(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

i oso vy fussy over food. so most likely i ask what e cf lady intends to cook, then 'eliminate' those i dun like fr her list. my mum stays far fr me so cant do the mktg. mayb get my mil to help.

probably due to bleeding at 33wks, hence they did some tests which included GBS for ur case. my evy visit oso fast one. gynae checked bb's heartbeat, pressed tummy, explained a little, said evythg vy gd n tat's it. i take it as an assurance that bb is fine.

Gd Morning ladies!

soyabean, emily when r both of u due?? mine's on 3/7 - could b anytime next wk - got this feeling leh. b'cos of late also got this cramp feeling - like menses cramp or stomachache kind of feeling - i guess bb shd b on time hor.

emily, ur hubby so nice to u - sometimes i got leg cramps oso dare not ask him up to massage - only when the pain is unbearable than i've to ask him to get up - even then he jus squeeze me here n there - n back to sleep in less than 5 min :p

I m exactly like u now. 2-3am go to the loo/digging for food then still cannot get to sleep by 4am. Really jia lat leh!!!! Then everyday headache due to insufficient sleep I guess


I think I very kua zhang one. When I get leg cramps, I screamed like hell. My hubby dunwan to wake up oso bo bian :p I very "yang O". So I cant imagine how I gg to handle the labour pain. Tat day a lady stepped on my toe. She was wearing those wooden heel. It was so painful tat I actually shed tears. My hubby was shocked to see tat. Well, it was juz so painful tat I couldnt help it. BUT, the lady doesnt seems to feel sorry wat she did.
hi lyn...
i'm oni due on 17 jul... so now on my end of 36 weeks. like u, these few days hv been hvg some cramps... sometimes feel like wan to "pang sai" kind of pain. my mum told me dats how contractions feel like, jus dat its much more painful in magnitude.

hi emily...
i hv stopped weird dreams for a while... prob cos i've become a much lighter sleeper. but my hubby is the one hvg weird dreams. he keeps dreaming abt edison... jus the day b4, he dreamt dat edi was born wif very long hair... reach his buttock kind... weird isnt it? hehe... then i told him "cham, tis cld mean edi wld be born botak." haha....
valencia, dun say tat leh - different pple got different level of tolerance mah - luckily ur hubby sayang u. my hubby 7 yrs my senior - sometimes pamper me alot - but when come to arguement he also dun give face!!

how come u gals can wake up middle of the nite digging for food?? 1st i did tat once a while - but since new car not here yet - surrounding no 24hrs coffee shop so gave up liao - jus went to the loo - did a quick one n back to sleep liao cos nex day hv to work mah :p

soyabean, dan i guess the weird stomach feeling we both experienced - could it b v.mild contractions?? OMG - the worst hd yet to come.....
i do feel hungry esp ard 4-5am. but 'force' myself to stay on bed cos lazy to get up n dun noe wat to eat. milk, dun really like. biscuit, vy dry. i find myself so 'ma fan'. plus waking up to pee, doubt can get gd rest. told myself beta treasure whatever amt of sleep now even laze on bed oso a luxury.

i experience mild pulling/cramp somtx at mid nite n i suppose it's BHC.

my edd is 21/7, 1 day b4 u.
OMG - frm all our edd - looks like i'm the nex to go pop!! followed by soyabean, sanrio n carina then Val...everybody taking turns to go n back....

submitted my leave form liao - hopefully dun get turned dwn the 3rd time - otherwise may hv to turn office to delivery suite n give birth here :p
hi carina,
me delivering at kkh. EDD is estimated based on LMP. if based on LMP, mine shd b 17/7. but based on my 8wks scan (i think based on fetus size), my EDD is 21/7. so far no change. gynae said it's only an estimate, can b anytx fr 38wks (if full-term bb). i seeing gynae wkly now.
i oso kind of 'kan cheong' w each passing day. yes i do hav BHC, gynae said it's practice contractions.
u not working? i've applied for 1 yr unpaid leave to commence af my maternity n annual leave. hope boss will approve.

if ur leave form needs to state reasons, u can put 'office has no delivery facilities', keke..
hope ur boss approves ur leave, how can he not!
Hi lyn, my edd is 8/7/04. So I am after you. Then soyabean, sanrio n carina then Val. But I have the feeling that I will pop next week... hopefully.. just I just can't wait. Will check with doc if I am ready on my next visit 26/6/04. My husband nice? He also wake up for to massage legs for me, rub my back etc when I leg cramp. But he has no choice.. how can I suffer alone when he was the reason for the "problem"! heehhee....

Val... yes... insufficent sleep is the worst! Luckily for me after I was discharged from hospital after the "false alarm", I have been taking taxis to and fro. If not, I die... don't know how to tahan the journey to office on MRT. Not everytime u get lucky and get seat... yeah?

Soyabean, I have been having these menstrual pains for like three weeks liao.

Lyn, I dig for food in my kitchen... not go out to find food... gosh! don't think I will have the energy to go out and buy anything man!

No matter how I force myself back to sleep, I couldnt!!!
Wonder izzit like u get BHC cos to get ur body to recognise contraction during actual labour and we gotta wake up so many times in the nite to get our body to get use to nite feed. Haha......


Yeah boy. Juz state wat sanrio suggested. Hehe.... Bet tat ur boss will freak out.

My EDD getting earlier & earlier. Fm 8 Aug till now like 26 Jul. I very scare!!!!!
opps sorry, left out Emily - so ur d-day also coming up soon!!! tat's why we got this feeling of poppin anytime now rite??? actually sometimes jus greedy lah - not really the craving tat sent me off to find food - my hubby said luckily we got no car @ tis moment otherwise he v.sway hv to go out buy supper for me :p

jus now lunch chk wif my mgr she say our boss will pretend not to know anything till u request for leave!!! OMG! Dan she remind me to get letter from Dr on my nex appt so tat i can support my leave application. She also didnt go on leave prior her delivery n work till d-ay!! Dan she also me that Jul/Aug got 31 days - so i cant take leave till 1/9 as i've written - she bet boss sure ask me back early .....

Yeah. Not everytime u will meet kind soul on the train tat r willng to give up their seat. Like today, when I got onto the train this lady immediately close her eyes and sleep
I stood fm AMK to Orchard b4 someone gave up the seat. Not becos she is kind enff BUT she is alighting. Hai~


I oso meant dig food in the kitchen. I always drink milk when hungry. The easiest way to ease the hunger. I think I will be too sleepy/lazy to chew on biscuit.
these pple so bad!! i've no problem getting a seat frm Pasir to Raffles but goin hme is nitemare - pple rushing fwd jus to get in even b4 the train pulls into the stn. n not sure of u gals but those who gave us seats r women of our mums ages!!! wat happened to those so called gentlemen???

??? looks like everyone here digging for milk in the kitchen lah - so i guess i jus greedy - cos when i really cant tahan n must eat - i aways go for my ice-cream or cadbury bars :p
u're right. we are on 'training' now.. my main reason for not sleeping well is the discomfort. left, right or back oso not comfi for a big tummy. to make 1 turn must support the tummy. sometx i sigh n sigh during the nite..

i just had my 36wks visit on tue. bb head is down but not engaged yet. i choose kkh cos my co pays for my maternity fees. i'm allowed to choose dr n entitled to 'A' class, such gd benefit beta take right..
hubby not keen on idea of maid. mil n mum not 'fit' to take care of bb. we did look at infant care, but hubby still prefer me to look af bb myself. i take 1 yr unpaid 1st n c how. who knows...i may end up being a SAHM liao..
Hi Ladies,

Had a very bz day...trying to do the caterers while in between running back n forth to check on the "king"

Luckily the caterer gave me extended time to make my selction of dishes. So hard to plan menu...I see pork n chicken scared already!!

Wow, looks like the forum is going to be deserted for a while where everyone goes off to "pop".

I think we'll be all chatty again come August after the confinenment... must come in n share birth n confine stories ya??


anytx also can... keke. I felt I needed most esp wee hours...on one hand u r feeding Matt...hubby is snoring..and you are trying to stay awake!!

OO.. those mummies intending to total BF... pls get some ready made formulas from nursery b4 u go home.

My experience:

Matt was on total bf when I left SGH. When I got home..the no fan/aircon rule enforced. Matt won't latch on.. too HOT!! He suckled little while then let go n cry. He had running nose as well tht I was not aware.

next day, I went to poly for Jaundice test. Matt was 327, fever at 37.3. We were asked to go A&E. Matt was under phototherapy for 6 days. I travelled back n forth from GH w EBM. It was a hard time..worried sick.

When Matt came back.. I was still expressing..but not established yet. Matt still couldn't latch on n he was crying every 1.5 to 2hrs. I was so afraid wind...then colic..Besides my MIL jumps everytx BB crys and runs into our room offering solution. One minute say BB cold, next say BB hot, next was rub oil on BB back and tummy cos maybe wind. I was so frustrated and almost felt like telling her to "shut up". So many tx I wanted to say tht she never even take care of one month old BB herself what does she know..?

Finally, too stressed...
So hubby sneaked out at 2am to MUstaffa 24hrs to buy milk powder. Although w the mindset that I want to total BF. Due to cf I couldn't..and I was not expressin enough to meet BB demands. I wouldn't know how much BB wanted..

In this situation.. pls consider a small amount of formula accompanied with sterile cooled water. Pls remember to get the empty small glass formula bottles from nursery b4 you leave also. They very handy to feed milk, expressed milk, powder formula n water in small amounts.

Really hats off to mums who can totally bf during cf. Sadly, I couldn't. Good news though.. Matt still remebers to latch on..he's only good on my right side. Will keep trying the left..

thx for the congrats..

Contractions vary...it can be like a squeeze release feeling that goes on n off. the squeeze can last for about 30s-40s. Don't worry.. you'll feel them in due time.
Hi mummies,
Went for my gynae visit today, as usual everything seems well. Baby is still well protected all around by the aminotic fluid, but still rather small for a week 38 (roughly only 2.6kg+) My EDD is confirmed based on both LMP and scan. Should be 5/7, if by next apptt i.e 1/5/04, still not in labour, my gynae will discuss whether to induce me. Now for me (according to gynae) is as long as my baby moves, i'm okie. N its pretty funny, think now she's all well developed, she very often ended wif hiccups.
Yah... me oso need to visit toilet in the middle of the night, be it the bladder full or not. But i don have this hunger problem, maybe i take my dinner very late (around 8+pm) In fact, i'm starting not be able to eat as much as b4, always feel BB stuck around my ribs areas, can hardly eat. But have a strong inclination for desserts esp ice cream!!!!! But do u all find these visits to the toilet very disruptive to sleep??? Always don feel well rested when i wake up in the morning n in the night, no matter how i lie, can't to seem to sleep well. Now, ended always yawning in office.
Confinement food??? Mum will give instructions for the maid what to cook for me. I have already given her a list of no-no foods. Number one on the list-- NO LIVER!!! even tell her if she does, i'll give it to the jack rusell, my mum oso bo bian! She also say to prepare some healthy snacks like biscuits in case feel hungry in the middle of the time.

Hi natty,
How are u feeling today. From your postings, looks like it really not easy to be a mother to a newborn. What milk formula did u get for Matt? U are unable to obtain enough supply for Matt even thru EBM?? Which pump are u using?

Hi mummies,
How are u all feeling now? This wait is really killing me. I feel so handicapped, can't do very much now, since i'm always tired and sleepy. Can't go shopping, do much housework or office work. Got myself all upset at work too. Am scheduled to work this Sunday and i'm roster to work till my EDD, can u believe it !!!!!! Feeling very frustrated now, like waiting for some dooms day.....


Thanks for the site..very informative.


I'm gettin supply of 200ml double pump every 4hrs.

Now it's getting less.. about 70ml each side. I'm using the latina select dual pump. The milk formula I use only at night.. approx 3 feeds 11.30pm, 2.30am and 5.30am...it's S26. However I do give matt water after each formula feed.. S26 apparently very heaty.

Thanks for concern. I did have a hard 3 weeks when I was at PIL's place. Now since home, I'm a lot more in control of the situation. Not so tense when Matt's cry cos u woke up late to feed him.

Matt has a strange behaviour... he wakes up and looks around and then he makes his "ee ah" sounds.. then he waits..after that he starts to breathe deeply.. a bit like gasping.. if you zz thru' all this then he'll start crying.

I'm usually otta bed when he gasps..so I try not to let him cry else collect wind.. then "jialat"
hi nat,
so nice to c ur postings agn. i think we really have lots n lots to learn n 'master'. gd to hear tat u n matt hav been doing well. ai yo..if we tired n doze off, how to hear the 'ee ah' sound bb makes b4 he cries for attention..
i spoke to 1 meads johnson staff n she said kkh is 'using' enfalac A+ for mth of jul. but kkh wont give any sample (bfg support hosp).
i'll try try my best to tbf. but i heard many mummies shared tat dun get too stressed up otherwise adverse effect, no milk. spoke to hubby. he's vy supportive of bfg but said will buy 1 small can formula to stdby, din use never mind.
so fast.. matt 1 mth soon. which caterer u got?

congrats! xavier is so adorable

i went to the site, it's vy informative. i spoke to jenny much earlier as then i was looking for info abt amby hammock. met her at motherhood fair. her son james so chubby hoh.
dear MTBs,
as i get nearer to EDD, start to experience some ache/cramp/pain all over (like old lady). i supposed it's due to bb's head down n the wt. had hip n knee joints ache over past few nites n backache. i read fr another thread abt heat-rub so i asked gynae. she said it's safe. i bought 'Bengay' greaseless pain relieving cream/rub n find it quite helpful. af rubbing on thigh, calves n back, i cld sleep beta yesdy nite. muscles seem more 'relaxed' n no cramp. can try this, available over any pharmacy counter. i hav been trying to 'ren' the discomfort but it really disturbed my oreadi no gd sleep. i din dare to apply the chinese 'yao jiu' as dun noe wat herbs they used.
Lyn, I just can't wait for bb to come out as well... so exciting. I have planned to psycho myself to give birth to baby on 3/7/04. Let's see if labour can start with my psycho method. heheee...
My hubby don't like it when I psycho myself... guys just don't seem to understand how hard it is to carry bb for one extra day.
i noe it's difficult to make up for the lost sleep. yup, can get tension headache if no sleep enough. are u able to take a day mc or leave to rest at hm? listen to some music, light reading cum a short nap do help. somtx if i really too tired, will get 0.5 day leave n do tat.
hi gals...
whew... i'm feeling much beta today...
cos i slept at 9plus last nite... so today i felt much more energetic...

didnt get BHC last nite... or actuali i cant rembr whether i had them in my sleep or not... but i did experience hvg cramps... they felt alot like menses cramps...

Now mth end closing, cannot afford to take MC
I try to tahan since tmr will be Fri already.


Hmm...seems like u gg to pop soon ah.

Frankly speaking, I dunno how exactly BHC feels like though I always hear u ladies tokking abt it. Tummy hard like stone & crampy feeling? I always feel my tummy hard like stone but no crampy feeling. I tot my tummy very hard due to bb moving, changing position tats y its hard. No?? Hv u all experience numbness while sleeping on ur side? I tot sleep on the left side for better blood circulation..seems like not true ley.
dear MTBs,
hope this info is helpful
i also got confused, but my vy nice nurse colleague patiently explained to me.

Vaccination for bb:

1) DTP
- free n available at polyclinics
- free Polio given thru oral (mouth)
- Hep B is optional. if want, taken separately but payable by medisave
- no HIB (HIB is to prevent meningitis)

2) 3-in-1 DTPa
- not free
- the rest same as above
- only diff is 'supposed' to have less 'side effects' than (1).

3) 4-in-1 DTPa
- not free
- free Polio thru oral (mouth)
- include HIB
- Hep B separate n payable

4) 5-in-1 DTPa
- not free
- same as 4-in-1 except Polio is included in the jab n not oral.
- include HIB
- Hep B separate n payable

5) 6-in-1 DTPa
- not free, currently only available in private clinics
- include HIB
- include Polio thru jab
- include Hep B

Note: DTP - vaccination agst Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertusis (all the above have this).
oic. yup so glad 2mrow is fri, yeah! u 'ren yi ren' n try to have some gd rest during the wkend

must change side tx to tx as now we so 'heavy' n if sleep (press on) same side n not move, will affect blood circulation, hence got cramp. 'recommended' is left side for better blood flow. but no sleeping position is comfi to me now.

i agree. able to have gd sleep is so gd hoh.. soon is can hav tx to sleep (even short short ones) is such a blessing, keke..

Thanks for ur info on the vaccination. Ohh...maybe I din change side. Tat explains it. I onli sleep on my left side cos if I sleep on my right, I will be facing the air con. My nose cannot tahan it. But now, when I try to move my 10 fingers, I can feel a bit of stiffness ard the joint area. Wonder if its water retention.
Any idea how to see if its water retention?
So sad, I cannot wear my wedding band liao. Too fat for it. Hehe.... or is it the water retention?


I juz say onli. Cos everytime when I hear ppl complain abt the cramps, false alarm, etc....very soon they will pop :p
if air-con is disturbing, turn to right side once a short while then switch back to left.
dryness due to air-con: only humidifier can help, n drk some warm water b4 bed (since we getting up to pee now anyway). pple said put a cup of water near u. i tried, not vy useful.
or can u adjust the air-con vent so tat it does not blow directly at ur face. or put pillow near ur face to block out the cold air a little.
yes, swelling of fingers n stiffness likely due to water retention since ur BP is normal. some pple get swelling at feet / ankle area due to water retention. to help, elevate feet when sleeping. exercise ur fingers (open/close) whenever u free.

I tied putting a cup of water b4. Useless. Yest nite I tried changing side. Yeah, it helps. I show my colleagues my fingers, they told me I dun hv water retention and its common to hv the numbness/stiffness on the fingers & toes. One of them got it oso when she was preg. Ask me not to worry. Should go off a wk or so. But meanwhile, juz try to exercise my fingers & toes whenever possible.

Regards to the vacci, which one r u all gg for?
I will likely choose 5-in-1. may consider 4-in-1 as the only diff is on Polio. 4-in-1 Polio is thru oral (2 drops into the mouth) n it's free. the price diff btw 5-in-1 n 4-in-1 is abt $50-$100 (depends on clinics).
note: 6-in-1 immunisation schedule is quite diff fr the rest (since it includes Hep B). if u decide on this, inform the hosp early.

i dun hav stiffness / swelling but dun wori (if BP is normal) as it's quite common in pregnancy.
some simple exercises will help to improve blood circulation.
Girls, I remember reading recommendations o disposable panties before, but I forgot what brand- can someone jog my memory? What is a good brand of disposable panties? Something not flimsy and can hold maternity pads well.
i bought the brand 'sorella', ladies size n not maternity size. JL selling 2 pkts of 5 each (total: 10) for $7.90 (if no disct).
Berry, I bought my disposables from kiddy palace... the cotton ones.

btw, Is anyone getting the massage lady? Who are u getting and what are her charges?
my bb is vy active esp at nite fr 9pm. my whole tummy will 'vibrate' n 'shake' continuously for a short while, like mini earthquake. to me it's not contraction as no pain or cramp feeling. i think is bb busily moving.
the need to pee is due to bb's head n wt pressing on our bladder, since he has turned head down. dun wori, u approaching 37wks like me right? gynae told me by now bb's head shd remain down as not much space left. these few days i feel like bb's head moving further down. gynae said wld check if bb engaged at 37wks (my next visit on 29/6).

Its not contraction. I got it very often oso. My tummy shakes and get out of shape :p Actually I got the same worry as u. BB moves too much then head turn up again. Haha... I asked my gynae, he said the likelihood is low though its not impossible.

I have given birth to my baby girl liao. Had a relatively short and painless labour. Doing my confinement now, so seldom log in to the net.

Oh, drink more coconut water. I drank 3 times in the last week. I found it quite effective for me, I have quick labour and my girl has no jaundice.
hi Kris,
Congrats! btw, how many wks were u when u gave birth? How big and tall is ur gal? U must be very happy...

hi everyone,
Am feeling better today as compared to Sat. Was feeling so down coz went to doc and seems like I have not dilated at all ever since that hospital trip 3 weeks ago. Baby is now 3.2kg at 38weeks. Am afraid that baby doesn't want to come out... he sure is getting heavier while I am losing weight.

Have u gals been feeling sleepy? Was so sleepy the whole wekend. Slept so much... am wondering if it is normal.
hi kis,
congrats! gd to hear tat u got a so smooth labour. take care
n hope to hear more of ur sharing soon.

dear mummies,
i at hm now, took leave. havin pelvic bone pain (i think??) since fri nite. the pain is like 'inside' the v. area, cant b massage. af sit down, wake up or turn when sleeping, will feel a strong pull at the v. ouch!!! now movements hav to b vy slow, worst than old lady.
i wondering whether due to bb's head engaged oreadi? i seeing gynae 2mrow, will check w her.
how's everybody?

hmm..havnt seen b2b3m4 for a while, mayb she has given birth?
i read n it said it's gd for MTB 37wks onwards to 'rest, rest, rest' cos we need the energy to prepare ourselves for labour. i 37wks oso feeling tired, wkend only did little bit light walking, else is lazing on bed, cant sleep will listen to music or read.
dun wori okie
ur bb now full-term n anytime fr now, he is going to b in his mummy arms real soon.. i oso waiting...
i went to take my 'free' wedding anniversary shot on sun. ai ya.. shd have worn something tight cos my tummy really not obvious n the studio pple all shocked wen they heard i due next mth. it's digital so i saw the photo, will b ready 2wks tx.
hi kis,
care to share wf us ur birth story. Hope I've short labour too..

hi sanrio,
Could it b ur baby head oredi engaged??
Went for chk-up last sat.Gynea said my boy head hasn't engaged but going soon in the next two wks.My boy weights at 3.2kg.

i'm now 68kg
hopefully,my wt gain will stop this month.My feet & legs r swollen,due to water retention.Hv to buy new sandals,can't fit in my slippers & sandal..very chiam. wat abt u?
hi sanrio,

hope u r feeling better. I also have similar pain for the past few weeks. I have it at the 2 sides (that V shape between the thighs and the upper body...) When I change position or sometx when bb kicks hard, I'll get the sharp, deep inside type of pain that hits for 1 or 2 secs then goes off. My gynae said its due to bb pressing down, but he not engaged yet leh.
i bot disposable panties from watson...

hi sanrio,
wah...ur tummy muz b small.

hi carina,
try to drink less water during night time.I oso wake up very often to pee at nite,despite I drink very little water...
hi sanrio...
looks like ur bb is engaged... hence the pelvic pain...

hi emily...
wow.... how is it dat ur bb has put on weight while u hv lost weight? i thot its not normal to lose weight...

hi kis...
wow... so coconut reali makes a difference huh? so far, i hv oni drank once... my mum says drink once can liao... dun drink too much... sigh... but i reali like it... but i found dat i belch quite a lot after drinking it... think the coconut reali quite a lot of "wind".

to all,
tis is will be my last working week. i will be on annual leave from next mon on... until the day i give birth. reali looking forward to resting and sleeping late next week. haha... hope bb dun decide to come out tis week and let mummy hv some opportunity to rest.

GSS cmg to an end... everybody bgt and stocked up on their stuff? i went to KP over the weekend and bgt some more detergent, and oso a baby bottle dryer rack.
hi sanrio,
hv u packed oredi? i oredi started to pack for my hubby & me. Waiting for my MIL to wash my BB clothes then i'll start to pack for my boy..

besides the packing for hospital stays,hv to start packing for moving house..hopefully,my boy won't pop out too early as our house is not ready yet..still need another 2wks for installing the curtains & spring cleaning..

worst of all, cannot shift our mattress & bed over till i deliver. hv to remind my hubby to contact the confinement lady & mover for mattress as soon as I in labour...so many things to worry..
