(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

ya, big boy liao but very barbarian leh, Vane more guai lah.

thread has been rather quiet for quite stime liao. what happened to Brenda???

Haha... how come you say he barbarian?? Vane has been v guai girl. She doesn't appear to me like she will throw tantrums leh. My maid has 11 younger bro and sis. Told me none of them as difficult as Nat!

Many pple in this thread go to MSN liao mah...
hi all...
Baby Evelyn says hi to all aunties and one uncle...

hahahah... i'm still around, busy calculating the pros n cons of having no. 3

haiz~ i'm in the same stage at u now lor... younger one bully older one. Jay breaks one of Jem's stuff almost everyday.

Hi Everyone,

I also itchy hand now. Wanna share picture. haha


My 2 boys grow up liao, willing to stand together to take picture together. heehee
Soyabean, both your kids really look alike??? Congrats!

Mom2Nat, Vane was terrible and horrible last yr, guess it's the Terror 3 stage. Now,back to normal, guai guai liao. It's Sherwin who is barbarian and Vane suffers from him. Hahaha.... Nat so bad meh? How abt your son? Same temper as Nat?

brenda, I also asking ard the rationale of having no. 3 leh. hahhaa... want to share with me your view?
You having no. 3 liao?
Yup, just went Genting last week before school re-opens. Let the boys play and enjoy themselves. Gareth is asking to go again. haha

Retionale of #3?
haha, i don't even dare to think about it. Have fun now and suffer later? hehe
why only 1 pic... u very stingy leh :p

hahha... u call sherwin a barbarian and i call jayden a monster. Can't imagine if we put them together.

ay... actually i dun mind no. 3 at all.. cos i really love kids leh. BUT i mind having to many men in my life!!! I cannot imagine if no. 3 also a boy... think i will die very very early.

nope, i don't think i am having no. 3 now.. i think. hahahhahaha
pigletz, hahaha... have fun now and suffer later as they grow? LOL

brenda, your jayden doesnt look like monster to me leh. Maybe our #1 are too demure and gentle??? I thot you've health concern so wont even think of having no. 3 leh. So you build up your health now? Your menses not here yet and you haven test huh??? Hehehe....
haha, I share more on monday okay.

Today very rush for me. Now i leaving office to fetch the boys then fetch Gabe to go airport.

I just finish running errand for him. hahah

hahaha, imagine of #2 is barbarian (Sherwin), Monster (Jayden) and Terrorist (Gavin). You think i dare to have #3. Same as brenda, I scare #3 is boy again. hahaha
Nice pic of your 3 kiddoes. My Alicia also like to tie up the girl with many many little clips and bling bling things on her hair.

It's funny to read abt your flab of fishcake and not-so-rational rationale of not having #3

Elliot is so cute with the "frowning" face, while Nat is laughing away. I have been telling my friends that I have no clue about using MSN, better learn now, otherwise, when both kids grow up, cannot "catch up" with them in this wireless world.

Giggler, Brenda,
Same here, almost everyday has to deal with one snatching things from each other, pinching, and also wall/floor graffiti.

Both looks alike hor

Is that Genting? Did you drive up or take coach?
Very nice and warming pic of "bros"

Noted, can understand

Coming back to the gathering :
RE: Pizza Gathering update
Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : (tentative : 2-5pm)
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Pigletz
2. Brenda
3. Sanrio
4. Ruffy
5. Stressma
6. Hazey- tentative
7. mom2nat
8. coolmama
9. Koala

The place is open for booking, and I will book the kitchen this week.

Now panicky liao. Can someone tell me what to buy for making the dough???, and how to make the dough? I guess I must make the dough the day before rite?
brenda, pigletz,
Same here!!! I'm so scared #3 will be a boy as well. I'll peng!!! Seems dat most of our #2 r more difficult to handle. Kayden will hit Kieran on his head. Sometx will push him as well.
A's dad, for my case, I got to make sure that Sherwin doesnt hurt Vane everyday leh. hahaha...

Hahaha... think I'll die also if my no. 3 is boy. Boys really alot more active and 'hiong' than gals leh.
A's Dad

Pizza gathering is in july? so I wasn't wrong right? will be out of confinement by then. Let me check with hubby if he's interested. where is your place again?
hahahha... jayden is a lovable boy really. most see jem will say "wah.. so handsome!" but end up loving jay instead.. COS he is so super cheeky and mischevious! He's like the mouse in Tom and Jerry.. up to mischief at every corners of the house.. he is those typical boy that will pull chair and try to catch my lobster in the aquarium.. doodle on the walls.. pull clothes out from wardrobes to play dress up.. go thru all the shoes on the rack.. so now u understand y i seldom post liao...hahahha

hahah.. no lah, my health not up yet but my heart yearn for a princess to call my own. So leave it to God lor. but u dun hehehhe leh, if at this point really need to handle #3 on my own, then i really think i supermom liao.

oh.. today then fly arh?? i thot go eat briyani on wed liao...hahahahah

A's dad/Giggler/Skyblue,
let me describe a 'fight' between my 2 Js 2 days back to make u guys feel heavenly abt ur kids.

They were playing "row, row, row your boat" on my sofa then suddenly get not happy... Jay pushed Jem off the sofa.

Jem cried loudly cos he fell face down. I went over to calm him n scolded Jay. I walk back to my dining table only to see Jem took a cushion and pin jay down..

Quickly run over to remove Jay below. He was crying and clinging to me. Suddenly, ran off into the room.

I thot he distracted liao, so went back to the table. He push a chair out.. carry and slam the whole thing into Jem.

Ta-da!!! My dear boys...
Whao..so much "Action" today

A's Daddy,
confirm the boys and I will go to your place for the pizza making. Can E-mail or SMs me you address nearer to the date . Thanks in advance

Re #3. My mum has the weirdest idea.. was saying since we both have MPV now can afford to fill up all the seats with kids.. the max I will go up to is #4(provided #3 and #4 are girls) no way having #6 kids.. simply ridiculous.
A's Daddy,

let me KPO abit...

here's the recipe for pizza dough ( for 1 large size pizza)

You need:

200g plain flour (sift it)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon instant yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
110ml water
1 tablespoon corn oil/ olive oil

1. mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl
2. knead into dough
3. leave to rise until it doubles in volume (takes abt 40mins)
4. Punch down dough and shape it into ball and let rest for 10mins
5. Roll dough into a round shape. Use fork to prick holes onto dough
6. Rest dough for 20mins
7. Half bake (200 degree celsius) the dough for 8 to 10 mins
8. Put toppings
9. Bake at 200 degree celsius for 15 mins

Alternatively, throw all ingredients into a bread machine. Choose dough function. When complete, follow steps 5 to 9.

Easy huh? Enjoy the baking session
I prefer milk bag then zig loc. The current 1 I m using doesn't come wif zig loc. Always leak, v messy.

Our delivery story almost similar
I had v gd ss when Png Png wz in hospital. Latched on only after he wz discharged. ss decreased coz he wz v weak n din take much. Wrong move

Alicia's daddy
Ya Chen Chen turns on the cd player n plays the cd himself. He plays the cd thru out the 9. If we switch off after he sleep, he wakes up middle of the 9 to turn it on agn

Alicia's daddy, Pvl
I had precipitate labor. There wz no sign @ all except hardening of tummy.


Alicia is v pretty now
Nigel looks like Alicia when she wz his age

b2b3m4, Pvl
Only left 1 confinement caterer now

U raised maids

U v can, want maternity w/o helper n taking care of 3
Same madness when we go supermkt wif Chen Chen

Your boi so hiong
My 2 bois 1 over sayang - Chen Chen poke Png Png's head (frontanelle included) press tummy, shout I love u into his ears, bites his legs.....the other screaming Every1 in my family said when Png Png grows up, Chen Chen will get bashed by Png Png if Chen Chen bullies Png Png. Png Png grows v fast compared to Chen Chen n he is tough looking type
soyabean.. congrats!! Your kids really look alike.. and so adorable!

Brendali, woah.. your story sounds so familiar! hehee... think very common for families with 2 boys. :p

Pigletz, nice meeting ur kids. They are so lovely & well-behaved. Think our kids found a common interest liao - in the car. hehee...

A's dad, I will confirm later. Where's your place again?

Koala, your Png still young. My kids were like that too last time. Now also at times over sayang. But when fight can really fight too loh.

Ruffy, your mom so funny. My mom also trying to convince me to have #3. She keeps telling me girls good - have mommy's heart when big - so must try now before too old. hehe... if only we can choose the sex then we'll try. For now, 2 is enough trouble man! I feel better to concentrate on 2 & bring them up properly then have 3 or 4 & do a terrible job.

k.. here's a pic of my sons... inspired by Pigletz!
It will be on July 26 (sat). I am staying at JW st41 (close to lakeside MRT station).

Vane did not retaliate? Alicia will take her opportunity when on one is seeing to "hit" back Adrian.


, you want to join us?

Sounds like the cantonese song is a lullaby...hahaha...

RE: July Gathering
Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : 2-5pm
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

I have booked the kitchen (Kitchen is air-conditioned, but with a outdoor patio area).
There will be a wash basin, LCD TV, DVD player, microwave oven, stove, and an electric oven in the kitchen. Tables and chairs will be available.
I have also made available a KTV room next to the kitchen (maybe for children show?..hahaha)

Kitchen will be available from 12pm to 5pm. Dough making will start around 1230pm, so it any mommies volunteer to come in earlier, it will great.

Here is my proposed programme:
1. 1230pm - dough preparation
2. 2pm - Arrival of VIPs (all of you
3. 230pm - Pizza making for kids
4. 330pm - Makan/interaction time
5. 400pm - Kids show in KTV room (any suggestion for a good kids DVD?)
6. 500pm - Pack-up
7. 500pm onwards - those who wish so, and continue chit chatting at my home.

Other than pizza, I will probably arrange the following:
1. Curry and mee hoon (for adults)
2. Sausages
3. Drinks
4. Any other suggestions?

Therefore, I need a confirmation of headcount

1. Pigletz + hubby + 2 kids
2. Brenda + hubby + 2 kids
3. Sanrio + hubby + 2 kids
4. Ruffy +
5. Stressma +
6. Hazey- tentative
7. mom2nat + hubby + 2 kids
8. coolmama +
9. Koala + hubby + 2 kids
Alicia's Daddy,
Yup, that's Genting.

We took coach up. More relaxing then driving.

Took coach recommended by Emily, Transtar. Really good and the kids got cartoon channel to watch. You can give it a try.
I got 10% discount card.

Yup, he enjoying himself there now.

Your boys also very lovely and well behaved.
Ya, boys simply loves cars.

My boys also got love hate relationship. They can be very nice together playing toys and next moment hor, fight already. But overall, Gareth will still protect the didi when he feel that didi is being bullied. Sometimes, he don't even allow us to scold Gavin.
Wow... i usu intervene before it reaches tis stage, dats y dun have such things happening as yet. ;p

I've heard of some mums who would rather have a greater age gap between siblings so as to reduce sibling rivalry. I dunno if different gender between siblings will oso reduce fights. Mine fight over toys (most of the time), pressing of lift buttons and wat vcds to watch.
Thanks. I am thinking of making a Genting trip too, by coach (yes, those with DVD). How long does the coach take, and how many rest points? Sorry for asking, but I am so used to driving up instead of taking coach.

Pretty subjective lor. If the age gap is too wide, the sublings will have different priorities/likes+dislikes, so in a way, rivalry will be minimised, however, they may not develop close bonding compare with siblings with narrower age gap, in my own opinion. Regarding different gender, both my As (one boi and one gal) still "fight" with each other like you case (over toys, over colour pencils etc).
Alicia's Daddy,
Took us abt 8 hour to reach Genting.

We took the morning coach at 6.45am. Rest at Yong Peng for breakfast at about 9am for half an hour. Then proceed on and reach KL abt abt 11plus to 12noon. Stop for toilet break and then continue up to Genting. In between if really need toilet break can inform the driver.

We stay in 1st world hotel, reason being it's nearly to the theme park. But personally, I prefer to stay in Genting or Resort hotel. The feel is better.

Oh ya, bad point about 1st world hotel is, we waited for more then 2 hours before we can check in to the room. Too many pple checking in there and service is no good.
Alicia's Daddy,
Yup, they enjoy themselves very much.

Aiyoooo, your boy look sooo handsome leh. Alicia really a big sister hor.
Jem still hug jay very often, esp. if we insist jay gotta sit in the pram. and yah... he will hug too tight and too long till jay gotta push him off.

u know hor.. my ILs used to love Jay more.. yesterday we went over.. they shake head at him and say he very 'giak' (naughty) hahhahaha

hmmm... i thot i was missing babies thus felt jay grew up too fast.. hahahha, think all mummies the same or all no. 2 the same? but yalor, i realise jay wear clothes that jem wore when he was 3yrs old now.. i call him fat..hahahahha

Anyway, don't worry lah.. sure have fights between kids. and if no. 2 is more horrendous, only goes to show that our patience just need more trainings...hahahhahah

so long din see ur boys liao so different!! think i only keep remembering ethan with his fingers in his mouth..hahahah. The last i saw elijah was sitting on the mat at BG?

A's dad,
ay... i gotta confirm the pizza making gathering w u again cos still deciding that weekend or the following to drive to cameron.

But hor... can u confirm whether u coming by this sat to my place first anot ...hahahah :p

hahahah... give me i will also enjoy. I'm trying to convince MArk that I should go for biz trip soon as well...hahhaha

usually i will let them go into 'action' then go over.. n go thru 'nag' sessions on how painful it is to fight. i'm hoping for the day that they will stop their fights cos they understand it is hurting rather than mummy say no.

RE : Age/Gender lesser sibling rivalry
It really depends on the parenting skills. Many felt that if the older ones are more sensible when the younger comes along, it will be easier. But there's also the tendency of 'pushing' the older one to maturity.. asking them to be more understanding. If not handled properly will hv them feeling that they have been 'uprooted' from being a child. It will set deep rivalry till adulthoods actually.

for gender difference... i've seen the worst rivalry when parents din handle properly. they really hate each other to the cores.
was trying to call u on the number u SMSed me... do u know if the swim sch we go have deposits? I'm planning to withdraw, confirmed with my new coach already.

btw I withdrew Ahgirl fr current kindy, w.e.f. next yr. Registered both kids for new kindy next yr, same 3hr timeslot, will put both kids on schbus to-fro. Easier for me.
Now til next yr, will play catch-up in curriculum so she will be used to new system.
A's Daddy,

thanks for the invite but the venue is a bit way too out for us.

Mummies and daddy,

Have you read the paper today? Just to check, how many of yr kids could read independently now, or perhaps the menu?


if you don't mind, could you add me on to yr blog ?
Handsome like daddy...hahahaha...
, but we hope he can gain more weight like his jie-jie.

Rcv your SMS but was in Malaysia over the weekend, so din reply you yet. OK, will be there. Whole family can turn up? Pei-say, so must ask first

Your blog all password protected leh
cannot see.

No prob
. Alicia can recognise some words, like apple, pig, dog, cat, and some chinese character but definitely not macoroni. She still reads from memory (whereby she remembers from the way I read). My colleague joked that maybe they visit the restuarant too often..hahaha..
A's dad,

thanks. My boy reads from memory too.

Just trying to find out if the 3-yr-old a minority or majority; and, if mummy here needs to pull up her socks?
Yong Peng is just a foodcourt kind of place with a few shops selling local titbits and clothes. Not those type of place you like i think.

But Gabe say the chicken horfan there taste good.
OK, Adrian will be my "passport"

Yong Peng is fame for "Xi Tau Yu wan" (fishball), but you must know how to go.

Importantly, do not stress the child. Every child learns in a different pace
a's dad,
hmmmm... mebbe i should ta bao the fishball to cameron for steamboat.. hehehhehe

aiyoh... u always tell me this this nice but must know how to find. tsk tsk
Augustmum, A'dad
have PM u the password.. too many family pics there so had it password protected.

Other free to view blog of mine is at
Don't faint hor.. Ryan's work is all posted there.

My boy reads independently since he was 2yrs old++. Now reading more complex and those more sentences per page books.
his work in school can be seen here.
emily, pigletz,
Ur #2 like big boys liao. So fast.

Gavin can sit still in the coach. I'm contemplating but thinking of Kayden climbing all over the seats, i scare leh.

A's daddy,
Adrian is very yan dao leh!!! Erhhh... but dun tink he looks like u leh. Alicia looks like u more ;p Urs look the opposite of mine, as in Alicia is the bah bah kind. Mine is kayden bah bah. Then ur Adrian is the slim one while my Kieran is slim. Pple thot i feed my #2, then nvr feed my #1 ;p

U've got a place in the new kindy? Which one may i ask? Aiya, Kieran will lose his classmate.
yah the academically strong one lor. Ahgirl so excited, made me bring her look-see immediately after I fetched her fr sch.

now i'm trying to play catch-up... 2 terms to bridge any gap. The mandarin strokes worry me most!

wow... your boy's sch is rather advance in chinese... learning to write the characters at nursery... mine's still learning strokes.

thanks for the password. Would check it out.
I told hubby abt u making the switch and he said u're capable of homeschooling A. Hehehe... Dat means it's not very convenient for u, rite? Must take sch bus?

A's daddy,
Can count me in for the pizza making session? Hmm...Is it ok if I bring my ma ma and maid along also?? Hehe... So got ppl help me to "look see look see" the kids while I gossip with the rest :p
