(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Brenda, actually i think alot of mums here didn't take any herbal soups during pregnancy, me included. Think if really want to take have to be careful and not too often. Think the older generation like our aunties will probably say should take more.

GG, thanks for your compliment on my hair. Dun understand, i tot you all along silent reader but how come you are saying you were just directed here?

Shook, sorry to hear about the camera. Your hb still feeling sad over the camera?

Viv, glad to hear you have come to a decision. So have you fixed the date? when? What is the name of your bb?

B2B3M4, can share more about your colleague, what happened?

Sanrio, how much did you pay for your massage, did you sign up package? I went for a trial yesterday at $50+ but they wanna me sign up a package between $3K to $4K on the spot, dun wan to even give me time to consider. Said offer only valid on the spot

was d massage gd? i wont sign up package esp if they ar so pushy. i hav been w spa esprit (HV) for few yrs oreadi. tat tx i took 1 $500 packge which has $750 of value. used up oreadi. 4 now, i prefer to go as n wen i feel like it. if they ar so pushy, 4get it, dun sign w them. now spa/massage biz is evywhere n so competitive.
Sanrio, the ambience and massage was quite good. But the spa consultant kinda pushy and i told her my concerns, she said?"You are in accounts ah, why like that?" Initially she treated me very nice, talk very gentle but after she realise she not going to close deal, can sense the change in tone. They expect people to sign a few thousand deal on the spot without giving time to consider, think a bit too much lei.
Viv, luckily you've No.2 so soon, at least Jana wont be pampered for too long mah. I've a friend whose 2 gals have more than 5yrs gap. The eldest is very jealous of No.2 leh, not healthy. Think she felt that her younger sis 'snatched' all her possessions away. What's wrong with c-section? I'm ok with it leh. Rem to ask for epidural.

hazey, that's what we did at the bbq gathering... talk, talk, talk. Hahaha

shook, maybe she really show her true feelings lah. That's why I also not sure to stop her from being so 'friendly' or not. Sigh...... She wont finish the food if she full liao. Serious!!! Lee lost his camera!!! Aiyo, I so heartpain for both of us leh.

styloBB, they'll cut the same line.

B2, can elaborate your col's story? She tried VBAC and failed?

sanrio, hahaha.... I understand, dun think I can cope with No2 too.
Sorry, cant advise for your trip cos my secret weapon is FOOD for Vane.

QSG, where do u got for body massage? Also Spa Esprit?
Crab lovers:

Attended a cooking demo at The Singapore Culinary Academy & Spice Garden at Fort Canning last year. Was told to kill the crab quick by using chopstick. He mentioned not to leave the crab in the cold chamber it will die due to shocked then the meat will be taf. We laf tinking should be die in comfort in the freezer or slow death. Din know is actually shocking for the crab.

Ha Ha did u girls heard abt old tales not to eat crabs during pregnancy if not next time the child will crawl or sit like the crab, move too much (bo si tiam) & blah blah blah.

Viv, don worry too much Jana will be fine give her somemore time & encourage her more. I also have ges. diabetic during my 2nd preg, really drag myself todo the pricking of blood because of my fear for needles. Gynae agree that I prick 7 times a week. So normally choose weekend for the pricking & hb hv to stand & wait for me to choose which finger to prick. Luckily reading ok but so worry for the bb then but turns out fine she only 2.9kg at birth. Do u have that during yr first pregnancy? U take care everything will be fine.

Giggler, yah yah yah I agreed that Vane is very confident.

Shook, ha ha reply yr email here. Thanks for the info of yr place, we will try looking around east first if nothing then maybe hv to venture out of the east liao.

Yah satay from East Coast Park Hawker Centre,look out for Harun satay. Normally we hv crabs at home, yah how to eat outside still need to jaga the kids.

We have stoped all enrichment classes for Mark when he started Pri 1. Try not to add additional stress to him. Josiah monti. is at Eastpoint at Simei, yah they hv tod classes during weekend. There are Apple Tree branches at Pasir Ris, Tampines also hv but not convenient for us.
So have you decided when to go for ur c-sec? I'm thinking of induce now. Too stressful for me to hold till next week. Might book an appt with gynae for a CTG b4 decide on the date.

Yes, I lost weight again. *sigh* I'm really getting very stress with the weight loss issue. Bb not moving too much even though still moving. Think not much space inside.
I know a mommy who is diabetic. Both her kids oso natural birth. Is your bb v big?

When is your next c/u? If bb not moving much, better check. My fren's bb din move much, then later realise the cord was ard the bb. If she was a bit later, bb bye bye liao...

I am back. Really fun trip. Everyday think abt eat and shop... Hee...
Nat was ok, hb looked after her, but say working easier ah...
lost camera ah... so sim tiah... I lost a 1GB SD card recently already so sim tiah. BUT, can buy an even better camera now!!! =)

Pigletz, take care, don't worry too much.

GG, I love crab! But somehow got turned off by them during my first pregnancy... hehehe, but don't think it affects the way the kids walk lah. =P
<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>
Dun hold on for the sake of holding on.. anyway ok to induce if gynae says so. More importantly that bb is safe and sound.
GG, you looking for condo now? Did Mark attend the Josiah Monti daily or just weekend classes?

pigletz, did your gynae mention anything abt your wt loss? If she didnt mention anything, then you dun need to worry to much lah. Just think of the adv, you dun need to worry abt losing to your pre-preggie wt after u give birth leh.

Mom2Nat, hope your hubby appreciate you more than hor? Did u buy lots of things back to Sing?
Last checkup was yesterday, next one next tues. Bb still moving but lesser that's all.

ya, i know. That's why now wanna decide on the date to induce. Gynae wanted to induce me 2 weeks ago since i'm not gaining weight since then. Now I'm just too stress to hold on already.
She didn't say much, just say if don't feel bb move at least 3 times per hour, must go back to her immediately.

haha, losing my pre-preggie weight is already not the issue liao.
Sanrio, what time is your flight to Perth? Maybe Ash will be able to catch some sleep? There are cartoons on board mah. ANd they have an activity pack for kids. Relax!
Few yrs later your hubby can show his cooking skill to your 3 children. Imagine a nice family pic of 5 of u in the kitchen. Lovely!
Eureka's pc crashed! Not recovered yet.

B2B3M4, Sanrio, QSG, Giggler
Ya my hubby's infant camera (< 3 mth old) lost. Both of us r v sad still. I gave him as b'dy present last yr. Many of Chen Chen's pic n video clips r in there. Luckily pic taken b4 25 Feb were transffered to pc

Theme for next issue's Babewatch is going wild. The mag can b purchased fm NTUC
Can get toys fm air hostress. They hv lots of toys
Poor u fell n hurt your elbow

Common trick. Promotion ends today or tml. Grab now or no more offer blah blah blah. For her sudden change of attitude, I will walk off

Showing true feeling is nothing wrong but gotta teach her not to b closed to stranger n take food fm strangers.

Hahaha my mum thot dat's a gd mtd to kill crab like wat u said
yap heard of the old wife tales
Where is Apple tree in Pasir Ris?
I go check out Josiah monti. Do u hv their no?
Ay u haven't tell me wat's your secret recipe of slimming dwn

Chen Chen din move 3 times n hr near term
Quickly decide on the date to get it over.

Welcome back. Enuff shopping n eating?
Did Nat pio into your arms @ the airport?

U lost SD card only go n get a new camera? U v loaded man
Hmmm... dunno if he appreciates more... or maybe he thinks my life super boring! Think quite sian to him.
I bought quite somethings. BUt not tat much. DIn burst the baggage allowance. Ard 23kg. Then still got handcarry. Hb say not a lot lah. BUt a lot of rubbish!! Hahahah.... YOu like to shop?

Seems like the gathering at Shook's place was v fun... Too bad I can't go.
Same qn as shook, where is Appletree in Pasir Ris? I've checked their website b4 and it seems dat there're no branches in PR. I know there r a few in Tampines though.
I heard abt dat old wives' tale, so i was actually quite cautious abt consuming crabs during my 1st pregnancy. But hor, tis pregnancy, i ate a few times liao, and each time, i ate one whole crab by myself :p

So fast n u're going to see No 2 soon. Dun stress. Quickly decide on a date and dun tink too much liao. I hate the last trimester where we have to monitor the movement.

Welcome back... Wat did u buy?

Oh dear..poor u, must have been painful. Worse come to worse, give Ash sleeping pills :p

U lost ur camera? Wah, heartpain leh. No lah, my hubby nvr studied TCM.

Dat's one thing I'm very glad he can do cos i really cannot cook. So at least I'm assured dat Kieran will at least have home cooked food next time. He dunno alot though. Jus dat he likes to buy cookery books and sometimes learn from his mum.

R u gonna prepare a gift for Jana to pretend dat it's from No 2?

Wat happened dat caused ur colleague to lose her bb?
pigletz, see... think of some of us who were so worried that we dun go back to out pre-preggie wts.

shook, I keep telling her not to let strangers carry her and dun take food from them. But the food part, really difficult.

Mom2Nat, I only like shopping when I got money to spend like crazy. Hahaha.......

skyblue, you crave for crabs this time round? Wow, it's very good that at least your hubby bothers to cook for you and Kieran.
My hubby only knows how to cook junk food. Sigh.......

sanrio, I've heard of stories that the parents gave their kids cough syrup to make them sleep in planes.
My gynae make me stay at home for 2 weeks to count bb movements &amp; at the end kena induced. Normally bb don move too much closer to due date, did yr gynae scan u yesterday to see bb? Did gynae give u mc to rest since is so close to due date liao. Meanwhile do rest more before the marathon start.

Yah I'm silent reader for the last 1 yr but I don know how to post.

Only send Mark to the weekend class for Josiah Monti. My place kena en-bloc so looking around again. Still searching, wonder shld we rent first then buy back from the developer after they built but may take abt 4 to 5 yrs.

I also don care just eat. I hate it when my MIL keep on saying "tell u don eat still eat, next time yr kid like crab then how" ha ha ha.

Can understand how u feel to loose a sentimental gift. For Apple Tree, their web: www.appletree.com.sg. Josiah, web site not ready still under constr., their number: 6260 1312 now they hv a child care centre at Millenia. U really very observant, yah I loose abt 3kg since Nov. I do control my diet, cut down on sweet stuff, no rice for dinner, soupy stuff, sandwiches or pasta for lunch &amp; do yoga exercise daily. Or maybe that Im too busy since Christmas. Hopefully my weight don yo yo again.

I also cabut to Bangkok last Nov but I miss my kids so much, keep sms back home. Did u visit "Chatuchak" that huge market place? Wonder how come some parents can push bb in prams in dat dusty place.
No lah, Nat din "bio" at me. She just kept pointing at me. After I carried her, dun wan hb to carry liao. I missed her, but not tat bad, cos we were shopping and chatting so much. We slept ard 1 or 2am everyday. Talk until we sleep. Hahah...

Buy wat ah... Hello Kitty stuff, a few pieces of accesssories and bags... blah blah... cheap stuffs lah.

Haha... I oso no money to splurge... so only buy those cheap cheap things lor. THere is a new shopping centre, Paragon. V nice and huge... but v exp lor.

Hi, welcome here. You were a silent reader?? Hee...
Is Appletree good?
YOu have 2 kids? And you on diet?? Me too, all the time. Hahahah....
Yes, I went to tat huge mkt. So so HOT!!! My sweat was dripping and my fren was saying she can feel her sweat run down her thighs. And those sticky pple bumping into us... Yucks. Yah man, I go there already cramp, can't think abt those parents with kids.
B2B3M4, Sanrio, QSG, Giggler, Skyblue, GG
A resident @ my area called my hubby dat her daughter found the camera Yeah
My hubby n me hugged tog n jumped in joy

My colleague fed her kids med to make them sleep when travelling. Aiyo, scaring man. I won't do dat. No matter wat med is chemical. They hv side effect
Dun say your hubby cook junk food lar. @ least he cooks for u mah. BTW wat junk food he cooks har

Did u consider executive apt in Pasir Ris? Most of them r big. My parents' is dunno 149 or 153 msq
Thx for the contact of Josiah n appletree website
U loose wt everytime I c u. Loose 3kg in 3 mths is healthy. Not likely to yo yo
GG, Skyblue
Think the Appletree in Pasir Ris is closed. There's nothing in the website

My mum told me there wz n educational centre at abv Sheng Siong but closed already. Wonder if it is Appletree
Hip hip hurrah!!! The camera has been retrieved!!!

Yalor, under Pasir Ris, the Appletree website nvr reflect anything. I wonder if kinderland offers playgp. It's at Loyang Point.

Sounds like u had so much fun
SInce nat was okie, mebbe u can plan for another trip. Hehehe...

My hubby likes to cook, but jus dat after work, too tiring, so dun cook often oso. Ur junk food is referring to instant noodles?

GG &amp; shook,
Two of u know each other for very long liao?
Jana is terribly jealous when my mum or me carry other babies...tat's y i very worried. yalor, have reminded my mum/dad/sis to focus their attention on Jana.

wah...ur neighbour v nice to return u the camera.

stylo, qsg, pigletz
haven't decide on the csec date, but it will be during the march holidays, which is my 38th week. since its elective csec, we might go to sifu to choose date

I forgot to ask if gynae is gonna cut same line! i hope so cos the last round got keloids, hopefully she can tuck them in

thanks for sharing the story! my gynae also told me that there are mums who die from massive bleeding from uterine rupture too.

no name yet leh
hubby n I have a name in mind but we are still looking around and also will depends on the sifu's recoomendation.

nothing wrong with csection, just that recovery will take longer and tat means i cant carry Jana
i'm opting for GA, already told my gynae that today. no way i'm gonna participate in the surgery ..i'll freaked out!!

me and my younger sis is also 5 yrs apart ...and i really hated my sis when i was young...even bite her toe when my mum asked me to rock her in the hammock

yes, i hv gd for both pregnancies...sian ...cannot stuff myself with ice cream n cakes
i'm afraid of needles too but now i'm fine with the pricking already.

my hubby n his friend also tried killing crab once, they stress n traumatise the crab so much the crab meat was powery n not nice!

dun stress!! no gd for bb ... perphaps just listen to gynae'a advise n induce? anyway bb is gd weight and already full-term. if u dun wanna induced by drugs, i heard hubby can help is it??? hehehehe ....

bb not is very big, estimated size is 2.9 to 3kg. think for me its becos I had csec the last round + diabetic. There's more risk involve, gynae was saying babies of diabetic mums dun tolerate labour well, so if labour is prolonged, there's risk to bb...then the drug used to quicken labour causes uterine rupture.

yes already prepared the gift! lucky u reminded me cos i din pack into the hospital bag!
Re: Story of my colleague
Hers was 2nd child and the 1st was a C section with no problem. She work til the end of the preg. There was no labour and she was overdue. Her gynae therefore decided to induce her.
Her bb wasn't to big either. However, no matter how she push oso can't get the baby out. By then the baby was already in distress.
N yes, the uterine evetually rupture and the baby died.
There was signs that something was wrong. E.g. the monitoring machine was peeping away signalling the bb was in distress but the nurses just ignored itn said the machine always like that, spoil already.
Wah piang, which hospital was dat? I cannot imagine such a thing can actually happen in S'pore.

Remember to pack the gift.
Preventive Discipline Tips
Tips to get your kids to listen to you.
By Charlotte Latvala

Try the following tactics to make life with your toddler easier:

Use short sentences and give alternatives to behaviors you don't like. "Instead of saying, 'Play nice,' say, 'We don't hit, we hug,'" says Alan Greene, MD, a pediatrician and member of the clinical faculty at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Watch your tone of voice. "If you're yelling and out of control, your kids will be, too," says Dr. Greene. "You want to be quiet but firm; get down to their level and maintain eye contact." Sometimes lowering your voice is more effective than screaming.

Focus on correcting one behavior at a time. For instance, work on your toddler's yucky habit of spitting for a few weeks, and ignore his dinnertime messes. As soon as you've conquered one problem, move on to the next one.

Make sure your child has plenty of opportunities to be a total toddler. That is, get her outside (or in bad weather, in a room where she can run around like a maniac and shout loudly) at least once a day.

Don't waste your time on battles you won't win. No toddler in the world can be quiet throughout a whole church service. And if she'll only eat peanut butter and jelly for a week, no one will die.

Keep your sense of humor. Someday you'll think it's funny that your child insisted on wearing snow boots to the swimming pool.
nope, Gynae didn't give me MC leh. Anyway, I stay at home also dangerous since no one is there for me if I'm into contraction. That's why I still prefer to go office.

When is the school holiday starting leh? Wanna go give birth on the same day? hahaha, I wanted 9 March leh.

Decided to wait till next checkup then see if want to induce anot. I have being eating quite a fair bit these 2 days and hopefully the appetite maintained. Just need to make sure that I'm not in stress again, everything should be fine.

Hubby helps to make this decision when we went on our date yesterday. We left Gareth at auntie's place for the night while we go par tor. *grin*
Shook, happy to hear that you got your camera back. The girl was nice enough to return. But how she know that camera belongs to you?

B2B3M4, how is your colleague now? Which hospital is that, how come the nurses like that.

Viv, your first pregnancy also GA?
already packed! quickly put into the hospital bag right after i posted the message! but then now thinking of getting another gift leh ...cos dunno if she'll like the present one i got ....

yes! it'll be fun to deliver on the same day!! can celebrate birthday together!! but the schools holidays only start on 13th...u can tong so long ah?????

wah ...still can go pak tor! bb engaged already? i can hadly walk nowadays leh ...
what present did you get for Jana huh? We got Gareth jigsaw puzzle, I dunno he like anot leh. Thinking whether should I buy him a bear also anot.

Should no.1 buy present for no. 2 also?

err..u can earlier anot? haha, cos i really wanted 9 March leh. ahhaha.

BB not engage and I doubt bb will be engage. Have to go pak tor b4 no. 2 come out, if not hor, chances will be very slim in future. hahah
Hi Mummies,

There is so much that I want to post, but really no time for the past few weeks cos so busy!

Viv, you are soooo lucky! Have to agree with Eureka! Best of both worlds! Some more PT with your existing company!

Shook, I was like, "Oh no! Camera lost!" then read ur "yippee" post again.

Brenda ah Brenda, dun get too used to the headache ok! Please seek medical attention whenever necessary! Dunno how u can put up with the headache. I had a persistant one for like 3 days, and I was like wanting to put my head on the chopping board.

Stylobb, I just came back from Shanghai and they have Geox there also. No chance to check out the price though...

Time really flies, it seems just not so long ago that we first met up at B2's house. Now, so many #2s are here and on the way! So exciting! I wish I have the guts to deal with 2 babies, but it is just too difficult for me!

Mom2nat, shiok or not, the shopping? Actually, it feels quite good to get away for a few days right?
9 Mar is next week leh! i not prepared! gan jiong man! i go see sifu first ...

hahaha..we also got a jigsaw puzzel for Jana, those wooden type. Jana gets to play such puzzels at Wee Care and she has never been patient enof to learn how to fit it in properly. think i got the wrong present hor?
haha, got exactly one week mah. Don't be gan jiong lah. I also dunno can tahan till then anot. hehe, you go check with the sifu 1st lor.

So I guess we both think we got a wrong present for our todds hor. I also scare Gareth don't like it leh, cos he never really got patient to play such things one. Maybe I should also go get other present.
Hi All
Today is my second day at work. Time flew past really fast yesterday ... started with cleaning up my table. The temp left it in such a neat state, I just had to take the chance to clean it before all my mess starts again. haha! Chatting w a few colleagues then time to catch up on work with my team. Meeting dragged past my pumping time so went to quickly pump at abt 1215 then lunch w colleagues. Had to clear 2.5 months worth of emails after lunch and then pumped again before another meeting. Was lazy to start off my pumping regime before I started work and thot Nick was alright w the bottle. Who knows... he fussed and in the end preferred to sleep rather than drink. Poor boy. Kanna scolded by my mom for not getting him used to it first. Mom said the Nuk latex teat flow seemed too fast and he drank but milk flowed out and he was choking. Then they tried the avent teat but he refused to suck. In the end, they threw away 100ml for the first feed and he only drank abt 100ml for second feed and 75ml for 3rd feed. Ai yos... that's really pathetic for my boy who used to drink 150ml and still cry for more. Hopefully today will be better coz asked my maid to feed with the disposable teat given by the hospital. If he's alrite with that then I'll have to go search for a similar teat. But feeling a bit sian coz got so many meetings in office and they usu will drag and clash with my pumping times.

Ally is also quite pampered by my inlaws. Always give in to her requests and buy chocolates and snacks for her. U dun get upset meh? I get super upset coz dun want her to get spoilt so I made sure that I taught her properly when she was home with me and now that she's at my mom's place, she'll also get disciplined. If not, she totally won't listen when she's with my inlaws coz she knows she gets what she wants. Luckily though she doesn't get easily jealous.

Think gynae will usu cut the same line but better remind her. I only gave a gift to Ally from her bro after we returned from the hospital but she's fine. Just likes to play with her bro's things like sleep in his cot, watch the mobile, lie on his playmat etc. It was all hers before but she never seemed to like it as much til it belongs to someone else.

Your colleague so poor thing. Did it happen recently? Cant imagine going thru something like this. Did they sue the hospital? Why the nurses like that.

Did you manage to buy Ash's clarks? Went by OG on the way to JL on tues and thot of you and the clarks shoes. Dun worry... dun need the OG card so if you haven't bought, take yr time.

So U going to Perth soon? Good for you... enjoy yourself. U certainly deserved it.

Me going to HK in 2 weeks time. Was suppose to go without Nick coz dun think I can cope with 2 since my inlaws can't help w Nick at all and they can only handle Ally when she's not cranky or sleepy. But now my parents are also going to HK on their own at the same period. SQ had gd promo fare which started on tues. They are not following us though coz it's weird to hv both sets of parents together. Now bringing Nick coz thot my mom can help but if they are not going to be w us then also can't help much.

Mommies who are having their no.2s
Anyway, after staying home with my 2 darlings for 2.5 months, I think it's quite tough to look after them alone leh... esp when it's nap time for my girl coz she still needs to be pat to sleep while my boy needs to be carried esp in the afternoons.

Hope you'll be able to eat more and gain weight. Has your mom confirmed that she's helping you? HOw abt after confinement?

Your parents are both home to help you look after? If there are 2 adults, then prob easier.

How are you coping with 3? Think you seem to be doing much better this round hor. Still got time to go out with hubby alone. Me dun seem to have the priviledge even to practise my driving leh.
SHook ah, I didn't mean I bought a new camera after losing the SD card lah... I meant YOU can go and buy a new camera =) Anyway, congrats that what's lost is recovered! *yippee*

Absolut, sounds like everyone had a hard time after you went back to work. I still can't decide which brand teats to buy for Number 2. Ian was initially ok once a week with everything from Nuk to Avent, then subsequently rejected EVERYTHING, even a breast bottle I bought from the States... certainly don't want history to repeat itself.... argh...

How come you're going to HK?
B2, your colleague must be very upset by the whole incident... don't think I will be able to get over such a thing if it happened to me... would start a war against the hospital!

like the peanut butter and jelly bit! HEhehe, nowadays Ian keeps asking for biscuits... hubby and i get so worried feeding him all that starch but so long as he is happy, I think it's ok... anyway the little fella is so skinny.
Jul, no problem, I still have that breastbottle, I can sell it back to you! Of course, I will give you a discount even though it was in Tyra's mouth for just a few seconds, cos that's considered USED already right?
hi Mummies

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>
giggler answered the qstn re the c-sec cut.
Did u have ga for first pregnancy too? Why not epi? Actually epi is ok, no pain at all, u only feel something fuzzy happening in your tummy...
as they carry out the procedure.

I asked my gynae re keloids on behalf of my mummy friends and she said can take steriod jab for it, by tat, I suppose she meant can remove it....

<font color="0000ff">hazeys</font>
U saw Geox in Shanghai ah? OK, then it means they are prob. manufactured somewhere in China, the guy told me they are from Italy, I suppose design wise is Italy but manufacturing wud be in developing countries. Imagine Gymborees stuff that I bot are made in Vietnam and Thailand, goes one big round and prices are jacked up!

<font color="0000ff">absolut</font>
So u are back to work, can be stressful esp when pumping times are interrupted.
Did u look fwd to going back to work??
Me kinda missing it... sigh.. altho it's good I can take my own sweet time now...
Coping ok so far cos maid v competent leh, she can handle the two of them ! Yah I was definitely lousy first time round.

jesse is not with me daytime, he goes to my mum's and also attends playgroup in the mornings.
chara is v chubby and big now, the MP S size does not seem to fit her.. julien is petite and I suspect wl remain so. But so long they are eating well and puking less, it's fine.

We have to plan for our paktor time and make it happen.
Had dinner at Seah St Deli... another day had yakitori and watched "Munich".

Talking about nuk teats, I wanna 'complain'... first time I was buying them, alamak, so confusing.. have to read the words carefully.. initially bot the latex ones but after sterilising a while they became soft and sticky, so I threw them away.
Then bot wrongly for liquids instead of for milk..
I was also switching btwn nuk and avent for chara cos she sucks v hard and fast..

<font color="0000ff">jul</font>
Actually I find avent the best if the bb takes it well...

<font color="0000ff">b2</font>
That's so terrible... how she felt man, carried the bb till delivery and this kinda thing gotta happen.

<font color="0000ff">mum2nat</font>
Actually after a few times to BKK, I find nothing much to buy... the good stuff are not cheap...
Chatuchak is a no-no place for tods man, so hot and crowded... but I like to eat the mango with sticky rice and also Coca steamboat is cheaper.
and the big Central dept store near to the ex-meridien hotel is fantastic.
<font color="0000ff">absolut</font>
I think the ratio of looking after tod or babe is 1 Adult to 1 kid/tod, we were so tired with 3 when maid was on her off day!
I find Avent good because the bottle cap somehow doesn't leak compared to other brands. yah Nuk teats a bit confusing.

You watched Munich too? I watched it 2 evenings ago with hubby... it was a bit too bloody and realistic for me... hehehe... my baby must be wondering what's all that noise "outside"... hubby thought it was good though. Good that you and hubby still make time for each other.

Hazey, did you open up to check... it's been so many months... wonder if the silicone is still good? My Avent silicone teats turned sticky leh. Gotta get new ones for Number 2.

What's Geox? Sounds like some shopping item ... hehehe..
Will go n collect the camera on Sat. I hug the gal wait she thot I siao leh. Gonna buy some makan for the family. Is fruits ok?

Skyblue, QSG, Hazey
I wz n still m happy like n angel upon hearing the camera wz found

Yap yap, Loyang pt dat's wat I meant.

Chen Chen is jealous whenever I carry other bb or other ppl hug me including my hubby. Suprisingly, he wz ok when I carried Nick n he even sayang Nick. Dunno whether he likes Nick or he is a big boi like wat Absolut said
All the ppl I met so far except 1 family @ my compound r nice. Tho I only stay over wk n can feel the warmness of the neighbourhood there.
R u a buddhist?
Jealousy among siblings is normal

Hey your friend can sue the nurse n the hospital. Wat a word she said. Terrible! She failed her duty to inform if the machine is spoiled

If u r on mc go to your mum's or your aunty's plc. Dun stay @ home alone

My hubby went to post note on the lift to say dat he lost his camera. Whoever found it pls contact him.

So fast u r back to work. Expressing @ work

Wz Nick on bottle feed b4 u start work?

Loose the new camera where got $ to buy another one. The new one is < 3mth old. Anyway....
<font color="0000ff">jul</font>
I like Avent too leh, fuss free... unlike Nuk...hiaz...

We were deciding between tat and "The Constant Gardener"... yah so bloody and violent, so sad rite, violence begets violence, no end to it... hatred among nations and countries...fort. they did not do anything to his little gal...

Goex ah, shoes lah... pumps and loafers.. leather type... my kinda shoes leh but a bit ex....
Thats what we did the last time when we travel with Mark. His first flight at 5 mths old .disasters and we hv to do it so often. Yah I ever drugged Mark once with fever med cause I hv to bring him back to Spore on my own. Really hv phobia to travel with him but our longest trip with him to NZ when he was 2yrs old is ok. It was a night flight &amp; he zzzzz all the way there. Shd be ok for Ash by then close to 2 yrs old liao.

Choose flight time to coincide with Ash bed or nap time
Do early check in for better seats, ask for seats with lots of leg-room
Ask for corner or window seat, hi hi can count the clouds
Go to airport earlier to burn up his energy, so can zzzzzzzz in the plane
Remember to let him drink something during take off &amp; landingair pressure.
Mean while talk to him abt going for holiday, taking plane, stay in hotel, show him animals
that u will be seeing there.

Saw u once last yr at Tampines. Yah, I hv 2 kids, older boy in Pri 2 &amp; younger girl 19mths. No serious dieting, just cut down on my makan. Importantly is to cut down sugar, oily stuff &amp; don eat too late. For u I tink u shld hv enough exercise chasing after yr girl.

I was shocked to see such a huge mkt at Bangkok. Actually can find everything there, wonder why Red Cross keep on pleading for clothing for Tsunami victims while they hv so much over there. My frd &amp; I were thinking did any of the donated clothes ended up there. Denim short only selling at 100Bath (S$2 plus) only &amp; did u see that they even sell puppies &amp; rabbits there?

Can c u very happy (so many frogs jumping), good good u found yr camera. Ha ha how to make the frog icon?? Oh really there is no Apple Tree in P Ris. I will be signing Grace up at Josiah for the weekend class in their next intake. Still looking around for playgroup class.

Hopefully I can loose some more weight before seeing u next time, u still BF so no dieting for u at the moment hor. Yr weight ok right, why need to diet?

Hi, have know Shook thru Giggler since the group trial class at Kindermuzik
<font color="aa00aa">Hi MUMMIES!</font>

Just read the last posting by stylobb...havent read the rest!

SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ay, probably I am old (time running out, must wear young? )n being a mum to 2 mums (wear comfy flat shoes) or a sahm (no need sophiscated heels/pumps), I switch to luv funky shoes liao! Ytd went shopping with Elyse at City hall. We went to the Famous Brand shoe store near Capitol Cinema.....WoW....luv those sporty funky shoes! Esp that 'COCK/ROOKIE' brand....Le CXXXXX etc......

My kids start liao, 'wat u have I must have' mentality. Elyse got upset seeing Rae wear his new addidas shoe to school. Grabbed n wore....each kid wear 1 side then elyse whined after seeing rae went off in pair!

<font color="aa00aa">Absolut, </font>
Remember seeing Ally wearing croc....i dun seem to come across any size for elyse!

GTG..................tata....gd day mummies!
Hi mummies
sounds like u all had great fun at the BBQ! Was hoping to see more photos leh

Last time Alicia rejected Nuk and Avent teats, she happily accepted pigeon teats tho. And I find them good so have stuck with them till now. Wow, u going for another holiday in HK? So nice...
How often does Nick wake in the nite now for feeds? My cousin trained her 1st and 2nd kid to be weaned off nite feeds frm early age, She bfed both till 1 year plus. Her 2nd kid was weaned off nite feed frm 2nd mth onwards! I think i'm going to try it when no.2 comes too.

Ya, think u better not overdo on the herbal stuff. A little should be fine. Hope ur headache is gone.

Have u planned for induction? Well, on the bright side, u can arrange the date and check-in date to hospital for induction. All the best to u and take care!

Absolut and Stylobb
Listening to u gals on how u cope with ur 2s and 3somes, I would also like to add that i'm perhaps getting a maid after all....otherwise seems quite tough juggling by myself later on.....anyway,i've been recommended someone and would probably do it myself without going thru agent. Haiz, never try never know...

Gotta go.....caught flu from Alicia last 2 days...
Shook ah, lost camera how can dun buy new one? Heeehee... sorry ah, me photography freek... besides, have to take photos of our kiddoes mah.

never heard of Geox before leh... me suaku... I buy Crocs and Scholl already very happy liao. =P
Oh ya, perhaps it is Ian's that i saw with croc?

<font color="aa00aa">JUL!!!!!!!!</font>
May I check with u if thyroid is fully curable? My FIL nvr seems to improve for his condition (for years), A &amp; E said very serious thyroid n now hopitalized n under observation?????
Hi mummies,
So many posts, so I only scanned this page.
Had my follow-up check up yesterday. My gynae said everything is OK and to try again after 2 cycles. He kept telling me to try again, try again after 2 months. LOL! He has 7 children of his own!!! He said, with a shake of his head, that 7 was too many.

Sarah has been down with cough since Sunday. The good thing is, she naps 3 or more hours in the afternoon!!! The bad thing is that she's so sticky to me and doesn't have much appetite.

my friend had 2 successful VBACs. But I guess with your GD, you must be careful.

Your colleague's story is so sad. How is she now?

Welcome to the thread. Have not seen you here before. I'm sure you'll enjoy the life in this thread. Your 2 kids are quite some years apart!

<font color="0000ff">GG</font>
I wanted to say I also like crabs leh... my mum steamed them with ginger and v sweet wor.

There is this seafood place somewhere in Hougang where they hv v good big crabs...

Chatuchak, must be careful, two of my gfs got pickpocketed there...

<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>
Ur pc 'unhanged' liao ah?

le coq brand ah (angmoh cockeral brand)..hehe...I have a pair of track shoes, pastel coloured .. but then again I hardly wore..

There is a Crocs shoe shop at Marina Sq.. u might wanna take a look.. but u dun buy first, cos there is a sports shop on same level and I saw they give discount, only thing is the range is less compared to the actual Crocs shop..

<font color="0000ff">pringles</font>
Maybe u learn from <font color="0000ff">eureka</font> how she managed... hehe.. but seriously not easy, an extra pair of hands always helps.

The someone is filipino??
