(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Poohie

No wonder... coz your qty sounds like what it states on my FM can ... I've got NAN HA but not following to it exactly. Just increased qty to 120ml although it states that we are suppose to offer 150ml for my baby who's just started on her 6th week coz my sis-in-law has a chart that advises us to offer only 120ml for 4-5kg baby. Dun think my baby has gone beyond 5kg so sticking to 120ml otherwise dunno how to sustain enough EBM for her.


hehe, yup, i follow according to the can. Anyway, think my boy is abit over weight now, as he is abt 7kg now.
how come tis thread now so quiet?
everyone gone to give birth liao?

any news of anyone's bb popped?

for me, now on leave... at home resting... waiting for bb to pop... been hvg quite alot of cramps these few days... they feel like menses cramps... and i dun think they r BHC. anybody had the same experience?

as for sanrio... she's been on mc for past one week... cos her bb is engaged and causing her alot of pelvic pain... so much so dat she cant walk... so she's on mc and stays in ned most of the time. poor gal... she's going for her checkup today... will u all know if i hv any updates from her.
Hi poohie

My baby should be abt 1mth younger than yours right? You mentioned that your baby is a little overweight? What's the normal weight suppose to be? Now I'm comforted that my baby is not the only one drinking so much.
hi carina...
i'm due on 17 jul... yah... me not working already... need a break b4 bb comes... been so busy and stressed at work.

shld go out once in a while... good to walk...
Hi Soya Bean

Just found out that I've got a friend also due on your same date. Enjoy your rest now and in the hospital after delivery coz it's gonna be hectic once you're back at home esp if you're gonna TBF. Anyone helping out to look after your baby?

Just wanna chip in after reading your posting. I have a 9 month old baby and I am still bfg.

Hope you can be firm and tell your CL and mother that it is very crucial for baby to suckle in these early days.

His suckling will stimulate milk flow and establish the feeding patterns for the months to come. While you are doing confinement, treasure this time to nurse him directly.

Dun be in a hurry to feed bottle... DOESN'T MATTER if you dunno how much he drinks, he will drink enough.

It is such a blessing for you that your baby suckles and latches on well... keep it up and dun let the bottle spoil him. Many pple out there have problems latching on... so while you are doing it well, do carry on and breastfeeding your baby is a very precious gift for your baby and you'll enjoy it tremendously.
hi appleg, thks 4 being supportive! Actually b/f cld b messy with all the leaks...etc. but it's realy gd 2 c bb as he suckle. my main prob is whether he has enough tot he wets/soil a couple of nappies in 12hrs - @ nite, i'm ordered 2 rest so CL will give him expressed milk milk - which somtimes he dun wan!!!!!! he''ll only finished 1.5oz on bottle?? My bb is relatively sml, only 2.354kg @ birth, currently 2wks old.

btw, r u workin?? if u do, wow, u still able 2 b/f??? Cos it takes me long time (45-60mins) jus to express abt 5-6ozs of milk??? Iwonder how 2 cope when times comes when my maternity leaves ends??
Hi ladies,
Finally gotten myself on the net. Yep! I just popped last week and i guess i have broken a record with my timing. As others who have been here earlier wld have known, i'm a strong supporter for epidural and guess what .... i didn't get to use it......

It all happened on the day when.....
Singapore went into darkness. Luckily for Sengkang area, power was resumed b4 midnight. Was happily watching TV on the sofa while hubby had his teleconference. At around midnight, have some crampy feeling. Totally ignored it, has been like this for the past few days. Pain became more intense at 12.30. Start to feel strange when it didn't go away after so long, went to toilet and check... Ooopss.. blood streaked mucus. But remembered ante-natal class mentioned that this is not the real show. Show is something more signifiant. So, went back to TV but told hubby that i'll most probably won't be going back to work. By one, pain was bad but still want to hold on. Dun want to be strapped by tubes and restraint on bed, continue to watch Devils Advocate. 1.15am, pain is so bad, off TV and lay on bed. By now, hubby start timing for contraction, contractions only occur once every 15 min. Okie no hurry... hubby went to wash up and finish up office work. 1.45am, contrations occur once every 5min. Prepare to leave. Silly me, left wallet with IC in office, luckily have passport, no choice, use it 1st. Hubby drove, me bring pillow along and scream into pillow everytime there was a contractions (otherwise i think i will have bite off my husband's arms or limbs). Reach KKH at 2.30am, was wheeled into delivery suite. Lady who pushed me told me not to scream but to concentrate breathing. She tried to strike a conversation..... "Water bag burst?" - No. "1st baby?" - Yah... "Contractions started when?" - Around 1am..... Haiz, still long way to go, she's thinking to herself. I thought so too...... Never mind, come in to enjoy the epidural and air con.
Reach delivery suite (dunno what time already), was asked the same questions by the nurses. Since its so early in the morning and its my 1st baby and water bag not broken yet, the nurses wanted to check how much i have dilated b4 calling my gynae. Tell me to strip and climb on the bed. Wa liao... the bed was so high and the pain so bed. That task really killed me. Nurse told me to climb up when the contraction wave is over. Did quickly b4 ontractions came again. Lie on bed and was given gas mask. Was still screaming away, therefore no gas went in.... Therefore still in pain. Nurse checked me... guess what. I'M ALREADY FULLY DILATED! Nurse quickly screamed for my gynae to be called immediately and meanwhile, me to relax and hold on!!!!!!! And i'm too late for epidural.
Me try to "enjoy" the gas. Luckily my gynae was fast. The moment she reached i was took off my gas mask and told to push. Cannot remembered what happened, was in terrible agony and baby was out by 0326h!!!!!
To all breast feeding mummies,
I have to say TBF is really tiring and i have succumbed to giving her FM sometimes, esp in the middle of the night. Thru out day time, i find myself latching her on almost every half to one hour. U guys have the same problem? To finish writing this posting, after my 5th latching on, i have decided to make FM and let hubby take over. Somehow my girl just doesn't seem to get full on breast milk alone. After breastfeeding her, she still cry for more but refused to latch on further (okie, i'm tired too). Somehow, i mus finish it off wif FM b4 she seems fully satisfied and settle down longer. Otherwise, i'll expect her to be awake and screaming for milk in the next half n hour.
Hi Congrats b2b3m4!!! Must say tat u hv a practically short labour - compared to mine!!! We r jus the opposite - in the beginning i was fully against the use of epidural - but ended up taking 2 dose :p u really can tahan!!

How's ur bb doing?? N u urself?? How's ur confinment getting on??Dun get frustrated by bb's feeding pattern lor at least u can try to b patient wif her - cos my CL dun encourage b/f - she said u'll nvr know how much bb is drinking??!!?? So now i giving bb xpressed breast milk - i do hv a tin of formula but given tat to bb on 1st n 2nd day when my milk supply yet established.

So maybe u can try to express ur milk - so bb can still hv the best??
Congrats B2B3M4!!!! Thanks for sharing ur experience with us here. Lucky u, wanted epidural and yet in the end nv get to use. Hehe....

So, who is next?
hi b2b3m4
wow... congrats.... actuali, i think ur expectations of the level of contraction pain must be pretty high... if not u wldnt hv tahan and hv asked for epidural. but i think all the walking u had to do while working reali paid off and made ur labour rather fast.

hi absolut,
yeah... me enjoying my rest now... so nice to be away from ofc and jus relax at home... and i can nap whenever i can... my mil will be doing confinement for me and tkg care of bb after i go back to work.
Hi B2B3M4,

Wow... I remember your EDD same as mine.. am still stuck here at home. Only started my maternity leave yesterday (Tuesday). Having difficulity walking and moviung about too.... was supposed to go and see doc tomorrow morning, but changed my appointment to today afternoon. Hoping that doc will say... baby is ready.. or let's induce. Can't bear to waste my leave and especially my mom's leave. (her boss making her go on leave tomorrow for 2 weeks - she wants to help me during my confinement).. if would be a waste if baby doesn't come until 2 weeks later.
Am at a lost right now on what to do. On one hand.. shouldn't rush baby... trust in God etc etc.. on the other hand, hubby, me and my mom wasting leave if I don't pop soon. Sianzzz... to top it all, stomach is so heavy already... am feeling so frustrated especially when hubby raised his voice at me to tell me not to waste his leave (I told him to take leave on Thursday lah... coz I suspect that doc will ask me to induce). He said unless absolutely sure then tell him to take leave. How am I supposed to know. Gosh! If only I can look into the future, I will not be so troubled. To top it all, mom and mom-in-law kept calling in the morning and at night (twice a day) asking me if I am okay and still at home.

Wondering how sanrio is... she due same time as me too. Hmmm...
hi soyabean,
My EDD is around jul16 to 20 too...Hv ur boy engaged yet? During the last wk visit,my gynea said my boy's head hasn't engaged yet.

Will our EDDs delay so long as our babies head hvn't engaged yet?? Thou I scare of labour pain,i can't wait everything is over soon: giving birth,confinement..going back to work...

i miss wearing my normal size clothing. I've outgrown almost all my shorts & t-shirts.

poor sanrio,hope she is coping well

Hi B2B3M4,
Agree wf Lyn, ur labour is short.how does the blood streaked mucus look like & different from real show??

how heavy is ur girl??

Hi Emily,
I've started to work from home this wk.Luckily,my boss allows me to do so. My official maternity leave will start next monday onwards.

under what circumstance the gynea decides to induce? When the baby is overdue?

r u alone at ur home? I oso alone...i'll go over btw my mum & MIL home next wk onwards.

my col said normally,the EDD will b early fr 1st bb...I'm sleepy most of the tx...the funny thing is i go to toilet for "big biz" abt 3tx per day!heard tat it is the sign of labour..

Last nite,I told my hubby it'll be great if our boy pops out today coz Jul7 is easy to remember
Emily & avocado,

Sanrio resting at hm now, her gynae gave her mc for another week then she will be take leave till she pop. Her bb head almost fully engaged already.


bb do not hv to engage oso can come out. Perhaps, juz take longer time.
hi avocado,

usually, doc will induce if placenta not working well, baby losing weight etc.
if everything is fine, doc will induce after 40wks. cos they feel that no point keeping the bb in so long. bb will just keep getting bigger and harder to give birth.

I am alone at home with maid. Wow, u go toilet three times a day? Me only twice. Looks like my bb might be later than yours if all else is the same.

I don't want to be on leave for so long without giving birth. Waste of my leave. Besides boss says if my bb haven't come out and I am at home, he might call me in some days to work. So sianzzz...

Am leaving for doc appointment now. Will keep u informed if anything happens. Pls say a prayer for me that doc will ask me to go hospital soon. I just can't wait anymore. Thks!
Hi Ladies,

LONG TIME no write...hv been so bz at work with implementation of new systems...My EDD is 23rd July and I am just so freaked out now.....

On one hand, dun wan to waste leave to stay at home, cos the boss dun allow me to take LOA after tat. On the other hand, I just feel soooo tired even just going to work.

Glad to hear that everyone is still ok...have been hearing comments that my stomach is lower now, but I am really fearing the moment...

Will I be able to identify labour pains? Wat if the labour pains are too long? Wat if I dun have the strength to push? Wat if the episiotomy hurts too much? Wat if bb is too big?
Hi Hazey,

Really long time nv hear fm u indeed. Y not take 2 days leave each week fm now till ur EDD? So at least u dun feel so stress out.

I oso told my gynae the same thing.Can identify labour pains? He said when it comes, u will know. Hehe... Well...the rest of ur qns, I think u dun think so much. When it comes, it comes.
Hi Val..yeah...think I never log in for 2 mth end close already. Are you fully ready for Randall? I am just starting to fear cos my bb cot is not delivered yet, and haven't buy pails for bb laundry....
I asked my gynae, when does it look like the likely week...and he said...only god knows....sigh....

NOT YET ready!!!! I wk 36 now only. My mum started doing all the washing today. The bb cot was delivered to me last wkend. When urs is coming? I oso havent buy pails for bb laundry, hospital bag not pack yet, confinement herbs oso havent buy :p I think I better get my butts moving.
Val...pack the bag....and just put it in the car..it will really make you feel more settled. Cos you know that anytime if you are in labour, at least u dun hv to worry abt packing for the hospital stay.

Hey, you delivering at Mt A too rite? Are you gonna pick single occupancy or double? I actually booked a single room, but now thinking of it, it seems like a waste of money...cos it really is much more ex but hubby gets to stay overnite at $65 right?

I think I am just worried cos so many pple have been commenting that BB#1 will almost always be early and I am almost considered full term, so can be anytime now. Just imagine, after working a long day, and before you can get any rest at nite, you get the "LABOUR" pains..and really LABOUR starts...where got energy.....

Yeah yeah. I pack tonite if got time. Going facial later. Otherwise, tmr. Die die oso pack. Hehe.....

Yeah. I delivering at Mt.A. I chose the double one. Cos find tat not worth paying the single room. Aiya..oso not staying in resort, so dunwan to waste the $$$. Hehe...

I nv heard tat bb #1 will be early leh. U try to rest more lor. I will be taking 1 day leave each week till I pop. So at least I onli work 4 days a week. Not so bad. Hehe...Have u hand over ur work? I should complete my hand over by this week or latest next week. I was thinking if I hand over everything already and I havent pop...sure damn shiok. Everyday can come in and shake leg. End of the day still get pd. Hohoho....
valencia, when is ur edd?
i also delivering in mt a.
my edd was actually 15/7/04 but went to gynae last week, he told me that my edd is 25/7/04, dono y he extend the edd date.....somemore told me that the baby's engaged already..
im still working now, also feel very tired when going to work...so sianz....

My edd range fm 28 Jul to 8 Aug. Its getting earlier & earlier. I so worried. I think u can pop any moment. Juz be prepared.
hi avocado....
nope... yest went for checkup... gynae says edi not fully engaged yet...

jus an update for u gals from my checkup...
gynae says i've started to dilate... but now less than 1cm. and she sent me for ctg monitoring oso. edi is doing great... and apprarently, from the ctg report, i'm hvg contractions... but they are far apart and the strange thing is, i dun even feel those contractions.

so gynae says it might be these few days... but dun be surprised if it doesnt cos its hard to say.

edi is now 3kg... and i hv put on 15kg... sigh... hope he comes out soon... dun wan him to get too big... will hv harder labour.
dear mummies,
i m back for a short chat, miss evyone. tks Val n soyabean for update n tks all for concern.
i hav bad pelvis pain since 2 wks ago, was on bed almost evy min for the past wks n only 2day a bit beta, need to check office email so pop by here.
gynae said pelvis pain cld b due to bb's head engaged n the ligaments on pelvic bones vy stretched. most mummies ar fine, dun now why me like tat.. somemore i hav been active n exercising. sigh.. it was so bad tat 2 tue ago, i woke up n realised cant walk or stand, as if i broke my bone or torn my ligaments, it's vy vy painful.. i went kk n had to sit wheelchair. but nothing can b done except bed rest or take panadol (no use, i tried).
sigh... i was so upset as having bad pain even b4 labour pain. was moody as 'bed-ridden', my mum is here to help me. i hav to 'carry' my bum when i need to turn on bed.
but m feelin beta now as hav to tink positive, take it as tx to sleep, read n relax b4 bb arrives.

sorry for the long update. i m now 38wks++ 'waiting' at hm for bb to pop. last checkup on tue, cervix still tight but bb's head almost fully engaged oreadi. bb still actively kicking n alwy moving his backside n bump unto my tummy. gynae est. will b ard 40wks.

hi giggler,
welcome back.

hi lyn n b2b3m4,
congrats n tks for sharing.

hi hazey,
gd to hear fr u agn.

to all MTBs,
wish all a smooth delivery n short labour

Isn't the wait exciting and restless at the same time? Mine's 23 Jul. Gynae told me bb engaged, got contractions n cervix thinning since 2 weeks back. But bb like still happily snuggling in the tummy...

For the past two nites, i've been having very bad BHC and baby move vigorously. Keep feeling like doing bowels but constipation leh. Even the prune juice doesn't help already
anyone having the same symptons?

Hi soyabean,
ur gynae so good, can tell u edi's weight. Mine just tell me he expect mine to be an average size boy weighing frm 2.8 to 3kg when i ask. I was very worried of having big bb too.

Hi Sanrio,
Do stay positive and relax
Hope u'll feel better soon

Hmmm... this thread's getting quiet. I like to come in to read very often. Guess most of us r getting geared up for the li'l ones...
hi soyabean,
15kg is within range. I've put on total of 20kg from my original wt at 50kg.

Stretch mark finally appears few weeks ago
So sad...

1cm dilate? that's mean u'll b in labour soon anytx?? that's fast.

i'll b seeing my gynea 2molo,wonder if he'll chk if my cervix ,despite my EDD is another one week more.

My tummy is really huge..like wanna burst anytx..similiarly,I wish my boy pops out soon.

everyday,I either eat,sleep,watch TV,surf net,reading,do a bit of hsework..very sian..Hubby doesn't allow me to go shopping.Anyway,I can't shop for long hours,feel very breathless & tiring.

hi sanrio,
glad to hear from u..we both share the same EDD(one day diff.) but my boy's head hasn't engaged yet,wonder if my EDD will b delayed.

hey,luckily,the weather turns cooler!! Good weather for confinement. hope the weather remains like this till we finish our confinements!!
hi brenda...
actuali the weight dat ur gynae gives us is an estimation...
i hvnt been hvg bowel problems... in fact, my stools hv turned to be rather soft and i go alomost everyday now, despite fact dat i still tk in same amt of fruits.

hi avocado,
lets work hard to lose weight after give birth... hehe...
my stretchmarks hv appeared since the start of 3rd tri... sigh... i even some some light ones on my breasts... even my boobs are scarred now... sad. hehe....
hey, u shld tell hubby shopping is good cos its walking and dats exercise. i hv been lazing so much at home these few days... i reali wan to go out and walk walk oso... when u shop... take a short break, as in sit down for a while every 20-30mins or so.
i dun think i will be in labour soon... cos less than 1cm is like not dilated at all... hehe... somemore bb not fully engaged yet. and oh... walking helps bb to get engaged easier cos of gravity.

hi sanrio..
glad to see u here...
so how's broadband? shiok rite? hehe... rest well hor...
hi soyabean,
hey,i oso experience soft stools..sometx,up to 3x per day. Ya,I'm taking the same amt of fruits oso.I read fr. somewhere that this is symptoms of labour coming soon..

r u applying any cream for stretch mark?I'm applying Avent stretch mark cream..but doesn't help.Hope it'll fade off after giving birth.

aiya,my hubby very stubborn. he scares i ganna push or fall down while shopping. Even i go for gynea visit,he wants my MIL to accompany me.

sometx,the bb head will engage just b4 or during labour.Cervix dilation may happen fast too..very situational.

Anyway,just be prepared.
yup, be prepared cos seems like can happen any time.

now having regular contractions every 15mins... but not very painful leh. dun even noe if its the real thing

then the usual white discharge turned brown... dun even noe whether it could be waterbag breaks

hahahah... but i like my reaction cos the moment i saw the discharge, i straight away go n wash hair... think subconciously we fear confinement more than the labour itself
hi soyabean, avocado n brenda,
tks. my pelvis pain has improved a little. i slowly walk/limp round the hse. for past 2 visits, i din lose or gain any more wt, put on total 10kg. tink me too lean no gd as my pelvic bone quite small n 'straight', mayb tat's the reason for the pain as it's stretched to the max to accomodate bb's head. dun wori, as long as mummy n bb healthy, most impt right

i oso hav softer stools. i read it mayb an early sign of labour coming soon..

avocado, me n u each 1 day diff in EDD. soyabean oso close to us. like u, my gynae now only tell me bb est. 2.8 to 3.2kg depend on when i deliver. i cant have too big a bb looking at my pelvis condition.
me too. as long as i hav some contractions, the 1st thg tat came to my mind is 'take a shower', keke..

tks. how ar u doing? u take care n rest well
i now counting down. next tue checkup is my 39wks oreadi...

broadband so gd compared to dial up. i cant sit long so at least can surf net fast.

i heard emily gave birth yesterday night.
Oh...Now tat emily has given birth. The four of u (soyabean, avocado, brenda & sanrio) gonna pop anytime. I will be very lonely!!!!
sanrio, thks. BB n myself all well. Confinment still ok - these few days raining/windy so quite comfy. Otherwise the hot weather really makes u sweaty n smells like rotten vegie!! :p the food prepared by my CL v.nice - sure got hard time shedding xtra fats later

Wif everybody's edd so near - taking turns to go pop - waiting to c more birth stories being posted.
hi sanrio...
good to know dat ur pelvic pain is much beta. even if cant go out, being able to move ard the house is a blessing.
is ur mummy still staying wif u now?
gosh.. i think edi will be bigger than ashrel... think tis mummy has been feeding him well lately. haha....

oh... i dun get soft stools so often in a day... still once a day... do drink more water since u going to the loo more often... cld be dehydrating.

oh brenda...
how u feeling now? cld all those be signs dat labour has started? i hv read somewhere dat during 1st stage of labour, contractions might not be reali regular still...
Hi mummies,
Finally gotten the chance to come back to the forum. Today's Friday, but sure feel different when one is no longer working. Doesn't seem to be any different from other days.
Yesterday went into deep depression, almost feel like straggling my daughter. She just cried non stop from 10am til evening. She doesn't want to be fed and her diaper wasn't dirty. All she wanted was to be carried. Luckily, hubby rushed back at around 6 and took over. By then i was already all tired and teary.....Haiz, feel such a failure!

From what i learnt in ante-natal class is that "show" is a big blot of blood with mucus. Mine didn't even stain the pad, its only when clean myself that i see some blood n mucus stained on the toilet paper.
During the normal scan, my gynae has always estimated my baby to be on the lighter side, around 2.5kg. Luckily when she was born, she was 2980g. Not as light as estimated.

U mean u still have to pay extra to let your hubby to stay over when u are already in a single room? In KKH, all the single rooms came with a sofa bed where your partner can stay over with you. If u can afford it and expect many friends and relatives to pop over, having a single room maybe a better choice. With the number of visitors i have, can't imagine how i can squeeze so many people in without disturbing the other patients. Also having a single room allow visitors to visit even after visiting hours. And i have to admit having hubby constantly by my side for the first few days has been a great help. U know 1st time mothers and still nursing a bad epioistomy wound (mine was pretty bad according to hubby)

Your pelvic pain sounds really bad. Does it have anything to do with your narrow pelvic canal?
B2B3M4, your baby probably just need to be in your comfortable and safe arms. Some newborns take a longer time to adjust, cause after all, they've been so well-protected for 10 months. Maybe you can sling her at home so that you can still do your day-to-day things?
hi sanrio,
u mean ur gynea said the cause of ur pelvis pain is due to it is too straight & small???

My weight is still increasing..very scary...

went for chk up this morning. My gynea did a CTG to me. Can hear the horse galloping sound..Poor boy, he was woken up by the CTG test.

My boy is 3.2kg, confirmed head oredi engaged. But not sure why my gynea said he might wanna induce. My gynea is quite moody,sometx give me funny answers if I ask him at the wrong tx

my next visit is next Tues.Think I might nid to see him more often.

hi soyabean,
i oso urinate a lot esp. at nite..

hi b2b3m4,
ya the weight of bb normally is estimated one. Ur gal weight is just nice. Ur bb cried for whole day? Could it b colic?? Or mayb she's too hot or cold??

Bad episiotomy wound? how come?? Did ur gynea use forcep or vacuum??

Hi Mummies,
any idea if we nid to inform the hospital or gynea if our husbands will b accompanying us to the labour??

I'll be giving birth at Gleneagles.
b2b3m4, relax lah. If u urself is feeling low, how r u going 2 take care of bb?? BTW, r u breastfeeding ur bb?? cos i realise tat my bb also seeks constant attention after i breastfeed him. now he's improving after i gave him EBM, but still sometimes he's a bit "yang o" n nds to b carried ard b4 putting him into the cot.

sometimes, u feel so tired tat u jus ignore ur bb,but other than crying - they hv no other means to communicate wif us - tats wat i keep telling myself, otherwise i wld hv also break dwn liao!! So cheer up, relax, b positive!!
try to catch a wink while bb naps or do other things tat u njoy, eg read a mag or like me, log on the net n chat chat lor....it's always gd to 'talk' wif someone :p

avocado, all hospital encourages hubby 2b wif us during labour - i dun think u nd to inform them in advance????
Hi. My edd is on 30 july. Just wanna check. Does anyone of you have the problem of itchiness in your private parts now? My doctor did a vaginal swap 2 weeks ago and found no infection but I have no idea why I am itching down there! Getting worried that it might be an infection and might affect the baby. Any advice?
Berry n lyn,
U gals are probably right abt the need to be close. Today, i was all prepared with EBM, ready to give her the bottle the moment she's hungry so that i wouldn't be so stress. GUess what? She refused. She only took a couple of mouthfuls (come up to less than 1 oz) and continued crying. Tot she "wayang" again to get attention, so carried her around, she still continued crying. Then offered her the breast, she took w/o hesitation n fell asleep after getting her fill. Now i'm confused. In the hospital, i was taught to cup feed my baby so that she will not get nipple confused (i gave up after 1 day, its too messy), but now the reverse happens and she refuses the bottle!

Yah, this forum is definitely a good place to vent and share. At least i don feel so bad to learn that i'm not the only mum who gave in to formula milk. Feels really like a loser when i was not able to produce breast milk for the for the first few days.

I did try to ignore her crying (yah, that's when i feel like straggling her after she didn't stop crying after 15min) but she will always ended up with very bad hiccups, cough or colic. I ignore the hiccups too and didn't give her any water (wanted to put baby on TBF) but was given a lecture by mum on how i can be so cruel to let her continue to hiccup. This afternoon, she continued again on young people only know by theory but know nothing abt practicalities. Insist that the reason why we can't stop her from crying was bcos we refuse to give her the pacifier or let her sleep in a sarong. *Frustrations* When she carried my daughter and try to coax her to sleep, she even tells my daughter that her parents are terrible and refuse to let her sleep in a sarong otherwise she would not be in such agony anymore *faintz*

No, forceps or vacuum. Mine is natural birth, it just that when baby was push out, it torn thru vagina area until the anus, so was pretty bad. The pain only went away after more than a week, otherwise, initially has lots of problem sitting.
hi B2B3M4,
U mean u hv tearing even the doc performed epioistomy for u?? heard tat the worst contraction is when the BB head is coming out..sound scary..

didn't the doc give u any cream to soothe the pain?
Yap, even with the cut make by my gynae, it still torn beyond. Wasn't given any cream, just oral painkillers, antibiotics and sitz bath.
b2b3m4, actually after my milk supply was established, i put bb on BM, but my CL even my mum dont encourage cos they said u'll nvr know how much bb is drinking, so i swtich between EBM n BM. at first bb will refused n cry but now once he's hungry he'll suckle whatever we give him. I guess they jus need time to adjust lah.

Thank goodness! My BM is more or less establish now and need not depend on FM at the moment. Hopefully, with my girl's appetite inreasing, my supply will be sufficient.
I oso toggle between direct latch on and EBM. Put my daughter direct during the day time when i take care of her. When my hubby and mum come back in the evening, i let them take over and feed her with EBM.
