(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

wah... dunno where you get all your energy. Think i'll peng san if Ally doesn't even take a short nap in the morn. Energy level cannot keep up. Then feel a bit guilty if I just leave her to play on her own.

Me also checked on Ally's ear with doc. She said she was worried that Ally may have eczema in her ears since I have history of eczema. In the end, she mentioned that there's quite a buildup of ear wax in Ally's ear and since she's quite young, gave me something to drop in her ear to clear it coz it's hardened a bit already.

Aiyah... missed the tomyam beehoon. sorry leh. Very touched that you made it leh. Will try it another time ok?

The cookies u baked u so nice, not surprised dat Aelwen likes cookies
Do u hv a lot of baking equipment @ home?

I dunno wat went wrong dat I still get the funni msg in the blog
ya lor. cooked already, everyone ate half way, then wondered where r u!!!

i oso dunno ashley take her features from who. Non sporean? Then look like which country?
sanrio, every mummies here got really nice hourglass figures way before giving birth!!! *haiz* GONE WERE THE DAYS.

that pix you posted on ash - was his passport pix?? where you intend to go??

Shook, it took me months of exercising, v.strict diet to *SQUEEZE* into that cheongsum!!! i wore it for my rom as well as the photo shots (they were all 4 mths apart)....dun think i will ever put one on again.

lee laughs b'cause he's flatter

work: my current "working hrs" v.irregular not the usual 9-5 desk bounded job.

ruffy, tks for ur email. love that pink gown, v.sweet.

MUMMIES!! those of you who has already STOPPED BFG many months back (>6mths) does your milk still leak?? or you are still able to pump out droplets of milk???
SOS HOR, DO ANS ME. i stopped more than 10mths liao, recently felt dampness around that area, so y'day to solve the mysterious, i used hand to see if i can express anything....BOTH SIDE STILL ABLE TO PRODUCE MILK...HOW AH???
Hi mommies,
Just in case some of you missed me, I was on urgent leave yesterday. Poor Ethan got gastric flu. Threw up at least 9 times before I brought him to the doc (that's between 7am and 10am). Then after we came back, he started having diahorrea.
Weighed him on Saturday at doc 9.7kg. Yesterday at doc weighed only 9.3-4kg. So poor thing, yeah.
Now, he's better, but still throwing up now and then and purging too. Doc says no solids until better. But have been giving him some plain porridge, barley and porridge water. But his appetite no good. He don't seem to be peeing too... only kept purging abd throwing up some times now.

Pigletz, Ethan, the most friendly boy, ehehhee.... how worried am I that one day some one will just walk away with him.
Don't worry about Gareth messing with the bags... heeheheeee... only hazey very mafan now... I should have checked the bag before I left but too busy... :p

Mom2Nat, am younger? Gpsh! You must have imagined me as an old lady, right? Must be because I have been nagging here last time about the bb bash? ehehheee.....
yes, Ethan sleeps on the same bed as us. Why do u ask?? btw, for your info, I was nursing him... then he fell asleep (must have been too tired)... hehehee.. the joys and convenience of breastfeeding. :p

Good to hear that they accepted that pic...
Holiday!! HURRAY!!!
Do u tried the teething gel on Ashrel?
Glad to hear that he is better now.
See this is just a phase.
@ least u ever hv dat kinda fig. Zi zai hu chen jin yong you
Mother nature is urging u to bf Jerald now dat u r sham
. Search me!

Poor poor Ethan, stomach flu @ tis age. I scare to consume anything when I puke often. His appetite will b back when he is in pink. Wish he gets well soon. Nurse him more

Relief now dat Ash's 9 terror is over
U din put on wt. Still the same fig as your wedding photo.
your WG v nice. The stripes look like necklace fm the front

I like your wedding hair style
Your simple smile has xiao niao yi ren's look
styloBB, 1) it took me abt a yr to conceive after my removal of fibroids abt 4yrs back.
2) It depends on individual. Some conceived the next mth after the op. While some took some time. Think I consider slow cos I took abt a yr to have Vane.
3) The gynae didnt put me on any medication.
4) Yes, the condition may recur. My gynae said theres 5% chance. For my case, Ive had fibroids 4yrs back. Then have 2 cysts last yr before I conceived Vane. Then found to have cysts again recently.

Shook, ya came back from my moms place and Vane just got to bed then. So only have chance to log on PC at 2am.

Sanrio, yup feel much beta now. And so happy cos gynae gave me the go ahead to carry Vane.

Lyn, no leh I didnt experience any milk leakage leh.
Hi Giggler,
hv u thot of trying chinese medicine?My frd who suffers from chocolate cysts(had two surgery),is now trying chinese medicine.

Sadly,she still not conceive after trying for years. I feel sad for her.

Recently,she found out she has bubble cysts again & might going for laprocopy.She has seen 3 gynea but each of them gave her different advices.

What caused cyst exactly & is there a way to prevent??
No milk leakage now... Hmmm... have you been massaging it often??

Nat has been waking up, crying for me almost every night... Every since we came back from Fr. Can't pacify her, unless I sleep beside her, or carry her to our bed. Can understand it is tiring and frustrating. I can't think of way out... unless let her cry to sleep... but dear hubby told me yest, dun let Nat cry too much, later spoil her voice... Faint.
U take care of Vane by yourself now dat u r back @ home?
Do u still feel painful?

I let u know the order of the cards 29 or tml. The deadline I set is 2day. 3 enquired but none wanna order.
I also dun like to let Janelle cry to sleep. So cruel to the child. She just need our comfort and wanted to feel the sense of security. If she fall asleep with u and u place her back to her bed or cot. is she ok?

If she cried again then u bring her to ur bed, let her fall asleep and then place her back again? i know is very hard and tired for the parents but worth trying.

Janelle used to be like this and there are time we actually co-sleep with her. Then slowly transfer her out of our bed. She is now sleeping in her own sofabed beside me. if she cried i can attend to her immediate or pat her back to sleep.

My girl not very brave, she need our constant assurance so she will get back to sleep.
I oso try not to let her cry. But hor, in tat way, we really pampering her only leh. YOu do it on weekends only. Imagine I have to carry her in and out of her bed everyday. If I put her into her playpen, she gets upset. NOw put her on her own mattress oso upset. She wants to sleep with us... How to? The bed so small.
All my training in Fr wasted liao lah... Hopefully when we move to a new place, she will be better.
Janelle co-sleep with her Nai nai during the weekday. She was so used to have pple to sleep with her now. I may have hard time trying to train her to sleep on her own room next time.

Mine is a King size bed but we still find it small if she add in.

U have no space beside ur bed?
Hopefully she get better at ur new place.

Surprisingly so quiet here leh.
hi mom2nat,

i thk this is just a passing phase. My boy sleeps in his own room since day 1. Some nights he gets cranky and want us to be with him, but after 1 or 2 nites he'll be fine. Some nites are tough, i'll be running around, but i don't want to bring him to our bed. I'm afraid he won't sleep on his own after tat.

So hang on, be persistent for a while
Once u give in u may have difficulty getting her to sleep on her own. Play soft music, talk to her, tell her mummy is juz next door... anything juz call mummy n you'll be there...
Ryan is 18mths now. how are you coping with Vane at home?

Now Ryan sleeps in his bedroom alone.. if he needs reassurance he will come in the room and ask for milk etc..but won't come to our bed anymore.. will go back to his own bed.
mon2nat, shook, giggler, bn taking/cooking salmon and cod fish regularly since i'm at hme... not sure if these are the causes??
mon2nat, no engorgment, why shd i massage it??

val, do you find your milk sourish?? now at least i know i'm not the weird one!

TODAY'S TOPIC: bb sleeping alone....nvr tried but do not think it's going to be ez nor quick success cos rascal hv bn sleeping with my parents and ourselves since he's a nb. even now he still sleep in the same room as us tot at times i'll still let him sleep with me.
Did Ryan try to climb into your bed last time? I tot buying a mattress, put her near us can... but can't work leh.. NOw worse, she will walk ard the room for 1 hr b4 sleeping1!

My girl has been like tat for weeks leh... And she can climb up our bed on her own, how to stop her?

She is sleeping at the end of our bed now. Cos beside my bed, is facing the door and she oso has access to my table and things behind.
last time when we put him in the same room he will auto try to climb into bed with us. but now he himself doesn't really climb into our bed at night..but sometimes he still does that daytime.
Eat salmon n cod fish got milk ah. Strange. I eat threadfin n garrupa
Does your milk smell fishy

Val, Lyn
U gals wear breastpad to absorb your milk?

I sleep wif Chen Chen 1st. Move to my bed when he is deep asleep.
Still a long way for me to train him to sleep on his own.
Perhaps when u move to new place, u can sleep with Nat on mattresses on the floor in her own room until she falls asleep, then u move back to sleep with hubby in masterbedroom.
How is Ethan? An adult having gastric flu is bad enough, i can't imagine our babies having it! Must be so uncomfortable for poor Ethan....hope he's better.
Nat used to sleep in her own playpen. But when she wakes up at night, and I am too tired to pacify her, I will bring her to our bed. Bad habit, and as she grows older, she is getting more demanding leh.

I hope she will not wan me by her side so often. Last time no need to be by her side when she sleeps, not need to when putting her to bed. And she wants to snuggle close to me. Tat's why when she finds me missing in the middle of the night, she will be upset.

Hmmm... wonder will she cry from her too to mine next time. Do you leave your door slightly open? Otherwise how Alicia go in?
Din realise Alicia's hair quite long liao hor...

Nat is a light sleeper. She doesn't sleep right thru to morning, v seldom. So in the middle of the night, she will cry for me!!

Hurray... ASh slept thru.. I am waiting for my turn of good sleep.

HOw's Ethan? Nat had stomch flu at 9 months, v poor thing. DUn think he can stomach milk. Tat time PD said give rice, carrots, bananas and potatoes to stop the diarrhoea. Seemed to work. Though in v v small amts, like 2 tablespoons each time only. Hey, you gotta give him more liquids, or buy the sachet thingy, to prevent dehydration. Hope he gets well soon. DUn worry abt his weight, will put back on.

Wah, MOn can go back to work liao.. tat's good. Tat time my fren's one err... I think 3 or 4 weeks MC. And she said v pain.

Hmmm... seems like many mommies became silent readers liao.
shook, the leak is not like a leaking tap...drip...drip....drippppp....
it's like hving a few drops then that's it....i was v.shocked to see my own bm!! quickly wipe away. it came out of the blue and stop all suddenly.
no nd for breastpad.

piggy, i already stopped bfg for >10mths liao!! but of late due to my "fishy" diet thus the milk supply.

em, ethan any better??

mon2nat, bo bian got to be a silent reader...otherwise, mid nite posting like this one.

hvnt seen euraka (sahm) ard?
I find dat tandem pump is the best way to hv gd ss fm the start. I will do dat when I hv no 2
SS will definitely decrease when u start work wif the work stress kicking in n irregular hr of expressing

Alicia has a lot of hair now. N her hair is long

Fm the way u describe, I think Nat is being adjusted to sleep in your bed by the act dat u pacify her in your bed instead of her cot which is more comfortable n secured. Our tod same pattern. Now I dun bring Chen Chen to my bed. I make him sleep on the mattress then I move to my bed. But he still needs me to b next to him b4 he
or when he wakes up middle of the 9

Your bm leak once n dat's it or everyday?
I'm so relieved that Ally has finally stopped fussing at nites. She likes to go on her mattress to play now and usu only wakes up once in the nite, calls out for me but will go back to sleep on her own. So happy she's back to normal. Maybe she was just fussing over her sore gums coz she was teething at that time. Keeping fingers crossed that it'll stay this way for a long time. Otherwise we were really contemplating to buy a king size mattress and put it on the floor so everyone sleeps on it. The other way is to put on queen size bed with another single bed mattress. No need for that at the moment now. yay! Ally likes to snuggle in the cushions that we lay all around the edge to protect her from falling out and hitting the floor.

Mom2Nat, can understand your frustration. Is the playpen that Nat sleeps on the same as in France? There was once when Ally started fussing, figured that her mattress may be too soft already and changed it and she was better after that. Really sympathise with you.

You so funny! Now dun want BM then it comes back. Next time must eat more fish when you are still bf ok? since it works well for you. haha!
Hi mummies,
I dont hv time to read thru all the posts, but i need some suggestions quite urgently.
Its abt baby gate. Is it useful?? I went to the internet to search for it, and find it quite exp. I remembered some of u were discussing abt bb gate, and ur little ones dun like to be inside it. Can share share ur opinions?

I intend to buy a gate to block YH fr crawling out of the room when my mum is really very bz and need to attend to my nephew. But dunno whether it will be useful?

Any mummies who intend to sell away her bb gates? Can quote me the price? Or if u hv a hand down one which u dun mind giving it away or selling cheap, can email to me also? So tt i can try it out and see whether its useful instead of spending $50-$100 buying one which eventually i wont be using. Thanks.

I m very bz, got to finish up some work b4 i take leave. Cant post much. But glad to see Giggler is back

Hope u r recovering well

I dun hv time to email u, will try to send u one email b4 i knock off today. Hope u r not so tired nowaday, let me know ur bb gender hor

Wish all mummies a great wkend ahead!
hahaha... u r one of those lucky ones! During my confinement i stuff myself with fish every meal but still no milk!

Bfg was not successful with #1, will try tandem pump IF i hv #2. Thanks!
Last few days to buy mooncake leh. u stuffed with mooncakes already? Me managed to try ritz mooncake, orchard hotel snowskin mooncake this week. The orchard hotel one quite interesting... mixture of green tea and white lotus paste in one mooncake leh. My colleagues dun really like... find it too sweet but I like leh. haha! Today going for gynae appt... scared scared get scolding for putting on too much weight. will try and eat less during lunch so weight gain dun jump too much. haha!
Hi morning mommies,
Looks quiet here....

Thanks Shook, Pringles, Mom2Nat and Lyn for your concern for Ethan... his stomach flu so poisonous! Wed night, I caught it - vomiting & gastric pains. Then my hubby, caught it - diahorrea. Then my maid got it - diahorrea too. So, whole family on mc yesterday. But we'll better today. Am worried about Ethan... still diahorrea from Tuesday - 3 days already. Does anyone know how long it's supposed to last?

re: bbs sleeping on their own
I think we shouldn't rush it. All bbs are different. We'll know when they are ready to shift to their own rooms. Just gotta watch for the signs. For Ethan, I think it'll be sometime before he'll be ready... for now, we have plans to buy a mattress for him to be put on the floor (I will put him to sleep there 1st then climb back up to bed)... and as time goes, the mattress will be shifted further and further away... until eventually, it'll be in the next room... and one fine day, he won't need me to put him to sleep anymore.. :p heheheee...
How is Ethan today? Why not u give a call to the PD and ask him whether lau sai for 3 days for a toddler is ok or not? Hope u and ur hb and Ethan will recover soon.

Just want to tell u i appreciate ur call very very much. Too paiseh to say it on the phone hehehe .... u r so nice, u r always ready to reply my post, email to me or call me when i m in need of advice/help/suggestions. Thank you so much!
Emily, poor you. You guys must feel really drained with the stomach flu. Poor Ethan. Keep him well hydrated, and yourselves too.

deer, in my own experience, the baby gate was not much use. At least, maybe the one we had was not very useful. It was given to us by my sis. Our door frames are a little too narrow for the gate fixtures. Our passageway was too wide. Gate couldn't extend enough. The only place that we could use the gate was at the entrance to the kitchen, but it made that doorway very narrow, and to keep having to open and close the gate was very troublesome. So I've brought it to my MIL's place cos her place got lots and lots of stairs everywhere. Even then, we tried it, and it made the stairs dangerous because it makes them narrower. But my suggestion is you go try it out first before buying.
for bb/tods, diarrhoea may last abt 1wk or ++. ash had diarrhoea at 3mths old. he was quite ok, fever 1 day, no vomitting, but d diarrhoea lasted abt 7-8 days. pd said is fine, usually takes longer compared to an adult. but mus take note if fever lasts too many days n signs of dehyrdation. did pd give ethan electrolyte (hope i got d rigth spelling).
hope ethan fully recover v v soon. u take care too

we actually wanted to buy a gate but decided not to, cos if i stop ash fr gg to d kitchen, he will scream n probaly bang himself agst d gate, end up i sure give in n let him go to kitchen. so now i hav to watch him closely loh..
I found the gate pretty useful, it's at my parents place...in fact my dad bot it.

Me busy at work, yesterday down with running nose...

Think can crown u "Mooncake Queen"!
shook, it leaks once a while, i really duno what triggers it...but will monitor lor. i'm stopping salmon/cod fish for time being n c how.

absolut/piggy, i'm not a fish person but i buy those fish so jerald can hv them, and it adds variety to the menu compare to just chicken/lean meat.

em, 2day jerald's turn to hv lose stools
he was perfectly alright y'day. but woke up this morning to poo at 4am??? again at 8 then again at 12???? he wasnt able to finish his usual amt of milk??? if prob persist, might bring him to the dr tonite or 2moro morning.
his bottom, red n full of rashes due to the cleaning...not sure if it's a virus or just teething.

deer IMHO, better dun waste $$
PVL, Sanrio, StyloBB, Lyn,
Thanks for ur advice. Actually i also hv some of the worries which Sanrio and Lyn mentioned. YH is not one who will guai guai let me bar him fr crawling abt. He is very stubborn and he's a screaming king. If i blocked him fr going out, esp if i or my mum were inside the rm initially, then get out of the rm to do some work, i m sure he will follow, if we close the gate and prevent him fr going out of the rm, i think he will scream the whole hse down! But if i dun use the gate, what can we do to ensure tt he is safe when nobody has time to attend to him?? Tt's why i thot of getting smthg cheap to try out first. If the gate works, then my problem solved. Btw, playpen doesnt work, i got a playpen at home, b4 i can put him inside the playpen, he already screaming and crying half way down

Poor Jerald, hope he is ok by now. Last nite YH also has rashes on his buttock. I notice tt whenever YH is teething, his buttock sure got rashes, and he will poo and poo at almost every meal! Sound scary right?? But its usually 2 or 3 big poo and the rest r very very little, but its enuff to tired me out changing for him! hope Jerald is ok.

You're welcome!
I did a lot of research and went to a lot of places last month to buy my child gate so it's good to share the information so that you don't have to go through the entire research process again!
Sad to say, for me, I just gotta watch Nat most of the time. There is no way to bar her. Today, while washing dishes, Nat fell off the sofa... well, I can't be next to her all the time lor... but try to lah. You prob can't leave him anywhere unattended. I dun even have a chance to poo... cos when she sees me go to the toilet, she will cry. Hmmm...

U r very xi xin hor, went to chk out so many places b4 buying one. I will be getting one fr Snow to try it out. Hopefully YH will guai guai stay inside the room when my mum is bz with my nephew. Thanks for sharing so much with me

KC, Skyblue,
I just saw an advert on the tv, there is this xin yao CD selling in the market again. Skyblue, think u said u wanted to give ur hb a surprise, now is the opp ;)

Poor Nat, did she cry when she fell off the sofa? hope she's not hurt. When my mum got to take care of 2 bb, there will definitely br time when YH is not attended lor, so must really find the safest way to do so. i get what u mean by no time to go to toilet, tt's what happened to me also when i took leave and take care of YH alone.
