(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi lyn...
i thot the purpose of bf'g by direct latch is to let bb drink until she is comfy... so it actuali doesnt matter u know how much bb is drinking or not. cos its auto dat once she is full, she will stop. but i read dat some bb like to suckle, so though breast is empty, some bb still like to continue to suckle, and mummy shldnt stop her from doing so as well.

hi gals...
i'm still ard... less than one week to my edd, 17 jul, and my bb is so comfy inside me doesnt wanna come out. not much signs for me except occasional cramps like menses cramps... i dun think these are even bhc. hv stopped hvg bhc for sometime already.

hi soyabean,
Our EDDs r very close. Don't u find it hard to stay at hme & wait for giving birth?? I can choose to stay at my mum or MIL hme,but I feel more comfy to stay at hme myself...

i oso experience occasional cramps,esp,when my boy moves. My gynea confirmed his head oredi engaged, so I experience pain down there sometx,suspect could b my boy is turning his head tat cause the pain...sometx,feel like something dropping from my vaginal...

I oso go to the loo very often,can't sleep well at hme. the worst is my boy likes to kick ard midnight...

hv ur gynea confirmed tat ur boy is engaged? My gynea said even the head engages,doesn't mean he'll pop out soon.

my next appt is next tues...this tx,he'll chk on my cervix...
hi b2b3m4 n lyn,
tks for sharing w us. me thou excited to c bb but oso wori cf is much tougher esp adjusting to the needs of a newborn n they only communicate by crying..

b2b3m4 n avocado,
gynae did say my pain cld b ligaments stretching n bb head pressing on the bones/ligaments. 1 of our clinic dr (b4 i went on mc) saw me n commented my pelvic bone so small. the next day, pain started.

i shared the same crampy feeling. more often now but af a while went off so i supposed they're practice conractions? my mum stays w me fr mon to fri since tat day i got bad pain.

agree evyday is like a waiting game. i go loo almost 3 tx evy nite. drk more water n eat fruits then no constipation. my next appt is oso on tue. my boy's head engaged but gynae oso said may not b so soon..
b2b3m4, soyabean, i like the feeling when i c bb is so comfty suckling away; tot he sometimes fall asleep while feeding. but as soyabean said, some bb like to suckle - using our breast as a pacifier!! My bb is one of those!! Sometimes the only way to stop his wailing is to let him suckle irregardless whether he's hungry or full??? Sometimes i wish he could jus tell me wat he wans!!

Sanrio, Avocado, Soyabean, tot i understand we'r all anxious 2 c our bb but now wif mine popped...i really missed the days he's inside me - so well provided, so comfty n warm for him

BTW, did u ladies watched the prog on CH U Sat nite, 10.30pm? on bfg in public??My CL was bz yakking away her comments till i lose my concentration on the show!! So fed up - feel like asking her to shut up!!
hi avocado...
nope, dun find it hard waiting at home... in fact, i like it cos i use the time to surf the net, chat wif frens, read books, watch tv, nap, sometimes go out for shopping.

bb's head has not engaged totally... sigh.. somehow i got a feeling i'll prob be overdue and be induced.

hi lyn...
didnt watch the show on channel u. caught the wong lilin show though. thot her tummy is pretty small for her stage, and she still seems to be so light... her weight is lighter than my pre-preg wgt... horrible.

i know i will miss bb's presence in tummy after he is out... but i wldnt miss the hard times he's gvg me when i sleep. hehe... those turning over in bed and the kicks he makes when i'm asleep. sigh...

aiyoh... me been eating fruits as usual... but hvnt gone loo since sat.... feeling so constipated now... whh is why i feel edi might not wan to come out within these few days.
Hi Ladies...

My due date is 23rd July, but baby's head already engaged. These days, the kicks and turns are all so strong! It is especially painful when bb moves her head...like trying to force her way out....

These days, I am especially "Sensitive" to backaches and crampy feelings. Dunno if I am imagining some of them at times....Keep trying to find out, how do contractions feel like....

Was planning to work till closer to the due date, but really gave up....these days, the pelvic pain is quite bad at the end of the day....so plan to take leave starting next week.

Soyabean...so exciting hor....finally can get to see our babies soon!
hi lyn n b2b3m4,
can share w us some practical tips on proper latch-on to prevent sore nipples? i read bks on bfg but tot will b gd if can hear both of ur sharing n tips, tks..

my edd is 21 jul. agree those kicks n turns are real strong, i suppose bb has no more space. due to bad pelvic pain, i resting at hm for 2wks oreadi.

shook shared w me to watch out for Sudden 'bad' n 'real aching' backache, not those we now frequently having. she n her frd experienced tat n next day, bb 'decided' to cum out. a kk nurse mgr did tell me tis too.
i feel ashrel still comfi inside too. thou he's engaged n i hav pelvic bone pain, but i din feel the 'strain' (my frd described as somthg cuming out feeling) at the cervix, mine like still 'tight'?? how u feel ah? 2mrow i'll ask gynae..

hope u settled w ur moving hse n evythg. now we're all counting down..
soyabean, i missed those days cos sometimes when bb cry, n as mum u r really clueless abt his needs can really make u so helpless!!

sanrio, actually b4 i pop i really worried tat my milk supply wld failed me, cos prior preg - i'm always on diet, didnt eat proper meals...etc. But surprised, when nurse hand me bb n teach me how to breast feed...bb jus suckle away happily!! But it really take many times to get bb to latch on rite...

But sadly there's no fool-proof cream or remedy to prevent sore nipples!! Not sure if my bb hv bn suckling too much or wat, since somewhere last wk i've bn expressing my milk due to sore nipples

I've used palmers/avent nipple cream not the burning sensation still there
maybe b2b3m4 got some remedy to share???
Hi everyone,

Long time didn't hv the chance to login bcoz of work. Congratulations to all mummies who had given birth to their little darlings. My due date is getting nearer too--30 July. bb is engaged n i'm also having very bad pelvic pain, pain at the pubic bone too, and back ache, can't sleep well at nite and painful even to turn in bed. If walk too fast, will get sharp shooting pain at the cervix
I also get period like cramps in the lower part of my adomen. Went for ctg last week and nurse discovered i'm actually hving contractions but i cannot feel it at all! Anyone experience the same thing as me??? Is cramp = contraction??

Hazey and Sanrio, i also experience stronger bb kicks nowadays. Really can't wait to hold bb in my hands.

All of us are counting down now
Good luck everyone, and hope we will all have a smooth and painless delivery!
hi all, here is wat i experienced
last friday evening, i had some water showing, then till midnite 1am went in to hospital, nurse checked me, and said i had slight contraction (but i don feel it) then ask my husband to register for the admission, then 3am nurse check whether my celvic isit open, then it was only 1cm open...awhile later i had my menses, then at around 6am, i had slight cramp around my lower tummy...8am doctor came to make my water bag burst then 9plus real pain start and at 11plus i gave birth to my small little darling, i was really very brave that i din't use any epidural..hehe...
Congrats hui32!
wow, ur delivery sounds easy and fast. Is yours considered induced labour? You din use epidural, is it painful? Got episiotomy or not? Did doc give u injection in the thigh? or u use gas?
i've popped! the very next day w all e unsure signs... so mummies to be, do be very observant n sensitive.

hi soyabean, avocado n sanrio,
my edd very close to u gals... so who noes, might be ur turn tomm :p

k, gotta go back to my confinement, milking n moaning in pain. TAKE CARE!
hi all...
sanrio is now in kk.... she's gvg birth anytime now... will keep u gals updated...

sigh... even sanrio whose edd is later than me is now earlier than me... looks like my boi reali wanna curl up inside for as long as he wans...



I think Edi too comfortably inside liao. Hehe... So exceited for Sanrio. I told her to sms me once Ashrel is out to see the world :p
o, everybody taking turns to pop!! So excited - cant wait for brenda n sanrio to post thier bb's pix!!

soyabean, valencia...both ur turn coming soon - excited or not??
Hi to all MTB,
Yes all those crampy feeling u r having now are contrations. When i was put on CTG 2 weeks b4 i'm due, the nurse oso observed some contractions. As for the menses like cramps, i have it close to 1 week b4 i m due. So, to all MTB, seems like baby is due soon.

It is oso true that once baby is engaged, it is still possible for baby to "dis-engage" and change position. My baby was engaged since i'm in my 28th week.

Theoretically, we r suppose to let baby latch on as long as they want. But it is REALLY TIRING. My girl is really smart, she will latch and can hang on for more than 45 min but out of the 45 min she is only suckle for less than 15 min. And for only 15min of suckling, this feed usually will not be able to last her for more than 1-2h. So can u imagine, latching on every half to one hour. So alot of times, i like to EBM and let someone else take over the feeding while i take a rest.

As to how to manage sore nipples. Sorry, no real good remedies except to use nipple cream.
Oh gosh!
Even SAnrio is giving birth today, wonder she is out oredi?

Is it true that we r only left with Val and Soyabean? Okie, don worry. U guys have Lyn and me to support u.
WOW! Sanrio is in labour oredy! So fast! Soyabean...nervous or not? Don't worry lah..when it's time, it's time...Just pray hard that we will all have a smooth smooth delivery and bb will be healthy n happy!
me jus went for my checkup today... cervix dilated oni 1cm so far... edd cmg soon... tis sat in fact... hv arranged to go hosp for induction on mon morning if edi doesnt come out by then.

hi hazey...
hehe.... yeah... abit nervous... but now at least i know i will get to see tis stubborn fellow by a certain date. still hoping he will come out earlier than mon though...
I think even if sanrio has oredi given birth, bet she is already knocked out! Mine only lasted less than 2 hours and i'm oredi knocked out for half a day. Hopefully we can hear some news by next morning.
Hi, feeling excited for you gals, taking turns to pop. Think we will hear from Sanrio by tmr.

Hi soyabean, maybe u can try taking coconut juices. Hope you have a smooth and safe delivery.
WOW! Tat's great news!

Soya, why the need to induce? I thot it is perfectly fine to be a few days late?

Val...yes, I think you will be the last one...but aren't u trying to delay it, so that maybe if u deliver in Aug, can be covered under the new maternity benefits?
ashrel's birth was natural wif epidural. she told me she was vomiting nonstop and had high fever after the delivery, an aftereffect of epi. she's ok now...

well, dun wanna delay too long in cse anything happen... so i chose mon, since his edd is tis sat...

hi kis...
yeah... me hvg coconut drinks for past few weeks... hehe... hmm... shld hv one tis weekend again...

I hope to pop on the 26th Jul tat week. So I dun hv to be involved in the mthly closing. Hehe.... And I scare my Randall will get too big as per my last check up (wk 36+), gynae est Randall weight to be ard 3.2kg. Error rate + - 300g. And I m feeling very heavy, so diff to move ard. Tats y. Furthermore with the annoucement, I dun think govt will take it in effect in the mth of Aug itself. So dun wanna pin any hope on it.


Hope Edi will pop within these few days, so u dun hv to induce. Keep us posted on ur progress.
hi val... do u wanna pm me ur hp number? so dat i can inform someone if i give birth...
cos dun think sanrio will be able to inform u guys if i hv popped.
i oso hope edi will pop these few days...
val, dun wory abt being the last one to pop cos u c those who left hv already came back to the thread....

Any further news on sanrio n bb yet?? hope she's recovering fine.
Hi Val, Wow! All the nutrients from the food you ate went to Baby Randall! Yah, I sort of lost hope in being included in the new maternity benefits already. Just take things as they come now.....

Hi Soya, praying hard for you that Edison will automatically pop these few days....
hi lyn...
sanrio and bb r doing fine. she is still in kk though... said will be discharged tomolo.

hi hazey...
thanks... hopefuli he come out soon too... wow... last nite had some painful cramps in the mid of nite... but in the end all turn out to be false alarm...
Wow! Great that Sanrio has given birth. But vomiting and fever for epidural? Thinking she muz be feeling awful. Did she manage to breastfeed ashrel?

According to my gynae, it is not good to allow baby to stay inside mum for more than a week. For one, they will be very big and difficult to come out and more importantly, their gut wld have been fully developed and they form stools and pass it out into the aminotic fluid. It can become very dangerous if the baby get infected. And if i'm not wrong, their development will also be affected due to space constraint in the mother's womb.

Lyn's right. We r already back. In fact, u can obtain all the advice needed from us!
But i'm definitely very curious to find out what's the benefits the govt is going to offer.

U still let your baby latch on most of the time? NOw i'm bottle feeding my baby EBM most of the time. Realise my baby always fall asleep after latching on for less than 30min. She will not sleep for more than n hour b4 feeling hungry again and need to be fed. These routine went on for a few days and i still tot have a difficult baby who need to carried non stop.
LAst night, hubby fed her 3 ounce of EBM and she slept for 3 hours! That's when i realise the problem. So, now i got more time to come here to chat.
Hi b2b3m4,
I have the same problem too. My girl also fall asleep in the middle of her feed, no matter how i disturb her, she won't wake up or suck again. Then i have to feed her abt every hr too.

Hi augustmum,
I store my EBM in the milk bottle in the fridge.
Congrats to all of you who have delivered. I hope my bb will come out soon though my due date is early Aug.

Hi Val, I also hope to deliver on 26 Aug that week. Just went gynae this morning & he said will be anytime from now because bb's head is very low. Don't think you are the last one, I'm still around. Have been getting backache lately & it's the whole day, really tired.
Hi augustmum,
Kis is right abt the storage. U can either use milk bottles or those sterile storage bags. I got a number of glass milk bottles from the nurses during my stay at KKH. In fact, the nurses were telling me i can go back n get some more if i need more in the future.
As for the those milk bags, they r for one time use only but u save the trouble of sterilizing the bags.
But remember, EBM when stored in room temp can be kept for 6h, refrigerated for 48h (some books claim for 24h only), in freezer 6mths (but some nutrients maybe loss in the process)

Hi Kis,
So r u bottle feeding your girl as well? U woke up every hr at night to breast feed her? That i find is the most tiring. At night, i put her next to me on the bed n let her suckle lying down.
Is this a common problem with baby girl? A number of my fren's baby boys can sleep thru for hrs after being breastfed.

Have as much rest as possible now. U will have lots to busy with when the little one is out.
Hi b2b3m4, augustmum
I read that EBM when stored in room temp can be kept for 4hr, refrigerated for 48hr, in freezer 2mths. N one of the mummies here advise if in room temp, stored for 2hr only. So much variance hor.

Hi b2b3m4,
I try to limit bottle feed to 2 times per day now. Its truth tat bottle fed her can last ard 3hrs, but most impt is i want to know how much she drinking, cos she din put on much wt n i m getting worried. She used to sleep ard 2-3am, n wake up at 5am, followed by 1-2hr interval. Now i hope can train her to sleep b4 12am. Maybe its the boy/men instinct? my hubby can sleep thr while i woke up n breastfed her.
hi all...
sanrio is doing well...
think she is going home today. we will hear more from her when she comes online. i spoke to her yest, and seems dat her labour was pretty fast. she is doing fine so far on bf'g, but think milk supply will take a bit of time to build up.

as for myself, its one day after my edd and the clock is ticking fast and my boi is still lazing inside my tummy. looks like most likely i will be going for induction tomolo morning. i will inform val/sanrio once i hv given birth.
pls wish me all the luck cos all the while i hate to be induced and i hope all goes well for me.
b2b3m4, ya still let jeralad latch on most of the time (both to feed but most of the time jus to let him suckle so that he stop crying) Not tat i spoiling him - sometimes he jus cry non-stop refusing everyting, and everybody!!! He only stops when i held him close to my chest n let him hear my heartbeats or @ nite i hv to offer my breast for him to quickly stop crying!! For feeding, i'll let him suckle till he satisfy then i'll supplement him wif abt 2oz of EBM, otherwise if i bottlefeed him wif EBM, it'll be 3oz.

I'm not sure abt other mum who BF, but seems tat BF baby r very yang o??? Sometimes, he refuse to let others carry him except his mummy??? N he's needs to be carried for a while b4 putting him into cot?? Sometimes if u r lucky, he jus fall asleep on his own, other times...he wakes up the moment u put him down??? Any body got the same experience?

augustmum,b2b3m4, tot i keep my EBM in those KK milk bottles, i nvr keep them for more than 12hrs :p not tat i throw them away...but jus tat my milk supply is sometimes so pathetic
i express every 4/5 hrs sometimes sightly more than 5oz but if i'm tired/sleep...i dun even get 3oz....so my supply is not enough to meet his demand @ times (so when i happened..i've no choice but give a bit of FM)

soyabean, so gd to hear sanrio n Ashrel is alright.

Is induction really necessary...is ur deadline up??? Hopefully ur boy will pop on his own...anyway all the best, do keep us inform of any progress.
hi lyn....
yeah... i thot i beta go for induction cos my edd was yest. and like wat b2b3m4 said abv... not good for bb to stay too long inside beyond edd.

will keep u all updated.
meantime, u all take care! i shall tok to u all when i m back at home.
Don worry too much. Juz remember if u need to go for induction, have lots of rest (i mean sleep) the previous night. Labour for induction is usually longer. I'm a induced baby and it took my mum more than 12h (and imagine i'm not her 1st child) before i'm born.

Your nite feeding schedule is exactly like mine. Last feed at around 1-2am then she will wake up at 5-6am for her next feed again. After which will be at 7am, 8am.... That's when i put her next to me on bed and let her suckle when she wants to. Yah, hubby slept thru the whole thing. Good thing he usually have a habit of working late, so sometimes he help me settle the 2am feed.

Tell me abt needing to be carried all the time. Its the same problem here. Sometimes, i pat my baby till she was in deep sleep, put her down. The moment she realise she is no longer carried, she will start wailing.

Eh, U express every 4-5h?? That's not very good to improve supply. In order to increase supply, muz express every 3h at least. Its actually better to express more frequently for around 15-20min than to express at longer intervals. So far, i express every 2-3h for 15min (sometimes for only 10min) i can only get 2-3 oz. Luckily, enough to get by. But i do admit this is very tiring. My whole day juz involves expressing, feeding and sterilizing. Changing diapers and washing my baby is nothing. I only gives her FM for the last feed of the day. Gives myself a break and hopefully FM can let her sleep longer.
However, my baby's appetitie is increasing and i'm starting to have trouble catching up with my EBM. Now i'm wondering how to EBM when i return back to work.
soyabean, 2day u goin for induction...guess u'll c this msg only when u get back....gd luck.. will pray for a smooth delivery for both u n bb.

b2b3m4,u gal v.kuai leh ....mine hardly sleeps @ nite. He's more puntcual than an alarm clock, wakes up at 1am, 4am, if u lucky 4am last feed than sleep till 9/10am...otherwise after 4am u hv to stay wif him (he'll stay wide awkake) till his 7am feed....each feed is 3oz n takes abt 8-10mins. After tat still hv to burp then carry him till he sleeps.....lucky now i got CL to help out...but my CL leaving in another 5days....

tot i express every 4-5hrs, each time last abt 30-45mins (yet get only 3/4oz - pathetic rite??) I'm thinkin of slowly geting my bb to get used to FM (which i know is no gd for bb) but my office is not Bfing friendly (remember how my boss delay n reject my request for early release as many as 3x!!) if i were to express milk - i hv to go toilet during lunch n do a quick one during tea break. But when i'm stressed out i couldnt express any at all??? So really duno wat to do???
eh lyn_tan
i sometimes also express my milk, also very pathetic leh, u no y anot huh?
i express both breasts 1/2 hour only abit leh..
so sad...
wonder my baby wil b full anot when she drink mine
Hi lyn

are you expressing on top of latching? Then qty quite good what. I get abt 4 - 6 oz only for 4-5 hours only if I dun latch bb on.

Maybe can express during lunch then if qty insufficient then supplement with FM? At least your baby gets some BM as well? I'm planning to do that if my BM qty also not enough when I get back to work. Cannot stop totally coz just invested in Ameda pump so will prob be lugging it to office daily.
Hi lyn,
my girl also wants to be carried b4 she sleep. So tiring hor, ya, sometimes the moment u put her down, she's awake. My ss was also low, so you are not the only one. I mostly pump out at 3hr interval, and ranging from 2-4oz. (like this noon time, i managed to get 4oz, and 3hr later, i only get 2.5oz) Pathetic too right. I tried to be more positive, drink more water etc, hope my ss will increase too. U too

Hi b2b3m4,
we have the same feeding schedule!! and guess wat, we have the same "expressing" schedule too. Hope u dun mind my saying, but its good to know someone is also experiencing the same thing. ur girl also sleep so late? i was thinking of changing her sleep habit, but very difficult leh.

How do you stored in those hospital glass bottle? Do they come with cap? I got those without cap and i used those "wraps" to cover, but afraid may not be fresh.

Hi Hui,
Dun be sad, maybe u try to express when u feel ur breast getting hard, will have more milk then. Or express out at 2/3hrs interval.

Hi all,

Edison has arrived @ 1449hrs yest. 3.24kg. Natural with epi. Soyabean did not induce in the end as contraction and show came at 430am yest morning.
