(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Think u shld rest at home, u r going for ur surgery next week, dun tax ur body too much. Resting will help u to recover faster. If u r not needed to cover ur colleague for anything urgent, think u shld take MC and rest at home. If ur boss is understanding enuff, think he will let u go ... after all, he is a boss, he shld be able to cover all of u.
Go home and hv a good rest if u cant take it.

Hope u r not so tired today.
Saw ur email, but i m at home today, need to prepare YH's porridge now while he is sleeping, and my mum has gone to my grandma's hse, i might not hv time to reply ur email today.

pigletz, PD said their immunity turns low after they reach 1yo.

PVL, does Sarah beat u back when u slap her? I feel that Vane 'copied' my act of slapping leh. Now, she'll slap us when she not happy.

Val, you also sick? Me too, having headache.

hong, ya lor, one of them got fever but the other one seems ok yday leh. Sigh

styloBB, my gynae charges me double of what your gf leh. Lucky my co helped to subsidised a bit. Vane coughed for quite long and also got running nose lah.

deer, $5 is really cheap leh. I think only Polyclinic has that kind of charges nowadays. Sorry, I dun think my boss is understanding lor. But if I cant stand it anymore, I'll go home straightaway.
hi mummies
just pop in to say hi....

lump on the head!! like what stylobb said, don't play play... maybe go for 2nd opinion...

ur S$5 doc really cheap and good... if 2nd opinion confirmed his diagnosis.

u r so polite... to reply domesticgoddess
zl does not have sleepwear... just wear shirt and long pants to sleep... after since he got airway allergy, we sleep without aircon every night

so funny about jesse stood beside u quietly, i also have same experience... i told my hubby that it reminded me of those horror movies... a small boy appeared suddenly and waving at u...etc. hahahaha

read from somewhere u went or going for operation... please take care...

did u ask me anything about childcare again?

vane has bronchitis/airway allergy???? same as zl leh! i think maybe vane just has very mild bronchitis... u know what... i used to be as strong as bull before preggie, i even got bronchitis one month ago!!!! i have never coughed in my life time! my phlegm is the same as zl, very thick and greenish! zl just had his MMR on saturday, he is still coughing few times a day but doc said it is ok to go ahead with his MMR. i am thinking to bring him for chicken pox after the last 5-in-1 booster at 18th month... recommended by polyclinic nurse.
oh, last but not least, don't feed orange to vane if she is coughing.

i read from somewhere that u wan to bring alicia to polyclinic for MMR? we paid one lump sum for all routine jabs when we went for ZL's first jab. so i am not sure the charges for MMR only. u can call them up and check. i know polyclinic chicken pox jab is about S$70plus! my gf told me KKH charge S$50 plus for it. strange...

congrats to viv and jul and monmon!!!

pigletz, pls email me the confirmed date and time and list of food (so i know what to bring if i am going last min ;p sorry...) since i have no time to post here, hope to see u mummies there.

no time to finish other posts... that's the problem why i seldom post... so rude not to reply all right?! sorry.... really busy with work
u hav headache, me had bad headache yesdy too. try tis: ready made 'yang sen ju hua' fr Fuhua medical hall. i tink somtx is due to not enough rest, n for me is 'stressed' up by ashrel so 'wuo qi'.. i tried few tx oreadi. hey, it works n soothing to d throat. i jus dilute it w warm water (i find it a bit too thick) n sip tru d day. each tx i feel throat dry n sore, like gg to fall sick, will drk tis. i no tx brew so buy ready made.

u like to c dr sheila loh? she was me n my colleagues gynae. she is a SC. i find her quite nice but she dun c patients in pte suite n waiting tx is quite long.

ashrel's oso v thick skin, i hit his hands until red, he oso wont cry. worst is he tot i m playing w him. i find firm/fierce tone of voice n stare work beta. thou he will next min 4get n start his nonsense agn. wat to do...i tink it's a phase..
u take care. try multi-vit. if u dun wan take it evyday, take it for 1 wk af menses. for me is low bp. i c stars often, jia lak..
Hi morning mommies,

jul, congrats! You can still continue to breastfeed Ian... but if this preg is high risk, then better not to, yeah? So how, any feelings about whethre it is a girl or boy this time round??

Giggler, take care... all the best and do remmeber to come in and report when you have rested enough.

Vane so cute... so young she knows shame shame? heheheee....

QSG, don't worry about your hb wanting only one bb lah... think after a while he might just change his mind.
Think maybe he misses the time when he and you can do anything, anytime, anywhere without worrying about the kid.

Pigletz, ai yoh! Gareth so cute!
hehehee... sometimes they really makes us smile...

deer, the GP so cheap? Hmmm...
PV, Ethan sees the same doc as sarah... We find her very nice too...
for tis tx round, he is expected to b present at d mobilisation site for 4-6 hrs.

u ar most welcome
yup ashrel's hair is growing v fast n so it's quite long now. he jus had a haircut in jul. hubby 'bu se de' c him cry so badly (cried until shiver n vomit) agn so havnt brg him for another haircut. his hair is like mine, v soft n fine so d hairstylist said cant cut 'liu lian chi' or 'armani' style. hav to trim often loh.. somtx i DIY d sides for him but i dun noe how to do d top n overall.
mon_mon, you also preggie?

jo, airway allergy cant sleep in air-con room? Then I better off my air-con from tonite onwards. I only give her apple these few days. Dun dare to give orange, scared got phlegm.

sanrio, ready-made as in we only need to add water to it? I go to the medical hall to check out tonite. Did u apply anything on Ashrel's hair to make it grow fast and soft?

Emily, my mom just told me that she pointed to a woman's belly button and did the 'shame shame' gestures. My mom felt so embarrassed by Vane's act. Hahaha.
To all mummies especially
Pigletz, Hazey, Viv & Hong,

I'm really too busy at work w a regional meeting coming along... no time to post at all. But i'm reading and very ENTERTAINED!! PLEASE CONTINUE...
want to know.. which is the most "durable" type of teat.. this morning while washing his bottles found another teat has been attacked by the dracula fangs. have two tiny punctures there..had to throw away and replace it with the soft spout that I bought last week. this is the X5 time I have done this..want to know any cheap and bite resistant teat that can buy.
so far have already bit through - pigeon/ tollyjoy/ annaku and some dunno what brand cheap replacement that I bought while in HK
I think is the habit and not the teats. If he cant change the habit, he will bite thru no matter high quality teat u are getting.
I am currently using tollyjoy teat and ok with it.

did the doctor give u any cream to apply?
it's ready made n in a bottle. dun nid to add water but i tink it is quite thick so i add water.
i din apply anythg 2 ash hair. his hair is jus v soft n fine. but i brush his hair af evy shampoo since d tx wen he even got 'no hair'. i tink brushing stimulate d scalp?? dun noe whether it did help in his hair growth?? i use nuk soft hair brush for bb
Gareth doesn't like your new shoes is it
Food prepare in small amt say 30 person but ea prepares 10 person's share or let the mummies tar bao. Dat's wat I did last time when I hosted the gathering
If Ruffy not making sandwich I make sandwich

I 1 the cert 4 wat. It is the school principle who 1 the cert the MMR alone but all the jabs. It's a real case.

No need pai say. I rather bring safe food than scarly u or stylobb or Absolut dunno the dessert contains coconut n eat it

IMHO, your hubby shld not carry Dana immediately. Your hubby can tell Dana dat she did something wrong n mummy is telling her dat

val, Sanrio
Anemic takes red dates wif longan drinks. Boil yourself dun buy those packet drinks. Muz take citrus fruits as well coz vit c helps body to absorb iron

Cld your headache due to lack of sleep
Did PD said how Vane got bronchitis?

Gd dat u found the right Dr to diagnose YH's problem. $5 is v cheap. He is a real dr wif a heart of gold

Sheila Loh was 1 of the gyne my Co dr recommended bsides Dr Sim
Forgot: will ask hb about the kiddy software.... let u know later...

Er, the lump obvious or not? Did he say what caused the infection? Some food allergy or what?? Immunity not strong? Weather?? Pillow case dirty?? Must get to the source of it. $5? How come so cheap? Becos he knows your mum...??

No worries, reply when u are free.
Me ah, tired nearly everyday.. hahah.....I just accept it lah.... if I'm busy, it's not so bad.... think my worse timings are in the evenings, after dinner....

For a few nites, jesse started to bawl and cried for 'mae-mee'... I can see this little head bobbing to my side of my bed and standing next to me.... ..so recently I tell him after we have prayed for him that he must sleep well and sleep thru so papa and mama can also rest... seems to have worked.....

Me polite ah... hehe... since I have mothercare sleepsuits, I can answer mah...

Hahaha... me also thinking along the same line... cos usu if I step out of the room, I dun know how he knows, he will suddenly cry and call 'mae-mee', make such a din, even hb he also won't want, but today, not a single sound from him, that's why scared me to see him a few cm next to me, staring at me....hehe...... today he is in good mood, so waved bye-bye w/o crying...

U v busy with work ah? Cannot read all the posts, must learn to speed read......hehe.....

Cry until vomit ah? jesse also cries, until macham the shop is gonna collapse.....!
No liu lian style for him cos hb and I are v against it....

Seems quite a nbr of mummies ain't well....

I have been eating nasi padang stuff, am sure got coconut...that counted or not????

Btw has ur boss left???
sanrio and stylobb,
Gareth also don't like to cut hair. Whenever I bring him to cut hair, he will seat and look at the mirror, then hor, you will see his face starts to frown. Then he will force the tears out of his face. hahaha, machiam like asking, why you want to cut my beautiful hair. hahaha

I always feel that it's so funny.

Anyway, won't bring Gareth to barber for haircut cos the barber are simply to slow in cutting his hair and make a mess out of it. So now will have to spend more by bringing him to kids salon for haircut.

haha, maybe Gareth don't like my new shoe.

As for the sandwich part, you work with Ruffy lor. If she really don't want to make, then you make lor.
sanrio, I go to medical hall to look for it. "Yang sen ju hua" rite?

mon_mon, but I saw someone congrats you leh.

shook, no leh cant be lack of sleep cos I've been at my parents' place last week and slept quite early. No leh, the PD didnt mentioned how Vane got bronchitis.
Giggler, which PD said Vane got bronchitis? She still got cough? Btw, i have decided to let Dana take her chicken pox and MMR when she reaches 15th months. Vane taking them together also right?
hahah, think it's jo who congrats mon_mon. hahaha, jo blur queen, didn't read head and didn't read tail. hahaha
You are right, this pregnancy is unplanned. I was thinking of havinng my next kid later next year or the year after, but realised that now there's a 2-year gap, so just nice. =) Hubby and I are both happy. I was very excited when the thought of pregnancy crossed my mind when I was having giddy spells and bad nausea. Couldn't stop smiling when I tested positive. I think now hubby is taking a much more active role with Ian knowing that I am not feeling well, which is excellent! We still don't know how we're going to manage No 2, but we'll see. Work will have to wait. Hehehe... much as I want to finish my specialisation, I want my family time too!

Emily, it's pretty tiring bfding Ian cos he still wakes up about twice or thrice every night. I shall see how.... I am hoping for a girl this time! Hehehehe..
Giggler, PVL, yah I am still bfding Ian whenever I am at home. Actually, he has a bad habit. Every time I get home, he wants to bfd..... think it's for fun... even if it's not his milk time... grr... hubby wants to wean him! Argh...

Shook, QSG, will let you guys know my experience in private. Give me some time.
giggler, funny you asked. Sarah beats the table or the floor or whatever surface she can find when we spank her. She hasn't beaten us yet. If she does.....

jul, right this moment, Sarah is crying for a breast feed, digging my shirt, pulling my nipples, being generally very very fussy. I'm not going to give in (I hope).

deer, sounds like your lump is a swollen lymph node.
Brot Chen Chen for MMR jab. He is 8.75kg 74cm tall. V small hor

Last wk n I got a shock when Chen Chen stared @ me while I wz reading the papers. He wz sleeping n din make any noise. So din know he woke up already
Sorry, I dunno abt the nasi pudang coconut
My mgr left mid Aug. Yeah yeah yeah

Gareth's hair reminds me of the Getsby ad. He so cute, doesn't like to cut hair same same here
If I m making sandwich. I only make 1 type can?

If not lack of sleep, your headache muz b due to stress
Any family history of bronchitis?

R u going overseas wif your hubby now dat u r pregnant?
Chen Chen 1 to bf whenever I m home even n hr after his meal
Thx for your pm
ya lor, cry until choke n 'orr..orr..', like force to vomit. my boy can cry super loud since birth, some mummies here, like shook, can tell u how powerful ar his lungs, haha..
actually we quite 'se bu de' cut his soft soft n nice nice hair. but he is alwy so sweaty.

hope u got d yang shen ju hua. i like to drk at nite wen i finally get to sit down af ash slp. i add warm water so it's 'wen1 wen1' n nicer to drk.

dr sheila loh is v nice. i seen her b4 preg as me din conceive 'easily' like many of u here. we feel v comfortable w her. but her queue/waiting tx is super super long. there was 1 tx my appt was 4pm n i saw her at 8pm. nurse asked me go dinner n shop shop then cum bk, imagine! wan to c her best is take early morning appt but usually all full leh..
Saw Chen chen's blog. Very nice. Like it tat you note the words he can say liao.

Nat took her MMR at 12 months. Wat other jabs does she have to take? I dunno wat are the std jabs.

I have been out these few days. Come back, see the thread, my eyes want to pop out, can't catch up!
Wa Sheila Low's q so long. Dr Sim last appt is dunno 3 or 4 pm. Did u hv to apply leave when u visit Sheila Low?

Thx for your compliment. Got the idea of listing words Chen Chen can pronounce fm Jul. It's gd as a record of his progress since I forgotten to record many things he did for the 1st time
The next jab is 18th mth. I can't remember wat jab is dat
giggler, ai yoh! Vane so funny... but definitely will be embrassed if I am in your mom's shoes. :p

jul, Ethan wakes up in the middle of the night too. Think it is common amg bf babies. But as you are preg now, I understand that it must be all the more tiring for you.
Can't believe that you are preg...
Now you gotta think of how to break the news to your collegues. 2 year gap is nice. Whenever Ethan sees me expressing, he can't take it... he has to push away the bottle and insists that he wants his milk now! hehehee... think he's afraid that after I express o more milk for him. I always say, come mommies want to squeeze milk for you... pppsssss... ppssss... pppssss.... and he go hirwired already! ehheehee... but it's nice to see how 'demanded' you are, yeah? Tell us more about your weaning / feeding experience okay? I gotta listen and hear... just in case next time need to wean.... but I hopefully won't wanna/need do that.

Shook, chen chen so early take MMR? When's the best time to take MMR? I thought 18 months then need to take?? I have to bring Ethan for his checkups soon. Is there a 12month assessment?
Good Morning Mommies,

you read in front of Kieran? I hardly have the chance to read whole book to jem too.. but i read mine in front of him daily and reallise he has the habit of flipping thru his daily too. So what i do is I'll read out whatever page he flipped to.

Hahhaha... i had the same fear as u. I told my hb i'll feel very lost if Jem dun like reading.

So exciting!! a new baby coming to ur family... take pics n show us his/her arrival k!

I've just met up my cousin who gave bith to a twin a month back. She still feels quite weak.. think she din rest enuf before birthing. Hahhah, so i thot of 'nagging' you to rest more n take things easy now...

Haiz Shook..
I'm so anxious to see Chen Chen's blog, but still dun hv the time. Lucky tomm on leave can see see. btw, i went down to United Square to see his pix. Look like him leh..

Coming back tonite? remember to show us pix yah!
Congratulations!! All pregnancies are different, just like all bbs. So relax and take it easy, k.

Singapore so small you still really can 'run' about daily hor...

No Jana's photo?

After reading Pigletz and Shook chucking the plastic balls deep into their storage room, r u still getting for tyra? hehehe, or u hv already gotten?
Hb ask r we still going to zoo?

Sorry... no time to go thru the HK pix's yet, so can't help u destress. Tomm.. tomm on leave will hv time.
Why u wan YH to be less active??? later u sian sian sit down there u'll regret hor. Good boy, YH! Growing well n noes how to play his little games liao..

All packed to go tomm? Have fun n happy eating yah!

So many mummies to look after your ashrel on the 10th, so no worries.. i'm sure hazey will volunteer to help too
I feel that kids being kids, any age also accident prone one leh... if they dun climb sofa at home, soon they will be doing monkey bars at the playground. then when they get older, u'll see them bandaged for 'reckless cycling' hahahah..

Still feeling sian abt the upcoming tests n op? hugz.. eat more chocs. Oh yah, hb says he'll pick u up on the 10th if u r well to go PROVIDED Pigletz give him a detailed map/instruction on how to get to her place. hahhaha, the last tx we went on cab, we got so lost travelled for 45mins. He just started driving so dun wan u to go thru bumpy ride for long in case he lose his way..
Brenda, why must single my name out to help look after ashrel? I scared he too active for me...wait he dun like me, cry his lungs out...HOW??? I help look after Jerome lah..then u help with Ashrel...how abt that? ZOO ZOO ZOO!!! Can go with Jo too! earliest I can make it is 17th Sep liao.... we go for Zhong Qiu Jie lah!
YEah..agree..but at least they know how to "break fall" etc.. Now my monkey a bit KS when he sees overhead bars at the playground ..will on purpose lower his head when going underneath as he is afraid that he will knock his head.

Ash...will be like koala bear with Sanrio..so dun worry..dun need to "look after" that much.
Jul, replied your email already.

Shook, the one at 18th month is a booster jab for i think DPT. Chen Chen is still at 25% tile?

Shook/Pigletz, passport apply online can collect within a few days right? How do they inform you? via email?
18mth jab is booster for Hep B.. Ryan taking it next week.

Online passport they will e-mail you and send u notification card. but leh..must make sure that your photo has white background and no uneveness in colour or else like me have to go down with a photo and their notification card and wait 1/2 hr there to process the passport before u can collect it. Ryan's passport only took 5 min to collect.
Ruffy, if the photo is not acceptable, how long did they take to inform you? cannot resend another digital photo?
Ruffy, Ashrel so shy meh? Will Koala hug sanrio? U mean he was like tat when u n ryan visited? I am surprised! Cos Ashrel was very frenly and sociable when I last saw him at Elyse's party!
Giggler, Jo, Emily, StyloBB, Shook,
Seems like some of u r quite skeptical abt the $5 consultation fees, except Shook view it positively .. hahah ...
To tell the truth, i m glad tt i didnt know he will only charge $5 b4 i bring YH to see him, otherwise, i will be skeptical abt it also and most likely i will bring YH to see a PD who will be 10-20 times more exp! Dr Tan is a nice doc, he is patient, detail in his explanation and answer all my qns .... even though i m not tt convinced with his reply to why there is a scalp infection/irritation. when i asked him why and how to prevent it, he just said no way to prevent, and it just happened!
StyloBB, i was thinking along the same line as u, cld it be the bedsheet, the weather or allergy .... but it seems like no leh ... btw, my mum changed YH's bedsheet very often, it is always clean, and we dun give pillow to YH, so it cant be the bedsheet problem.

I hv discussed with hb abt getting a 2nd opinion ... we eventually decided tt it's not nece at the moment ... it seems like this lumpy thing run in the family. My bro used to hv one at the side of the neck, my mum used to hv one on her leg, my hb claimed he has it on his head sometimes (but i m not aware of it) .... so i guess its quite common??? (forget to aks doc abt this).
ZL still coughing on and off? Seems like he has been coughing for very long liao .... hv u/r u still bringing him to the chinese doc??
I miss u and ZL leh .... come in more often whenever u can, and post ZL's recent photos hor

Btw, its Pok Pok, not Mon Mon who is expecting lah, u blur queen!

Jo, Giggler,
If ZL and Vane still coughing with a lot of phlegm, dun feed them banana, will cause more phlegm. Hope they recover fast fast.

No, the doc didnt give any cream for the lump, he said the lump will always be there, maybe sometimes disappear or run around, but once there is scalp irritation/infection, it will appear again, so i guess no cream will help.
Thanks for ur concern

I dont think its a swollen lymph node, its a diff thing right? If it is a lymph node problem, i guess it will be at the neck??

U mean Jesse no longer wake up at nite after u told him to sleep well and sleep thru after prayer?? Wow, very shen qi leh! Ok, the next time YH cries in the middle of the nite, i will ask hb to pray together with him, then we will ask him to guai guai sleep thru ... see whether it works for YH ;)
Btw, the way u said Jesse bawl and pop by ur side, standing next to u .... sound a bit errrrr ..... like what Jo described ;P

U finally back to the forum liao
U bz going out and shop??? I bz working leh, u sound like a tai-tai hahaha ....

Just received a call fr user, write later.
they will send e-mail by the next day u send ur application..but since u can get the passport on the same day if you bring down the photo to complete your application so didn't bother to resend photo ( u can resend if you want).

maybe he was not used to see Ryan around messing with his toys.
It took him a while to warm up.
Waiting for ur Jem's photo to destress leh, u dun dilly dally hor ;P
Of coz i want YH to grow well lah, but i m really lack of energy, everyday feel so TIRED! Stylobb feel tired coz she's carrying twins mah, i dun hv the extra burden also feel tired everyday .... sigh ...

StyloBB, Brenda,
I feel very excited abt the arrival of my little nephew
I hv even prepared my gift for him liao
Like what StyloBB said, think i m more kan cheong than my sis! Mon evening my sis complained abt tummy ache, not coming to my hse for dinner, my mum and i were guessing whether she will chk-in to hospital tt nite or not ... for the whole nite, when my hse phone ring, we r like very kan cheong hahah .... but the next morn my sis said the tummy ache is gone liao ...
This afternoon she is going to see the gynae again ... wonder whether the gynae will ask her to chk-in tonite?
When my nephew arrives, i will post some photos here for u to see lah
This is ur younger sister? Eager to be a Ah yee?? hee hee..
Same here, i am also very kam cheong when my sister is abt to give birth but I wasnt in spore cos her baby decided to come out when we are oversea.

What gift did u prepare?
I usally carry jem after discipling n explaining to him what went wrong.

Jem also do the same as Ryan in he kitchen.. mebbe u can get those hob guard etc to bbproof it. I'm still cooking dinners most nights.

u very towards to kkh one... wanna ask u for ur opinion. I like kkh too but both my gynae left for private recently leh.. u think its better to stay w the hosp. or follow the gynae?

got anaemia, must be very careful if u r on ur own, k... take care

Re : teats. Jem use Avent since birth n only spoil one during the initial teething period leh. Ur Ryan has the habit of chewing it issit?

Haiz.. finally finish the archives
Yeap, my younger sis, i m the eldest at home.
My sis also very kan cheong when i gave birth to YH, but she was at Thailand enjoying her honeymoon! Guess what? she called my hp a few times when she knew i chk-in to hospital liao, i was so fed-up with her calls, coz it cant be connected, and i had to get out of the ward a few times to ans her call coz i was sharing rm with another mother. But i apprec her concern lah. I bought a blogdog romper for my nephew as the jian mian li. My nephew will be taking all YH's newborn bb clothing, so i bought a new romper just for him
Will think of another gift for his 1 mth old later.

Yes, yes! Very excited coz can carry a newborn again!
Last mth when i visited my cousin's 1 mth old bb, all the excitment i felt when i first saw YH came back again!!! Really feel like sayang and kissing the bb, but my cousin's wife is besides me leh, i dun dare to kiss her bb lah, i still can remember i was a very protective mum when YH was 1 mth old, i dun like other pple to kiss him, so i better dun do it to her bb lor.
Brenda, how often do you change the avent teats for Jem? Who is your gynae previously? Think many factors must be taken into consideration to decide if follow gynae, think important will be the comfort level with the gynae since a pregnancy is a long process.
Deer, it means that most of us miss the times how our bbs are like when they are newborns. I also, the feeling is just so different really missed it. But the taking care part is toughest in the beginning.
Is Christopher Chong one of the gynae who left for private practise?
I feel tt the most impt thing is to feel comfy with the gynae. If u cant find another good gynae with KKH, maybe u shld follow ur gynae?
Think you need to get brenda to train you on how to cook with a toddler around. Then next time during gathering you can prepare for us good and nice home cooked food.

Ally is fine but mommy kanna her virus. Back in office already but still coughing with phlegm and super husky voice. The 2 days break was nice. Enjoyed the time with Ally although I think it's really more tiring than working. Dun even have much time to access the web. My colleague who's also preggie has been taking quite a bit of mcs and pple always think I'm very strong etc coz seldom go on mc esp 2 days mc. No doubt that I'm stronger but this time dun care, asked doc for an extra day of mc to rest coz trying not to take the cough and flu medicine. Already had to increase my thyroid medication and dun want to take so much medication since preggie.

U feeling v tired? Better today? Dunno why been getting sharp pains on my right bum. Asked gynae and she said maybe lack of calcium so must make sure I take my calcium. so strange.

Agree with you. Hate the kangaroo brand of high chair. Just went to eat at crystal jade la mian in suntec and Ally had to sit in it. So funny, she got scared when the chef started making the noodles coz of the whacking sound and refused to sit in her chair. Actually dun really like ikea high chair coz find it really light and the legs are so spread out that it takes up a lot of space esp where table is quite tight.

Jesse still sits in bumbo? Mine in storage already coz Ally just gets up as soon as she's put in there.

Pigletz / Shook
Dun worry abt the mayo and coconut. I still take some. Everything in moderation rite?

Update on Nat
She gets pelvic pains if she walks too much so haven't been able to move around much. think her tummy too big already. Looks like she's gonna be grounded for a longer time.
Think her EDD is in Nov coz she's in the Nov thread for MTBs

I beat Ally's hand if she refuses to listen sometimes but she seldom cries, no matter how hard I hit. Only cries when she's hit in front of her grandparents or strangers. Now trying to talk her out and distract since it doesn't seem to be working much.

Ally's more interested in my belly button. Likes to scratch/dig belly button and pinch nipples.
