one. So sorrie. U're really so much fairer as compared to the time i saw u at sahm's pl. N wah, u look so demure in ur wedding pics.Kekeke...

shook, sahm,
Ur makeup artist is sammi too? I only know u're from white link, but didn't know we have same make up artist. I like sammi alot
In fact, i miss her a great deal. My wedding gown n evening gown designed by her
Almost forgot to tell u tis
Chen Chen wakes up middle of the times occassionally crying wif eyes shut, pulls his ears, hair. I rub his tummy n apply ru yi yu @ times. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
Emily, is it a bottle of Kiehl's baby diaper rash ointment that fell into your bag? Cos mine disappeared..dunno where I dropped it!
Jana seems to have changed so much from the time i saw her. In fact i agree wif giggler dat most of them seem so grown up oredi until i dun really recognise them.

Yar u must take care leh.

U not taking medi for ur cough n phlegm?

It's nice to know from the mummies dat u're looking great
Hope dat i'll have the opportunity to meet u in person 1 day.

I'm beginning to have tis pblm wif Kieran too. As in when we walk past those kiddy rides n dun put him in there, he'll SCREAM!!! Then he'll wriggle his body n try to get down. Same thing when we're at the toys section. So now i try to siam these places. N yes, i totally agree wif u abt gg back to work after weekends feeling even more tired. Pple weekends get to really rest, we all seem worse off :p
I nvr scan my fotos leh, so how to share? Next time got chance to meet, i show u mine okie?Actually i prefer my actual day fotos as compared to studio fotos. They really bring back lots of memories.
we are a christian family
ashrel loves kiddy rides too. wen he spot 1, will scream in excitement. if he sees other kids on it, somtx will cry, somtx will use his bb language n 'ask' d kid 2 get down. some older kids ar quite nice, will give in 2 him. me, mon to sun, evyday tired.

dear mummies,
we brought ashrel to c pd tis evening. his ears ar ok, no infection/blockage. there's no real solution 2 prevent waking up at nite. pulling n tearing is jus their way of venting their frustration as slp is disturbed. jus hav 2 find ways to calm him down n he will b bk to slp. pd oso did an assessment. ashrel is perfectly fine, developing well, jus being v v active n is a smart boy (i wonder how pd tells...) he said poor mummy being d 1 n main caregiver hv to 'suffer' a bit loh.
so funny c him standing on d adult weighing machine, no longer use d 1 for bb. being so active, his wt gain has slowed down. he is 11.2kg n ht is abt 81cm. pd said he is of gd wt n is a tall boy.
Thanks for opening your place for us. Very cozy place. DIn know you just move in not long ago. And Gareth is much bigger in person leh. Maybe he put on weight recently.

Jem oso put on weight. So rounded. Eyes oso round, body oso round.
This evening I told hb wat you said abt him. He say got pple chat up with him meh??

YOu are younger than I imagined. I couldn't recognise you and Ethan initially. He can really sleep hor. Carry like tat can liao. DO you look after him yourself at nights?

I oso wanna see your wedding photos leh.
Nice meeting you. This is the 1st time you join gathering?? Tot I met you at Eureka's place... or was I dreaming.

Thanks for the info you have been posting. Hmmm.. back to sch again. One last term and hols liao.
Really impressed Ryan can speak v well liao.. I am still waiting for Nat to speak leh.

This time got more chance to chat with you. It was v nice. Your hubby oso quite friendly. But too bad, no chance to take photos with you. Did you all take after I left?

You dun look tat preg lah. The last time I saw you at Elysee's bday you oso wore black, oso look abt the same. Jana is v pretty, see the photo I posted. So sweet leh.

Thanks for waiting for me!! Hee... Prob made Alicia even more tired bcos of tat. Din chat much. But no prob, seeing you tmrw liao.

Nice meeting your family again...

1st time meeting you. Din really get to chat much though. Hope to see ya again. And Aloy too.

Thanks. Yup, I v fair and FAT!! Gotta lost weight liao lah.

Your Ashrel is such a big boy. Good job, you have been feeding and teaching him well

I have emailed the photos liao.

If I missed any post attn to me... forgive me. Now nearly 1am liao. Gg to sleep soon. Nat only slept a while ago...
I always self heal.
A deal! Next bb gathering bring your wedding photos

Ooops, ya rite. B2B3M4 attended Elyse's b'dy. She entered n I exit after saying hi. So din register in my mind dat she attended Elyse's b'dy

Any of u interested to get blank flash cards? I m ordering fm a paper supplier thru Giggler. Interested pls pm me for the prices. Pls let me hv your order by tis Thu
nice meeting you too! Jana's a little sleepy n cranky last sat. she was throwing tantrums in the car on the way to pigletz place and i let her cry it out in the carseat ..i think that's makes her a little moody. mabbe ethan saw Jana clinging to me and just wanna follow???

i was trying to load the video from my mum's home last nite and realise wat an agony!! the video is too big and v slow to load. Will upload photos instead into webshots n provide the link in our database ok?

hong, skyblue
yalor! I almost din recognise its my girl! she look quite tanned, think i left her in the swimming pool for too long
she also looked quite skinny leh ...will need to fatten her up a little!

yes! its a nice shot of Jana ...thanks for taking n posting the photos!

hmm...Jana would sometimes wake up crying terribly too and we realise that sometimes its becos she wanna pee. We'll ask her "u wanna shh shh"...then she'll calm and quiet down a little, after we put her on the potty to pee, she'll go back n sleep v soundly again. i remember ashrel is also potty train ..could it be the same problem???
Pringles, thanksK I still got bandage on my belly button so Vane cant touch it.

Absolut, Im at my parents place cos my mom can cook for me. Not sure when I can carry Vane again leh. Maybe after I removed my stitches tom?

styloBB, feel like something missing and lots of things cant be done hor? Now I cant bring Vane out alone cos cant carry her. SighKK.

B2, I got the same prob with Vane. She sits on the floor and cry till very pitiful. And she uses her hands or legs to protect her head from hitting the floor. At first, we cant bear it, well keep trying to pacify her. Now, I decide to leave her alone if she does that again.

Skyblue, thanksK in fact, my mom makes so many bu stuff for me everyday. Think my body shd be better after this week.
Jana look very gd in the photo. The little one grow taller so kinda of stretch a bit. Fat all evenly spread out.

U mean Jana was potty/toilet train? She didnt wear diaper to sleep at nite?

How are u? More stable now?

How are u? rest and eat well ok.

Ashrel still cry last night?
i'm ok...yes...more stabalize now but feeling v tired.

Jana still wear diaper to sleep at nite but sometimes she dun like to pee in her diaper cos she hates wet diaper...v fussy girl. we put her on the potty to pee before going to bed/nap and when she wakes up, we put her on the potty immediately also...so sometimes her diaper remains dry and we can re-use for her next nap
Morning mummies

U sure or not? How u know got mok mok? Making me curious......

U concentrate on getting well, girl!!!!! Can I ask if your fibroids thingy is the same as endometrisis????
Vane lets ur hb carry or not??

I seem to have so many things to settle but my energy level and mobility is kinda affecting me..... hiaz.....

Gynae still (!) una confirm the gender of the twins... will have to wait for the detailed scan then....
All we saw were hazy images which hb/I could not make out......but again one twin is kicking the other, gynae said they are active....

Hopefully Ally will get beta......ie can take lesser naps but longer hours. Also dun know how to advise... each toddler is different. Last time I also used to complain that jesse naps v little when he was young... but now he is much much beta, on weekends he can nap for 2.5-3.5 hours.... and he only takes one nap.
But hor if she sleeps in the car or while u are out, u guys then dun get to rest... v chaam....
U are preggie, also need to rest ..... U beta dun overstrain yourself...

Tough on u cos u look after ashrel all by yourself...

Any update from your gynae re the bb???? U feeling ok?

Last Sunday was the first time I put a $1 coin into the kiddyride for jesse cos he had been a good boy....hehe....

Putting bible under pillow is not the way lah........keke..
Hi Mummies,
The bad host is here to report. Thanks for coming and glad that all of you enjoy the gathering. Didn't manage to take alot of pics as we were busy doing alot of things. Actually, I still don't know why I'm so busy that day.

Here's the little pics that we took the other day.

For a starter, the shoes of the little ones.

OK wiat for u to post the link in yahoo
Jana is almost potty trained completely. Clever gal. C she is fast in tis. Chen Chen still not ready yet. My mum said he has no patient to sit on potty. A while he gets up n his motion drops on the flr. Yucks. Few times his urine foutain out when he is sitting on the potty
paiseh, didn't manage to catch any Chen Chen's pic this time round.

Emily & Hazel,
I have to make a confession. Sorry, but think the napie tube thingie, it's the work of my boy. haha, Gareth was quite busy picking up things from one bag to put into another bag. hahahhaa

it's okay that you can't make it, though I do wonder what you didn't come. B2B3M4 also wonder cos she cook the tom yam noodle for you.

I think you very friendly leh. Ashley also very friendly. She don't bother you and enjoy herself with her friends.
haha, have to confess, if not, the little one inside might learn the wrong thing. hahaha, must set a good example mah. hahaha

The photo of the bb shoes is cute. my hubby noticed dat scene n pt to me when we were abt to leave.

Any1 by the name Agnes Goh?
