(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

no leh.. jay will play well with ur 2 Gs.. running, jumping and dashing all around...hahahahah

Hi all,
I've updated my blog!! Check out the one on Keppel MArina... pretty nice place to go for tea. The cakes and muffins definitely yummier than those at starbucks IMHO.


Its Vane's b-day tmr??? That's chloe's too!!!!
But this mummy too lazy n tired. Will only be having a small celebrationf for her at home. Cannot take all these b-day celebration anymore. Imagine 1 mth later will be ashley's turn. Need to celebrate in school plus home. Hb says just have a major one for both in mid June??!!!!
Giggler, Pigletz,
ay... where does elmobb lives? u gals wanna come over to my place to play mj on sundays afternoon? then i can play with ur kids...wahahahah
elmobbger stays very near to your during weekdays. Your offer is very very tempting leh.

Happy Bday to Chloe!!!!

Don't need big celebration lah. I think the kids will be happy just to see cakes. hahaha
Brenda, so you dun need to look for cc liao? Save one headache. Hahaha... What home biz are you working on? Elmobbger stays near your place. Hehehee....

Pigletz, I not very itchy cos we have it quite often with my hb's family. LOL....

Jem can dance with Vane leh... Vane into 'dancing' too,always pester me to dance with her every nite.

Ava, we only had bday party for Vane last Sat but she alr very happy liao. No choice cos she has a lazy mummy. Hehehe

B2, Chloe's bday also 28th May? I only rem absolut's gal also 28th May, same as Vane. And Chen is 29th May, one day later than Vane.
Wow, so many B'days this week.
Happy birthday to Vane, Allison, Chen Chen, Chloe, and all that I missed out

OK, wait for my good news. I just SMS you.
The chicken wing makes me drool, yummy yummy.

OK, will SMS when I am ready to purchase those books. I was asked to refrain from buying on the day itself due to long queue, so better get them at least 2 weeks before.

Alicia loves to dance too, especially "shaking her bum" type

RE: pizza making gathering for the kids
I am tinkling on this idea for a while.
Anyone suggestion?
Next time u come my place then i show u the 'biz' lah.. very hard to tell over here..hahahha

ay... u still okay leh... Jem always makes me 'dance' w him in public... when we were at Keppel Marina, the angmos were happily entertained by us playing n dancing.. they commented that i have 2 joyous boy..hahahah, think they deliberately miss out the siao mummy part

A's dad!
yes yes yes!! pizza making session i also wanna go!! hahahhahah
2 joyous boys always comes with siao mummy one lah..in my case, 1 joyous boy also come with siao, screaming, furious, sometimes-swearing-like-a-sailor mummy....eso when pregnant! haha!
Brenda, I thought Jem in JCC right? how come the travelling time so long? My gals are fine just Evee super naughty and aggressive. Bully jie jie and also destructive..pull out plants mess with soil and even play with toilet bowl water?? yucks! She is still very underweight 9kg at 18 mths. Seems like till now, Dana dun really know how to defend herself.

Giggler, I pm you my email addy, you email me when ready, thanks. So how regarding the trial class? where and what time? how much? My mum ask Dana to write numbers but she said dunno dunno leh.

A's Daddy & Giggler, Dana also attending YJMC.
title is quite cheesy... Master of Addition. Only available from SM shop which SM members can buy, I think. Erm, I can only listen to some segments of the CD... the rest give me a headache (it goes on normal speed once over, then repeats with 2x speed, dunno-what-time speed, and superduper high speed...).

A's Dad,
aiyoh dun confuse me... I thought u said Liang Zhi as in "yi zhi/ ge/ tiao"... the mandarin equivalent of "one piece/ slice/ unit"??? When I got B3, my mandarin teacher said I damn lucky, pls dun waste time to re-test. :p

heard my girl's teacher (her kids learning piano too) bought 2nd-hand for $400 thereabouts? It looked fine to me, I didn't actually HEAR the quality.

anyway just heard from another mum that $400 piano may NOT produce very nice sounds even if it's properly tuned and all. I didn't know pianos sound differently, thought all sound the same once they are tuned properly, oops! :p

not sure I wanna plonk $800 on a Yamaha 2nd-hand... Ahgirl only 4yo, today she very keen on keyboard, tomorrow I dunno whether she'd change her mind! :/
A's Daddy,
Pizza making is fun.. just need to prepare the dough and cut the ingredients before hand.
I did it a few times with my playgroup students

Piano $400..digital piano is it?
Vane and Alicia class starting on July 5th, how about Dana? In Frontier CC rite? My Adrian also at 9Kg+ (coming 20th months). Dunno how to increase his weight *headache*. He likes to eat junk food, but I guess he also moves too much

Aiya, Sorry...I think I confused you :p Maybe 2 of us got B3 only..hahahaha...yes, you are right about the "liang zhi". That's what I mean.

Thanks for the tips!

RE: Pizza making gathering
I am thinking of booking the cooking area at my house (comes with oven, cooking area, washing bay, TV, and utensils), and if we can have a gathering, we can make it a pizza gathering for the kids too. Can also book the KTV room next to it for the siao mummies to dance and sing. Any good ideas on the timing?
A's dad,
wld b great if hv gathering n pizza making for d kids. saturday noon is fine w me.

would b sending ash to st joseph kindy next yr (K1). since i m a sahm n hopefully cher is older, i can cope w both next yr. feel guilty putting ash in cc for so long oreadi.. oso both can hv more tx to play n grow up 2geter. tink i wld b very busy then..

ash loves to sing n dance too. my frd's dogs name: peaches, pate, posh. ash wld sing 'peaches pate posh, peaches pate posh....' to d tune of pease porridge hot(pot)
wahahah... u make me LOL. i dun noe how to curse nor swear..hahhah

most prob they have students mostly in taman jurong area thus after sending them, jem comes home late..

wahahha... Evee souns so fun :p

yeah... next time we can lament our miseries together..haahhah
hi Jeslyn...
my boy attends N at PCF. every PCF outlet has a diff learning and teaching curriculum. so the feedback for every PCF kindy is diff. you may wan to visit those near ur area to find out more.

hello all...
jus an update... me now at 36 weeks... checkup a couple of days ago revealed that i am already 3cm dilated, and cervix is soft... so though gynae cant predict when i will pop, but for sure the labour will be a fast one. i am now a time-bomb...
all the best!!! my friend just popped a few weeks ago...labour done in 45 mins!! get to hosp as soon as u feel contractions babe!
Wow! This thread is suddenly alive!!!!

Er-hmmm, As' Daddy, should be "liang (4) ci(2)", not liang zhi.

Congrats to all the preggie mummies! Absolut and Pringles, I salute u!

Aiyoh, feel so stressed after reading all the academic postings! Super stressful! I don't remember being able to do maths n reading etc when I was 4 yo.... Dun want to join the rat race, but also dun wan to let my gal lag behind cos of my own laziness....

Koala, good to hear that Png Png is alright now.

Mom2nat, Nat's kindi always have very impressive setup from the teachers!

Soyabean, good luck and all the best!!!!
soyabean, good luck to your delivery!!!

Jeslyn, your gal not continuing at SFA next yr?

hazey, you still SAHM???

Share with you Vane's bday pic:
best wishes for a smooth delivery

happy bday to vane. u brought sherwin to her school? agree w pigletz, wen they c cake, very happy oreadi.

a's dad, qsg,
cherelle is 13mths old now. she started walkg. she is very petite n light. 8.4kg. unlike ash.

nice pics. keppel marina at??

little update:
ash is gg for his hydrocele surgery tis coming monday.. has been postponing cos minor cold/cough, they wont allow d surgery.
Happy belated bday to Vane. I like her sch uniform

Happy belated bday to chenchen oso.

All the best for ash's surgery.
gacc, thanks and good luck to Ash's surgery!!! You take care too...

skyblue, thanks... Vane has been putting on wt since she attends this sch till I've to buy new set of uniform for her liao. Hahaha
Thanks for the correction. Cannot expect much from me in chinese..hehehe...

All the best for Ash's surgery. Let me know if you need any help. Adrian still 9+Kg at 20mths, but eating well. We cooked peanuts soup for him, which my wife says suppose to increase his appetite.

Reminds me of the good old days in JCC
. The color of the uniform still the same, but I think the design changed a little.

Leng Leng,
hi hi, any good things to share?

RE: Pizza making gathering
Let's do this in one of the Sat in July.
Let's do a poll on the date:
1. July 12
2. July 19
3. July 26
I may need some of your help to advise the ingredients to buy, and what is needed.
TLL, congrats!!! Wow, seems like we've a few mummies with #3 liao hor???

A's dad, I cant make it on Jul 19, the other 2 dates are fine for me. Let me search ard to see what's suitable for the kids for the pizza making.
Hi A's Daddy,

We will need the following for the pizza making session.

200 gm. plain flour - sifted
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. Instant Yeast
1/2 tsp. salt
110 ml. water
1 tbsp. cornoil or olive oil

200 gm. Ham - cut into small pieces
5 Tbsp. Tomato Paste
some sliced Hot Dogs
7 slices of cheese (Kraft singles slice)
250 gm. Mozarella Cheese

Well, the topping can change lah, but the dough will be as follow.

I can go dig out more recipe if you want.

Won't be able to make it on the 19 July as we will be going to St John island over the weekend.
Leng Leng,
Congrats. I cannot imagine having #3 leh. 2 of them already making my weekend more stressful than my work. Last weekend, Adrian expressed his extract painting work in the playroom's wall, and I have not coat it over with the paint to cover his work...hahaha...

OK. Must show you my JCC photos when we meet next time

RE: Pizza making gathering
Let's start with July 19 than.
Date : July 19 (Sat)
Time : (tentative : 2-5pm)
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Giggler
A's Daddy,
thank you.

Why not just leave it there for him to admire for this moment,
when he's older, make him do the painting.
A's dad, I cant make it on 19th Jul leh...

Pigletz, you gg St John for camping??? very adventurous leh...

I outsource GG for pizza ingredients. Below is her input:
- pizza base - buy ready make or using muffin bread (cold storage do sell)
- sause can use pasta sauce
- Sausages or ham
- Pineapples/capcicum/button mushroom-if making hawaian pizza
- Cheese- mozarella
Opps, wrong date provided.
RE: Pizza making gathering
Let's start with July 19 than.
Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : (tentative : 2-5pm)
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Giggler
2. Pigletz
3. Brenda??
4. Sanrio??
5. Hazey??
6. QSG??

Pigletz, Giggler,
Thanks for the receipe.
when the date is fixed, I will come back to you again for the preparation. I guess it must be simple enough for the kiddoes to make and have fun

Leng Leng,
I cannot tahan the extract art lar, it's my new house leh...hahahaha...He draws on paper when we are around, but when nobody watching over him, it's "free and easy".
A's dad,

The other 2 dates i've to confirm later. Need to arrange and see when to celebrate my boys' birthdays. 26th no prob.

As for the ingredients, I can only think of the following :

- ready made pizza base
- 1 can of tomato sauce, those 90cts one cos only need to spread on the pizza base.
- picnic ham or chicken ham (easier to cut) cut into star/heart shapes w cookie cutters
- fresh button mushrooms or canned ones
- shredded parmesan cheese (easier for them to sprinkle)
- shredded mozarella cheese

other options :
- shredded chicken
- cocktail sausages cut into small round discs
wow...so many posts to update....

brena, thks for your invitation...but i was not in town for the last 2 weeks....
but if i read correctly...no gathering in the end uh?

koala....good to hear tat ur baby is fine now...

congrats to all mummies whom babies are due soon...or have given birth...those haveing no. 3 are so brave....i cant imagine myslef having a 3rd one...i m going to stop at 2!

giggler and A's dad...
i did not stop jo-van music wonderland...cos just when i told him i gonna stop the lesson, he told me he wanted it...and even try to be participative in the lesson...he likes solfedge (ie. singing in do re mi...) i enroled him in the next level and his JMC class also start on the 5 july leh...but at 12pm with his current teacher and class who is a chinese...what is vane and alicia's timing?

PVL, ur gal realy good leh...can do addition...now i m "stressed" again...haha

i don't have the time to teach my boy...thou i bght a lot of books...wanting to teach him. his school gave a lot of worksheets for the holidays...i havnt even start...

he know very simple addition...using his fingers to count...recognition of nos, alphabets...writing still quite bad, he is lefthanded...so sometimes will write mirror image....the stroke also not very correct...

A's dad, if u are organising swimming lesson in your condo, will it be a group? if non resident, can join uh?
We can celebrate for them if you want to
Thanks for the pizza tip.
What temp must we use for the oven?? I need to check that the oven can reach that temperature.

Long time no "see". How are you?
Alicia and Vane will be from 11-12pm.
I am still scouting for an instructor
Yes, I plan to be a group, and regarding the issue of non rsident, I will re-confirm with the MC when I find the right instructor.
A's Daddy,
I should be okay with any dates.

Regarding Pizza dough.
If I have no time to do it "fresh" on the day I will prepare it one day in advance and store in the fridge.. and warm up in the microwave to "soften" it before use.
hi mummies and kiddos of 2004,

anyone of you keen to have playdates or meet-together-&-play sessions?

We can meet up at central locations or parks or beaches, or my house even.

hope to hear from all of you! cheers!
We are working on a pizza making gathering

Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : (tentative : 2-5pm)
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Giggler
2. Pigletz
3. Brenda
4. Sanrio
5. Ruffy
6. QSG??
7. Hazey??
8. Stressma??

You want to come along?

What temp is needed for the pizza? 180C???
the teacher is quite drama...she will sing with a lot of expressions....like JG kind...but i they they got to ...to engaged with the children.....

A's dad,
count me in for the gathering! wanna "see" all of u....so far only saw giggler wo...
yalor.. the kids were down w fever so cancelled last minute

A's dad,
Can lah!! even toaster also can make pizza. The usual temp for homemade dough is around 200. Pre-made kind got to check packaging.. mine was 230
Hi all,
brought the kids to Science Centre yesterday.. they having a dinosaur exhibits going on leh... quite cool with life size dinos that moves and roar.. hahahaha

At JW St 41 (near Lakeside MRT station).

OK. This is the first time I am coordinating this type of gathering, very stress liao

How much is the family membership fee for science centre?

OK. Hope to see you, and your family too.

Date : July 26 (Sat)
Time : (tentative : 2-5pm)
Venue: My humble home (but not my kitchen..hehe)

1. Giggler
2. Pigletz
3. Brenda
4. Sanrio
5. Ruffy
6. Stressma
7. QSG??
8. Hazey??
9. Ava??
