(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Wah, u're back here even faster than me! Ryan is one friendly and sociable boy.

Thks for offering your home today! Very spacious and windy. Nice decor!

Here are the photos i managed to take at earlier part of gathering. Sorry to miss out babies who came later.









Jerald was really so much at home at Pigletz' place just now. He is really very cute.

That picture of Gareth in pink earlier on....looks too sweet for a boy leh!Hehe. Ur boy really knows how to play gd host today. I'm impressed

Nice meeting u for the very first time. U look vibrant. Aloysius is a handsome boy. My hubby says he's got very nice eyes
Let me know if i can meet u one wkend @ compass point to pass u the sample Gain IQ.

Ethan is so different now. He's very boyish looking and very active indeed.

How's your toe? Better? Jerome is cool with strangers.
stylobb n viv,
i sent 2 u my wedding pic

we both are v 'slim' right, keke... dun noe why ashrel so 'bak bak'

did u brg dana to bt batok swimming pool? d pool playground is v bright n fun. ashrel loves it even more than b4 cos he is v daring, loves to go down d slide.

dear mummies,
so sad cant join d gathering. hubby back to camp. me travel w ashrel to n fro fr bt batok to sk v far. if take cab, sure kana chase down by driver cos he will climb to d front seat. nothing can b used to distract him.

any1 encounter somthg like tat? i was v v stressed up by ashrel. somtx he wakes up mid nite cry n scream. i noe it may b nitemare, teething discomfort etc. but i 'surrendar'!!! nothing is effective to calm him down. he will close his eyes tight, struggle, scream n kick w all his strength n might. there ar tx we bo pian n brg him out of d hse to d corridor at 1am kind. worst is, while he is screaming, he will 'tear' his ears as if he wan to tear them away. behind d ear areas, can c deep cut/tear n bleed caused by himself (so i cut his nails evy 2 or 3 days till v short). hubby n i hav to carry him n catch hold of both his hands but he is really strong. why like tat????? we v stressed!!
daytx he is perfectly fine leh... sigh...haiz...
Thanks Pigletz, for opening your house. It has been really lovely to meet up with all of u again. Wld really like to apologies for turning up so late. If i seem really unfriendly, thousand of apologies too. I am trying to run the whole household, make plans for maid n arrange baby sitting plans. Too many things clouded my head, ended up sprouting things that doesn't seem to make sense.
Look like a fun gathering.
Too bad i cant join all.

Ashrel having "Han Ming" is it? Or we call nite terror. Did u on the light when he started to cry and scream in the mid of the night? Try to wake him up, hold him tight! Keep assuring him u are with him. When he calm down, feed him with warm water.

There is no "cure" for nite terror. Most impt is to prevent over stimulation be he sleep lor or dun play too "hard" during the day.
shook, deer, KC, brenda, sanrio, sahm,
Kieran says thk Q to aunties for the well wishes
N yes, sahm, Kieran likes the purple colour :p

Not many pics taken leh cos we went there in the evening & by then a little dark liao. N many pics got either me or hubby wif Kieran. I shy to post my pics here leh. :p Wah, ur mum going to be very busy, having to cope wif so many demands.
Hey, y cannot share ur wen xin story here? I wanna know oso leh.

I can't recall how much the kindermusik lesson was. Mebbe u wanna call n ask?

Congrats to u

RE: gathering
No pics of mummies wif the babies? 3rd pic is pigletz's boi, Gareth? Then 4th pic is Aloy? Then wat abt 2nd last pic? Ethan? Jem is still as handsome as ever.
Wanted to wish all mummies have a gd time at pigletz's hse but forum down until tis pm.
Alicia has ever displayed Ash's middle of the nite waking/crying b4 and she also scratched behind her ear/neck area until quite red. I associate that to her teething at its worst and when it happens, we usually have to carry her and pat her. If she doesn't stop and eyes are still shut, i have no choice but to wake her up and once she opens her eyes and look around, after awhile, she will calm down and be patted to sleep again.
Something to take note copy from another thread
Dengue Fever Hotspot.
1. Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 470, 412, 411, 473) 2. Lor J Telok Kurau
3. Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 (Blk 231, 229) 4. Lor K / Lor J Telok Kurau
5. Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 111, 109) 6. Lor Lew Lian - Cherry Hill Condo (No. 27, 25)
7. Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 172, 173, 175, 177, 178) 8. Lor Lew Lian (Blk 1, 2, 3)/Serangoon (Blk 418)
9. Bedok South Rd (Blk 70) 10. Marsiling Cres (Blk 212, 213)
11. Boon Lay Dr (Blk 201, 202, 203) 12. Marsiling Dr (Blk 27, 26, 23, 25)
13. Boon Lay Place (Blk 209) 14. Ontario Ave - Windsor
15. Bukit Batok West Ave 6 (Blk 131, 128) 16. Pipit Rd (Blk 92, 94, 54, 92, 53)
17. Bunga Rampai Place 18. Raffles Institution Lane (No.1)
19. Butterfly Ave 20. Serangoon Central (Blk 420, 421, 423, 424)
21. Choa Chu Kang Central (Blk 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215 ) 22. Shunfu Rd (Blk 307, 309, 312)
23. Circuit Rd (Blk 36, 35)/ Balam Rd (Blk 24) 24. Siglap Rd (Blk 462)/ Fidelio St
25. Clementi West St 2 (Blk 705, 710) 26. Sim Dr (Blk 55, 56)
27. Clifton Vale (Blk 12B) / Mackerrow Rd (Blk 32) 28. Sims Ave (Blk 830, 832, 844, 848)
29. Hougang Ave 1 (Blk 230, 234, 236) 30. St. George's Rd (Blk 11)
31. Hougang Ave 5 (Blk 312, 309) 32. Surin Ave
33. Hougang Central (Blk 838) 34. Tampines St 83 (Blk 863B)/ St 71 (Blk 727)
35. Jln Lapang/ Jln Senang (Blk 68A, 14B, 1, 11, 60) 36. Tampines St 83 / St 82 (Blk 841,842C)
37. Jln Salang - Sembawang Spring Est (Blk 34, 23, 63, 26, 40) 38. Teck Whye Ave (Blk 8, 10, 229)
39. Jurong East Ave 1 (Blk330, 331) 40. Vernon Park - Gurkha Camp (Blk 50, 70)
41. Jurong East St 32 (Blk314, 311, 312, 313) 42. Woodlands St 13 (Blk 101, 102)
43. Jurong West St 42 (Blk 432) 44. Yishun St 21 (Blk 212, 211)
45. Li Hwan Close - Golden Hill Est 46. Yishun St 61 (Blk 636A, 636, 663)
47. Lor 35 Geylang (Blk 812) 48. Yishun St 72 (Blk 757, 752)
49. Lor 8 Toa Payoh (Blk 227, 234) 50. Yishun St 81(Blk 875, 844, 874, 879)

* A dengue cluster is formed when two or more dengue cases occur within 14 days and the homes of the dengue victims are within the distance of 150m. A cluster will only be closed when no new case is reported after 14 days of the last dengue case.
sanrio, popping in to rpely to your post, sorry to intrude :p Its a good idea to bring him to his PD or at least to GP to check out his ears to make sure its not an ear infection. Faye has recurring ear infections couple of times so I read up on it- the pain in baby's ears are worsened when they are lying down (eustachian tube in ear is filled when child lies down during an ear infection), which is why some bbs w ear infection cant sleep well at night becuase the pain is intensified when they are lying down. In some cases, its not very noticeable in the daytime because when they are upright, the tubes are draining freely. One of the symptoms of ear infection is an agitated baby waking up crying and pulling/scratching at his ears. Hope Ashrel goes back to sleeping well soon
Yup... part of Compass photographers. We were the 1st batch of guinea pigs for them so dun need to pay for their travel expenses. Just need to pay for pics.
Possibility tanner then I think coz now only go office and rush back to be with Ally.

Coz our memory of our own flats are pretty run down and super dated mah.

Emailed you already. Can show me yr pics too? me curious to see eng howe's work on you. Yours can't be as bad as mine. Opted for Sydney photo shoot coz I took my photo package with Picture Box (marcus mok) and think he changed his style a bit when I had my shoot and there were some pics my bro says I look like kuan yin. can die! Made me so upset. Sorry can't share that coz didn't scan it. One day we can bring our pics for a gathering to see see ok?

Me ok with Eureka lah. Used to her already!

Sorry didn't manage to come to the gathering yesterday. Ally was in a really cranky mood yesterday and refused to eat and nap properly. Was making the mooncakes til abt 1pm but sad to say, batch 1 was fantastic, batch 2 failed. By the time, Ally woke up (still cranky), it was abt 2plus so hubby said not to go. Sorry!
Hi all, didnt look thru all postings cos think my eyes will popped out if I do that.

Pigletz, first of all....
Wow, is it part of your planning or it's a surprise like Viv???

I told Shook that our thread really productive leh. So many of you having No. 2 liao.

So what's the latest topic now? Wedding photos? I'd like to view those photos too leh. Can I?

It seems like it's mostly boys who went to the gathering hor? All the boys looks so big and handsome. Alicia really have lots of choice that day hor? heehee....

Btw, I'm resting at home after my op on Mon. Everything went well and really enjoying my mom's tender love and care now.
good to know all is well with your Op.

here's the pic u requested.
This is the extra clip I bought to add to the safety belt..he cannot escape from this.
mummies, sharing all ur wedding pixs?? i posted mine sometime back!!!

pigletz, thk u and ur boys for the warm hospitality. we enjoy v.much.
bet u kept that pink romper??? reserve for ur no2????

pringles, didnt know u caught my rascal drooling!!! aiyo, so ugly!! but wat to do, he refused bib. got to chase after him with a hanky.
now that i'm a sahm, nothing to do, so starting hounding on pple to let me visit them, so i dun cope ourselves up at hme all day. now that pigletz's no2 on the way, i better stop harrasing her.

mummies at the gathering, very nice to hv meet n chat!!! so pai say, got to leave when the crowd just started to warm up.
meconium is the dark green sticky stool dat has to clear out fm bb's body
Hope miracle falls on your grandfather
IMHO, take leave to help your mum. She really needs it. Bsides better dun carry YH to hospital. BTW can I ask how old is she?

hi 5. 1st time I find some1 has low body temp like me
never been asked 2 go 2 hospital due 2 low temp and blood pressure
U v pro. Your 1 rm flat looks like showflat

Yeah, the later ones u sent r clearer. Your outdoor photos nice. U really look familiar to me
Ya man dat teacher not fit 2 b a teacher

Actually I kinda suspect when u asked for n said hv craving for ba kua
U follow the 3 mths rule is it?

Thx dun need so loud lar. U mean I look ugly w/o make up is it?
I like my hair bun up too. Greatest regret. Hair let dwn whole day on actual day
My make up artist is Sammi. I married 2003. U wif which bridal boutique?
A, share leh. 2 way traffic mah

U look like a model man. So slender n your poses so pro
Your wedding gown v beautiful

Deer, Pigletz, StyloBB
I oso let Chen Chen wear hands me dwn. In fact asking ard for it. I wz then mad when dowager said throw the hands me dwn away. It wz my mum n SIL's effort to ask n collect for. Lucky my hubby agree n he got a lot fm his colleague too
pringles, hong n berry,
tks so much for ur reply
yup, cld b teething cos i saw many of his teeth coming out at d same tx, cld b nitemare cos he is super active n play till quite 'wild' during d day. but berry, u mayb right too, cld it b ear infection? wen he was younger, pd did tell me he has sensitive nose n skin n did check his ears to make sure no infection.
okie if he cont to show such symptoms, i will brg him to c pd.
tks to all

mom2nat n skyblue,
nice to c u all at parco 2day. kieran is ever so adorable. ai ya... 2 bad din get 2 c nat.
n u all witness how active is ashrel right... af tat we wen to esplanade n there are lanterns there, he was so excited, walked n ran n even did spiderman crawl, some tourists were so amused by him, stopped by to watch him instead of touring esplanade. sigh... my cam batt wen flat n cant take pic.
Sorry dat I wz late for the gathering. Chen Chen started to fall asleep @ 12. I dun wanna wake him up so dat I can stay till b4 I leave for his class.
Nice meeting all of u. Din get the chance to sit dwn n chit chat wif most of u

Thx for hosting the gathering.
U look tired. Hope we r not the cause of your tireness

Pringles, Lyn, Ruffy, Pvl
Din get the chance to talk to u gals. U left liao

So happy to c u @ the gathering. U look gd

Your Randall the most active tod in tis threat

So sorry dat Jem landed on the flr while competing for toys wif Chen Chen.

Tyra grown much taller

Your rascal no longer glued to u

U look gd n bright
My hubby said the chwee kueh is ichi ban

Mom2Nat, B2B3M4, Val
Hv a gd chat wif u tis time

Mom Mom
Your cookies r ichi ban

Ethan is so strong no inner shirt under his jump suit

Jaz, B2B3M4, Brenda, Mom Mom
Your tod beef up
meconium is the dark green sticky stool dat has to b cleared out fm bb's body
Hope miracle falls on your grandfather
IMHO, take leave to help your mum. She really needs it. Bsides better dun carry YH to hospital. BTW may I ask how old is she?

hi 5. 1st time I find some1 has low body temp like me
never been asked 2 go 2 hospital due 2 low temp and blood pressure
U v pro. Your 1 rm flat looks like showflat

Yeah, the later ones u sent r clearer. Your outdoor photos nice. U really look familiar to me
Ya man dat teacher not fit 2 b a teacher

Actually I kinda suspect when u asked for n said hv craving for ba kua
U follow the 3 mths rule is it?

Thx dun need so loud lar. U mean I look ugly w/o make up is it?
I like my hair bun up too. Greatest regret. Hair let dwn whole day on actual day
My make up artist is Sammi. I married 2003. U wif which bridal boutique?
A, share leh. 2 way traffic mah

U loos like a model man. So slender n your poses so pro
Your wedding gown v beautiful
Your gowns make to keep?

Deer, Pigletz, StyloBB
I oso let Chen Chen wear hands me dwn. In fact asking ard for it. I wz then mad when dowager said throw the hands me dwn away. It wz my mum n SIL's effort to ask ard n collect them. Lucky my hubby in line wif me wrt tis n he got a lot fm his colleague too

Other mummies who hv wedding photos to share. pm me can
Excited??? We are awaitng confirmation of their gender. Hmmmmm..... now taking each day/ month at a time... make sure I'm ok,eating well, etc.. It's not easy to handle twins if they are the first borns...

Thanx. 1st two pics are taken at my church in TPY. The rest at outdoor was at a catholic church, I can't rembr the name/place.
The hairstyle for your WG is v nice....I like it.
and the colour too.

Pics already sent.

Wait ah, afterwards I sent.

Good to hear u are well... u want to see ah? Later ah.

Yah I was also about to ask why u let your hair down,wasn't it hot????
I still look familiar to u ah?? Hehehe... common face lah....

Hand-me-downs are ok what.... what's wrong? Unless she is going to buy everything hahaha....

U feeling ok?
Me walked till my feet so tired over weekend....

Temperature - mine always on high side.... hehe...
I guess one way is to minimise his activity before he sleeps so he does not get overexcited.
Do u pray for him before he sleeps? Ask God to grant him peaceful and restful sleep, no disturbance of any sort.

Your nephew's beta??
Did he shit?
my toe still hurting cos jem keep stepping on it! think he finds the plaster cute.. haiz.
How? I tried to talk more liao.. was I friendlier? Can pass? hahhahaha

how? enjoyed the gathering?? ur boy very sociable too hor!

U make me curious?? what did u say at the gathering that doesn't make sense har?

It's okay..hhahahha, i din see him fall n most prob wun realise if u gals din tell me. He's okay one lah, if its really painful, will scream liao. I got a shock from the overwhelming reactions from u gals tho, thot he snatched toys again..hahaha
u like ted wu too? did u get ur wedding gown from him? initially i liked my wedding down alot but then saw another ted wu's bride
's photo at eng howe's studio and her gown looked quite similiar to mine!

ur wedding pics r very nice! scan some more leh ...

yah ...agree with the rest, u really looked like a model! gd idea to bring our pics to gathering! can take them out n make them useful again else its just collecting dust in the storerm

absolut, ruffy, sanrio, stylo, mom2nat
sent u the link to my wedding video, pai seh its rather long, i converted from dvd to windows format directly n i dun know how to cut it shorter. its actually the wedding video i played during my banquet.

its the first time u tried tiong bahru chwee kueh?

u also look familiar to me leh! i love the pics in the church.
Where got ugly?? Jerald still looks cute even when he drools! You are welcome to visit my place if u want. Just sms me. I'm 2 lrt stations away frm Pigletz' place

Ya, didn't get to talk much this time but hey, we can bump into each other anytime at rivervale mall;)

Haiyo....maybe u gotta bandage the toe:p Yes, friendlier this time! Hahaa, tho i felt the hurt toe really affected u quite alot.
HI viv,
Think I am the 1st one to ask for ur Eng Howe's work but U left me out in the list...

Eng Howe has alot of pride in his work, he is a little egoistic too...maybe arty farty pple are like tat? There was 1 instance when hb n I just not too agreeaable with him at the studio, he seems annoyed, u imagined!

Hi Sanrio,
Agree with Hong's posting re the nite waking. ALot of cuddling n waking him up is necessary. Till now, I do not know the reason for certainty. This behaviour till later stage of toddlerhood will still exist on off.

Hi Shook,
DUn think deer want or dare take more leave now, remember her MC n outsource issues. But really really boh bian, got to take liao, last resort!

YES, SAMMI is the lady! She is nice hor? After 3 yrs, she pile on alot! I can remember her nicely defined lip. Do u know she design some of the gowns in the shop???

Hi Deer,
think it is gonna be very trying n shagged out period for u, ur mum, ur sis etc.......All things come together....U take care!

Hi Absolut,
Went on mooncake testing over the wkn. Shangri la package is very majestic n drew alot of crowds. Didnt taste gd tho.
Eater place's yam.........hot n fragrant, NICE!

Wat's the whole issue abt me? Wat u get used to me? Tot by now, we all surely get used to each other style n kwan here?
I tot stylobb is more frightening than those pple tat peek at our bbs' foto, called wat ah...paeXXXXXX..........

Hi Brenda,
Those merry go rd....just learn frm Rae's book tat it is called carousel. I dun know how to pronounce.....
Very stressed now. Have to attend phonic n hanyu pinyin classes with my kids soon....

Jem is very handsome n chubby.
Nothing... 'cos i realise when i talk nowadays, the reply i get from people doesn;t tally with what i'm saying...

are we still into this wedding photos things ah??? I oso want to see leh. can post it on yahoo, then all of us can assess. I think i shld have 2-3 pics i posted long time ago at ofoto for the photo shoot. anyone want to see??
Absolute, can i see your pics too? PM me pls.

Eureka, how come so young must learn hanyu pin yin liao? dun scare me lei.
Thanks. The poses were tough. All guided by the photographers... pose til back ache coz the angles were really felt very weird and awkward. After that I really appreciated model's job a lot more. Must fulfill dream of becoming model mah. hahahaha!

Berry / Sanrio
Ally has also be digging her ears when she sleeps. May bring her for a check tomorrow coz she seems to have cough with phlegm again.

Thanks for the compliments. Me also ted wu fan but decided against going with him after I was not given the opportunity to meet him before signing the package. Was afraid he will be super ya-ya and not listen to comments etc. Anyway, managed to meet him at my friend's fitting and told him abt it after that. Signed up with silhouette but basically showed the designer all the embroidery designs from Ted Wu and told her I wanted embroidery too. Terrible hor!

Me wanna see your wedding pics. Ok... me go and try and post link on yahoo groups. U all also go and post there ok?
I thot u would capture some shots of the one-room flats mah... I dun know your type of one-room flats.... but the ones near my parent's place last time were the tunnel type, quite scary.. I used to walk thru at like 5.30am when I was going to school..... maybe that was the impression absolut and I had ....

How, u have inspiration to go for photo shoot now????

jesse walked right into the table edge while we had mtg in church and all the adults went "OOOOOOOH!!!!" at the same time!

jem really has nice features....
Did u cut ur hair? It looked shorter from whatever the photo showed....

Ally was just cranky and not unwell? Did not see u in church ....

Went to the Li Hua shop (now called Beaute Spring) and the sales asst asked me if I am delivering soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, I told her I'm only 5 months.........!!!!
So how? have another photo shoot again??? Hehe...drool....drool......

Pics - sent to u last week...

Sent liao.... u back at school huh?

Sigh...sigh....jialat!!! My face is so common ah.... hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ted Wu famous for beading right?? Me was such a lazy bride, think we only went to two studios.... but heart already set on Sil... then so glad that everything turned out great...think me and hb quite chin chia... my gown was not MTM, minda just made some modifications to it....

Oh-oh, a couple + a bb at 1am outside hdb corridor must be an unusual sight!!!!!!
U r so witty n funny! Bonus pack.....hahhahaha

U ah....so comical. U dun need to be scared lah. I nvr study either one of them mah. Then when I attend the lessons with my kids, bet I will be zzzzzzzzzzzzz away...
Eureka, i tot only in primary school then start learning hanyu pinyin?...elyse only 1+ also learning liao? Where have you signed them up?
my hubby also complain tat must pay $$$ first before we get to see ted wu! i also like Sil, infact my final choices were between ted and sil, in the end choose ted cos sil prefers their bride to wear corset and i din wanna wear one, also ted's cutting is v v good...cos even the off the rack gown fits v nicely. anyway no regrets signing up with him, mine's mtm, he's v nice and all our fittings were v enjoyable. he's v happy when i managed to slim down and he's v willing to alter the dress so tat the brides look gd in it!

yah ..ted wu is famous for embroidery n beading. had embroidery for my wedding gown n lots n lots of beading on my evening gown
Me started a folder named Wedding Pics in links under our yahoo groups. Put in my link there already. U all also wanna put it in so we can enjoy all the pics.

QSG, you can assess our yahoo group? Can see it there

Ally was super cranky for the past few nites after giving me a restful sleep on thurs nite.

Seems like it's getting worse by the day. Last nite gave up already... let her co-sleep with us but still woke up more than 5 times and toss and turn all the time to cry. Past few nites refuse to sleep til abt 10pm and since she only gets interrupted sleep, she has been sleeping til 8 - 830am. My most peaceful time is from abt 6am - 8am. So tired now. Last nite was the worst of the lot esp since we were already co-sleeping from the start. Told hubby if this continues, I dun think I can take it. My mom asked me to let my maid look after at nite but dun think I'm desperate enough to do that yet. Dun wanna lose the bond with Ally and I want to give her all the attention before no. 2 comes. Also think it's tiring enough to look after my super active girl during the day. Even my mom commented that it's more tiring to look after Ally with my maid than my bro's 2 girls alone.
tks for opening up your hse.
sorry got to leave early as aloy is getting cranky. He knock off in the car on our way home.

nice meeting u too. Alicia is soooo adorable.
Hey, maybe I can go to your hse to pick up the sample or if its not convenient can collect at your void deck one of these weekends when Im back to sk.

Im fine tks. Yap, thats aloy. Ya, he resembles me tho some say he resembles my hubby too. Too bad, u & ashrel cant make it this time.

So happy to c u too.
me look gd? Ya, tks to my mum who has been taking good care of me & aloy all this while.

yap, enjoyed very much especially aloy.
He sociable? Thot hes very much playing on his own while the other tods are playing with each other leh.
Hi mommies, gd morning!

Mommies at the gathering,
I thoroughly enjoyed myself... Ethan did too... with all the hugging and kissing (all the gals?)...ehehehehee... too bad all the boys were playing outside... while Ethan was enjoying in the room with the ladies... :p
When we left and I was downstairs, Ethan started talking a lot and telling me lots of things in his baby talk... think he was telling me he enjoyed himself lots and to bring him there again... or maybe he was asking me why we left so early... eheheheee...

Pigletz, thanks for opening your lovely home for us to raid.
Love your bedsheet spread... looks like a luxury - silk, right?
Your darling is a great host! So charming... let all his friends play with the toys without grumbling...
Thanks for cooking the porridge... Ethan loved it! 1st time he had scallop porridge!

Lyn, great to see you again... and your Jerald too... he sure looks very different from the Jerald I carried. So nice to be a sahm now, yeah?

Pringles, thanks for the shots... wow! You sure are fast... I didn't bring my cam... so was wanting to see all the shots taken... to remind me of all the bbs etc etc... Your alicia was a darling.
Did Ethan get to kiss / hug her? ehehhee.... Yes yes, Ethan is very active... as most of you saw.... I think... very busy hor...

Ruffy, so nice to see you again although a litle sad you forgot my son's name... hehehe... I believe if I got a daughter, you'll sure to help ryan remember, yeah? ehhehee... :p

Jaz, was such a lovely surprise to see you at the gathering... didn't expect to see you there... and with your hb too!!!
Aloy is as charming as usual and wow wow wow... time sure flies... so big already!
Do join in future gatherings, then we can chat more, okay??? btw, enjoy your trip and remember to come back here and tell us all about it.

Brendali, I love Jem... he is soooo handsome and soooo chubby...
not fat at all... just the baby kind of fats... very cute. He's really quite sociable... and very nice to carry...

B2B3M4, nice talking to you... did I say wierd things to you?? Thought we were on same topics? :p Your gal is very gentle and sweet.
Must be pretty easy to look after...

viv, nice to see you finally... modern pretty mom..
Your darling is really sweet too... unfortunately, she didn't allow me to carry her... so didn't get to play with her at all.

hehehehee.... your gal is actually really nice lah... just gotta distract her with food then okay already...
I love her cheeks..
So pinchable! Finally got to see you and your hb in person.
Lovely family...

Hazey, Tyra is sooooooooo sweeet looking (except for the bruise)... love what you dress her in...
If I ever get preg with a gal... must ask you where to buy these lovely clothes...

PV, nice to meet you and sarah again...
Sarah is very well behaved and growing to be a lovely lady in no time... except for the dreadful rashes... so poor thing... wish she'll get well soon. Then she'll be happier...makes my heart break when I hear you describing the rashes and how it affects her.

Shook, chen chen grown up already... growing more handsome...
I like what you dressed him in on Saturday.
Ethan is strong? ehehhee... it was not cold what!

Mon Mon, your darling's ver pretty with lovely cheeks... pinch factor ones too...
Just too bad she didn't allow me to play with her much... :p

eeerrr.... did I leave out anyone??? Hope not!
More gathering pics pleaaazzzzzeeeeeee.... mommieeesssss.....

btw, did anyone miss a diper rashes cream? Found it in my paper bag... think it is a full tube... not used yet. oh.. I heard someone was selling something... what?? How come I missed the sale?
mine was the tunnel type too lah.. that's why dun dare to shoot..hahhah. Yah, it was really creepy esp i used to work late.

No leh, in fact i'm starting to feel its gonna be tedious to go thru it n i'm wondering whetehr jem is ready?

No picture of me leh.. the lady behind Jem in the pic for gathering is Emily!!

Our tods not into the age for sharing yet so my definition of sociable is as long as they continue to enjoy in bbgroups n dun feel overwhelmed, they r doing great! I saw ur aloy going round n look at ppl leh.. very happy..hahha
Wow.... so many long postings!!! Seems like we've got habits to post long long one hor?

Ruffy & styloBB, thanks for your well wishes. Me feeling ok but my belly button still feel pain lah. I'll check with my gynae abt it. Think the most difficult thing after the op is cant carry Vane. She has been crying for me to carry her the past few days. But I could only apologise to her cos my parents forbid me to exert too much strength.

eureka, what classes have u signed your kids up? I want to kay-poh leh.

absolut, it's a gd idea to post the link at our yahoo grps. I'll go and see later.

Mummies, I also want to see your wedding photos leh.
Viv, forgot to say... am surprised Ethan was so attached to you? What made him keep hugging and snuggling up to you huh? Hope your bb in the tummy and jana is okay with sharing their mommy with Ethan for a while.
ehehheeee... maybe it is the comfy cushion you have in front of you. :p
eheeheeeee... now i know who i forgot...
Val, Randall is all grown... lost his bb fats liao. Think it will be very soon that he'll start walking.... don't worry... in fact, don't walk so soon, easier to look after....

Mom2Nat, who's the gal in purple in your 1st pix? Is it Jana? I cant recognise some of the bb liao leh. They've grow up so big and changes so much!!!
