(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

You all post pic, I also wanna post.

schbus more convenient for me, heehee, just bring them down to lobby... and I get 3hrs FREEEEEEE!!! Daily! WHEEEE!!! LOL!
I have not tried those fish balls for ages since I do not like driving via Yong Peng now (prefer longer but less traffic route). I guess you are right, nothing special

Difficult to tell you the way since I drive "by instinct" too, at times..hahaha...Maybe we can plan a joint drive-up north someday- Kuantan??

hahahahaha....I keep laughing at your comment
True true, ppl say Adrian looks more like mummy, while Alicia like a "photo-copy" of me...hahahaha...Ppl say we feed all the good stuffs to #1, leaving the "not-so-good" for #2. We are giving Adrian more "all-fats" stuff now

Received your PM. Thanks. Will go "look look see see" later. That's very fast for reading, impressed

Can, come come- let your ma ma gives some cooking tip

RE: July Gathering
Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : 2-5pm
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Pigletz + hubby + 2 kids
2. Brenda + hubby + 2 kids (please come hor-
3. Sanrio + hubby + 2 kids
4. Ruffy + hubby + 2 kids
5. Stressma +
6. Hazey- tentative
7. mom2nat + hubby + 2 kids
8. coolmama +
9. Koala + hubby + 2 kids
10.Val + mama + maid + 2 kids?

Anyone I missed out??
Where is your boys photo? I believe they are also like us, grow up liao.

Gavin can sit still abt 70% of the time bah. haha, he watch the cartoon, play with the player and sleep. The other 30% of the time, I let him play with cars, stickers or entertain him myself lor.

If you are worry that Kayden can't sit for long, try a shorter trip 1st like to Malacca.
Wah, everyone posted such nice photos!!

Din realise your 2 Gs so big liao!!! And Gareth is so smiley, v tall leh, like your hb I think.

Vernice is so chubby! She has such a lovey dovey face! Can make frens with Elliot??
Oh, I can see you are spending on dressing her up liao. Tat's one of the joys of having a girl.

A's daddy
Adrian is getting more handsome. His eyes bigger and rounder than jie jie hor.

I can't access your website to see the artwork.

Which sch Athena gg to? Gg to be classmates with Nat?
A's dad
Pls count us in for the gathering
Absolut + hubby + 2 toddlers and 1 baby

Here's Nat's pics where he first came home from the hospital

haha, think i long time never post their pics liao. Nat also grown up liao.

Ya, Gareth always got nice smiles.

The pic can't see ur tummy leh. How big liao?
Adan really to be big kor kor already?

Nat's pic makes me misses newborn baby leh. hehe
If u go to my FB, I have some pics of the baby shower where u can see my tummy...my tummy is 44 inches now!
Who ever still remember how bb Randall look like, will definately say that Vernice resemble him.

Think partly "eyes no good". See what also wanna buy. Haha... Especially many ppl say that she looks like boy, I bought quite a few clips when her hair is so pathetic. LOL~ But now, the clips are so good. Can even clip when is almost "hairless"
Aiya, baby girls are always mistaken as boys. But the clips these days are so cute hor. I oso can't resist, always buy for Nat. But now I try not to buy so much clothes for Nat liao lor. Elliot more deprived, usually his clothes are gifts or I only bought a few pieces. Though I din let him wear Nat's pink ones... my neighbour let her boy wear the pink pink stuffs. Hee...
pigletz, same here leh.... really miss those new born pic hor?

Val, Vernice really look like boy cos she looks like kor kor.

gacc, Cherelle has chubby face.
haha tempted but no courage to face another newborn boy. hahahaha

I think we just live with the craving bah. haha

Is it? Help me to talk to her okay. She very depress. *sigh*
in the thread there are a few moms to be who are going thru same thing and also experiencing negative feedback from gynae, so think she has kaki to talk to/share....so probably good lor.
Hope so lor.

She's not coming to office to work nowadays. We forbid her to. Ask her to work from home and rest as much as possible.

If possible, talk to her to go visit your gynae bah. I told her the other day, but she like don't know to go or not to go.

And today, she got appt at KKH under the twin clinic. Hope that they don't give her negative feedback again.
pigletz, hope your fren got better with her preg. Guess it's tough to be preg and even tougher to be preg with twins?

Ava, couldnt see your BIG tummy from the pic you post.
You have me on FB right? loook at my Baby Shower pics

Yeah I did ask her to go see....well, hope she will.
Yes you are on my FB lah! I checked already! That's where I saw your company name. Company = LM? or you changed that already?
A's dad, oh ya... I wanted to reply you but keep forgetting. Vane wont retaliate when didi hit her lah. She's not supposed to... hehehe... That why I got to play my part to protect her from didi lah.
It's amazing hor??? 5 long yrs liao... hehehe...

A's dad, do you have keyboard/piano at home? I dun have leh...

PVL, you have any cheap lobang to get keyboard? Just started Vane with music lesson in Yamaha, didnt want to invest in piano yet. But at least shd have a keyboard for her to practise at home rite?
hehe.. 5 years liao. ok... if we can last till 10 years, we must have big celebration. :p

A's dad, think I can't make it for the gathering. So sad. My hb can't make it & I won't have a maid at that time coz new maid won't be in yet. So, have to skip it.
Ohhh, that was you. I have been away in Cameron Highlands. Switched off my hp most of the time. Sorry. I didn't pay any deposits to the swim school. So I shall not be seeing you anymore then? Hope your Ath enjoys the new coach.

I was just in Camerons. Their steamboat has fishballs mah. No need to da bao leh. We stopped over at Holiday Inn Glenmarie, near Shah Alam. Very easy access from the highways. Really quiet and peaceful. Comfy rooms.

Wow, your boy is really a genius!

You can get a decent keyboard from places like Carrefour.
A's dad, add me in again. Pigletz volunteered to fetch me there... reassuring me that my sons will behave. ahahaa... well, we'll see. At most I will drag them back in a cab to bring home for punishment. Let u know again if Pigletz backs out from her plan. :p
Yes, we drove up. Easier lah, with your own car. Can pack along anything you want, and can buy lots of stuff. Hehehehe. But very tiring lah. Today, I'm still trying to recover. Ben had fever on the way back, and was quite high, so after we got home, on Sat night, I brought him to KKH. Stayed there til 2+am trying to get him to pee to test for UTI. In the end, he only managed to pee into the bag yesterday, so brought sample back to KK, and tested negative. Just a viral fever. So exhuasted. This pregnancy has been very tiring for me too, more so than both Sarah and Ben's. Must be my age catching up on me.
great to know what you are coping well with 2 + being pregnant. I don't think I will be able to cope with my two hyper boys.
Why do you say Ryan's a genius? More a DEVIL then anything.
Mom2Nat, what class did you sign Nat up recently?

PVL, thanks for the info
Do you know how many keys shd I buy? 61/76/81? Is Casio gd enuf? Are you getting helper soon? Dun tire yourself out. You having bad MS this time round?

Ava,your tummy really BIG!!! When are you due?
I think for starters, just get the keyboard with as many keys as you can afford. At least 65 - 70 keys (5 octaves or more) if possible. Casio is fine.

I won't be getting a full-time maid. My hb cannot get a maid cos long ago, my MIL hired some maids to help her with her cafeteria business under his name and his cousin's names, and then they schemed against her and got her into trouble. The end result was that my hb and his cousin are blackmarked with the MOM and cannot hire maids. I'm not working, so cannot also. Anyway we don't want a maid in our house. I'll just stick with my PT helper. She's really good..

I think my tummy will probably be as big as yours even though I'm just expecting a singleton. It's so bloated now and I think I look like I'm already about 6 months though I'm just 10 wks.
Ava, heehee... at 38weeks, they'll have gd wt?

PVL, you sure your tummy looks so big like 6mths liao??? Mine still ok, looks fat but def not as big as 6mths. Haahaha...
37/38 weeks considered full term already. And twins mature about 2 weeks ahead of singletons...dunno why...my friend's twins were 3.2 and 3.4 kg at 37 weeks!

Are you expecting no 3? did i miss something?
Yeah, Adrian's eyes bigger than jie-jie. Alicia got those mi-mi eyes. No prob abt the gathering. Can meet up some other time. Alicia also started her Yamaha junior music class last Sat. Adrian started his ZP playgrp yesterday

Good, good. Thanks Pigletz
If our kiddoes get naughty, you can use my home as the "naughty corner" ..hahaha...Soooo...Pigletz, you must come hor

Wow, twins inside that tummy, unbelievable, amazing

Forget if I have answered your qn...Oops.
Anyway, my cousin brought her Yamaha keyboard to my home yesterday for Alicia. Alicia tried her high sound and low sound again
I have to put the keyboard (with stand and chair) to the master bedroom because Adrian became interested in "breaking" it...hahahaha...

RE: July Gathering
Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : 2-5pm
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Pigletz + hubby + 2 kids
2. Brenda + hubby + 2 kids (please come hor- )
3. Sanrio + hubby + 2 kids
4. Ruffy + hubby + 2 kids
5. Stressma +
6. Hazey- tentative
7. coolmama +
8. Koala + hubby + 2 kids
9.Val + mama + maid + 2 kids
10.Absolute + hb +2 kids + 1bb
11.Emily + 2 kids
Anyone I missed out??

A's Dad, I can't make it cos classes all the way at opposite end of island fr u... everyone will balek kampong by the time I make it. Thx again for the invit!

PVL, yah withdrawn.
