(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Is Vane still hving fever? Since when?? 2-3 weeks ago she was hving fever and lao sai also right? Hope Vane get well real soon. Try not to bring her to crowded places, rest more so tt she can recover soon.

My mum and her siblings r very close, i guess tt's why they can help each other out in taking care of my grandma and grandfather.
Ur mum got knee problem? Is it serious? Must really take care. My MIL has knee problem also, she went for an op for her knee just b4 i conceive, but still hurt until now. Sometimes her knee is so painful tt she has to get up slowly or walk slowly, whenever i see it, i feel very heartpain. She is taking care of my 11 mth old niece, my SIL's 2nd bb arriving in Dec will be under her care also .... wonder how is she going to cope ...

U got talk to me ah??
I just got back to the forum, warming up mah .... i only talk to those who talk to me lor ... i always play cheat one, i dun read archives if i miss it for more than 2 days, coz simply cant catch up, then i will start fr the current thread, writing to those who write in a few sentences only ... slowly warm up mah, otherwise how to catch up?? heheh ...

Thanks for ur view on high chair. Ur Hello Kitty mooncake can see cannot eat leh .... heheh ...

U advertise for ikea ah? Ask them to sponsor u the one at ur mum and MIL's place lah ... hahah ...
U very cute leh, why u want to buy so many? Yes, it is relatively cheaper, as compared to other high chairs, but not tt cheap also mah ... $24 without tray, with tray how much???
U drive? Why not u dismantle the one at home and bring to MIL's place whenever u visit them?? U visit them at most once a week right? So dun need to buy one and put there lah.
Good idea on putting the cushion in the high chair. I heard a lot abt bb standing on high chair in this thread, the one tt gave me the deepest impression was Elyse stood on the high chair and Eureka saw it just after she came out fr the toilet, gave her a fright! Hope i remember the right mummy, otherwise kena pong ;P

Where r u? I come back, and u MIA, later i MIA, u will come back again .... u dun want to meet me huh?

Brenda leh???

Tried sending u an email, and i encounter the delivery failure notice twice! Is ur email acct down? It's ok lah, i hv a copy of the email in my mailbox, will try resending again.

Tonite sleep hor, so tired already still sleep so little. Must take good care of urself and ur twins mah ....

Shook, what are the reasons you won't be following Dr Sim? You considering KT Tan?

Mummies, when you discipline your bbs maybe by hitting them on the hand,they cry, what do you do? leave them to cry or pick them up and sayang them? or leave them to cry for a while then hug hug them?
Pok Pok,
Hvnt chatted with u b4, but glad to know tt u r expecting no.2. Congrats to u

U will be in ur 3rd trimester soon, is Ethel very excited with ur big tummy? Does he touch and rub it??

How's Nat doing?? Think her tummy must be quite big now. She is still bz with her friend's kids?
Hope she is doing well with her pregnancy now.
Wow, u are going to bintan too this thurs? Might u bump into Lyn and family? Hope u all have lots of fun!! Which hotel are u staying at? Will Sarah be eating mainly hotel food during the trip?

There wasn't any music in the last video clip i posted. Unless, u mean my hubby's voice sounded like music..hahaa....i'm gonna tell him that! But if u are taking a video of Chen Chen, any background voice or music will be captured in the camera and uploaded automatically.

CONGRATS!!! Wow, this thread is so happening and productive!!!hehhee. Keep us updated on ur progress

Can imagine how u feel abt going for surgery. U just wanna quickly get it done with and over. My gynae did mention to me b4 that after pregnancy, its quite common for women to develop cysts. Did ur gynae spot any cysts earlier on or only recently?

Ash's new shoes look very cute! Haha..i know wat u mean by "fatty feet" coz Alicia's feet also quite chubby! Have to look for the proper cutting when it comes to buying shoes. After a few more pratices, Ash will be very comfortable wearing his new shoes out. Thks for replying my sms. Think i will try to toilet train Alicia again this week.

I also find the ikea chair practical and cheap. No regrets for buying it. Its always gd to have a high chair to standby tho the toddler may not sit in it every single time.
Thanks for the feedback on ikea high chair. The website stated $24 without tray, do u know how much it cost with the tray? I m wondering shld i buy the ikea high chair or the lucky baby hight chair which cost $56.90 selling in Kiddy Palace. The Lucky Baby high chair looks bigger, maybe can last YH longer??
I write to u, u bo heel me leh .... heheh ...
Tell u what, my notebook kena virus last week, i reclone the windows liao, still running at tortise speed, think the virus might still be residing on my notebook
.... think i need to reformat the harddisk and reinstall windows, but very lazy to do it leh .... got to backup data, take donkey yrs to format, then take donekey yrs to install windows!!! How???? Any good suggestions?
Aiyo, i posted then see ur msg, paiseh :p
My sis going to give birth SOON!!! Very excited now, get to carry newborn again
heheh ...
I really look forward to it
Some wu liao fella hacked into our website!!!! Dun send me anything till I check with hb what can be done...thanks!!!

Sounds like your family v happening hor!!!

Not to scare u, make sure ur mum gets enuf rest too, it's the caregiver who ends up v v tired.... and old ppl cannot fall sick otherwise v siong for them too.... and our mothers being wei da will always do their best to help everyone.... Do u find that u are more excited than your sis??? I find it so for my case, ppl get excited over my impending delivery that time, while now I await my gf's delivery in Oct...

BBQ - not to worry, I did not go near the pit... I only ate pizza (not bbq-ed), some cuttlefish, a bit of satay... wasnt esp. hungry that nite...

High chair - jesse only used it for a short while, at home I would feed him in the bumbo... now we have a small chair for him to sit while he took his food.... my mum trained him from young to guai guai sit down to eat his food.

Can tompang me if I go? I can't confirm now leh..... did u email me today... see my posting to deer... I told hb ppl are really so eng, go and hack websites....

No lah.... hehe we are the sleeping trio... I meant we took a 3.5 hour nap in the afternoon!!!!!!! After that, still felt tired.... pretended not to move when jesse stirred, then he opened his eyes, saw me and gave me a cheeky smile.....

So when will u allow chen chen to eat all the 'sinful' food ah???? Would u let chen chen drink yakult???

So ur hb really dun want nbr 2 ah? How do u feel about that????
PM u liao. If still dun understand can e-mail me your querry and I try to answer one by one.
oic.. nvm..u making sandwiches right..so I bring something else
Stylo, O.
give u a lift if u are going.

did u do a scan? may be the reclone version also kena. Best is to format lah, a thorough clean up.
Save u the trouble to troubleshoot, unless u really wanna know wat cause it.

U got no system support to support ur desktop?
If mine got problem, will hand them my notebook and ask them to repair. Anyway they are paid to support us.
I'm down with the flu. Got it from Ally. The good thing is managed to get 2 days mc from doc. yippee! But somehow find that the day pass so fast when I'm on mc.

really? mayo got raw egg? Aiyah... I like mayo leh... esp fries with mayo. YUMMY!

Don't feel so down. I'm sure you'll be fine after the first procedure. Better rest well and eat healthy before it.
Hi Deer,

Thanks. Ethel is very excited looking at my belly button. she wants to press it down cos it is pointed. But that day she was so sweet, she passed her favourite bear to my tummy.

Long time din come into this thread, you gals are so fast..............
Thanks sanrio,

din see you for a long time. really envy you for being a housewife. I dun think I can make it.

Hahhhahaha Me workaholic. Left my work place cos dun like those pple. end up looking for temp job to do.
Dunno why these pple so bo liao, they got nothing better to do, heck pple's website, write and spread virus, so fedup with them!!!

Points noted, i will make sure my mum rest well. My grandma still got an op for another eye, and my sis giving birth this week ... guess she will be very bz running around, i think i will take care of YH myself so tt she will get enuff rest. I wonder whether the confinement lady can make it .... she said she is only available on 6 Sept, i hope she can make some exception if my sis give birth this week.

Jesse so cute, i guess his cheeky smile must hv melted ur heart ;-)

Actually we got desktop support also ..... long story ....
When i was recloning the windows, i call helpdesk to reactivate the 2nd network point in my office, it was deactivated after i didnt use it for 3 mths, guess what? The person asked me to send them an eform which is only available on the intranet. I told them my notebook is down, i dont hv internet access, tt's why i need the 2nd network pt which is connected to my PC, she asked me to do it on my colleague's PC!!! I always feel very frustrated dealing with them, if i can do it, i will do it myself!
Pok Pok,
Ethel so sweet, i guess she will dote on her mei mei next time

How old is Ethel now?

Hope u and Ally will recover soon. Agree with u, whenever i m on MC or on leave, time passes so fast .... actually i enjoy the MC and wkday leave, i can spend some private time with my mum and YH .... but with my nephew's arrival, i guess next time i wont hv these kind of priviledges anymore.

Dun think so much, hope everything will be ok after the lapro.
thanks for highlighting to Ruffy on the sandwich portion.
You see what you can bring lor, like i say, most important is sincerity and we all put an effort to make the gathering a good one for everyone to remember.

Thought you bring Maja Tropicana already? Give Ruffy a chance to make the sandwich lah. Don't make her think hard on what to bring okay?

Can you please make sandwiches? Thank you very much!
We don't drive. We are public transport family. hahaha, so can't bring the highchair to mil's place, and it's not easy to dismantle also.

If you buying the ikea high chair, can get the cushion there too, $1.90 only, small one, soft and just nice for the chair.

Oh ya, beside using it for feeding, I put Gareth on high chair when I let him watch VCD also. hahaha, at least he won't be moving around too much.
thanks for enlightening on the egg shell thingie.

If hong come, you come okay? If hong no come, you also try to come okay?
That's so nice of you!

You can make:
1) Egg Mayo Sandwiches (Pregnant mummies and bbies who can't eat egg and mayo, please keep out)
2) Cheese sandwiches (think shouldn't be a prob for the bbies)
3) Ham sandwiches (also don't think a prob for the bbies, depends on parents)

Tuna and kaya toast too troublesome for you liao.
didn't know that mayo contains raw egg. The potato salad I'm making got Mayo leh.

Pregnant mummies, please keep out of it okay? Hehe, unless you all feel that eating abit is okay lah.
Just to add on, if you not free to make, then please tell us. Cos my mum working in food stall, advise me never to buy sandwiches from outside, cos some of them might be left over from the previous day one. Best is not to buy especially if you intend to give kids to eat.
I make cheese and ham sandwiches.. no problem.
dun think will make egg mayo one..coz must boil cook with Ryan around quite difficult..he tall enough to reach the stove when he tip toe.
understood. hahha. i guess my support will also give me the same reason. These support are like pple with no logic. If they want, give them the eform and get ur port up ASAP.

Ur intranent is wired? Mine is wireless and my desktop and intranet are 2 diff machines due to security. So i have 2 email accounts to maintain. I hope they merge soon so can do away with the bulky desktop. They are also thinking of fexi office. U know like how IBM works? U dun have a permanent desk to work on. If u are on the move u can access office intranet using the notebook via VON.
howver, the office stupid VPN always always drop. How to work like that outside!!!

Now i cant be bother to bring home my notebook cos the VPN always drop..

As for the high chair, my personal opinion. Dun really have to get a big high chair cos some children can wiggle out the high chair and try to stand on the seat. So dangerous and i witness my Janelle doing it a few times cos i dun have the habit to buckle her and sometime she dun allow me to.

As long as the high chair can support ur son weight, can fold, easy to keep and dun take up much space. i think shld be gd enough.

Infact, many restaurants are using ikea high chair too. I think they are great... if i didnt get a hand down, i probably get an ikean high chair.

i pass u ur stuffs if i am going on 10 sept.

ok lah.. i print a big sincerity Tee and wear it to ur place. hahhaa..
Just wondering, tot you cook lunch for your hubby everyday. So while you cook, where is Ryan? I mean those days that Ryan is not in the childchild, which is only a month ago.
Always got the impression that Ryan very good boy leh. Know alot of things, even know how to switch on/off lights and fans. Think you should be able to ask him go and play on his own while you are busy in the kitchen right?
I dun cook for him everyday. If I cook will be when Ryan is sleeping. but ryan ..during weekends..nowadays..only take naps at 2-3pm..sometimes can even go without nap.
Also he now "helps himself" to things he see be it on the kitchen counter/dining table top..so hard to do any cooking with him around.
Ally still has running nose? Seems like more than a week? jesse also had running nose but the pd said it's not really running nose, she thinks it's the air..... me and hb also dun know..... so u at home ??? Shiok right but time really flies when at home.... so saaaddd....

Just a few more months and YH will be more mobile, then he will also be able to play by himself for a short while... at least dun have to keep watch over him all the time like now...

I will try ok... and my tiredness ah..... these few Sats are quite tight for me too. Let u know later ok?

Can u post the updated food list?

Talking about high chairs, did u all notice that some chinese restaurants have this horrible high chair which is "Kangaroo" brand??? Each time we see it, the strap is either torn, or the strap is not long enuf to go round jesse's tummy.... the make is so lousy...think "Rubbermaid" brand is still the best....
Din know mayo contains raw egg. Thx

I prefer KKH. Most likely go to KT Tan
I smacked Chen Chen 2 or 3 times. He din cry but my heart broken. Now I raised my voice Chen Chen scared liao. Still doesn't work, I will use time out mtd (dindonce but I wz the one who is wrong, not Chen Chen)

Thx for asking abt Nat. She still hv giddy spell n headache. Her hubby went overseas for reservist. She left Matt wif nanny a few nights.

There wz music in the background in the video which Alicia mimic the sound animals made rite.
Our digital cam no audio. Video taken by video cam no software to upload
Last wk my hubby took a video of my conversation wif Chen Chen wif video cam but dunno how to upload. BTW how u upload video clip to utube?

Jesse can still sit in bumbo?
I will let Chen Chen eat food wif seasoning when he is 2 yrs old but not JUNK food fm uncle M.
I quite phobia over yakult coz my cousin took till she developed asthma

Thx. I check your mail when I m back home n follow it when I hv the time. Will shout for u when I still can't load the moving pic

Hong, Viv
Maja Tropicana is dunno a Spanish or Spanish borned Philippino dessert. Use coconut but the coconut will b cooked. Oops preggie can't eat coconut rite?

Ham cooked but left chilled, a gd environment for bacteria. Unless cooked, otherwise better not feed young tod
If u really like hard boiled egg sandwich I made lor. No mayo. I think of some other sauce. Safe for preggie but not safe for bb hor (according to my std not yours

Wish u n Ally recover soon, b4 n of your mc
No longer, now he sits in a small little chair...kekeke... but yesterday he v manja, sat on my lap while I fed him...I let it, since he was eating ok.

Yakult may cause asthma???
aiyo lah.. hahaha, the sandwiches not for me lah. I can make egg sandwich also. hahaha. If you really want me to say out loud. I'm just trying to help Ruffy, cos she don't know what to bring to cater to the need of the pple going for the gathering mah. Whereas alot of mummies knows what to bring mah.
Preggie cannot take coconut meh?
Yakult cause asthma, 1st time i heard abt it.
However, i know MUST drink water after drink Yakult else very easy to make the child cough and cause phlegm.

U very restrictive on the food u feed chen chen leh..

Can u make the dessert? save the sandwiches for Ruffy. Sound delicious.

ha rubbermaid and kangaroo. I wonder how much to the high chair will cost them. They shld just get the ikea high chair will do.
stylobb, hb kept saying he dun want 2nd bb of course i abit sad lah, i agree very tiring to take care of bb but they are very cute lei and i dun want dana to be lonely without a playmate so hopefully as time goes by (hopefully by then i not too old) he will change his mind about having 2nd bb. Whe we took the pre-marital course we were asked to list down our expectations about the no. of bbs, he said 3 and i said 2 now his the one who said one is enough

Shook, actually if i do get pregnant again i may go back KKH also if there is a good female gynae bec if i go KKH can save $350 since hb in civil service. But so far i quite used to Dr Sim already lei..see how still a long way to go.

Thanks for replying me on the part about disciplining bb, no other mummies seem to be sharing with me on this aspect. Nowadays even when i tap lightly on dana's hands, she will cry until like very cham so really dunno what to do was thinking how to disicipline her in future if like that now.I tried with a fierce tone she also cry lei.

soya, did jul said why she dun like KT Tan? Then how? she seeing who then? How's her bb?
Dun u ever dare to touch the bak kua. Haha..... Dun worry, I make an "effort" to source Halal pork for u ok? LOL

Chen Chen speech development really impressive leh!!!! Randall can only say mum mum, ma ma, dad dad, mao mao, mouth then the rest all wowwww....wooo...ya ya...ee ee.....tok alot but I dun understand at all. Hehe....

Do u find ur child v curious towards ur boobs? Haha.. Randall does. He loves to pull my shirt n see. Then he goes "wowwwwww". Dun misunderstood. He wowwww not becos they r big. Hehe... More like "wow....mummy's like airplane runway" LOL. And he is especially curious towards belly button. Qin you du zhong.
He is quite smart but also v.naughty..coz he already knows what he should do but don't want to do and on purpose will be "defiant" to your instructions.
Also cannot let him play alone by himself as you don't know what he will be doing.and how dangerous it can be. coz like even if you close the door if it has the normal handle (not door knob type) he can still open the door by himself to get into the room.
i dun wan say too much... i let jul come in herself and update.

i agree... i think our little ones has turned 1yo liao... we shldnt be so restrictive of their diet... shld let them explore new food... but of cos there are still some no-nos...

Sorry may be i miss ur qns on discipline.
U wanna post the qns again? So happened i borrow a book on "The Discipline Book" from the library. I can help u to look up.

My daughter like to TOUCH my boobs and if she saw my bra she will said "boh boh". hahaha...
