(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

haha, it's my nature that I worry for my hubby and Gareth. haha, think he can't stand me this way too. hahaha

So did drink alot of milk that night b4 he sleep? Though Gareth eat quite abit that night, he still ask for milk b4 he sleep.

Yup, hubby did told me abt your attempt to take pics for the both of them. Too bad, Gareth is not those kind that can sit still to take pic. He like to move around too much. Next time lah, when you want to take pic for him, call me, I will show him the fierce look and make him stand/sit still. hahahha

Shook, I don't know where Matt got the BBQ sticks from... it's those skewers kind of thingy. One teen approached us and told us Matt playing with the skewers. We took the skewers away from him, then the teens went up to Matt and sayang him saying that he cannot play with the skewers... dangerous etc etc, carried him up for a while... so I told him thank you... and he put Matt down. After that Matt went to stand with Ethan and Chen chen (they were near the gym area watching the people run on the machines)... then a security guard came up to say hi to the 3 of them and tell them that he can only go in when they are older etc etc... I told hubby and maid to keep an eye on matt and ethan (coz they were not with the main group of kids) and took chen chen away to look for you coz I was leaving with nat soon. - end of story.

Shook, I don't know where to find water to add to the juice. Did think... but thought a little bit (a few drops only) should be ok. B2B3M4, sorry hope u don't mind. :p

Shook, am serious with the offer... that is if you are desperate and cannot find help lah.
Will promise not to give chen chen any food or drinks except plain water and plain bread. :p should be ok hor to last him a couple of hours.

Re: ransacking shook's room
Shook, am not reprimanding you or anything. Just to give u another view of thought which one attached parenting parent shared with me. She said that she has learnt not to scold or beat her daughter (her daughter is currently coming 19months) when her daughter messes the house. Why? She only blames herself for not childproofing the house enough and as a result tempting her kid to mess the place, open the drawers etc and thus leading to her getting upset that the house is messy. I have always tried to think this way too, but found it a little difficult and am guilty of scolding Ethan for messing up the place as well. Sigh!
Pigletz, talking about fierce look... think Gareth imitaties his pouting looking from you.
He is a very good boy. You say no... and he listens. Think if it is Ethan, he'll most probably struggle and do what he wants.
Oh skewers. Yeah dat's fm me. It wz used to bbq sotong n shrime balls. Wonder how it got into Matt's hands. Those teens r so kind to take it away fm Matt. Lucky they r not bad apples
I brot 2 bottles of boiled water for the kids to BBQ area. Find the apple juice v sweet. I added water when I give Chen Chen
Sorry but I dun agree wif dat parent for blaming herself for not childproofing her hse. I may sound contradictory but it is natural dat tod ransack drawers. It is thru exposure dat they learn. We r not temping them. Bsides I disagree blaming ownself for noti behavior of child. Won't it cultivate the idea of blaming others for things the child did wrongly? I feel wat u do is correct. The child needs to b taught wat they done wrong. No 1 is perfect. Every1 does the wrong thing.
BTW u said dun b fierce to Chen Chen is it bcoz Chen Chen said mummy ma to Matt?

O poor Ryan. He seems to get sick more often after he is in childcare. Is he better?
Hey, chenchen is featured in tis mth's Today's Parents' mag.

Hmm...somehow i agree wif emily abt wat her fren shared wif her. I used to get really mad at Kieran for doing things against my wishes. Then i started reading magazines and books abt toddler behaviour. They give me a betta sense of y tods behave the way they do. Children will be children. They're naturally curious abt things. Take it dat chenchen is adventurous

I'm an avg eater. Can't say small or big eater lor. When it's time to eat, i eat. But hor, if i dun work, i can go without breakfast kind. Hehehe...

I will. Somehow my appetite is betta in the morning and afternoon. For dinner, not dat hungry but of cos i'll still eat for my little one's sake.
Shook, hehehee... think you got it right on! Yeah, chen chen was saying mommy ma4 to matt. I was 1st amazed by his language ability; but secondly concerned that at such a young age he seems to associate mommy and ma4 so easily. So... that's what gave me that idea. :p
WOWWWW........ everyone had a great time ah? Juz feeling soooooooooo jelez. Geez..LOL~

So, when is the next gathering? Really wish to catch up with u mummies.
hahaha...mabbe i too distracted by the food liao...i wanted to tell u the muffins were from choc n spice and i tot u ask me whether its the shunfu mkt one and i just nodded ...

so u went to the temple? haven't heard abt it b4 leh ..tomorrow i ask my mum! my mum dun practice all the traditions, think she lazy
i attended my cousin's twins' birthday in Jan and my aunty ordered "yi bua" it was then tat my mum told me its hainanese tradition to eat tat during birthdays! i asked her how come she din get for us during our birthdays ..she say old tradition already lah. very happy to discover a great tradition cos i luv to eat yi bua ...btw u know wat is yi bua or not?????????

u craving for confinement food har?
come over when i doing confinement lor...then we'll end up talking rubbish to each other cos distracted by food again

aiya ..got make-up on mah, tat's y look radiant ...u like the mascara??? its from Clarins

yah, we think Jana is not daring enof to walk, i very gan jiong but yet dun wanna stress her, so will leave it till she's ready to walk on her own.

yeah! all my colleagues were misleaded by the shape of my tummy...all bet its a bb boy! and all the aunties all commented veyr high too ... last pregnancy also like tat but tat's becos Jana's breech.

me n hubby cant agree on the birth plan
i wanted to try natural, hubby wanted to play it safe so he's pro c-sec. can pass me the contact for the doula? think will go ahead with the lessons first ...

u also crave for beef noodles ah? mabbe gotta wait for Jana's 3rd birthday party
think me n my mum gonna go crazy with Jana n the bb.

yah...Jana din play alot, she's unlike the other kids who r all running around already ....gek sim leh. i fed hubby b4 going for the gathering, so dun hv to bother whether he's hungry or not
next time u do tat too.
foreverfrd, giggler, skyblue,
tks. yup i hope ash is jus shy.. he wont even sit side by side n play (alone) w others, he will 'siam' them. i did brg him 2 neighbour's n frd's hse tat has nice korkor, jiejie n didi n hope he mingle w them but so far ash will 'run away'. brg him 2 playgrd evyday, once other kids cum near him, he oso 'run away' n do other thgs on his own like climb staircase, walk ard to 'admire' d grass, scenery etc..

dear mummies,
sorry to 'fa lao shao'.. can i share wat ash did:
1) he threw somtg out of d window n hit som1 head. gd tat it is somtg light. it was 8pm++ oreadi n hubby worked late tat day. i got to carry ash downstr, picked up d thgs n apologise 2 d person. me v upset..
2) he hid d remote ctrl right underneath d narrow gap of d fridge. we took ages to find it.
3) he pull off d washing machine water pipe, d tightly screwed part n got himself all wet. me wen to close tap oso all wet. floor oso all wet. got to shower him n myself then quickly cook for him cos he was hungry n making noise. v chuan..
all these he did in split second, jus wen i turn my head, din even notice in tx 2 stop him.
evy min at hm wen he is free, he will b up to new tricks/mischief.
oreadi try to brg him out often but cant b evy sec/min/hr go out of d hse..
i try 2 stay clam but somtx really ren wu ke ren n i told him, u go cc, mummy gg back to work (i noe i v bad 2 say tat but shou bu liao at tx)!
tat ar a lot a lot more, if i write here, it's endless.

my hse oreadi v childproof. evythg/evywhere is locked, ask val who came. but still ash can tink of ways to mess up d place leh..
Yap bot the mag. Thx
Diff school of thots

Do u eat a lot when u go for buffet?
Nice chatting wif u
I wz updating Chen Chen's blog

Eureka is able to explain y Chen Chen said mummy ma to matt. Think Nat, Gang of guest n can't remember who else oso know y Chen Chen said dat

How well the mascara effect turns out depends on the person who applied it.

Shld hv more gathering. May b Jana starts running when she is familiar wif the tod n wanna join them

Next gathering shld b in May Gareth's b'dy

May b can try getting Ash close to other kids by showing things dat interest him. 1 of the eg I can think of is watch. Can show him the watch (if other kid ok) the other kid wear, get Ash to touch the watch than hand of the kid.
Wat Ash did is normal. Tis is exactly wat I said to Emily. Kids learn by exploring things. There is no way u can childproof your things 100%. Yes frustrated, teach them wat is wrong. It takes time to get into their head esp boi (according to my colleague who has a gal n a boi). But dat is the way it is. Juz gotta live wif it. Responsibility of parent start the min u got pregnant n it is life time. Never over
Sanrio, how are you feeling now? so your really going back to work? What did Ash threw down? Did the person who kenna the thing saw it came down from your unit? how come he is still downstairs when you went down?

Giggler, does your hb work on weekends? or he is the type that dun like such gatherings?
pigletz, aiya if you show Gareth the fierce look then he wont dare to smile liao leh.

Emily, I also agree leh. Vane not scared of my fierce look too. My hubby just called to 'complain'.... he told me that Vane imitated him when he stared at her last nite. Hahahah....... My gal really rebellious hor?

Boey and mummies who asked for photos, I haven download mine camera. But I didnt take much photos too.

skyblue, I didnt see ChenChen in the mag leh. Which page? That means you didnt gain much weight for this pregnancy?

Val, think the next gathering will be Gareth's bday party liao, which is early May.

Viv, not really crave for beef noodles lah, just that you sang so much praises for your mom so feel like trying. Me got to control my diet liao cos put on weight leh.

sanrio, if you noticed, our kids actually played by themself leh. And they dun really play together leh. Maybe Ash is too understimulated???

QSG, my hubby works on weekends lah and he also doesnt like such gatherings.
Wah... so much posts... lucky i'm free, hahahha! Me on MC since yesterday.


Thanks for organising the bbq!! think all of us really had a great time!

Mark says paiseh actually... cos couldn't help much for the cooking as he has to look after Jem. I was having my headache and that rascal keep running round.

So sorry that Jem went to teach CHenChen to lie on the floor... haiz, some werid stuff he pick up from school.

ask u hor... u slim down issit? u look diff leh, in a better way but just couldn't figure out what's diff.

haiz... still think ur rae rae most handsome. aye... did u look at elyse's eyes? i think she's having those 'feng yan' eyes the chinese speaks off... those very seductive ones.

Why wan the pool to be away? i had a great time seeing him, CHen Chen n Jem having fun by the water... they thoroughly soak n enjoy themselves..hahhaha

Dun worry lah, Jem always wander off too and i had to consistently shoo him back to the crowd. Now he gotten a bad habit of holding other kids off him too, like putting his hand on their chest so that they wun come near.

ren abit.. few more weeks to go n u can eat anything.. i was so tempted to ask if u need to prick fingers eating all those stuff that nite..hahha

Gang of guest.
Irene rite???? figure ur way in already anot?

So happy to see ur Ethan playing around again happily.. really! i still feel so sad that he went thru a bad experience at the prev cc.. but i think he's back to his joyous self again :D

Felt good chatting w u n nat! both of u speaks in a soothing way..hahahha

Whahha Giggler,
I like the way u put well-behaved in inverted commas. Yah, i was tired cos headache was getting very bad. actually after that at nite, i nearly kenna sent to hosp again by mark..hahahha

guess what? Mark says ur gal pull him one side to show him flowers... so sweet!!

remember i mentioned abt the CC teaching jem to wash hands often n i had prob keeping it up? Now he will actually push a chair over to the sink n climb up to wash on his own... i was frus initially too cos hb tends to leave the cutleries in the sink... but rather than keep screaming, think its better to make the effort to clear it as often as possible esp. the knife. No choice lah... just hv to keep on childproofing and thank God our kids r getting smarter each day...hahhaha
Mummies that take chinese medi,

Any idea whether taking herbal soup will cause heatiness thus headache? i've been taking soup every two days n mark's asking if that could be a possible cause?
Sanrio, hehehee... ash is not naughty! He's so clever for his age... hehehee... :p

Brendali, what happened to you? BBQ then MC? Ok or not? Nat and I talk in smoothing way? Gosh... But I didn't see you nodding to sleep leh? :p

Viv, you may e-mail her at [email protected]
She always e-mails quite fast (longest she took to reply was the next day). Just say Emily from Catholic mums recommended you.
Have you checked the rates of other places yet?

Giggler, kids imitate very fast. They learn faster thru example then through our naggings. hehehee.... that's way must be careful with what we do/carry ourselves.
How come your hubby needs to work on wk n? Own bz?
Chen Chen's pic appears on the babewatch

wat happened to u? Sick after BBQ? Better today? Aiyo if u headache can juz sms me to tell me u can't come mah
Mark pai say for wat. He helped a lot. Dat's y I asked for more volunteers. Dun expect him 2 stand there all the time. Gotta look after Jem mah. Aiyo boi like dat 1. Play football n in army sure roll on the flr. I told Lee I imagine next time father n son came home dirty n muddy after playing football. Peng
Finally Chen Chen found a companion who play wild @ the fountain wif him

OMG cutleries, danger item I sure keep. Did u take a peep @ my kitchen? Wat I meant is those not dangerous items like recycle plastic bottles, plastic bowls/plates/containers let them explore
Wat herbal soup u drink?
I was surfing as usual and came across this interesting Montessori-style discussion in the form of a letter and response:
Dear Renaissance Parenting,

My husband and I have a disagreement about obedience; he expects absolute compliance with commands, where I see that sometimes our children are deeply involved in an activity that makes them hesitate. Does obedience come only through fear of the power of the adult?

Dear Reader,

I think your husband is correct in believing that children must learn to comply absolutely with commands. But I would add that obedience comes only through trust in the power of the adult. A child feels a great security and safety in knowing that his or her parent is in charge. If a child starts to touch a hot stove or run out into the street and the parent says "no," the child must know what that "no" means "stop."

But there are some very important things to keep in mind in teaching the child to obey. Among these are the age and developmental stage of the child, how this lesson is taught, how often a parent should command, and when he or she should command.

When a child is under the age of three there is a strong contact with inner drives to develop, mentally and physically. The child can only do what he needs to do as dictated by this inner guide. He needs to talk, move, climb, experiment, touch, and so on. Redirection is the key at this age. If the child is starting to climb on the dining room table, take him to a place where this climbing is okay. If he is talking non-stop in church, or at a performance, take him out of the
room to a place where he can keep talking.

When it becomes necessary to completely stop an action instead of redirecting it, make the message clear. If the child is reaching for an electric outlet, pick him up and gently remove him as you say the word "no." Don't shout "no!" and then wait expectantly, as if daring him to reach again.

In the first instance the lesson, or the message, is "stop the activity." In the second it is "I am expecting you to disobey me, and I am getting mad at you." In this second example the child becomes
confused and fearful - "Does he want me to stop reaching, or to reach again? Which thing will make him stop being mad at me?" Obedience that
comes about only through fear is temporary, and is not a very good preparation for life.

It is always helpful to put ourselves in our child's place when we are trying to decide on a tactic of child raising. If the parent only commands when necessary - like "stay out of the street," the child will always pay attention. If commands are handed out all day long, how is the child to know when to take them seriously? Instead he learns to ignore them all. To begin to break this constant-command habit, it is helpful for parents to examine their daily language, to
try to use non-directive statements like "Dinner is ready." instead of "Come and eat.", or choices like "Do you want your milk in a cup or a glass?" instead of "Drink your milk."

Finally, and most importantly, you are absolutely right in your intuition to respect the deep involvement of your children in activities. When children are concentrating, focusing, deeply involved in work for a part of each day, they become calmer, more friendly, and much easier to live with. Watching to see what a child is doing before speaking is a way of showing the respect due to any person, young or old.
Hope u r feeling beta. Yah, in that kind of env, the CC stress alot on hand washing. I wonder whether they made the kids do the 7 steps of hand washing???!!!

Aiyoh, Ash actually pull Mark to see flowers?? I know she quite sociable with adults, but i didn't know she so daring to pull somebody.
Like wat Shook says, she's not scare of adults n can just squat there n watch n play with other adults. I mean its good lah, but sometimes i think back, can be very dangerous.
I was saying, she knew the karang kuni man in my block (whom i oso dunno). so dunno whether tell her not to talk to strangers or shld we encourage her to continue to be so sociable?

After u told me abt those incidents abt Ashrel, i heave a big sigh of relief that Ashley is not like that. can u imagine, me no maid n still run around in my state.. faintz...
I relate these incidents to hubby. and he thinks that it maybe bcos he guys are not firm enough with him. i dunno how true is that. but i wonder what will happen when Ashrel dun get wat he wants. cos for Ashley, she do have her fair share of tantrums even in public areas. If there r other pple around (like aunties n uncles who will interfere), hubby will bring her to a quiet place n tell her off. He will not bring Ashley back until she stops crying n agree to behave herself. That usually works.
Is Ashrel joining any classes or playgroups?? Ashley started her gym class sometime ago. Only this week that she starts socialise with other kids. Otherwise, she oso usually sticks to herself or pull me or hubby along.
brenda, what happened? Why got to go to hosp that nite? Your headache so bad? Some herbal soup, esp those for preggies, are actually quite heaty leh. It could be a possibility. Why take herbal soup so often?

Emily, difficult to change ourself now leh, just got to be more cautious when Vane ard. I also agree that both you and Nat speak in a soothing way leh.
Thanks for the article.

shook, must get the mag and flip again liao. Didnt see his pix leh.

B2, same here leh... Vane knows the cleaner at the shopping mall who I dun know. My mom stopped her from being friendly by keep telling her not to let that uncle carry her. But I also wonder if Vane will be confused or not. Sigh.......
I shall look forward to May. Hehe...

Like I said, you r not alone. Randall oso like that. Remember one stage he kept hitting me. I repeated myself so many times telling him cannot. Cried so many times oso. Damn kek sim. Now, when he is angry and he abt to beat me, I ask him if he can beat mummy, he will say "no. beat mi pain pain". Take time and patience for them to learn. I know its not easy. Cry it out and forget it lar. Ash is juz a small boy. Dont forget they learn thru explore.

There was once hb scolded Randall big time cos it was time to sleep and he still wanna play. So now when I tell him its time to go to bed, he will say "dad SCOLD!!" Haha..So now I started telling him "daddy will only scold if u notti. U wanna be a good boy?" He will say "want" and hug his blosters to sleep.

Randall really very very very "ai mei" leh. How? Boy so ai mei for what? He went for his hair cut then the following day when I brought him to mkt, he went ard to all the shop aunties and uncle pointing his hair and said "NICE". Then saw me wear sunglasses, he oso say nice and wanna wear. Today I bought him one. He purposely wanna walk another route to go to one shop where he knows the aunty pretty well to show her his sunglasses. On the way back home, kept saying nice and "cool". OMG...I going to faint liao~.
Jana plays with her cousins every sunday, when she see them running around and screaming away..she'll join in the screaming too but not the running

no need to prick ...sure fail one ..esp after the 2 durians!!!
i can ren lah ..cos there r quite alot of things i wanna eat b4 I pop ..esp those seafood. if i go thru c-sec again then i will hv to ren again after delivery! tonite asking hubby to buy crabs for me

wat herbs u add into your soup?

thanks for the contact, will email her right after this post. think not gonna check other rates cos running out of time
will just proceed asap so i can hv a peace of mind
i feeling abit gan jiong cos bb coming out anytime and i'm not prepared at all.

Yes, PD just told me last week tat our tods are into imitating at this stage.

yah..i oso wanted to say tat tods usually takes after their parents??? hahaha....
At least next time u dun have to worry abt Randall looking sloppy. hehehe...

I tink some herbal soups r heaty, depending on their ingredients. Mebbe u can check with Chinese medicinal hall? Y u take so often?

chenchen's pic is found under the column where they feature many pics of babies under a different theme each time.
I'm 4 mths tis week. 2 weeks ago, i gained 1 kg.

Thks for sharing dat article.

Nice chatting wif u too
We share share our views mah. Hmm... i like variety, so if there's variety at the buffet, i'll eat more.

U're doing a great job as a mummy liao. It's difficult to stay calm all the time. Keep reminding urself it's a stage Ash will pass.
viv & giggler,
Alamak... I so vain meh? LOL~

Yes, they r into imitating stage. Randall screams when Ash screams. And he will tell me "kor kor screams". Pangz~

I going to send my notebook for servicing again. This is the third time when my notebook is 3 months old. Keyboard has been fixed twice. You all should know who I should "thank" to.
randall progressing very well, can speak so well and knows how to point finger!!

Jana only stopped attacking our notebooks after my dad bought a toy notebook for her.
Hi Mummies,

Finally I'm here. Thanks to Giggler & Shook for showing me here.

To Shook,Giggler,Pigletz,Eureka,Sanrio,Viv,Nat,QSG,Emily & B2 nice meeting u ladies. Sorry if I hv miss out anyone cause so many new faces during that nite.

Hb say thank u very much not him alone doing the BBQing, Brenda's hb helping too.

Brenda, hope u feeling better now. Din know u having headache dat nite, no wonder u look very tired. Take care & rest more.

Pigletz, Eat & rest more before no. 2 pop.

Eureka, will send Grace's bday photo to u this weekend, need to dig them out.

Sanrio, will share the pasta recipe with u, very easy to prepare. Ash so cute with dat Indian slang, u hv any Indian neighbour or u watch Indian or Hindustani movies at home. For my gal her vocab very limited, for those she don know she will say "there, there, there" until we give her the things she wants.

Emily, Those neon sticks not so good quality the most overnight then gone liao. U can also keep them in the fridge to prolong the glowing.

B2, Ashley very good can eat the fish by herself & keep on asking for the apple juice from Emily. Very independent.

QSG, I like yr hair too vey beautiful but din get to see yr girl.

Giggler, yah conduct cooking class for mummies then let the daddy take care the todds. Want anot Goh can teach u to kill the crab then cook chilli crab. That is something that I will never do.

To the rest of the mummies let me intro myself.

I am a FTWM with 2 kids. Older boy (Mark) in Primary 2 & younger girl (Grace) is 19 mths. Wonder if anyone start to ask, why so big gap.....hi hi cause I'm a complicated cow -difficult to conceive lah. Anymore just ask lah.
RE : Headache
huh? thot u gals know i've been having headaches thruout the week? Think cos i 'tong' till saturday already, at night the pain got really out of hand.

Really !! i was having bad headache but the way u two chat n i listen.. very calming..hahahhaah. And hor... ahhaha, the way nat talks abt her hb, they sound so in love...hahhahahah

yah yah... i like to see ur Chen Chen at the fountain.. very expressive n keep giggling and laughing

I've been having wai san, dangshen n red dates, wolfberries w chix. usually drink at nite to sleep well. But now doc gave me medi for blood circulation instead.. so guess i betta stop. Partly i drink cos mark keep forcing down bottled chix essence...hahhaha

good that ash so sociable lah... just gotta keep extra lookout for her

Randall so cute... ask him to teach Gareth leh... then Pigletz wun need to worry he garang too much. Sekali went up to her n say.. walk slower.. later i perspire dun look nice!

hahaha... u har.. but yah, should enjoy more crabs!!
skyblue, not bad leh, still manage to gain wt. I rem I lost wt during my 1st trimester.

Val, hahaha... though I dun know you very well, I think you quite vain from your appearance lah. LOL

GG, I'm waiting for the cooking class. I dun dare to kill crab also leh.
IMHO, teach your gals not to talk to strangers when daddy, mummy, grandparents etc ard. These days there r bad apples which u can't tell by looking @ their appearance.

I agree wif your hubby's mtd. Scold serious 1 once in a blue moon when tod is noti. Than it will get into the little mind. Tod v clever. They know when your fuse blow. N yes "daddy will only scold if u notti. U wanna be a good boy?" tis is excellent!
B4 I scold, I warn Chen Chen if u do tis mummy going to get angry. If he repeats I will stare @ him wif my eye open big big. Agn I roar liao.
Randall is cute! Ay is it generic huh

The chinese u mentioned heaty. Brands oso heaty
BTW, it's better to avoid taking Chinese med or herbs when u r pregnant

Wz Jana a late crawler?
Oh is it. Than I better bring out Chen Chen's toy lap top to let him play

Since u can "attack" when eating buffet, u r the lucky type who can't put on wt. You kou fu

welcome on board
U missed out Absolut

Eureka's pc crashed. She is reading but unable to post. Her hands v itchy, v kang kor hahaha
Do post here more often so dat we can get to know u betta. I love crabs. Yummy...

I gained weight towards the end of my 1st trimester.

Like viv, i oso tink huai shan not to be taken during pregnancy. Actually a gd soup to drink is black beans wif pork. Supposed to make ur bb have strong legs.
shook, I not only teach Vane not to 'talk' to strangers but also teach her not to take food from them. But she very friendly with strangers leh. She'll say "hello" or "da da" to strangers herself.

skyblue, good... hope you gain more wt lah.
Thanks for the warm wellcome.

Brenda, maybe chk with gynae if u can take the chinese med cause my gynae say no to chinese med during my pregnancy. The most I take chic or black chic with red dates & wolfberries only. I'm staying at East, I can get hb to cook crab for u. U want to come to the east?

Shook thanks, yah I miss Absolut, now remember liao that I talk to u sorry sorry. Going back to work soon right?

Wow so many crabs lovers around, hi hi my hb can do pretty good job at killing,cleaning & cooking crabs. Yah I can't stand the killing part too, always walk far far away when he do that.

Giggler, ok lah we will have the cooking class. What u want to learn.
9 mth not late crawler. May b after your no 2 pop, Jana will walk ard like nobody's bz. My mum said no 1 more independent after the arrival of no 2

Definitely no food fm stranger man

I love crabs too. But hor no chance to eat wif Chen Chen ard.
My mum "kills" crab by putting them in the cold chamber

U v lucky to hv a hubby who cooks well
wah... think i've been giving wrong info by the preg chinese cook book n aunties liao... they were encouraging me to drink.

K, i'll stop the herbal soups liao.. my gynae only mentioned 1st trim no-no. So i started only recently. Then started to feel like i'm heaty cos having gum bleeds, keep perspiring n having dizzy spells. Thanks gals! lucky i asked

yeah, i love black beans w chix feet too.. hahahha

difficult lah... i told u liao, Vane's our future Miss Singapore... she's so adorable with her bye bye waves !! So friendly!

hahhaha, u betta think twice abt the crab treats.. there's a lot of crab lovers here!!

I kill the crab w chopsticks... but nowadays lazy liao.. will just go NTUC n tell auntie, pleease clean it for me..hahhaha
But hor, my hubby says cannot put too many black beans if u wanna cook dat. I ask him abt the black chic soup u've been drinking, he said wah very heaty stuff :p
dear mummies,
tks for ur 'an wei' n advice
i m feeling ok now. somtx jus feel a bit moody n af sharing it, i feel much beta. else i won't hav been a sahm 4 19mths oreadi..
i suppose ash is jus being super active n curious. yes i told myself is a stage tat will pass v soon. actually he is v fun to play w now too.

i stay 4th floor, ash threw his magnetic abcs. kana my neigbour's head (pple usually walk pass d passage way b4 entering into d blk) n she 'calling' me fr downstr, 'ni you dong xi diao xia lai leh'..

i not gg back to work so soon. mayb wen he is 2.5 or 3yrs old. it's jus 'qi hua' cos imagine at tat moment, i was so angry/upset w him.

tks, me n my hubby love 2 eat pasta. no indian n jap neighbour leh. ash speaks like tat: chi chi na, chi chi nai, o mai, ta ta na san, ma nan.. etc etc.. v v funi, dun noe how he 'invented' tis new language.

i noe why randall 'ai mei'. it's genetic, keke :p

my hubby is v firm n somtx quite fierce w ash. ash is scared wen daddy is angry.

dear mummies,
i personally find jwt quite gd. tdy is ash's 3rd lesson n he is less shy n did participate a bit. it's v suitable 4 active tod like ash. full of activities, burn up his energy n af class, he was so tired n zzzzz in d car.
Viv, do you think that Jana is 'pampered' by your family that's why she so dependent?

shook, ya but Vane really glutton so it's a challenge to stop her to do it. Sigh.........

brenda, ya lor so difficult, and she quite thick-skinned leh, sometimes the strangers dun even bother with her. Hahaha.....

skyblue, wow.. your hubby so knowledgeable abt herbal soups. You so hao ming leh.

sanrio, you not planning No.2 now since you not working now?
Just came back from gynae, gained another 700gms. BB is engaged ..no wonder i'm feeling alot of pressure and discomfort on the pelvis and hv been going to the toilet much more frequently. though its my second pregnancy but the experience is brand new cos Jana's breech
think carrying a breech bb is more comfortable leh...

i also very xian mu u hv a hubby who can cook! my hubby's really lost in the kitchen!

Jana is definitely very very pampered ..my mum n dad never say no to her one.

Vane is not thick skin lah ..she's just a very happy and confident tod!

i'm worried abt how Jana will react when no.2 arrives. Just hope there wont be any psychological impact tat may further delay her development.

thanks for the contact, i've already emailed Pat yesterday, she's indeed very fast! But I wont be needing the lessons anymore cos I just decided to deliver via csec this morning. main reason is becos hubby is not comfortable with the risk involve and also gynae mentioned this morning tat babies of diabetic mums dun tolerate labour tat well...really dread being cut up again
Wow your hubby knows TCM well. He studied b4?

Dun say Vane thick skinned. Tod r v innocent. They show their true feelings. When she is full, does she cont to eat?

U r not alone. My hubby can't cook too
Since Jana is so pampered, b prepared dat she will b jealous. Ask ppl ard not to juz cast their attention on no2 when they visit u. Pay attention to Jana. Afterall no 2 doesn't know ppl paying attention to her or not. Jana knows

Aiya. Dun wanna say. I v v v v vsad
My hubby loose the camera when he pushed the stuff to BBQ pit. Dat camera wz his b'dy gift fm me last yr. Used < 3 mths. I than suay, 1st time organised gathering blender burnt n camera spoiled. 2nd time camera lost. Both times no camera to take pic
<font color="0000ff">viv</font>
When are u going for c-section?
Wl they cut the same line??

Btw I checked out the Geox shoe shop, mainly pumps and loafers... prices more than $100 to $178.. They have kids shoes but probably too big for our tods now.

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>
Dun know much about soups but my last pregnancy, my mum refused to add herbs to the stuff she made eg black chix soup ended up clear soup with wolfberries... just the other day she commented fort. she did not add herbs cos the gals turned out fine.. I also dun know lah...

<font color="0000ff">shook</font>
My hb can cook but now no time or energy to cook...!!

<font color="0000ff">eureka's</font> pc still hanged ah???
Your hubby lost his camera??? Wat a waste.

I guess its a good idea to go for C section. Can i share with u a horror story? Its real n happened only recently.
A fellow colleague lost her baby bcos she underwent natural virginal birth. Her 1st baby is delivered via C section.
oops... sori 2 hear tat lee lost his camera.

foreverfrd, skyblue,
wat is next mth theme 4 babe watch (today's parents)? quite difficult 2 find tis mag near my place.

dear mummies,
i m quite worried over brging ash to aussie 1st wk apr. he is so active n gets bored so easily. how is he gg to spend 7-8 hrs in d plane? nowadays he is not easily being 'pian' or distracted so i brg lots of thgs oso no use.. he insists in his ways n wants, else will throw tantrum, scraem n cry..

any mummies encounter tis:
tis is how ash throws tantrum in d public. if we dun give in 2 him, he will use both his hands to sweep/wipe d floor then stuff both hands into his mouth. terrible 2 stage is really here...
my hubby will firmly say no n carry him away. he will struggle, scream n cry loh. if me alone w him, jia lak cos there was once he did tat, i carried him, he struggled n pushed me, both of us fell 2 d ground. i hurt my elbow a bit but ash was ok..
we tried to distract him w other thgs but he is quite stubborn, nothing will work not even food (which supposed 2 b his fav).
