(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Can share more details abt your PT help. I'm considering getting one.. esp after i delivered my 3rd one.. think i will be in deep trouble by then.

My PT help is all busy with Punggol clients. Sorry lah. She charges $50 for 4+ hours work, but sometimes if she feels there is too much to do, she'll just give more and won't take money. She's quite automatic. She'll look around the house for dirty/dusty spots, and clean them. She cleans my kitchen walls and window extra cos of the grease. I found her by responding to a flyer she distributed when we first moved in. She's local chinese, and Christian, so we often have things to share
. Ask around lah. I'm sure you can find one. When are you due?
Ava, your fren's twins got very gd wt hor? Ya, I'm expecting no. 3

B2, when are you due? Chloe is alot more active than Ashley hor? Hehehe....
Pigletz, thanks
I got newborn to see and carry next Jan.

Ava, hehehe... I just told you the news mah. Think abt 10weeks liao ba, haven seen any gynae yet. May change my gynae cos my current co's maternity package not as gd as prev one. Also, think my gynae is over-priced.
pigletz, ya, another CNY bb... I also had cf food during CNY last yr. Nice??? I not sure leh... Trying hard to convince myself on the pros of having no. 3. After asking round, no one seems to be able to tell me the pros leh. In fact, most list out more cons. Hahaha
congrats Giggler!!!
Yah, that chloe is SUPER active!!! I wan to faint liao... dunno why all my daughters behave not so like girls... rough n violent.. My edd 12 Nov.
So how are u going to do your confinement??? I'm just catering confinement n looking around for PT help to help wif the household chores now.
haha, nice cos got newborn to carry and love mah.

Pros?? errr, i can't say leh. Cos I no courage for #3. Later i say liao, i might convince myself for one. hahaha
hi Giggler,
congrats! So brave to have more kids.
I have problem coping with 2, dun know how am i going to survive with 3.

WOW mummies here are very productive.
Thanks everyone...

B2, you seriously not getting maid anymore? You looked tired on Sun leh. The gals dun look violent and rough lah, just that Chloe is active. Most likely, my mom and maid to help with my cf mah.

pigletz, that' the only pro you can think of huh??? very short-term leh. hehehe...

hong, I also not sure how I gg to survive with 3 kids leh. Feel very guilty towards Sherwin cos he may get the least attention from me. Sigh
Ava, both Vane and myself want mei-mei.
Vane said she alr has a di-di so wants mei-mei this time round. But based on my calculation, shd be boy leh.
Giggler giggler!!
I can I can!!

If have another girl.. can dress both in same frilly or sun dresses!! so super sweet!!

Then both grow up together sharing secrets.. shop together with mama, play manicure with each other, make didi guinea pig and try out their 'baking'.

Next time they have their first kid, will have a crazy auntie to shop all the cute clothings and toys for baby niece/nephew

If another boy, sherwin will hv someone to rough it out with him while jie jie keep reminding them to 'be nice'.

form a band.. one play keyboard, one percussion and Vane can sing (she looks like she will enjoy singing)

next time sherwin give girl flower kenna rejected, didi can re-cycle on another girl.

Sherwin will have a buddy to shout 'Goal' in the middle of the nite if they ever get hook on soccer.

Most importantly, if they become fathers for the first time... will have a brother to buy them a beer and cheer them up despite the lost of freedom.
brenda, wow!!! looks like you are very well prepared to have no. 3 leh. LOL....
Did you take any pic of Vane on Sun? I didnt take much pic leh.
if u have a ger then will be quite balance.
Since Vane is the eldest she always has a special place in the parents heart. Sherwin is a boy so definitely special. The 3rd child is the youngest so will dote on her. Providing is a ger. hahaha...

Heh, may be is a ger leh.
COngrats to you!!!

Wahhh, the pros u listed sounds very tempting.... Hahaha...

My boys r oso big liao... kayden turning 2 next mth while Kieran is turning 4 in sep...
I post pics when i have more time hor...
paiseh yah all... really got work to rush. not preg but super mood swings... not to mention bad hair days... what else can go wrong for a gal?

but very hapi for those having no. 3 soon..!! Must really come in and shout "CONGRATZ!!!"

A's dad,
paiseh yah... let u see my stoned face earlier. Thanks a lot for the coffee... lifesaver..hahahha.

Can u do me another favour, give me suggestion on what i can get for u as a hse warming gift?

u too please... really want the coffee maker for ur home arh?
Nope!!! Definitely not getting maids anymore. Other than wasting so much money on the agenct fees, air tics, broken appliances... so much heartache too!!!!! Chloe getting hurt, mum nagging n complaining non stop. Some how, the help they render, i just can't reconcile the kek sim-ness i have to go thru. Hb is the best, he thinks if we get a maid bcos of the 3rd one. He is very sure i will get post natal depression.
Having non maid is good as well. It gets the kids for responsiblen some how i feel it forces the family to spend more time tog. In the past, after work, we may sometimes be so tired. or tied up wif work. We actually leave the kids wif the maid while we rest or try to finish work. Now no choice, must take care of them non matter what. so the kids ended helping us in the daily chores, simple folding of laundry, putting dirty plates n laundry away etc..
BUT, YES, It is super tiring. So looking for other alternatives.
Your reasons for #3 are really hilarious! You have so much time to think about it hor? Better go have #3 as well!

So are you catering from Natal Essentials? Have you done a trial meal? Are they really the only confinement caterer left? What happened to New Baby?
I will also probably use Natal this time, cos my bb is also going to be a CNY baby, like Giggler's.
Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a PT help soon. Worse come to worse, just use those maids on wheels services.
Will you be going back to work after the baby is born? Who's helping you with your 2 girls now?

i agree is super tiring. wish me all d best wen ash wld go 3.5hr K1 n no longer in cc next yr jan. we did explore option of maid but af much much consideration, decided to do without. i do hv a part tx help.
congrats! Lots of my friends tell me I'm v brave to have 3 and it's rare these days. But look at the no of mommies having no. 3 here.
, when I saw you on last Sat, cannot see that your are pregnant, and thanks for the umbrella. Your maid still recognise Alicia. I was trying to borrow some interesting books before your maid came by, but strange, those books cannot be borrowed?????

Will you get your hb to join Vane for the class on Sat? Only 2 daddies in the class, so must have more mah.

Enjoy the kopi
Actually, I can smell all the way back from Muar, since I put them in the front seat. Bought some for my wife and maid too. House warming?? no need lar, house is warm enough...hahahaha...

No problem
Oh yes!!! I din realise you were preg!! I was looking at the photos, your tummy still so flat! UNlike mine, though I not preg! fainted.... hahahah...
Emily, Pigletz
Your elder boi slim dwn liao
Chen Chen likes cars too Boi's toys

Alicia's daddy
Dunno y Chen Chen is into adult songs now. Heard him sang Diu mian de nu hai kang guo lai... n peng you
He asked hubby to tune to station wif canto song n asked me to read story book in canto ...peng...
I asked Chen Chen if he wanna share his vcd wif the kids @ your plc he said YES Tom n Jerry. His favorite

Skyblue. Alicia's daddy, Brenda
my bro n I 4 yrs age gap. No fighting. My bro taught me to play badminton, table tennis (but I never know how to play), roller skate, swimming.....

I miss Png Png's NB stage even now he is 4 mth old only. Mainly coz he wz in hospital n I cldn't carry n hug him
I dun look forward to the stage where the 2 fight
Patience(t) boi I m not a Dr. I seriously lack of dat

Chen Chen cld read some words himself but not all words. So far only manage to read a story (Biscuit) himself after I read to him a few times. Shld b reading by memory for those words he doesn't know
Hong, based on my calculation shd be boy leh. Thanks for your input leh. I so touched by all of you.

Skyblue/gacc/Ruffy, thanks

B2, your gals so guai, still can help with you with housework.

Absolut, I think this thread really productive leh. So many of us having #3.

A's dad, thanks. My maid has very deep impression of Alicia cos she very chubby and cute.
Vane requested her daddy to join her for class this Sat but still not sure if hb can make it.

Mom2Nat, you just gave birth mah, of cos still have tummy.
You have pic of me and Vane? Can send to me? I realised that I didn’t take much pic that day leh.

Brenda, I could only find 2-3pic of Vane from your lots.
We are not into songs, so dun have many CDs at home. Alicia and Adrian still listening to children songs

no need, just come and have fun, and to "catch-up".

Hope to see your hb in person

Are you playing the Yamaha DVD and CDs for Vane?
A's dad, ya, we just watched the Yamaha DVD yday. Think Vane is really interested in the lesson. Hope her interest can sustain for long. Hahaha........
So much happenings in this thread...

Lol in ur justification for number 3. Having read what u wrote make me have second thoughts.....haha but i still cannot imagine going thru another round leh...

Giggler, congrats to u! Which room is vane in for yamaha?

A dad, i got to let u knoe again on the 26 gathering cos my hubby may have to fly n i dont think i can handle 2 alone, some more with a new maid now.
So much happenings in this thread...

Lol in ur justification for number 3. Having read what u wrote make me have second thoughts.....haha but i still cannot imagine going thru another round leh...

Giggler, congrats to u! Which room is vane in for yamaha?

A dad, i got to let u knoe again on the 26 gathering cos my hubby may have to fly n i dont think i can handle 2 alone, some more with a new maid now.
Your gal v chubby! 2nd pic resembles Randall when he wz a bb

Alicia's daddy
ppl say gal looks like daddy n boi looks like mummy gd
Agree wif Brenda can hint wat for hse warming gift? Or shld I prepare some food??

your 2 bois v gd can self entertain

Ash v slim now. Cherelle has lovely big round eyes

NB is so sweet

Gee your tummy really huge. I like dat pic v heart warming

CONGRATS!!! Can't tell u r preggie. Aye u still look gd. I felt like living in the hell in both my pregnancies @ wk 10 which is the peak of my ms. 1st time almost admit 2nd time I refused to b admitted.
Wat's your caretaker arrangement when your no 3 arrive?
Pro of no 3?
More bb bonus

Your ah gal or ah boi's clothes hv successor
Another joy
Contribution to Singapore's population

your gals really v v guai. Gals r really sweet. I dun hv dat fu qi sigh....
Koala, thanks for your contribution on the pros of having #3.
I really grateful to have a bunch of friends like ALL of you.
Guess I'm lucky, all my preg are ok one. I looked gd? I feel I look so ugly with all the pimples on my face leh.
My friend ever told me, if you feel ugly during ur preg, means it's a girl inside. She is taking all ur beauty away. haha. Did that happen to you when u have Vane?
She very hard to take pics leh.. she's like consciously moving out of my sight or turn away..hahahah. That's y i asked u wheether she is camera shy. Think gotta let her mix more often w Tyra, Grace and Nat... those boi paiseh ones...OOPS!

try lah.. no. 3, u can make it!!

must applaude ur parents for their good parenting.

hahahha...is that y u sling png out w/o pram? excuse to carry more often.. must take care of ur back yah, bf 2 for long term no joke to the spine and bones.

y? i love the feel of being pregnant.. very wholesome feeling...hahhaha. but then again, those that can't have it might desire it more thus i find it good :p
Alicia also very interested
. Remember to do that homework (I think draw the fingers). Need to do with her tonite. Aiyo, how can you say you are ugly? You look great!
Think of it, it is like yesterday when I saw Sherwin hor, time flies, and now you are with #3.

It's alright. I will PM you my address and contact later just in case you want to drop by. Alicia is same class as Vane.

Seriously, no need for any gift, but if you have some nice food to share, I do not mind lor..hahaha. We will prepare some simple food, and also the pizza making stuffs/ingredients. If our garment grant 3months paid parternity leave, I may consider #3..hahahaha

Can elaborate on the "gal looks like daddy n boi looks like mummy gd " ?? Which aspects??? hehehe..curious to know.

I only know if tummy round round, means gal. If tummy sharp sharp, means boi
Pigletz, hahaha... My ex-col told me abt that myth too. But I think I looked more radiant when having Vane leh. Maybe that time really feel great lah. LOL.... This time round like not much excitement leh. Didn’t really feel excited after seeing bb on Wed. Sigh... Must really change my mindset liao.

Brenda, ya ya.. .she very camera shy now leh. Think she feels like she's a clown when we taking pic of her. Tyra, Grace and Nat look so photogenic hor??? So you start 'bu' your body to have no. 3?

A's dad, hehehe... We did that HW on Sun nite liao.
But I have not yet find any keyboard for Vane though. Went to Carrefour but there's not much choice. Heard abt the theory abt tummy's shape also. But I had same sharp for both preg and they turned out to be gal and boy leh. You wait for more paternity leave lah... Our MM Lee just said that our garment trying to be like swedish. hehehe
A's dad,
yeap!! I agree!! Giggler looks great!!

Mark confirmed we can go for ur pizza making session already. Shall i pop over earlier to help w the preparation?

Think u r thinking too much on the 'logistic' side of having #3 lah... Dun worry about the tomorrows, only make you spend more on wrinkle creams.

din bu but do consciously keep fit and healthy just in case cos i stop my pills for health purpose liao..hahahhaha. Money and help side also a concern for me thus I already adopt the be happy should an "unexpected gift" come by and give thanks for my sanity is still intact if there isn't #3. win win situation :p

hmmm... u make Vane pose too often in front of the cam har?

ay... any good recommendation on where to do rebonding in Jurong? hehhehe, think i like my present length.. since already quarrel and done with, i might as well maintain it :p
You not going to Cameron liao meh?

Look for Auntie Xiuzhen, 67912206 for rebonding. $60 only. I did mine there for the past 2 years.
brenda, thanks for your compliment leh. Ya, I trying my best not to think on the logistic side liao. Just focus on how to be HAPPY
I gg to give you the same recommendation Pigletz. It's at JW Blk 900plus so near us.
Definitely more pros of having no 3
more heads more ideas
more siblings
more to share to support u n your hubby
..... the list goes on n on
Yep u look gd. Got pimples meh. Not obvious

I had terrible breakout when I wz pregnant wif Chen Chen Pimples (big n red n fierce ones) all over my face, ears, scalp n back. I felt my dirty n ugly

Thx for sharing those pic. Your photography skill ichi ban
O yes u took many pic of the 3 gals
My 2 bois - Chen Chen being carried too much by my mum n hubby; Png Png being carried too much by me to make up his NB days when he lied on hospital bed. Cannot b carried n hugged. So poor thing

Alicia's daddy
OK I c wat I can make - muffins or agar agar or desserts or ??? Hope Png Png guai guai
"gal looks like daddy n boi looks like mummy gd " gd as in ho mia
3 mths paternity leave ?? Dream on....

going arh.. gotta coordinate w frens mah. Thot told u we meeting ppl up the hill?

Any idea if this Xiuzhen works on weekends..heheh

yah... for my case both boys caused major breakouts of pimples as well.

hahahha... can understand ur desires to hug the boy lah. Just watch ur posture lor.. afterall, u still wanna carry grandchildren next time mah...heheheh

Hazel, GG,
Oh no... think i kenna addicted to shopping for gals liao.. keep looking at those nice nice dresses
