(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Mummies, i went to check out the bb fair during lunch. This year didn't spend as much as last year since most things are for bbies. Dana's stuff only cost me about $65 this year (some clothes,etc). Those who are interested to get the washable pants...i bought 1 each from 2 brands to try. I got one from kooshies ($6.90) and one from Benbeni (S$4.90). The Benbeni one seems more comfy but they are located at another section far away from kooshies. If these are good, can really save alot from using disposable diaper pants. There are washable diapers (not those traditional we have to fold type) for mummies who wanna buy for their babies too.

B2B3M4, saw 2 types of little tikes kitchen, one is the smaller set about $100 the other cost about $160. Didn't buy since buy 1 set mid last year but until now haven't open ceremony yet. But the little tikes kitchen quite nice. I bought 1 blower fish watering can, find it quite cute, can let dana water plants at my parent's place or use it when go swimming.

Eureka, where do you sit in the car? infront or behind? I got a friend she got maid with 2 tods and she is a sahm but her hb is a PHD holder and daughter got leukemia when she is 2 years old, now 3 years old in remission.

Sanrio, i brought dana there 3 times to bb swimming pool. The most recent is 2 weeks ago but dunno why she refuse to go into water kept crying and saying "pai pai". She is afraid dunno why as she is okay when we went to the pool in bintan. I bought a bath robe for her hope will have chance to use it when she goes swimming. Btw, both hb and yourself went into the pool so after that you all take turns to go shower? who will shower Ashrel?

Skyblue, i was just thinking for newborns they may feel more comfy in a sling. You can sit behind with Kieran with bb in sling so you dun need to buy MPV. Once they are older all of them can be behind on their own.

Stylobb, how you arrange the 3 car seats in your car?

Which hospital are you working at leh?

I think must be at least 90cm tall or so for booster seat.. anway we already have 2 child seat with us so will use both if needed.
Just an update. Yes, I'm still around. We have decided to wait till the next checkup, which is next tuesday to decide if want to induce anot. If induce, most probably will be on 9 March, my preferred date.

As for my confinement, my mum request to do my confinement for me even though I told her don't need. Well, in order not to stain the relationship further, I say okay to her, but told her that she cannot back off halfway. Hopefully every thing will turn out well.
<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>
Yah my girls sup all the bb bonus and co-sharing schemes liao, 2nd and 3rd mah.. hehe..
Yah later I sneak out to paktor w hb...

Maybe I am not used to life at home still... blur blur, dun noe do what... maybe u bong me say I come to forum lor..hehe...

Btw did u bring Rae to dentist recently? Once they hit 3 yrs, can bring? Me wanna ensure jesse's teeth are clean and nice..

V endearing to hear about wat Elyse and Rae do...

<font color="0000ff">qsg</font>
Challenge man, cos ours not MPV...cannot afford to change.
jesse's seat behind driver and bb seat behind left pax seat.. leaving a gap behind which I shud sit w other bb. If mil comes along, we each carry/sling bb and sit behind.

<font color="0000ff">ruffy</font>
We have been looking around for booster seat but find they are meant for 3 yrs and above... so how?

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>
All the best yah.
Confinement - good that ur mum offers to help, take it lah.
If yr mom and maid are around, should be ok. Usu dads are the ones that are not comfy. Same for my dad.

Can take up your crocs offer or not? What colours are available? Got the bright cols like red, orange, yellow? Thot of getting a pair for my maid and maybe an extra pair for myself since the discount is fantastic.

Never had the bottle feeding prob with Ally leh so didn't expect Nick to react so badly. He's refusing to drink again today. Sigh. Hope it gets better fast. It's only been 2 days and his face is a lot slimmer. Super heartache. Feel like asking for longer leave just to go back and feed him.

Nick has been sleeping from 9 plus to 530 or 5am for the past 2 days. Is that considered sleeping thru?

Think he nursed abt 25 - 30 mins on my sore side. Timing is ok but think it's the way he nursed.

ok gotta go for meeting. Post again later
Yah can understand, how to tahan if u have cravings for ice cream &amp; cakes. During then Im ok with ice cream &amp; cakes and tink the main culprit is the fresh fruit juice. Did u do the sugar level test after giving birth? Gynae say must do the test after delivery until now din do yet, don like that super super sweet orange drink.

U like no. 9 for yr number 2. How abt Gareth, what is his birth date? Both of my kids also 9, boy on 9 August 1998 and gynae choose to induce my gal on 9 July 2004.

Yah my kids very big gap 6 yrs. Took me 3 yrs to conceive my boy. Initially tot of a gap of 2 to 3 yrs, din know it takes me so long gynae called me complicated cow. Luck enough to conceive both of them naturally cause each time we decided to go for fertility prog, I will then preg, gynae also don believe each time I preg.

Congrats &amp; u really stylo can carry u lovely twins to term. Heard the best way to cook crab is actually steaming or baking them to retain their sweetness.

Josiah new term start on 25 Mar to 27 May, todd class for 18 to 30mths. (20 lesson for $600), then $100 deposit, $50 registration &amp; $21 uniform. Joining the Sat. class - 4.15 to 5.15pm. U can talk to the director Angeline Loh, one thing no trial class &amp; Sunday class for them. Next term will be 26 June to 2 Sept.

U still BF, need to eat healthily best to eat everything in moderation. Eating late cant be avoided sometimes. I avoid taking tidbits but go for fruits or yogurt instead.

Yah saw u before cause can recognize Nat &amp; yr HB. Not u alone dress up like Ah Soh, me too. Hi Hi sometime my maid dress up better than me when going out.

Mine formerly HUDC, privatized with condo status but no facilities cause the senior citizen don want to pay $3k for it. Funny part they paid $20K for privatization but don want to pay $3K for facilities. So the younger generation came up with the idea to en-bloc, senior citizen agreed so now going through the en-bloc process lor. Sianz have to look again if not can finish the housing loan in 3 yrs time.

Yah do every morning, Ok I will go to yr work station &amp; teach u now ha ha ha. Our current lunch time class ending soon, why don u join us?
actually depend on how tall Jesse is lor..and if he is willing to sit still on it. The seat belt will be uncomfortable for them as it doesn't fit them properly.. the only thing you can do is double it up to make it a lap belt that goes over Jesse when he is on the booster.
ya lor. Try not to be too stubborn. Don't want hubby to be too stress over my confinement too.

Gareth's bday is 9 May. haha, that's why I want #2 to be 9 March. Btw, your number 2's bday is same as Jerome.
Actually was given 3 dates to choose but gynae was too fast straight away say 9, so we say ok. But we sld hv choosen 8 for my gal cause boy 9, Hb 7 &amp; me 6.

Nice to hear mum is helping u with the confinement, remember to rest well for the weekend. Do u believe in dat coconut water thingi? Hi hi my Indian frd say take raw egg with oil for easy delivery....... but don do that cause got chic flu now.

Jerome, Brenda's boy isit?
<font color="0000ff">ruffy</font>
Dun think he is that tall... but I told hb it wl make room at the back if he sits in front on the booster seat....

<font color="0000ff">GG</font>
Thanx... yah thankful that I carried them to 37 weeks.. they left me with a flabby tummy though... hehe. They are both growing well...

Are u a working mum??? Wow, 6 yrs difference.. was it difficult handling nbr 2 then ie starting all over again??

Talking about crabs make me drool drool only....
ya hor...8 will be a nice date too. But 9 is good and easy to remember also mah.

This time round didn't take as much coconut as the last time, but think should be okay lah. haha, don't think will be fast delivery for me since my bb not engaged.

Yup, Jerome is brenda's boy.
let me know what size then I can check whether the colour is available... the Changi Pharmacy stock a bit erratic when it comes to colours! =P Can call me lah!

your clue so obvious, hahaha... makes me laugh... hey, don't scare me leh... last time I was induced I kept watching the CTG myself and every time I had a deceleration I panicked... hope the obstetrician is not the one I'm seeing now... cos I heard recently there was some problem with her... argh....

Hey, reading your posting abt the Taka fair reminds me of you buying stuff for Ian last year! Thanks again leh! Really appreciate it... think of you every time Ian sits and rocks on the horse, you know. =)

your mum so nice. My mum wants me to go back to my own place and give her a break to go tour... sigh... something I feel that I cannot deprive her of after slogging for the family for so many years.

QSG, remember last year you spent so much on Dana's toys... hahaha... sure you won't go back and buy some more? Hehehe...

think Ash still a bit small for Gold Coast lah.

Really irritating,
started getting carpal tunnel syndrome and frequent leg cramps from yesterday.... really horrible feeling...
Jul, that was the toy fair in July. Think bb fair won't be able to spend much since not expecting now mah.
which kitchen set did u buy?? I can't really decide now. The interactive with sound one costs $199. The other smaller model is $149. Chee... there was $100 plus one?
Why dun open up the kitchen set??? The supplier says can help me fixed up n send the kitchen to my place.
I just want to get one for Ashley. It was such a dream toy for me when i;m young.
Hee, hee i like the watering can too. Very tempted to buy.

Yah.. i heard that hosp a bit not up to std recently. But your gynae is quite good lah, u r in safe hands.
Ha, ha... was so funny then. Kept smsing u abt where to send the rocking horse to. then we bot Gerber puffs to top up the amt so that we can get free delivery to your place.
Did i tell u that i carried my horse from Taka to Somerset MRT station? Took train to Dorby Ghaut, change to NEL line to go my mum's place at Hougang. Ha, ha.. so comical!
They have those cars right now, u interested to get it?
Agree wif u on the c maid's face color for the sake of kid. Angry oso muz ctrl.

Wat is si pi 'connoisseur'?

C your mum still concern abt u mah.

Wow Mark borned on National day
Thx for the info on Josiah. Hv u make the payment? I called juz now n a lady by the name of jessie asked me to go take a look @ how they conduct the lesson tml
My mum cooks v healthy dinner for me. My breakfast n lunch is simple. Fruits, cheese, biscuit or bread. I love to eat tibits lor
I oso wanna learn yoga fm u

Mom2Nat, GG
I oso dress up like ah soh.

Your mum taking care for your no 2 or not?
Yes... bringing both kids to HK.

Thanks for the recommendation on the teat. Will have to try it although he has now rejected even that disposable teat. refused to drink today. Sigh

Gold Coast sounds fun! Told hubby that I want to go there if we head to Australia again. Dun think you need to feed cough mixture lah esp since Ash is older and can understand things. My PD gave me the medicine to make Ally sleep on my 1st Jap trip when she was 6 months. Didn't give her though and she was quite well-behaved. Dun dare to give coz dunno if there will be any side effects. Just chose to fly at nite so that she'll sleep for a longer time.

Did I miss the posting on Pine Garden cakes? What's good there and must order? Got address and tel?

I also haven't worn much heels since I was preggie with Ally. Like Stylo, cannot balance liao. Tried on my wedding evening sandals and wonder how I managed to survive the whole nite in it. Now not even used to wearing my office shoes... getting blisters everywhere coz so used to being barefoot or wearing sandals / crocs.

It's ok to handle w maid but now my mom handling 3 tods and 1 bb with my maid. And my 2 nieces are sick - down with fever, cough and flu. Super siong. Praying my kids dun get infected.

Rae is back in school? thot he was back home for a period before?

Nick has been very good in terms of nite feeds. Been waking at 5 - 530am after sleeping at abt 9plus. Think I've been well trained by Ally coz she was waking 1 - 2 times in the nite and require us to pat her to sleep while I was preggie and even after that. Only prob is Ally wakes abt 6 plus after Nick is back in bed so usu chase her out of the bedroom and get my maid to look after otherwise she'll disturb Nick and I can't catch up on my sleep.

Think Mazda 5 and Korean MPVs are less than $100k.

Oops ... did my postings make you blue? Then I must add that nick has been such a joy coz he responds a lot and has been cooing and smiling when we talk to him. He also laughs a lot in his sleep which is really funny to watch. Def more responsive than Ally and heart-warming to be with.
Sanrio, i agree with Jul. Would you be going to dreamworld, movieworld and seaworld? If yes, ashrel will not be able to take most of the rides yet and you guys won't be able to take them with ashrel around also. Think Perth may be a better place to rest and relax. But then if you are going for the beach at surfer paradise and shopping, then nice, go ahead

Absolute, didn't know Mazda 5 can be below $100K.

B2B3M4, Dana seem to lose interest in her toys easily so i am hesitant to open the big box. Once i set up the kitchen, it will take up so much space. Dunno what brand, think german or french brand, bought at robinsons after discount about $120. Maybe i remember the prices of little tikes wrongly but there are 2 types definitely. Seems like we are buying toys we like and not our tods like hor?
Pigletz &amp; Brenda,
Finally I got my notebook back today. Which I SHOULD have gotten it back yesterday. They never send to me and when I called them, the customer service told me they FORGOTTEN!! And I went "Oh my god!!! blah blah blah....." Felt so bitchy. LOL~ Anyway, then I realise Randall can say "oh my god" too. hehe...

I dont know if I m paranoid or wat. I dare not leave my maid and Randall at home alone. Unless he is sleeping and I know I will be back within 2 hrs then I will go out. Cos I ever saw her pulling his arm away quite roughly when he went to pull her shirt. But she din know I saw it. I cant expect her to be an angel with no temper since she cant scream or shout at him to let go of her frastration. Aiya..anyway, maids are maid. The integrity is juz that much. If they so smart, I will be the maid liao.

Ren bu mei, thats y so ai mei.

Maybe I should get him a toy notebook also ah.

Nowadays car so cheap. Most Jap car also below $100k. Even the BIG toyota fortunter less than $100k.

The day before yesterday went to taka. Was so exceited to see the fair but HB said "our house oso no bb, y go to bb fair? Go there and see will only ended up buying a lot of unnecessary stuff back home. Dont forget u not working"

Here are the pics of my vain son. Monkey see monkey do. He oso wanna wear it on his head.
Ay....ur friend's case....that's y sometime we say rich pple got rich pple problem...better stay contented.

Nvr read my post hor....I sit IN FRONT lor....beside hb

Hmmm, dentist said anytime ard 2 can make a trip to them liao but it all depends on the kids. If cant sit still at age 4, also difficult. PVL's sarah went to see a dentist n got thru fine. It all depend on Jesse.

Rae went ard Dec last yr...b4 hitting 3yo. Ok but he sat on dentist's lap!

BOOK EARLY.....very packed one their appts...unbelievable! Amara Shopping centre there is one which got gd referral. Rae ended with one at Mt Alvernia.

Endearing, next time, Jesse will be so fortunate that he has 2 mei mei to 'serve' him affectionately!
Pantang lah, this morning elyse very very notti n not behaving well.......cannot say her gd n guai here liao! Dun believe abt pantang thingy also cannot!

Another similarities that i missed out....I had GA too...kiasi!

Ur colleague's encounter is very sad. My 1st labour was c section cos rae was near distress. Then 2nd preg, I asked if I could have natural n gynae mentioned CAN BUT shd complication arises, my case will be more complicated than ever. I din ask further n just opt the last day of June holiday for another c section then. Ur colleague's case here gave me cold feet!

BTW, wanted to tell u AShley is very independent n steady.....dun find her tyrant at all! She seems like da jie da! U r blessed!

ASh's notti act........I have my fair share too. Elyse is loud n screamer at home. She opened those 'Lock n Lock' storage box n help herself with the biscuit inside with crumps all over.....all in silence. Then she used hand poked the yoghult n poured all into her mouth n spilled all over.....while i busy in the kitchen. After finishing her milk, she opened the cover n spilled all the milk onto the mattress! Many others...Full of frustration......

Wat is 'connoisseur'? ...my dialect n ang mo as poor! Si pi or si bi = What is?

I tahan n try to see things frm Rae's perspective. If he is finally settled dn well at the c/c, I continue lor though some areas may not be up to my standard. It can be as detrimental to withdraw n enroll in another school for a young kid too.

Pinegarden....personally I still like their blackforest n the orange chocolate cake. Tried their triple layer chocolate/lychee martini (?) etc...still like the former i mentioned.
u sure u want to come frm east to amk?

Nice to have u ard here! Hey, can u teach me how to cook your spaghetti too?

I LOL when u asked GG can find her way IN anot? OOPs.....
Hi mummies
Saw gynae today and scan shows no.2 likely to be boy.

Congrats on having another boy! No, i wasn't at Compasspt last saturday. Think u saw someone else

Don't congrat me for "ms" being over...coz the next moment after i said that, i started puking again the next day
Its still on and off tho not as bad as b4.
You are still considered brave to go thru the cvs la. Anyway thank God all turned out well and ur are fine. I would refuse to do it if its me:p

Talking about crabs, i love crabs too but couldn't stomach any when my mom made some yesterday.

Your family photos at the pool are so heartwarming. The pool there really looks like a paradise for kids!

Randall looks like a little punk in the photos!LOL....stylo punk with sunglasses...haha! My gal also likes to do the same.

Nice meeting u and ur family at taka bb fair today
You are looking gd in your pregnancy and Ethan seems to have grown abit chubbier.

The potential maid i'm considering has not worked in Singapore b4 but has experience back home.

Agree with u on the part that ya, if u do get a recommended gd maid, its prob better to arrange without using agent.
Wow, u travelled to Shanghai recently for ur job?What do u do?

Wow, i think Nick being able to last from 9pm to 5am is extremely impressive!
Mummies who have used training pants on ur kids,

need to ask you all something. I have tried a pair of benbeni training pants on Alicia today. I thot its supposed to make her feel uncomfortable once it gets wet but i was surprised to discover her pants wet and she didn't even mention abit that she peed. It does provide convenience for us coz it didnt wet the floor but it didn't make my gal feel the least bit uncomfortable wearing her wet training pants leh.....do u all face the same problem or how is it supposed to work?
On the contrary, when she pees on her diapers nowadays, she will tell me immediately that she wee wee and she will remove her diaper by herself. And also if i put normal panties on her and she pees and wets the floor, she feels more aware that she gotta use the potty....

Any comments?
Hi all, just pop in to see how's everyone doing. Me blur state of mind. Not been 'allowed' to sleep for the past week or so, as Teddy has managed to find a way to exist on only 5 hours or so of sleep for the day, and HE DOESN'T STOP! Pant Pant! Even his Kindermusik teacher also shook her head in wonder and said "He's very active hor! Hasn't stopped at all during the class, and he only enjoys the active parts!"

Are your tods like that, especially the boys? Teddy is like having ants in his pants, and altho' he may have HUGE bags under his eyes, he just doesn't want to sleep, no matter how I try to encourage him to! HELP!
since qsg reported on the bb fair ..i dun need to report anymore har ??

yah ..like qsg said, alot of things are for bb. cant even find pj for Jana. Little tikes has a corner with quite gd pricing ..abt $10-$20 off their showroom pricing. i bought a set of wooden table + 2 chairs for Jana, 50% off @ $79.90. The rest are the usual discount of 20% for pigeon/avent etc ...

i realise i kinda pian xing leh ...only buying things for Jana ..all those bb stuff..i kept thinking Jana has it alrady..can reuse! the only new piece of clothing i bought for no.2 is for her full-month only. one and only piece!

yes, u showed me both! i still hv the pics
acutlly i tot quite ok, just tat the colors they use quite strong, if they lighten the colors and use soft pastel shades, then the cake will be perfect liao!

sri lankan crabs feed on corpse?????????????? yah ..been to the casurina place, the corner shop right?

i same as stylo leh, cannot wear c &amp; K, the cutting not suitable also.

acutally i hv quite a high threshold for pain cos i cant take painkillers, so learn how to ren ... but i timid lah ..dun dare to be poked and cut up while i'm aware of wat's going on

its girl lah ...confirm by 2 gynaes, the gynae tat did the cvs for me and my own gynae. the gynae that did the cvs for me sure accurate one cos cvs also test for defects in the sex chromosome ..confirm its XX!

sister! u missed out something else ...we both love pig trotters vinegar!

i just tum jiak!

qsg, b2
i'm looking at the little tikes kitchen too! askin hubby to get tat for Jana's 2nd birthday. when u buy, make sure u get them to open up and take a look first. we wanted to get a car for Jana's 1st birthday, they open up 3 boxes, all cannot make it. first 2 got lots of scratches and then last one color already faded at one side of the car...think it could be exposed to the sun during the shipment or something.

yes, i did the test after delivery the last round, only clear after 2nd test.

ur definitely not paranoid ..cos i do the same ..my eyes are glued onto the maid and Jana whenever the maid has to watch over her.

randall look like big boy in 2nd pic.

oh no...but dun worry lah ...the ms will soon be over. hmmm...mabbe ur ms pang tang one...cannot be mentioned type
okie ...better not ask u anymore!
d pool is jus across d road fr my blk. at d entrance 2 d pool, u look directly across, d blk on d mini hill is where i stay. so we jus towel dry, go hm then shower, v convenient hor..
mayb not gg 2 all d 'worlds'. my hubby is not keen w those rides. i m d daring 1. gold coast more places 4 ash 2 run ard n c c n d shops close later. i heard perth a bit boring thou relaxing.

viv, pringles, giggler n mummies,
any recommendation 4 barney vcds? ash watches barney nowadays. he has:
1) lets go to the zoo
2) barney, cats &amp; dogs (his fav 4 now)
3) barney sing &amp; dance
4) barney christmas time (he dun like)
i m gg to buy 'songs fr the park', can let me noe any other interesting titles? he likes those w lots of singing (w animals n puppets even beta) n minimal talking.

ash is v active, can 'cheong' d whole day but so far so gd, he stil take his 1-2hr nap n zz at abt 9pm. if he dun nap n zz at nite, i sure peng san..
evywhere he goes n even d pd said, ash is d v v active type.

my hubby felt d same way as ur hubby, why go bb fair leh? yeah! i resisted buying anymore toys 4 ash but ended up buying a bubble gun 4 him fr taka toys dept.
randall's 2nd pic reminded me of u lah :p

i remb u told me, these ar small 'acts' only, more to cum, oh no! how do u react wen elyse does those thgs repeatedly? do u tell her nicely all d tx.. i try to but somtx really v angry esp at tat moment n wen he does 1 af another.
I seldom have time to read or post, cos Nat is wants me to be with her ALL THE TIME. She wants me to read, play and watever, not allowed to do my own things. ONly when she sleeps, then I have time to myself. She is a light sleeper and not a good sleeper. She is v active and drains my energy oso.
I think hor, you should check with PD if he is hyperactive. If not, then maybe you should access isit you give him a lot of attention and give in to him when he doesn't want to sleep. Wat does he do when he doesn't want to sleep?? Nat can wake up, want to read or play, but actually she was sleepy, just tat got more and more awake after sometime. Got one night I was so drained, dunno wat she wants. I put her outside my room, tell her if she dun wan to sleep then stand there. She scream until I think the bus stop downstairs oso can hear. Sometimes I think it's bcos I am so damn tired, just give in to her demands lor. Does Teddy sleep in the same room??
Yes, today she did those act one after another! I was so pek chek n guess what, I smacked her hands! She refused her meals too....very stubborn, wants things her way. Sing songs to her must be to her liking. SHe will NO NO NO n u got2 find her rite song! Then if she likes, she will say, SAME SAME, telling U to sing same song as before.

After the smacking asked her who scolded you just now...MAMI! WHo smacked your hand? MAMIL...issit PAINFUL.....PAIN PAIn....then I heartache n then I sayang her palms. THEN she took my palms n start tango with me! Guess we agree they are just simply 'you hao qi you hao xiao'??

Apart from elyse's crap, got2 attend to rae too.....very CHUAN leh! Both waking up abt 5txs in the nite too...I very short tempered n running out of patience at times!

U mentioned ASh very active n notti. Has ur neighbour make any comment? My rae's time, my neighbour upstair came pounding on my door twice, asked me if I nid help anot? Think she checking on me if I abusing my kid?

Haahahahaha.....just sharing to let u know that u are not alone.....this phase will pass.....

I agree with u that 2nd pic of Randall resembles VAL! BUt in person dun look alike leh!

U are amusing lah! Ya, the pig's trotter too!
....Hmmm...after my FIL discharge, I will ask Mil to get the stuffs ok...now all very luan abt FIL condition. FIL.....beauty service...hahahahha.......

I have difficulty buying PJ for elyse too! Mostly oversized.
did you buy anything from the Taka baby fair? *wink*

I realised that I bought more stuff for Ian than the baby when I came back from the baby fair... I also think I am biased! *hehehe*

Ian loves the Little Tikes car. He always rides in it in Julia Gabriel! But I didn't go and check out the price leh... busy buying other stuff. Bought the Pigeon breast pads and Avent teats since I don't have much time to shop usually. Heard Robinsons having 20% off next week.

I sympathise with you... Teddy seems to be giving you a hard time! I think it's just a phase lah... won't last long... you just have to last longer than him! =P

I will be looking after Ian and baby myself with the maid and maybe my MIL during my maternity leave. Will need to get some studying done for my exam in August so might get my mum to help out from July. Things not cast in stone yet... sigh... still rather tentative. Hubby going to US for 2 weeks in US in July some more, just before my exams... headache. Wondering whether I'll be able to breastfeed as successfully with all that stress.
I do talk to her nicely n then if it does not work, I will give silent disapproval stare at her (too much talking she takes u as singing song
). At times, she will withdraw frm her act. If she still persist, I will smack. Then after smack n her crying, I will tell her what she did is really not acceptable n thus she is punished. Today I was tempted to throw her the time out mtd but really thot it is slightly too early.

Think watever mtds, it is really ur style to suit own kids' temper or temperament? Important is we must be consistent EVERYTIME for unacceptable behaviour. ALot of time, it is much more convenient to give in for easy way out but for long run, think more difficult to rectify unreasonable kids. Also confusing to the kids on what is wrong seems rite at time?!

Also very important, we as parents must LEARN at all time to keep our cool....almost impossible at time hor? A lot of patience needed but seeing them 'kai qiao' finally made u real satisfied n happy!
Ian says Hi!

This boy loves climbing on my father's staionary bike and has fallen a few times... still hasn't learnt his lesson!
SO small pic see what? But finally Ian is without the bib!

The last pic, his eyes very big n boyish!

U all buying lesser for #2 cos less 'compulsive' liao mah....#1 having alot of white elephant items? Wiser experienced mums liao mah
Eureka, time out never work leh... like today I just let Tyra cry it out, but in the end, cry until very cham and choking kind, whole shirt wet with perspiration and whole body cold cold.... sigh.... why can't they stay angelic all the time?
Hahahahah Hazey,
Angelic at all time.....wait long long! But a moment of angelic we oreadi melt liao....

I no heart to use time out on our tods at current moment cos think still alittle too young. I think they are not able to rationalize well enuff except to scream n cry longer till they get our attention. I opt smacking, instill immediate little pain n fear, let them know her behaviour is unacceptable.

But I read let them cry it out is a good way to let them vent their frustration out at this stage. Also read that sometime the tods cant control n manage well their own tantrums...we have to cuddle/hug them to cool them dn...

TIME-OUT......Rae has been eating this 'choclate' for over a yr liao.....notti, misbehave, want to throw tantrum, want to fuss n scream....go to the room for 10min.....it works!

Hey, so tyra, elyse also notti n chuan leh.....
thanks on the advice abt checking the toys. But i'm not sure whether to make them open up, coz i banging on the fact that they will help me fixed n deliver to my place.
are u looking at any particular kitchen set. i can't really decide. wanted to get those with sounds but hubby says ashley wld most probably love to play withsome water n tot they it wld be better if we get the one w/o any electric components -- the large festival kitchen.
but hor, their pricing very strange. other than the cinamon n spice kitchen which comes up $10 cheaper at Taka fair, their Festival Kitchen n Tender Heart Tea party kitchen is actually $10 cheaper over the net (www.aprisin.com.sg). Delivery is free too.
I asked the sales lady why the price diff, they tell me if i wan the price, must order thru internet???!!!
So, now in dilemma.
Also, wondering whether i shld get F&amp;P kitchen or chicco kitchen set instd. They are reasonably cheaper. heard some of chicco's can be less $100. But read some feedback that certain models easily toppled over, so must ve very careful when choosing.
Quite excited abt having another boi, but my worry now is whether i can cope wif 2 bois, since their age gap only 2 yrs. I'll be even more excited when gynae announced, if not for a dream I had the nite b4 my checkup. Dreamt dat i'll be having a gal. Cos of dat dream, i ended up a little disappointed. But then again, having 2 bois was wat i wished for when i realised i was preggie wif no 2.

viv, eureka,
Pine garden is in AMK blk 400+/500+ there? Near the wet mkt? Eureka, u always make me drool abt food. Ahbish u...

Yessss...the causuarina zi char has very nice chilli crabs
The food is gd. I used to go there after my antenatal class @ Mt A last time.

Talk abt being a handful, dats my main concern now. But chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi...

Rae very smart leh, can make such connections :p Abt the car seat thingy, if u sit in the middle, how to squeeze in with the car seats there oredi? Check out MPVs? Bo lui ah!!!
Hey i went to eat the beef noodles in hougang liao. I like!!! Esp the chilli... but my dat ah lao dun like. He said too peppery.

Wah, looks like so much fun.
I recalled u said ur confinement lady very gd rite? Can give me her contact? Mine may not be able to make it afterall

Kieran's favourite barney titles now r:
1) Barney's musical castle
2) Moving and grooving
3) Barney's alphabet zoo

I agree wif sanrio dat Randall resembles u alot in the 2nd pic.

I dunno which hosp u working at leh, so how to know which one ur colleague is in?

For safety reasons, i tink quite dangerous to sling bb &amp; I'm not wearing seat belt. Ever since dat minor 'accident' we had in dec, now i paranoid abt seat belts. MPVs r defintely out for us.

Gd dat ur mum is gonna help u wif the confinement. If during confinement, u're unhappy wif her or wat, jus come in to vent. I'm sure we're all willing to listen

wah so gam, ur 2 kids wif birth date 9

So fast ur gynae can tell oredi? How many wks r u now? I agree dat MS is very pantang!

Has Teddy been eating sweet stuff? Cos too much sugar leads to hyperactivity.

Ian's cheeks reminds me of fishballs :p
Eureka, you hit the nail on its head again. After realising that she is not going to stop crying by herself, I quickly hugged her and consoled her... then she cooled down, but was in "PMS" mood for the rest of the afternoon until she had her nap... Sigh, today brought her to my nephew's 1 yo party, she was angelic again. Never snatch toys with Di Di and give DiDi whatever he wanted. So I was playing with my nephew and she was standing there smiling and watching us. Then suddenly I feel bad, it's as if I am neglecting her. So as mother of 2, how do you play with the younger one without making the older one feel neglected?

Skyblue, one thing abt MPV, no backside. And the last row is actually v dangerous though the most likely place that you will put the kids. Cos if a lorry bang u from behind, the last row will probably get the most impact. And I also went to tat zi char stall at casuarina rd after my classes at mt a, finished with a cup of teh tarik at the roti prata shop next door. Ah... the simple pleasures of life.

Pringles, congrats on having a boy!

B2, yes, some of the kitchen sets will topple very easily! So when they try to open the doors, the set will just fall. But should try to get ashley one, cos it really entertains for hours! ..wanted to type something here, but think better not, cos pangtang! hahahahahaa! I think the fisher price set dun look v stable, cos can actually fold it and push it around. The little tikes one look very good actually.

Randall looks like Valencia meh? That means Valencia looks very handsome lor! Kekekekekeke!
B2B3M4, i was told the FP kitchen is abit flimsy so bought the one i am having now with reccommendation by SA in Robinsons. The FP kitchen is definitely cheaper though. The chicco one is nice also but dunno if stable.

Skyblue, you can put on seat belt then sling bb? What solution do you have if no MPVs? Just let the two sit behind, you sit infront? Btw, what is the minor "accident" in Dec? Can't recall.

Viv, i already bought the kitchen set last year without opening to check.

Sanrio, so nice both you and hb can go into pool. What time you bring Ashrel there? water cold or not?

jul, robinsons 20% for members is on this coming tuesday 6.30pm onwards.
QSG, the thing abt Robinsons sale, whenever I want to buy something, I will think to myself, wait for the 20% sale, then when it comes, I will think "like nothing much to buy leh...." so weird right?

B2, the tender heart tea party set looks SOOO GOOD! I will be tempted to buy that!
<font color="aa00aa">Hazey</font>, U dun cook rite? when u cook, u need to look at the clock for some timing purpose mah? Steam fish for how long, bake for how long etc....hahahahha... Or tyra must also check what time papa/mama coming back, got to cook quick quick for u b4 u come home!
Can teach her clock timing early mah....'Tyra, canu get the dinner done by 6pm?' then show the clock lor? What do u think?

Tyra is so sweet n gracious at ur nephew's party! Gd girl, I can imagine! Earlier PMS....hahahhah...can die! Sometime kids get cranky when they need their power nap or thirsty too...

Hmmm....share with u hor, I always feel that I shd place lots of emphasis on #1 cos being the older kid, he understands better n more sensitive. If u treat #1 nice n dear, likelihood he will mirror the treatment on #2. When #2 feel loved by #1 n parents, things are more harmonious. When I play with #2, I get #1 involved in all little ways. When I hug or cuddle, I do it to both.

As for your case, think u are doing well cos Tyra is watching n smiling while u playing along with your nephew. So sweet! Tyra is well secured with herself! U are also wary of how she feel n observant which I agree we should. Silly u, what neglecting her then????

<font color="aa00aa">Hi skyblue.....</font>
Ay, want to tell u 1st thing 1st....I bot ROman Oil Skimmer too....how? Ur hb n ur fat/calories reduced anot? Got a feeling QSG will ask wat is this?

I really agree that MS is pantang AND our kids thingy, also big pantang! Must avoid liao! My 2kids very handful over this wkend.....hb n I lost our cool. Hope they 'handful n notti' forever lor......

Hey, u so different frm Shook, u prefer 2 boys! Paddington Bear, what's next? Pooh Bear?

Yes, it is real cumbersome to get in n out to the middle seat. Tat's y i dun do it often unless I am letting out my front seat to others...like MIL or whoever......I normally let the 2 sit behind by themselves.

Elyse does monkey business behind, She will play with her shoes, takes off her socks n starts licking n sucking his toes,,,,,,,,,,GROSS to the core hor??????????????? Faint!

Yes, pinegarden is where u mentioned. Additive talking to u liao cos u very polite to reply to everyone! Courtesy is for free, courtesy is for u n me!

<font color="aa00aa">Giggler,</font>
Time out dun work for u, u try Snicker Cruncher....I like! Just finished 1 bar n pestering hb to go get more at the petrol station. 2 for $2!
Recipe for pasta. (serve 4)

200gm mince chicken/meat or beef (marinate with light sauce &amp; corn flour)
1 Onion - cube
1 capsicum - cube
2 big tomatoes - cube
Button mushrooms - slice
4 pcs sausages slice
2 tlb tomato paste (puree)
1 tlb Spaghetti Bolognese Spices (Brand- MasterFoods)
Salt to taste
500 ml water (agak, agak not too watery)
Oil &amp; a little butter
Parmesan cheese (optional)

Cook pasta (fusilli spiral shape) - boil with a little salt, oil &amp; cooking time according to the instruction on the packet. After cook drain it with cold water &amp; set aside.

Heat oil &amp; a little butter add in onion &amp; capsicum, stirring until softens.
Add in the mince meat then tomatoes, mushrooms, sausages, tomato paste &amp; water, bring to boil.
Add in salt to taste &amp; spaghetti spices then simmer for a while.
When ready add in cheese &amp; cooked pasta.

Can also used veg like celary, leek, carrots, cabbage or the mix pea,carrots &amp; corn.
If don hv parmesan cheese can also use the normal slices cheese.
Sausages are optional, ever dump in left over roast chicken
<font color="aa00aa">GG HI HI HI,</font>
Thanks for ur receipe here....next few days, many families n tods maybe eating this! hahahahah....

Seems easy to cook!

<font color="aa00aa">Giggler,</font>
i went back to the archive to do some reading up. Hahahah, din u realise Rae n Vane tango well? Foto are evidence but u lor, already matches off Vane to Gareth!

<font color="aa00aa">Shook</font>
Target for Rae at ur place was the playground lor! hahahhaha....He got no older kids to prey on leh....tods luv older kids u see.....

Me so backdated, now then go back to old topic...get a life lah....lol!
Wahahahahha, dat song brings back my pri sch day memories :p Eh, my dad stays ard dat area but sad to say, i didn't know nice cakes existed ard dat area. U dun stay ard dat area, so wat makes u hang ard dat area for yummylicious cakes?
Wah piangz, Elyse looks so si wen leh, she really does all dat? Dun spoil her image hor.
Pooh bear? No lah... At times, i feel dat Kieran looks like Ernie, so mebbe no 2 can be some character from seasame street :p
I'm having a throbbing headache after handling Kieran tis weekend. Wonder wat came over him, so stubborn.
Reduce wat fat/calories? He's still as BIG as ever :p Anyway, the soup dat he cooks r for me, not him. Hehehe...

If i wear seatbelt, then sling bb, very dangerous for bb leh. Cos if anything happens, bb will be flung off. Oh, we had a minor accident on xmas eve. Was going to make a turn when a car which was cutting lane, suddenly knocked onto our rear. Not once, but twice. Dat time i wasn't wearing seatbelt, so was 'flung' forward, n i knocked onto the front passenger seat. Lucky thing was dat Kieran was safely secured in his carseat.
Cos no MPV, dats y now seeking advice from mummies.

U're rite. Very dangerous if no backside.Back passengers sure kena if car hit at the rear. Talking abt teh tarik, I miss my kopi tarik
AY skyblue!
Hougang beef nice ah...u go try the one at amk, very nice! Go go,......long q!

Are u well? NVr c u ard........
Ok SKyblue....wat abt OSCAR for ur #2? ELyse see any ss characters, she will OSCAR OSCAR!!

Kieran stubborn ah? My hb just declared T2 marching in for Elyse liao....siao liao! Even Rae also frown at her! hahahahah.....
just came back from JB, will probably be my last trip there for quite awhile. was stuck at the malaysian customs for quite long on our way there and suddenly i tot ...wat if my water bag burst????

hubby n I just read something interesting from the book Child of our Time ...

calculate your child's height as an adult
Tradition has it that a daughter is never taller than her father and a son never smaller than his mother. I don't know how true that is, but there is a formula you can use to calculate your child's adult height. You must measure him when he is just two.

Formula for girls:
(two-year-old's height in inches x 1.17) +25 = adult height in inches

Formular for boys:
(two-year-old's height in inches x 1.37) + 22.7 = adult height in inches

It will take at least 14 years to find out if you are right and not everyone grows according to plan. Though girls have usually stopped shooting up by the time they are sixteen, some fo on longer. Boys will probably stop later and some are still growing in their twenties.

dun bother ur MIL abt the stuff now lah...i can do with or without one ...its ok.

I'm still compulsive when it comes to Jana's stuff leh

i saw the F&amp;P one, think its true they r not so stable cos its collapsable type, can keep easily...can topple easily too!

yah ...i always look at the aprisin website. The price at showroom same as internet, we went there when we wanted to get a car for Jana's first birthday. get them to commit on fixing up the set n the delivery, then insist they open up to let u check. they offered to do the same for us too, and imagine if we din ask them to open up ... we would hv ended up with a very bad purchase ...somemore their toy is so ex. i like the cinnamon n spice ..nice colors, festival is also not bad. tender heart color not nice leh...i also dunno which one to buy!

the pine garden website ...http://www.pgcake.com
I oso looking for a kitchen set for my gal, any good recommendation? Bulk purchase?
My gal keep on ransacking my kitchen, open all the doors &amp; drawers. Plucking my plants &amp; flowers, &amp; telling me cook cook.

I carry single bb tummy also flabby lah. Take time &amp; do some tummy exercise lor.
Me FTWM, initially jia lat hv to start all over again &amp; boy entering Pri 1. Lots of adjustment but lucky got help from hb &amp; maid.

Congrats. Don worry hving 2 boys, my girl more garang than my boy. My 2nd 1 exceeded 40 wks so induced case, if not wont be so choon. But they are in diff month if not can celebrate bday together. Did celebrate my boy 7th bday &amp; gal 1 mth together.

Re: Josiah, did u go &amp; look see look see? Havent make payment yet?
Me not yoga expert lah, just do some of the steps which I know only.

Thanks, tink I better go for the test liao tot can siam 1.

Hi hi hi happy cooking hor .
Me today also very chuan, sian &amp; loss my cool. My gal don want to eat, her stamina better than mine &amp; keep on plucking my plants. Beat her hand &amp; the next moment can hear my boy complained mei mei beat me. Tot of spending more time with them end up felling so sian, telling hb I cant be SAHM sure will end up in Woodbridge. I no patience.
Read that u looking for pig trotters vinegar?
I hv the recipe for it, my CL taught me to cook during my last confinement.

Good morning mummies!
eureka, stylobb,
yes, Sarah was OK with the dentist when I brought her just after CNY. She sat on my lap though, and it was a very quick visit. Just a little check, a short 'ahhh' . But I prepared her for it for a couple of days, rehearsing with her. The dentist said that after 2, we should bring them regularly for well visits so that there is no fear. Also, I brought her to the school dental clinic in SGH (HPB building). The waiting area is decorated for kids, with some toys and books. So Sarah enjoyed the wait.

Congrats on your (most probable) boy!
