(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


My gynae still schedule me to see him next tues @ Mt.E. Hai~ I guess he dun foresee me to pop by next Tues
hui32, i'll b lying if i say i'm not bother abt my low qty of BM!!! Somtimes feel letting bb down for giving him FM

For the past many days, my CL hv bn giving me fish every meal (cod fish n salmon only) except b'fast. She say fish can increase milk supply. She even insist i must drink the fish bone green papaya soup every day!!! But my supply is still like tat

Absolut, i let bb latch on when i jaga him in the afternoon frm 1+ after lunch when the CL rest till 6.30pm after CL prepared dinner . I nvr pull him away even he falls asleep during feed. I'll let him suckle till he pushes my breast away frm his mouth

I dun mind not hving lunch n do the expressing in the toilet but how abt tea-break @ 4pm?? Bet my boss's face will turn black if everyday i hv to excuse myself for minimum 30mins jus to express milk??? Not wanting to stop because we wan to make full use of some expensive equipment that we bought rite??? More important is the well-being of our bb rite????

Kris, u also believed drinking more water will increase qty of BM??? i drink abt 2ltrs of the red dates drink every day, after every meal, b4 n after expressing :p the warm water makes me feels better.

how come ur glass bottles got no caps?? normally i'll boil these bottles prior using. using cling wrap to cover also can, but i always use this particular bottle first cos u'll water vapor on the wrap after sometime...

soyabean, congrats!!!
Hope both bb n mum doing fine...looking fwd 2 c u on the thread
Val, same here, I'm seeing my gynae this Fri. It's the weekly checkup. He said he'll issue me another week of MC if I'm still not due.

My gynae schedule me to do the contraction testing (dunno wats the exact term) next week. Ur gynae gg to cover u till u pop? Y izzit so? My gynae encourage me to work till I pop. He says easier to deliever. Dunno which country theory is tat. Hehe..... :p
Val, I told my gynae I'm very tired & he said since my bb will arrive anytime, he'll issue me MC. He encourages me to walk more for easier labour. Another colleague who will be due next week also starts her MC today.

My gynae said my bb's head is not engaged but very low. Yah, some bb got engaged just before birth.
Hi Lyn

So your expressed qty is over and above what you feed directly then expressed qty is very good isn't it? I only pump when I feed baby EBM at nights and qty only slightly more than yours. My baby is gonna be 2 months by the end of the week. Maybe your supply will increase soon? Actually I tried direct latching for the past mth in order to increase supply but like not much difference to expressing leh.

Whatever it is, will try and persevere and express when I go back to work. If supply really cannot sustain then can't be help lor. I haven't thot abt the 4pm pumping ... may not be able to do that too coz usually have afternoon meetings etc etc. At least can pump once during lunch and maybe straight after office hours. See how lor ... whatever it is... give a bit of BM better than none right? Like what you said ... at least we make use of our expensive equipment and baby gets the benefits of BM.
kis, thanks

lyn_tan, my mother also told mi that fish will make the milk supply more, that's y im dripping like nobody businesss...and my breasts are damn hard....sometimes feel abit pain, when my girl suck on it, also pain...haiz...
absolut, in tat case, u going back to work v.soon leh...actually whether to pump at 4pm is not a prob, but afraid milk will leak only!! Engorement still can tahan till i knock off - anyway my off time is 5.30 - only 1.5hrs of difference. Will c how it goes when the times come lah....

hui32, gd for u lor so i guess renee is on total BM lor....but if u feel tat r breasts r pain n hard, u must try to express hor...y let it leak n drip away (must not waste mah). BTW, u can try to apply nipple creams on ur breasts/nipples after feeding bb or use hot towel to cup on ur breasts for a few mins???? Currently using palmers/avent nipple cream - Palmers smells nice - like m&m chocolate!!
Me going back in 3 weeks time coz took extra leave. Was looking forward to going back to work but now that the deadline is nearing, think I'm gonna miss my baby like crazy esp the first week. Dunno how I'm gonna concentrate on work worrying how baby is doing with the maid.
Hi lyn,
yeah, i believed drinking more water helps. During confinement, cos cannot drink plain water, i drank little water, and ss is v pathetic. i find that after i drink more water, my ss increase. Btw, my gynae advise me not to drink lot of red date drinks cos heaty.

Ya lor, the nurse there din gave me the cap. N i assume that they have throw away the cap, so din ask them.

Hi val, sue,
I was told to admit to delivery ward during my gynae visit. so u better prepare your hospital bag first.
Hello Gals
Spent a long time catching up wif the postings since my last posting

Congrats to those who popped.

B2B3M4 n Lyn rite on, u have v v short labor. Can go for more babies.

Now we left wif Val n Sue who still have the priviledge to enjoy couplehood n luxury sleep. Cherrish them for the moment.

Soon tis thread gonna b touching on breast feeding n baby care

Envy u gals who can pump so much. My boy 7 wks coming to 8 wks, I pump avg 80ml at 3 hrs interval. Takes > 1hr to pump. So pathetic. How long u gals spend on expressing? Wat's the interval b/w each expression/latch on? BTW, u gals bottle feed your baby instead of latch on?

My company oso not breast feeding friendly. I dun like the idea of pumping in the toilet but looks like I have no choice. Thought of going to shopping mall wif nursing rm but time spent walking to/fro ard 1/2 hr. Not workable. The level where my company is has many female staff. I plan to go every level to check which level has the least tenant, then pump in the toilet. Dun wanna hog the toilet during lunch time when there r many users. Oso thot fewer users, toilet not so dirty not so unhygenie

With regards to leakage, u can use breast pad. But waste our precious milk. Better alternative use collection shell. U will b amazed how much u can collect. Remember to bring a small bottle to empty the shell when u start working.

I thot of expressing 7:30am (b4 starting work) and 1:00pm (lunch time). Next expression will b 7:00pm or 6:30pm if I m lucky. Check wif u gals
How u sterlize the pump when u pump >2 times in the office?
How u transport your pump, bottles to/fro office n home?
How many times u plan to pump in the office?
Hi Kis n lyn,
I guess we r more or less the same when it come to BM ss. Now we juz have to work harder. I heard soya bean milk may help too.
Which br pump r u using??? Yah, muz persevere to EBM. Mine is the Medela PIS, so muz continue so as to get my $$$ worth. Which formula r u using??? I'm using Enfalac A+, cost $29.40 per tin!!!! So no matter what, for the sake of BB (n to save $$$) WE MUST PERSEVERE !!!!

Yah, i find a number of work place is not breastfeeding friendly. I juz find it so unhygienic to EBM in a toilet. But guess we juz have to put up with it. I have not planned my EBM schedule yet. Guess i'll start practising 3 weeks before i'm due to back in office.

U got those bottles from KKH??? Is it those Enfalac glass bottles? They come with metal caps, don think it is very safe to use cling wrap, esp if u plan to keep for long periods of time or transport from one place to another. They may oso come in plastic caps with a hole for the teats. These plastic caps r orginally disposable teats for the Enfalac bottles. The nurses remove the teats n gave me the caps. Juz need to cover the hole with those disposable plastics food containers cut out to the shape. The metal caps tend to rust after a while.
Yah... we have the same schedule. Maybe we can come up with same schedule when we go back to work. Who's looking after your baby when u go back to work? I'll most probably be putting my girl in infant care centre near my work place. Read from the papers that the govt may increase the subsidies given to working mums who put their child in infant care centres. Hopefully that is true.

Val n Sue,
Yah, agree with kis. I went into labour 1 day before my appt with my gynae. So, doesn't mean u ladies r not due soon.

Do share with us your experience when u go back to work. Have u planned on your EBM schedule? U r going to start stocking up 1st b4 going back to work?

To mummies,
What did u do for your baby's full month celebrations? Which confectionary did u use? Now i'm trying to get one that is the most value for money but muz taste not bad too. Seems like Choz is very popular, anyone tried them b4?
Hi Shook,
Welcome back !!!!!!! Sure agree with u abt telling Val n Sue to cherish their sleep now. Bet none of the mums here have a straight thru sleep ever since their babies came along.

Wow! U pump for >1h. That's very long. My max is half n hr. I got no patience n there doesn't seems to be any milk coming out. I express every 2-3h, hopefully that can increase my ss.

Hey! I haven't used a collecting shell b4. Is it very uncomfortable? U use it in your sleep as well (sorry, if this sounds stupid), cos' that's when i tend to have the most leakage. Which brand did u buy?

When i go back to office, don think i will be able to sterilize the pump. Think will juz have to use hot boiled water. As for transportation, cos i'm using the Medela PIS. It comes with a insulation bag n ice pack, will be able to bring the milk safely home.

I dunno how times i can EBM in office. Will start planning n practising 3 weeks b4 going back. Give us pointers too when u r back at wk. Who will be taking care of your baby?
hi gals,
my boy is 4.5mths n sharing with u my experience on bf.
one way to increase milk supply is to do tandem pumping, i.e. when bb is drinking on 1 br, pump the other br at the same time. i managed to stock up a bit of milk before start work thru this method. started doing this when bb was 1 mth old. got 1 extra pack of bm to freeze almost daily. u mayb thinking will bb get enough milk since expressed out the milk. bb should get enough since milk is always flowing if they suck. just tat they may need to suck longer to get enough milk. when bb suck longer it is a way to tell ur body to produce more milk n hence milk increases. dunno is it becoz of this tat till now i can TBF.

i only use lots of hot water to go thru the pump in office. u can transport EBM using cooler bag with ice bricks. i m using ameda pump n it comes with the cooler bag to store pump n EBM. r u using avent manual pump?
Hi Kis/B2B3M4, I've prepared my bag already but mentally, not very prepared. One of my colleagues also told me that she was told to admit after her gynae appt.

Shook, I'm trying to sleep as much as I can after hearing the advice from you & Pausini. But it's quite tough to sleep sometimes, I got up to pee & take a while for me to get back to sleep. *sigh* Luckily, I'm at home now so don't have to wake up so early, if tired, can still take nap.
Hi val n sue,
at that time, i was also not mentally prepared. But no choice, was told "MUST CHECK IN IMMEDIATELY", cos i was thinking to go home and take a bath first, heehe.

Hi b2b3m4 n Lyn, me also got short labour...

Hi shook,
I same as b2b3m4, impatient type, normally i express 15-30min. Sometime, if i can't express much, then i will stop for 30-45min, then express again. My interval b/w each expression/latch on is abt 2-3hrs. Yes, i do bottle feed my girl 1/2 times each day, cos i brought my girl to my mum place.

About expressing after going to work, i have not seriously tot abt it, but my office got meeting rooms so i think can easily book one and pump during lunch time. As for 3-4pm slot, think will have to do it in the toilet. Do u gals know for sure that the toilet got electric plugs? If not, have to use manual or batt-op pumps. I can't rem if mine have it.

Regarding the collection shells, will it be uncomfortable to wear it the whole day during work or during nite time?

Think i'm going to sterilize using hot water. My house is very near to my office, so i think can do without the cooler bag.

Hi b2b3m4,
I'm currently using avent manual and medela mini pump. Will be trying out the ameda dual pump fr momsinmind, and then will decide if gonna buy one.

I got Enfalac glass bottles from gleneagles and 3 bottles of Enfalac milk with the disposable plastic caps/teats. OIC, thanks for your idea, i will cut out the disposable plastics food containers to cover.

My mum will be looking after my girl when i go back to work. N hopefully the National Day Rally will have something for us too.

I only distribute cakes to relatives and colleagues for my baby's full month celebrations. I used Choz, thou quite exp, but looks presentable. As for frenz, i bot bengawan solo first mth cake voucher.
Hi shook, tks. Now bb coming to 1mth liao. On some lucky days 30mins can pump avg 3oz, otherwise sometimes 1hr also dun hv 2oz!! Since my supplies not regular sometimes hv to top up wif FM I giving him Enfalac. U mention abt breast shell??? I saw the avent one on catalog by wearing it wont it make our breast looks bigger???? As for sterlize the pump in office no choice lor, hv to rinse it clean wif tap water then again wif hot water.

B2b3m4, u mean after our confinement we can hv soya bean milk?? Cos wat we eat goes to bb, my mum adv me not to eat rubbish food!! Now not sure if I can take fresh milk, vitagenetc

I now using avent manual pumpsometimes found tat expressing by hand much faster :p
Lyn, that's what my colleague said too. The avent manual pump is gd & once they get used to it. They said it expresses more milk then electric. That's why I bought the avent manual pump. Will get to use it soon. ;p
Y need to pratise 3 wks b4 resume work?
U v lucky KK gave u plastic cap. I wz given metal cap. My massage lady taught me to use aluminium foil to wrap tight. Can follow up wif the metal cap or do without.
I had buffet for baby shower party. Gave bangawan cake voucher to office colleagues.
My milk supply come stop come stop so spend so much time expressing. Bsides, I use hot towel to massage in b/w. I try to make it to 1/2 hr. Can't afford such long time when resume work.
I m using Medela collection shell. Never use it when I m sleeping. Looking at the design (a ring in the centre sitting on your nipple) seems will flow out when lying dwn unless there is no gap b/w ring n nipple. Do u use breast pad when u sleep?
I resume work on 30 Aug. My mum look after my boy. How abt u?

I used to do tandem pumping but my baby wanna fed almost every hr. So I give him both breasts. I prefer tandem pumping so easy to pump when baby suckle but hand v tired coz I m using Avent manual pump.
Oh rinsing the pump wif boiling hot water will do. Hey thx for sharing. How much is Ameda pump? Is it noisy? Is it a double or single pump? Where u pump in office n wat is your schedule for expressing?

Take the frequent wake to pee as training for feeding bb at 9. try to catch up as much sleep as u can day and 9 for now.

Wow u pumped 15min. Dat's excellent! Your milk supply muz b v gd.
I wear collection shell whole day except when I m sleeping. Personally find it ok. Gotta empty the milk in the collection shell when interval too long, otherwise will overflow.
How to try out ameda dual pump fr momsinmind?
For disposable plastic container dat u wanna use to cover glass bottle, use the ones dat can use in micro wave then u can sterlilize them.

I find wearing collection shell makes breasts rounder.
U can use hand to express then your supply is gd too.

Do u gals massage your breasts b4 latch on/expressing?
Do u own more than 1 pump?
Do your breasts feel painful after latch on or pumping?
Do u wear nursing bra when expressing?
usually i only tandem pump 1-2times a day when the resting interval is longer so tat brs can collect more milk. nowadays only tandem pump in the middle of night when bb wakes up for feed since both brs already v full n bb wont take all milk. i have 2 pumps. bought avent manual before giving birth. but later on find it too tiring n time consuming to use it. imagine have to burn the whole lunch time to pump milk n i need to express milk before go home since office is far from home. end up bought ameda pump from momsinmind 1 wk before returning to work. though quite ex, but no regrets buying since each pump session only takes 10-15min n i can get more milk than avent. its a dual pump n not too noisy. heard that it is less noisy than medela mini dual electric plus. think if u intend to bf for say 6mths n have supply, can consider investing in ameda pump. i express 3times in office..at 1010am, 110pm n 550pm. express in my colleague's lab(a laser measurement room) since they r not using it.

i din massage my brs b4 latch on/expressing. nope, brs dun feel painful. been wearing nursing bra all the while even in office as easier when expressing.
Hi Ladies,

There's a public talk tomorrow on down syndrome by SGH O&G Dept. Thot you'd be interested.

Date: Saturday, 24 July 2004 (tomorrow)
Time: 2pm-4.30pm (1.30 reg)
Venue: Auditorium, 5th Floor, Revenue House
55, Newton Road, Singapore 307987

Fees: $8 per person
$15 per couple

If interested please call senior staff nurse (SGH) Choon Tee at 63265923 (8am-5pm)

2pm: What is down syndrome? What causes it? Who is at risk? Do they have special needs?

2.30pm: Screening tests for DS in pregnancy. Ultrasound? Blood tests? Both?

2.50pm: Diagnostic tests in Pregnancy-amniocentisis, chronic villous sampling

3.10pm: Putting it all together- which tests do I need?

3.35pm: Ready for "Newlife"?

3.50pm: Q&A

4.15pm: Refreshments
halo all....

thanks for ur well wishes...
here's my story...

i didnt induce in the end... cos show came and contractions started at 430am, jus when i was getting ready to go hosp to be induced.

the contractions started at 5mins apart already... by the time i got there, it was abt 4mins.

then was put on ctg to confirm dat i'm already in labour so dat i dun hv to be induced... then transferred to delivery room... requested for epi straight... super pain and cmg at 3mins apart. then gynae broke waterbag.

wow... epi is fantastic... reali felt totally numb from the waist down... and was put on oxytoxin to help speed up dilation...

art abt 10plus... bb showed disstress cos his heartbeat went down... cos of oxytoxin causing the contractions to be v close... so oxytoxin was switched off...

then contractions grew apart and they switch on oxytoxin again but at a lower dose...

by near 1pm, i was fully dilated and ready to push... but cos i felt totally numb from epi, i cldnt push well... so gynae ordered epi to be switched off....

by 2plus... abit of pain started to come back... so i started to push... and edi was out at 1449hrs.
HI Sanrio, Congrats!!!

Hi Val & Sue, ur turn will come soon. In the mean time hope you gals get good rest and be in great condition.

Hi all, can tell me how old r ur bb now? i'm a bit mixed up

This is my story :

Started having Show at 430am. Not much contractions so went back to sleep.

Woke up at 9plus w regular contractions and slight pain so told me bf to go work for 1/2 day and we'll go kkh at noon. I went on to shower and chat online.

Only went my fren reminded me to time my contractions then i realised they r 4 mins apart. So took my bag n went kkh.

Admitted at 1100am n send up to delivery room to break waterbag cos i'm 4cm dilated.

In the room i was playing w my game cos really dun feel much pain. But my gynae managed to convince my bf to get me epidural cos i got heart prob. But they din check b4 giving... only after insertig then realised i'm already 8cm dilated. Wasted the money on that injection.

Then they start calling the gynae to be on standby, came in n tell me usuaally need to wait a few hrs more... lucky my gynae came up to take a look. I was fully dilated n bb went into distress.

Immediately got to set up for delivery n used vacuum cos not much time to push as bb distress already. The gynae got caught off guard cos all the while he says bb is average size ranging frm 2.5 to 3kg. Jerome was born at 1604, weighing 3.395kg, 53cm.

So mummies to be, DUN play game in the delivery room, instead scream away even if u r not in much pain to get the nurse to check on u regularly. Heheheh...
Hi mommies,

So glad to be back.. sure has been some time yeah? I gave birth (induced) on 8th July to Ethan. Labour 16hrs. Ethan weighs 3.8kg and 52cm. Looks like he is the biggest baby here hor.. ehhee... wow, sure was had work getting him out. Had epi and also used forceps.

For all of us who are tbf, how much milk are u able to express?

Okay, catch up with u all later. take care.

Your expressing schedule in office quite gd. Not too long. I plan to express 7:30, 13:00 in the office. Hope can reach home and latch on + tandem pump at 18:30. I have the schedule in mind 7:30, 13:00 in office; 18:30 (may b 19:00), 21:30, 00:30 and 04:00 at home. Dunno whether workable or not. Oso worry not enuff sleep since start working can't take nap in the day
I feel tingling pain after feeding or expressing. My gyne said may b I overdo when expressing. So I pump only once a day. Really the pain goes off slowly. Last night I pumped v fast to try to keep to 30min. Boy, my breasts felt v painful.

Soyabean, Brenda, Emily

I pump avg 80 - 100ml
here is my expressing schedule for 24hrs period. wake up at 7. then pump at 715am n leave for work. then 1010am, 110pm n 550pm in office. will latch bb at 830pm. then pump at ard 11+pm before sleep. will wake up at ard 4am to pump. wow..if u have a session at 0030, does it mean u can sleep earliest at 1am? not wise as sure v tired the next day. supply will be affected if too tired. 1 suggestion.. mayb say u pump at ard 10. then sleep n wake up at 3am to pump. the interval is quite long but at least u get some rest. anyway u can try out different timings n sessions to see if still can get the same amt of milk.
Ohh... wat day is today? Everyone is back? Hehe... I m still waiting now. Bet all the experiences tat u r had shared will be of a great help to me.


Ur bb is real big indeed :p Congrats!!!


Shook, can buy the plastic cap for the glass bottle. My friend helps me to buy it from this bb shop in Chinatown. Do you want me to find out more details for you?

Brenda / Emily, congrats to both of you. Thanks for your birth story. Yeah Emily, your bb is the biggest one here.

Val, I went gynae just now. He said that bb will arrive anytime but can't confirm. How I wish he can predict. I asked him abt induction because I'm very tired. He said ok but not advisable since bb is growing well, shld let it happen naturally.

u did the CTG? My appt will be next Tues. I hope to pop by next week
The sole of my feet really painful as I think I too heavy liao. Then now my legs indifferent to trotters :p
hi mummies
need some help on bf'g...

i hv been hvg probs latching edi on... cos of my inverted and flat nipples... he cldnt hold the areola properly... even the LCs at kk helped me to latch but to no avail...

anyway, my milk has started to come yest... came in drips and was so miserable. by yest nite, engorgement was reali bad dat i thot i wld die.

today started to pump... but milk flow still v gentle... i can pump for one and half hrs and get abt 30-40ml of milk... but my breasts still feel painful and engorged... i didnt dare to pump too long... reali terrible... so i got to pump abt every 2 hrs if not milk will start leaking.

i wonder if my milk flow will remain so gentle... hope it will get better... sigh...

any of u hv kind of similar experience to share?
Hi Soyabean,

Congrats to you first. Hope you remember me.
Like you I had problem latching on in the beginning too, cos short nipples. It takes time for baby to learn to latch on also. Took quite a while before baby could latch on properly and now my nipples are more defined already. Need some seasoning.

Have you tried pumping a bit to pull out the nipples. I think baby need to latch on properly in order to really feed, and with correct latching and baby's suckling your milk supply should come in.

Once I had blocked milk duct, so painful. Dr gave me antibiotics and painkillers.

Despite direct latching and expressing, my supply still no good. Just got to try my best. Hope you'll feel better soon.
hi masshiro,
of cos i rembr u.

i still try now and then to get him to latch. i will try pulling the nipples out b4 i latch.

i hope oso my situation will iprove. i'm now monitoring these couple of days and see if there are any improvements.

anyway, i think wat i'm getting now is still colostrum cos they appear yellowish in the bottle. so think my milk hasnt come in yet.

Finally, joined us the mummy's club!! Welcome and congrats!!!


sorry been rather bz.. by the tx I read thru the postings my boy is awake!!

Cograts to Lyn n B2B..I heard from shook and Sanrio you popped!!

All is ok so far with Matt. He has his cranky moments and closing in to 2 months.

He's just started to sleep thru' from 10pm to about 4-5.30pm for last two nites and I'm hoping it develops into a regular habit.

About the bottles... if they are the small enfalac ones, pls don't use the metal caps. The nuk (3.50 a pair w disc) fits it well..fit the disc with the wedge facing up!! so when you open the bottle u can still add express milk to it w/o comtaninating.

Best try get the bottles Wyeth s26.fat bottom..it can take tollyjoy cap with disc (1.50)or nuk or even pigeon. Pigeon caps sold $1.50 a pair w/o disk.

Another option which my hubby went was get the nuk caps from hosp and buy your own disc..available from mums & babes.. this option very ex as one disc is $3!!!

If you haven't got bottles...u can still go back to e hosp and ask for em..they don't recyle and would throw them away any way.. so they'll gladly give you..
Oh yah I forget to mention!! if you wanna use the plastic pouches for milk... can buy pigeon glass bottles for milk to heat...very convienient...just pour and measure amts for re heatin...and re-seal the pouch..like that no need to reheat the pouch and have danger of leaks..

I don't really like using plastic bottles .. hard to sterilise and leaves a residue after long heat usage..
o!! so many postings y'day n today!!

Congrats to Soyabean, Emily n Brenda.

Brenda, u so brave!! in mist of labor still got mood n energy to play game!!

Shook, u mention wearing the collection shell. Saw a pix on the medela website, got some idea how it works - think it's better idea for me to wear it when i'm back to work. Where did u get it? How much it costs u? Any size?? Or one size fits all?

Natalie, my metal caps r starting to rust!! But the hospital gave me so many bottles - cant possiblily spend so much to get those disc....so i store them in milk bottle n gave it start to bb.

Wld like to check wif all mum, can we mix milk express on the same day (different time) into the same bottle?? Eg. I store the milk which i expressed at 0700 in an 8oz bottle, later at 1200, i expressed more milk - can i pour these milk into the same 8oz bottle???
Hi Ladies, Congrats to all that have popped..allow me to share my labour story too.

I first felt the contraction at abt 2pm on 16th July. Then at abt 7pm, the pains start to be more regular and when I remembered to time them, they were about 5-7mins apart..a little erratic. Decided to go to the hospital at abt 8pm. Admitted at 8:45pm and I was already 3.4cm dilated. The sisters at Mt A are really nice! They are really very professional and helps to make you feel better...and guess what, they even have SCV in the labour suite! I was watching Sex in the City until my gynae came at about 9:30pm. Broke my waterbag, added oxytoxin. I did not have any epidural in the end cos baby was delivered abt 2 hours later. She weighs 3.470kg and is 50cm long.

Baby had jaundice and had to be admitted back to Mt A. It was a terrible time for new mummies. But she is back home now and doing fine.

BUT, becos of direct breastfeeding, we cannot tell how much she is drinking! In the end, most nites, I have to wake up hourly to feed her! While she was at the hospital, I expressed my milk. But the problem now is that I don't know how to bottle feed her! We tried to do that for the night feed last nite, but it seems that she has problems taking to the bottle and the milk just gush out! In the end, I gave up and bf her again.

Any advice from mummies out there how to bottle feed??? I bought Avent bottles.
Lyn, from what I asked two of my friends, they say can mix the express milk. Keep the 1st lot in the fridge then later express and pour together lor.

Soyabean, gosh! It must hurt to express for so long... one and a half hours.. u better take it slow... or u might bleed too much... btw, when did u give birth? I express about 40-50ml for 30-40mins. Gave birth 8/7/04.
Your schedule is very gd. Internval abt every 3 hrs no wonder u can still tbf. Since u pump so fast 10-15min, it's ok. I pump >1hr. Now try to limit to 30min. Oso wanna try Ameda pump. How much u pay for it?
Thx for your suggestion. I try your suggestion. If electric pump can improve my expressing time to 10-15 min. I oso like to pump every 3 hrs like u. Interval of 5 hrs long.

Thx. I bot some caps wif the cover fm kiddy palace n mkt. When run out of caps, I use aluminium foil.
Better have natural birth

Mat a gd boy, almost sleeps thru. Last fed for Chen Chen is 11pm, after 4 hrs he will wake up for milk milk. How u train Mat?
Which hairstyle is Mat's?

I got the collection shell fm Baby Kingdom @ $14+. It has no size. Think u can get it fm Kiddy Palace.
Can use aluminium foil to cover the glass bottle. Hold tight. U can follow up wif metal cap or do without. Dun sterilize the metal cap. They will rust
I mixed express milk expressed within 24 hrs

U gotta fold bb upright at 45 degree when feeding wif bottle. Check wat is the teat size. Size for nb for avent bottle is 1.

Cool, b patient. Look at positive side. Enjoy couplehood n your beauty sleep for now.
got my ameda pump from momsinmind. paid $288. just heard that can get the pump at $270 from the distributor. u can book the trial set from momsinmind to try. i din have trial n straightaway bot it though feel quite ex but what to do since good electric pump dun come cheap. i also feel that 3-4hrs interval is the best. 5hrs seem too long. but the troublesome part abt shorter interval is the having to wash the pump more often n can be time consuming esp in office. usually after pumping at 10am, will wash the pump during lunch. after tat have quick lunch n go for second round of expressing n washing. end up my lunch time is mainly washing n expressing.

If book the trial gotta buy fm momsinmind as delivery chrg will b borned by customer if dun buy fm momsinmind. I wanna trial to c if the ameda pump speeds up my pumping to < 30min. If yes, then I definitely go for it.
How u transport the pump n the bottles?

Dun feel lousy lah. Your turn will come. Relax
