(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

A's Daddy,
can have great fun using your skills on your son..

Alicia's daddy,

You sound quite 'happening' man
. Got `gong fu'. The topics your kids are learning also quite cheam ;P

Taipei was fantastic esp in terms of family life there
Away fr stresses and strains of SG haha.

I leaving for BKG tmrw nite. Hoping for a smooth trip. One kid is still feverish (langga bacteria) -- been a week liao, groan. Worse come to worse, i will have to pump him with paracetemol prior to clearing customs hurhur. Hand sanitisers on standby too...
Thanks Mom2nat.
It's Bangkok. Hubby jus came back with kid from KK hospital where he took a second blood test. Luckily it seems tht his bacteria is gone and he doesn't need a second dose of antibiotics yeah!!
hahaha...I am not so 'happening' lar. Those skills are part of my national service training
My life is on my family, my career, and my car, like any Singaporeans. The topics that the kids learnt about were general knowledge, which I find it interesting too. Something away from the mainstream syllables. Hope you enjoy your BKK trip

Wait till Adrian is older, will send him to TKD, maybe.
Hi Alicia's Daddy,

Happy Father's day! I see...
. Guess i said "cheam" coz when i try to broach these topics with my 5 year old, i can't really tell if he really gets it or not. But you are right. Got to start somewhere, step by step
Sometimes even when they seem to not listen, they will surprise you later with their knowledge coz we planted the seed rt.

Here's a px of my kids having fun at Bangkok airport (when they're not fighting haha). Had a good time even though kids'viral fever continued on and off
. Best part was spending quality time with them lor. Even though mummy (as expected) did not get to shop much (actually i just bought 2 small items for myself, excluding gifts. Pathetic considering all that shopping there!). Cheers!

Wising all daddies a happy fathers' day

Looks like the BKK trip was fun. What's the name of your 2 kids? They are lovely.
You are right abt the quality time. Family trip is all about spending quality time together

Hope the virus goes away quickly.

We went to Malacca A Farmosa sometime last year when Alicia was down with fever too. Spend most time in the hotel, but it was fun driving up and spending time together as a family.

More pics
Happy Father's Day to our 1 active daddy here! Hoho...

Hee.. your kids look so happy teasing each other.

1 more week of sch hols, time really flies... I still tot can pack lots of activites, but end up so many things undone!
Thanks! The kids gave me a home made book mark. Alicia said if I cannot finish the newspaper, I can use it to mark the page..hahaha..

We watched Monsters and Aliens on Sat. Good and funny show. Like it. Yeah man, 1 more week. Gonna take 2 days child care leaves this week
i was an ex-student n in d alumni too. but pei chun is far fr my place so still considering. yes i must agree now K1 syllabus is quite tough compared to last tx. my son has to write difficult chinese words n him being a left-handed, his strokes alwy go d opposite way. he is doing chinese enrichment class now else if he goes either to pei chun or pei hwa, both schools hv high chinese standard, hope he can cope.
ur kids age gap is 1 yr apart?

tot of but still thinking. wonder whether big boss wld take me bk :p yup heard abt d clustering issue. reason of gg bk to work: somtx has phobia of being a sahm, 5 yrs already..
where is ashley learning gymnastics? i was a gymnast n i love it but i had lots of old injuries. gymnastics is relaly fun but if competitive level, is tough. oso cant remb which doctor told me, d stomping wld hinder height growth. but i m sure my boy wld love gumnastics, he is like a monkey, jumping ard all d tx.
my piano is like a white elephant at hm now. hardly play these days n my skills all rusty. so hoping ash n/or cher wld learn piano loh.

dun noe leh, 'a break fr the kids'?? me lousy mommy to hv such tot. yes tot of swimming lesson but i enquired w d coach at d pool opposite my place, they only accept 6 yrs old n above.

A's dad,
before cher came along, we drove to Malacca once n ash was down with very high fever n we panic n cant wait to quickly come bk.
hope d h1n1 quickly settled else my hb not keen to go overseas for now. he said why risk since we hv 2 kids somemore...
I used to be quite open. But these days with all those stories abt cyber identity theft and stalkers, i'm not entirely comfortable with revealing too much personal info on an open forum. But i'm quite active on Facebook (can set privacy settings better). So PM me if you have an account!

Anyway, my son LOVES Ben 10. It all started with a Nintendo set Granny bought. I bought the game cartridge though... Bit violent, but i think everyone is entitled to their passion! So i jus control the amount of time he spends (weekends only) and try to tap on that. (Going over Ben 10 comic books with him, getting him to read here and there).

It's a 2.5 year gap for my kids.

They are very close and loving. But fight a lot too. Gal is hot-tempered. The Thais were laughing at them fighting haha.

Are you guys from the civil service? I used to be work for the 'gahmen'.;P

My kid is not a leftie but he still reverses his letters and numbers occasionally. At first i worried dat he is dyslexic. But as he seems to be improving on his reading/writing otherwise, i shud think he'll grow out of it. I put my gal in Chinese enrichment class. Find it hard to teach her cold on my own. She will say "busy", "don't want", "stop"!!!!
Alicia's daddy,
Isnt great when your kids are finally old enof to stay still long enof in a cinema to watch a movie?
I took them to Madagascar 2. Planning to bring them to Night at Museum 2 when in opens in July!
Did you travel by SQ to BKK? They have Ben10 activities pack for children
Couple of us are in FB.

With the increasing nbr of H1N1 cases, maybe defer travelling for a while, probably until the vaccine is readily available (in another 1-2 months time bah)
Hi Alicia's dad,
We took Tiger Airways, cheapest.

Hi Sanrio,
Ya. My kids quarantined from childcare for 7 days after return from Bangkok. Best not to travel for now.(Though of coz the kids are enjoying themselves very much to b at home ;P)

Thanks for your mail for FB. Nice to 'meet' the both of you haha!!
ha, ashley's gym is right next to pei chun!!! Think it will be too far for u. It will be a good idea for ashrel to join, lots of jumping and not to mention injuries.
Not much changes so far, they have pulled CEs from clinics to do your kind of work now. U shld try sounding out your ex-boss, u have his e mail, right?

Ah!!!!! which part of my conversation sounds like i am a CS? Not a CSC holder but my pay comes from gahmen.
Thanks! I can't wait for the kids to go back to school, to cut down their TV time..hahaha

OIC. Anyway, SQ seems to have slacken on their in flight service (for children). They used to give out kids goodies bag previously, but in my last flight to HK, I have to ask for it

That means I am paying for your pay...hahaha...cos I pay income tax
Haha!! U dont sound like a CS, watever dat means (these days, CS less terrok)... Thot somebody mentioned MOH? Maybe i read wrongly, a lot of posts and i only jus joined, heehee.

A's dad,
Last nite I played Nite at the Museum (the original) video after dinner for the kids. They enjoyed it, esp my boy. But after that they both had nitemares in their sleep! Guess it's all the beasts and warriors in the show ;P

I quite worn out pandering to the 2 brats since they have been on home quarantine on Monday. Trying not to fall back on TV (except for Ben 10 at 7 pm on TV ;P, and video for my gal when i get the older one to do homework)

Hmm... wonder wat to do dis weekend.... But have to avoid too crowded places like ball room and playground with all this H1N1 going round...
I have not watch Nite at the Musuem before. Horror movies? I prefer war movies (I watched Black Hawk Down for 4X...hahaha), and animation

Maybe bring them to the beach or park? Open air

Bboomer71, TTL,
Thanks for the links. Great links!

I totally agree! Does not help that mummy here also trying to avoid the sun (photo-aging!) The last time i did a 'trek' at Bukit Timah nature reserve, my son asked loudly for air-con. So embarassing... In Taipei (family based there for 2 years), weekends are commonly spent going trekking up hills and moutains.
Hahahah.. I oso avoid the sun! I will hold an umbrella or hide in a shade, and oso take something to fan myself! So auntie hor! HOHO...

Heee.. gg shopping centres ah.. me guilty of it!
When my dd was sick, doctor also advised against going aircon places as that's where most easy to catch virus, what more during this H1N1 period. Go to the beach and breathe in the fresh air, apprarently children with asthma encouraged to do that, something about the free ions
I went to a doc tat day. He gave me 2 disposible masks. Told me when go shopping wear tat, then I will find everyone shoo away from me immediately, can shop and pay peacefully! hahaha... Regreted I din use it when I went to Robinsons expo sale!
Ha ha, that's a great shopping tool,never thought of that. With h1n1 going around, people will definitely avoid u like a plaque.
thanks for the link

Unfortunately, the best thing about the shopping centre is that you can carry the kids (when they refuse to walk) without sweat. Imagine have to carry them when you are on a trail..hahaha...

We went to the zoo again last thursday, and the kids participated in the zoolympics. Was fun

If you need more masks, I have

Bring along a pack of ice and a battery operated fan, it works like aircon..hahaha...Can use sun tan lotion for protection
U v lucky Last min still can find such a good looking cake

Chen Chen likes to play wif computer, cell phone,GPS, ... all the electronical stuff V boy's interest

Did your kids attend school in Taipei?
Education std in Singapore is v high N the way the kids learn to solve prob in school now is v diff fm wat we did, esp Maths
My neighbour (snr couples whose wife is a Taiwanese) go trekking up hills and moutains every morning when they stay in Taiwan

Alicia's daddy
My plc oso banned swimming lessons during wk end coz residents complained. More crowd during wk end
Air stewardess din give both my kids anything when we took the night flight back fm Sydney Worse, the air stewardess even say no need to give Png Png food since he was sleeping Hey! I pd for the food in his air ticket!!
I haven't been to the zoo since the last time I joined your family

Bet u miss your lovely kids if u were to go back to work
Chen Chen and Ash shake hands. Both enjoy jumping
Dunno when the h1n1 will b over sigh................
I thot writting in mirror image is prob wif left hander but my hubby said his colleagues' kids who r right hander oso write in mirror image

bboomer71, Mom2nat
I oso stay away fm the sun. My ex mgr said I m putree lily -> I made of candle, melt under the sun
Most kids like gadget cos they r curious abt it. Apparently they learn faster than adults.
I think it really depends on the initiatives of the air steward/stewardess, but recently, I noticed they are lacking in this (for the kids). Maybe to save cost??? hahaha...you should tell them you would like to Ta Pao
Wah, that is a very long time ago since you went to the zoo.
Hi hi... I'd like to check. Vane got one shaking tooth, do you guys think that it's necc to bring her to see dentist or just let it drop?
according to my neighbour,
it's not necessary to go dentist,
unless it's painful.
Or you can use the good old "thread tie behind door" method.
Guess what, Sarah's 2 bottom incisors dropped 2-3 months ago, and permanent teeth have started to come in already. And
i thought that Ben had knocked her teeth out!
Hi Koala,
Yes, my kids attended preschool in Taipei. The school provided a very loving environment. I sense that here is more focused on academic work. Benefit i guess was that my older kid comfy speaking Mandarin.
Anyway, after 6 mths of drilling in worksheets etc. in school here, my kid is getting the hang of things lah.

So early change teeth already? Hmm...

You guys met? Wud b nice to put a face to the names.
But venue preferably no sun hurhur!
TLL, hahaha... I dun dare to use your mtd lah.

PVL, Sarah's teeth dropped so early??? I thot they only drop when they 6yrs old leh. Ben so rough meh??? Hehehe... How you coping with 3 kids alone?

bboomer71, welcome! Ya, I thot it's early that they started to change teeth now too. I met most of the mummies and daddy here.
If you realise, this thread can be quite dead sometimes. Last time was buzzling... now everyone dunno go where liao. Most of us have met b4. Once in a while we meet, but usually too lazy to organise.. you wan to? Hee...

Giggler/ PVL
Ay, I oso keen to know how you cope with 3 leh. I can't even cope with 2 tog. No helper, i peng san.
Actually this thread not too bad. Think it is normal that pple come and go. At least, some of us will write in once in a while. Still moving... Many of the threads on this forum look lagi dead haha. Everyone is so busy -- hey, we are the pple with young kids! I also jus started my part-time job. Spending free time catching up on reading in the field. So dont think i will initiate to organise for now ;P. Maybe at later date! Hope you guys still chatting here then

On Maths... hmm... am thinking of putting my kid in Kumon nex year. Think good to train him in independent learning
As for the new method of Maths eg. number bonds, box diagrams... actually i feel that it makes more sense than teaching algebra etc. like how we did it. Just buy some assessment books with model answers or research on mummy fora, can get hang of it -- for dose parents who need help
. Ya, but overall, you and i also know that stds are crazy high and jus too much focus on grades. But wat to do? We Singaporeans, have to hurry hurry, adapt to change and stress, sigh...
Hehehe, coping with 3 is not easy. I just live day to day. Try to keep them to a schedule, especially the older 2. I have a PT helper who comes fortnightly to dust and do major cleaning. I've recently bought 2 house cleaning robots to help me with the floors. I drag all 3 along to the market with me once a week. My parents help out with Ben when I bring Sarah to gymnastics on Tuesdays, but on Fridays, I drag all 3 along too. Hubby helps to bath the kids when he comes home from work so that I can complete the dinner cooking. I do ironing after they sleep.
Got the idea??

Hi Priviledged,
Being a SAHM is not easy. I was one for 2 years. Now i still see my main job to be as a mother. There are highs and lows. Ultimately we women must also love ourselves as no.1.
Btw, wat are hse cleaning robots?! Got such thing meh?
