(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I have Avent bags. I can spare most of them. It's the disposable system bags, right?

My girl did this Maths this morning


Her writing is sometimes still not so accurate especially 2, 6 and 8.
A's dad,
i realise if u position Adrian in the Disney restaurant pic with the 'ears' directly behind on his head, t will look very cute...hahahha

Congratz on Alicia turning 4!!!

How r u settling in ur new home?

i guess the curriculum is similar...

I also engage the phil like val let them learn whatever the school offers. I'm more interested to cultivate Jem's interest in knowledge so will create 'chances' to expose him to various things. Ultimately i guess i just want him to have a 'thirst for knowledge' to 'explore' on his own so that i need not spoonfeed him all they way....hahhahahaha

u r back

good to hear that ur little prince is well.

If you think Chen chen is sensitive to citrus fruits then better to avoid lor. I guess i'm still very ang mo and calculate in terms of minerals and vitamins. I too believe oranges induces phlegm and abstain from citrus fruits for jem till 3 as he has weak tummy. But I'm comfortable to let him try out various food now that his body/organs r matured.

ur kids looks more like ur hb hor..
So long nvr hear from u liao!!! Hope u're fine!

Glad that Png is well now. Pls take care.

Ur kids look almost alike.

Wow, addition! I'm impressed.

Seems that diff kindergartens have different curriculum. I always think that what he has done/learnt in sch is sufficient and there's no need to teach more advanced skills. At this stage, I thought number recognition and to be able to write the numerals is good enough, but wow, some kids can already do addition!!! *stressed* Similarly, recognising the alphabets and their sounds is what they're learning at this age in sch rite? But some children can recognise words and even spell them.

I can't imagine what it'll be like when the children go to pri sch.

Will the curriculum in kindi affect a child's ability to handle pri one?
Stress Stress Stress!
Woah! every post I read I feel the pressure building up. The last straw was seeing that Sarah actually did Maths! ahahaa... good for you PV! She is indeed very well taught. Think for Ethan I will need to sit with him to explain to before he understands what the signs mean. :p

Mommies & 1 daddy, do u think we are stressing the kids up... or at least stressing ourselves up a little too much? Our kids are only 4 or coming 4 leh...

1 hour bus ride? Oh... I didn't know that. I thought I was the horrid mom who put her kid on a sch bus from 19th months. Actually, our kids are more flexible & adaptable than what we think. :p Are we being over-protective?
PVL, impressed!!! Sarah knows addition, you do a great job home-schooling.
Vane's sch not into addition/subtraction, only know numbers.

Skyblue, think at their age, they shd know all 26alphabets and number recognition, that all ba. I didn’t do extra for Vane at home leh.
Emily, dun feel stress, Vane not into addition/subtraction yet too. Hehehe... And I dun feel stress yet too cos she only turns 4yr old this Wed leh....
giggler & emily,
Now i feel betta
Hehehe... My kieran still has 2 mths plus b4 he turns 4. So young yet like so 'old'.

Are your #2 going to the same sch as ur #1? I've oredi registered Kayden in Kieran's sch. So fast, next yr going to school liao.
haha, I think u stress out all the mummies here with the homeschooling that you are doing.

Mommies & 1 daddy,
When I went for the meet the parent session last week, the teachers are telling me not to stress too much on recognising words or even making read stories books. Now is the time for them to explore and learn thru interests. Stressing them too much will result in kids studying just for the sake of studying.

I agree that our kids are very flexible and adaptable. Gareth enjoy his bus ride home everyday.
Oh ya, Gareth is only into colouring now, which i think alot of kids here already over the colouring stage.

And his combination of colours, haha, horrible.

The teachers comment that the way he colours, is exactly like his character. Just want to do things fast fast and enjoy himself. haha
Which chinese flashcards did you buy? I'm not very diligent with Chinese flashcards. I should do more with her. Hehehehe. You inspire me.

Emily, Skyblue,
Don't stress. I don't send Sarah to school, and I want to teach her at home. I bought this curriculum (Phonics and Maths) so I started using it. It's for K4 and up. By right, she's K4 mah, the year she turns 4, right? So I tried lor. No stress for her. If she doesn't want to do, no need to do. If she can't get it, we just slow down. If I don't do anything with her, I'd feel guilty just letting her idle away. Then this curriculum is like that, so follow lah!
No problem
. Forget to add in Chinese, where they learn "liang chi" (I think), like "e chi", "e ke", "e tiao" etc etc.

OK, still trying to get referal from the MC, and rules about letting non residences be part of the group to use the pool.

Thanks, and thanks also for giving me the idea of going to the Disney restuarant from your email
. Adrian has grown taller, naughtier, faster (running), but weight still our biggest concern. He eats well, but choosy. He is still at 9+Kg (coming 20th months). How to put on weight??

Thanks. The place is not very big. The pizza is nice when it's piping hot. I like the marcoroni with cheese. Spagetti is bit too "watery", and the chicken hot pot is so-so. Very limited menu choices, but pizza is a must. The portion is not too big too, nice for the kids, but maybe too little for an adult. Elliot so big liao, he must be think "why dress me in red" ...hahahaha...

Wow, the teacher really put in a lot of effort. Alicia's sch do not have the space.

Post some pics for us to see leh. Happy belated birthday to Vane!

I'm impressed
did your gal did the sum mentally, or she needs some objects/fingers to add?

Din think of that...hahaha..it will be a challenge to get that shot out from Adrian. Thanks! We have settled down in our new home, but currently, we only go back during the weekend. During weekdays, we are staying at my mum's place for the ease of logistic (Adrian is still being taken care of by my nanny). My neighbour saw me yesterday, and said "Oh, like holiday camp

In my opinion, curriculum in kindi does not affect a child's ability to handle pri 1. It is the "system" they are in, that will affect the child ability to handle the "system" in Pri 1. If the kindi is more about learning through play, emphasize on creativity through fun, when the child enter mainstream Primary where a higher weightage is put on academia, the child may find it difficult to adapt. I believe in balancing academia (worksheets, workbooks) and learning through play.
Sarah loves colouring and her colouring has only recently become better. She also loves craft work and painting. But she doesn't have much patience for colouring. Don't stress over Sarah. I teach her when she's willing to learn. Hope she'll keep on wanting to learn.

A's dad,
Sarah knows some of the addition facts by heart, and for the others, she will use the 'counting ends' method or she'll imagine a number line. I don't give her any concrete objects for this particular exercise. During the lesson time she'll have opportunity to use manipulatives like beans, sticks etc. And the earlier exercises in each module have pictures to count and things to draw.
haha, girls are better in such things i assume. Gareth likes to do craft work, but Gavin is always the destroyer. So ends up, we all give up doing craft work. hahaha

Nowadays i need to prepare extra set of craft work for my destroyer to destroy.
wahahah... u r rite! i'm stressing myself up cos we r playing too much and still want to keep on playing :p

no leh... jem is still colouring away tonnes of colouring books. I'm getting broke buying more now take to photocopying

i'm not too sure leh.. hb choose one. He chose those with general words i think. Basically just wan to expose him to more words so that he dun give that blur look whenever my ILs speaks to him..hahahahah

A's dad,
wahahaha holiday camp! Mark just say mebbe we should just away our house and purchase/stay in a yacht instead cos we went to several 'bays' last few days. Suddenly after reading ur post i realise he also wan to "holiday camping" everyday.

jay doesn't have patience like jem too. but slowly guide.. now he can 'complete' scribbling thru a piece of drawing paper as well. initially he just simply tear up n throw crayons at us.
Jerome is always into colouring and craft work. I also buying cheap colouring books for Gareth. Got it from my mum's place book shop. 1 colouring book at only $2.50. N he happily colour. We spend able half an hour a day to colour. Cos I only got time to sit with him after work.
we just went bird park last sat. Took mrt and bus there.

But have to say, bird park is not as exciting and fun like Zoo. But still, we spend more then half a day there. I think for you, can camp there overnight. haha
What is counting ends method? and what is a number line ?? Must learn from you

You are right. Alicia enjoys learning, but Adrian only interested in getting his hands on electronics gadgets (buttons, lights etc), and mess up Alicia's things.

How about getting a permanent permit to camp out in East Coast..hahahaha....
When we ran out of coloring pictures, I will draw and let Alicia color

Bird Park- what date you plan to go? I am not Cdans members, but I can get the pass for you from our supplier.
i tell u hor.. last 2 days we really play till knock out every nite leh. Sat went for my blading class at kallang, rushed back jurong for a gathering, then pop over to Expo for all the fairs and over to Punggol Marina. Sunday went for brunch at Keppel Marina, then to Palawan beach, then to siloso beach, then to Geylang for Steamboat. Now we r totally red like lobsters...hahahah

Actually gotten tics on 18th already.. but Mark wanted to jio my ILs so seeing whether we can get more tics. Any promos going on for their entrance fees other then the 'hopper' one?
A's dad,
i do hv plans to go camp at Bedok Jetty this school hols.. mebbe make it a trial yah..heheheh

wahahah... ay, how abt photocopying some of ur drawing for jem to colour

huh? why do i keep having the impression u r also cdan member?? Then dun wan lah... gotta trouble ur supplier. Trouble the govt i wun feel that much..hahahahha
Anyone has 2nd-hand piano lobang? Budget $400... or anyone LOOKING to buy a piano too, maybe we can group together for better price or something?

I look thru classifieds and dunno which are reliable vendors... I happen to be quite tone-pitch deaf too, how to tell the quality? I know nuts about piano... I thought why they named a piano KAWAII (cute?). :p
wow, your weekends sounds so exciting and tiring. Very rushing for time leh.

Mine is quite boring i think compare to yours.

take public transport from my mum's place to birdpark, then have dinner with my mum.

Went Singapore Sport School as hubby got soccer game there. End up the boys play soccer under the rain.


A's dad:
haha, boys behave differently compare to girls hor. Imagine i got 2 super active boys.
Wahhh impressive math man!

Nothing much to share...but a recent pic of Adan who thinks he's a stegosaurus...his mum's lousy attempt at arts and crafts at home lol...

Wow thanks for all the info in the thread.

Hmm, ahgirl's kindy does "0-4" writing, counting. No addition/ subtraction, but she can do because of a wkend enrichment class.

A's dad, wah, "liang zhi"!

Mom2Nat, very impressive decor!

Actually I was pondering 2 options:
- stay in current kindy, but I do some teaching at home. It means I'd lose my temper though, and quite time-consuming all them worksheets... I'd rather go gai-gai with her, u know?
- switch to very boringly academic kindy, and I do the fun stuff with her instead. At least I know her academic grounding is covered, and we can play.

Some of my motivation is costing btw the kindys when everything is totalled.

Switching Kindys,
can anyone offer me advice? I have to give advance notice to current kindy if I wanna withdraw from NEXT YEAR... but I can't get CONFIRMATION from the prospective kindy cos it's too hot/ priority for current cohort and waitlist? Prospective Kindy can only get back to me much later... then how???

Or maybe I should start buying phonics and addition/substraction workbooks in the hols to do catch-up ah? Very time-consuming to do leh! I mean, we do have holiday FUN programs lined up, but I suppose there's abit more free time during hols.
how to count if say, 6+5=?
My girl uses her fingers and ran out of digits :p . Got utterly confused when I tried to illuminate her, so I think I confused her further.
hahaha, that seems fun.

can't advise you on kindy, cos I only want my boys to have fun. Now is too young to be stressful. hehe

As for counting 6+5, beside fingers, there are toes also mah. hehe
haahaha... that's so cute. btw, what's that red band on his foot supposed to be?

skyblue, my elijah is already at school - yes, same one as ethan.
they love going to school together. I heard from their teachers that ethan takes gd care of elijah & gives in whatever the later wants. He will not even make a sound even when his didi eats up his breakfast or drinks up his milk. Am so glad to hear of nice stories like this.
Goes to show I have not made a wrong decision abt the school thing.
pawprint, wow... you're doing much more with for your kid and she also knows quite alot!!! Dun need to be stress lah. If you start to feel stress, compare yourself to me or Pigletz. Hahaha...

Pigletz, how are you??? Busy with work???? Seems like it's very diff for us to meet for our mj session hor??? heheheh....

Ava, that's very cute and funny...
You certainly had fun with your son.

A's dad, so your new place is your holiday camp? it's ok if it's too much trouble for non-resident to learn swimming in your place. Vane's actual bday is this Wed so not belated yet.
Thinking of bringing her to watch Dora on the actual day since heard of good reviews from frens. But not sure if I still can get gd seating at last minute.

PVL, you really do a great job as SAHM!!!
haha, Yup, busy with work. Will be even more busy soon as I will be taking up new role soon. Now waiting for my boss to confirm.

MJ session? Elmobbger asking too leh. You fixed a date lah, then I take leave. I super itchy now. hahahha
That red band was one of the original red spikes which he got bored with cos he wanted white and yellow (dunno why) so he put it on his foot instead...!
Ava, your stegosaurus is quite good leh. Where did you learn that trick???

I teach my girl to count STARTING from 5, then stick out 6 fingers and continue. But she hasn't got to +5s yet, she's just finished +3s, and the curriculum has addition until 10 first. They do it in 'addition families' and drill drill drill til the kids know it by heart. Dunno what they do later on beyond sum of 10. I think it's in the K5-6 book. They also do not really advocate counting fingers (and toes), but to know the facts by heart. Conceptually, they use manipulatives and problem sums to help kids understand. Your girl is still very young, so don't stress her out lah! Give her beans to count. Theoretically, 6+5 is quite a difficult thing, unless she has a good understanding of 2 digit numbers (like place values etc).

A's Dad, number lines represent integers on a straight line, like on a ruler.
Giggler, can email me the pic of Vane and Dana? Dana will be elated if she sees the pic. Where is the trial art class and what time? How much is the trial? Dana also dunno any addition or subtraction, she dun even really know how to write 1 to 10
parents are too tired and busy to coach her to do anything...

Pigletz, Dana is still at coloring stage

Emily, haven't been stressing my kids but i see the postings like those from PVL felt stressed though :p
oh, that's a gd mtd, put 1 number in the head, then add on with fingers. Thx, way better than my mtd which confused her.
no, not I stress her and not I teach her... happens her wkend class has such stuff. I was stumped on how to guide her to get the answer when the HW WS gave "5+6". Cos she normally uses fingers.

Long time ago sent and stopped SM... happens I bought an Addition CD which I play occasionally- they sing the equations to a song, eg. "1 plus 1 is 2... 2 plus 1 is 3..." and so on. My girl very cute, can sing the song, but when u suddenly ask, "1 + 1 is ?", she has to use her fingers :p .
Good morning A's Dad and all mummies!

The 'counting ends' method works only for +2 +3 and +4 (but you have to write the 4 without joining the top part into a triangle - a squarish 4). Note that each of these numbers has that number of ends (end points in the digit). So you just use that to count lor. How to demo?

Like I said, don't stress. The kindys know what they are doing. I thought they also did the same stuff as what we are doing at home cos someone I asked said their child also did addition and all that. But don't worry cos homeschoolers usually cover ground faster than in school as it's one-to-one mah. But ultimately it's all the same.
haha, ur Dana is still in her colouring stage where my Gareth just started. haha

what school is ur girl in? So fast got homework already? Interested in the addition cd that you are talking abt. Can I know what's the title of it, then i go source it out.

Yup, I agree that kindy knows what they are doing. I think Sarah is very interested in Math and that's why she can pick it up fast. Like Gareth is interested in singing and that's why he sings on everything he sees. Just change lyrics and sing on real life. Like those musically show like that. hahaha
Pigletz, change role again? Promotion??? Hahaha... Very diff to fix a date leh. Wow, Gareth so talented in music. LOL....

PVL, your mtd of teaching maths is similar to Kumon. They drill the kids till they know the fact by heart too.

QSG, let me download the pic first,
Vane knows how to write certain numbers which she learns from sch leh. You can try asking Dana to write, she knows also lah. Just that no chance to show you.

Pawprint, SM very ex hor?

A's dad, oh ya, have you pay Yamaha for Alicia's course fees? Still have to buy books 1-2weeks before lessons start.
Not really change role, but added responsibility for new program. But this new program will be very good for my profile next time. That's why will be even more busy from next month onward i think.

Haha, just fixed one day and we got telok blangah safra to play lor. they got MJ room there and rental very cheap only. hahahha

You call Gareth talented, I call him cheeky. hahah
Sheer luck haha...i made some stegosaurus spikes some time ago using plain paper rolled into cones but they didnt last. This time, just used firmer, glossy paper cut into triangles, the roll them and staple then use scotch tape to stick onto T-shirt. USe glossy paper so you can stick and unstick from T-shirt.
hahaha... that's a dino that's definitely cuter than barney!

yah.. i came to realise keeping the siblings together let them bond closer as well. No doubt they fight but they hug n love just as much hor. Thus i decide to continue to stay at home next year n send jay to the same preschool as jem

Happy Birthday to Vane tomorrow!!

haven't heard abt ur gals for some time.. how r they?

a slow start is better than no start...at least he's happily colouring now.

jem is into dancing now *roll eyes*
wow, mummies,

My son's also busy playing. Didn't really teach him much. Right now, for math, he's still at writing numeral and counting.

Dunno why but not very worried now cos addition and sub will be taught in K1/2 and i primary one. Personally, I feel that if the kids could add and subtract up to 10 by end of K1 should be okie. Anything else, such as 5 + 6, will involve regrouping etc. Aiyah, leave the teaching to the teachers. They are trained to teach the concepts.

Oh mummies, btw I just bought the Chinese Logico set. I found it very good. You may like to consider. I din know which shops sell it and I missed the bulk purchase or I just posted in the Want to Buy section and happened to get a set.

Grolier is promoting the English Logico at the Popular Fair at Expo but is selling for around $240. Double the price of the Chinese.
If you want tix for bird park on the 18th (I assume June), I can get it for you. It's not a hassle for my supplier since it is a corporate benefits.

$400 can get 2nd hand piano? I thought it cost a few thousands? hehe...what is "liang zhi"?? I only got B3 for my O levels Chinese at the second attempt :p

That is very creative.

Opps, too fast on the fingers. Happy B'day to Vane! My neighbour said holiday camp because we only come back during the weekend lor. I think my neighbour must be thankful because it saves them to hearing our screaming on weekdays
Dora, I still cannot accept the way that Dora and Diego looks in the musical leh, just cannot "match" them to the cartoons characters.

Giggler, you want to buy somemore leapfrog DVD rite? I can get someone to bring back from US. You still want it? Let me know.

Yes, I paid up already, on the same day as you, but after you. I kay-po asked if Alicia's friend, Vane has paid the fees for the class
I was also told that the teacher is an Indonesian, as I thought initially, she is an Indian.

Thanks for the clarification.
Next gathering, you will be invited to do demo..hahahaha...

Yeah man, boys and girls are different
Alicia come back from school one day and tld me that one of the boys in class always play rough games with them (her class has 7 girls and 2 boys)
Pigletz, sure or not??? Seems like very diff to fix a date among the 4 of us leh... Hahhaa...

Brenda, you sending both Js to JCCK next yr? I cant send Sher to JCK so early cos they dun have pr-nursery class, have to wait till he's 4yrs old. Thanks

Augustmum, thanks for your feedback on Logico. I've been wanting to get since 2yrs ago but just cant decide to get chinese/eng set.

A's dad, thanks for the offer on LF DVD. I sms you if I need any by tonite.
Thanks for the greeting, Vane very happy that so many pple rem her bday.
She's indonesian? I also assume she's Indian leh. Can you remind me if you gg to buy books from Yamaha? I'm afraid I'll forget. Hehehehe
A's dad,
yah... if can get extra tickets it will be on the 18th June. If it's really not a hassle, we will be very thankful if you get it for us.

yeap.. they have pre-nursery. After much thinking and calculation, I decide to continue staying at home and work on my biz instead. Mark felt that plus the bus rides, the kids are almost 5hrs away from home. Sufficient time for me to work yet minus all the travelling hassles and rush. and most importantly, home cooked dinner on the table...hahahahha
Happy birthday Vane tomorrow!!!

I think both me and elmobbger can arrange lah. You check with your sil lor.
Don't you feed very itchy too? hahahah

If you happen to visit this thread.


dancing? wow, did Jay dance together with him?

Happy birthday to all the kiddos in May/June/July! Wow, time flies...still remember Nat's birthday party 2nd (?) birthday party which was the only one I attended I think...the one with the impressive Barney cake! Getting a Power Rangers Mystic Force cake for Adan's school party this year...we have not thrown him a home party as yet, except for family...too lazy and cheapo!
