(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Koala, I got terrible breakouts leh.
Similar symptons as having Sherwin. So most likely this one will be boy.

brenda, you driving up to Camerons? Think Xiuzhen works on weekends too. You also had major breakouts??? Me too when having Sherwin and also this one. You really dying to have a gal hor?

hahahah... mummy knows best what's in her..

Yeap... planning a drive up. I need a break leh.

dying? no lah... but the last few days shopping and playing w the gals was really fun and different. Tyra chat w me about her favourite dolls... Grace tells me she love grapes and those purple ones.. Tyra says she like the green ones too cos its sour...

Its a very different kind of friendship from boys. hahahahah...but no need to die die hv one on my own.. just need to play w these gals and work harder on befriending urs...wahahahhaha
brenda, aiya, my gal changed liao leh, now she's Miss Shy, no more Miss Personality. Needs more time to befriend her.

A's dad, Vane told my helper that Alicia is her fren!!! I was surprised cos she didnt even dare to face Alicia before class. Then she explained that she's SHY lah. Hahaha...
That's good news

I like your muffin

I will keep dreaming...hahahaha..

Managed to get your keyboard? Din say bye to you and Vane on Sat because Alicia pulled me into the library.
Alicia always remember Vane, and she will try to remember all the classmates names.

RE: Gathering on July 26th
Mommies, I may have to skip the pizza making session, but instead, buy in some food for the gathering as we will have no maid soon, so preparation will be a nightmare for us. My dad found out that he lost his gold chain and rolex watch last night, and there is no one else in the house other than our maid, so she became the prime suspect. We may have to send her back tonight (and hopefully able to retrieve back the chain and rolex)

*unless Brenda and someone can come earlier to prepare lor (hehehehe), otherwise, I would prefer to make the gathering a relax one with buy-in food for the kids and ourselves.
A's dad, I still haven got the keyboard leh
Stayed back to ask Ms Vera but she not very helpful leh. Just told us to get 'normal'ones will do. Alicia has good memory
Aiyo, so you gg to bring maid to agent tonite? Very sian that such things happened hor??? Good luck to your dad's gold chain and rolex.
no worries.. i'll try harder. Especially the west side friends r more active in open house now...hahahha

A's dad,
hope ur dad can get his stuff back. take it positively, at least its material loss and nothing 'hurting' to the kids.

ay... if u wan to cont. w the pizza making, no prob. w me cos its on saturday. How abt we prep the ingredients and dough n bring it over so it wun 'disturb' ur kitchen as well. Then u 'sponsor' the place and food for adults to makan lor... FISHBALLS!!
congrats! hope im nt the last 1 to say tat

i also want to get conceive....hw to huh?
can i choose to have a boy? hee....
A's dad, you send your maid away?

brenda, which west side thread do you go to? You like fishballs so much???

JesLyn, thanks
You want to TTC for #3??? You're one of those rare species
For boy??? try to bd on the ovulation date itself?
I would suggest getting those <$300 keyboard from Yamaha. I checked my cousin's receipt, the stand, and seat cost another (est) $150. Will set back around $500/- lor.

Suppose to start 1 day off in August (no off days for 1st 6months), but honestly, she will get 4hrs off everyday when Alicia goes to sch.

Giggler, Mom2nat, Brenda,
We sent her back to agent last night, and terminated her service. She denied taking the chain and watch, but she seemed very calm when asked about it (no tears, no drama leh), even smiling occasionally. We can see she is not happy, and even when she took her belongings, she even replied that she better go through the bags in front of us, in case, we "purposely" put in the loots to "sabo" her. My wife flared up when she said this. I guess no luck for the chain and rolex watch. My dad told me the last time he took out the watch to wind-up was last month, but in 1 month, she may have converted to cash and remit the money liao
We can have free replacement, but we think better to take our time to select. Alicia is happy to go back to nanny house this morning, with Adrian, but it's back to waking up early, and outside food for us now.

If you can do that, I would appreciate it. Can you help get the ingredients, and I pay you back? I will arrange for other food like mee hoon, curry, etc (buy-in). Of course, west coast fishballs. Place already booked for that afternoon, so no problem
A's dad, think I'll set budget of abt $500 for the keyboard and all. Also not sure if Vane will continue for long. Hehehe... Aiyo, your dad must feel heartpain for his stuff. Really depend on one's luck abt maid hor? At least,you have your nanny as back-up to take care of the kids.
i go to this thread http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/353635/342138.html?1202960343

U dun like fishballs meh... hahahah. I very sad over fishballs nowadays cos my 2 Js always fight over it w me.. n I have to give in. So I hardly get to eat :'(

A's dad,
okay set.. we'll prep the ingredients and bring over instead so pizza session can still proceed.

Curry? thot u dun take curry?

so we gonna hv ktv sessions too? need vodka? honey? wahahahah
brenda, aiya I not SAHM leh. Btw, is Jem still with Jurong Christian Church Kindi? What's ur view on the kindi? Helping a fren to ask...

for keyboard, jo-van's teacher told us that Yamaha is having sale and the one (about S$300 plus, usual S$400 plus) keyboard is good. she dun recommend those cheaper one we saw in carefour/ kiddy palace cos she say sound no good...what the child need is hearing wo....
I wont be getting one cos i got a 20 yrs old organ at home.
jo-van is in room 6....so far havnt manage to bump to u and A's Dad....maybe this week?:>

Brenda, who's Grace and Tyra? sorry...i may have missed some of the thread?...u got 2 boys uh?

A's dad....maid is an headache wo..

mom2nat, u got a new maid now?
I think my mum more heartpain over the loss. She could not sleep well on Sunday night.Agreed, depends on luck. Just got 16 biodata sent to me by my agent (from Indo, and Phip)...headache, all data almost the same, only different faces. Yeah, it's fortunate we still have the help of nanny.

Thanks! thanks!. I did not take curry the first time I was at your house because of my gastric acid problem, but during the party, I took one chicken wing with the mee-hoon, and boi, it made me SWEAT!!!...hahaha..but nice. The curry for the VIPs lar
The KTV room will also be available on that day (next to the area we will be gathering)

Having a maid can be a headache, but without one can be a headache too...hahaha...if you see a round roung gal with a man, that will be Alicia and me
Yes I got a new maid now, she is a transfer maid. Gets on my nerves, but she can handle my boy, do housework and cook. Not up to standard, but like wat my neighbour said, 70% of their best good enough liao. But sometimes the excuses my maid gives, makes me feel stupid if I believe her!

A's daddy
My current maid no off day, no hp. I prefer it this way. I allow her to call home once or twice a month, i pay. HOpe you find a good maid soon. Really hor, got maid oso headache, but no maid oso sian. For now, I'd still prefer to have a maid. I dun wan to spend my time doing washing and cleaning up the house. With 2 kids, really need a maid lor, esp when both my kids attention seeking.
Hi A's dad &amp; Mom2Nat,
No maid is bad... but sometimes can't be helped. I sent my maid to the airport on Sunday morning -- after her 2 year contract. New maid hasn't arrived so am doing the countdown. Things are definitely tough without the maid... maybe even more so for me. Kids demanding, work to do in office, rushing homw, buy dinner, feed kids, bathe kids, put them to bed, wash clothes, do housework, iron clothes, wake up &amp; pack kids' sch bags, prepare their breakfast, get them ready for sch... that's all by myself! This morning I was so sick of buying dinners outside, I actually cooked soup for my dinner tonight. Think I can win some award?? heheee... &amp; where's hb in all these mess?? Doing shift work.. so he'll be too tired to do anything at all other than help me turn on the fire when he reach home later to continue cooking the soup. My consolation is that my kids can get home cooked food tonight. I will cook the rice when I get home and fry some veg. Had enough for MSG for 3 days already -- made my kids hyper &amp; thirsty!
My ex-helper's auntie smsed to say that my helper (who just went away on sunday) wants to come back. I told her... if she wants to come back in 2 weeks, I will take her back &amp; take that as her leave. Anyway, I already paid extra for her leave &amp; some bonus too. If not, then I will take the new maid. Waiting for response. The kids were a little edgy the last few days w/o their auntie -- but things are normalizing today... &amp; hopefully, in the next few days, we'll be fine. We still miss her now.
My back is ok. It's my arm n neck dat's giving me prob
I used to c gals' stuff during shopping. My hubby said 2 me "Aiyo c 4 wat"

Fishballs a lot of msg leh

I dun hv outbreak when I wz pregnant wif Png Png. My beautician still said my skin v beautiful n muz b a gal dat I wz carrying
Vane joins Chen Chen to b the shy shy tod

Alicia's daddy
Great! I will bake muffins then. Do u salivate in your dreams when u dream of my muffins?
Gosh Dat's 1 of the horror stories I heard abt maids Heard 2 cases already besides yours. My friend caught her maid red-handed She cried when she sent her maid to police station coz she treated her maid v well like her family member Never suspect her maid tho she loose many items b4 she caught her
Gd thing nanny willing to help

Wat happened to your previous maid?
A's dad, so you gg to take in another maid? I agree that with or without maid also headache.

Mom2Nat, hahaha... what excuse your maid give huh? I also dun really listen to my maid's excuse. I'll just tell her what to do or not to do if she did sthing wrong. Ya ya ya, 70% is gd enuf. I very happy as long as my maid can take care of my kids. Close my 2 eyes abt the std of the housework she's doing.
Emily, so when is your new maid coming? Really tough to survive without maid for FTWM hor?

Koala, ya ya Vane and Chen Chen can form one gp liao. Hahaha... I also not sure what cause the change leh. Took me stime to get used last few mths.
I think without a hp is a good thing. If not for the stolen stuffs, we would have stayed on with her at least for 2 years. She cooked very well, handle Alicia and Adrian pretty ok, housework so-so, at least clean, and tidy but she has the habit to stay on her phone. When we packed her things, we saw easily $100 worth of phone cards.

Good thing I do not work shift, but I can understand your agony over houseworks, your work, and the children, cos I see that in my wife as well
...PS: I do help out a little

No lah
, but I think Alicia does..hahahaha..

Giggler, Mom2nat,
We have shortlisted a new Filipina, but will take a few weeks. According to her biodata, she has experience taking care of her own children (1-4years old), and cook decently, so take the risk.
All this talk about maids...hmm lemme ask: when do you give them a raise? after the 2 years are up and they renew or after 1st year?

If they renew, when do you let them go on their home leave and for how long? do we need to pay them during this period? Do we pay for the airfare?
A's dad, lucky for your wife!
Better help.. it's really not easy with 2 kids now.

Ava, for me: home leave is 2 years. You can give them increment after 1 yr it's up to you, but not necessary. For me, I will only give to entice them to renew contract. During home leave, you should pay for it since they finished the contract for you. And yes, you have to pay for the airfare for home leave as well as if they finish their contract. If they want to renew but don't want to go back, you can pay them in cash the value of the air-ticket.
most of the mummies inthat thread is working mums lah..

JCCK... hmmm depends on what she wans. It's just a normal church school. They hv optional computer and speech and drama course. But so far wouldn't have things like performance, special days like racial harmony must dress up etc. I like it there purely for the warm people...hahahha

slowly u'll get to know all the kids here...

yah... i got 2 boys, jerome 4 and jayden 2

i am a SAHWM...whahahhhaaha

aiyoh... hope things get better for u soon

hahaha... I practice moderation and not abstention when it comes to food alas my life will be left without meanings.
brenda, hehehe... then the header very misleading leh.
My fren enrolled her gal in JCCK and boy in JCK.
How abt excursions? Do they have excursions? No racial harmony days? Good also lah, dun need to have headache on how to dress the kid.
No kids siong hor... no own time lor. YOu still can cook ah!! U great wife and mommy.

The 1 month tat I din have a maid, everyone in the house v busy, cook, clean, pack, blah blah... But luckily I din have to do the houserwork, only look after the kids can liao. Maid is like a "3rd hand" to help out lor... though not always doing things the way we want.

My previous maid long story lor. She new, we train. So when she makes mistakes we teach, give her chance, saying she young lor. But end up more conflict with my mom and rude to my mil oso. Finally, we realise she doesn't wan to listen to others except my hb and I. She feels degrading to submit to other pple. She youngest in the family, spoilt kind. Sigh... anyway, so now I won't get young maids, esp youngest in family, I wont give off days unless the maid can prove her worth, and no hp. YOu got a maid to help your mom now?

Cannot leh. when she gimme dumb excuses, I must tell her off, cos if i just ignore, makes me feel stupid leh. I told her we din really like green peppers or peppers, once in a while ok. She ah.. add to my 2 dishese of veg. Asparagus with prawns, puay leng with mushrooms... both she add green pepper!!! Sucks. I so fedup i refuse to eat tat dinner. I ask her why she add, she say nice mah. She is quite dense kind, she is phil, but her english pronunciation not tat good, so sometimes miscommunication. Good thing she v hardworking and can handle my boy lor.

A's daddy
Told you liao, dun be too nice right? After you change a few maids, you will know how to handle them and wat not to give them. THe one I shortlisted, worked in Saudi b4, got 3 kids, blah blah... guess wat? Reached sg fail english test, and agent told me she looks blur!! So ah, I decided to take transfer maid. No point believe biodata. All depends on luck.
Did u ask Vane's teacher if Vane is shy in school?

Alicia's daddy
Alicia cried when your maid left?

My mum n I heard too much horror stories abt maid. We dun wanna court trouble
Hi all, long time no post.

Very busy with all 3 monkeys! Ethan just wants to be carried all day but I am training him to enjoy the buggy now. Nigel is still occasionally cranky becos of his teething. Seems he has 2 sets of baby teeth! Alicia is more understanding now and learning to be a good helper.

Sigh.....talk about maids.

1st maid we called 'Dumbo', from Myanmar hilltop village, IQ = potato, English sucks, only know how to eat meat and rice. At least she took care of Nigel very well when he was a baby.

2nd maid Filipino, transfer maid, deliberately came back late often on day off, wore red frilly undies peeking out from pants until she made hubby think she got Sunday ECA on day off. Got rid of her pretty quick.

3rd maid Filipino, transfer maid, Ex-sing, looked ok at the start but began to take our kindness for granted eventually. Let her go back for 10 days over CNY but she came back pregnant. Had to send her home but then she started to call and harrass new maid until we changed our number.

4th maid, current one, worked as maid in Philippines before, at first blur like sotong but now has learnt a lot. Quiet but beginning to show improved responsibility and initiative. Got some social history issues back home but now with 3 kids no time to think.

5th maid........hopefully never!!!! Rather get part time helper when Ethan passes 2 years old. More privacy, less one mouth to eat, less water for bathing and flushing toilet.

Emily, saw your 2 boys at Intellect Monte Pal. Thinking of sending Nigel there half day to burn his energy up. Appreciate any comments of the school. I found Elijah very cute on the day of Nigel's trial!

Need to put Ethan to sleep soon. Gotta go!
Mom2Nat, very sian to deal with maid hor? I got a scare with my maid yday too, brought my son to elsewhere w/o informing me. Sigh... Think she really possessive with my son.

Koala, Vane's teacher said that she's sociable in sch.
Guess she needs time to warm up nowadays.

Pringles, hehehe... I gotta mixed up with your Ethan and Emily's Ethan leh.
Wow, didn’t know you changed so many maids!!! Guess I'm lucky that my maid was ok, though not very gd but bearable.
RE: July Gathering
Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : 2-5pm
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Pigletz + hubby + 2 kids
2. Brenda + hubby + 2 kids
3. Sanrio + hubby + 2 kids
4. Ruffy + hubby + 2 kids
5. Stressma
6. Hazey
7. coolmama
8. Koala + hubby + 2 kids
9. Val + mama + maid + 2 kids
10.Absolute + hb +2 kids + 1bb
11.Emily + 2 kids
This is the final list I have. Will PM all of you my contact and address today. See all of you this Sat

Did I miss out anyone? Please let me know.

No, Alicia did not miss her at all
. Actually, we are more conern if Adrian will miss her since she sleeps with him, but Adrian looks happier to bunk in with us, and his jie-jie.

Always remember what you and hb told me, but hor, I dun know how not to be nice leh...hahaha..I fully agreed with you, it's about luck. Saudi speaks Arabic, not english..hahaha...

Wow, that is quite a "milestone". Hopefully, I will not have that long list to share. Got to go without maid for the next 2 weeks, at least. I find that time flies during weekend without a maid

That's "scary" leh, about being possessive of Sher. I noticed Vane keeps looking at Alicia during the music class. Too bad, they cannot sit together.
A's Dad

Both the toddlers and I are down with the cold. I hope they will recover by Sat. If they dun recover by then, I won't be coming otherwise the rest of the kids will risk getting the virus. So do count us out for now just in case. I'll PM you if they do recover by Fri.

I am so surprised you changed so many maids leh. You look v patient kind, no temper... the maids must be been horrid!

A's daddy
Tat saudi one is work in saudi, but she is a phil. I even interviewed her on the phone. Prob she know how to give model answers lor.

Go somewhere with your boy w/o telling you ah! If me, I faint liao. Sure piss off. Vane goes for fullday sch or 3 hour kindy? Tat day no chance to chat with you oso.
Changing of maids
Tot i was the contender in this field. Guess Pringles comes a close 2nd. I dunno if i am jinx or i am just too fussy. But hubby thinks i am too nice n too on the ball. So got taken advantage by all the maids n me ended up being the maid, cooking for them, taking care of the kids n doing the hsehold chores when it is not done properly.
Have not have a maid for a couple of mths now. Life is definitely more hectic but mentally i am more sound w/o a maid to antagonise me all the time. No more watching out for signs of stealing, my kids being abuse, things spolied or misplaced n my mum nagging at me everyday abt my maid.
That being said i am not sure whether i am spending more or less w/o a maid. No doubt CC fees adds up more expensive than the maid's salary + levy. However, ferrying the maid around, the food, utitlities n not to mention all the maid's constant request for phone cards, panadol, transfer (my leaves, agency fees, insurnace etc...)
And my latest shopping passion?? Buying hsehld gadgets to make the chores easier. So far, so good.
Ok, i haven gotten a dish washer... Maybe once i have that, life will be heaven.

Hee, hee... not to worry. U definitely deserve an award for being super mum. After a while, u will not find cooking so much a chore anymore... Its one of the easier task for me. Its only the washing up that i hate.
anyone has a good kids dentist to recommend?

i m tinkg of buyimg a dishwasher too, haha... wat other gd gadgets to reccomend to me?
RE: gathering on July 26th
All PM sent

Noted. Wish you and your kiddoes a speedy recovery

, I always think Phil speaks pretty decent english? All the bio-data I have from Phil indicated english lang proficiency as good. What to ask during interview? Since they have model answers, do we have model questions?

What did your maid do since you did almost everything? hahahaha... I must agree about the washing up, since I am the one (not always but frequent enough) to wash up if my wife cooks.

We notice both Adrian and Alicia seem to behave better without the maid, why?? Maybe they fight enough in nanny house that when they are at home, they have already patched up? (with the maid, Alicia stays at home, while Adrian stays with nanny).

I SMS you
Need a reply.
hee, hee... great minds think alike...
so far have invested in a steam iron system. U noe those gigantic looking iron where the steam generator comes in a separate compartment... makes ironing so much easier... no choice lah.. hubby wear long sleeves shirts everyday... if use normal iron.. iron until i wan to vomit blood.. n waste too much time. Now 1 shirt can kao tim in less than 10 min.
Then last week bought the Leifhet (sp?) mop n pail. I didn't buy the hi end, $200+ set. Slightly cheaper, called the twister. Now preggie lah... all the bending is killing me. This system just dip in pail, there's a mechanical system which allows the mop to spin clean n dry... Makes mopping much faster. But same thing, must dry clean wif my Magic clean wiper 1st. The Leifhet mop oso allows dry sweeping like Magic mop. But since i oredi own te Magic mop, tot i will use it until it kick the bucket...

Others gadgets i have eyed but nvr committed to buy... Roomba, robotic vaccuum cleaner, Scooba, robotic floor washer.. but hi cost n too technical for idiots like me, so still using the human activated sweeper n mopper.

A's dad,
Precisely my maid hardly need to do anything.. that's y ended like this. Honestly the main aim to getting a maid to look after Chloe when i'm away at work. I will prepare everything, milk, porridge for the whole day in the thermos, her snacks, everything. The maid is just responsible for packing her clothings n diapers. I need to be at work at 8am everyday n my maid can wake up n 7am. So u can imagine what i need to do even b4 my maid wakes up.
But knowing maids, when life is too good... they take it for granted. The moment u scold them for their mistakes, they buay song n say wan to be transfered or my last one, ran out on her own when we are getting ready to leave to leave in the morning.
BTW, all my maids do not babysit chloe alone. I will bring chloe n maid to my mum's place n mum will over see n help. The maid take advantage of that too, take 1hr to eat her meals, visit toilet every 15 min n take forever to come out (n she always look like some air stewardess, he hair all nicely buned n tied up after each visit). That's why i face my mum's complains EVEYDAY until sometimes i just wan to shout at my mum over the phone.
And since i am in charge of the cooking, when maid is around i must prepare one for maid who insist no pork n must be spicy or else she won't eat, non spicy for kids n no eggs for hubby (allergy). As for this mummy, i will eat all the remnants that no one wants to eat...
Horrid, right.. hubby said. Its all my fault. I am to blame for all this.. So no more maids for me even when the 3rd one comes along.
N not forgetting to mention all the things that got stolen.. yes... things get lost like u wif no evidence, things spoilted with no apology or remorse, breaks expensive things even when u told them not to touch (simply they r too kapo), read my mails, invade my privacy n last but not least seducing my hubby n trying to get him into trouble by that..... (that's another long story)
A's dad, sorry please count me out for the gathering on saturday. Last minute was informed that have to attend birthday party - relative lah. Hope to meet up with you guys next gathering.
B2B3M4, I would highly recommend the scooba. Really! Life is much easier with it! I mean, on and off still must do the manual mopping lah, but it does the job quite well and not that difficult to use. You can just charge it the night before, then morning before you leave the house, add water and VIOLA! off it goes!
Oh, talking abt dishwasher. It is not that good right? Because you still need the manual scrapping etc to make sure that the dish itself is not that dirty before you can put it in the dishwasher. So the manual work is still there. Also to think about the water consumption. But that is debatable lah, cos I take a long time to do the dishes and I need to make sure that all the areas are squeaky clean!!!! Some people just rinse ok already, but i need to use my hands to go through ALL the areas to make sure it squeaks. So I gave up the idea of a dishewasher.

Can share pic of your iron? Is it a standing steam iron?
There is one type of steamer which you can steam the shirt while hanging them, making it wrinkle free, but probably cannot achieve the straight look with partition lines. We have 2 "mop by steam" mops at home- is this the magic mop you describe? Quite easy to use.

Can I be your maid? hahahaha...I also realised that our maid (previous) also read our mails, but fortunately, she does not seduce me leh
After reading your experience, sounds like I have it better since she is not fussy about food, and knowing that I do not eat spicy food, she does not cook too spicy. She eats pretty fast too. As for the remnants, my wife also complains that she is always the one eating the 2 extreme end of the bread loaf.

Thanks for your reply

We take photos to let you see.

I sent email to you but bounced back. Are you coming this Sat?
B2, you really pia mia leh... You dun trust maid at all?

A's dad, Vane gg to miss her music class this Sat as we have a chalet.
u got a Scooba????!!! Wa... i want, tell me more. U bought it locally?? Aiyah,, went to do a search n landed up in hardwarezone forum. The guys there all say must ship in from USA. Buy locally, like kena kar by the local distributor. Then ship liao, must modify it to suit local electrical supply. Wa.. i read until my head spin.. so went n get a hi class mop instd. Tell me, i wan to noe... Must use special scooba detergent i heard.. True or not?

Bcos i trust them so much until now i scare. I see maids now, every actions they do now, i wonder what they r up to.

A's dad,
Maybe the maid not long enuf wif u. Aiyoh, my last maid gave my hubby the most creeps. Certain things she requested, i oredi said 'no'. She can deliberately ask my hubby again when i am not around n put up this very ke lain, pathetic look. Once we let her call home, wa... chit chat until got laughter n all... whcih we came to realise later that she wasn't calling home as she claims but all her different boy frens. She got 2 books, all filled wif telephone numbers of men, got chinese sounding one, malay, indian, bangalah etc, etc... She's a indo n her 1st employer was a malay, oso buay tahan her n sent her back... She got this very sweet, petite look, like very timid. But when she argue wif me... more fierce than lion.
No, i didn;t have the garment steamer. That one lousy one, not suitable to iron out creases. Esp most of my clothings washing machine wash plus dryer... Quite crumbled. That kind more for doing simple, delicate ironing. Jeans n shirts won't be able to do the job well.

I got this type of iron.


My model not so hi tech lah.. bought it during sales at Tangs. Philips oso have such irons, apparently better but i took Tefal bcos it was really affordable then. Bcos the steamer generated is quite hi pressure, so it can iron 2 layers at a go wif no problems.. that being said, it is so powerful, if u dun place ur clothings properly, wa.. very easy to form one solid crease . So if put shirt nicely on the ironing board. The iron just need to go 1 time over.. wa lah.. done! No need to go up n down the shirt many times.

A's dad,
Magic mop.. the normal paper wiper kind... no steam lah...
As' Daddy, sorry, cannot go cos it's my mum's birthday. Need to let the girl nap, otherwise she cannot tong the dinner.

B2, yah, order from US. You need a "transformer" to step down the electricity because we are 240V but US version is 110V (I think...). But it is not difficult, just pluck the transformer to the switch, then attach to the scooba, then charge. I didn't use detergent leh, just use water. Basically, you need to pour in water, then after cleaning, you need to pour out the dirty water, then clear 2 or 3 filters, but all quite easily done. The thing abt the scooba is that it has brushes that actually "scrub" the floor, then got something else that is supposed to dry the floor so the floor is never left soaking wet. But cannot use on laminated floors. I think parquet is ok. Go get it lah! I really love it leh! But once in a while, you still have to mop lah, cos it might miss the corners etc...
Wow B2! The iron looks so cheem!!! Like some vacuum cleaner like that! But is it heavy? So basically you place it there, but have to move the clothes properly lah... hmmm, but tricky for collars and those pleats right?
Ohh.. so u did ship in from US. Which service did u use? Boderlinx, Comgateway of Vpost?? Buy from which website??? woot? U buy which model ah... Sorry, finally manage to talk to someone female abt Scooba... dwell in hardwarezone some more.. think i will buy back more technie gadgets..

The iron can be placed next to ironing board on a smaller table or on a steady big ironing board (comes free wif iron). Pleats n collars, easy. Just one go, can liao... Its when u iron at big areas.. sometimes, certain areas get tuck n pulled, alamak... then 1 solid crease form liao.. Need some practice lah.
