(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda....</font>
QSG 's description lagi made me LOL...she said she wants to see avocado's sexy BODY! If I am avocado, I darent appear leh...hehehhehehe

I enjoy watching my kids play rough, chatting kiddie talk, sayang n hug each other alot! Perhaps yet to go into real serious fight where I will be pek chey!

Ya, both my kids wear only diapers at home, no bottom....better ventilation mah

U feeling much better today?

<font color="aa00aa">Viv/Skyblue/Pringles,</font>
Tried liao that beef stall at hougang. Very generous serving. Beef a bit tough...Hmm....not bad...my rating is 6.5. Macpherson's one is rating 8! ehhEheheh...very subjective lah.

<font color="aa00aa">Skyblue</font>, nite time not open.....hahahahha...u sure say, chey, then must go eat only during wkn.

Macpherson's one is at a little corner, next to a indian mama stall. Situated at the kopi tiam where Hoe Nam prawn mee n the popular turtle soup are, near macpherson Jackson 24hr market.

<font color="aa00aa">Viv,</font>
Sound like will recur leh...no pt liao. Mine is genetic somemore. Ya, I was very worried that after pregnancy, it will all gather n form unsightly patch on my face too!! Scary hor?

Yes yes, was trying to recall if prokids is same co with sealer or EQ. So it is Prokid hor.

Ur mum is very traditional in handling those rashes!

<font color="aa00aa">Madam PIGLETZ!!!!!!!!!</font>
Lost weight liao still diahorrea!!! Taking charcoal pills now? Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration ah!

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda,</font>
I know exactly wat u mean by feeling like a bimbo. I cant help it but feel that some so called higher senior post handle things which i not too agreeable n they still thinking 'wat the heck, wat u know mann, u so junior at that position'.....They do not know that I chose to be junior n be on the mark to dash home for my family n not that I am not fixed to sit at their position!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi giggler,</font>
Vane chor lor meh? She really very cute leh at my place, very endearing! Maybe chor lor = cute? hahahhahah. Elyse is both very tender n chor lor. She can out of the blue, sayang n hug u. Then extort hug frm his bro too!

<font color="aa00aa">Shook,</font>
Hahahhahaha, very delighting leh.....YC wants to lou a mei mei ah???? Very cute leh!

Have tried the jalan kayu one..this one at Evan's rd is heaps better. but I normally go to the branch at Clementi Ave 4.. next blk from my mum's house.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,</font>
I bot the aluminium foil. Tml buy the maize, then sat, wash n pluck the maize, wrapped in the aluminium foil....correct or not? Me greenhorn in BBQ preparation, pls enlighten! Since school days Girl Bridge camping until now nvr hand on in bbq liao. Sounds bimbo anot?

Mummies, a few occasions I saw family with kids in pyjamus at foodcourt. Kept asking hb does that mean those kids have showerd n ready to go to bed but came out to jalan? Then reach home, brush teeth sleep? Ponder leh.....Wat u think ah? My jaw drop leh!
Oh dear, those pricking! Nvm lah, bear with it, another 1mth the most to bear? GD to play safe too!

YTD nite, hb said 'Ma bu ting ti, U Chwee (my mouth) bu ting ti'!!!!!!! INdicating eat non stop! Hahahhaha....So u every 2-3 hrs eat n is expecting, ok lah!

I can be a fortune teller...u will be skinny forever!

No lah, I din skip ur post. I must admit i really speed read n if not, i read only those that address to Eureka only. Very bad hor but that's the most i can do, be able to log in, chat as much b4 elyse is awake!
Shook, tot its your hb's sister.

Eureka, you so naughty!

We dun go out after we have taken our showers unless really necessary.
<font color="0000ff">Hi All</font>

looking forward to seeing everyone at the BBQ!!

<font color="ff0000">skyblue- wind n ginger</font>

wellll.. I have this oil thing with ginger in it etc etc.. and a herbal bath as well..rub after baths. I also have this green tea gel.. a bit on the hot side..

<font color="119911">QSG</font>

hmm you give me a good idea for the wings this weekend!! Eh DOM opened kept since Matthew's CF can use or not har? Else I'm going to throw away...taking up space on my counter top!

<font color="0077aa">Giggler</font>

It's ok about the pinching ma... I'll pinch Vane's cheeks lor!! i think Max's chubbiness can almost compare with Vane when she took those "angel" photos!!

Ha ha..

re-one pt things..

can AH!! I just called them to confirm.. they say it's ok... as long as they still have NTUC vouchers...

<font color="119911">brenda- bite mark</font>

Goodness..children bite?? I hope that never happens to Matt...poor Jem!! sayang sayang!

<font color="ff0000">SHOOK</font>

ermm no need to cook porridge for Matt..you have microwave? Anyway.. noticed you have pasta tomato.. will feed matt that..

OH.. my BB sitter says she's making thai siamese fish fillet. (she's a fantastic cook) and help me..I'll fry some beehoon as well..since I'm pre cooking the balls.

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>

Aiyah.. should drink more water then!!! Anyway.. make sure you rest well so can tuck in the food on sat hor??

<font color="0077aa">EUREKA-SAHM</font>

Thanks so much for your well wishes!! Welcome back.. so we'll all see you Sat right???
Chen chen lou mei mei becomes lou for a sis u gals har CUTE!

Sorry I nuts abt BBQ. I thot juz maize, pluck wrap in aluminium foil.
mummies going for bbq
i created a table to consolidate number of people going, easier to plan how much food to prepare.

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="aa00aa">BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm</font></TD><TD>No. of adults</TD><TD>No. of tods </TD></TR><TR><TD>Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time) </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Viv, hubby, Jana - otah </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Val</TD><TD>3?</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>QSG, hb &amp; Dana - coconut agar agar </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce, satay </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Absolut, hubby, helper, Ally, Nic - Drinks &amp; ice </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shook, hubby, chen chen</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff0000">Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">31</font></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">16</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
QSG, hb &amp; Dana - coconut agar agar
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce, satay
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings, fried bee hoon(vegetarian), siamese fish fillet in banana leaves(bb sitter)
Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow
Absolut, hubby, helper, Ally, Nic - Drinks &amp; ice
hi hi eureka,

This issue I must write :p

Kids with pyjamas outside... I think like you!!! Once my son has his evening shower I won't bring him out of the house again, not even to the corridor or neighbour's house etc... We try not to stay out late, cos I must shower him after we reach home, before he goes to bed
Nat, i am still using the bottle of DOM left from Dana's time. Things like liquor, wine can keep for quite long. But hor, many mummies are preggie so better dun put DOM for this sat's wings.
I dun hv microwave
Wow u bring so much food. Can feed the whole village.
Thx for your confirmation on the porridge.

Thx for the headcount. man, the plc gonna overflow. Unfortunately the club hse wz booked when I book the BBQ pit. Gd thing is the other BBQ pit is not booked. We can't use the pit tho but can use the bench n table.
BTW Lyn n family may join. Not confirmed tho
<font color="119911">shook</font>

not alot la..as long got enough to eat..preggy mummies and post preggy mums?? esp myself eat lots!!
Re: PJ party out..

Ermm.. for us.. esp KK.. the rule is 8.30-9pm wash up..change to pjs... drink milk..and then roll in bed and lights out..

Even max also knows bedtime... 9.30pm change.. and last feed then sleeps thru till 4, 5 sometimes 6am...

So horrified at friend's place..kids changed already.. then run around around..till hair wet wet.. Matt luckily not tempted to run also.. guai guai lie on daddy's shoulder and zzz..
skyblue, I got no idea wheres the roti prata shop leh.

Pigetz, what did u eat to get diarrhea?

Brenda, what do u mean by your 2bbs kick each other? You having twins too?

Ruffy, I didnt see any shop when I went to Evans Rd last week leh.

Viv, only rashes rite? Im ok with it.

Shook, your sil so good life, dun need to work? You feel honoured or not? So many pple gg to turn up at the bbq leh. I so excited for it.

Eureka, wowK Elyse so wen xin one? Like to hug pple. HahahaK I cant stop laughing abt those kids who played in playgrd in pjyamas leh. LOL

Nat, you still rem Vanes angels photos? I dun rem where I kept them liao. Ok, then I got to search if I still keep the wrappers.
Giggler the prata shop it is on the other side of the evan rd bldg where JG is. very big sign..sure cannot miss it. Or else u try it at Clementi.
U must drive from the other side(Not bt timah way) then u can see the shop. It is not visable from JG entrance.
Or you can try the branch at Clementi Ave 4 (off the main road) This one has air-con seating inside.Can't remember the block no..but is the block at the T-junction..the only one with lots of shops underneath it.
What they have.
Ice-cream prata, Garlic, butter, Mushroom, Onion, Murtabak, and many many other combination of prata.
Ya my SIL gd life
Turn up rate gd probably it's a long time since the last gathering. Last time Chen Chen's 1 yr old b'dy turn up rate poor leh

Hahaha unsheltered. If rain hor, wu lar lar

How can I forget hor?! Vane was such a pretty angel.. and I said If i have a gal I'd do the same... LOL

sadly as usual.. my kids always got rashes when want to do photo shoot or big event coming... eg. Xmas, CNY... sigh.. ;|

Wrappers?? what wrappers?
Aiyah, the Prata Cafe is v visible, u just walk a few metres down from JG and u can see liao. The prata is v good, so is the gravy, I/hb used to eat there when I was preggie...

Nice to see u back here again! See, everyone misses you! Nice pics of ur kids.
My tummy is flatter but flabby, looks terrible cos super stretched...

U also shoe crazy... went to the new shop at Paragon called Geox or something...??
YOu have shoe craze one ah, you wanna order Birkenstock? Cos my frens and I interested. Need to have at least S$249 in total then have free shipping liao. But dun wanna bulk purchase in the mkt place lah. If you interested, tell me hor. I give you the webby.
Re: Prata
All that talk on Prata is getting me craving for it. Now die die also must make my way down to Evans Road for prata. Have to convince hubby though coz he's not a prata person at all.

You got cooler box? If not, I'll buy bottled drinks and ice. Let me know if I need to get the cups too ok?

What porridge are you cooking? Can cook Ally's share?

What time does BBQ start?

Dun think we'll mind Jana's rashes. Nick also got eczema attack all over his face.
I got cooler box not v big tho. Disposable cups I got too
I will cook porridge wif scallop, red dates, brocoli n carrot. OK cook a portion for Ally as well
If possible BBQ starts 5:30pm. All depends on wat time the mummies here arrive
Giggler said Vane's eczema recovered by cleaning wif bm. May b u like to try

I gonna get fruits. Do u gals eat if I buy the fruits n cut in advance?
Thot you also bf? Not that good to eat food with alcohol rite? I know they say cooked should be ok.

I'm ok with fruits that are cut earlier. Ok ... will buy pet bottle drinks then.
Shook, i am okay also. Btw, can i put my agar agar in your fridge first (take out slightly later about 7pm) since we will be eating the proper meal first before desserts? nicer if chilled.

Ruffy/Stylobb, what are the operating hours of the prata cafe like?
<font color="aa00aa">HOI Mummies,</font>
No one except shook replied me on the maize for bbq leh...too 'bimbo-lic'
to answer ah? hahhaha..ok lah, i will prepare in anyway i deem rite lah!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Pigletz</font>
How are you today?

<font color="aa00aa">HI HI PIGGY!!!</font>....so many PIGs posting today

WOW.....POWER to PYJAMUS post n u APPEARED! Bet U cant stand as well? Frown? hahahhaha.....YES YES, me too....after shower time, no stepping out of the house unnecessarily!

U take care n GOOOoooooooooood day!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi NAT,</font>
Pyjamus party! hahahahha.....innocent one though. I kept finding excuses for the families. It could be that they are back frm school, havent showered, changed into previous evening's pyjamus and set off for dinner 1st. Go back then shower, then sleep? Crazy me hor, such issue also think so much? Cant believe if any kids can go straight to bed after an outing in the same attire leh!

WOW, your food n recipes always sound very yummy! How are u coping with your 2 kids?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Prata mummies,</font>
LET us have a prata outing at Evan Road. Hmmmm...shook, dun bong me, my kids eat prata liao......elyse, maybe can pack sandwiches.....then off we go Botanica Garden!
Hmmm...one fine day, my family will do that.....i go get my straw hat 1st...hhahaahha....protect my freckles!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Stylobb,</font>
Your super stretched tummy reminds me of SWAN which I just watched last nite.....how ah?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi shook,</font>
Will we be causing too much of trouble for u if u were to cook for some of our tods? Hmmm......can Elyse have a share too? Definitely got2 feed her at your place, cos I will pack them to your place immediately when they are awake.

YC eat what, elyse also eat what....anything will do! Can?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi QSG,</font>
U sound like elyse....'U SO NOTTI!' but her version is 'NO, NOTTI U!.....
Ruffy, it's on the other side, no wonder I didnt see it.

shook, that time cos we were at Changi so too far for most mummies? I dun mind the cut fruits too.

Nat, still can take photos with rashes mah. Can use computer graphics to cover up one. I mean Nepia wrappers.

styloBB, even you find the prata good? You all here made me feel like eating prata leh.

absolut, have u tried the prata yday? Yaya... can try to wipe Nick with your bm.

Mummies, let's just pray that it wont rain tom nite!!!
$249....So u need abt 4-5 pairs? U and your frenz order 2 each....DONE!

Shiok leh, going for your break liao....shop shop shop! It is a very great place to shop for those little gadget/deco for your new hse!
Eureka, you too 'free' is it? Still bother to find excuse for the family.
Hi, you want to organise the prata cum Botanic Gdn outings?
Boot U ah Giggler,
No mah, beyond imagination mah...must try to put yourself in their position n think the possibilities mah! Must activate your brain cells, if not, they will rot or retard!
Pls dun share where shark fin/birdnest nice here hor, I cant afford!

Talking abt Beef noodles, I dashed to eat liao. Now talking abt prata,i am going to buy for brunch now. VEry nice, got Jalan Kayu 'logo' also
. So if u all talking abt delicacy, i will drool till dry only!

Good day mummies!
its not just the long pants/shirt and socks...no frying allowed also, so for this whole week we've been eating all the steamed fish, egg. chicken, veg cannot stir fry ..all throw into soup
she says the smoke n oil from the cooking will irritate the rashes.

i'm answering ur maize qn ...but doesn't mean u/i are 'bimbo-lic' hor ...can put a bit of butter on maize before wrapping in foil, taste nicer.

the shoes at Geox nice???? see if i can drop by later in the evening

very sad to see 2 long scratch marks on my tummy! serve me rite for being lazy ...

haven't tried Birkenstock shoes b4, r they comfy?

hahaha....i also crave for prata after reading all these talk abt it! hubby definitely wont bring me there ... no gd for my blood sugar.

i'm ok with the fruits too. i'll be bringing Jana's porridge ...my mum's quite particular abt wat she eat at the moment cos of her rashes.
Birkenstock shoes,
there is a shop at Wheelock place Lvl 3. Can go to try out the designs before you decide to buy.
Just put it below the 1st one.. both should come up .
I still can't figure out where the beef noodles @ Macpherson is leh.
Sad sad... Eh, dat area hor, u know opposite the fire station, the row of shop houses where Mei Zhen Xiang is? The corner coffeeshop has very nice 'yan2 ji1'. Many pple eat the 'yu2 tou2 lu2' from the zichar stall. I tried the steamboat but dun find it dat great.
Yar manz...chey...only operate in the morning for the hougang beef noodles. Sianz liao... I used to like the wanton noodles at the hawker centre outside Heartland Mall. Now, they still have long Q but i find standard drop alot.
U cleanliness freak, of cos freak out at the thought of wearing PJ out at nite lah...hehhhe. Kieran wore his PJ out once b4, during CNY period cos we brot him to the wet mkt to do some last min shopping. :p
I grow very fat and let u see :p

Go where and buy the oil wif ginger? My CL dat time, ask me to apply XO to my hair after washing so dat wind can't seep in. Duh...then wash for wat? Body oso smell bad after bathing cos of the darn herbal bath. Yucks, i felt like a walking herbal drink.I tink of confinement, i beri sian oredi.

Enjoy urselves tomolo.
Hope dat there'll be another gathering soon and i can join u.
<font color="0000ff">qsg</font>
I misplaced the prata cafe card, but they are open for breakfast and shud be for whole day.. best to go early but warn u first, v crowded on weekends, no place to park along the road, then gotta pay $2 to park on JG grounds.

<font color="0000ff">giggler</font>
Yah I haven eaten prata for stime liao... hehe.. nice nice, cos the prata there is crispy w/o being oily and the gravy makes the difference. Got milo dinosaur too....! But their nasi lemak is so so only.

<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>
SWAN? Why ah, u are saying I turn from pretty to ugly or the other way around???
Anyway me only 1-2kg before pre-preggie weight..

I also like beef noodles, ur instructions are so precise but me dun noe where. But the one at purvis street is also v good.. it's near the chin chin coffee shop... can give it a try...

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>
Haha.. I know ur likes... shoes!!! Haven't been there myself but saw some loafers which were featured in magazines which are my type of shoes leh...not cheap tho.

Stretch marks ah? Not SCRATCH marks, so scary, I thot who abused u... - not ur fault, cos they are supposedly hereditary, just that we all gan jeong, die die wl apply cream.. my tummy looks terrible, wrinkled like the surface of volcano... altho flat...

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>
Lost weight, u take care!

Who else is due soon ah???

Going for gynae check-up, later go out w hb for a break...

Hv a great gathering tom!
eureka, you feel that you dun use your brain as much nowadays meh? Heehee... do u find the power of forum very strong???

Viv, wow.... your mom really dotes on Jana leh. But I never heard of such things to prevent the rashes. Wow, the beef noodles got website one???
prata!! milo dinosaur!!! nasi lemak!!!! aiyo ...make me drool like mad!!! and all the forbidden food!!!!!! arrghhhh!!!!!!!

i those tat are very very lucky wont kena stretch marks. the marks i having now are scratch marks...they appear cos i hands itchy go scratch my tummy
they look as terrible as stretch marks ...angry red tracks!

its not really to prevent rashes, but to make them heal faster. she also says cannot give Jana banana, cucumber, and chicken.

the website not bad, got listing of gd hawker food.
Hi all, I'm back!
Will try to catch up on my "readings" soon.
In the meantime, got a question -
For mommies who bf your tiny 'terrors' even while you have your periods, do you find yourself in the same situation?
I notice that a few days b4 my period comes, Teddy will be cranky and unable to sleep properly (not more than a few hours at a time, and easily woken up). Once the period comes, he will switch out like a light! Very disruptive for our sleep. Wonder if it's to do with hormonal changes in my body, affecting the breastmilk.
