(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Pok Pok,</font>
I m very disappointed with the wrong prediction (absolut will understand
) n caught hold of the aunty tat tot me how to see. Now she has another version, she said as long as there is any even lines on either thigh, a gal will be expected. I tot y now then u clarified? Then she went on saying how zun she has predicted for so long etc.......haahhahaha, old people, i just nodded in front of her but shrugged so hard when we said bye bye! BLURRED!

So now u go check if ethel has any even lines on either thigh?

Boy or gal, healthy n normal is most important. U take care!

soyabean, heh i met u once right. how is ur boy now.

we are not against u lah but i find u r too strict to chen chen. As for food, moderation is the gauge. How much can we control if we are dining outside. Wldnt it be sad that the child watching the adult eating the food and they cant even have a taste of it?

Yah pls make the dessert hor...

Ruffy, you make Ryan sound so "mighty" may be can ask him to show us his "mighty-ness" at Pigletz's place.

Pigletz, ur room door is open using door knob kind?
yes... we met at cla's matt's bdae bash...
and recently at ikea when u were shopping wif her? :p
my boi now 13 mths... very notti... not smart... haha... :p
nope leh, my room door is those handle kind one. Given by HDB. You think I should locked up all the room? To prevent the 'mighty' Ryan for messing up my place? haha, but hor, HDB didn't give me the keys to the toilet door leh.
U asked about discipline? I ever smacked jesse on his leg and hand... then mil ever said we so strict... who cares right? It's my kid what, and I feel we are usu patient with jesse, stimes he just tries to see how far he can go.. when he goes overboard, he gets it lor, we ever like warned him by speaking to him in a harsh tone, he does know and he will stop.
haha, I also always smacked Gareth when he do things that he's not allow to do. When I do that, not even my mum can stop me. hahaha
need your help to 'chant' to Ryan every day in not messing up my place. haha, don't think I wanna locked the room door cos some mummies might need to use the rooms.

Just asking, do your Ryan got the habit of slamming the doors?
I wasnt really following the thread. Sad to say :p So, dunno what the disciplining of bb abt. But juz to share. Randall hitted me yest, so I tried telling him nicely cannot hit mummy as the pretend to cry method doest work on him anymore. But he hitted me again. Again I told him not to. BUT, he did tat again n this time I got fed up n hitted him back. He wasnt afraid and did tat again. I hitted him n he hitted me back went on ard 7-8 times. Each time, I hit him harder till his little hand turn red (I already a bit heartache liao). He wasnt afraid at all and went on n on till.... I stopped n gave him a REAL HARD STARE. Finally he broke down n cried. Haha...I was so happy tat he cried in the end. At least I know he knows something is not right. So, if u were me how u gg to handle this? I oso dunno how to handle. U kek sim Dana cries so easily, I kek sim cos Randall dun cry. LOL...
shook, Vane's fever subsided since yday. Ya, I'll check with April if she's teaching at Bt Batok. My mom feels that BJG is more suitable for Vane compared to GUG.

pok, you mean the thigh lines not accurate? Are you and family happy that Ethel gg to have bb sister? How u prepare Ethel with your newborn? Found to have cysts so got to remove them next Mon.

hong, I cant tahan the fishy smell so asked my mom to cut down her fish intake. Actually fish also good for brain developments hor?

deer, you're rite Vane has fever since last Mon. Hope her fever doesnt come again these few days and she really recovered liao. Actually I still feel sick leh Got severe headache once I reached home after BJG on Sat. And headache still here and think I got fever liao. Damn sian leh, hope I recover soon for my op on next Mon. Guess most old folks got prob with their knees and legs. Sigh... Newborn really different from tod leh. We're so happy when my niece smile at us. It's a very amazing feeling lor. You took leave to take care of YH liao? I got prob taking leave to help out my mom so feeling really guilty at times.

QSG, I'll leave them to cry for a while then sayang Vane after I beat her.

pringles, my gynae found cysts right before I conceived Vane. But those 2 cysts vanished by themselves when I gave birth to Vane. Didnt expect them to find me so fast lah

styloBB, ya ya it's always the case lah. Like we were very excited over my SIL's birth but they like took it very easy the other time. Hahaha PD said the same thing to me abt Vane too. She felt that Vane's running nose is due to sensitive nose.

absolut, both u and Ally down with flu? Ally got fever or not? Feeling better now?

Val, you dun bf Randall anymore rite? He'll still lift up your shirt? hahaha... Randall really stubborn leh.
The thread suddenly became so ACTIVE!!!

U r a notti pig .... hehehe ...
(dunno whether u know what i m referring to ... ;P)
I didnt know tt the ikea high chair not so easy to dismantle, i even thot of bringing it to my MIL's hse during wkend when i vistit them ... in tt case, i guess i will hv to continue to hold YH in one arm when i feed him at PIL's hse .... he is so active now i wonder how long can i hold him in my arm during feeding time ....
My family also public transport family, is ur hse close to Punggol or Seng Kang MRT??

My intranet is wired, i can get in with VPN at home. I cant imagine u hv to login 2 diff email acct with 2 diff machines! Think i will complain until siao! I got 2 working email acct also, but i can view both on exchange using one acct, but with the recloning of the windows, i lost one email acct, still hvnt configured to view the other email acct yet, coz i forgot how to configure it, and too lazy/unwilling to call helpdesk, coz they r of NO help at all!

Ur office VPN really stupid! Nobody complaines meh?? If i were u, think i will be jumping up and down liao .... seems like its telling u dun need to bring work home, u can spend more time with Janelle and ur hb

Thanks for the feedback and advice on high chair
Now my mind is set on ikea high chair, save me some bucks!

Is it a consolation for me when u say a few more months YH will be able to play on himself for a while?? Thanks

When is Nat's EDD? She must be rather she bu de to leave Matt at nanny's place. Hope she will feel better soon.

Ur desc of ur "runway" is very funni ... hahah ..... i hope Randall doesnt pull up ur shirt suddenly when u r outside, otherwise it will be very embarassing.

I only took leaves last wk, coz my mum had to take care of my grandma. I will wait till my grandma has 2nd eye op again, and my sis give birth, then take leave again.
U r hving fever now? U must really take care. Hope u recover soon b4 the op.
If u r not feeling well, take MC and stay at home, it will help u to recover faster. Dun care abt work when u r not well. Take care of ur health first!

Got to go now. Hv to buy FM for YH!
Soya, i thot u met me at ikea.. hahhaa..
All kids are clever. He is a handsome boy.

Yah fish is very gd for the brain better than other meat. Janelle taking fish all days leh.. Anyway i'm not scare of the fishy smell so ok for me.

Heh u sick again.. better take care. Drink alot of water ok.

I complain liao then they push the blame to my ISP. Saying my ISP no stable so i got cut off from my VPN very often. Aiyah, i dun want to bring notebook home. So heavy for me, me also taking public transport to work.

Both the email are in 2 separate network. One to communicate with users, the other with contractors and vendors.
My girl loves computer, she will try to squeeze herself up to our laps so she can make use of the keyboard. We tried not to let her spot us using the computer. So seldom online during weekend.

Pigletz, handle one even easier right??
haha, don't know which part you mean becos I have always being a notti pig. haha, so i admit that most of my post are nonsense. hahahaha

handle one very easy to open. Gareth is too short, if not, he will be opening here and there liao. hahaha, I got a very notti boy, maybe inherit becos the mummy very notti also. hahahahah
don't think Vane's fever will come back again lah. Just monitor it for these few days lor. You better take good care of yourself, drink more water, and don't eat heaty food okay?

shook and Giggler,
Has Chen Chen and Vane taken their MMR jab already? Gareth's MMR jab is overdue liao, but I still waiting for another week to see if his flu and cough come back anot leh.

miss out your question. My place is near to sengkang MRT, but must take LRT, one station away from the MRT only. Very convenient. So you coming to my place? I will be very very very friendly to you one. hahahahhaa
there is a software whereby u can let jan hit any key and some sound will come out.

Actually hitting them back may just tell them that it's alright to do so ie just in biting, if u bite bb back, they think it's ok, but I also dun know how to solve your problem...cos jesse does not hit us back.

Cos when I brot him to pd, pd checked his throat and lungs and said all is ok, so she deduced it could be air/dust....

Sick then u must take mc to rest, sleep it over...then u'll be beta...

We have no qualms in discipling him when it is needed, of course we dun keep smacking him for nothing, usu give him some leeway to do what he wants.

Mum does not say anything, it's my mil lah....

How did your scan go?

Not consolation, but encouragement lah... imagine now u have to sit with YH all the time right, after he can walk and run, at last he can find his toys to amuse himself... sure we gotta run after him at times but I find that once they are mobile, things are easier leh....
thx for your compliment

Oh Jul doesn't like KT Tan. Thx for sharing. Wait for her posting on tis

I dunno is it bcoz she drank too much yakult. Chinese papers 2 or 3 wks back said hv to drink yakult after food

Pigletz, Hong, Ruffy
Pigletz told Ruffy "Just to add on, if you not free to make, then please tell us. Cos my mum working in food stall....." Thot Pigletz 1 sandwich
Initially I thot of making sandwich but dropped dat coz I may not b able to cope when I need to prepare lunch for my hubby. Now dat my hubby can follow me to Pigletz's hse. I shld b able to make sandwich. But hor, I m unable to make so many varieties.

Preggie can eat coconut only abt 6 wks b4 EDD. Otherwise too liang

I like Dr Sim but I prefer KKH. Now dat Jul said she doesn't like KT Tan I sigh.....
I read fm bbcentre dat when u discipline your tod, u need to b firm wif the mtd u used. Your tod may cry but u hug her after a while n tell her y u discipline her in dat way
My mum said gals more yang o, cry easily. Boi more tough. U c Jerald, Randall n Chen Chen. They dun cry easily. Chen Chen look @ me eyes big big as if he knows he did something wrong. Sometimes he avoid looking @ me.

Different bb develops differently. Randall develops v fast physically. He catches up wif all his kor kor n jie jie here
Chen Chen likes to pull my nipple n pok my belly button

Thx for your compliment. Learn a lot fm u
I m not a gd cook. I like to make dessert.

Chen Chen has even no of lines on his left thigh
. I hv hope, I hv hope!

We seldom dine outside. When we dine outside, we order fruits so dat Chen Chen can eat

Y your mum said BJG more suitable than GUG?
Poor u sick agn. Take care of your health. Work lower prioirty. Nothing your co does is worth getting hurt for

Memory search me. Nat's EDD is Dec

I m bringing Chen Chen for MMR jab tml
He only slam open the door not shut it.. if cannot open it will ask u to open for him. U bribe him with food and cold drinks lor..then he will be "kwai "
But normally at other peoples house he won't just go exploring by himself. dun worry..hubby will be there to "supervise" him
I quote u on "Chen Chen likes to pull my nipple n pok my belly button"- really made me laugh becoz Alicia also likes doing that to me too!!! When i shower with her, she stares at them as if they are the strangest things she's ever seen and perhaps she has a vague fond memory of months back when she was still bfeeding!

Where are u bringing Chen Chen for his MMR? I'm thinking of trying polyclinic for the first time. Is it free?

U just need to go into www.youtube.com and the instructions for upload is very straightforward. If u face any problem, feel free to check with me or any other mummies who use youtube anytime.

My gal also cries until very "cham" if i ever shout at her fiercely or smack her. After a few times, i felt that i was overly harsh coz even if i try to hug her after that, i don't feel comfortable inside me. And i noticed that she still carried on doing wat i did not want her to do. So now, i'm using the constant reminding method to her. I control my tone of voice and totally don't use my hand but keep on reminding her wat is not right. And i praise her when she obeys. Hubby and I both feel this method works better for her. She is more receptive to us and she actually remembers what is not right.
So can drink or cannot drink yakult??
My mum was asking me cos she said our friend gave her a lot of yakult. I told her we usu give jesse only on weekends... like one bottle each on Sat and Sun.
I thot I would sleep just now, but more hungry than sleepy....

I think hong meant coconut-type products, not coconut unless I'm mistaken. I think I took two coconuts during the last part of my third trimester.

Have set up new email account with gmail...
U sure coconut cannot take? I thot the drink cannot take. the fresh shld be ok..

wat software is that.. can tell me? Is it free?
got to give me ur new email.

to me, open door is nothing serious. If my girl can open, i let her be. She still need to learn it eventually. Either faster or slower...
infact, i will be happy she knows how to but in the correct manner or trial and error manner is ok with me. I believe child will learn they way thru. hahaha..

to confirm i will drop by ur place to "stalk stalk" u.
Got any special request for me to bring or not?

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (1+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Bangawan Solo Cake
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (2+0.5)-Eggs to make chawamushi
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5
16) Shook (2+0.5) - Maja Tropicana
17) Hong (2+0.5)
Thanks for ur very very very friendly invitation
I already feel very welcome even b4 going to ur hse
I will try to make it, but as i said, my help might be most needed at home if my sis give birth this week and her confinement lady cant make it. My sis said if the confinement lady cant make it after she is discharged, she doesnt want to hire her, no point going thru the 1st wk without a confinement lady. Actually i dont really agree with her. I feel tt she still can hire the confinement lady when she become available ... but its her confinement, so she is the boss.

YH has a small lump behind his head, the lump is at the level of his ear loop, the size of a corn .... i discovered it yesterday, but hb said not to worry, coz he has smthg like tt, so i didnt think much abt it. But when i reached home after work, my mum brought up the issue ... i didnt tell my mum abt it, coz i didnt think tt its a concern, but my mum discovered it herself, and she said i shld tell the doc during YH's 1 yr old assessment. I begin to worry abt YH's lump .... so i decided to bring him to see a doc tomo. Do u think i shld bring YH to a PD? Any good PD u can recommend? Thanks.
I will b bringing Chen Chen to PD's clinic for MMR My hubby's colleague said certain Pr schools need a cert fm Dr to certifiy dat your child has taken all the immunisation jabs b4 your child is allowed to enroll in2 the school. So better go to the same Dr in case cert is needed.
Thx for the advice on youtube. My hubby said he got the software to upload fm video cam to pc. Hope he upload soon

Yakult 2 bottles a wk shld b ok. Drink after meal, not on empty stomach for young tod
I took 1 coconut on alt days starting fm 6 wks b4 EDD

I thot as long coconut b it flesh or juice oso cannot.
If coconut content is not much, I m not concerned. The main ingrident for Maja Tropicana is young coconut juice n flesh

I better dun make Maja Tropicana. There r a few preggies. No gd to make preggy lao nua. Let me think of something else since most mummies here dun 1 me to make sandwich
Hi Mummies,
thanks for asking about me... StyloBB, deer, Pringles, QSG, Shook, eureka, etc... hehehe so many of you.

Well, I'm 7 weeks now, baby due 17 April. I really didn't enjoy the experience with the obstetrician I saw yesterday, so for once, I am seriously considering going to look for Dr LN Sim in TMC!

QSG, help! you said Dr Sim explained the charges of 2nd baby to you? Can enlighten me? Thanks!

Shook, urine test is not free at TPS. It costs $7. You very funny, still mention that I got pregnant just when I said in Ian's blog that I dun intend to have No 2 so soon... haha.

Talking about babies hitting mummies... Ian always hits me! On my back , my thighs... and he always scratches... deliberately! Like he'll just walk over, scratch and walk away before you get to hit him! We have started to smack him but it doesn't seem to have any effect so far.... he thinks we're playing with him and he'll pretend to smack himself... grrr....

Oh yah, cannot complain too much... the obstetrician did give me a $40 consultation waiver heheehee...

Ruffy, I think Ryan is very clever but rebellious... think it's a phase... but so long as we discipline them, should turn out right. Keep up the good work! You looking forward to working?
Giggler, good luck for your surgery.

Ian also lifts up my tee to look for my breasts when he needs his "opium"... now evveryone wants me to wean him... sigh... I can't bear to!
Can u pm me the bad experience u had wif KT Tan?
Everytime I look @ Chen Chen while nursing him, I can't imagine having to wean him off abruptly if I hv no 2. Can understand your feelings

My hubby said your hubby can still go Pigletz's hse. Juz put his uniform n boots in the car. Sengkang is near Changi
Morning mummies,
glad to know everything is fine with the bb. So this time will you be taking NPL again? Ryan is well into "Terrible 2 stage"..also have stubborn streak and bad temper inherited from FIL (MIL said this)Also very determined to get things done his way..unless u can reason to him why and offer him better terms/conditions. Not really looking forward to work..start work this Friday..but quite okay..coz next week is school holidays..so still can " relax"

good luck for your surgery

Ryan sometimes takes 2 bottles of Yakult a day when we go out..coz he very good at "asking" different people for the same stuff. Greatgrandma and granny also spoil him with food/drink. However I do feel it is too much for him coz it made him poo twice for that particular two days.
Hong, was saying how to discipline our tots if they cry easily when we just tap lightly on their hand.

Mummies thanks for sharing on the disciplining of our tots. Looks like boys are really very tough dun cry and stared back...whereas girls more yang o...

Pringles, will try out your method.

Jul, can you explain why you said the experience with KT Tan was bad? in wat ways?Can PM me also? I will PM you on whatever i know on the charges with Dr Sim.
Good Morning Mummies!!!

Wanna share something funny that happen this morning, hope that will lighten your day.

Every morning, b4 we leave home, we will always go throw the rubbish. As usual, for today, hubby bring Gareth out and say, "come, let's go throw rubbish". So hubby walk ahead while Gareth follow behind. Suddenly, Gareth shouted, "papa" . Hubby turn and look at him, Gareth pick up my shoes and shouted "papa" again. Indicating that he wanna bring my shoe to throw as rubbish. hahahaha, Hubby laugh and tell him, "no, that's mama shoe, bring back to her" Gareth turn and walk back to the door and put the shoe on the floor.

haha, not sure if u all find this funny, but I think it is. hahaha
Morning Mummies,

What cert do u wanna get on the MMR Jab? The nurse or PD will record in the Health booklet. Why bother to collect the cert?

Aiyah, no chance to try ur dessert liao.

Quite true that girls cried more easily. After u discipline ur child, did she still come back to u? May be a hug will stop the crying. They just wanted assurance, even if they are wrong they will want to know the mummy still loves her.

I used to smack my daughter for her misbehalf till when lift up my hand to show her, i even asked her want mummy to smack smack? She will shake her hand and head. Meaning she understand it is wrong and will stop doing it.
pigletz, shook
pai seh! dun worry abt the coconut/mayo, just make watever u've planned to make, there's gonna be so much food, and with our kids running/crawling around, dun even know got time to sample all the food or not.
haha, ok ok. Think my post lead you to misunderstand me. Sorry. haha

I just hoping that Ruffy can make some delicious sandwiches for us instead of buying that's all. But paiseh to say out, so told her abt what my mum tell me abt sandwiches sold outside.

haha, okay. At least you let me know that Ryan will slam the door. Sorry, me not into bribing. hahaha

I agree open and close door is okay. A learning stage for them. Just need to teach them abt how to use the door correctly.

Great! So you coming to my place with a "Sincerity" T-shirt? hahaha, will you be fetching Stylobb here too?

It will be from 1pm onward, but you can come earlier at 12plus if you want to. Some of them will be here already i think.

You try your best to come lor. All of us will welcome you one. Hope that your sis will be able to get a confinement lady.

Congrats again! Take good care of yourself okay?
haha, I didn't restrict you in making sandwich lah. Free flow okay? hahaha, do what you want to do.

*smiles* I also think there will be alot of food flowing around. Don't know we got time to eat anot! hahaha, I will go ahead to make the potato salad, but you skip it okay? Make it for you next time after you give birth.
Mummies coming for gathering,

Just wanna assure you that you all can bring anything you want for the gathering. I'm just being playful at times that's all. Don't have to bother abt my silly requests. hahahah

Still very happy that you making sandwiches for us. Looking forward to meet you and your family.
Hong,sometimes after dana cry, she will come back to me or she will just sit there cry and stare at me like very cham. But most of the times, when she cried, hb will come in and carry her lei...should he do that?or should just leave her to cry first?if not next time she will run to daddy bec mummy is fierce to her.
Personally, I don't think there is any right or wrong to carry bb when they cried. Just try not to make it a habit that's all. Don't worry if Dana will always run to daddy bec mummy is fierce to her. I feel that she will still come to you when she's not feeling well or when she wants your love.
to me, really depends how u view this.
If Dana ALWAYS go to daddy after ur discipline her and she always repeats again n again then may be u wld like ur hubby not to go to her so quickly. Give ur time to explain to u daughter why. I believe many kids understand.

However, if ur hubby came to Dana and he also played a part by explaining this will enforce the correct sttitude and behaviour to the child.

Discipline is never easy.

Yah will fetch Stylo if she is coming. Waiting for her reply.

As for the Tee.. i will try... hahaha..
<font color="0000ff">Complaint abt Ryan</font>
Yesterday night kena "headbutt" by him again. Using his rock hard head to push me off my pillow coz he wants to sleep on my pillow instead of his pillow(* Even though his is the Junior memory foam pillow that cost me $30). Use his head and body to push and push til I nearly had no space to sleep on the bed- falling off already. Can still smile at u with his eyes close when u finally "surrender" and leave him to sleep alone on my pillow .
deer, my fever subsided but headache still here on &amp; off. Really hope I can get well before my op. Cant take mc cos another 2 col also sick so must come to office today.

Hong, now drinking tons of water and will try to get liang chai to drink. Hubby said it could be that I'm too heaty. I cant tahan the fishy smell leh, nearly puke the first time I smelled it. So asked my mom to cut the amt of fish for Vane

pigletz, Vane's fever didnt come back yday. Hope it'll be gone forever and ever. Me drinking tons of water now. Vane also haven take MMR, she's sick almost every mth after she turns 1yo. Oh oh gareth find your shoes too old liao isit?

styloBB, no chance to take mc today cos 2 of my col also sick. That's weird, PD checked and said she got bronchitis leh.

shook, my mom feels that Vane is more attentive during BJG class and April is good. Whereas at GUG, Vane likes to wander off and walk round the classroom herself.

pringles, I also find that constant reminding works better. If I shouted at Vane and stopped her from doing something, she'll purposely do it infront of me. But if I soften my tone, talk to her nicely, and keep reminding her the correct way of doing something, she'll obey lor. Vane will show the gesture "shame, shame" if she sees my belly button.

jul, so you happy to have No.2 since u didnt want so soon? You still tbfg Ian? Think you still can bf him though you preggie rite?

jul/Ruffy, thanks hope this time round, the surgery wont as bad as 5yrs ago.
Good that the fever didn't come back. Don't worry lah, she will be back in pink again. Gareth also fall sick just after he turned 1yo. For 3 weeks, he's on medication and PD also say he got bronchitis. So now, whenever he go slight cough or runny nose, I have to give him medication again, cos PD say have to be extra careful that the bronchitis don't come back again. And I try to stock up medication at home just in case.

haha, my shoe not old lah, very new, just bought it last week. Think Gareth just wanna join the daddy in bringing things to throw. And that's the only thing he can find on the floor. hahaha
jul, congrats again. You still bf'ing? I've weaned Sarah off her afternoon-night feeds. Now I only b'feed her about 2x, morning and early afternoon. No more after lunch. But I understand how you can't bear to wean Ian. I too don't see myself stopping the morning feed yet. Sarah will always ask for it.

On discipline... I think nowadays our tods are able to understand a lot of what we say. If we've laid good groundwork, usually they know how to obey. When Sarah forgets how to behave properly or obey us, we ask her if she wants us to spank her. She will say 'no', and then will obey us. So we don't have to spank her so much anymore.
deer, how long has YH had the lump? Is it growing? Where do you live? Our PD is quite good - Allyson Tan from The Kid's Clinic at Rivervale Mall.
ur girl said "boh boh" as in san boh boh (skinny n dry) tat boh boh ah? LOL...urs worse than mine ah? Haha.....

u no gd leh. I runway u still laffing?!?! "ur happiness on the expense of my misery" Haha....

I know hitting is not the rite way of teaching him. But I at wit end liao lah. I think this sat when I bring him to take his hep A jab then consult the PD n see if he got a solution.

Going back home soon. Got mc today. Dr suspects I got amemia. Gotta do blood test in two weeks time.
No lah. She saw my bra n she said that.
heh u take care too.

U really need gd rest. So ur colleagues all take turn to fall sick?
Sorry, my boi's Mothercare sleepsuits are rather worn out.... did u try Fox? They do sell sleepsuits but of course design not as nice as Mothercare's....

At last I have someone to accompany me .... tho I am due end Jan... hehe......
Joke, joke, that time u mentioned ur hb travels a lot ie to Sweden...so not bad huh, still got time to make babies...hehe...

Me kpo, is this unplanned then? How do u feel when u learn that u were pregnant? How are u gonna cope with your hectic work schedule? Do take care these few weeks yah.
Why u dun like the gynae? Not comfortable with him??
NPL - yah hor, u taking NPL again????

U asking about lump and pd...I think should still go and check lah... dun play-play re our kids loh.....
My pd is around my area loh....

Throw ur shoes ah?? jesse does not throw my shoes, when we go out or leave the church, he will bring my shoes to me...hehe....
This morning was quite a funny one for me too, I woke up and sneaked out of the room to make sandwiches for hb, taking care not to disturb jesse... I was in kitchen and next moment, he was standing next to me staring at me quietly and giving me a smile! Gave me such a shock.... !!!!!

Foodwise, I think is quite a lot liao, no point prepare so much and ends up not finished right.....

I confirm with u next week ok? Wait till u see my da du tze...... yesterday was in office lift, feeling so tired and hugging my tummy, and this angmoh lady told me it's v nice... I dun know what she meant? The tummy is v nice?? Pregnancy is v nice?? Hehe...anyway I smiled back at her and said 'heavy'......

Me drank black chix soup last nite ...yummy....

I feel that if u were the one who smacked her, then ur hb shud not come and carry her... cos it will make her think that hb is the saviour and mama is the 'bad' guy. Anyway this is just my opinion. Usu if I smack jesse, hb will be hands-off. And vice-verse. After a while, we will go and hug him... To be fair, jesse is not the super-noti kind, he usually just plays with his toys.... or with us.... think gals more tey hor....

Now me wary when jesse plays with me cos he will also headbutt us, now my bottom lip that bled cos he headbutt my face is macham turning into an ulcer.....

Thanks re advice on yakult...wl ensure he takes it only after a meal. He likes it, when we go supermarket, he can spot Yakult and will run to the counter... saying 'kult-kult, kult-kult'... quite funny.....

Btw got a gf who may hv to go for laprascopy and she mentioned the cost is $4K.. so ex hor.... sigh...
U take care yah, seems u and Vane not in good health lately, ask ur mum to dun some bu for u to take can or not???? I think most impt is to rest well and drink lotsa water..

Bronchitis? Sure or not? Then that is rather serious... could it be her coughing for too long?

Stimes I also dun know what to do... but we always tell our boi that papa/mama are reasonable ppl, we dun smack him unnecessarily... only when he does ridiculous things. Try to search for something on babycenter???

Anaemic?? U have fainting spells? Take care yah... Make black chix soup....

PVL, StyloBB,
Thanks for responding to my qn.
I just came back fr the clinic.
I brought YH to a normal GP instead of PD, coz dunno which PD to bring him to. I called 3 friends last nite to enquire abt their PDs, all of them dun seem to be impressed with their PD, so in the end my mum and i decide to bring YH to the doc whom saw me, my siblings and my cousins when we were young, coz my mum said he is a nice and very detailed doc. And in fact he is, so glad tt i went to him instead of just tikam one PD.

According to the doc, YH's lump is the result of a scalp infaction/irriatation. I didnt tell him tt, he deduced it, so i guess i can trust him. From Fri to Sun, YH had abt 5-6 big and red round round thing tt looked like mosquito bites on his head. I applied the lip balm, prickly heat powder on them also no use, eventually i put olive oil and they subsided and gone by Sun nite. But after tt, i found the lump at the back of his head, and the rest u know liao ....
Since what the doc said coincide with what happened, i guess the lump must be due to the infection. I asked the doc why the infection, how to prevent it, he said cant prevent, it just happened. Asked him whether the lump will go off, he said no, it will run around and when there is a scalp infection/irritation, it will reappear again. According to the doc, it is harmless, dun need to worry abt it. But i hv to monitor the lump, chk wheher it grow in size when it appears, if it is rubbery and not hard, i dun need to worry, worry only if it is hard ... dunno whether u understand how i feel, i actually feel quite sad tt there will always be this lump in YH's head .....
Btw, the doc also told me tt it depends on where is the infection, if the infection is at the top of the scalp, the lump will appear at the back of the head, if the infection is at the forehead, the lump will appear at the side of the neck.

The doc is detailed, kind and fatherly. The clinic is at Toa Payoh. When i reached there, there is no patient at all. But according to my mum, during the 70s-80s, there were always long queue outside his clinic, and i remembered there were crowds when i saw him during my childhood days. His clinic is non air-con, i guess tt's why the fees so cheap. It only cost me $5 today.

where is Rivervale Mall? Do u hv the full addr of ur PD?

Can u give me ur PD addr? Just in case next time i need to bring YH to a PD, i dun need to search high and low for a good one.
I used to bring YH to one PD in Hougang, but dun really like him.

I just leave the clinic info (the one i brought YH to today) here, if anyone is interested.

Dr Tan Kian Yong
Toa Payoh Clinic
Blk 51, Toa Payoh Lor 6, #01-72 S(310051)
Tel : 6251 3259
