(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Ava, PV,
hmm.. wld start him wen he is ready.

wow, mine full term abt ur current tummy size. but twins mah. do u noe d gender oreadi?

fun but tiring. cher is fine. ash still same old problem. gg for hydrocele surgery on 12 jul.

Happy belated birthday to Cherelle. Saw her pictures..so lovely the cake she had for her birthday

Hope to be able to meet up with you and your gal soon
Think I saw you and your family at Isetan Scotts on thursday afternoon. were you there? Didn't managed to say hi though.

Loved Cherelle's birthday cake. So sweet.

Mommies, do you know of any place in Singapore where I can get Belle Princess Cake toppers etc. Ally is in love with Belle now but she only likes chocolate cake. So thot of getting the chocolate fudge cake from Lana / Chocabloc and decorate it on our own.
B2B3M4, mom2nat, skyblue, pvl, stressma, gacc, alicia's daddy
BB's platelet gd now @ 300+. H/w liver hv enzyme n a small cysts (dunno still there or not) Going for blood test n ultra scan next Fri

Chen Chen in cc. BB taken care by my mum n SIL
Thx for interpreting those medical terms

B2B3M4, Giggler, Pvl
I start work next Mon

mom2nat, gacc
My bb's name is Yan Png. We call him Png Png

I m stressed over coping wif a tod n a bb, not bf lar. May b stress over bf when I start work
Chen Chen loves di di v much but v chor lor to di di

I thot bo/po/mo fo is han yu pin yin?

Emily, stressma
Chen Chen is in Pasir Ris Carpe Diem

stressma, Giggler
Indeed my bb's illness is v serious. He needs more vaccine than others

No med for his illness. Recovery depends on his own antibodies. I kept requesting Dr to let me bf him. Dat's the only way I can help him
I find phonics more difficult than han yu pin yin

Kow tow to u "making our way up the slope to the Great Wall to take the cable car and climb the great wall a little. "
brenda, ya me stay in JW...near the ext part...jayden is same age as my gal, jil-lene who is turing 2 in Oct:>
haha...me still wondering where to put her next yr...

Koala...u are foreverfrendshoney?????
good to hear tat ur bb is recovering???? did u ask the doc how this occur?
hugz.. must have been tough on you to cope w png2 health. Will be keeping his tests in my prayers.

oohh... we might be having a jurong mummies gathering at my place this month.. will u be keen?
Yep, two girls...identicals

*Oh dear* just went back to read what happened to your bb. was that "enterovirus sepsis wif meningitis n thrombocytopenia" developed outside the womb (after birth)?...*hugs* n take care...!
koala, good luck to Png's test this Fri. How are you coping now? Hope that Png recover ASAP
How's the pump that you got? Is it working fine?
hehe..ya. asking her for advice lor! Sigh....I wonder if I will spend a bomb buying stuff.hopefully my MIL will buy as much stuff for them as she did for my son...then dont have to buy so much!

ALl the best for Png's test. Must have missed your earlier posting. Didn't realise your bb was in such a serious condition. How did he even get such a diease.

I just bought some bb clothes etc so keeping the receipt for you. What exactly can you claim? Only bb stuff or even mommy stuff? Let me know how to pass it to you.
Go and check out the girl's stuff yourself and then tell us how u can resist not to buy. I super kiam siap also cannot kiam on Vernice. I hv been buying, buying & buying :p Especially when I have a neigbour that sell children's clothes online. Imagine a pumpkin patch dress I manage to get it at $16 when the shop in sg selling at $42. It is authentic & not factory overrun. Juz last weekend, bought many for Vernice & FEW for Randall. LOL~ Need contact? Haha...
Juz got an email fm the lady on her mother's day promotion. http://www.jcastorsee.com. Content of the email.

Happy Mothers Day! This is specially for you ... I am giving 20% off all item in my gallery
www.jcastorsee.net and additional 10% off sale / clearance items

Its time to get gifts your your friends and family members for birthday etc ( ask me if they are great gifts and i will tell you if they are appropriate )

For orders NET of $100 ( after discount ) ; additional 5% will be given
Enjoy shopping with me ...

Read the ff before ordering :

a.* Please do not email me if you are undecided to complete the transaction. Give chance to those who really want it ...

b. THIS IS ONLY UNTIL TUESDAY May 13. Email of payment transfer should be received by Wednesday May 14.

c. Please unsubscibe if you do not want to be on my mailing list

d. It is best to reply me at [email protected] ; email me if you do not get any response after 12 hours ; I may have missed out your request ... first email; first serve

e. ALL discounts does not apply to pending orders that has not been paid ... and is only for those found in www.jcastorsee.net

f. mailing costs
$1 for below 250 grams
$1.50 below 500 grams
$2.55 below 1kg
registered mail : $2.55

FREE registered mail for orders above $80
TO all mommies,
Happy Mother's day!

RE: Swimming
Any one sending your tods for swimming class?

I lost your contact number because Alicia deleted my SIM card contacts. Can you SMS me? (Note: I managed to trace back some of the contacts from the June/July bb Yahoo grp
LOL Val,
See what you've started!! HAha....will def buy & buy lah, but later on...not the infant stage "wash and wear" type mah!

A's dad
I send Adan for swimming class. it's been about 2 -3 months now. and he's very confident in water now (well, not so confident with us, still want to cling on)....we pay $50 a month for a group class.
Thanks for your SMS

Hee, very useful backup. I have updated my new email address in the database too.

Alicia was playing in the pool and got into some trouble balancing herself with the float, so drank some water from the pool. This triggered me to seriously consider putting her into a swimming class to enhance her water confidence. Fortunately, she was not traumatised by this episode, and I was very glad to hear her said "Teacher XXX said must try again"
She was playing again after crying for 5mins. I dropped my cellphone into the phone, and she can even joked that my cellphone did not wear float..hahaha...

RE: Swimming
Mommies in the west : I am thinking of forming a group for swimming lesson in the pool at my house. Anyone interested? Of course, after swimming, can bath and eat at my humble home
- weekend only.
A's dad
Sounds like she is not too badly troubled lah..good good..i had an episode myself when I was a child with a spoilt float and only could bring myself to learn swimming when I was much much older. good to get them over the fear early...
kids arh... jem drew for me and jay fed me buttered corns kernel by kernel cos he din like them...hahahah

haiz~ when will we really get to celebrate mother's day with no caregiving and cooking needed.

A's dad,
u planning to get a private coach for the swimming lesson? can keep me in the track? Can't confirm now cos i'm having blading lessons on saturday and church on sunday.. so can only join in if the timing doesn't clash.

Hi all,
few questions :

1) When is dragonboat festival? coming soon right?? bought some ba zhang leaves already.. gotta plan my 'practice' before the actual day..hahhaha

2) Anyone uses chinese flashcards here? wanna know whether it is effective.

3) mouth ulcer. What to do to make it feels better for the kids? Jem got an ulcer in his mouth... gave me a scare but been monitoring for days already.. no spots, no fever, no nothing.. but that 1 ulcer lor.. he complains pain sometimes especially when having his fav orange juice nowaday.. erm, dun think we can put salt ike adults do rite?

4) Gathering
any plans for a gather during school hols? *shiver* i really wonder how to cope w jem at home for 1 month now..

5) Boredom
Anyone having the same problem with the older one as me? Jem seems to be bored.. With the 3hr class plus worksheets and drawings at home... he still seems to be suffering from boredom. We even bring him downstairs to run around more often now but once he is left on his own... he gets bored. He doesn't watch tv much now tho i still leave it on. He goes thru his bricks everyday and starts to throw once he runs out of 'things' to build.. he brings out all his jigsaw puzzles to go thru once everyday.. he jumps at every activity books.. but where got so much worksheets for him to do? i'm really freaking out at the thot of one month school hols
Kieran gets ulcers quite easily cos he's always knocking onto furniture, then end up he'll bite himself. At times, I have to write letters to his teacher to explain dat his ulcer is not cos of HFMD ;p

Last wk, I oso had a scare cos he had 2 ulcers on his gum. He told me it was cos he fell from the sofa and he 'kissed' the floor. But I didn't witness it so wasn't sure if it was cos of HFMD, so like u, kept checking for fever, spots etc.

I usu apply a gel called Medijel which his PD prescribed for Kayden some time ago. Not sure if u can get from pharmacy tough. But I know pharmacies do sell ulcer cream.
A's daddy
Nat learns swimming, just started, 2nd lesson. She is afraid to put her head into the water, but 1st lesson she always can do it with this coach. HOpefully she can learn to swim, rather than always playing in the baby pool. Hee...

Tks for the website. The mailing cost quite high hor, $6 for a dress.
i'm so envious that your kieran can speak so well.. easily convey his thoughts to you.. i wouldn't have known that Jem has ulcer if not for the orange juice that hurts him. Kieran can even tell you how it comes about..haiz~

k, think i'll go look for the gel. hopefully they have those suitable for kids.

sanrio, skyblue
actually i think Ashrel and Kieran will have the same problem as Jem leh... have they start asking to buy those science experience kind of books n toys? or their activities recently requires a lot of explaining and follow up? any sharing on how you gals cope?

A's dad,
i remembered you bought a sccoter for Alicia rite? can tell me how was it? i'm thinking of getting one for Jem's birthday.. still trying to decide whether to get those 100+ from sport's shop or 50+ from toy r'us. any feedback that u can share?
How abt getting some ear wax solvent from the GP? It supposedly can soften the ear wax and it'll come out by itself.
Actually not suppose to clean the ears but like u, i face the problem of hard and big pieces of ear wax. we freak our when we saw ear wax sticking out of jem's ear n pull to see that it's actually the size of the nail on our little finger. so since young i clean my Js ears regularly. They got used to it.. but care must be taken not to clean too deep in alas it will make them sneeze or hurt and they will jerk so might poke in.

but best to do what absolut says.

Sorry... did u try checking w them whether they do accept kids turning 4? i went to a few programmes for 4 yrs old but tey dun accept those turning 4 leh
oh good... but ur time will come...hahhaha

Jem doesn't really play w his cars anymore but will do things like use his bricks to make table, chairs, tv, bed etc then get his cars to be 'model'... no more trains too tho he will still set it up n then let jay play w the train. Even at toy shop he will say no cars, bye thomas.

I'm starting to feel very taxed cos jay reaches the age to wan to sit in whatever jem's doing. end up one simple game/book needs to modify to suit 2 kids w different needs.
Ava, you or your hb also go into water with Adan?

A's dad, I interested in swimming lesson.
Alicia very brave gal.

Brenda, you started your blading lessons? Where? Tuen Wu festival is on 8th June. I dun mind gathering
Vane doesn’t show boredom at home, she play with her kitchen set, barbie doll, etc, if not then watch her cartoons from ch34, or barney. I got less than $50 scooter from toys r us for Vane's Xmas present. She still playing with it.

Emily, we dun clean kids' ears.
Zoophonics has holiday program. For Alicia who is in daily class, they will automically be place to the holiday program as a class unless you opt out. You can call to enquire: 65656768.

I bought the scooter (3 wheelers) at $20+ from neighbourhood shop. Alicia is still playing at times, but recently, Adrian picked up the skill. If the scooter is left in one corner, no one wants to play, but when one starts to play, the other one will start to snatch *headache*
Alicia is already in "advance stage" where she can ride the scooter, and turn corner really fast. Adrian pushes slowly, place his feet on the flatform, and let it glide

Does Nat join a group or individual? How much is the fee, and how many lessons? hee, must compare pricing so can negotiate

Sanrio, Brenda, Giggler,
Let me check and let you know the fee etc.
I'm taking the lesson at Kallang leisure. More expensive than the one at East Coast but no waiting list and less students thus more attention given. We go earlier to let Jem watch the kids' having lesson... yesterday for the first time he ask to try on mine..yeah!!!

ay.. i think ur gal strong enuf to blade.

Speaking of gathering... r u popping by on this sunday?

Jem dun watch ch 34 anymore too tho he will still let me keep it on for jay... aiyoh! i really dun noe what he wants...

it's the scooter sturdy?? i guess it should be so rite since it's okay for vane and jem so skinny. jem's weak lah... his legs aren't strong so i thot of getting it for him to train up before letting him go for blading lesson.

eek.. the more i talk abt him the more i feel he's wimpy!always more books, more drawing, more craft, more baking... i'm starting to think i'm nurturing an ah gua now
A's Dad,
Is the scooter adjustable height? Then maybe can get one for roy.. both of them fighting for the same one at home also.
Swimming lesson..if on weekend I dun mind also.. u update me can.. maybe not have time to check this thread.. u have my Contact no right.. listed on that database.

Blading.. Ryan is doing it off an on at East coast park..now he moves faster then me.. I really need to catch up with him
brendali, initially I also like u dun clean the ear wax. but freaked out too when I tried & got a very very very big & hard piece. Wonder if stuck in there, will our kids not be able to hear properly. ahhaa.. maybe that's why must keep repeating ourselves & say the same things so many times before they hear us. :p

absolute & other mommies, thanks for your input. Now I know I am not being a lazy mom. :p

re: holiday camp
Brendali, I haven't called to ask. I thought should be ok. After all, in jul our kids 4 already right? What's one month?
I bought it from the bicycle shop at JW st91 (next to the shoe shop). It is the only decent bicycle shop there
. Alicia is "stuck" with ch32..hahaha..

The handle is adjustable, but it is troublesome, since it requires a spanner to unscrew, adjust the height before tightening again. OK, will update you about the swimming class. Sure, the database is useful (thanks to Emily!)
Wah, you so clever, can make bak chang! I don't even have time to think about making bak chang. Hehehehe. give me some when you're done OK? ; ).

Re: Chinese
Sarah uses the "wo hui du" series for recognition of words. For Chinese now, she mostly does this, + watch "Sing Play and Learn Chinese" DVD, and listen to "Let's Sing Mandarin" on the CD. I also read her Chinese books regularly. Her Chinese is improving, though she still cannot really string a sentence together or make intelligent conversation.

re: Boredom
My girl enjoys playing with didi. They play a lot together. I don't sense that she's bored. She plays with her toys, sometimes watches her DVDs, sometimes I let her watch (and help) me prepare food for lunch or dinner. If she's really 'bored', I give her paints and paper, and let her paint. Cutting paper can occupy her no end. She has gymnastics on Wednesdays, Swimming on Tuesdays. Her homeschool also comes with worksheets that she must do. She seems to be quite occupied. Does Jem take afternoon naps?
You can get activities for them to do online, even science ones.

I clean my kids' ears once fortnightly or so. VERY CAREFULLY, with lots of bright light shining in!! Sarah's ears tend to have dry wax whilst ben's ears are more wet. I also once removed a big big ball from Sarah's ear. It was yucky and black and round!

re: ear wax
It's so interesting that mommies notice the size, colour & texture of the ear wax! :p
For now, I have decided not to touch it... & wait for it to come out more before I jump on it again. ahahaa...
Hi mummies and a daddy
Really havn't been in here for some time. I find myself so busy with 2.

Hi 5!I'm also expecting my number 3 due some time end of this month and its a boy too. Really tiring coping with my tummy and 2 active kids all this while. Just changed new maid too 2 months ago.Hey, all the best to you if i don't pop here again soon

How do u manage to teach Sarah piano with Benjamin around? I have never been able to suceed having just Alicia at the piano coz Nigel would insist on climbing up to "bang" on piano too:p Every time i start to play, both kids are climbing beside me and it becomes a threesome thingy...so i hardly have any chance to play myself.

Congrats on your number 2...its a girl?

Did you mention you are expecting twins?

Okie....gotta go teach maid how to cook
Wah, you and absolut are so fast!! Congrats Congrats! End of this month??? So soon. All the best to you.
With 3, it's going to be hard to teach Alicia piano right?
My piano stool is the adjustable kind, so it's not very long. Can only sit about 1 person, so Ben doesn't try to climb up. And it's very high cos my piano is very high too. When I teach Sarah, I let Ben bang lor. He only bangs on the extreme ends. He'll bang for a minute and then go away, so it's easier to just let him than to prevent him. As for playing myself, well, that's another thing. Like you, hardly play. No time. TOo much housework and cooking to do. hehehe.

Do let us know when you deliver
pringles, CONGRATS!!!

PVL, do you feel that both threads that we go to are rather productive? hope to hear gd news from you soon!!!
Btw, I saw you and your family at Conrad last Sat. Ben is so big boy and Sarah so sweet iwth her viet costume.
