(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

HEy Wai Yen,
Tat's very interesting finding! Sounds logical tho! Absolut, giggler n shook veterans maybe able to share hor?


I missed your stepping outta hse after bathing. My SIL bathe Chen Chen 5+pm. Ocassionally still bring him out after dat. Back @ home, my hubby bathed Chen Chen b4 dinner time. We bring Chen Chen out for a stroll after dinner. BTW Chen Chen doesn't wear PJ. He wears wat he wears in the day to bed. U disgusted over tis??
Your kids eat prata yet pack sandwich for Elyse??? U got another kid besides Rae n Elyse?
Chen Chen love to eat maize
U dun pong me when u c Chen Chen eat garlic bread, fruits n mazie during BBQ hor. I dun think I can afford to feed him porridge as a host

please put the drinks in your fridge 1st so that it's cool when u bring it to my hse. Will put the ice n bottle drinks in the cooler box to maintain the coldness of the drink

Ok ok Changi far, Sengkang near. Gd dat u join BBQ. Otherwise miss the mummies here esp Eureka

Steam food gd. I like to eat steam food
No problem. I understand. I bring food for Chen Chen when I go out

U mean paste the link tog? Ok I will try. Thx
BTW the video clip always appear in the beg of the posting. How to put it in the centre or bottom wif text n pic abv?

U arh, fry in oil oso wont' expand

U organise the next gathering lar

Prata I din eat for ages liao

Porridge required
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">kindly let me know if your tod need porridge by 5:30</font></font>

Sanrio, Absolut, Eureka
I will bring the pot of porridge dwn to BBQ so dat all the mummies r tog to chat while feeding your tod. Hope u dun mind feeding your tod using disposable bowl n spoon
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Skyblue,</font>
So fun, u shared so much in details here! I know where n wat u are referring...tian y tian steamboat issit? Heard that it is over-rated, not that fantastic. Dun know how to park there, so nvr go b4
. The salted chicken nice ah?

Ya! The standard drop liao...heartland mkt,,wantan mee or fishball mee that u r talking ah? They have been ard for very long liao!

Hahhahahaha....<font color="aa00aa">shook</font> is so crude but i really applaud leh....u fry in oil also wont expand! WELL SAID!

<font color="aa00aa">Stylobb/Skyblue....viv</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Stylobb</font>. bong u hor...so precise direction but added still dun know where......i can die laughing leh.....<font color="aa00aa">viv's</font> SCRATCH mark also....lol! Y viv mentioned lazy abt her scratch mark? I thot she meant stretch mark too! VIV!!! HELLO

That beef stall....ayoh.....it is in a old office shop opposite macpherson post office, next to macpherson POSB. Skyblue, frm the steamboat, u make a right turn n u will see macpherson jackson market liao. Ard there.

<font color="aa00aa">Stylo</font>, my friend told me the standard drop leh, the one at purvis st. I nvr tried b4. Some chicken rice pple say very nice there but i find completely not nice leh.

Swan, no lah.....when u talk abt flabby super stretched tummy, it reminds me of some of those contestants' tummy lor. U gd genes, will slim dn in no time lah.

<font color="aa00aa">Viv</font>, the beef stall's Q looks appetizing. But hor the soup n texture looks like those foodcourt beef noodle leh. I relate that to artifical beef stock. I will go try, if u say nice, sure must be nice!
...the beef stall that we like is really very home cooked type, clear soup, chilli sng sng hot hot.

Ur mum really ON leh n u all definitely very obedient! Healthy diet these few days, I luv steam foods n i do that at home too. Very boring i know, yummy food are some unhealthy food at times

Ay, there is 1 coffeshop at amk, very packed with pple too...for craps. U tried b4? also ard blk 200+.

Hmmm....wat abt bbq the maize liao then add butter? Then the butter melts n we attack them?
Sedap? It works as well?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Shook,</font>
Foodcourt leh.....U imagine my kids stepping all over the seat, eating n biscuit crumps dropping all over n then kids with pj came along, sit, go home sleep...u not disgusted meh? Nat's eg of kids playing at playground also disgusting.

HUH??? Wat u mean by u cant afford to feed him porridge as a host? Then u are cooking for our tods? No problem, eat by the poolside, elyse nvr experience b4!

My kidS......elyse eats roti prata too but i think too much no gd, so i thot of sandwhich lor. Gramamatical errors...
i got v unhealthy tastebuds ... cant take too much steam food leh ... i rather bake than steam.

its really scratch marks lah ... i not bimbo yet leh...still can spell properly...hahahaha. the diff between scratch n stretch marks is that scratch marks will disapper after while...

the beef stall at amk ...standard better than food court one ...but of cos the best is still my mum's
they hv soup one wic is with clear soup, if i remember correctly, the beef ball is quite nice.

the crab is at the blk opp the beef noodle, blk 232. haven't tried it yet ...think its not cheap.

anyway with the mazie is fine ..as long as got butter!

i'm not tat obedient, i got no choice when everything on dining table is soupy or steamed. this morning wanted to tell hubby we go out for dinner tonite
lucky my mum say she'll make braised chicken tonite!
I havent' got my mensus. I guess when u hv period, your ss is low. Teddy gets frustrated not drinking enuff

As I said I missed out on your PJ posting. Read the reply here n there. Thot u meant bathe change PJ no going out liao. Din know there is additional clause in PJ to foodcourt. Well Chen Chen eats dinner after bathing n changing. If his shirt dirty will change. If not juz clean him b4 bedtime w/o changing
I mean as a host I can't possibly b sitting there feed Chen Chen n said Wait when guest approach me for something rite. So let him eat finger food which he can feed himself
Eat by the pool, careful Elyse doesn't eat in the pool

Bake still consdier 2nd grade healthy food
How u post the list of ppl joining BBQ in table form har
Gotta update the list. Val not joining. She is attending her friend's child's 1 yr old party
Wanna add in Nat bringing fried mee n fish bsides wat is stated in the table
I will provide fruits
Aiyo, you gotta prick the needle a few times a day?? Your sugar level high or you have GD?
I dunno Birkenstock nice to wear or not... They have a few other brands. But seems like good reviews. If you dun buy the high end ones, abt $60 to $70 only a pair.

Hee... shop shop and eat eat oso.. Hee... Maybe walk a bit more can burn off??
Oh talk abt pyjamas... this morning I saw my neighbour bringing her kid to sch. Her other girl tagging along, was wearing her pyjamas!
<table border=1><tr><td><font color="aa00aa">BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm</font></TD><TD>No. of adults</TD><TD>No. of tods </TD></TR><TR><TD>Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time) </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Viv, hubby, Jana - otah </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>QSG, hb &amp; Dana - coconut agar agar </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce, satay </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings, bee hoon, fish fillet in banana leaf</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Absolut, hubby, helper, Ally, Nic - Drinks &amp; ice </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shook, hubby, chen chen - fruits</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff0000">Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">28</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">15</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

i hv GD, seems to be getting worst in 3rd tri. u hv the website for the shoes? all packed for ur holiday liao???
Resting at home today. Thanks for all your concern. Getting slightly better already. Hopefully can take bbq food tomorrow.

Went to do some bb shopping just now, but keep forgetting to buy cotton wool. *sigh* this pregnant woman is getting more and more absent minded. What's worst, out for less then 2 hour and come back with backache.

I'm next on the line. 38week liao. Contradicting feeling now, hope bb come out fast cos I very sian now, on the other hand, think I'm still not ready with alot of things.

I agree with you on the PJ thingies. The only time i bring Gareth out after shower and PJ is when we need to go airport late at night to fetch pple. Other than that, no outing after night shower.

Sms you my home address liao. Did you received it?
Viv, tell u one secret... I got no stretchmarks leh. Heehee....... Ok, hope Jana's rashes will be gone by today with all your mom's effort.

boey, I didnt notice such behoaviour in my gal leh. I only aware that my ss dropped alot when my menses come.

eureka, think my brains cells has been deteriorating long long ago liao. Sigh......... You got PMS blues? I got today though it's alr the 5th day of my menses liao. Time-out choc doesnt help this time round. Yucks!!!

shook, ya.... die die must attend the bbq tom. Even considering to cancel the trial class at Actphabets cos of bbq. I scared Vane will be too tired having activities the whole day lah. Wow, you so shoik leh, menses haven come before??? I help you to feed Chen porridge?

Mom2Nat, you gg to BBK tom morning? Enjoy yourself and dun miss Nat too much leh.
I oso no strechmark. My colleague doesn't believe me.
U enjoy BBQ food n chit chat wif other mummies. Bsides u gotta feed Vane. Thx for your offer.
Do u hv to wait for a long time to get the trial? Where is it? Thot u going to bring Vane to Pigletz's hse to nap 1st?

There r limited seat @ the BBQ. I will bring the stools fm my hse to the bbq area. Heng, the other pit still available. So got additional seats. Can sit on the bench in front of the club hse n @ the pool side but pls jaga your tod Pls dun mind standing. We let the preggie hv the priviledge to sit
pigletz, thanks... rec'd your sms liao. I scared Vane cant sleep in your place and become cranky. I very scared that she'll be terror tom leh. So think I'll give up the trial class at Actphabets. See how Vane performs tom.

shook, dun need to wait long for the trial and it's free. It's at Esplanade but only 45min. So like bo hua to go all the way leh. I scared Vane cant sleep at pigletz's place and turn cranky at your place.
just talked to my big boss on my part time work, he has approved. my immediate superior is also very very nice on my work arrangements when i come back from maternity leave.

suppose to be good news &amp; i do feel relieved, happy but also kinda sad, lost... aiya lots of mixed feelings....

i just finished rolling the cotton wool into cotton balls last week, sat at sofa for 1 hr!

giggler, shook, qsg
i also din kena stretch marks the last round.

happy cheonging MBK!
I dun have stretchmark too!

U same concern as me leh....i scared rae a terrorist tml! But rae get thrilled by terrorist, so vane may sync well with him!

No blues yet cos still early leh.....think my blues hit the ultimate last month! Time-out choc does not help, try Royce!

u very xin fu leh....mama cook for u! Tml for lunch, i will go amk for this beef noodle.

I not worry abt elyse landed in the pool. Tthink rae will pester n insist to swim! Addicted. U must 'tell him off' NO NO, ok?
...let u be the 'bad person/black face'....

Paisay leh.....I also let my kids wear Pj to market in the morning. Then come back, bathe n change......Oops! hahahaha......
U very blessed leh, having the best of everything kind of arrangement! PArt time job, get to spend time with ur gals, still have some income etc.........Envy leh!
Envy man. A v gd start
Last pregnancy no stretch mark tis pregnancy oso no stretch mark rite

My face not fierce enuff leh. May b u ask the security guard to stop Rae. 1 of the rule in the pool. Muz b in swimming attire when in the pool

C u gals tml. I won't b logging on after tis. Anything sms me
Thanks for hosting the bbq for us. Our family enjoys ourselves very much.

Thanks Lee very much for being Gareth life saver. If not for Lee, think Gareth would have fall all the way down the staircase.

Mummies who prepare the food, yummy yummy. Though I didn't get to eat much due to the poor appeitite, but all of us enjoy it very much. Gareth enjoys it too.

Mystery guest,
Nice meeting up with you and your family. Thanks your hubby alot for helping us up with the bbq.

So, did all the kids have a good night sleep yesterday? Gareth knocked off after his milk yesterday.
Finally manage to sit down to write!

<font color="aa00aa">Jul,</font>
Lots of foto! All visual mental foto! Hhahha.....

<font color="aa00aa">Shook,</font>
U n Lee r host of great hospitality! Tks for everything! My family enjoyed ourselves. Surprised that my hb could stay so long...2hrs+! Thot the most, 45min we will take our exit!

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,</font>
Any foto? Hb claimed that busy with 2, din manage to take any foto! Tsk Tsk!

Today we went to upper pierce reservoir again and we regretted that we forgot abt the bubble gun for ytd evening! Tink our kids will have fun with it!


It was simply a great evening ytd! So nice meeting up with u mums n watching the kids! The food was marvelicious! N really got2 thanks <font color="aa00aa">'Gang of guest' (GG)'s hb and Brenda's hb</font> for getting the food done and cooked for us! Tks so much!

<font color="aa00aa">Pregnant mummies,</font>
All of u really look good n radiant!

<font color="aa00aa">Absolut,</font>
I luv Ally's chubbiness n her round round tummy! She is very active n seem very busy!!
Nick is very boyish but didnt get to carry him! Ur breast at work was the hindrance and then later, my mouth at work was another hindrance! hahahaha......

<font color="aa00aa">B2,</font>
AShley is so cool, independent and yet so tender! Very endearing hor? She is a pretty babe! Hb said she boogies very cute!

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda,</font>
Not at all did i find u aloof liao! Thot u r just a quiet gal! hehehehe....luv ur sexy belly! Jerome very handsome n active!

<font color="aa00aa">Emily/Sanrio/Shook,</font>
Find ur tods very babyish still leh!
<font color="aa00aa">Ethan and Matthew</font> very affectionate and charming leh! <font color="aa00aa">Ash</font> very persistent on getting his want...the kum quat! hahahahha....his foreign language n frustration sure is funny!
<font color="aa00aa">Chen chen</font> is indeed really very petite but he roars loudly...speaks very confidently n loud! Very nice eyelashes n boyish!

<font color="aa00aa">Nat,</font>
When I carried Maxine, her smile n chuckling melts my heart. Really nice to carry a nb again. Probably not mine n thus it is 'carefree, no reponsibilities' kind of good feeling? She is really very sweet and adorable!

Nat, the way u speak, so calm n soothing....
...wont get heart attack kind
!Jiayou for lao san n lao si!

<font color="aa00aa">Giggler,</font>
Vane is real funny n fun! She eats non stop leh! SHe is very smart n sharp. From a distance, I was 'visually harrasing' her but yet she aint afraid. She stared very long and smiled or laughed at me!

<font color="aa00aa">QSG!!!!!</font>
My god, u look like my ex-beautician leh! Her makeup is always amicably done, hair in place n nicely coloured. U too! U set your hair for the bbq ah? hehehe........
U know hor, my ex-beautician, when i walked together with her, u can spot many amorous men staring at her!

<font color="aa00aa">Viv!</font>
Think ur 'ai-mei/ai swee' pays off leh. U look great! Hahahha, spotted u eating away too! Bingo, as wat u described urself to be! My hb n son luv the muffin!
Jana very dainty look....her hair neatly tied n how i envy...elyse will pull n ended up very messy! All my effort of 'pinning' her down to get her hair tied up wasted!

Tried the beef noodle at amk! VERY GD! IF the ingredients combined with my macpherson soup stock n chilli, it is the BEST in town liao! NICE! The q is kwa chang leh!

<font color="aa00aa">Pigletz,</font>
Gareth is very adorable BIG BB! very gd natured! How's his bruise?

<font color="aa00aa">GG!!!</font>
Nice meeting you n family! THo very heart-pumping scary too....heheheheh.....someone that seems so familiar n relate with us so well!
Your son resembles u and ur dotter resembles ur hb hor?
HEy my email address is [email protected]. If it is convenient, do share your bd foto with me, k? N join us more for upcoming meetup,k?

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,</font>
Who's next? Gareth's bd party? Mum2nat's new hsewarming? Very nice n fun leh, how much i really missed for the past gathering!

<font color="aa00aa">PIGLETZ!!!!!</font>
My kids did not knock out immediately last nite. Now my attempt of leaving them in the room to sleep by themselves after the outing just now also failed! Finally let them out as I gave up liao. Still energetic! Gonna cook n pack them to sleep by 8pm! Hope it is not my fat hope!
tks for organising d bbq
we had a great tx n d food was yummy. ash sure like aunty foreverfrd as much as he likes foreverfrd bear bear. ur porridge mus b yummy, he ate 3 bowls! how i wish d swimming pool was far far away fr ash's sight.. all d tx, he was only 'interested' in d pool n fountain.

mystery guest n her hubby,
nice mtg u
ur pasta is yummy n tks a lot to ur hubby 4 bbq'ing d food. d food were simply yummy.. my hubby even said 'bbq skills v gd, food well cooked, v nice n not burn'.. hahaha! tks tks
hope 2 c u agn at our future gathering.

vane is alwy so cool n calm n she really enjoyed eating d 'balls'..

oh, gareth will b our future commando! n he is so so so cute wen his mouth 'tu tu'.. i tink oreadi oso wan to laugh, keke..
u look gd too leh.. tks 4 d durian. i love durian.

tks 4 sharing w me. elyse hair is v nice. i like her natural curl cos it's v natural loh (wat m i talking)..
u heard ash's speaking jap n tamil, evywhere he goes, pple are so amused by his language..

jia you 4 ur lao san n lao si..

ur hair v nice leh!

ashley v sweet n gd girl. u mumm mumm, she jus stay beside u, playing on her own. so 'xian mu'.. if my hubby din cum along, doubt i can get a chance 2 eat.

dear mummies,
nice mtg all of u n ur tod agn. hope 2 c all of u agn soon
din mange 2 take foto tis tx as 2 busy stopping ash fr jumping into d pool.
So ASh was speaking Japanese/Tamil ah? Very talented leh! hahhahaha....

Yes YES, really must agree that the food were very well bbq! Just nice, din see any traces of blood but yet not burnt! U saw the chicken wings, they are golden brown n juicy!!!! Nat's marinating was gd! AY, the satay very gd too! Emily's potatoes salad I luv too, wanted to make 1 of these days but hb not used to the mushy eggs paste inside! I make my share will do!

Elyse was distracted by the adults' food n ended up I took Shook's porridge. NICE! Sweet n nutritious too....silver fish!

Elyse's hair nice ah? AUnty QSG's nicer leh
thanks for organising and hosting the bbq! it was great seeing all the mummies and tods again.

Jana din hv a gd nite sleep
she kept me up till 3am, she kept sitrring and woke up crying twice cos her's diaper's wet and she wanted it changed!

oops din c ur msg till now leh. my mum n dad are usually home on weekdays, my mum only gets her day off when i bring Jana out and home on Saturdays.

next time u go upper pierce reservoir lemme me know leh...its near my place, mabbe can join u there.

muffin not from me leh ..think sanrio got them. i luv those muffin too...but cant attack them
gotta ren for another 4 weeks. told my mum today that i'm craving for fried nian gao coated in batter... gonna ask CL to fry them for me as soon as i get home from hospital.

gd tat u find the beef noodles nice, trip not wasted! u create ur own best in town lah! u tabao the noodle from amk, ask uncle to separate the soup, then go macpherson and buy beef ball soup ..then add them both together!! see if my mum wanna chong chu jiang hu ... she used to sell beef noodles ...then u'll really get to taste the best in town
hahahaha... thick skin hor ...lao huang mai gua, zi mai zi kua!!!

think next should be gareth's brithday, I'm also planning Jana's birthday ...look out for the invite!
HUH VIV???????????????/
Thot U told me u bot the muffin? U were sitting beside me at the bench n pointed out the box to me. THen I asked if u got them frm Shufu mkt n u nodded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blur leh...hahhahahaha.........can die...u drunk or i drunk then??!

No lah, just asked abt ur parents whereabt on last Fri only. Every year, on this particular lunar day, alot of hainanese will gather at 1 of the temple at Sin ming. Your mum sounds very traditional, so i thot maybe they are among the crowd there! Mundane topic lah!

Hahahah, u very 'free' ah...run so many places to DERIVE the best beef noodles! Hey, ur mum hainanese, I have faith that hers will be one of the best leh!

Ay....my neighbour cooking confinement food....drooling leh.....those ma you/ginger/wine smell.....SEDAP AH! U know, those 'hor bao tan' soaked in rice wine/ma you/ginger......those once a wk kidney/liver soaked in ginger/ma you/rice wine....ayoh! nice leh!

U want to join me for the monkey outing ah? U guai guai confinement n then bz with ur nb 1st lah!

shook ah shook,
Sekali one day i become VERY FAT :p Then i sure ask u out and let u stare hard at me.
Wah piangz, u ask me to organise next gathering? Bo lang come ah later...
Wah, ur gathering sounds like so much fun.

Yar, dat steamboat place is over-rated. Park along the roadside lor, then sit where u can see. Eh, i ask u hor, now when u drive, do u have 2 carseats in the car? How to put the carseats huh?
Wanton mee is the one up the slope one, nearer to macdonalds. Fishball is near to the roast duck stall. The fishball stall got attitude one man. Eat liao oso angry.
Big thank you to all who attended BBQ at my plc on Sat. Noticed the daddy took over the role of looking after the kids while we mummies chit chit chat chat
But hor the daddy seems not interracting wif ea other
Those who took photos @ the BBQ pls email me

Nick wz the 1st bb dat Chen Chen allowed me to carry w/o being jealous. Think he likes Nick v much. Still sayang him

Elyse had a gd chat wif my hubby

Who wz Rae's target?
Your hubby doesn't stay long @ other ppl's hse? May b it's open area, not restricted more freedom
U v kiang in choosing maize. V sweet. U really took the effort to run 4 plcs to get the maize

Gang of guest
Hahaha I chose to post it here
Thanks a zillion to u n your hubby. W/o both of u, the BBQ won't b such a success. U brot so much things for BBQ n the neon stick dat kept every kid happy including other kids @ the condo. Your pasta n satay were the 1st to snapped out. Din get to eat them. Muz b sedap. Can teach me how to cook the pasta? Your hubby stood there n BBQ thru out to feed every1. So pai seh, u n your hubby went to BBQ as if to work. Din even c your hubby eat except the watermelon
Hey u slim dwn quite a fair bit every time I c u. Share your secret wif me can
Your boi's English is v original. Queen English! Do u send him to speech n drama class?

Your bb sitter jealous for Max when all attention on Matt. Can tell she sayang Max v much.
Aiyo, I din carry Max

U forever look radiant. Like your mascara
Jana can walk la juz timid.
I binge on your otah man

My hubby told me Gareth had 2 accidents. No wonder saw him seating wif u when some of the kids were running wild playing wif the water.
Chen Chen slept well on Sat 9 n Sun
Any wt gain after BBQ?

No doubt u spend long time in the office, u still v determined to bf both your sons. I salute to u.

So sorry to keep u till 10pm
Wish your next maid is gd n helpful n u get a gd job or your boss is no longer your boss soon
Ashley is so sweet to hug Chen Chen when Chen Chen cried.
I wz worried when Ashley stayed so close to the youngsters. She is gal leh. N she is so pretty. Better b careful.

Thank Mark so much for setting up the fire n bbq the food. My hubby said Mark is v expereinced in starting up the fire. So pai seh, he gotta bbq n look after Jem N Jem so active
Bet Jem enjoyed himself v v much

Your Ash really gime face. Eureka, your Elyse har, make me loose face. Luckily her mummy gime face

Your muffin is the no1 hot tar bao food

manage to get OG card?

So sorry abt your hubby being so unhappy @ the BBQ. Hv u found out the cause of his unhappiness?
Dana look entirely diff fm the last time I saw her
U still look so slander n pretty man

Too much food dat u forgot abt your marsmallow?
U really gd in finding enrichment class for Vane. Pls share your view abt Alphabet after u attend the trial

U gave birth already still so skinny. Can never grow fat one
Mummies here like to meet up for gathering. Cannot b bo lan 1. U wanna cast vote?
Mummies, nice meeting all of you again.

Eureka, a pity din get to talk to you much. So glad to finally see you :p but hor din know which is your hubby though. Did you get to see who is Dana?You haven't tell me what you imagine me to be like before you saw me on saturday lei.

Eureka &amp; Sanrio, thanks for your compliments on my hair...actually i dun find my hair nice anymore. I permed last july and it cost a bomb and bec it became too heavy i went to trim and touch up the roots in dec and end up most of the bouncy curls are gone...i felt kinda sad after that like wasting $$ so fast curls gone liao...now only left the ends abit curl. I didn't go and set lah..where got time :p

Shook, thanks for helping me with the transfer. Hb said he is okay at Jul's place previously bec different setting. He dun like chasing Dana around (dana kept running to the pool). I think bec the daddies are not interacting so he was kinda bored too and time passes very slow.

Me not slim anymore, tummy grew bigger and bigger after i stop bf. Nowadays not many clothes left to wear to work bec shows big tummy. I tried to hid tummy by wearing looser clothes, people also think i pregnant...jiat lat man.
Hi mommies, was so nice meeting all of you who went to the meeting again after missing quite a few meets.

Shook, thanks for hosting the BBQ for us. Great way for all of us to meet up and catch up. Although chen chen still look so babyish, his language skills is amazing. Even my hb thinks so.
He's nice and friendly now, as compared to when he was young. He was shy then.

Eureka, nice meeting u again. Although you do look a little different. :p Rae want a second mommy to hug can always look for me. hehehee.e... he sure looks exactly like in the pics.
I didn't notice his stained teeth at all. SERIOUS! So don't worry so much about it. Love Elyse... the princess look... just very much like Hazey's daughter.

Oh Hazey... talking about you, I am so sorry, forgot to bring the cream along to the BBQ. Will give it to you some other time okay? If your gal is not using it by then, can always use on your no. 2. :p

QSG, ai yoh! I forgot how you look... now I remember after seeing you at the BBQ.
Your hb looks very young! Dana's a quiet gal too.

Sanrio, nice seeing you. Didn't get to talk much to you... coz you were busy feeding hubby and ashrel. ehehehee....
You still need to eat more.

B2B3M4, ashley is a pretty and independent gal... and very loving too. hehehee... did u see Ethan and her hugging?? So cute!!!

Nat, didn't get to play with your gal much (coz Eureka was hogging her!!! heheheee... what an excuse!!). Thanks for the lift home. It sure was an experience and a reminder of the good old days when Ethan was young. :p It wasn't tramatic for hubby (that's what he said), but am not too sure about it for Ethan and I. Ethan didn't really react so I am not sure how he felt, but I was like... that looks and sounds like my future (gosh! can I make it?). Still wondering... :p
Really love the way your hubby takes care of all of you. Even my hubby had to nod in silence and agree that KK is a very good daddy/husband/fmily man... etc etc. Thanks for sharing the warmth of your family with me and my family.
Matt is ever so handsome and cool. Really like the big bro he had always shown himself to be even at our 1st gathering at B2B3M4's place...

Pigletz, wish you all the best for your upcoming delivery. Nice meeting you again...
Thanks for the durian. Enjoyed it lots!!

mystery guest, nice meeting you finally.
Pls thank your hubby for volunteering his BBQ skills. So nice to be able to just sit and talk and eat. :p pls try to say a few words here okay?
Thanks for the coloured bands... 1st time ethan and I are playing with it. Nice thought!

Giggler, love your figure now. And vane is not at all how you described her. Next time don't be so kua jiang hor. She's a very sweet gal.. not at all naughty. So, don't worry... can have no. 2 liao.

I love Jem's eyes... so big and lovely...
Think he'll grow up to be big and strong like your hubby... can see it already.
Good to see your cute little tummy. Looks like things are going well hor.

Your tummy very cute and high too.
A little unusual for a gal. Maybe.... hmmmm...
Hope we didn't scare you with our horror delivery stories. hehehee... actually could see the fear in your face. :p Just go and start reading up and it and get your hubby to do it too, if you are really concerned and going for natural. If you need someone urgently to teach you, I know a doula who can help give a session or two on natural birth. But of course there are charges - cost $100 for 2.5hr session - I have not checked the rates of other places/hospitals/doulas. Am going for that this time round to prepare myself.
pigletz, Vane also sleep all the way to the next day. In fact, she fell asleep in brenda's car on the way home. heehee.... It's really good workout for them hor? I got a scare from Gareth's fall leh. Hope he's ok now. He really scared of you hor?

shook, thanks for your hospitality and Lee's too!!! Sorry that I didnt stay to help you with cleaning up. I too busy looking after Vane, eating and chit chatting till forgot abt my marshmallow. So pai seh that I didnt contribute to the bbq leh.

eureka, maybe Vane finds you funny that's why. Hahaha....... Vane's fav past-time is eating and she's belongs to those type who is very easy to 'pian' one. Just one sweet can bring her home liao. Really glutton. Actually hor.... Vane prefers to play with Rae leh. She keeps imitating whatever Rae did leh.

Viv, can request your mom to cook the beef noodles for Jana's bday party if u invite us?
Btw, Jana looks so sweet with her hair tied up. And you look so good too, in fact all preggies look so good and radiant!!!

GG, a BIG thank-you to you and esp to Goh. So paiseh that he bbq-ed for us the whole nite leh. The food really yummy yummy..... You must organise a cooking gathering for the mummies soon.

brenda, thank you and your hubby for the ride home. Jem can be so active at playground and so quiet in the car leh. So 'well-behaved' and pretty...... You really tired out after the bbq hor?

sanrio, Ash really improve from prev gatherings liao leh. At least, he only turned cranky at the later part of the bbq.

Nat, I really peifu you that you planning for lao san now. Kow tow to you!!! I dun even dare to think of No.2

Emily, Ethan is really handsome leh, I like his eyes.

B2, Ashley really independent and gentle leh. Her eyes are so big like yours.

QSG, Dana more sociable nowadays hor? What happened? Why leave so early?

Mummies, really enjoyed ourselves on Sat nite. We really shd have more gatherings for the kids to mix around more often leh.
Oh, so what time they knocked out leh? You a good mummy. If Gareth don't go sleep by 10pm, I will scold him and he got no choice but to go to sleep. hahaha....

aiyo, Gareth is those who chiong without thinking of the circumstances one. Quite worried that he will kanna bully by other pple.

Haha, Gareth mouth 'tutu', he don't like us to scold him but he really looks cute with that kind of look lor. Actually, if not becos he fall down, I wouldn't have make him sit down and rest. He can be very wild when playing, wild till he don't know what is pain. hahahah

Jana didn't play alot leh. She really very 'shi wen' type lor. So happy to see that you can eat so much. I envy leh. Don't think i really eat alot that day. I think I worried too much. Worried that Gareth running too much, worried that my hubby don't get to eat. *sigh*

haha, is it? Gareth got 2 accidents ah? Hubby didn't say leh. Think we only consider the falling down the stair as the only accident.

Falling down for Gareth is small issue. He fall down like no one's business usually. Rolling down of staircase is the 1st time for him. That's why he will cry abit.

Yup, he was make to sit down with us when he fall down, the second time was becos he's hungry liao, that's why sit down and eat. Cos he won't be given any food if he started running around. haha. Am I being too strict as a mummy?

Yup, agree that we should have more gathering for the kids to get together. I should be able to handle the situation better when my number 2 is out. Now too tired to chase Gareth around.

Gareth is okay already, he totally forgotten abt the fall less than 5 min after then fall. hahaha

Yup, he is afraid of both of us when we give him the fierce look. I hope that #2 will be like him also.

Okay, think the next gathering most prob will be at my place for Gareth's birthday. All are welcome. Those that indicate that they interested to come. I will email you all when the time is nearer and announce here as well. Guess I will need to prepare a bb room for all the bbies and a room plus the living room for the todds and the parents. So exciting. hahahahha
hi mummies,
good morning! Just a quick check...Anybody got recommendation on tailor made curtain?I'm helping my frd to look for one to tailor make the curtain for her 4-room flat
Thanks for organizing the BBQ. Its excellent. can't imagined i counld have stayed for so long. tot i wld have ran off by 8, the latest.
Thanks for your hubby's lift. wld not have been so convenient for us.
Asked Ashley whether she enjoyed herself n she knocked yes. n she wants to visit chen chen again to play with him... Guess she really enjoyed herself thoroughly.

Thanks for all the compliments on Ashley. Really make me feel v pai seh. think i shld look back n tell myself ashley is really well behaved. i still go around complaining she's a tyrant.

Thanks for pouring the apple juice for Ashley. She's a water bucket. can just drink n drink non stop. even chinese tea, herbal soups, she got no problem.
I didn't see Ethan n Ashley hugging each other. Must be quite a sight.

Pigletz n Sanrio,
I really dunno what advice to offer u ladies. Here i am thinking how to lose all these fats n then i see the 2 of u of scrawny beyond descriptions.

hey let me know when's Gareth party, will be interested to come. U take care hor. Your face colour really not there. Does small meals help??

so nice to see u again. i really dunno how u can cope with Ashrel. He really got lots of energy, long breath man!

Waaaa... u can tahan Elyse's hair so long. Ashley's touches a bit on the shoulder n see her hair stuck to the scalp, i buay tahan oredi. That's why ended with this ultra straight hair style.
Ya, Ashley loves to dance. she imitates the TV. sometimes she even try her luck on ballet, tip toeing away.

To the rest of the mummies (esp our special guests),
Really nice to meet all of u again. Thanks for helping me look out for Ashley when i eat, also for making the night so memorable n fun for Ashley n me~
pigletz, can you try your fierce look on Vane next time? Vane not really scared of my fierce look leh. Looking fwd to Gareth's bday party.

B2, aiyo Ashley is considered very well-behaved liao. Wow, Ashley knows how to ballet??? You can consider to send her to ballet class when she's older.
yup, ash has 'improved' a lot, but thou he big big size, is v timid n shy. whole nite d todds were playing n enjoying each other company at d playgrd but ash prefers 2 b alone, walk ard/away n went to d pool area n fountain n enjoyed playing by himself. gd tat my hubby is there 2 'jagar' him.
somtx i cant help but a bit wori, he is really quite 'anti-social'. he 'dun like' other kids.. wen other todds cum near him, he quickly walk away or CRY...

yup muffin fr tanjong pagar (same as shunfu). jia lak.. ash is d only 1 there who cant speak 'proper' english.. oh no!!
OIC. Chasing after the tod is indeed tiring. My hubby said his legs v sng on Sun fm chasing Chen Chen on Sat.
I thot guys easy to interract since their topic v common like cars, gen affairs, sports. My assumption is wrong. The daddies met up few times but still dun interract. However I notice more n more daddies join the meeting. Dat's gd
Is your hubby n introvet?

Hahaha. Din know Chen Chen talked to the guests. B4 the BBQ, I told him many times who are attending BBQ. He needs to address those adults attending BBQ n socialise wif the tods as a host
Chen Chen likes u. Can't belive he let u carry n din ask for me when u bid gd bye. Next time I can leave him wif u n I go par tor wif my hubby

U hor really v can leh. Eat, taking care of Vane, feed Vane n chit chat. I can only eat n chit chat or feed Chen Chen. Cannot 4 in 1. Din even take care of him when he played. He pulled my hand n wanted me to c him play the slide, I juz left him to my hubby.
U contributed a lot on Chen Chen's b'dy. Tis time u enjoy lar. No worry.
Agree wif u. The gathering is gd for both mummies n tod to interact n discover hidden development. My hubby said Chen Chen walked up n dwn the stairs wif the other tod by himself when normal days he needed us to hold his hand

Hey u get worried your hubby dun get to eat for wat. It shld b the other way round
The other accident wz @ the slide
We feed Chen Chen only when he is sitting dwn (in highchair if there is). Sat wz n exception. He stood to eat porridge. Fed him porridge in the n coz got left over
N he only ate a little bit of bread n a seed of durian

Does Ash socialise when u hv gathering wif a few sahm?
He will speak proper English eventually
Shook, Giggler, i think one reason why he is okay during jul's gathering is bec that time the kids are babies not tods running around yet
Yup, he is an introvert. I think the daddies there are shy and probably quite a number of introverts, so difficult for them to start a conversation out of the blue without any introduction?
Shook, Giggler, i think one reason why he is okay during jul's gathering is bec that time the kids are babies not tods running around yet
Yup, he is an introvert. I think the daddies there are shy and probably quite a number of introverts, so difficult for them to start a conversation out of the blue without any introduction? Is there alot of food left that day? A pity i din get to eat any durians and chicken wings.
no. wen frds n their todds cum 2 my hse, ash 'siam' them. he let them play w his toys n he will walk ard d hse or walk away, take his bear or bolster, talk to d bear/bolster or talk/sing by himself or walk 2 d kitchen n play alone. tat tx wen renee came, she likes ash n kip following him, ash 'siam' until no where to 'siam' n he wanted to go n hide in d bathrm!! if he cant get them awy fr him, he will CRY loh or ask 4 my help..
if i go my frd's hse, d todds will gather in a rm/place 2 play w lots of new toys but ash wont join in . he will go n walk ard, climb stairs (if he find any) or touch pple's thgs..
how ah??
Actually at this stage, kids dun really know how to play with one another. In fact, most will play with their own things though they're jus side by side. Ash is probably jus shy and not ued to having other children around since he's usually alone at home with you everyday. Dun give up, continue to expose him to other children. Go to playgrounds everyday.

Dat time i had mild depression after delivery mah, no appetite to eat, so of cos regained my weight very fast. I do hope to put on more weight, if not like machiam undernourished. Sianz man...
B2B3M4, no prob about the juice. Was afraid that you'll not be happy actually so I kept giving her little bit only at a time. I also told her last one for the last time and she agreed with me. ehehehee... so good girl. Was afraid coz some parents are quite fussy about what their kid drinks/eats etc. Lucky you are ok. :p

Shook, yeah was surprised that chen chen let me bring him to walk about too and carry him too. Was afraid of him loitering around coz the teenagers were there... in fact, we a little afraid for Matt. Good think the teens took the BBQ sticks away from him but they carried him too... so was keeping an eye as well. Sigh! Would be terrible if one of our kids followed them to play then later got lost or something. Chen chen is a good kid lah... very obedient. Don't be so fierce to him next time, okay? Anger can get them to listen for the moment only, but it will not get them to listen from the heart. Oh and yes, you can put chen chen with me anytime!
Offers on!
pigletz, hahaha.... I tried to take pix of both Gareth and Vane but with no success. You go and ask your hubby lah.

sanrio, think Ash 'anti-social' cos he only got himself at home most of the time? Did you mingle him with other kids like his cousins etc??? Vane also speak Indian+French+Spanish lah. Hahaha..........

shook, aiyo, you made me sound like "super-woman" leh. That's disadv if too 'can' leh, no one volunteers help cos they know I can handle.
Me too!!! I was shocked when I saw Vane at the top of the slide. Didnt know she so daring to climb the stairs herself and it's so tall leh.

skyblue, starts to eat more now since you preggie liao.
There wz v pathetic amt of food left. I so pai say kept asking Brenda to tar bao than she pointed to the table no food to tar bao
. I only ate otah, bb porridge, sotong n shrime balls. Missed all the other yummy food. 1st time among the gathering I organised w/o much leftover.

Ash is really v shy. I dunno if it works but may b u like to let him always mix wif 1 tod till he get used to him/her than slowly introduce more tods. It takes time. C he improved a lot comparing the 1st time n last sat when he came to my plc

R u a small eater?

The teens took the BBQ sticks fm Matt? Wat BBQ sticks? I din buy BBQ sticks. The teens carried Matt? I worried when I saw Ashley closed to the teens. Let alone carry. If the teens carried Ashley, I go carry Ashley back man. Afterall Ashley is a gal. Pretty gal somemore.
Thx for the offer. Pulling your leg. U work long hr in the office, how can I leave Chen Chen wif u to take away your time wif Ethan?
Do u mix water wif the apple juice for Ashley?
I m fierce to Chen Chen when he is playful n beyong ctrl. Last 9 I wz so tired dat I fell asleep b4 him. Know wat, he ransacked my drawer. Pulled off the insert for thermometer n threw all over the rm, threw mag n puzzles dwn the gap b/w my bed n the wall. I woked up so angry n beat his leg. V light (1st time I beat him). He got scared n stopped his monkey act. Asked him a few times where r the mag n puzzles than he told me where they r

U really superwoman mah. Even my hubby oso said u v can n Vane v guai n independent

shook, didnt know Chen Chen can be so naughty.
Where's Lee when he ransached your drawer? I dun want to be 'superwoman' leh, like that very gu ming leh.
