(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hope your whole family is better today. No joke to have everyone sick and still have to care for Ethan. How many days did PD say the diarrhoea will last. Hope it stops soon.

Stomach flu virus in the air or what. Jerald also diarrhoea? Is he better now?

Tell you something hor... think if I really no choice, will let Nat join me in the toilet.haha! Haven't tried with big biz coz made sure got pple around to look after and smelly but she has followed me in before at other times. No choice coz when I have to go, I have to go

Ally fell on my knee today while I was trying to stop her from biting her Barney soft toy. Poor thing... now got a bruise on her face. chiam... tomorrow IL come back... hopefully they won't come by and see her. Otherwise must answer for it.


SOS!!! he changed almost 9 diaper since i last posted. he woke up several times last nite, sit up n cry. i think his tummy really in pain?!?! went to doc this morning confirm it's a stomach virus.

and like deer said, he poo after very meal(i've diluted his milk since y'day) even drinking water (which he refused) my force him to drink.

absolut, me just pray hard that his diarrhoea will stop/clear fast! his buttom covered badly in rashes...scream n shout even i use only cotton to clean him up.

gotto go catch a wink...me tare panda liao...
Lyn! Oh no! Your darling got it? Gosh! You better take care too...

I think you shuld stop the milk feeds or change to lactose-free milk powder. Give him plenty of fluids... buy H2O (the istonic drink) for him. Ethan didn't want to drink that. But let your bb try. Give him juice, ribena... whatever he wants... have fluid intake is necessary to prevent dehydration (that's what my pedi said). Feed him light stuff... no oily / fried stuff...
Poor thing... hope he gets better soon.
Wash his butt with tap water instead of clean it with the cotton when you are at home to minimise friction on the butt... then tap dry with a towel.

Ethan is still having diarrhoea. Yesterday he had 7 times diarrhoea.... and today it's day 5 already and still diarrhoea is here.
Lyn, is he vomitting? If not, lucky! Ethan was vomitting and having diarrhoea for 1.5 days. Then it was diarrhoea until now.

Don't worry, I panda with you... take care...
Sanrio, thanks... am going to wait out the 1 week period and see how...
went to doc again yesterday to get more supply of medicine coz ran out of it. Sigh! He has lost so much weight his nappies drop when he walks. So sad, but true... we even use the nappy protector also the nappy protector drops with the nappy and he has to pull it up or step out of it and give it to the maid to wear for him again. Now we try to wear another pant over the nappy protector... and the nappy and protector fall into the pant and the pant wear low low... until we realise then have to rewear for him again... the hands no more lotus liao. the face sharp sharp.
Mom2Nat, Nat has been crying to sleep since shes back from France? Maybe she not used to the environment yet. HahahaK Me got the same prob, Vane knows how to climb to our bed so difficult to make her lie on her mattress. Mine op is fine, just felt pain the 1st week. After that ok liao. Sounds like Nat very sticky to you leh. Is she hurt from the fall?

Shook, yup I take care of Vane myself when Im home. Really enjoyed the time with her these few days. Actually shes not really naughty lah. Just like to be independent most of the time. I agree that tandem pumping is a gd way to incr ss. Thats how, I managed to tbfg Vane that time.

Hong, I failed in my mission to let Vane sleeps on her own. She only managed to sleep on her mattress for first few nites. After which, she kept crying when shes on the mattress. In the end, I gave up and shes still co-sleep with us.

Ruffy, wowK Ryan is really smart then. Cos my frens gal knows how to count to 10 in Cantonese and 12 in Eng but she is abt 24mths. Ryan knows the same things and hes only 18mths.

Lyn, same here lorK Vane has been sleeping with us since shes nb. Even now, my mom also sleeps with her during her naps. Think you got to clean his buttock with warm water and cotton wool and stop using wet wipes liao. Seems that stomach virus is spreading hor?

Pringles, whats Alicia looking at? She also likes window shopping?

Absolut, so you plan to have all of u sleep on mattress after bb is born? Btw, do u have any house rule or time table for your maid? Me getting maid for my mom. This is the 1st time having maid so very lost. Not sure what to do. You can try applying zambuk on Allys bruise. Its really effectiveK I know cos Vane very accident prone and always got bruises on her face.

Deer, thanksK Im recovering well and will get back to work on Mon liao.

Emily, tough on you to have everyone sick incl Ehtan. I just experienced it few weeks ago. The feeling is terribleK. Worse, busy with work and couldnt take too many mc to rest. Lucky everything is ok now. Hope you family recover asap!!!
Ally only started co-sleeping with us when she was quite old and usu when we are on hols. When she was a newborn, she used to sleep in the cot. That's why I wasn't used to it when she started waking from her cot and insisted on being carried or want to lie in our bed. If Ally is fine with sleeping on the mattress now, will let no.2 sleep in the cot. A bit too fragile to co-sleep with us when so young. Anyway think if Ally sees that no.2 co-sleeps with us, she may then insist on coming up too.

Co-sleeping together on the mattress will be the final result if we dun manage to get any peace. Must share with you that I never mastered bf while lying down. Seems like a logistical nitemare leh... unless bb only drinks from one side in the nite. Otherwise still must shift bb around. Did you bf Vanessa lying down?

Regarding maid, didn't give her a timetable or much houserules. She had quite a lot of initiative when she started so didn't want to pose too much restrictions. Basically tell her what I need done and I'm not too fussy abt what she has to complete each day esp since she used to have to bring Ally to my MILs every morning and we dun come back til evening. So most of the housework only gets done on sat. Now that hubby's schedule is lighter and they are home a little more, more housework gets done but I'm not the usual type of employer who specifies what gets done by when. Only told her that Ally's clothes and our outside clothes should be handwashed. Home clothes, jeans and pyjamas etc can be machined wash. The only exception is when we come back from hols when she can use the machine to wash the clothes otherwise dunno wash til when. Til now, she's quite ok lah. fast worker but sometimes quite careless ... won't complain too much coz me also not perfect.
As long as she looks after Ally well, I'm willing to live with a not so clean house. Anyway, she also knows my mom is very fierce and my mom ever told her that we treat our maids quite well. Can eat with us and go out with us etc... not much differentiation but if we find out that she's dishonest or did something really wrong, we won't scold but will not hesitate to send her back anytime. I also make sure that I dun give her the impression that I can't do without her.

Agree with Em, just use water to wash his bum coz think his skin v raw already.

Aiyoh... the virus must be in the air. first Ethan then Jerald. U and Em better rest when you can.

U still use nappy on Ethan? V good leh... cost effective.
Lyn and Emily
Really hope that Jerald and Ethan recovers asap. Poor babies. What a tough period for u mommies too! Take care and keep us updated.

Ally had a bruise on her face? How is it? Sigh, Alicia had a bad fall yesterday too while climbing a flight of stairs. She tried to use the side grills to assist her up the steps, but she missed a step and fell landing mouth against the grill...blood oozed everywhere - her clothes, my clothes and my bag too! I had to bathe her screaming but no choice. I made sure her bleeding stopped then i pacified her for nearly 1 hr? Even after that, she could still recall the pain whenever she touched her upper lip. Now theres a scab forming. But thank God she still drinks,eats and play as usual. I felt so so bad. Slowly getting over it now....
lyn n emily,
ai yo... poor ethan n jerald. saiyang saiyang
hope they fully recover v soon. mummies mus take care too.

can try lactose free milk for a while until diarrhoea no more. wash him bum instd of cleaning n use desitin barrier cream

oops... gd to hear tat alicia is fine now n is eating n playing as usual. i remb d other tx ashrel hit his upper lip unto d table at swensens n blood oozed out..
dun feel bad, can undstd how u feel. healing is v v fast for them, hope alicia dun get a fright, but i tink she shd b fine

ashrel held unto my leg while i was in kitchen yesdy n dun noe how he fell bkward, 'pom n kok' his head. cried so long.. but af tat bk to his active self. me oso guilty..

dear mummies,
i m so happy n excited! 5mins ago, hubby called n said he won 3rd px d&d lucky draw. 2 tickets to hongkong n tour. yeah!!!!! can brg ashrel (n me) go disneyland!
jus collected ashrel's passport tis af'noon.
ashrel still slp in his cot but he likes to sleep with us on d bed too. if he cries at nite, sure wan to slp w us af i pacify him. but once aslp, hubby will brg him bk to cot.
Must be really painful!! YOu must have felt horrid too
So much blood leh... luckily you are calm enough. Nvm, give her more TLC

Congrats congrats... can go HK... I oso feel like gg, but worry abt the food there leh. You go then tell me how isit hor...

Co sleep v difficult. I dun like oso, and I oso din master the art of bf lying down... hee... Last time I will carry her to bed with me, then for nights I will get nightmares tat I crash her(but tat was my bolster), or she dropped on the floor(oso my bolster)... think too scary liao lah...

Errr... btw, I do carry her to toilet with me. One hand carry, the other hand to pull off my pants to pee. Only pee lah, Poo can't. She dun wan to stand there with me. She will cry leh. Even when I carry her in, she oso cry.
Sanrio and Mom2nat
Thnks for ur concern.

Congrats! U guys are on your way to HK

Tell u something...when i'm using public toilets in shopping malls, Alicia stands in the cubicle watching me as i pee and i usually don't sit directly onto the toilet seat so she actually can see the stream of pee and she tries to catch it!!! Sounds disgusting rite but i just can't help laughing each time!!
Thanx for replying, sorry did not post earlier.. my foot was hurting, in fact it was quite bad these two days, even I dun walk, there is this throbbing pain. Wl ask gynae about it.

Back to the op, I hope my gf will be able to conceive soon...

O my gosh! Hope she is ok... sounds so terrible. Were u with her? I'm always careful when guiding jesse up or down the stairs...

Congrats, hkg trip!

Looks like nat is v v attached to u....
Aiyoh... Alicia's wound sounds really bad. Thank goodness you remained calm. Think if I were you, would have been crying with her. What to do... we have our days also hor. At least she's back to playing already. Actually realise that our kids are more hardy than we give them credit for.

By the way, your loo sharing is super funny! Honestly dunno how you all do the 'sitting down' without actually sitting. A lot of leg power. I've given up long ago. Me just make sure seat is dry and lay toilet paper over it. Leg power not strong enough.

So strange that all our little ones are falling over and getting hurt over the past few days. Glad Ashrel has recovered. I'm really thankful that ours kids just have bruises. If bleeding, sure freak out.
Luckily Alicia has a really calm and composed mommy.

Congrats abt the HK trip. Must be very exciting hor! Me going there on Fri and will be in Disneyland on Monday. Let you know more abt it when I'm back ok?

U carry her in the toilet and still cry? Jiak Lat. I usu just let her stand in front of me while I'm in the loo and she's quite happy leh. Maybe Nat just doesn't like to be confined in that space.

Me going to HK this weekend and for the first time, will not be cooking food for Ally. Will see how I survive.
Enjoy your HK trip

Congrads on your hubby's win. Which airline will you be going on? Do try to check out Stanley market for cheap & good clothes for Ash ( shoes also )
Emily, Lyn
How's your tod's diarrohea?

Hope all the adults in your family already said bye bye to stomach flu by now

How's your running nose? OK?

I feed Chen Chen lying dwn @ times. It's easier now than NB coz he feeds shorter. My hand wont b numb fm cushioning his head

I find Vane a v guai gal all the time

Gosh, dat's a v bad fall. Saiyang Alicia for me
I always choose the squat dwn wc. I dun sit on the sit dwn wc, even when I wz pregnant

Congrats dat your hubby won the HK trip tkt. When u going there?

Last Sat I put Chen Chen on the bed n play wif him. Out of the blue, he stood up n ran then ponk head dwn the flr. Area ard his eyebrown n forehead red red. My hubby ran in2 the rm n gave me dat kinda sickening look n said " u always like to leave him alone in the rm".
I m sad n guilty enuff already. Bsides I din leave Chen Chen alone. In fact, he is v catious when I leave him alone.
Your hubby so harsh... just like me towards my hubby! Hehehe... don't worry about it... he knows you love Chen Chen... just an accident.
Hahahahah... so funny leh, Alicia tries to catch your pee??? Hahahahha...
Wondering hor, we dun sit directly and pee... next time are we gg to teach our girls to do it tat way too?

Nat wants me to carry her while in the toilet oso leh. Can't put her down. Well, I dun let her go into the toilet herself. So prob she knows it is a forbidden place. But she will be naughty enought to throw things in. I tried sitting on the toilet bowl, while I give her some books and sit outside waitin for me... she started crying and throwing all the books in!!!

Hee... same as Jul... I will prob give my hubby tat stare and snap at him instead... But they slip and fall v common,. I think last week Nat fell many times... Off the sofa, walked into the wall, slipped and knock... *sigh*
dear mummies,
hubby collected his px fr hr tis morning. wat was announced during d&d was hk trip but it's actually a $700 travel voucher n $120 cash, validity is 1yr. plus his co travel benefit of $700 a yr, we may go australia instd. hubby dun like hk n shopping leh.. he said disneyland next tx then go.

still tot wanted to check w u where to go, but look like we may travel only few mths later n unlikely to hk

me full tx look af ashrel, c him 'kok' here n there becum quite common, even i w him. dun feel bad. i jus try to ensure no sharp corners n he dun touch/play w 'dangerous' thgs.

ya lor, he so active, somtx i jus turn my eyes only, he hit himself unto somthg liao..
shook, don't worry. Gary was also like that. They sometimes just get a bit protective over their little darlings. But one night when I left Gary to look after Sarah himself, and she also fell off the bed, then he understood. What's more, he was RIGHT THERE in the room, and she still managed to fall off.
Pringles, wah, so much blood? Sounds like alicia took a bad bad fall. Poor little girl.

shook, you choose to squat, you very strong leh. Even during pregnancy. It's very very good to squat during pregnancy. Strengthens the pelvic floor.
hi mommies, Thanks for your concern.
Ethan miraclously recovered yesterday.. or should I say is on the road to recovery... he's much better.
So happy to see him walking again last night... (he was too weak or didn't want to walk previously) and he's trying to get the appetite up again.
Now, my mom is down with diarrhoea. :p

Sanrio, congrats! Enjoy your trip!!!
So happy for you...

Pringles, I am also like you... I don't sit on the seat...

Absolut, now that you are preg, let me impart the lying down while breastfeeding skill to you... ehehehee.... :p
How to turn bb from one side to the other to feed while lying down:
- Cradle bb in one arm (the side which bb is in)
- Turn bb's body to face your body
- Hold bb as close to your body as possible
- Remember to hold the head properly
- Turn your body while slowly turning bb's body on your body and transfering bb into the other arm.
- Finish your turn and bb should be in your other arm on the bed.
- Feed other side now.
ehehheehee... instruction manual good enough? If not, next time, I give you demonstration. :p

Shook, don't think so much about it. Bet your heart must have skipped a beat. hugz to chen chen...

Mom2Nat, poor nat... yang yang... why she so blur one...
Next time you go toilet, put Nat in the playpen and put playpen outside toilet door so that you can talk to her, okay?
Thanx, running nose, v bad when I am sleeping cos blocked, cannot breathe properly, had to use ointment.... kept me awake for about an hour before I finally KO.
Right foot throbbing in pain, also dun know what to do about it, cos no point going GP since I dun think he can do anything.

Think no point blaming the other party lah, accidents do occur at times when we least expect it. Not to worry, the redness will go away....
jesse also gong his head against hb's head and on my left cheek, ended up both of us felt so painful but not jesse! But when I hollered in pain, he started to cry and kept calling 'maemee, maemee!' and wanted to hug me. Think he got frightened by my initial reaction of crying cos it was painful for me. I had to hold back my pain and hugged him to assure him that all is fine.
Also that evening, after hb parked the car, jesse was standing behind him, and he took out the stroller, swung it to his back, nearly hitting jesse who was behind him! Aiyoh! Just told him to be more careful next time lor.....

What has your family members been eating? Macham get diarrhoea again...hehe..
enjoy ur hk trip
yes yes pls share w me wen u're bk esp on disneyland n fotos
mayb we may end up gg hk.

i cant use squat toilet cos injured my knees many tx wen i did gymnastics during school days. now alwy 'hong sip'. somtx bend knees pick up ashrel af tat so painful, tears can drop..

ur description on alicia wanting to catch d pee stream so funny, hahaha!

gd 2 hear tat ethan is beta. ya pd said mus give them tx to recover abt 1wk++. his appetite will slowly regain, dun wori. n he may even eat much more than b4.
Sometimes, hubby and wife both like to blame each other when baby falls. I realise that for my case too. Anyway, I always leave Alicia alone in the room too since our place is quite child proof and I have to busy with other things right? But of course, kids being kids, accidents are part and parcel. If I must stay beside her all day and watch her, i will peng san!! She usually is the one who comes following me around the house. As long as Chen Chen is fine, dun blame urself ok. Maybe I should take a picture of Alicia's lip now. It will make u feel better. Her lip looks quite awful now with the large scab on it that's slowly drying up. I was replying my sms at that time when she fell. Big mistake on my part!Wat to do, i learn from it lor...
it's not what we ate lah... it's the virus... airborne.

Mom2Nat, the playpen is not for her to sleep now lah... it's for caging her in.. heehheee... :p

Sanrio, am so glad Ethan is better now. Wonder how is Lyn and her bb.
Jul, Mom2Nat, Sanrio, Priviledged
Our tod v accident prone @ tis age. U sahm seen wif your eyes even more.

I m used to squat wc. So it makes no diff to me even when I wz pregnant.

Congrats! To Australia, dat's even better! Your hubby's co so gd $700 travel benefit. Every yr $700?

Gd dat Ethan's tummy is ok now. His appetite will b back
I can't cage Chen Chen wif his cot. He cries till v pitful when being cagged

The thing is I dun blame my hubby when Chen Chen fell under his care. Dat's y I felt upset when my hubby gave me dat kinda look n passed dat remarks when Chen Chen fell under my care. Ya rite, we can't watch our tod all the time.
Picture of injured Alicia won't make me feel better. I appreciate your kind intention.
Hi mummies, very busy with work today. But still cant resist to sneak in here. Luckily the postings not alot.

absolut, yup I bfg Vane lying down the other time. That's one of the adv of bfg, you wont need to wake up to make milk in the middle of the nite. Thanks for your advice on the maid stuff. Basically, she's here to help out my mom lah. So think I'll leave it to my mom's discretion. You seem to travel alot leh. This time for biz or leisure?

pringles, Alicia really had a bad fall leh. How's she today? Alicia will try to catch your urine? Vane will try to peek bet my legs. Hahaha

sanrio, congrats leh!!! Can have family tour to Aust liao. When u gg?

Mom2Nat, so stress with co-sleeping? I dun seem to think so much leh. I just do whatever I feel the most convenient one. Heehee

styloBB, what happened to your leg? Did your friend try TCM? I thot of trying to curb future regrowth if any.

shook, haha you're wrong abt Vane. She got her temper at times too. Sigh My hubby also always commented that me trying to act ang mo by leaving Vane alone to do her own things.
Thanks for the advice on bf lying down. It doesn't seem any more convenient that just sitting up and feeding bb. Maybe can get visual guide when I next see you at a gathering. haha!

Aust sounds like a more interesting destination than HK. But weather is getting warmer though so go earlier ok? Will share with you HK photos when I'm back.

Seems like this is the first trip that I'm not looking forward to as much... maybe coz of all the bad press being covered abt HK Disneyland and the bad behaviour of the chinese. Also, concerned how I'm gonna cope with carrying Ally around esp when she gets cranky and sleepy (unlikely to accept Daddy or grandparents) coz of preg state. But this is prob the last chance to travel before no. 2 is borned and will not travel for at least half a year til june.

Hubby and I like to travel and it seems like we're travelling quite a bit coz most travel expenses (except for spending cash) are paid by inlaws when they are with us. The only trip that we have paid for so far is the perth trip.
Can't be helped coz we would usu travel on budget but when we travel with in laws, they prefer us to take SQ and at least 4-5* hotels which we are not willing to pay for so in the end, they pay for it lor. haha! very bad hor. Surprisingly we never really travelled so much with them til I was preggie with Ally and then when Ally was born. If we had to foot all our travel expenses, can only travel max 1 trip a year.
Your way of leaving Vane to do things herself trains her to b indepedent mah. Vane wz v v indepedent @ the changi chalet
I notice your hubby left Vane to roam abt during BJG class leh

U chio kaki
Lyn buy wat u advocate her to do or not

U surf net while travelling. Aiyo, enjoy yourself lar
Your IL so nice

I bf both sitting up n lying dwn. Lying dwn is definitely more convenient n comfortable but hor v messy in the initial stage when milk leaks. I used collection cup last time but when I turn over, most of my milk flow onto the bed.
U back at work, everything ok?

Me ah, I fell down lor, while walking to office one morning... 1.5 weeks ago...

Dun think she wanna try TCM..

Need ur advice, I have been told it is not advisable not to go for x-ray for foot.... what is the best way then? Cos GP won't be much help, and me not keen on those tei da sinseh. Got recommeneded a chiropractor though.....
Nope ... won't be surfing net while travelling. Me only leaving for HK on Fri.

So did you take a pic of Alicia? Me curious to see her lips. So poor thing.
absolut n giggler,
tink we most likely gg brisbane n gold coast in mar next yr. summer is coming n d next few mths will b quite hot.

yup $700 yr'ly.
u had a fall? how is ur foot now? will wearing an ankle guard help for now? meanwhile, try not to walk too much n elevate ur legs wen sitting down. take care

my frd is in chiropactic line, let me noe if u nid me to check anythg w her.
absolut, your pils really nice. Think you also got to thank Ally for the chance to travel so much this yr.

shook, Vane is considered independent cos she can be on her own and not sticky to me lah. Btw, she sick again leh. Doc said she got the viral bronchiolitis again. Same as last mth. Sigh

styloBB, back at work and very very busy. Can only sneak in during lunch hrs. How's your foot now? You dun trust chinese sin she?

sanrio, think it's better choice to go Aust than HK. Guess the HK Disneyland not very nice.
dear mummies,
has any1 given ur tod gardenia banana walnut bread? ashrel has no prob w most food, digestion is gd n dun hav vomitting prob (thank God). tis morning, i gave him d banana walnut bread n abt an hr later, he threw up badly. he has been eating plain/wholemeal bread (fr bakery shops) for many mths oreadi n has no prob. 1st tx i let him try gardenia n ...
is tis kind of bread not suitable for young tod or is it allergy??
Shook, hehehee... I choi kaki to restart her breastfeeding journey with her bb since she's sahm now and coz her bb now having diarrhoea cannot take dairy products...
hehehee... let her come in and see lor... or else later I get scolded for being kayppoh. :p

absolut, okay, will show visual when we meet at gathering. Seriously, it is better than getting up to feed coz no need to carry bb and no need to sit up. (Ethan sleeps on the same bed as me)
I c. I thot u went last Fri n on holiday now

Wow $700 yearly. U can go holiday every yr

O poor Vane. She has fever agn?
Did u manage to get BJG to give u 3 make up clases?

I oso told Lyn mother nature wants her to bf agn. Dat's y her milk flow returns
U r really priviledged to get to travel so many times this year! Agree,enjoy as much b4 2nd baby comes along. I havn't taken any pics of Alicia's lip but woke up this morning to find her scab has fallen off. Looks better except there's still a reddish mark there. I'm waiting for it to totally clear up.

How are u since the fall? Injured the foot?

U feeling much better now? Can imagine how u feel about Vane falling sick again. A mother's job never ends... take care.
Tell you all, Ethan's virus very potent lah...
Saturday night we visited my family. Stayed over for the night. Sunday Ethan well. Monday morning my mom diarrhoea. Monday afternoon my sis vomitting. Tuesday (today) morning my bro fever.
Scary, right?
Sounds bad. Come to think of it, the last time my family was down with the diarrhoea probably was due to virus that spread around too. Hope ur family recovers soon.

Pigletz, Brenda, Deer, Viv, Hazey, soya, val, Jo, QSG, Mon_mon,
Where hv all u regulars disappeared to huh?
Emily, Pringles
Seems like the diarrohea virus is in the air

Today when I reach home saw a v big bak ruku on Chen Chen's head as if a cow's horn. He fell walking wif shoes in the hse. Poor boi. Luckily my hubby said tis is the process of growth. Phew!
<font size="+1">SUPER STROLLER DEAL!</font>
The Maclaren Triumph for sale! Condition: 10/10 I dare say!
Bought only last Saturday (Can even include my receipt if buyer desires lol! :p), faye sat in it twice, each time less than *5 min*(literally), then folded and kept liao. In brand new condition, even the cardboard wrappings at the sides are still intact.

*Bought for $179, willing to let it go at $160.

-Weighs approx 5kg
-Lockable, 4.5" dual-swivel wheels, for a smoother ride
-Comes with removable canopy &amp; rain cover.
-Single-hand fold with adjustable shoulder carry strap for use climbing stairs or on public transport.
-Seat is reclinable (not completely flat)

*Meetup at Buona vista MRT on weekdays evenings or central area on weekends.


mummies, tks for ur encouragement and calls. jerald still poo ~ a lot but rashes had reduced, and me totally dead beaten!!!

i really peng san - raising my white flag liao. me down with sore throat, blocked nose n cough. no voice to even hum to jerald!!! already ask my mum if she can come over tomorrow. (in the end gana scolding frm her...not cut to be sahm..better not spread germs to jerald..duno how to take care of myself, how to take care of bb..blah blah blah...) my head now spin faster than a top!!

jerald still poos now n then. tried giving/coaxing him to drink 100+ (in his usual vitagen bottle n straw) he dun wan
i already reduce the amt of porridge for him, took a little then starts to run away...feed him really a like running a marathon in the hse!!
yet every hr, pat tummy and complain hungry!!! these few days ate more muffins than taking milk (diluted) and porridge.

btw, how come thread so quiet?? everybody when on holiday?? absolut in HK, piglet in taiwan...where the others???

pringles, me really asking for trouble, shd hv stayed home y'day, brought him out, in the end, he pooed yet refused to change!!! got to coax n battle with him!!! i tot he's going to break the glasses with his screams!!!
alicia's bad fall: how's she now?? the way u describe seems v.bloody!!

em, shook, bn stuffing myself with cod fish. but cant get anything gd. just a few mls but it tasted sourish (like bad milk) so i discard them. rascal refused to latch on, i think he find it funny to see milk leaking frm my breast. he kept staring at me when i try hard to express (as if watching tv prog!!!) hubby asked how come i wanted to latch him all the sudden!!! he tot we run out of FM!!!

giggler, glad to c u r back. can you carry vane yet since u hv removed ur stitches??

sanrio, congrats!!! ash's passport really brings gd luck.

me better go, hopefully 2moro will be better.
