Mon2nat and gacc,
Come and join us lah!!!! If Nat n Ashrel were to join now, i'm not sure if they can join the intermediate now. Think will be more more for beginners. But if they pick up fast, can be promoted to intermediate in around 6mths. But distance wise, not sure if it is convenient.
So ashrel going back to ala mater. U planning to move??? Otherwise, the distance is scary. U know Prime Gym is just right next to ur pri school, right?
U have a number 4 too???? Pet hamster ah???
Ya, we are at Plaza Singapura that time. Wa, MArk can recognise Ashley. Me ultra blur one. Familiar people stand right in front of me i oso dun realise.
I didn;t prepare ashley for pri one. I just let her be. But it is her pre-school that got me worried. Ashley actually jumped from bed y'day night bcos she realise she haven't finished her homework n the teachers have gave her a warning that she will be punished if she dun get it done!!!! Wa, K2 already so stressful.
ANd she can actually identify the national flower and when we attended one of the National Observance Day, AShley happily pointed n screamed, "the Prime Monster!"
I was telling hubby, luckily we were quite far behind, otherwise we could have been become non residents on the spot.