(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

My boy rejected Avent bottles since 3mth..till now will still reject it.. anway I think his chewing is due to his molars errupting..he doesnt have a chewing habit. No pacifier or thumb in mouth habit.
I will follow the gyane if I am comfortable with him.. more then stick with the hospital.

they will send you an email and a red card to inform you that the passport is ready for collection. You do not have to wait for more than 5 days if i rem. Alternatively, after you submit you application, can give them a call to check it out.

I change teats every 3 mths. Even if there's nothing wrong with the teats.
u friendly mah!! thot u help out w ashrel i can play w tyra..hahhaha. Can get ruffybear rite?? i very bo chup one, later ryan walk arnd n slam doors open drawers, i get pong by pigletz...
u dun act act hor.. u noe jem seldom get 'look after' one..hahhaha. But i'll appreciate if u help me return the things his itchy hands take on that day.
17th got hb gran's bdae dinner tho i dun think it will stop him.. can arrange soon cos he keeping asking...

hahhaha... no leh, i saw sanrio busy chatting.. w pringles?? n also another tx at someone's place. Seldom see ash sticking to her too..

Aiyah Sanrio,
let ash go roam roam w jem n gareth..hahhahaha

Deer arh,
i always post i miss ZL, but kenna ignored leh.
Hhhmmm... u always tired, no extra burden, at nite too active har?
hahhaha, u just reminded me haven't shop for my two nephews.
yah yah.. share share what u prepared leh.
I agree with u totally! In fact, taking care of YH alone these few days almost make me loose all courage to go for no.2! I still find it tough taking care of YH now, esp he is more mobile now .... if like what Stylobb and Ruffy said, after they turn 2 yrs old, we can more a little more private time, but if i go for no.2, tt means i hv to go thru all these all over again!!! Wonder whether girl is easier to take care of?? I see my 2 nieces very guai leh ....

I'm Geri (user name - sweet heart). I just registered myself to this website as i find its a very good website to share information.

I used sweet heart as my user, as that's how i call my 9 months old baby girl. Her name is faith. She is a joy and at times frustration to the family

Getting to know you all

haha, I will record everything down that Ryan did to claim from Ruffy. hahaha, if Ryan happens to slam the doors, I will double check the doors to see got defectives anot and make a claim back from her. hahaha...maybe some insurance company should have this gathering insurance to help the house owner hor. hahhaha

Nah, haha, think Ruffy or her hubby will be able to handle Ryan lah. They sure would want to leave a good impression to the mummies and daddies and kiddies one mah. If not, next time won't be welcome to any gathering liao.

Don't worry abt Ashrel lah. Let him come and enjoy himself.
Tell u what, since i give birth until now, i hv stopped all nite activities liao! I simply got no extra energy after giving birth .... think nite activities will only resume when i m prepared for no.2!
Just shared with Hong liao, i bought a new romper for my nephew. Coz he inherited all YH's bb clothing, so i want to give him smthg new, just for him only

I let you know if I am able to make it for the 10/9 gathering at your place. Can I know what time is it? Is it near the compass point as I got direct bus to go there? Not very familiar with Sengkang.

Just sms with Nat yesterday. She will be grounded at home for quite sometime. Luckily she got 2 helpers to help her. But I think she feels very depressing.
hahha.. i only change the teats when u noe, gotta go from stage 2 to 3 etc.. alas, if it doesn't spoil, we dun change. Only sterilise after every use.
Dun really think i'll try for a bb soon under gynae's advise but still hv those women's checkup mah.. quite headache hor, when such thing happens.

Yah lor!! i'm really thinking whether to follow Chris Chong anot leh. My last gynae left then i went to him.. now he planning to leave too, sianz!

Aiyoh absolut...
take goody care hor.

hahha... avent not super good leh, think sama sama as the other brands. Then wait n see when this phase gonna pass lor.. If really heartpain, cut down a pack of biscuit on him for every teats he spoil..hahahha
hmm.. u can cook yummy yummy home cook food? good leh, it will be a good change to potluck for gatherings.
Hi Geri,
Faith is 9 mths old? What's her birth date? My son YH is 9 mth plus, born on 18 Nov. What abt Faith? Wonder whether there's a chance YH no longer the youngest bb here heheh ....
Any photos to share with us on little Faith?
Hi Geri!

hahhaha... here's a good place to share share but can get a bit overly siao at times (i'm trying to be nice to some mummies here) So dun get too overwhelm hor.. Must declare :

The mommies here is not a representative of all mommies in the THREADS of singaporemotherhood.com

u do the recording har.. me wanna play w tyra n eat bak gua

serious arh?? mebbe that's the prob! u lack exercise!
Pok Pok,
hahhaha... yah email Pigletz. She already invite one 'stalker' to her place already so cannot afford to put too much details here alas attract more.

put the latest list up leh
Alakma! Chris Chong is leaving .... actually if i m going to hv no.2 after 35, i m thinking of going to KKH if i become a high risk preggie .... now dunno which gynae to go to if i go KKH .... think i better stick to my old gynae. If u really like Chris Chong, maybe u shld consider follow him.
Ryan cannot run far away leh.. will be on restrain haha..I scared Brenda let him walk out of the front door go down the lift to the mama shop to buy tidbits
Brenda got ask for pic meh?? U notti notti pig, u dun need to worry abt YH will slam ur door hor, he cant even stand properly yet ;P But i hope the mummies wont mind YH's deafening scream if he does so .... i cant control his screaming when he is man cheng and sleepy.... feel so embarassed with his screaming when i m outside
Hi Brenda,

Hee, its good to be siao (filled with joy), don't want life to be like "ku kua" hee.

I uploaded attachement of my girl, but like didn't appear leh.

why hah ?
brenda always ask pple for pic one mah.

haha, I not worry abt YH or other kids slamming doors cos none of the mummies here declared yet except for Ruffy mah. hahahah

Screaming is okay. hahaha...only my neighbours will suffer. hahahah
u not going to use the 'leash' on him at pig's place r u? dun need lah.. erm, tho the part on he go down on his own might be true.. nah, wun let him out, just wun noe that he MIA only.

Pok pok,
no worries, i'll intro her to u when u r at the gathering. OR Mebbe MRS STALKER ! Show urself and say hi to Pok Pok leh!!!
hahha, u forgot how i hound for ur YH's pics issit??

mebbe ryan smart enuf to look for 7-eleven?

u press Upload Attachment already can see a link in ur preview? if yes, then everything's okay
Deer, dunno if its easier to take care of girls lei, i think case by case basis in my case girl but hb already cannot tahan.

Brenda, did your gynae said must wait for how many months before you can try to conceive again? Your current gynae going to which hospital for private prac? I also dun usually change the teats only when spoilt then change
YOu still sterilise the teats now?
U forgot to upload the photo leh ...
Faith is 5 days younger than YH, she will be the youngest bb here liao
Let u hv a look at my little YH


Can see that u are very close to ur sister. Do ur sister live near u? I am the eldest too and got 2 younger sisters and a brother.
Chk the size of ur photos, the forum only allow 50KB per photo, i edit my photo until hand tired b4 i hit the 50KB. MS Picture Manager not very helpful leh, try Photoshop if u hv it.

Isit? U hound me for YH's photos? I cant remember liao, me very short memory nowadays, but surprisingly i can remember so many things abt my childhood days. Took YH to Toa Payoh clinic yesterday, and it brought back so much of my childhood memories .... me old liao...

Heheheh .... think ur neighbours will ur headaches on 10 Sept, so many mummies and bb!
v.cute baby

No lah.. won't use leash on him in the house just make sure he is within eye distance.. coz last time at Eureka's place he was so busy walking in and out of her house..nearly walk all the way to the staircase.

My boy also a screamer.. maybe that day your ear can feast to the bbs screaming contest.
dear mummies,
tks 4 offering to help. ash is super sticky to me. tat day in eureka's hse, he was in gd mood leh. it all depends, if he 'hao xin qing', will smile n play n play. but he wont wan others to carry.
any mummies wan to lose extra kilos, jus run af him 1 day n i guarantee u, much will be shed, keke..

he cant walk too stable yet, a bit like drunkard n yet wan to walk fast fast. somtx scared n alwy wan me to hold his hands.
hahahaha, you are scaring me. 1st, Ryan can slam the door, then now he is a screamer. hahah, can you don't come to the gathering???
ash can oso scream v loud n go on n on. he likes to 'compete' w ryan, keke.. tink ur hse nid 2 b sound proof tat day liao.
Man dunno how to take care of bb lah, if they dun hv the paternal instict, think they will find it a chore. Like my hb, keep asking me YH like tt, u still want no.2? I just ignore him ...

My whole family very close, my sis wanted to ballot for the flat in my blk, but she didnt get it. She went for the Bungkok flat, think it shld be near Pigletz's hse. Bungkok also not too bad, just 4/5 MRT stations away fr my hse. And my hse only 1 MRT station away fr parents, within walking station. My bro is staying nearby also, he and his wife walk to my hse for dinner also. Good to live near each other, easier to help out each other. I sound like i stay in kampong hor hahah ....
Hv ur bro and sis married? They stay near u?
I will make sure that Ashrel in good mood that day. He didn't scream when he was at my place the other time, rem?
U can see Geri's bb photo? How come i cant see??

One more thing, if i can go for the gathering, and YH doesnt allow anyone to carry him, pls dun feel offened hor. He doesnt even allow his papa to carry him for long, only me and my mum can do it.
yup d other tx he enjoyed exploring ard ur nice nice hse. hope tix tx he gd gd boy n mummy can 'relax' a bit
tks. he got 'mumm mumm' in d mouth n big fan/aircon blowing at him, wil b in gd mood. pai seh ur electricity bill w b up tat day
Somehow we will manage lah... Ian was born in Apr? For my case, it's exactly two year gap. Actually I never planned to wait till he was three or older, cos want to have to them close and also to conceive asap. Did not want to start the whole routine all over again when jesse is older.
In fact I was joking with hb that that time he carried jesse on his chest to sleep in the living room couch at 3am cos jesse was fussing as a NB... reminded him maybe he gotta carry two this time! Ahahah...

Point taken. So looks like I won't be going down to SK afterall..... try to rest on weekends..... dun worry, u and pigletz won't have another 'stalker'.....
Most of the time, when jesse KO, I also KO.... but unfortunately hunger beckons me and I gotta get up to eat something.

About your comment of YH being too active, u know hb/I ever commented that about jesse to a mother of three about how active he was and she gave us a very wise piece of opinion: would u want ur child to sit there sa-sa and not do anything? cos she had a relative's child who was like that, macham v guai right, but actually had some problem and some defect, that's why hardly moved ... so that jolted us not to complain about kids being active, it's normal that they are active........we should be glad they are exploring here and there.

Actually he has been sleeping thru most of the time, only lately think he is v sticky to me, so when he kinda is more conscious he will look for me... for a few nites he was bawling for me, crying 'mae-mee' .... Yes I tell him to please sleep thru again becos mama and papa need to rest.
I'm used to seeing his round head bobbing in front of me....ahaha.... actually me not so scared of those things lah.... my flat is so peaceful...hehe.... funny tho that during the seventh month, me and hb each had a scary nitemare but we were not afraid leh.... was telling the mummies from the other thread that when I was in tokyo sleeping in the hotel, my bed shook (at where my feet was, can't be earthquake??), after it shook a second time, I just prayed and then nothing liao.

I have three other gfs giving birth near year-end and me excited for them.... but for my case, friends from church keep asking me whether I know the gender of my twins... hahah... I also feel girls are generally more guai leh.... simple observation, we went to church to help do some packing, the girls guai guai helped, the boys ah, ran all over the place... hiaz......

1.5 to 2 years - it's true I never bluff u, they can at least play by themselves for a while and mobile mah.... but yah if u have a second one, then no more free time liao!!! Nite activities - aiyah chio u go dinner u also dun want...hehe....

Btw I gave u the PD's contact, near to your doc, and it's near to my place too....hehe.... must give u my hp nbr... next time call me.....
YH looks like who ah???

I checked re the software programme, it's only usable for Mac pcs.....

qsg is right, it's the booster jab... also they will have assessment... but nothing much they assess leh, look at his eyes, see his mobility. Next check-up is when they are 3 years! Phew! Glad it's all over altho it'll start all over for me again next year....

I was wondering where u went...hehe.... seems virus so strong ah. Sharp pain in bum = not enuf calcium? That's strange... do u have constipation???
Me also seldom on mc but that day really cannot tahan the giddiness...how to walk straight? So take mc... doc also gave me so giddy pills, I also did not take, in fact I dun take any medication if I'm sick, I feel a good rest is more than enuf.... Yah, not easy looking after a toddler full-time... really kudos to those mums who are doing it!
Does Ally play by herself? What does she like to play? I find her tummy v cute...hehe....but she looks like she can bully those older than her... hehe.....
U still on thyroid medication ah??? Is it ongoing??

The fatigue does not seem to leave me.... esp in the evenings... hb just reminded I am about half-way thru!!! The freshness supposedly to be enjoyed in 2nd trimester does not apply!

Nope jesse does not sit in bumbo anymore ... only last time when he was younger, he will go and sit there when I fed him porridge, now he has a little yellow chair that he sits on during mealtime...hb was asking must get another bumbo or not, we figure the twins could eat at different timings, also not sure now... so we just leave it.

Not sure about Ikea high chair, but we think the Rubbermaid one is best. The Kangaroo one is always ko-yak....

<font color="0000ff">geri</font>
Altho I am not one of the 'pioneers' of this thread, I guess I can still say "Welcome!" But u have to speed-read at this thread...hehe.
Can call u geri??? I like the name Faith.... most of the mummies' dears are about around the same age... mine, hong's and ruffy's are older.... my boi is coming to 20 months....
0.5 yrs to try again, haiz. He's setting up his clinic at Glen, but can deliver everywhere 'cept kkh.
Yah, i still sterilize it till now unless travelling lah.
Re : No. 2. Dun think too much abt ur hb not wanting no. 2.. they just not as multi-tasking as us. But when they starting think of having no. 2, u'll feel like kicking them..hahhaha

Bo Sim lah... i miss TPY alot too. Hb says i cried to go back in my dreams at txs

Geri haven't post the pics yet leh

no worries.. jem too lazy to walk walk so he'll wait for ash.. hmmm drunkard, sounds like gareth..hahahha
Just ignore brenda, hahaha, I wanna see the jesse that stands quietly beside you and your tummy carrying the twin.
why all the interesting softwares only work on Mac PC. Thanks, at least i know there is 1 existing.

Janelle also running none stop these days. MIL says she never stop. Somehow i am glad, cos once she tired, she dozed off faster. Free the adults to do other things.

I am closer to my sisters and mother. My bro will only call me when he "asking for help". We dun really live near each other. I live in the central, near National stadium. My 2nd sister married and her place at punggol. My mum at Bedok, youngest sis and bro still not married. I live nearer to my PIL, not walking distance but only a few bus-stop away.
I saw ur email, but hvnt had time to reply yet, if u see the no. of posts i posted, u will know i spend all my time here heheh ... didnt come in here regularly for a while, and since today i got the FREEDOM, i just post n post heheh ...

I will reply to ur email later hor. I will give u my hp nos. in my email, and u give me urs. Will call u when i m at TPY, but most likely u will see me only. Fr my place to TPY, i can only take bus, take mrt to leh J, the train go one big round! so i dun think i will take YH to TPY unless i take cab.

Agree with u on the bb active part, i guess Brenda also say the same thing. Yeap, i shldnt keep complaining abt YH active, next time i will just complain i m TIRED :p Yar lor, me lack of exercise, but isnt taking care of YH an exercise also?

R u the one who saw my photo b4? Or is it Hong? Remember i send u the yahoo link to view YH's photos, and somehow u saw my wedding photos??
90% of the pple who know me and hb say YH looks like papa. I always complain its so unfair! So my mum said i shld try for a girl next time, girl will look like mummy

U stay in TYP last time? I stayed there until 4 yrs old. U remember the water fountain in TYP?? I still remember it got colors, very beautiful

U stay near Jas? Ur place is quite near mine, i can see National Stadium fr my hse. Think u shld be able to view my blk fr urs also. Hahaha ...i think guys r like tt, my bro also calls when he needs help. Last time he only come to my place for dinner once a week when my mum call him to come, but later he and his wife sick of outside food, then he asked my mum whether he can come for dinner everyday, of coz my mum is very happy lah, she wants to see the son more often, so she doesnt mind cooking extra. Hope YH wont be like tt.

think i got to MIA after lunch liao, i got some work to clear ....
i stay in toa payoh for many years too! birth till early secondary school. i like toa payoh, me n hubby gg to ballot for d new flat in toa payoh. tat's why wen u mention d blk 51 doc, it rings a bell? is he d same doc since many yrs back wen i saw him wen i was young??


I went for lunch, my colleague's maid prepared fried rice for us. Yummy clipart{kao_clap}

Beside Ruffy, can the other mummies see my ah girl's picture ?

she is a darling, we intend to try for 2nd one next year.

My gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang (Thomson Women's Clinic). Very nice chap.

sweet heart
