(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi avocado,
how much is the aven breast pump when on sale?

wow... so u wld be mvg house during confinement? or u wld wait until confinement over then move? very tiring and straining for u leh...

Hey....u all r making me feeling nervous!!!! :p


Perhaps ur bb head already engaged. Tats y u r getting all the pain. U will know when u visit ur gynae tmr. Nvm lah, at least u snap a pic of urself when u r preg. Anyway, u din put on tat much oso. I bet u still quite slim now.

Nowadays, I get tried very easily, feet aching and feel breathless when I walk. Just feel so unfit now. My mum said its due to my weight gain tats y I m getting all these.

Any idea which type of coconut we should take? The small brown color type or the green color one?
Hi Sanrio,
Your pain sounds exactly like mine. It is best to slowly walk ... don't sit for too long... It would make the initial walking even worst. I have been having the pain like forever... My doc says that's coz my bb's head is very low. I guess... your bb must have moved lower too...

Sanrio, me scared that all of you will go pop before me... then I really sianzzz... hehehee.... 38weeks pregnant... means bb can come now till one month's time... gosh... don't think I can wait for one more month man! hehehehe....

Soyabean, I am also not sure whey I losing weight... guess bb taking too much makan away from me. For the past 3 weeks, my weight + bb's has been showing less 0.5kg every week... but baby still putting on weight based on measurements... so looks like I losing more than 0.5kg each week.
I am also thinking of taking leave after this week coz my house desperately needs to be cleaned and cleared. Hopefully boss will agree, coz when I made that suggestion to him last week, he didn't sound happy.

Val, I am feeling very tired as well... but sleeping very well these past two days... In fact, have been sleeping a bit too much! I guess coz bb is lower now... I can sleep on my back! ehheheee...
It sure feels so good!
hi soyabean,
i can't remember the exact the price but I think it is 20% discount.

Ya,we'll b shifting to stay nearer wf my inlaws after I give birth...My MIL shld b taking care of our boy so it is beta for us to stay nearer.

We nid to hv the hse ready b4 i give birth.ya,I'll b doing confinement in this new hse.We r not exactly doing any major shifting.My inlaws will b buying the necessary furnitures & electrical appln for this hse.
For the current hse we r staying,we'll come bk & stay once a while..

ya,hv to admit tat we r very tired to rush for the renovation & ensure everything is well arranged b4 I deliver...My hubby,mil & me were burned our wkends to source & buy lights,basin,toilet bowls,curtains..Hopefully,we can get the curtains installed by end of next wk & do the spring cleaning soon...

I've packed all the necessary stuffs for baby,myself & confinement. Once the cleaning is done,we'll shift it in bit by bit...

what to do? my hubby insists we shld stay near with my inlaws as we hvn't seen the confinement lady b4.
when is ur EDD? Mine is July20. I've the feelings tat my boy will pop out early.

Our BBs now hv sleeping & playing patterns.My boy moves ard after meals. I oso notice tat he reacts to sound.Y'day,me & my hubby went Robinsons & foodcourt,it was very noisy till he moved non-stop..guess he muz b very disturb wf the noises..hee..

U can try to wake ur BB up by having some food or drinking.

my boy oso hiccups a lot.very cuteee..But I don't know how to stop his hiccups. I tried to drink a bit of warm water but doesn't help..

I bot all the Avent milk bottles so can only buy Avent manual breast pump.what's brand of ur elec breast pump??

I hv added u in my contact list.


Nowadays my boy oso hiccups a lot. Hehe... Find it so cute to feel it :p
I got the avent manual breast pump oso. Robinson sale over already? I saw it on sale last week.
hi emily...
hmm... guess as long as bb is growing then u shldnt be any probs... but good lor... hehe... u wld hv a bit lesser weight to try to lose after u give birth... but do try to eat as per normal now... cos i always believe the reason why we mummies hv to put on so much weight during preggy is cos we will hve enuf "storage" and "strength" to take care of bb after it is born... cos need to bf and all...

hi avocado,
oic... then u beta dun strain urself too much... try to mk sure u get ur hubby to do most of the mvg... and in fact, why not engage a few close frens to hv u wif the mvg so dat it wldnt be so hard on u and hubby oso?

hehe... my boi oso hiccups alot...
usu its abt 3 times a day... usu morning, afternoon and nite. he's prob swallowing the fluid for breakfast, lunch and dinner. hehe... and the hiccups can go on for quite sometime... poor boi... i always sayang my tummy whenever he hvg hiccups.
Robinson sales oredi over last wkend. I wonder if the sales still on for Isetan,taka & JL??? I nid to buy breast pump & thermos flask.
hi soyabean,
No lah, we don't nid to do any major shifting.Just shift over some clothes,pot & pans,daily necessities..

ya lor..i oso sayang him when he hiccups.Sometx,he can hiccup for more than 2mins..poor boy..I'll oso sayang him..He normally hiccups during morning or night time..

I find it difficult to trim my toes' nails..i wonder if it'll hurt my BB if I strain a bit in order to trim the toes nails.Do u hv the same prob??

I oso find it hard to apply lotion on my legs nowadays...
oh... i not oni hv probs cutting nails... i find it hard to scrub my feet of dead skin nowadays... so strenous!

oh... sometimes my boi hiccups can last for 5 mins! reali heartpain to feel him hiccup...

and yeah.... KP 20% storewide sale until 30jun... so u still hv time to buy the stuff...
what I do is to buy those brush wf long handler to wash & scrub my feet.

oh thks for the info
Will go & get the Avent breast pump from KP. Biw,any idea how to apply & entitle for the KP membership?
think temp KP membership closed leh... i saw from a notice at the shop saying dat application for membership has closed for the time being... prob for the sale period. anyway, usu they will hv application forms at the shop. i oso saw dat there is a form in Jun's Motherhood mag.
ic...here is an interesting article abt BB's hiccups:

Is there anything I can do to stop my baby from hiccuping in utero?

Question: I'm in my 37th week and my baby is really starting to practice swallowing...which results in frequent long bouts of the hiccups. Is there anything I can eat or drink to calm his hiccuping down? It's very uncomfortable!

Answer: Fetal hiccuping is a normal physiological phenomenon which has been observed on ultrasound beginning in the second trimester of pregnancy. The frequency of fetal hiccups varies widely, although they generally begin to occur more often as the pregnancy progresses and continue into the neonatal period.

I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to calm your baby's hiccups in utero. But, given that you are already at 37 weeks of gestation, I can assure you that it won't be long before you are more comfortable and are watching your newborn hiccup as you hold him in your arms!
hi carina,
I hvn't heard abt Farlin brand b4. what made u decided to buy this brand??

i'll b deliver at Glen.what abt u? My boy is 3.2kg. My gynea advised me the EDD. what abt u?Is urs bb boy or girl??

what r the worries u hv?? For my case,I worry abt my bb health & labour pain. I hope i could pull thru the labour pain & hv smooth delivery..

but i oso worry abt if I cld cope wf taking care of my boy & confinement. I really can't imagine myself not bathing & washing my hair for two wks...wah..muz b very smelly...
hi avocado...
tis farlin brand had a stall at the recent motherhood fair. believe they r a rather new brand and not reali established yet.

i'm using their bb detergent though. smells nice... and its cheap, so far the cheapest i hv seen. its on offer now at KP.
morning soyabean,

i went to their website,think it is a Taiwanese brand..I'm very skeptical to use Taiwan or China product considering the recent case abt the poison milk powder that caused few babies ill or died...

For detergent,my MIL has bot the Kodomo. She'll help me to wash the BB clothes.
hi avocado...
oic... i wldnt be so concerned though... cos spore is rather strict on imports and the ingredients and stuff... and oso, i dun hv any of their products dats for consumption...

i find kodomo a bit ex... anyway, there are some other brands u can try out... can get them at KP.
hi carina...
for me diff... i got the avent manual pump from a fren... so i bgt avent bottles...

in fact, avent now hvg a promo... one 125ml and 260ml bottle now selling at oni $9.50. i got dat... its so cheap...
a 260ml alone can cost abt $8 already.
Hi All!!

Been rather bz...Matt had his BB shower on sunday..

Hubby took off on Mon to help BB sit. he ended up using laptop for work.

Since so much activities for Matt on Sunday..he slept very well Mon...

So how's everyone doing?? Who's going to pop next??

I know Pok Pok and Sarsi have popped..and they are doing ok.
Hi ladies, it's gd 2b back after so many days of absent since i last posted on 23/3 afternoon...Had a weird feeling after posting..so when to toilet to check (cos near to edd - v.paranoid mah) sure enough there's a show - like 1st day of mense - not much just red muscus....when back to office - tried not to be alarm cos it's already 4pm, i'm going off at 5.30....so die die must tahan. Call my mum to break the news.

Tld my Hubby only I got hme - contractions now more regular but can tahan - like mense cramp....hd bit of rice n vegie for dinner....took a shower n wait.....Hybby did a last min chk on our bags

2300-0130 Pain causing great discomfort..cant lie still, cant sit...no concentration for anyting... moaning, groaning, tossing n turning like a BBQ fish...while hubby sleeps like a pig!! feel like giving him a punch!!

0230-0300 Pain so intense..no words to describe..kick hubby up, n call for cab. Warm up 2 bottles of chicken essense n finish it asap!! Pain till cant even stand straight!! Cabby afraid tat i may pop in his taxi!!

0355 Rched KK, proceed immediately to Delivery Sutite. Machines setted up, Dr was called in. Noted, at this point of time, any slight movement frm the bb or the nurse trying to plc equipment on tummy cos intense pain!!! Given gas to relief the pain. Confirmed with midwife - natural delivery, no epidural.

0410 Surprised to c Dr CC Khong attended to me personally (worried he's not ard cos my nex appt with him suppose 2b 28/6 cos on 15/6 he said he wont b ard on 21/6!) Confirmed to b 4cm dilated. Drip was inserted personally by Dr Khong, given antibotics for GBS+ve (he's so gentle n experience that i hardly feel the drip goin in - but hubby said that it could b tat the labor pain is more intense than the pain caused by the drip :p

0430 Changed my mind abt hving epidural...Anaesthetist was called in. Told to b still for approx 20mins!!! OMG, image the pain n yet I've 2b still!! Told to sit up n bend my body fwd like a dried shrimp!! Not trying to scare u ladies...first he will mumb ur spine area with one jab...followed by the epidural which is actually a very fine long drip inserted to ur back! According to my Hubby this guy jab me five times!! He really worried abt me when he failed to do it rite the 2nd time - by the time he finally finished Hubby so heartache tat he said he feel like punching the fellow!!! Cos I was really screaming like mad - due to labor pain, needle pain n fear.Hubby said i've badly tore up the plastic pillow case in the suite???!!! N the fingernails marks on his forearm - i know he didnt make up the pillow case story!!

The next 2hrs or so...only feel like my right thigh numb otherwise, i cld still feel my legs n turn in pain!! Really hv the urge to push - this feeling is similar to passing motion but someting is blocking ur way - but it's actually bb's head pressing on ur bladder!!

0500 Requested for another boost of epidural - the pain is killing!!

0605 Midwife set in the epidural booster, confirmed abt 6cm dilated.

Pain lessen - whole of right leg no feeling, but still can move my left freely but weak. Quiet down a little, hubby told me after seeing all the pain - he said one is enough for us :p

0655 - Dr said we almost there - and decided that we going to hv our bb by early morning - then he proceeded to broke my waterbag.

0715 Confirmed by doc - ready to push cos now abt 8-9 cm dilated. Nurse emptied my bladder one last time... Tld to take deep breath b4 each push, look dwn n fwd when pushing....

After 4-5 pushes (as if u r hving a bad constipation :p ), without a warning Dr performed episotomy - 2 cuts exactly - 'snipe' 'snipe'!! It's loud n clear! I was wailing in pain!! B'cos his action/pain really caught me by surprised. I tot i nearly twist my hubby arm!!

Tks goodness the pain jus disappeared as sudden as it came ...2more pushes...

0757 (24/6/2004) Jerald Chan weighs 2.354Kg is out!! So relief!! So much joy!! He's so small, look so delicate!! I was so tired tat the moment he's out - one quick glimpse ...n i fell back onto the bed!! Finally...all over!! The wait, anticipation, pain...etc

Jerald returned to ward after a gd clean up at abt 10am...he was generally doing v.gd. Daddy carried him 4 almost 2mins but me still being sleepy n tired only got to c him a while as nurse settle him close next to me...

Now is our 4th day @ hme - despite many confinement restrictions - it's still gd 2b @ hme!

Jerald is also feeding well - on supplement but most of the time i expressed my milk into bottles n occassionally let him suckle. He's actaully quite gd n hv not problem in latching on

Ladies, who had a feeling tat they might b early couldnt b wrong - tot my edd suppose 2b 3/7 but b4 hand already tld my mum n hubby tat Jerald wld b early!! N indeed he's abt 9 days early!!

N since the day of delivery - I'm really gratful that Hubby is always by my side - tot @ 1st i tot it's not a gd idea for him to be wif my in the delivery suite for various stupid reasons of mine - but now looking back, I'm really glad he's there to support me, encourage me, help me with my pain relief ...etc....

Btw, for those delivering at KKH : -
Take small meals b4 delivery otherwise upon reaching hospital sure gana asked by nurse/dr to empty ur bladder/bowels. If u r all hooked up n immoblised then theyll do it manually for u NO MATTER HOW U RESIST!!

After delivery nurse will dress u n put on loop pad for u. no undies!!

Upon reaching ward therell b a short orientation, given ur package (ward B1) a bag of toiletries, 4 or 5 (cant remember) of waterproof sheets and 2 pkts of loop pad (10 pcs each pkt)

Note: you r required to go pee within 6hrs otherwise.nurse will again manually do it for u again!! So for the 1st time going to pee after delivery make sure PRESS FOR NURSE ASSISTANCE!! They will help/teach you on the loop pad n how to clean ur wound. After this you can either choose to use ur own stick on pads or change fresh loop pad.

B4 discharge, if u r mix feeding (breast milk + formula) remember to ask for FREE SAMPLE of milk formula (normally nurse will give u 2 ready made milk for bb) N if u dare or KS, ask different nurse @ different shifts so that u can hv a few bottles.

The blue waterproof sheets r chargeable dun use all at once keep for ur hme use. Dun request hsekeeping for extras but u can ask for the plastic pillow case they r also quite comfy n prev any stains on ur bed.

Well, think tats abt all to share sorry for being long-winded. Will be back soon to check on the postings. C u ladies again.
hi Lyn,
COngrats! U r really sooo brave! how come nid to hv epidural twice?? how long can the epidural last??

i think ur gynea has to perform the episotomy soon bcoz ur boy was coming soon..Did they numb b4 performing the episotomy ?? Sound quite scary.

hi Carina,
my edd is july20.ya,my boy is 3.2kg. what abt u??My gynea said my boy is slightly bigger. Anyway,it doesn't matter whether he is big or small,so long as he is healthy..that's most impt.
hi lyn,
why do we nid to empty our bowel/bladder after giving birth??

did u hv appetite to eat after giving birth??

hi Nat,
how r u & ur boy? Is everything fine?? After hearing all the birth stories,I think i wld rather go for C-section. But my gynea insists i shld go for natural birth
lyn, congratulations! Trust that you are enjoying the joys of motherhood now... diapers, feeding and crying

Avocado, the nurse over here also required me to go and pee. Quite immediately after the delivery - like within half hour. Cos when you are in labour/immediately after the delivery, apparently we make a lot of urine. Also your bottom part becomes so swollen, they want to check that everything is working fine. I had to prove that I could pee all out otherwise the nurse said she would have to insert a catheter. I was so scared. Already painful enough down there. Anyway, the first time, I could hardly pee anything out. You have to pee into this measuring thing on the toilet bowl. So we waited another hour or so and then tried again. This time, my pee overflowed the measuring cup! I was so suprised and happy. Only after proving I could pee then they moved me into the regular post-partum room.
Hi Lyn,
Wow! congrats! thanks for sharing with us your birth story... and with so much info too... gives me the gitters imaging if it was me! Gosh! U sure are brave!

I have been having the menstrual feelings too... like I am bleeding, but everytime I go and check... everything is fine. I hope things will be fine with me... as it is with all of you.
avocado, a catheter is a small tube that is inserted to drain out your urine. Your bladder has to be emptied because a full bladder could 'block' your baby on her way out and cause complications.
Before, so that if your badder is not filled up, baby can have a smoother way out. A filled bladder can block baby's way out.
Hi Ladies

Many tks for all your congrats notes. Its good 2b back n took the trouble 2 go thru my experience I know its v/long winded :p
4got to mention that if u r breast feeding remember to request for EMPTY MILK BOTTLES frm the nurse b4 u dischargethese bottles r quite handy for storing ur expressed milk.

Avocado, honestly speaking, Im dun consider myself brave majority of the mummies hv one shot of epidural to last them thru the whole processI being low tolerance to pain hv to take 2 shots within 2.5hr its a disgrace if u ask me!!

As for the episotomy, according to my Hubby, bbs head can b seen oready jus the crown part when the dr perform the procedure.I dun recall any jab prior to it???

But after giving birth, jus b4 the placenta nurse will jab u on ur thigh after a few press on ur tummy (cos I dun remember Dr asking me to push it out) the whole bag jus slipped out!

As for the catheter, I hd it both b4 n after delivery due to bb press on bladder I badly got this urge to go pee but I was all hooked up so the nurse use in on me. During this whole time, I was given ice cubes to quench my thirst after delivery nurse said Im slight bloated so must drain bladder b4 goin to ward again the wan to use the catheter which I refused but after wasting almost a full hr waiting with my butt in the bedpan I gave up n allow the catheter 2b inserted into my pee hole.
Thats not the end remember to pee again within 6 hrs after u r sent to ur ward otherwise . U know wat the nurse will do to u..

I guess very mummies nearing their edd gets a bit paranoid when they experience a bit of cramp or wetness on ur undies like me such things will sent me off IMMEDIATELY to the toilet for checking J so dun stress out too much on it when the time comes to delivery jus relax. Actually I was a bit gan jong whether to leave office or jus wait till knock off time :p

Today is my 6th day of confinement the no bath rule is really a killer!! But my mum allow me to wipe body in warm water 3times a day or after breastfeeding. Suggest u ladies to carry a towel wif u n wipe off any sweat immediately esp ur back to prevent backaches n breast area esp if u r breastfeeding. Thats what my CL told me.

It seems that the thread is a bit quiet 2day with all of us taking turns to rest at hme, pop then return
Nat, since u r also b/feeding...can i check wif u - after expressing milk i usually place in on the fridge(not freezer) door n finish it within the day day (12-18hrs) Normally i'll warm 2.5oz for Jerald sometimes he can finish - but not always. so can i put the milk back to the fridge? Or can i leave it in the room n consume it within 6hrs?? Normally i dun put it back but CL say milk will spolit??? so any adv??
!!! OMG!! My CL still put the bal 1oz of milk back to the fridge - as for me - not better - i leave it in the rm n feed to Jerald @ his next feeding....OMG, i must b a v.horrible mum. I tot breastmilk can be left in rm temp for 6hrs hrs???....tks for the info
avocado, berry, I was having regular drinks during most of the labour. But the 'threat' of the catheter was only AFTER the delivery, when the first time I went to the bathroom, I couldn't really pee. The full bladder blocks the uterus from shrinking properly. I think the mum only gets the full bladder after the delivery. I didn't have any problem with a full bladder during pushing or anything.

For my episiotomy, I don't think there was any painkiller given before the episiotomy was performed. It was in the midst of one push that the midwife made the cut. My baby had been crowning for a LOOOOONG time, but couldn't come out. That's why she offered to perform the episiotomy.

About peeing - yeah.....Pee, often, if you don't want the catheter! Peeing is a great milestone in the labour and delivery wards!!
Carina, tks for ur info. Actually jerald is suckling well from my breast n if i go total breastfeeding he feeds abt every 3 - 4hrs each time abt 40-50mins each time. But the prob is my CL even my mum say dun let him suckle cos u nvr know how much he's drinking - so i hv to express my milk. Tot i can persuade my mum easily - I cant seems to knock sense into the CL - duno she finds it troublesome to feed my boy or wat??? Really regret getting a stranger to look after him - otherwise she's a v.nice lady who can really help ard the hse chores n prepare nice confinment food....

My hubby n i found tat once i let him suckle, on his nex feed, if he's given bottle - he'll protest n took long time to finish??

So shd u think i shd just let him suckle?? Any adv, anyone??

I think if I were u, I will get him suckle. Y bother to express when he suckle so well? Initally I told my mum tat I wanna express oso as I wouldnt know how much my bb drinks if I let him sucks. She told me I m silly. Y cares how much he drinks? He will stop if he has enff and continue to sucks if he is not satisfy. Suckle oso allow u to bond with him mah. Somemore u dun hv to bother abt bottle clean or not, etc.....
Hi gals, glad to see new "faces' in this thread. I've just finished my confinement last week. To me, confinement is the worst stage of having bb. Can't shampoo hair, bathe, go out, etc... But I'm very happy that the worst days are finally over.

I'm total-bfg my bb gal now. But these few days are really tiring for me as she wants milk every 30-45mins and each time she sucks for only 5-10 min. My mil and mom kept telling to supplement with formula as they feel that bb is not having enough. But I very stubborn, didn't want to listen to them at all. In fact, I don't even have any formula at home. Anyone got any suggestion to improve on bb's feeding time huh? That is, how to prolong the interval? Is it cos my milk is not enough for bb that she dd for it so frequently?
Hi All

Got a qn ... for moms who have babies who just past 1 month and are feeding EBM or FM, how much are you giving them and how often do they feed? I give my baby abt 100 - 110ml but sometimes she still seems hungry and cries for milk even before 2 hours is up.

Am trying to latch her on now coz I'm looking after her alone for this month and dun think I have time to pump and sterilise coz she's been refusing to sleep much and constantly wants to be carried.

Hi Giggler ... guess what.. your baby and mine share the same birthday. Was suppose to be induced on 29 May but baby decided to come out a day earlier.
Hi absolut, so qiao that both our bb share the same b'day. Is your boi or gal? My bb gal seems hungrier for milk recently too. I'm bfg and she's been crying for milk almost every hour.

My baby is on FM, he is already 1 month plus coming to 2 months, he is taking 150ml now and every 4 hour feed. when he is 3 to 4 weeks old, he's on 120ml. Will be increasing to 180ml when he reach 3rd month.
Hi Giggler

My babe is a gal. Yours is a boy right? Been having increasing trouble bfg my baby too. Used to express out and feed her for the past month and could usually get abt 100ml or more for every 3 - 4 hours. Since this week started, been trying to direct latch her in order to increase supply but worried that it'll decrease my supply instead coz she seems constantly hungry. Spent the whole day today latching and putting her down and she refuses to sleep. Wakes up within 10 - 30 mins. for her last feed, been latching her on from 830 - 10pm. So tired ... really hoping she sleeps longer now. It's funny coz once she falls asleep, we have to watch TV in silence coz we're so scared to wake her.
Hi poohie

What formula are you using? Looks like I need to increase her allocated amount then. Will try increasing to 120ml for EBM and see how long she sleeps. Let's hope my supply increases or she'll have to drink more FM esp if she starts demanding for 150ml or 180ml.
saw ur posting here so reply u on some parts thru my experience. u must always be confidence that u can supply enough milk for ur girl. since u r able to pump out 100ml, be sure that ur girl can get 100ml or more when she direct latch as bb is the best pump n can more milk than other pump does. yar, try to give her 120ml. my boy can finish this amt at 5wks. then his milk intake increases to 140ml at 12wks. presently he is 16wks n still taking this amt. will give him 150ml when he is 4mths old. but since 2nd mth he only takes 6feeds a day n thats y till now i still provide enough milk for him. bb wont increase their milk intake fast. not sure when my boy will take 180ml, guess mayb when he is 5mths old. dun be too stress abt bf. try to relax, rest more n eat well n supply will b there.

there is a growth spurts ard 6wks, so mayb ur girl is undergoing thru growth spurts. if ur girl has been latching well by now ur supply will have establised n should provide enough for her. bf is not easy but do press on. will be easier when bb is bigger as they can settle down. mine settled down when he was 2mths old.
Carina, Val, thks for ur adv - i think all mums think likewise!! Actually I dun understand why we hv to express our milk when we can save the hassle of sterilse bottles, heat the milk with warm water...etc when we can actually let bb hv milk straight from the breast...at the rite temp!!!

And it's true - once he had his fill he goes to sleep after burping!! But if my CL feed him in bottle with expressed milk - OMG - he'll take his own sweet time - and sometimes b v.fussy
