(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

What point taken? Why suddenly say dun go again?? Thot u gonna tombang Hong's car?? U offended by me referring u to stalker har... chey, I just find it more qing qie lor.. u'll the first that makes me realise got 'silent readers' in this thread mah. So i'll remember u forever ... for the nice nice things lah!
So okay har, dun use me as an excuse to zzzz at home.

aiyo.. i read till blur. Now where do u live?
I thot u live in Sengkang leh. yes or no?
Now u told me u live near Jas which is near me as well. From ur blk u can see National Stadium, from mine cant but can see geylang. I am facing another side...

Enlighten me again when u are free ok.

I am the one who saw ur pix.
I stayed in TPY till i got married last yr. Tho in between i change environments for 4-5 years. U mean the fountain in front of the library?

think ur clipart not working too
Hi Stylobb,

Thanks for welcoming me

Yap, can call me geri. Which church are you attending ? I'm attending Petra Church at Maxwell house.

ok, here is the resize pic of my ah girl.

Jaz, Emily, Eureka, B2, Pok Pok, Kis, Hazey, PV, Pringles, Soya, Nat, Pigletz, Giggler, Foreverfrd, Val, Viv,

hey, check out ur bb foto in ashrel's blog:

cheers to all of us, we survived our 1 yr of motherhood and there are more challenges ahead...
MMR taken starting fm 15 mth.
Hey Chen CHen protest too when I tandem pump. He pushes the bottle n pulls out the tube dat connects to the pump
. Told him if u dun help mummy where u get milk to drink when mummy is working
Assessment dunno which mth to 12 or 14mth. If done b4, dun need to do agn. C health book

Take your time to c the blog. The later u c, the more to c

U mean the pic u saw @ United Sq looks different fm the 1 Eureka posted here?
Follow gyne or hospital individual choice. Gyne is personal svc; hospital is the facility. KKH esp if u scare of complication. Oso understand dat private hospital no gyne on duty. KKH has gyne on duty 24/7

Chen Chen under 25 percentile. PD said it is a norm for a child to stay in the same percentile all the while
On line passport can collect within 3 days. Received card notification

Sweet heart

Faith is v chubby n has the pinch factor

May I include website address of Ash's blog in Chen CHen's blog?
Hi Sanrio,

Ashrel is very adorable

Sanrio, you are a full time mummy ? Its an honor to be i believed. I'm believing for a job that i can work for home, so that i can take care of my Fifi (faith).

Hi Shook,

Ya, Fifi is chubby and indeed everyone sees her feel like pinching her.

geri (sweet heart)
hahahah, i just finish reading ChenChen's blog. He can a lot of words hor.. good good, can chat w me on the 10th.

No lah, just quite easy to recognise too.. when i point it out to hb, he registered Chen Chen as who too..
Brenda, geneagles more ex lei compared to other private ones.

Mummies with private gynaes, when there are emergencies where do you all go eg. spotting? Does the gynae give you their hp numbers?

Shook, today is the third day haven't received the notification. You are right not easy to take bb passport photo. We struggled to take them last sunday and hb almost gave up.
Mine is private at Glen E.. have 24 hr answering service no if really need to call him at odd hours.
They didn't sent you e-mail also meh?
did it say ur application was sucessful or not?

It is fun seeing the old photographs of the babies. memories at B2's house came flashing by.

Thanks for all your hardwork to bring this group a success although I only joined 2 of the gatherings held.

Cheers to all of us passing the 1 year mark.
usually private gynaes got 24 hour hotline to call also. They will provide you the number for incase of emergency one.

Don't worry abt the card, you will received it soon. Sometimes mail got delay. You will receive an email notification 1st b4 you get the card.
Ruffy/Pigletz, who answers the hotline? The gynae clinic staff or hospital? But if need to go to A&E will need to go KKH is it? or the private hospitals have A&E for pregnancy cases also?

Ruffy & Pigletz, maybe by this afternoon will receive. Will check again tonite.
I don't know leh, sorry, cos during my time, i didn't call the hotline at all, but when i was almost full term, if i don't feel well, i just need to go to Mount A and the nurses there will take care of contacting my gynae.
sure, pls include
can i hav chen chen blog add agn? dun noe put under fav but gone n i no tx browse tru posts here.

tks. yes i sahm. great but i do it find it tough. many mummies can cope well but at tx me really like gg to hav 'mental' brkdown.. but af a while, i ok agn.

pok pok,
at least i c u n ethel in both d gatherings. we talk talk n laugh laugh was wat i remb but cant remb wat topics we chat hoh, oh no... i old liao. cum for tis gathering if u can, wait ur no. 2 pop, u will b busy agn for few mths..
Thanks for welcoming me Sanrio.


For my gynae, he has an 24 hr emergency hp no.
My gynae is from Thomson Medical. His name is Lawrence Ang. If you wish to, i can give you his contact.


not only you. I also can remember talking to a few mummies but what did we talk about, I cannot remember too.

Time really flies, when we see our babies grow. we start to realise that we knew each other about 2 years liao.
U warm up Chen Chen 1st he will b v chatty as long he has enuff mum mum n
. Try teach him new words. He picks up easier wif the real stuff in front of him to feel n touch

Hope u receive the notifciation card tis afternoon. If not, call immigration

Notice Ash walks 1st then stand up fm squat position. Vane did dat too. Chen Chen is the other way round. He stands up fm squat position than walks
Chen Chen's blog http://harnichenchen.blogspot.com/
Aiyo thot v easy to add Ash n other tod's blog into Chen Chen's blog but still can't fig out how. Share wif me if u know can

Your tod walk 1st or stand up fm squat position 1st?
U stayed in TPY since birth?! Me too!
Yes, the blk 51 doc is still the same old Dr Tan. Very nice and fatherly

I think i stayed somewhere near blk 51 also, i cant remember my blk liao, most likely torn down liao. But i remembered i stayed at 2nd flr in one of the 2rm flat. And every flr has a long corridor with neighbours on the left and right side and opposite! I still remmeber whenever my mum opened the door to wash the corridor, my sis and i will run to our neighbour's hse. But when we came out fr neighbour's hse, my mum already finished her washing and closed the door, last time dun hv gate, my sis and i will bang very loudly on the door, and if my mum didnt open it fast enuff, both of us will start crying outside.. hahah ...i remembered this very clearly, coz it happened almost every week hahah .... dunno whether u can recall last time got ice-cream man and those illegal hawker selling cockles downstairs?? I still remembered running down the stairs with my sis to buy ice-cream, both of us holding 2 ice-creams each, we were buying for our parents also, and the ice-cream dripped all the way back to the hse hahah!!! Come to think of it, i dunno why my mum and dad dare to let us go downstairs to buy ice-cream on our own, and dare to let my sis and me went into our neighbour's hse??? If i hv a daughter, i dun think i will let her go to neighbour's hse on her own, moreover my sis and i were only 3 to 4 yrs old during then.

Yes, the fountain i refer to is the one outside TPY library. I still remembered my mum like to bring me and my sis to watch the fountain with colors. i got a few childhood photos taken at the TPY garden, there is one long and sloppy bridge somewhere near the garden, dunno still around or not?

Sanrio, Brenda,
Share share ur childhood with me leh, i missed the old TPY very much.
Geri, thanks for the offer, just wondering where to go at nite if got emergency if the hospital gynae attached to is not from KKH.

Shook, think dana started walking first then nowadays she squat then walk.
Faith looks chubby and cheerful

How many kg is she now? She looks chubbier than my son. My son's weight is always at the 25%tile or lesser.

My gynae also Dr Ang, very nice guy

Dr Ang's clinic phone is linked to his hp. After office hrs, all calls to the clinic is forwarded to his hp, he will answer ur call even on Sun when he is not working.

I stay in Boon Keng, near Boon Keng MRT station. My place can see national stadium, i can even see the Kallang mrt rail and the mrt train, can see a bit of the kallang river, becoz my living rm view is unblocked. Can see meaning can see in small images, its not far, but not tt near either. Enlightened? ;)
hahhah, i mused at the way u speak abt TPY, so enthusiatic!

Both Jem n me birthed at the same house.. a one room flat at lor 7. Then i was bbsit by my aunt who stays in a 3room flat opp. my parents. Yah luv that place a lot.. the ice cream man, the auntie who carry her pot n go door to door to sell her pulut hitam, the old old convenience shops that let us play tikam etc.

Think the fountain dry up liao.. and there's a lot of changes made to the park tho the 'tower' is still there..

I didn't weight her for a while, but believed she should have 10kg+.

Maybe we might end up seeing each other oneday at Dr. Ang's clinic.

just went to c ashrel's blog, its v nice. hmm... can we pass the both of them off as twins? hehehe

Jana neither stand nor started standing up fm squat position yet! i've got a really lazy girl!

i created a picture movie of Jana from birth till 1 yr old. Have uploaded onto youtube @ http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=Twoo4a84LLY for your viewing pleasure, its rather lengthy (5 mins) though ....
Blog guru here. I got it!

Mummies who do blog for your tod
If u r ok wif me posting the link to your tod's blog in Chen Chen's blog. Kindly provide your blog address

Enjoy the time when Jana is not walking yet. It's tiring when your tod started walking ard. Accident prone bsides busy chasing after them. Oso out of sudden u find your tod missing gotta go hunting
I can't c the video in the office. Shall look @ it @ home

Pok Pok, QSG, Viv
Thx for your reply on walk or stand fm squat position
Yah I can see u macham quite free today ....hehe..... running amok here right??? hehe....
Hb has moved the Inbox of our website to Archives to safeguard the messages....dun know what he's gonna do about it though.

I also find my energy has been sapped eversince I had jesse, no longer as active and energetic as previously ... and that was before I was preggie with the twins... need to take naps on weekends.....ok u just say TIRED and I will sympathetise with u....

Hey, me doting auntie too, I used to buy clothes for my nephews cos I used to travel quite a fair bit on work.... thot that time I won't get married so splurge on the boys lor...hehe....

Jan ran until sweaty or not? Hb likes to pick jesse and throw him in the air, then catches him... last nite jesse was screaming at the top of his voice, I think over-excited liao, went to headbutt hb... until we had to calm him down. He still throws himself at me... sigh........

deer got wedding pics ah? Aiyah I missed that....

'Stalker' = qing qie? First time I hear of such an explanation....
Your decibels are ringing in my ears again!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not confirm my attendance in the first place.....so u cannot say I dun go again ... hehe...........
I said point taken cos it's true, I should rest...... last Sat we were out nearly whole day and I was so tired when I tried to get up for church on Sun... I was rather grouchy and told hb I needed to sleep later in the day ....

Hb's and my roots are all in TPY... we can never leave this place... so attached to it... our parents also live here... told hb I think I'll cry if I ever have to leave TPY...
I also remember the TPY restaurant in TPY garden... my whole clan of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins went there to celebrate gramps' birthdays....

Seems Puti Hitam aunt still around leh, I think I saw her... she macham never aged...
Fountain long gone, now is a stage-like area, weekends got line dance... last weekend got hokkien song line dance... hehe...quite orbit....
brenda, may I ask what happened to your parents??? Nvm if u dun wanna say.

Ballot for the new ones, which ones??? The blks 140+, 40-storey ones near the church?? Quite near to me leh!!!! But I hear the floor area is not v big....

She looks so chubby and cute.... my boi also used to be chubby, after all the stretching, injections and growing, not so liao....
Me attending the Methodist church in TPY...
So u are not working at the moment????

Me at gleneagles.... they have 24-hour...that time I had show, so I called hospital and hospital contacted my gynae who then called me....
Shook, agree with you very bo eng once they start walking. Yesterday got a fright when i saw Dana carrying a iron and walking happily.I transfer the iron from the ironing board to the floor in case she toppled the ironing board in any way and the iron fall on her, never expect she can carry the iron. Tot the iron is quite heavy.

Viv, look at it this way that you can have more rest esp since you preggie while jana haven't start walking.
VIV! I LOVE IT!!!! And I love the songs that you chose!!!!

Hey, Tyra and Jana got the same sleepsuit from mothercare! N Tyra oso have that chinese drum!!!
lovely video clip.

think u better rest during weekend.

Janelle is forever sweaty at my MIL's place. May be bigger space for her to zoom here and there. At home, pretty dry unless i engaged her in some games.

Boy is pretty rough har.. hahahaha.. Janelle dun normally throw herself to us. She only do that when she really need our comfort or she in fear.

OIC... haiyah.. i wonder where u live... I dun live high enough to spot ur flat lah.. hahaha
Yeah StyloBB,
finally u appeared!! hahha.. our sept host wans to see ur jesse very much mah. dun later she pong me n say i make u run away again..

stalker not qing qie?? hahahha, if haven't read the way i describe lyn's little rascal rite?? violent, bite etc etc.. but i miss him soooo much!

Tell u.. i really weeped when i left that place. Till now when hb ask me what i want for breakfast.. i still name the food there..haiz

Oh yah, that restaurant! still remember the way i lick my fingers after eating the chilli crabs!

Yah the pulut hitam auntie still arnd.. saw her sometx back when i went to visit one aunt who still lives in TPY.

My parents arh.. me an 'accident' so i was left in the care of my aunt. They depart me very early in my life in various way.. but thank goodness, i managed to retain the 1 room flat after my dad past away! I was so glad cos i was born there, so very heartwarming to hv jem there too.

aye, u gotta be careful what's left on the ground leh... even in the cupboards now.
U can read my mind huh?? U really scared me lei! I wanted to ask abt ur website, but keep forgetting to put it down in words .... and now i saw u telling me ... at least our emails r protected hor ... hehehe ...
I send u the link liao.

U and hb childhood sweetheart?? hehehe ....
Wonder whether i know u or ur hb .... i used to run to my neighbour's hse, but cant remember how the 2 boys looked like liao.
I dont remember got Puti Hitam aunty lei ....

U very straightforward hor, like to ask sensative qns ..... tt day i saw u asking QSG whether she felt sad tt her hb doesnt want no.2 .... i dun dare to ask qns like tt, but i m quite blunt, maybe we will hit it off when we meet ;)

1 rm flat?? Got 1 rm flat in TPY?? I think it's 2rm flat, right? 2 rm means 1 living rm + 1 bedrm. So Jem and u started off in the same flat, the flat must hv some sentimental value u and Jem now. R u still owning tt flat?

The current flat which i m staying now is a 4rm flat, i keep telling hb tt i would like to hv a bigger space for our children when i hv no.2, but i she bu de sell away the current flat, coz the location is good, and it got sentimental value, this is the flat which we stay together after we got married and this is where YH is born. I wonder whether there is a way for us to keep the flat for our retirement and at the same time stay at somewhere with a bigger space ..... very exp to own property in s'pore

U planning no.2 soon? I m thinking of hving no.2 after YH turns 1. If our timing coincides, we might see each other when we visit Dr Ang ;) Btw, where did u see him for chkup? Last time i saw him at TMC during wkends. His Sembawang clinic is too far away for me.
YH is only 8.5kg as at yesterday. Faith is much heavier than YH. YH is never a chubby bb, he might look chubby in the face and thigh, but skinny in his body.

BTW, any mummies used to stay in Owen or Rangoon road??? I shifted hse b4 i turned 5, spent the other half of my childhood at Owen.
shook, qsg
i'm hoping jana can learn how to walk these 2 mths before my tummy gets too big n inconvenient for me to bend and hold her hands. I want to be there for her when she learns how to walk ...

i'm lucky, all the mothercare sleepsuits are all given by friends esp one of hubby's friend who travels v often n bought lots of mothercare stuff for his daughters from uk cos its cheaper and pass us all those extras sleepsuits/bodysuits and they are all brand new.

i got the chinese drum for her during CNY when we went to chinatown. but now my mum kept it cos she says Jana might end up swallowing the bead if it drops.

Jana is also forever sweaty. i hate to put her to bed cos air con must turn on till v cold else if she start to feel warm she'll wanna rip off her pants and shirt

i use Windows Movie Maker, just import all the photos and songs you want to use, then drag and drop all the photos in place and tat's it.
I know where is Boon Keng lah. I was from Boon Keng Pri then switched to Temasek.

Ur Jana and my Janelle sama sama. We on the air-con for her cos i dun want her to wake up due to heat. Do Jana allow blanket? Mine will kick away, so i have to dress her in long sleeve and pants at night.

I am sure Jana can master how to walk within these 2 months. U better take care too.
Jana hates the blanket. When we cover her after she's deep alseep, she'll be v angry when she stirs and finds a blanket over her. and the no-blanket rule applies to everyone! not just her leh! when she see me covered up with blanket she'll kick up a fuss and insist that i take them off !
So ba dao! hahaha.. Why like that???
We tried cover Janelle lah but the little one seem to know there is a blanket on top of her and will kick off the next moment. I told hubby, i dun want to wake up every moment just to arrange the blanket for her.

So as long as her tummy not expose, she is well covered. I let her be.
U will b surprised by how heavy stuff dat our tod can carry

U dun hv to bend your body to walk wif Jana. I show u how on 10 Sep. Remind me in case I forget
mummies, we are back!!! hvnt really settle down yet, but already checking emails n posting. cant go thru all of them yet.

duno which mummy asking if nirwana is bb friendly. nirwana groups owns 4 hotels there, nirwana resort, mana beach, banya biru n maya sari. can say nirwana's the best. for budget, seasports lovers, take mana mana. banya biru n maya just so so but note they dun hv a children playground nor bb pool.

will post pix asap.
Hi Mummies,
I start to lost count of who is coming to my place already, so i guess you all might be the same also. Manage to find the latest copy in the archieve.

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (1+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- ham & cheese sandwich
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (2+0.5)-Eggs to make chawamushi
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5
16) Shook (2+0.5) - sandwich
17) Hong (2+0.5)
18) jo (maybe)
19) pok pok (maybe)
20) Stylobb (maybe)
21) deer (maybe)

Anyone else coming or maybe coming? Let me know then I can see if I need to make more space for all of you anot. See if i need to throw away my sofa or dining table anot. hahahhaha
b4 u complain that I didn't reply you on ur post again. hahah

You make watever sandwich you want to make. Just leave the cheese and ham to Ruffy can liao.

Haha, unless ruffy take my request on not coming to the gathering cos I'm scare of her Ryan. hahahahhaha
Viv & Hong,
Gareth also don't like blanket. So he will kick his blanket away whenever we put blanket for him. Good thing he sleeps in the cot, if he sleeps with us, he will not allow us to have blanket on also. hhahaha
incase you look thru the thread. I will email you the details when the time is nearer. Maybe by next tuesday. Hope that can see zl and you in the gathering.
