(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

do u mean the school near commonwealth cc? my fren sent her 6YO daughter there...she mention opened by some dj loh.....she told me if the child is to lear hanyu pinyin, then must stop phonics cos will be confused loh.....
Hi absolut,
How r u? Like seldom hear from u nowadays...

Hello back!! I LOL at your kiddoes' conversations. So cool hor... to have such funny bickerings going on in the house..

Miss your nice cakes pics leh.

Haiz~ i just tried a buttercake recipe yesterday. Still can't get the texture rite

hmmm... okay, i'll go take a look at Berries this weekend. Tell u hor, i went cc viewing on Wednesday. Went to quite a few, came back very ill..hahahha.

I think they do teach but not effective i guess. So far never see any worksheets on chinese but we bought chinese reader from them. So i guess they do go thru. Then Jem knows how to say 1 to 10 in mandarin lor. I tried to teach ear, eye etc, but when i ask him, he machiam like multiple choice try to smoke his way thru.

ay... tell me if tyra drew the flower for u anot leh... then we go BG to let both of them sit down n draw flowers..hahahha

How do they teach? cos this one goes by storytelling, then gotta go stage n present etc. I'm thinking Jerome dun even open his mouth dunnoe whether can manage...hahhaha

This is the school www.storyisland.com.sg its under Eduplus Language Centre.

So sian hor.. learn too much also confusing. last time we dun put so much emphasis on hanyu pinyin and phonics like less problems being bilingual
Jem just went for an eye check recently at Jurong Medical Centre and was diagnose to have born with astigmatism. Both side already exceeded the max degree so will need to wear glasses.

Any idea is there any ways to get referral to go for a proper check at the Eye Centre?
hazey, thanks for the offer. I got it yesterday from the Indian mama shop in Punggol plaza. hahaa... ethan immediately did the sticker pasting as soon as he got home.

any mommies interested in letting your kids take up music lessons in Punggol Plaza? I went there to check yesterday evening. Lesson wed night 7.30 - 8.30pm. They can start a class for us so all can learn together. Anyone Interested?
Learning chinese,
ryan is also going for chinese enrichment but it is held at his school. He goes for chinese speach and drama..there is also caligraphy and wu shu for slightly older kids.. anyway.. his chinese and cantonese has improved.. less of the "ang Mo" accent.
Hi Brenda
I've been a silent reader for a while. Was busy at work so was unable to keep up with the postings. The peak period is over so not so bad now.

Anyway, will be expecting my 3rd kid (boy) in Mid June and then will be on sabbatical leave after taking ML til June 09. Really wonder how I'm gonna cope with three and if I'll pull my hair out just staying at home but this is the best time to try out SAHM for a while at least.

Going off to Beijing for a last hol before bb comes out today. Catch up with you gals on wed.
good... looks like i'm not the only one concern about chinese for our tods, so i guess it's best to help them brush up since young.

Happy holidaying!! can buy more kids stuff for ur newborn in beijing...hehehehhe
Hi giggler,
This school is Cristofori.
Currently, people interested:
(1) Em - Ethan
(2) Pigletz - Gareth (8pm only)
Anyone else?

absolute, CONGRATS! That's good news. Now... are you the 1st among us with #3?
Your bois r v guai to help u tidy up toys
I bring Chen Chen for jabs He doesn't cry during jab since 3 mth old, not even when nurse put pluck on him during his stay in KKH

wow u send Ashley to so many enrichment classes

Brenda, Giggler
how many boxes u hv 4 your kids to put diff toys?
Bot tic for the Emperor's New Clothes Play but Chen Chen dwn wif fever din go. how wz it?

Alicia's daddy
Chen Chen same same Alicia wrt nap

Giggler, Alicia's daddy, Pvl, brenda, ruffybear, qsg, yuru
BB got enterovirus sepsis wif meningitis n thrombocytopenia Platelet wz v low 19 when admitted. Nor is 150. He is discharged Going back 4 review next tue n fri

Brenda, ruffybear
My blog not updated since dec 2007

your maid terrible Hope u coping well

Mom2nat, giggler
nuah ya lie there doing nothing
Chen Chen no daily homework

both your boi baba, mine the opp
So sad to hear what has happened. Everything is ok now? Let me know shld u need help. U will be on maternity leave until when? So what will be your baby sitting plans for the 2 kids?
Koala, you still on ML now hor? Sorry, the term too chim, I dun quite understand. Hope that it's nothing serious.

Emily, is it the Mozart sthing class at Cristofori?

any one else having no.3??? I salute you leh. Hahaha
Oh dear, I hope your bb is well soon. Wat's his name?

I brought Nat for assessment at Eduplus Tamp. The place hor, under HDB flat, then the rooms not interesting. They have a recording room, supposedly after each course the child is suppose to read or tell a story. But really din attract me.
So I tried Berries World. The teachers quite caring, and if Nat can't make it for the lesson can do make up within the week. She quite enjoy the lessons.

How come you will bring Jem for eye check up ah? My neighbour's kid has lazy eye. But how we know? Were there any symptoms then you bring Jem to see doc?

Wah!!! Hero!!

Today I am home with 2 kids, no helper, mil went home. WEll, as long as 1 is sleeping then quite peaceful. I think have maid easier, at least I can concerntrate on playing and reading, rather then mandane things like cooking or cleaning up.
Oh dear, the medical term is too chim for me to understand. In short, wat illness is it? Hope everything is well now.

I have feedback dat the teacher there not very gd. U wanna try seimpi at hougang mall?

Wah, #3!!! Congrats!

Mebbe u can check with Jem's sch abt chinese lessons? Same as giggler, Kieran has chinese enrichment in his sch. But b4 dat, i oredi find his chinese teacher not bad, cos he doesn't speak mandarin with the ang mo accent much these days. In sch, his teacher teaches thru rhymes i tink.
Aiyoh, poor little baby!!! Sounds so serious. Hope your bb is OK now. When is your ML ending?

I thought you were homeschooling??? Or was it someone else on this thread? I forget.... old and confused liao.
We try to speak to Sarah in Mandarin whenever we remember. I have been reading Chinese rhymes (er ge), Chinese stories to her just about every day. I explain the stories line by line. We recently bought some books meant for teaching Chinese to English speaking children through songs. She really enjoys these. One is a song book which comes with a CD. There are a few books in this series. Another is a DVD which has about 7 in the series. I only bought 3 of the DVDs and 2 song books. It has helped Sarah a lot in her conversational Mandarin. She can form very simple sentences and say polite things like hello, how are you, my name is ... I am 3 years old etc. Just got them 2 weeks ago.
i have 4 boxes.. but ikea kind that can stack within the box.. meaning 2 boxes become 1.

how r u coping? dun overstress esp. u bf'ing..

how's chenchen coping?

GP referral same rate as walk in. i dun feel like letting him wear glasses too but even my cousin who runs an optical shop says must wear if the prescription is accurate... thus hoping to go Eye Centre to go for 2nd opinion.

actually lazy eye can easily be seen if u observe well.

No, there's no prior symptoms cos he will only have blur vision during poor lighting. I dun let him read at nite so din notice anything. But hb is also born with it thus he all along suspected that the boys might have the same problem. So when we were offer a free eye check up for a survey done on Sindapore toddlers.. we took it up. Actually the guy who did the test says a lot of toddlers in Singapore wear glasses from very young age recently.. mostly due to increase in reading and less outdoor activities. Haiz~ we always bring the kids out but he is born with the problem.. thank goodness so far Jayden is okay but his tests are not as complete as Jem's due to age.

think i'll make it a point to check w them during parents meeting session.

How are u? still very stress w work arh?

i've let jem attended nursery on recommendation from PD since beginning of the year.

I can't teach mandarin cos i can't read and pronounce properly.
I see. Poor Jem. Gotta wear glasses. I guess it is probably better if he wears the glasses. If not his sight might worsen quicker. Get the eyes checked out and the prescription correct. There are some pediatric ophthamologists around, specialising in children's vision problems. Check with the PD.

Hehehe. My mandarin is terrible as well, but I can pronounce OK if there is hanyu pinyin. My spoken mandarin is very limited. But I figure with pre-school, I can still manage lah.
Hi mummies,
Think many of us are very unsure of the differents eye problem our toddlers are facing.. let me share with what i've read recently.

Astigmatism :
Usually astigmatism is hereditary: many people are born with an oblong cornea, and the resulting vision problem may get worse over time. But astigmatism may also result from an eye injury that has caused scarring on the cornea, from certain types of eye surgery or from keratoconus, a disease that causes a gradual thinning of the cornea.

It causes some parts of the image to be in focus whilst others parts are not, resulting in blurred, distorted vision. Children with astigmatism (>1.5D) often need to wear glasses.

Personal Note :
So parents with Astigmatism problem should bring their toddlers for check to see if they have inherit the same problem. But the guy who check for Jem says must go to those who have suitable eyedrops for toddlers to be accurate. Normal Optical shop won't be able to check.

Childhood Myopia :
They are trying to establish the fact that environmental influences interacting with the genes have played a major role in the recent increase of myopia.

Advice to parents(from SIngapore Eye Centre): All children should be screened.

The government polyclinics perform screening in infants and children at the age of four. The School Health Service conducts annual checks on all school children.

If you suspect a visual disorder, bring your child to your family doctor or qualified optometrist. The eyes of your child can be checked at any age. If they are unable to resolve the problem, they will refer your child to an ophthalmologist.

Your child's eyes should be carefully measured before spectacles are dispensed. Wrongly prescribed spectacles can worsen the myopia. Sometimes, eyedrops need to be applied in order to obtain an accurate measurement.

Control the amount of reading and near work which your child is engaged in. Although there are onerous academic demands, remember that your childÕs eyes will pay the penalty in the form of worsening myopia. They should hold reading material at least 40 cm away. There should be brief breaks after every 30 to 40 minutes.

The eye may be more susceptible to myopia development at night. Children should sleep early, (with the lights off), and wake up early to study.

Daily outdoor activities provide better visual stimulation for the eyes and may be beneficial. Myopia research requires a long time because subjects have to be followed up for several years in order to obtain meaningful results. There are no quick and easy answers.

Finally, critically evaluate the claims and counter claims of vendors offering products to treat myopia. There is NO wonder drug or treatment currently available.

Squints in children

A squint occurs when one eye is straight and the other eye turns away form the straight position. This condition can happen at any age. The squinting eye can turn inwards (convergent squint) or outwards (divergent squint). A squint can also be vertical with one eye higher than the other.

Squints can be constant, present all the time, they can be intermittent and occur in certain situations, like when the child is reading, tired or when he is looking in the distance. When a squint is constant, three things can occur.

Amblyopia Or Lazy Eye

When a child has a constant squint, he does not use the squinting eye to see and this will result in that eye having poor vision. An eye that has poor vision from lack of use is said to be lazy or amblyopic.

Poor Binocular Vision

The ability to appreciate depth or stereovision requires both eyes to be aligned so that they can be used as a pair. A child with a constant squint has no binocular or stereovision.

Abnormal Head Position

Some children adopt an abnormal head position like a tilt or face turn when they have a squint to try to keep both eyes aligned.
Medical term explanation..

enterovirus (virus that enters thru the gut) sepsis (blood infection) wif meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) n thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
How's Cherelle now?

Wall fan in Carpe Diem Chen Chen attends still the old dusty "wooven" fan. The director told me b4 I enrolled Chen Chen gonna change but still there. Agree to certain extend on their hygiene std
WAT! astigmatism @ tis age!! Does he watch a lot of TV programme, play computer n electronic games?

The last time Chen Chen had high fever (>40 degree) GP said if not recovered by Fri (consulted PD Wed evening) go KKH A&E immediately. Brot Chen Chen to PD on Fri, PD said GP too optimistic. Thot Chen Chen coming to 4 yrs, dun need consult PD, GP can. But seems like GP buay zai n he recovers faster consulting PD

Giggler, Mom2Nat
Wat do Berries teach? Is it gd?

Chen Chen joins Chinese Speech N Drama by his cc. He brot back a Chinese reader (I suppose) dunno fm Speech n Drama or his cc Chinese teacher, wow piang, whole bk wif big big yan yu ping yin on the corresponding pg of the pic n the sentances abt the story. Wonder if I shld teach him hang yu ping yin now.

Do u mean muz stop English phonic if start Chinese han yu pin yin?

Daddy n mummies
Do u teacher your 2004 child han yu pin yin now?

How nice, sahm for a yr. Dun need to express in office or dun need to express @ all. HATE expressing
U a sai man. Last tri still can travel wif 2 kids. ENJOY!!

Sorry all
I bet u notice my reply to your postings r not up to date. I m still trying to catch up wif the postings
I do not teach Ryan hanyu pinyin. Infact in primary schools if I am not mistaken the focus on hanyu pinyin is not as strong as before. I would rather he use the bo/po/mo fo way of learning the pronouncation of the word.. like that there will be no conflict. I realised with hanyu pinyin.. one gets too reliant on the English of the word to actually memorised and read the word in Chinese. ( IMO of course)
giggler, yes it's Cristofori. Any comments?

skyblue, I was thinking abt seimpi at hougang mall too... but from July onwards, I will not have a maid, so a bit difficult to go there - & also w/o a car. Is your kid attending the music class there? What's the timing? What are the lessons like?

PV, do u want to give Ethan private lessons for music & piano? ehehehe... think that's my other alternative. Can email me on charges etc? [email protected]

koala, which carpe diem is chen chen in?
Hahaha, I'm teaching Sarah piano, but I must sit with her to guide her in the practising. If Ethan can practise regularly, no prob, I can teach him! Sarah only has 'lessons' once every 2 weeks or so, when she has mastered the pieces. Each lesson will last about 30 mins at most, depending on her attention. For the music part, it's mostly the singing we do all through the day, but I suppose we could do some during the lesson too
. I'll let you know.
Kieran is now on a 1-month trial at dat branch. So far, it's quite alright. Actually I signed up at White Sands branch, then only got to know they newly opened a branch at HM. His class is on a sun, 10 am. They have another class at 2 pm. HM very convenient, can take MRT. I haven't figured out which bus goes there from our side though.

I'm almost drowning ;p
hi koala,
ur baby sounds serious? hope he is well now. the term seems chim leh....so take medicine will be ok?
my fren bght her dd to the chinese enrichment class n the teacher say they will be confused if learn english phonics and hanyu pin yin together leh...so my fren gonna stop her dd phonics...

my i tot at our kid's age now, learn how to recognise the chinese words good enuf liao..

which carpe deim ur son is in?

are u a SAHM who is going to workforce soon? sorrie...i confused lah...cos i think u mentioned before u gonna look for cc for ur kid?

jo-van had been having Diarrhea since last friday....with no fever leh.....i just gave him eat the chinese medcine (bao ji yuan)....any mummies have experienced this before? shld i send him to see a doctor? he seems fine leh
hahhaha... i would very much like to be an auntie and blame it on activities, not defection on the parents' genes as well.. but well, it is not due to those activities although he does engage a lot on it.

But i did make the mistake of not believing Mark when he suspected tat Jem has inherited his astigmatism earlier. Like most mummies, i kept thinking that he is being naughty whenever he sit close to the TV since young, now then we understand its due to blur visions.

Oh well.. the doc did says that him reading 15 books a week will increase his chances on myopia instead.. so mebbe it's the books that i should remove.

haiz~ guess we all live in the generation where we wanna push our kids academically since young..thus all the early reading, seeing music notes etc not to mention computers, TVs influences.. but i think the doc is right that outdoor is crucial for them as well. Even us who bring the kids outdoor every weekend fail the interview cos they actually ask if we let them go out on a daily basis..

yah... not seeing enough greens is detrimental.
yah, i might be going back to the workforce next year thus looking out for a suitable cc now. Going to let the younger one starts attending earlier than Jerome so that I don't have to cope with both getting cranky due to changes.

went to visit a few cc last wednesday as well... finds it difficult cos some still having HFMD cases.

ay... some time back Jay went to his PD for his 18mth jab. He was having diarrhea 3tx a day too for a week. My PD check his tummy and says he is having wind but did not give any medication. He felt that he is not lethargic and affected by it not showing signs of dehydration.. to let the body clear on its own. Of course on our part we have to minimise on the wind inducing food and keep him prperly hydrate lah...
hi brenda, let me know once u have sourced your cc for ur younger one. how old would ur younger one be next yr?

i may be trying cc for my kids too ....so tat can relieve my mum....but havnt really decided lah....

for mummies who are keen in getting readers, adventure going to have a sale in may....can buy if u wan.
ash's chinese has improved a lot since he started a new class this yr, still at d same cc. we give credit to his chinese teacher. now he enjoys learning chinese n he can read chinese books, converse in mandarin. previously his chinese/mandarin was really weak...

hope ur boy is much better now? wta is his name?
tks. cher is fully well oreadi.

yup tis sat. so fast 1 yr old oreadi..

congrats! wah, i can nvr imagine 3.
Hi Mommies,
Just a quick note, and got to get back to work


I am sure Chen junior is recovering, and getting better each day

RE: Chinese
Alicia has 30mins of chinese lesson every day in ZP. They are learning to read, and the strokes of writing chinese, but no han yu pin yin.

I have astigmatism too, on the right eye but this came later after my National service. Guess too much work on computer is the culprit. That's way I dun like driving at night. I have my new house painted in green at some area, so can see green everyday
so good... i think i better do something about Jem's mandarin too

A's dad,
i guess urs started so late ur A's wun be affected bah... Mark's one since he is in Primary school already detected.

But then again hor... the doc did say usually people will not check for it until they get myopia leh. Cos with Astig still can see normally. Jem passes his test when seeing with both eyes.. but start to struggle when one eye is cover and he reaches the smaller letters cos distortion sets in.

haiz~ that's y i also thinking of not letting him wear the glasses now but gotta risk myopia lor cos he will be straining his eyes whenever lighting condition gets poor.

U r making me gian to paint my house green now...hahahha
Emily, my fren send her gal to Cristofori at Funan. Not bad leh, just half a yr, she knows how to play simple song liao. Hehhee... now I in dilemma, not sure to send Vane to Cristofori or Yamaha liao.
I tink it has got to do with the teacher. Dat time when i went for trial at white sands, I wasn't too impressed and I do find their teaching a bit chim cos I have no music background at all and the trial class was the dunno how many lessons then, so i couldn't follow ;p They have trial but must wait. If lucky, can trial pretty soon. Tis 1 mth trial i heard is a special promotion cos they jus opened the branch at hougang.
Giggler, the class in cristofori is for a yr. After that, based on the child's performance, they will recommend for individual lessons. Ethan sat in with me in a class for 15 mins, & he now knows where in the keyboard is the C & D. As for yamaha, my friend is required to sit in with her daughter for each lesson. She finds it stressful - that's what she tells me coz the kids are expected to sit still & be quiet all the time. She said that the course is a 3 yr course. her daughter is taking it in a cc under the yamaha program - maybe that is different. not too sure.
Music sch
I ever brought Vane for Seimpi for trial stime ago. As I've no music bkgrd, I find the lessons too chim leh. But Vane enjoyed herself, the class was interesting.

Emily, I read one thread here and it's like Yamaha not really gd leh. Maybe the most impt factor is still the teacher?

Thanks for all the well-wishes. Back from the trip. Weather was generally nice and cool but now skin is itching like crazy coz of the dry weather. The 2 kids also have flaking skin all over including the face. Didn't buy much bb clothes though. Not much time to shop coz was in the traffic jam quite a bit travelling to / fro various ourist attractions. But def game to go back there again. think it's nicer than Shanghai.

Ally and Nick didn't enjoy the Emperor's new clothes as much as the previous other shows such as Ugly Duckling.May be a little too chim for them.

In laws were there in Beijing and we joined them there so had some help. Otherwise a bit tough coz gynae says avoid carrying kids if possible coz it's the 3rd child and carry heavy stuff may lower the womb further. The womb apparently lowers with every pregnancy.

Got stares from the people when we were making our way up the slope to the Great Wall to take the cable car and climb the great wall a little.
Hello mummies,
Sorry to interrupt. I have 2 boys of preschool age and want to send them to school. May I find out from you what are the important factors that you all consider when choosing a preschool?
Sempi music school,
Have only heard negative comments about their toddler program from the friends who took their kids to trial there. Was there for a while when I was doing my Diploma in Music program(subsequently abandoned when Ryan was born). I think there are better teachers in other centres.. dun really recommend this centre.
eh check with Kelly the website for Steph, the one I'm sending Ath lah. A wee bit nearer and cheaper, heh. I quite like Steph, at 1st I tot very dry, all the notes and beats din appeal to me... but it's taught in a cute way, Ath likes it. And I'm surprised she knows the dry stuff now.

Only thing I dun like is that she doesn't teach, erm, instant gratification. Like, a simple tune for the kids to play immediately, to boost self-confidence (and see results, heh). I think Yuru's gal learning that mtd, can play tune already?
hi mummies n a's dad,
how tx flies... cherelle turned 1 year old last sat. bday pics are updated in our blog.. we hvnt mt each other for quite a while except at d recent jurong small gp gathering.

music(piano) lesson:
plan to send ash next year, too late??
Wow, yeah, time really flies!

Aiyah, don't pressurise the kids lah. It's never too late to learn any skill. (And I'm a musician!! hehehehe). Sometimes later is better. They actually might learn faster with less pain and struggle, especially when their motor skills are better developed.
I think music lessons can always start later...unless u r hoping he is a child prodigy etc. If just for exposure or fun, then even starting at 6-7 is also OK....that's my opinion anyway... what's your blog url?
Oh, here's a recent pic (taken this morning) of my 5 month belly...damn huge!


anyone got L or XL maternity clothes to lend me? outgrowing mine already and only halfway through!!

gacc,how's your gal's bday party? How's the 2 kids' health?

Ava, wow... your tummy really BIG! You know the gender of your kids liao???

PVL, are you still home-schooling Sarah? Have you start lesson proper with Ben?
