(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Checked with <font color="aa00aa">Absolut n Jul</font> abt Thyroid issue, no reply leh......
....boring issue ah?

Got to shut down liao!

sorry for the delay. I am in clinic seeing patients so may not be able to read postings all the time.... apologies.

Later reply can? See my posts all so short.
<font color="0000ff">jul</font>
U not suaku lah, the brand just came to S'pore.. I also did not know until I saw a pair in the magazine. They have an outlet at Paragon, accordingly to the guy, opening two more at Marina Sq and Suntec soon. I think they have the strappy flats, cost about $120...
its difficult for me to be angry cos its my mum n dad lah and they take such gd care of her and really dotes on Jana lots. For certain stuff, I just shut 1 eye ..e.g. TV ..my dad will turn on the TV for Jana whenever she request for it ... so i try to buy more educational vcds and ask my dad to let her watch those vcds. if there's anything i really cannot tahan and crosses the bounderies, I'll let them know and they are usually quite cooperative.

Yah, no2. is gonna use Jana's cot and all ...hopefully she's alrite with it but hor Jana still loves her musical mobile!

I still dunno how things are gonna turn out, my parents are both home at the moment cos my Dad just left his job. it'll be great to have both of them around to take care of the kids ...Jana loves her gong gong and he can give her all the attention she needs.

But its gonna be tough for me n hubby to drag 2 kids + 1 maid over to my mum's place everyday and then bring them home at nite. I asked my mum to come over to my place instead, she finally agreed but i think my dad not tat comfortable.

i had a GA, i'm very timid!! during the cvs, i freaked out and cried badly the moment the doc poke the needle into my tummy ...though its not painful but i could feel the pressure and was aware of wat's going on.... i cant stand being poked and cut open while i'm awake.

i forgot abt geox! will pop by when i go for the taka bb fair tomorrow.

not exactly a buddhist, but i do pray at the kuan yin temple occasionally.

yes, i'm indeed very lucky! i watched those taiwanese entertainment show during cny and they were predicting the luck for the different astrology signs ...aquarius suppose to be lucky with their work this year ...so i suppose they are quite accurate!

we r in the same boat! i also undecided wat teats to buy ...Jana is using nuk, and yes its so troublesome, so thinking of using something else for no.2. u gonna go to the bb fair @ taka?

gd tat's everything's ok for u now ... n hope Sarah get well soon.

i was actaully lookin forward to a vbac, but hubby wouldn't agree to it. my gynae tried to help both of us reach a compromise...she says we can schedule a date for csec but if i go into labour before tat, then she'll try a natural birth for me ... but hubby still say no! gynae says first time she has to come in to settle family squabble
till 19 march, and i got the starting date wrong ..tot it starts tomorrow but just realised yesterday started liao!
My mom and maid has to look after 3 tods and 1 bb. Not easy. 3 tods with 2 adults is not too bad but with the additional bb, things are quite hectic. My mom used to be able to feed the tods at 530 -6pm. Yesterday, they were eating closer to 7pm.

There are pros and cons abt going back to work. I enjoy having adult conversations and not worried that the things I say or do will be imitated by Ally and the aircon. Also able to access the net more and have more time for my stuff - run errands during lunchtime. Cons ... pumping, miss my kids.

Nick is better today with the disposable teat from the hospital. Finally drank 150ml at the second feed today. yay! But now headache... must go find a permanent teat for him. Do you think the hospital will be able to advise why I can buy the same type of teat? It says that it's nuk brand but the shape is not like the one retailing outside. It's shaped more like a ordinary rounded teat. Hoping Nick will learn to drink from Avent soon.

Nick was on the bottle for 1 day when he was hospitalised and only fed milk thru the bottle 3 times since he was back home. Although he was given water thru the bottle a couple of times too. Mixed feelings abt his reduced intake... def can meet his dd now but worried that he's not drinking enough. He sucked til I felt quite sore when I fed him last nite. Shocking esp since I usu dun get sore.

Crocs - It's the smallest size. Still a little big for Ally but she likes it alot since her cousin got it. Now her 2 cousins and her are happily wearing their crocs.

If you wanna buy, can buy from Parkway Parade, Gallen Sports opp Giant. It's retailing at 49.90 but ask them for discount and they'll give you 10% discount. My bro's been buying from them for his girls.

May have to try Pigeon. Suspect they have the type similar to the disposable one from the hospital.

Nick's last feed is around 9pm. He has been waking at 430 for the past few days and I was worried that he'll wake up to feed more last nite since he drank so little. His last proper feed was abt 7 plus and wanted to nurse him at 9 plus but he only sucked one side and fell asleep. He surprised me though. Made some noise at 430 but continued sleeping and started to make slightly more noise at 530 so decided to feed him before he wakes Ally. Happy that he's feeding later but after that, he didn't sleep til 630am and Ally was up then. Sigh.

How did your friend train her kids? Give water? Think Nick might be on his way to sleep through but just in case...
<font color="0000ff">viv</font>
So u scared of being poked and pain ah?? Hehe.. me not afraid leh... u know, when I was under observation for my case, the nurse showed me this pain threshold measure, from 0 to 10 and I wud point to 2. Then gynae said me v garang... but I did tell her cos I was lying down so I did not feel any pain. But generally I am ok with stuff like injections lah.. dun really flinch..

Geox - might not be your liking if u prefer strappies and open toes...

Can u report on the bb fair after u have gone there?
Hi mummies,

Would like to share the following infos....spend $$$$$

Singapore Expo

Baby Care Festival 2006
Mar 10 -12, 2006
Hall 5B
11.00 - 21.00

Metro Warehouse Sale
March 23 - 25, 2006
Hall 5
11.00 - 22.00

Times Book Sale
Apr 13 - 16, 2006
Hall 6B
10.00 - 21.00

BookFest @ Singapore
Mar 10 - 19, 2006
Hall 4 &amp; 5A
10.00 - 21.00

Suntec Singapore

Food &amp; Beverage Fair 2006
Mar 16 - 20, 2006
Hall 403 - 404, level
11.00 - 22.00

IT Show 2006
Mar 9 - 12, 2006
Levels 3, 4 &amp; 6
12.00 - 21.00

Natas Travel
Mar 24 - 26, 2006
Level 6
12.00 - 21.30 (1st day)
10.00 - 21.30

World Book Fair
May 26 - June 4, 2006
Level 4
14.00 - 23.00 (1st Day)
11.00 - 22.00
Viv, think Geox is not your type since u are more Hue fan.

Absolut, din you learn from our bottle rejection babies? Aiyoh, really heartpain when the babies reject the bottles and rather starve it out. But usually ok after a couple of days. Nick not skinny, so dun worry too much. Sound very cruel hor, but they usually give in after they realised that mummy is not going to be around during the day.

Pringles, if u decide to pass on the maid, can pass the details to me?
heard that Nuk teats changed... haven't gone to see how they changed though. Sorry can't advise you there.

thanks for the baby fair info. A bit busy this weekend... gotta find time to go to Taka I guess... got some things to buy.

good to hear from you again. Things better now? You getting maid from where? I am searching too. You take care.

Hazey, you also employing maid?

certain thyroid conditions cannot be cured, just controlled with medication...really depends on what the specific condition is... too much or too little hormone, is there a growth, etc.

Geox sounds funky...
I love my Crocs... anyone wants to buy.. I have Changi Hospital staff discount... hehehe.. $35.95.
But don't have kids' sizes. And not all the colours.
You went for cvs? Woww....u r very brave. I can imagine how u must have felt coz the procedure is quite scary! U know the results yet?

I'm waiting for that day when i can perhaps consider working part time maybe when our kids grow slightly bigger. Meanwhile i guess i will cherish my time with them as much as possible coz time sure flies.....

Yes, the Pigeon teats are shaped similar to the hospital disposable teats and they are softer than Avent teats. I personally find Avent teats very stiff and hard.

My cousin used the hard but fast way, feed baby well in the day and dun let them doze off to sleep halfway then let bb cry in the nite without picking her up and after 2 straight nites, the nite waking stopped. She said she and her hubby had to hold each other from going to bb in the nite when bb cried. Was very tough but after that, everyone benefitted. That's why I'm keen to try too. The other method is just offer plain water in the nite and nothing else even if they refuse, have to let them cry.

You are darn cute..hehe......so fast ask me to pass u the maid details when i haven't even proceed with application yet. You looking for maid now??

Now having flu with blocked nose and ears so can't smell or taste much. Maybe its a gd thing coz the nauseousness seem to have died off(hopefully for gd) but taking meds to clear stuffy nose at nite. Considering a myanmar girl recommended by my PT helper.
<font color="0000ff">jul</font>
It's ok, me can SEE clearly now their teats.. hehe.. at first I was so so confused.... hb and I went to Isetan to look and that was when he deduced I bot the wrong ones...

U still searching for maid ah?

Geox, yah saw a pair I like but lately my $$ going to the gals leh... hiaz...

U got kang tau for Crocs ah... good leh..
Who taught u to drug Mark? Dr?
U type \ clipart { bounce } to get the jumping frog. No space in b/w
When does the new term of Josiah start? U sign Grace for Sat or Sun class? How much do u hv to pay? I haven't call them yet
I take sweet dessert/pastry occassionally, I dun eat rice, oily stuff but I take late dinner 8+pm n tibits
I can wear my pre-pregnancy clothes but I m not back to my pre-pregnancy wt

Sarah, Pringle, Alicia
Get well soon

I hv the same problems as u wrt parents taking care of our tod

How long does Nick latch on normally n how long he latched on last9 till u feel sore?

Ryan seems to b back to his chubby look
pigletz, viv,
I'm oredi wondering wat i shd get for Kieran. Pigletz, no nid to get for No 2. Usu get for No 1 cos dun wan them to feel neglected cos of the nb.

So now, u're bringing both kids along to HK?

U nvr ans my qn abt the car seat? Wahahahha, i can visualise Rae n elyse each wearing one side of the shoe.

Take care. Btw were u at compasspoint foodcourt last sat afternoon?

Which part of Hougang? There's a kopitiam in Punggol wif nice crabs oso
i'm not brave at all...u should c how i freaked out the moment the needle went in. i was so shocked my uterus started contracting and had very bad cramps...cried and tremble so much...lucky the doc who did the procedure is very good and managed to continue the procedure safely and draw out enof sample for the tests...else i would hv been poked for nothing! and most importantly no harm done to the bb ...really grateful to the doc!

i had the cvs done when i was 11 weeks and got the results the next day.

congrats ...ur ms is over! u take care ...it took forever to clear my blocked nose/ear ...

cvs is like amniocentisis, invasive procedure to test for chromosomal abnormalities, the difference is that cvs draws a sample of the palcenta cells instead of the amnio fluid and can be performed earlier than an amnio.

i just stuffed myself with crabs from amk b232. can try the butter crabs...very yummy! din get to try the signature crab bee hoon though ...
stylo, hazey
i love all sorts of shoes ... open toes, open back, straps, no straps, high heels, flats ...anything lah!!

i finally tried the cake from pine gardens! not suppose to ...but couldn't resist and take a mouthful of it ...v nice! think i'll get Jana's cake for her 2nd birthday from there ...now looking around for nice designs.
giggler, gg, skyblue,
keke... som1 oso 'recommended' me 2 give ash a dose of flu medicine 1hr b4 d flight..

tks 4 d travelling tips

jul, absolut,
we havnt bought d tickets. most likely gg 2 brisbane n gold coast.

oh u ar bk 2 work. tks 4 d card
will sms u 4 ur add n post d card bk 2 u soon. we din buy d clarks sandals. we bought him a pair of adidas sandals, so happy 2 c it at istean scotts cos he loves his current pair so much but has outgrown it n we waited so long 4 d shipment 2 arrive.
u gg HK agn. my hubby dun like HK leh. he is not d shopping type n he said HK v crowded.

try Pigeon Isoprene Teat. it v similar 2 d disposable teat tat hospital gave me d other tx. ash is still using tis teat till now thou it's not lasting n less than 1 mth, nid 2 change

Yeah! great 2 hear tat ur camera has been found.

ash is oso using pigeon teat till now. he rejected nuk n avent.
You saw me b4??!!! So scary when there are silent readers ard!!!
Esp when I dressing more and more Ah Soh liao... Hahah...
There was one day, my hb laughed at how I dressed. He say, you wear slippers and dress until so chin cai, then carry gucci bag!!! Then I was like... Err... I really din realise! Hahah...

Hee... now you have 3 kids... dun think you can think abt BKK oso liao lah. I went there cos tot can get something for my house. But nothing much lor.

Actually, I even more tired after this break, cos I having a flu now. *sigh* But the trip was really fun lah.

I dunno fruits ok or not leh. Maybe a cake??
<font color="aa00aa">HI mummies,</font>
I have no time to read thru past archive...Last read on Monday or Tuesday (?), PC crashed n then got family matter to attend to.....sollie if I missed out anyone??!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi QSG,</font>
NIce lah ur curls but supposed must be VERY nice b4 lor, frm ur description that now not as nice

Try Kenaris at Scotts for lasting nice perm....not cheap tho...$300+, is yours this rate? Can last frm Dec 2004 till now....curls still nice...but I guess it really depends on individual hair texture? U think so?

My hb as skinny as yours.....saw dana is 1 of the foto captured....grown alot! Tod liao!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Skyblue.....</font>
At the back of our car are 2 carseat......Elyse is rite behind the passenger front seat n Rae is behind driver seat......hmmm...did i reply corrrectly? U so early preparing liao ah?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Emily/Brenda,</font>
I wonder n ponder what negative ways I have changed physically that Emily said I look different? Then BRenda also seconded Emily!
Turned more yellowish issit?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Viv,</font>
I had 2 pc of pine garden cakes on Sunday for Tea......lagi sinful!

BUtter crab? No leh, I thot i saw many ordered the claypot like crabs....not too certain tho. We went there to lohei n was told to wait 2hrs for the crabs. With kids, no way to wait so havent got2 try. THeir zhichar sucks...not nice.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Stylobb/Absolut....</font>
Croc shoes...saw at PEninsula at $49+...even their smallest also like Rae's size....
Initially thot it is real ugly shoes but later feel it is so light n comfy!

<font color="aa00aa">Stylobb</font>, ur 'cock'
shoe placed at bay liao? Cool leh...track shoe? Track shoe = running shoe? Some professional tough training personnel shared that real track/running shoes are new balance or Asics....very not hip hor

Who knows, later u will wear again to chase after your 3kids? My last pair of 2-3 inches shoes was in 2001....hahahahah...no more high heels after I enter the millemiun!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Absolut,</font>
Ur 2 kids age gap almost the same as mine. #1 is still at tender age...I find it impossible to cope too.....I ever carry 2 kids at one go when I handled them alone outside! After abt 2 mths, I 'fostered' elyse out to PILs for help. Now, back to my care, it is still tiring but manageable liao. Of course, my #1 is in c/c during the day where I cope with #2 but it is still 24hrs kind of attending to 2 kids....Both older now n I think the age gap is so nice! Bitter 1st, sweetness later?

Hmmmm...with a maid ard, I think it should be ok with the extra hands tho...to handle 2.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jul,</font>
Tks for ur 'short' reply.....
.....think must c u when u in duty to get more details!
Just went TTSH n felt that it is creepy silent but hb remarked that changi hospital much worst n I thot of u immediately!
Alot of similarities leh.....hainanese/montage/Gnc childlife n now 2 caesarian?? Only not as rich n xinfu as u leh

Keloid...1 jab during your 2nd birth can minimize it...mine still visible!
eureka, viv,
Pine garden in AMK? The cakes r nice?

Have to start tinking liao. Cos normally those wif 2 kids have MPVs :p So no such pblm. If both kids r at the back, hubby drive, so mummy sit in front oso? U tink can sqeeze in between the 2 carseats so dat can tend to them when needed?
Viv, you are still so much into cakes! Yes, I really love their cakes, but hor, must keep it in the refrigerator. Everyone at the party loved the cake and all came to ask me where is it from. But the design really sucks, I have so much complaints over the design. And my heart sank when I opened the box to look and the ladies at the counters can still go "WAH! VERY NICE!" Can die...I think I am not going to fuss over Tyra's 2nd birthday...at least, not planning anything now. Maybe later will have "peer" pressure and have to have a party for her.

Jul and Pringles, yes, may choose to hire a "recommended" maid if there is one available. I just can't put myself through the horrors of having to change 5 or 6 maids in 1 year. A good maid is really great help to have.

Skyblue ah, from my friends' experience, for the first few months, usually #1 will sit in the front passenger seat and mummy will camp out with #2 behind. Then when #2 is slightly older, then shift #1 back and mummy sits infront. But have to be careful and make sure that the front passenger seat don't have an airbag, or comes with the option to turn it off.
I will put both the kids in the back. #1 will still sit in the centre on the booster seat while No 2 will be at the side in the BB child seat.
There is still space for another person at the back..Not advisable to put the elder tod in the front as he may distract u if you are driving.
I have tried Ryan on the booster in the front and he will be there playing with the dials/ chaging the GEAR etc..while the car is in motion.
Pringles, is your potential maid currently working in singapore already?

Eureka, the perm alone cost about $360. Actually i find perm very hard to maintain..i got quite a number of knots cannot untie so i end up cutting my hair away on my own.

My hubby ate so much ice cream and potato chips but still so skinny whereas everytime i saw him eating, i can't resist end up eating and got fatter and fatter. I have gained another 2kg over the last 2 months
Actually dats my intention oso. Put No 1 infront while i sit with no 2 behind. But i remembered abt the airbag thingy dat if carseat is in front, must deactivate rite? So if deactivate, won't it be more dangerous cos in the event of an accident *touchwood*, no airbag to protect? U have any idea how much to pay to deactivate airbag?

How old must No 1 b4 they can sit on booster seat? Elder tods tend to touch tis n dat when placed in front, dats y oso feel it's not an option. Tis is the time when i wish i have an MPV...

Btw, i'm most likely having another boi.
GG, yours is HDB meh??? I thot it's privatised. You do yogo daily at home? Teach me leh....

Mom2Nat, so the Paragon at BKK got the same standard as the Paragon here?

shook, so happy for you that you found your camera.
My hubby only knows how to deep-fried food and cook instant noodles. How abt some pastries for the family? It looks more presentable.

skyblue, you so clever leh, my hubby only knows how to cook instant noodles. Congrats on having another boi!!!

Viv, I feel that recovery is faster with epi c-section leh. Dragged your hubby into the operation theatre with you lah. That's what I did and both of us enjoyed the experience.
But your rel'p with your sis now good? Think it's more diff for your dad to get accustomed at your house.

B2, which hosp did your friend go?

pigletz, dun stress yourself lah, just listen to gynae's advice?

hazey, you went to Shanghai for holiday or work? Me too, not gg to have party for Vane's 2nd bday. Maybe we'll just have a family dinner, that's all. You also need maid?

absolut, sounds like you'll have hard time to pump for Nick in office. It'll be good if both sets of parents can travel together, then there's help for you hor? Feeling tired now that you still got to wake up for Nick's nite feeds?

styloBB, can remove keloids one, my gynae helped me to do it.

pringles, you sick huh? Take care. Think a maid can be a great help if you manage to get a competent one.

QSG,wow your perm is ex!!!
Skyblue, a Japanese MPV (lower end lah) is only abt $65K these days, can think abt it, esp if u will get a maid in future. For some cars, it comes with an option to turn the airbag off, u need a key or something. If you are going back to the manufacturer to deactivate it..errr..not sure if that can be done. Yes, the front passenger airbag is the most potent one I think. One advice, if u really decided to put Kieran in front, then shift the seat as far back as possible, so as to curb itchy hands too. Congrats on having a boy!

Giggler, went shanghai for work...super freezing cold now!!! But it was nice to get away, the difficult part was before u got away, thinking how much u will miss the baby, will she miss u etc etc. In the end, when I called home, she was playing so happily that she didn't want to come to the phone on the 2nd day. Sigh...

Maids. Yes, thinking of hiring a maid, to help out MIL and also to enable us to make some adjustments to our lifestyle. Actually, if we hire those cleaning agencies, it would cost abt $200+ a month, that's a little bit lower than your maid's salary. Then as for the levy, can use as tax rebates. So not that bad after all, if the maid is competent. But there are so many horror stories about maids, which is why I am hesistant about going to agencies and count on my own luck...

Wah, QSG, your perm is so expensive! Can buy Ferragamos during sale time!
Giggler, me also not having party for Dana for her birthday but will take leave to bring her out that day.

Skyblue, congras on having a boy.

hazy, MPV got so cheap ones for Japan made? I thought at least $100K? Me not into ferragamos..
my hubby's cousin also gave cough mixture to her kids when she flew back from new york. also she bought them a small small luggage and filled it up with their toys...very cute to see them drag the luggage around and they hv toys to entertain them all the time.

i din eat there ..called them up to order and then hubby picked it up, then relax n enjoy the crab at home and dun have to worry abt being messy n dirty
shower immediately after dinner cos dunno how the shells ended up in my hair!

yah...think the zhi char not much standard, ordered a cripsy tofu for Jana and it wasn't crispy neither does it taste like tofu! my sisters tot its fishcake!

oi! I'm not rich ...just sprendthrift! u hv 2 lovely kids, a happy family ...like dat not xinfu ah???

yes pine garden is in AMK. the cake is light n fluffy ...can eat many pieces at 1 go!

hazey, eureka
yah, am worried abt the cake design. i saw very nice cakes from canele and patissier but bo pian lah..cannot afford cakes from prenium cake shops anymore ...need to watch my $$ carefully. So pine garden sounds like gd choice ..not so ex and if design sucks..at least cake is yummy!

cannot lah..i'll go crazy if i do a epi-c. lucky for me, the only side-effect when i experience from GA is sleepiness ...which is gd lah ...cos i dun dare to move much after op..very scared of the pain ...so sleep is gd for me!

i'm still into cakes and you're still into Ferragamos!
Viv, correction, I am not into Ferragamos! I am into Charles and Keith! Yah, I showed you the design of the cake that I wanted right? Did I show you the result? But the cake really is very yummy!

Re: Crabs. I am very much a crabby and crappy person. I love crabs, esp Sri Lankan ones and I don't care if they eat corpse. Another place that you can go is at Casurina Road, opposite Teachers' estate. Love the zhi char there! VERY VERY VERY yummy! salivate at just the thot of it! Eureka can go after bringing ur kids to watch monkies. If not, go for the Roti Prata there!
Hi Mummies

<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>
Yah, walking shoes, track shoes... me also not into high heels for a long time, cannot balance...

<font color="0000ff">skyblue</font>
Congrats on hving a boi.. bb's health most impt.. but two bois wl be quite a handful.

Seafood makan

The Seafood Paradise Restaurant
91 Defu Lane 10 Swee Hin Building
Tel: 6487 2429

It's in the midst of the industrial buildings.. the crabs are pretty good and prices reasonable.

<font color="0000ff">viv/hazey</font>
Me also 'crabby' person leh... the one at Joo Chiat is v good but nowadays long queue and prices have been jacked up... Jumbo is also ok lah.. the latest we found is the one I wrote above.. they do the crab in another special way, I dun know how to describe but v nice.

<font color="0000ff">hazey</font>
I cannot wear C &amp; K shoes.. always cut into my feet and end up v painful...

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>
Scarty cat! So u have no threshold of pain at all! Epi u also scared... funni.....
But u can prick yourself everyday so shud not be so bad rite..

I heard about the pine cakes re the taste is yummy but design sucks feedback..

<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>
Can remove ah? Me no keloids tho.. my line v 'clean' and 'fine'....
Hi all,
I've stopped on the soups and the medi r effective... who knows?!?!? the last 3 days down my block actually had a funeral going on... and they use amplifier for their chanting. end up my headache continues...

Jem rolls on the floor as seen at the bbq to throw tantrums. But it's really a norm phase that most tods goes thru i guess cos i seen it often at the CC. Usually, we just leave him be if its not that dirty or drawing too much attention from public. When he stop, we'll just tell him to tell us what he wans cos rolling wun help. The durations for such scenario is getting shorter now.

I kill the crabs by chopstick but find it very slow.. then end up always chop the poor fellas up tho they still moving :p

So happy that u found ur cam back!

U WINNER!! thot i told u i'm getting the jigsaw puzzle for Gareth? we've shopping for it leh. Lucky haven't buy cos mark keeps worrying u dun play w him then he will hv difficulties with it.. still trying to find the one our CC has. I wanna PONG u !

It's the food at Seah St Deli still nice? i've not been there for some time.

I say u slimmer leh... lost of size=negative issit?
Haiz... hazel,
think i into those mood again leh... this time not from SingaporeBrides tho... i read here abt shopping for no. 2, handling two kids, delivery horrors... think i turning 'siao' again...*sob sob*
<font color="aa00aa">Hello MI!!!</font>
Mi, short form for Mummies, ok? Tat's how elyse address me at times!

<font color="aa00aa">MI with Wheel on Bus VCD at home</font>
WHile watching, I asked Rae do u want to be a soilder when u grow up? HE said 'no' n when asked y? He said 'Cos all the soldiers got scolding from the Duke, I dun want to be soldier lor'!!!!!!!!!! Kids' innocence amusing, yah? Next time, will he say he dun want to work cos boss scold him?

<font color="aa00aa">Skyblue,</font>
Dun know leh...we just nvr think much n have such arrangement for the car seat....1 bb carseat n another booster seat behind. Hb said no no for front seat as airbag is there, In the middle are toys/books etc to keep them entertained. All are well so far...both 'sitting' well
. I sit in front lor.
Yes yes, sure can accomodate u in the middle. I tried...CAN! My car smaller than yours n i am much bigger than you, still can!!!!!!!!! No worry!

Hmmm...dun think so much, just blur blur do n blur blur go along n blur blur all will be well....Forrest Gump mah...like me?! hehehhehe

Yah, heard that cars are so cheap nowadays....check out the MPVs lor...WISH??

Boy or gal, i will congrats u! Now i am really enjoying my kids alot, at least cherish these harmonious moment still
. They are both manageable, loving n lovely! Every morning, little elyse will get Rae's uniform ready by the sleeve for him to wear n send Rae off to school! Evening, she will excitedly welcome Rae home and both will hug n smile, laugh. Then feel like it, both will scream n fight...hahahahaha......

Pinegarden is in amk....nice n economical. It is a very hdb cake shop with newspaper cutting or gd comment rating info there.....

<font color="aa00aa">Hazey,</font>
U tempt me on getting a maid leh, the tax rebate part.....sound gd if i revert back to work! If I can afford a maid n be a sahm, I will be the merriest woman ard! No hsechore, just the kids!

Wah biang where is casurina n teacher's estate?

Ferragamo, $300+ during sales....pant dropped leh!

<font color="aa00aa">Viv,</font>
hhahahah...viv, u so funny...shell ended up on ur hair! Ay, u got confirmation frm ur gynae that #2 is a gal or merely heard frm ur hb?? Looking at ur tummy, machiam boy lei....sharp n pointed.

Pine garden cakes, I will ask elyse to get for her wedding cakes...niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee but yucky design for their bd cakes.

heehhehe...yalah, me xinfu lah! Hmmmm...now u may think how n what u must cut down since u not on full time paycheque. Hmmm....not that bad lah, I assured u! After awhile, u will find u still wont exercise that much of budget spending! When ur kids get older, u may revert back to full time again rite...another decade at ur current co.....then u will be 'released' n wildly spend again! hahahahaha.....

Everything a matter of adjustment.....

<font color="aa00aa">QSG,</font>
SaME SAME....all junk foods n as skinny hbs we have! Apparently, u n viv have serious eye problem...u gals fat....ya ya, very very 'fat'! ah bish siao!

<font color="aa00aa">Emily</font>
Ya, Rae's teeth not as bad now cos we went for polishing. 10min on the dentist's lap, just polish n clean the OUTER side of front teeth (less than 12teeth?).....$125!!!! Dentist said 1st time, dun frighten him!
CVS sounds scaring.

Mom2Nat, Giggler
Initially thot fruits healthy n common mah. PPl sure eat but not presentable hor. Hahaha... Both of u n Eureka same wavelenght. Thx for your suggestion

Eureka, Viv
U r a connoisseur

V x perm

Another thing abt maid vs PT help is u need to provide accomodation n food n adjust to having a stranger staying wif u

Congrats for getting wat u like - 2boi

C told u not to b so -ve. Luckily Brenda clarified
Shook, I know, then I oso v scared wait I abuse the maid... Imagine, go home still must see the maid face colour. Eureka, you talking abt Valencia ah? kekekekeke.... Casurina Road, where u see monkies lor! Near Thomson, is that Pierce Reservoir? There is a church near the car park? aiyoh, next time we "Mi-s" all meet there lah!
hi mummies,
hubby on half day leave n we brought ash 4 swimming. got 1 uncle so nice offered 2 take a family pic 4 us. ash had great fun n as expected, refused 2 go hm, cried badly wen brought him out of d pool. he even waved 'bye bye' 2 d pool w a very sad look.


did u brg dana 2 bt batok swimming pool? quite nice, clean not crowded. ash loves d playgrd esp d slide

eureka, qsg,
my hubby oso eat n eat n snack n snack but look at him..
i tink ur hubby okie wat, not skinny leh
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>
U take care, yah?

Seah St Deli - ok lah... normal American food.. hb says at least the beef/burger he ordered is what he asked for, unlike at Billy Bombers where it came out so raw.. I asked him did he see the 'chef' there macham like some poly student, part-time that's why standard is not v good.... hehe

Someone asked about Appletree, <font color="0000ff">giggler?</font> there is one at TPY, near my place.... but I think they only take 3 years and above tods... I did not recci it though so can't comment much.

<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>
sahm with a maid.. merry? Sounds like me leh.. but I feel like I am waiting, buying time, dun know waiting for wat....me tsahm.... temporary...

<font color="0000ff">giggler</font>
I can finally carry jesse in my arms now.. so shiok... but can't carry for long
Hi mummies,
The hosp i'm talking. Near to the one i'm working now.

Yep, Taka bb fair on again til 19 Mar. I may get a portable bouncer. Its from safety 1st, can put bb to sleep in it too.
Little Tikes having offer too. Everything at 15%. Thinking of getting those kitchen sets for Ashley. May get one more blankie.
If spend beyond $150, $300 and $500, got free gifts. Free delivery abt $100.
brenda, Seah Street Deli was my favourite hangout more than 10 yrs ago. Somehow when we revisited the place, the food sucks. Never tried the burger though, but the 7 layer choc cake jus dun taste yummy anymore. Dunno whether is it the person has changed, or the "mood" and mentality has changed...

Eureka, all your fault, now my head is ringing " Oh the grand old duke of york, he has 10,000 men... .......... and when they are up they are up, and when they are down they are down, and when they are only halfway up, they are neither up nor down....."
Shutting down liao....

U appear! si pi 'connoisseur'???

Ur family foto always so heartwarming! Mine is either me cut off (too fat to appear) or hb meh song face....hahahahhaha......hb is very skinny, can see ribs!

Ur last life is a singer......hehehehehe.......

Enjoy ur moment now! Who will get paid to stay at home n with a maid n with 3 endearing ones????? Then get to go partok with ah lao somemore?

N bb bonus for #3...wow!!!!!!!!
Hey, any mummies wanna buy 2nd hand Fisher Price portable swing? Very lightly used, the batteries that I used from the beginning still haven't worn out... and also the vibrating bouncer? Anyone wanna get that for #2? Lelong Lelong....

don't PONG me lah. You can still buy puzzle for Gareth. Cos the one we buy is only 3 pieces puzzle. Not sure if he will like it anot. I won't have the patient to play with him lah. Either hubby or auntie will be the one playing with him instead. hehe
