(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Yes, I'm back, but soooo tired. Plus today I had to run so many errands. Went to IT show to buy a new computer, cut hair etc etc. Shack.

Didn't deliberately wake up early but tend to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and have difficulty falling asleep til couple of hours later. Maybe it's the body preparing for less sleep.

Anyway, already 3cm dilated and will be going in later this morning to be induced. Sure hoping that contractions will start on their own without being induced. Fingers crossed.

Skyblue, thanks!
Alicia's daddy
thx for offering such a cozy nursing rm
Wow Alicia yao pi ku dance

Alicia's daddy, coolmama
Chen Chen learn to sing canto song by listening to cd. But we can't catch wat he sings
when he sings wif the cd on then we get it

Does your milk bag come wif zig lock?

Congrats! Do u know the gender?

Gd to hear dat Ash's surgery went well


I start to drop hair My bb 3 mths
U fired your hubby ah?

smooth delivery
hi all...
thanks for your well wishes...

it's been nearly a week since baby evelyn has popped.

my labour was a pretty short one. i went for my checkup last mon, and cldnt leave after that cos my gynae found me to be 4-5cm dilated already without feeling any contractions. i was sent down to the labour ward immed at abt 3pm. waterbag was broken at 3.30pm and epidural administered at 4pm. asked for low dosage so i cld still feel contractions thru-out but they werent painful to me.

at 5plus, still 6cm dilated. gynae came at 610pm and found me to be 6cm dilated still. she then decided she will go home (she stays near) and take quick dinner and then come back. who knows... at 630 i had the urge to push already. nurse checked and it was 9cm. she quickly called gynae, who in fact hasnt even reached home. gynae came at 650pm and evelyn was out in a few pushes at 657pm.

imagine if i had been at home when all these happen, i wld never hv made it down to the hosp in time.

i'm now busy wif bfg. still trying to get her to latch correctly. she is jaundiced so she doesnt wake up alot to feed. so i pump to stimulate the ss. but sad to say, i may hv overdone it. cos of the latching and pumping, i'm getting engorged every 2 hrs. my breasts keep leaking so i hv no choice but to pump constantly.
PVL, you very gd leh... I can never do so many things with 2 kids on my own.

Absolut, how? How? Baby in your arms liao?

Soyabean, wow... Envy you with your gd ss of bm.
No need committee meeting..hahaha..

I will probably get the books from Yamaha tomorrow.

. Best wishes!

No prob. Alicia likes to do that boogie boogie type of dance. Chen plays the CD himself?

If our gynae would have been more careful in checking the dilation (is there such a word??) during the check-up, Adrian would have been delivered in TMC rather than at home

Happy birthday to Adan
Happy Birthday to Adan

Ava, cant see your big tummy from the pic

A's dad, most prob I'll get the books tonite. Do you have piano/keyboard at home for Alicia to practise? Thanks to your gynae that you had such a unforgetable experience.

Happy Birthday to all the 4-year-olds here!
We brought Sarah to the Museum for her birthday. She thoroughly enjoyed it.


A's Dad,
Didn't the gynae do a check? Was your wife nearly due when she delivered? Usually they will check from around Wk 37-38.
But maybe your wife's was a case of precipitous labour. Very quick one. No warning. Dilation occurs really fast.
We do not have a piano or a proper keyboard at home. My cousin has one though. She told me that she can pass it to Alicia if needed to. Yeah lor, thanks to our gynae

From what my wife and me remembered, she did not check that day (or maybe she did??). It was at 37wk, and we remembered vividly that she asked at which week was Alicia delivered (Alicia was delivered by her as well) after the scan, so we said 38wk. She replied that Adrian would be around the same, so arranged for us to come back in a week's time. Adrian cannot wait for a week, and decided to come out around 14 hrs later, at home
Hi there

Thanks for your well wishes. Nathaniel and I were discharged yesterday. Thankfully, Nat didn't have to extend his stay unlike his siblings due to jaundice. Will be bringing him to the PD for checkup tomorrow.

Birth process was quite fast considering it was an inducement. Went into hospital at abt 845am. gynae came at abt 9am to induce and Nathaniel was born at 11am. Only used oxygen mask this time round
But really dun think I'd want to go thru delivery ever again. Three times is more than enough for me.

Had a sleepless nite yesterday coz Nat was constantly feeding from 4pm all the way to 4plus am. Think milk ss was still not in yet so it was practically 30mins - 1 hour before he wanted to feed again. He's sleeping better today and hopefully it'll be better tonite.

Gonna take a rest now coz back is hurting from all the feeding and walking yesterday.
Congrats soyabean and absolut! So nice to hear from you girl even though u must all be so busy now with the newborns.

Happy Birthday to all 4 yr olds. Hope you all had a lovely time.

We celebrated Elijah (#2) birthday yesterday. Don't know why but Ethan had fever from Monday night.... could it be anixety or seeking attention from his bro? Whatever it is, he is still down with fever only at home today. Elijah doesn't seem to know that it is his birthday. When we asked whose birthday it was, he just kept telling us it is Ethan's birthday. ahhaaa... so guess he didn't feel too deprived as well. :p
Hi all

Congrats soyabean and Absolut!

Here's recent pics of Alicia, Nigel and Ethan. Ethan was born on 27th May. He is drinking a lot and gaining weight fast. Absolut, i agree with u....three is definitely enough for me! Notice we have less time to post around here..
Pringles, you've given birth too!!! Congrats!!! So nice to see nb pic again.
Alicia is a pretty lady now leh. And Nigel looks like his jie jie hor?
so nice to c d pic of ur 3 kids. u mus b busy. alicia has grown so pretty. nigel looks tall n look like d jiejie. does ethan look like u?
absolut, soyabean, pringles,

Alicia is indeed very pretty now
N nigel looks so much like her last time. Can't tell who Ethan resembles. How r u coping with 3? I dun tink i'll have the courage to have 3. I'll lose my sanity.
Wow! Congrats Pringles!!
I absolutely agree with the rest - Alicia has grown into a very sweet & pretty girl - love her eyes (has been a lone time since we saw a posting of her pic) and Nigel looks so much like Alicia!! It's amazing!
Baby Ethan looks so cute too. I miss newborns. I can't imagine how you cope as a stay at home mum. Do you get any help at all??
CONGRATS!!!! Alicia is really pretty!! Nigel will be a heartbreaker. And Ethan looks so big already! WELL DONE! Yup. I think that 3 is quite enough for me too (BTW, I'm approaching my 8th week now
). How do you cope? Do you have a domestic helper? I'm just wondering how I shall do my marketing with 3. Hmmmmm.
PVL, CONGRATS!!! That's what you've been wanting rite? No.3!!!

Those who have or having no.3, what makes you gals want to have no.3?
COngrats!!!! EDD around Jan?? Means can still make it for the Year of the Rat?

How r u coping??? 3 kids all wif u now while u r in are in confinement??
Hee, hee.. i have decided to be super mum n go all the way with no CL or maid.. Ashley n CHloe will continue w CC. Haven't decided to whether to take extended maternity leave for 6 mths or the normal 3 mths n sent the NB to infant care.
Thinking of catering confinement food during confinement period...

Anyone has suggestions for catering of confinement food. Otherwise may go back to my usual sandwiches n noodles... Hee, hee.. as usual i am the mum who break all rules!!!
Thanks thanks to all.

EDD is on my birthday! 31 Jan. After CNY. Haiyah, another CNY bb!
You still have no maid? Given up on maids?
When I had Ben, it was also CNY. I catered confinement food from Natal Essentials. Enjoyed it very much. Will probably do the same this time. It's expensive but still less than having a CL, esp around CNY. Why don't you do some trial meals of the different confinement food caterers around? Then you can select the food that best suits your palate. Most of them post their menus online. The major caterers that I know of are Natal Essentials, New Baby and Neo Garden. There may be others around. Can do a search to fine out.
Thank you ladies..for all the well wishes. Our kids really grow up so quickly and it keeps reminding me of my own age too!

When are you posting your kids' photos too? Ya, it seems people are telling me Ethan resembles me more than the first two. He looks different from them.

Skyblue and Giggler
I didn't plan for this child. It came as a surprise. But i realised from this how fertile you can get after having 2:p So that's the story lor...but i'm definitely stopping at 3.

B2 and PVL
Congrats to you too! Seems like all those with no. 3 kept really secretive like me..
I guess we were mentally preparing ourselves to face up to the challenge of a third child?

I do have the help of my cf lady, same one who helped me out with Nigel last time round. She's really like a mother to me and takes care of everything coz its school hols and i have all the kids at home so i need her help. She cooks superb and lets me and hubby bring the older 2 kids out during confinement. To be frank, my confinement is like a vacation coz i've been going out every other day. I won't have such liberty any more after cf lady leaves and hubby returns to work. I also gotta take care of my mom who is very ill. So i needed all the help i can get.

Next time we gotta refer to our sons as your Ethan and my Ethan liao....duh

I think its possible to cope with no.3 if chloe and ashley are in cc. I know of another mom who did it without maid as well. But truly need alot of courage to do it. And you must try not to neglect your own health too. Also gotta have your hubby's cooperation. Last but not least, must also not neglect your spouse

I'm also scratching my head how you gonna do marketing with 3 kids. I plan to do marketing after i send Alicia to school and leave my boys with maid at home for awhile. But without a helper, i suppose you can do it on weekends when your hubby is around?

I really gotta go....
PVL Congrats :0
shopping with 3(when we get to that stage) .. I think would not be much of an issue with me .. coz #1 and #2 will be schooling then only #3 at home( or just throw all 3 into the shopping cart at the supermarket )..sure can manage.. only chaos at night when everyone returns.

Once you have 2 you will think of 3
B2, guess it'll be very tough to take care of 3 w/o helper and you gg to work somemore??? You very gung ho leh. Hehehe

PVL, hahhaha... So qiao that you'll have another CNY bb. You like NE cf food? Think Neo Gdn no longer provides cf catering liao.

Pringles, yaya, you really very secretive leh. Only announced and showed us Ethan's pic after you gave birth.
Are you gg for ligation to stop at 3?

Ruffy, thanks for your reply...
only you reply me abt having no. 3 leh. So you planning for no.3 soon?
so u have tried catered confinement.. I have checked some of their menus... but a bit worried. I am a no offal person.. then i see all these liver, kidney dishes.. make me all squirmish.. Dunno if can just have normal lean meat?
Maids??!!!! Long given up on them. The last Indo maid of more than 6 mths ran away to agency bcos i scolded her for her mistake.
Then came a Fili who whole day stand around n do nothing even after showing her n telling her wat to do. When i left her at home to get the chores done, she just lie in her room to read magazine.
The only task she did right when i am not around is to cook her meals.
Ended wif these maids, i wasted more $$ replacing all the stuff they broke, do the chores myself, n all kek sim. Not worth loh.. ended i more busy.. LAst time, i need to wake up early to cook chloe's meal for the whole day n put in the thermos. the maid can't even perform simple task, how to entrust her to cook for chloe. Then hubby will sent them all the way to my mum's place...
Now so easy, just drop chloe n ashley at CC. No time to make breakfast, they can eat there too.
Also, no maid to keep patting chloe to sleep in the day time (or she was simply bored to death??). She sleeps on the dot at 10pm. Previously, chloe will be playing till 12 midnite n still wide awake.. Poor mummy will need to take care of her while maid happily sleeping away...

Wa... confinement is like vacation.. That's sounds like a great luxury. Working is vacation to me.. i always feel more tired after the weekends, all the kids chasing, housework n all.

Hey, your mum ok?? she's staying wif u now.. That is indeed a big toll on u wif the 3 kids.
U mean u can put the kids in the trolley wif no probleM???
Aiyoh, i have lots of problem now wif 2.. Chloe will insist to sit together wif all the veges n toufu n she will play wif it until the vege like half dead when reached home, the noodles becomes chips n the chicken bruised.
Sometimes, i just take a basket. Aiyoh, when i am choosing the meat or vege.. the next thing i realise, chloe n ashley will be patting the tubes of toufu.. or i will suddenly have 4 packets of carrots or 10 oranges in my baskets.. n ashley will insist that i buy the peeled garlic bcos it looked so much like fish balls.
The next thing i know they will chatting up wif the auntie at the seafood counter, touching n playing wif the fish... n then the packets n packets of bsicuits n sweets for no reason will be in there too!!!!
Arrggghhh.... its just madness!!!!
pringles, you must take care of yourself.
What happened to your mom?

B2, you sound happier now w/o a maid.
Your gals wont want to be in the trolley while you do marketing? So you having boy/gal for no.3?
Hahaha, your description of Chloe and the groceries made me laugh. So funny! So far Sarah has been really good at the supermarket. She doesn't play with my shopping. Only once did she take a loaf of bread and put it in. Didn't realise until I got home. She was only being helpful. But I already had an extra loaf at home.
I usually do my marketing on a weekday morning. I'm planning to homeschool Sarah and Ben, so they'll be with me. I'll probably just bring the double pram and do my marketing in the morning, and then go to the supermarket on an evening. Or else I'll do all my shopping at Giant. See how lah. Have to think about the logistics further.

Regarding spare parts in the confinement food, I too am not a fan of innards. But the pigs stomach soup was really good. The kidneys were quite nice too though I don't normally fancy them. You can actually ask the caterer to change the dish for you. They will substitute with something else. I didn't want the frogs legs, so they gave me other stuff in its place. I remember there was black pepper pork chops, sweet sour pork etc to replace the frogs legs.
sure have problem.. but if you keep their mouth and hands occupied they will lay off the food in the cart. and if I need to buy eggs or fragile stuff will only take one of them.
To keep them in the cart..bring them to the sweet department( normally will choose ribena pastiles) then let them open the box and eat it happily in the cart.. and then slowly get them to load up the cart as we pass by the different alleys. I also get them to unload the trolley at the cashier and replace the groceries back into the trolley again. It beats running after both of them while doing the grocery shopping.
Grocery talk-
can I join in? Hehe, the other time I loaded both kids in supermart trolley. Girl in front, Boy at back. Happily shopping away... til I noticed another family smiling at my Ahboy. I happily carry on, thinking, "hehe yahhh... my Ahboy is cute hor?". :p

Then stopped and thought, "Eh, can't be THAT cute?!". Quickly check Ahboy- aiyoh, he ripped the fishcake out of the clingwrap packaging- each hand hold a SLAB OF FISHCAKE. Luckily haven't CHOMP on it yet!
my not-very-rational-rationale for no #3 at the moment:
I'm very happy with my #1. She's got a wonderful temperament and disposition and attitude.
Of course I love my #2, though he's clearly of a more challenging temperament... but he knows how to win my heart lah, haha.

So I think, if I have a #3, I will pengsan if turn out like #2... I cannot deal with TWO #2s. And if turn out like #1, hmm, I already have one like that, dun need a clone mah. I'm not very knowledgable abt kids, my exposure is limited to my #1 and #2... so I can't quite fathom the idea of a completely different #3. So I guess am not ready for #3 lor.

Maybe yrs down the road, if fertility is not an issue... :p
pawprint, hahaha... your rationale for #3 really not-very-rationale. LOL.... But I understand what you mean leh... hehehe... Guess I also dun understand the reason of having #3.
A's dad
Hi I think I will be giving the pizza gathering a miss cos I won't be in any shape to manage adan while he messes about with cooking stuff! Post pics!!
Mom2Nat, I like Nat's dimple, very pretty gal leh.
Cant tell that Elliot looks like jie jie from the pic leh. How many mths is Elliot now?
Mom2Nat, Sherwin is 16th mth liao. Time flies hor? He fights for things with Vane now. Poor Vane, always lose out to didi.
