(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi pringles...
congrats! i'm due in end june wif my #2 as well. now 34 weeks but she is engaged already... so cld be delivering earlier.

Hi Pringles
Congrats! Looks like our 1st and 3rd will have very close birthdays.

Thot it might be you in the June 2008 thread. I'm a silent reader on that thread coz it moves too fast for me.
It has been a while

Sounds like subsidiary of Kinderland??
They teach art n craft?
A's dad, not sure if it's subsidiary of Kinderland. It's teaching art n craft. But the lesson is scheduled on every Fri in the afternoon, which is after her sch hrs. So need to consider abt logistic prob if enrol her in the class.

QSG, did you attend the coffee gathering on Thu? How's Dana coping in sch? Are you enrolling her in Kinderart?
A's daddy
Nat's swimming lesson is $60 for 4 lessons a month. 45min each time. Need min 4 kids to start a class, but I think currently he has abt 7 kids tog. Well, can't expect much attn since so many kids. But I think 1 to 1 too pressurising for Nat lor.
Oh,so you use a piano stool...no wonder the kids can't all climb up at the same time. And good thing Ben only bangs for awhile. Wow, really admire all your efforts. You must be really busy preparing all the home schooling materials. Did you notice how much the younger ones pick up from their older sibling? It does help to make teaching them easier and less effort is required to occupy them. I do find my boy so much more independent.

Mummies and A's dad
thanks for the well wishes.

Congrats to you too! How are you feeling this pregnancy? Eddie is 4 this year, so i guess you should be more than ready for the arrival of your girl
Planning for natural delivery?

Congrats! Wow, having twins is indeed a challenge. But hey, i have a neighbour who manages her twins by herself, not to mention a small dog too coz she usually brings all three down for walks so i guess, its not impossible.She only got help during the initial first 2-3 months. How are you planning to look after them?

This will be my first natural delivery coz the last 2 were induced. Seriously can't wait to deliver asap coz my tummy is getting quite cramped already. How is this pregnancy for you and how big is your bb now? This time round gynae says i didn't gain as much as for Nigel tho bb is big. Guess i'm too busy with the 2 kids thats why.
Ya, this time gotta celebrate Alicia's bday during confinement i think.It'll be just a simple one. Hope our number 3s will come out fast and smooth
Celebrating Ally's birthday early today coz not sure when I would pop. Was intending for it to be a simple celebration with a small group of friends but dunno how it got bigger. Sigh. Anyway Ally's real excited abt it and insist that I have to put on nail polish and makeup for her for her special princess party.

Preg for no. 3 was a little tougher for me. Gynae says the womb would lower with each pregnancy and it gets worse when we carry heavy stuff like our kids etc. But how to avoid carrying them right? My bb is around the ave weight ... 2.6kg @ 36 weeks. Was hoping for him to come out earlier too but since he's not hit 3kg yet, better for him to come out later.

How come the first 2 were induced?
Wow...I'm not so brave to look after the twins myself...plus am going back to work. Our maid is working out alright so far...will see how she copes when i'm on maternity and if she needs extra help, we'll look for a day nanny to come to our place I guess...! What about you? are you a SAHM?
Wow pringles! Congrats to you too... yes yes.. good to try for natural as opposed to induced if u & bb can wait. The experience is totally different. But definitely worth the wait I can tell u!
Birth is so much easier & faster when bb & ur body are ready.

Pringles & absolute... do keep us informed of the birth! So exciting!!
yup... thats me in the june thread...
yes... that thread moves pretty fast... i oni participate when i'm not so busy with work...

i'm feeling ok so far. this pregnancy has been quite smooth so far, except for my bad MS in 1st tri. otherwise, i hv been pretty mobile and been "running" ard alot. :p a vast diff, i must say, from my 1st preg.
Hehehe, the homeschool materials are mostly prepared already, so I just have to teach. Only for Science, I might do a little preparation.
sorry I didnt see your earlier question about the swimming. No, me and hb swim on our own, adan is left with the other kids and the instructor...he tends to behave better when we are not within eyesight!
hi, can anyone share individual swimclass rate VS group (how many?) swimclass?
Any recs for good swim instructor- ie. someone who actually teaches rather than babysit in the pool, and who is good with kids. Must be gentle with kids.
hi all,
share this recipe... it's good for preventing flu. Suitable for kids above 1.

1/3 lemon juiced
1 orange juiced

for the kids i usually will dilute it with water. My 2 Js seems to like it a lot. Guess the honey does makes a difference
I am scouting for a swimming instructor too
, but I prefer it to be group based (small group). I believe group can bring more fun for the kids, and also motivates each other. In my opnion, individual coaching more for exceling in this sport.

The ingredients are rich in vit C. Hows your 2 Js? How about a couple drip of Volka?? Just kidding!
A's dad/pawprint, my sil passed me the following list of swimming contacts. You want to try? Heehee....
Swim Schools:

Singapore Recreation Club: http://www.src.org.sg/events/SNR/events_SNR_recreation.htm

Sports Lifestyle : http://www.sportingsingapore.com/ttd_bizenterprise/CompanyProfile_MG.aspx?cocode=80089524&dirid=53&coname=SPORTS+LIFESTYLE+INITIATIVES+PTE+LTD

Waterfun: http://www.waterfun.com.sg/fees.php

Splash Aquatic Centre: http://splashing.com.sg/babies.htm

Aquaducks: http://www.aquaducks.com.sg/programmes.htm

Marsden Swim School: http://www.marsdenswimschool.com/babiesandtoddlers.htm

Swimming Lessons: http://www.swimminglessons.com.sg/infantaquatics.htm

absolut, your 3rd one is boy?

PVL, how do you home-sch both kids? Ben ok with home sch? What do you teach him now? Sherwin not interested in books at all so I don’t do much with him.

Ava, how many kids in Adan's swimming class? The instructor can manage?

Brenda, the orange juice wont cause the kid to have phelgm? How's your 2Js? Recovered from fever?
A's dad,
yah.. i thot so too as well... too bad i ran out of citron and mandarin flavoured vodka.. They dun appreciate pear leh..hahahahhaha

taking extra note on their vit c intake now that we r moving into the peak flu period. Its better than offering ribena n yakult, just more preparation required lor.

my 2 Js recovered already... now monsterous as ever. We even went to get the scooter u recommended and both of they r having fun w it.

So far they have been taking twice a week for almost 3 weeks already.. no cough leh. Initially i worry as well... but someone share w me this. Yakult, ribena also have colouring that causes phelgm. If u dun give anything n offer only plain water.. they drink little and gotta worry about dehydation in the recent heat... so give lor..hehehhe

Another option is actually lemon barley but must be cooled ones.. cos heat will destroy the vit c
There are three other kids in Adan's swimming class, 2 of which are already pretty decent swimmers, so i guess it's easier to manage. when he is teaching one, the ones who can swim can swim on their own in the vicintiy, and the others sit by the side of the pool. They learn in the big pool at Bishan Swimming Complex (1.2m) We found this instructor when we were at the pool and started talking to this guy who's the dad to the two other girls in Adan's class...the instructor has taught 3 of his daughters and he seemed quite good with kids so we went ahead. $50 a month.
A's Dad,
Science for pre-school is nothing really lah. I just look online for "pre-school Science activities" and then follow some of the suggestions there. Eg: Water cycle, colours, parts of plants, etc. Some experiments can be done in the kitchen too. I don't do science every day, just about once or twice a week only.

I don't activiely homeschool Ben yet. Too young. The most he will do is sit in front of a DVD like Your Baby Can Read, and some of those Chinese DVDs that Sarah watches too. He can 'sing' some of the songs, which is good I suppose. I hardly use flashcards with him either. No time. Hehehehe.
Brenda, how do you get the lemon and orange juice? What type of honey do u use? Sorry to ask such basic qns... I very scared of my kids having cough. Sherwin got bronchitis quite easily, now he's taking chinese med, hope it helps.

Ava, $50 a month not ex.

PVL, sherwin also watching those edu DVDs. I dun flash card to him also, he's simply not interested.
good for u.. found a good instructor. Isn't it a great blessing to have good mentors in our kids' life?

hmmm... maybe i started Jay too young? We r doing flash cards, storybooks, colouring, alphabets and numbers. Bought chinese flashcards to start next week as well. Somehow i find Jay less teachable or is it like what you less time less patience.

huh? those manual juicer lor.. i still hv the food making set for babies since jem's time..hahahah

I bought the honey from farm mart leh. i dun like the brands in supermarket

it takes time for chinese medicine to strengthen the body... needs to be patience.
hi evyone,
searching for a kindy for ash now n headache n cant 'agree' w hb. how?
i was tinkg of switchg ash fr st joseph cc to their kindy next yr but oso sourcing ard for others. as ash wld 'cha pan' into K1, many gd ones oreadi no vacancy, so mus act fast.
we actually manage to get a place reserved at barker rd methodist church kindy (inside ACS), we heard is very gd n popular. but distance... do u tink our kid at K1 age can take 1hr schoolbus ride? i kind of worry but hb said shd b fine..
then we visited ariseshine kindy at bt timah. i like d very homely n nice christian environment. but is kind of open concept w no enclosed classrm but fully aircon. hb said tis environment wont prepare him for P1 next tx, he wld get culture shock.
why we not decided stay w st joseph kindy or not: v big kindy, 500+ students n oso d curriculum..
haiz.. hvnt started P1 can feel d stress. actually hoh, is my hb a bit more ks, not me, keke...
oh, we actually visited quite a few n so far, hb like barker rd one best. i oso agree is 'good' but d distance loh..
I am looking for a trustworthy and hardworking part time cleaner, someone who resides near the west/central area(alexandra/buona vista/pasir panjang/holland etc). Please PM me if you have such contacts, preferably local/PR. I need it quite urgently so would really appreciate it, thanks!
thanks for the swim contacts, I was hoping to get someone to our pool. Currently our pool has a few instructors but only 1 willing to coach my daughter's age (and my 1st impression of him is he doesn't look like he's gd with kids). I can't be bothered to form a group (condo rules, must be residents, i dunno our neighbours that well to jio).

DD been taking swim classes a long time at another location, but the standards of the coaches really varied. She had 1:1 with a really hopeless coach, and IMO, she wld have been better off in group setting with a decent coach. Her current coach is good... but well, last wk, he handled 6 kids in the same hour. At this age group, they don't all swim together, they take turns. DD was freezing her butt (despite thermal suit) an estimated 50mins out of the 1 hr, just clinging to the pool wall!

So am exploring options.
Jem has been taking 45-1hr of bus ride to school since beginning of the year with no problems... basically they will just snack then zzz in the bus.
Thanks for the contacts. I will check with my condo MC on the listed instructors. Now that Pawprint mentioned about the rules, I will need to check if they can bend the rules to allow our guests to be the student as well.

Adrian broke my bottle of Russian Vodka last night
Can we use lemon and orange from the market, + maluka (right spelling?) honey?

I am thinking about whether we should be teaching about pressure, forces (physics) etc...hahaha...

Alicia trip to school also takes about an hour (although it's only 15mins direct) with pick up of other students. I think the time will pass by pretty fast for them when they start talking and Zzz in the school bus.
A's dad,
Oh my!!! did he cut himself?? ay... what u mean from the market? buy the fruits n juice it lor. If you meant direct from the juice store, will worry amount too much lemon added. Uncle... its manuka honey. very ex hor but its ggod for digestion and bacterial infection.
especially those working ones. The weather is really really hot. Even as a adult i'm affected by it. You might not realise if you are working in the aircon.

So do make it a point to keep ur kids well hydrated if they r taken care at home or in schools w little aircon. Jay at times will become lethargic too at 11plus and take his nap longer and earlier in the afternoon.

My aunt suggested green bean water.. but my kids dun take so gonna make it into posicles. Other choices r lemon barley, water chestnut and more juices.
Fortunately, he did not cut himself. I left the Vodka on the floor, and he tried to pick it up, but dropped it. The bottle was broken at the base, but the whole bottle was gone. Yes, I mean the fruits from the market. Wife wants to blend ourselves. Thanks for the correction, I remembered got something "ka" one..haha.

I heard from some sinseh that barley also makes someone visit the loo more often, so in a way, dehydrate sooner (although it helps to "cool" the body system). Anyhow, water is essential to keep them hydrated, or even milk.
Hi Mommies,
Some pics to share. Alicia turns 4YO yesterday. We celebrated with her in the Disney restuarant at Anchorpoint, and also in school yesterday.



Her friends in school. BD kid does not need to wear uniform


Adrian enjoying himself too at the restuarant:
Can anyone share their kid's nursery curriculum this year? In term 1 and term 2.

I'm a wee bit concerned abt my girl's current kindy curriculum... but HB thinks that as long as it's NOT LOWER than the average PCF kindy, then there's no cause to move her. He said he did fine in PAP Kindy last time...

Thing is, I dunno what's the average PCF kindy??? I admit I kinda hantam-hantam put my girl in current kindy due to location and apparently they have loving teachers/ environment, and she does have sports P.E. and outdoor playground days and waterplay and some sort of group-music singalong-to-tapping-triangles.
eg. my girl's kindy, nursery term 1 & term 2, covered:
- 0-4
- lower case handwriting for a few alphabets (they follow jollyphonics sequence, not exactly A, B, C, and so on).
- no blending phonics, still introducing basic phonics of each letter- haven't covered whole alphabet yet.
- heng, shu, dian (for chinese strokes)
Hee... I take nat's folder show you can liao lah!! Actually hor, I oso dunno what she learn in sch leh.
I think you are doing quite a bit with A at home liao, so no need to worry too much abt sch. How I wish I am as hardworking as you leh. I see the painting sessions you do with A, so nice!
OMG, all these discussion made me feel so stress!!!! I simpily bo chap.....LOL~ Or rather, I got no time to chap so much. My phil is, got send him to school, he learn something from there, no complain fm school, I do what I can "afford" to at home. Thats it!!!
Alicia brings back her worksheets, craft work, and workbooks from school every Friday. The school will also include a sheet of summary of what has been done in that week, and some ideas on how to reinforce the learning from home. Honestly, I just read, and did not reinfore as I think one week in school is more than enough. Weekend should be time for fun, and relax

In summary, term 1 and 2 covered:
1. Writing their name. Identify their friend's name.
2. Writing a to r, and 1 to 20.
3. About dessert, wetland, farmland
4. Maths- adding objects
I'm really happy with last yr, when she was in pre-nursery, I don't recall if she learnt anything concretely academic... but she had fun! This yr I'm starting to worry... but next yr at K1 level, I'm afraid the gap will be rather wide (compared to other kindys at same level)?
Nowadays dun have chance to come in to post or read postings in details.

A's Daddy, keep me informed about the swimming class.

Giggler, we didn't go to the coffee get together. You signed up for the art class? We didn't since we did not know about the class at all. You got any details? Btw, i heard from Dana Vane just celebrated her birthday and her bro was there? What time do you have to be there to celebrate her birthday? How many are there in her class including vane?

Mummies who are preggie or have given birth or going to give birth, CONGRAS!

Pringles, long time never heard from you..suddenly you said you are going to deliver already ....peifu you for having number 3
Thx for your concern for Png Png. He is clear fm almost everything during the review wif the various consultants fm various dept except enzyme in liver still higher than normal range. Pending consultation wif speech therapist. Got his 6 in 1 n pneumoccocal jab simultaneously Body warm lucky din develop fever. PD still refuse to issue letter on health of pink for Png Png. Png Png is rejected by insurance co
Wow all u send your kids for swimming lesson. I thot teaching Chen Chen swimming our own or rather more on playing wif water.

Ghee your tummy really v v big. My clothes unable to fit u I wear size S But I hv 2 free size pants. Not sure if u wanna take a look
Infection got after birth

U celebrating Ally's b'dy in school?
Dunno how bb got the infection but PD said thru poo poo

U r v clever I m foreverfrendshoney How did u guess it?
Dr said such infection got thru poo poo

V tiring n busy coz work 1/2 day but v gd arrangement. No time to miss bb yet can go home fast to c him.
The pump works well except battery contact loose
Had steamboat on mother's day Can't go out wif n infant. Chen Chen's cc taught him to make a card n mail to me by snail mail. V touch!

Alicia's daddy
Alicia is v brave
Happy belated b'dy to Alicia
How's dining @ the Disney restaurant?
Adrian is v big now He wz still a bb the last time I saw him

8th Jun dragon boat festival Still remember u asked ard wrt making of dumpling
Mouth ulcer I use bongela Salt too salty tod doesn't know how to spit it out
Yes, Chen Chen same boredom as u described. He always nua ie laze on sofa, bed even when he watches TV programme
I hv the same worry as Giggler. Lemon n orange result in cough n phlegm. Chen Chen had bronchitis b4

y do u wanna pull Ash out fm cc? He is v happy there rite.
1 hr bus ride is too much Daily twice leh

I never clean Chen Chen's ear wax

Din hear fm u for centuries. Congrats!
I hv another boi
Going to TMC? Wish u swift n smooth delivery

Shake hand. I got no time to chap so much. My infant chained me to the ground
Good to hear tat Png png is doing well.
INfection thru poo poo isit his own poo when in the womb or after birth? Cos the TMC nurse told me Elliot had some poo poo when he was borned, so he might have eaten some, not sure. Then ask me wan to wash his stomach or not, I say go ahead.

Forgot to congratulate you on your #3.
Do post photos, dun think I can recognise NIgel liao.

A's daddy
Happy belated Bday to Alicia!! She looks happy!
I wan to bring Nat to tat mickey cafe too.. but scared she pester me to bring her to disneyland! HOho... HOw's the food there?
Every yr nat's sch will have 1 meet parents-teachers session, the teachers will do up the classrooms with art and craft the kids did. I think the theme for the K2 kids are countries ard the world. And the teachers put these tog, looks v nice.


QSG, we gg for the art trial class on 28th May, then decide if we signing up Vane for the art class. Cos we need to think of transport leh. My hb reached the sch ard 9am for the bday celebration and I prepared 30 goody bags for the class (the teacher returned me the extra). He managed to take one pic of both Vane and Dana leh.

Koala, great to hear that Png is ok now!!! Your co allows you to work half day?

Mom2Nat, wow... Nat's teachers very gd leh, impressed with their work.
Both your kids look alike hor?
