(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

pigletz, maybe bb got less space to move that's why less active?

shook, heehee.... think you got to 'ren' since you staying with your sil. Does she has kids of her own? My mom use 'expired' EBM to bathe my gal and niece.
Think you cant stand me cos Vane will eat her food with spoon for a while only, then use her hands liao. Hahaha........

Exactly! Finger food eats wif hands ok but not those dat I mentioned rite.
I dun get u. Wat u meant wat does the bb hv?
I store my EBM in the fridge @ home. Every wk bring enuff amt to my mum's plc

Do u dilute emb wif water for bathing?
U dun stop Vane when she uses her hands to eat food which is supposed to b eaten wif cutlery?
Shook, Giggler,
Ebm not greasy meh? How to use it to moisturize or bathe?? Pardon my ignorance!

Yah, that's too much. I will voice out leh...'cc, aunty teaching u malay custom at early tender age!' If SIL hardcore dun get it, then bo bien lah. Just be consistent with YC that mama say no hands for eating??

Laser can be done at GP clinic leh.....I find some freckled ladies very nice!

U still fall short how many for ur ntuc bonus slip?

Work harder....pant pant!
Shook, what about putting milo into the ebm and giving to Ian. At least he still gets them when u are away. :p Try giving it to him in a cup with a straw. Maybe he likes the cup better now. Ethan does not drink from the bottle too after a while... I remember... now he drinks everything from either the cup or the straw. Take it this way, at least u don't have to worry about weaning him from the milk bottle.
initially, when i started working... i really felt like a bimbo..hahha. but now, i just do my job n constantly remind myself what's impt in my life.

Think that guy looks more like guardian of the seathen lifeguard..ahahhaha

Hi all,
still having headache... anything i'm supposed to answer?
I more mean. I screamed at Chen Chen "r u a dog?!" when he eats wif hands. But I did it for 2nd time leh. Dat means my SIL bo heel me

Feed my ebm to Ian

My mum tried wif milo. Chen Chen drank a bit dun want liao. Never try wif cup n straw tho. Will ask my mum to do it. Thx
I was wondering whether Jadon has any medical syndrome besides being premature cos there are other problems he is having which are not prem related. He doesn't sound too premature also... think about 32 or 33 weeks? But looking through the archive and couldn't get more info.
shook, think my mom used the EBM to wipe them then use water to clean them up. It's quite useful cos my gal doesnt have eczema anymore. Usu, I ask Vane to use the spoon but if she insist to use her hands, I'll just let her be. Anyway, she's 'learning' at the same time mah, at least she knows how certain food feel like. Heehee.... No choice, I lazy to 'force' and 'argue' with her.

eureka, use EBM to wipe the whole body then use water to clean them. A nurse taught me to use bm as nipple cream before.
Ya, my hubby ever comment that most beautiful women got freckles on their face.
alamak! i so blur! u say the bb monitor shown in pic above and i only look directly above ..which is ryan's pic! i tot u posted wrong pic..hehehe ..now then i realise that u were referring to the first pic u posted together with the training pants!

i let u know soon if i need the bb monitor, my colleague has a set and i'm waiting for her to show me.
nothing wrong with elyse in the swimsuit leh...looks normal to me cos tat's how i look in my swimsuit too ...tat's y always must add padding! hahaha ....

yes! those undies! i bought the strawberry shortcake onces, v nice pic, but wash the first time, the pic tearing off liao
my mum say v messy, so din let Jana wear at all ...wat a waste of money.

SLR - single lens reflex or something ...those big bulky non-automatice ones that can play around with ...aiyo ...ur hubby the expert leh.

definitely will want to try gd beef noodles. u tried the one at far east sq? same row as ah kun loti? its the one that used to be at the hawker center on top of funan center. ang mo kio blk 233 also got 1 tat's quite famous ...long queue. i miss my mum's beef noodles though...

tat was last pregnancy with Jana lah...this time round hopefully wont lose so much weight again...i'm still eating KFC though cut down n control to once a week, the previous round of weight gain a bit scary ...1.1 kg in 2 weeks! my gynae hardly comment abt my weight, tink she know i gan jiong spider type, so wont make any comments unless necessary.

yah..according to my dermatologist, only laser can help.

i realise bb getting less active during day but can move quite alot at nite
mabbe bb bigger cos the hiccups getting kinda stronger ...very irritating

i also went to the thread to see jadon's pics ... very heartache!!

hubby is the one who got excited and said "we'll take it!" hahaha ...

eureka, gigglers
unfortunately, i not the beautiful-with-freckes type leh. lucky for me.. i think i still hv a balance of 2 laser sessions with the dermatologist.
HI Viv,
Yeah.. my post quite misleading..heeh
Okay wait ur answer. Im in no hurry to sell it.

Ryan..can rent out instead

Training pants.
can hold 1 wetting.. if normal briefs will wet through their briefs/pants and on the floor straight away.
HAhahha Shook,
Thanks to Mdm Pigletz prompting, i'm suppose to revert to youn regarding the onions n garlics rite??

U think it will be better if we buy up? in case we couldn't get the fish last min?

And ur side hv aluminium foil? or we buy a new roll as well?
Wah ur bb preparing u for nite feeds liao ah?

R there many HFMD cases @ JG Evans rd or jus one-off case?

Ur SIL really too much leh. She knows u dun like it, yet still carry on. U offended her recently?

My turn to have headache today.

Heartland mall there got beef noodles? Where? I love beef
I only know Jadon is premie. Din pay attention he wz borned which wk. He has many problems. Can't remember all. Only remember he has the problem of stop breething turns blue. Needs to go thru many ops. Only remember 1 of them is chin op. V poor boi. His mum wz hoping he can b discharged on X'mas than CNY but still in KKH.

Eureka, Giggler
I agree woman wif the correct amt of freckles is beautiful n sweet

Last time I used ebm to clean Chen Chen's scalp bcoz he scratched v often till got railway track. But hor smell v fishy n milky. Can't remove wif shampoo. Vane doesn't smell fishy n milky fm the milk wipe?
I cleaniness freak

U dun look so light abv leh.
My gyne monitored my wt gain v closely
A I find your freckles nice

Ok Ok u get the onion n garlic
Ai say man, u gonna do the stingray on the spot. My hubby still said dun need aluminum foil presuming u bring it everything readily done. Wat time u coming to my plc?
I got aluminium foil. Not brand new tho. I go zu li fm my mum in case not enuff for u
Oh no! Don't know why I so blur... think chen chen and type Ian. ehheheee...
so pai say!

Can't wait for Saturday to see everyone again. I REALLLYYY hope I can make it!! :p
I din offend my SIL but she is the type who doesn't accept ppl's comment She does things her way n everybody gotta listen to her. My mum oso bo bian her. She only scared of my dad
jul, I'm not the one with lots of milk, it's my sil. Thanks to her that Vane's eczema is cured.

Viv, dun need to do laser lah, look more 'character' with freckles mah. You tried laser before? Very ex leh.

Ruffy, do u think the training pants is useful? Dun know if I shd waste money to buy. Sigh.........

skyblue, according to jul, it's just one case. You also interested in JG Evans?

shook, no leh... Vane doesnt smell fishy or oily though my sil's milk is quite oily lah.
I've nvr seen the JG at forum, but i've passed by the Evans Rd one, whenever we bring Kieran for his kindermusik classes at TM. Looks like a ctryside. I've heard rave reviews abt JG, so i'm quite interested, jus a matter of when i'll send Kieran though. There's a small cafe nearby which sells roti prata hor?

Mebbe u can get ur dad to tell her off? Cos not nice for tching mtds to differ. Will confuse poor chenchen leh.
hi shook,
I can understand bcoz my MIL & SIL r same kinda as ur SIL.
My HB's SIL is more extreme.She likes to criticize ppl but she nvr review herself.For e.g. she commented we carry my boy too often,yet,she always carries & make ppl carry her 8mth old son.

She oso criticize the way i dress to my MIL.I told my MIL jokingly tat I've the body to dress sexy mah...so indirectly hinting her(SIL)tat she does not hv the figure..hee...so bad hor?

I normally endure when ppl criticize.But he/she always do that,then i will jokingly tell her/him off...

felt like a bimbo? why???
Chu dong my dad. Dat will b a serious 1. Won't know wat will happen when I m @ work. U know wat I mean

Your SIL so bad. Who she think she is to care wat u wear.

Last 9 lou yu sheng (DIY). Chen Chen joined in. He oso said lou lou lou while we adults said properous words. Outta blue Chen Chen blurt lou Chen Chen mei mei
welcome back

we sign ash for jwt af d trial class since he enjoyed tis d most, af gg for d various trial classes.

i saw prokids at JL somtx back.

tks. hope ash will eat. my mil said 'other pple food n water alwy taste sweeter/nicer than hm'..
Saw Prokids selling at Sheng Shiong today @ $9.50 per pack. Think you made a good decision on PT job. can pm me your PT job contact? Might consider it later on.

Finally can reply you abt BBQ coz we were deciding whether to go for something else happening that nite. Will be there but haven't decided what food to bring. Any suggestions? Is anyone bringing drinks?

Will be coming with hubby, helper, Ally and Nick

Welcome back. Miss ur postings and pics a lot leh.
ya.. he is eating 'lesser' nowadays. but more solid stuff like rice. he likes bread. he still drk his milk but som days minus 1 or 2 feeds, he is ok. he evyday is only interested in run run run, play play play non-stop.
<font color="aa00aa">SHOOK!</font>
My heart pierced when i saw u mentioned CORRECT amt of freckles! Haiz, very tempted to go for the laser treatment too but so many...go by quantity, i sure pok ah my pocket!

Very difficult to recitfy yc's ways if he is under ur sil's charge more than urs....

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Skyblue,</font>
Beef noodles....in a kopi tiam between Hougang heartland mall n ntuc, near DBS. I havent tried....me drooling, tml i go!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Giggler,</font>
Ur hb's finding very cute leh! Hmmmm....Thot i saw b2 n pringles having very nice n cute freckles, ur hb maybe rite afterall
Very sad, lately, rae asked me 'mummy, y your face so dirty?'

U want 1 pc of Prokids for Vane to try?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Viv,</font>
U have freckles meh? I din notice...so ur laser sessions sure work!!! Will it recur ah?

AY, U MUST try the beef noodle at macpherson! VEry home cooked style n sedap! REALLY!
U very 'idiotic'
leh....eat n luv food but u still so slim!

<font color="aa00aa">ABSOLUT!</font>
Izzit? $9.50?? I bot at 12+ at sheng siong 1 or 2 wks back leh! BTW.... I got 'severe' headache shopping at Sheng Shiong....very messy n cramped n i happened to go to all the big ones...tekka mall/bedok/sgn nth!

<font color="aa00aa">HI Brenda,</font>
Guardian of the Sea? SOunds like a book's or poem's title!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Avocado,</font>
Ya, Prokids very difficult to replenish stock cos not easy to find. BUt i really find it as gd as nepia n much better than EQ.

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies</font>, some 'domestic foto'....mother of 2 to be....freaked out anot? I accustomed liao, so find it very comical!


Hahaha I thot he meant Chen Chen handsome handsome

Tell Ash muz give aunty shook face ok
Chen Chen rejects ebm for 7 days liao. My mum said he doesn't wanna eat heng cai which he used to like. He's been eating a lot of biscuit n tibits I bet after CNY. I believe my mum gave him all these. Sigh.....

Your freckles r nice too. Remember I told u I wz "attracted" by your freckles the min I stepped into your hse n can't errr "response" in tune wif your question
My mum is the main caretaker. My SIL helps when she feels like it. My mum asks my dad for help when she is busy
Your 2 tods hahaha... normal lar

OK u bring drinks and ice
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
QSG, hb &amp; Dana - coconut agar agar
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce, satay
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow
Absolut, hubby, helper, Ally, Nic - Drinks &amp; ice

I sent my address n how to get to the bbq pit by email to those confirmed attending. Pls let me know if u dun receive the email

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">pls let me know if u need me to cook porridge for your tod</font></font>
Eureka, will look at your freckles this sat since Shook said she was attracted..haha..i also have freckles but hor on my hands and chest.

Shook, how old is your SIL? married already?

Viv, how is Jana now?
skyblue, I like JG Evans environment very much also. At least, it's something diff that we see everyday. Heard abt the roti prata but never tried before.

avocado, can you make it to the bbq this Sat? want to see the 'sexy' you leh. Heehee........ I cant seem to find Prokids in Guardian too.

shook, your sil not working? Wow, even Chen knows you want a mei mei for him.
Hope you can fulfil his wish soon.

Mom2Nat, you got your books liao?

sanrio, think it's more suitable for Ash since he's so active.

absolut, you saw Prokids at Sheng Shiong? But there's no Sheng Siong near my place. Yaya... finally can see and carry bb liao.

eureka, hahaha.... Rae so cute.
You got headache answering all the whys from Rae liao? I dun mind having the Prokids to try leh. Aiyo, Elyse so chor lor one? Can fight with Vane leh.

QSG, I was 'fan' by the teacher from Clement Playhouse leh. Called me and persuaded me for more than 5min. Sigh....
Giggler, huh? you so nice entertained her for 5min...Oops, they asked for my number that day i dropped by, hope they won't call me

Avocado, i also want to see your sexy body....come lei...
paddings makes a difference

yes, i tried laser b4. skin really v nice after tat, results can be seen the very next day.

yes i have freckles
u see this sat lah ...they started appearing after Jana came along ..think i should bill Jana for all my laser sessions. and worried if they gonna be worst after no.2 pops. mine those type scattered here n there...not nice at all. think it make me look old.

the laser is quite effective combine with amplotherapy (inject vitamins into the face). but my dermatologist says must avoid heat, cannot hv too much sun and can forget abt sauna also ...else they will recur.

where is the beef noodle at macpherson? aiya ..i where got slim?? remember i used to tell u tat people always mistaken i'm preggie cos of my tummy? slim is like skyblue type ...

avocado, absolut, eureka
i saw prokids at CK, tried a pack b4, i like it too cos i used to use sealer and prokids is from the same company.

Most of Jana's rashes have cleared, esp those on the body, hands and legs. When she started breaking out in rashes, my mum insist on putting on long sleeve/pants and socks, she say must cover up else kena wind v difficult to recover. true enof ...her face which is exposed still hv slight rashes!
QSG, you better pray hard that the teacher wont call you. Hahaha....

Viv, the laser effective but very ex. Me cant afford to do it. You also find Prokids good? Must find the nearest Sheng Siong to get one pack to try liao. How's the cutting? Is it small? You can come to the BBQ too???
Wat wat wat? I saw my name being mentioned :p U very nice leh, use slim to describe me. I'm not slim lah, i'm SKINNY :p

U go try the roti prata then tell me nice or not hor. Hehehe...

When those incidents happen, ur dad not ard? Or mebbe u have a gd talk wif ur SIL, tell her u really prefer dat chenchen eats wif proper cutlery, not hands. Cos i see u describe the incidents, i pity chenchen. He's like stuck in between u and ur SIL. Ur SIL oso helps to take care of chenchen when u're working rite? If dats the case, chenchen has to 'listen' to her. He oso has to follow wat u say. So he ends up all confused, dunno who to follow cos both r his caregivers.

Hehehe, where got so easily freaked out? In fact, it seems so heartwarming leh. In betw heartland mall and NTUC, got coffeeshop? Hmm.. i must go hunt for it. Open in the evening?

U like JWT? I went for their trial b4. Dun quite like the tchrs. Find them very disorganised. N they're like more attentive to the non-local children.
Viv, didn't know covering up can help...Dana took 3 weeks to completely recover from her rashes last Dec. CK is the one in Chinatown?
feel so sian now.

Yesterday night tummy pain so didn't get to sleep the whole night thru and early morning, run toilet due to diarrhea. Went to Gynae to check and confirm it's diarrhea. Kanna a jab on the buttock somemore. What's worst, my weight drop another 500gm. Think due to me not eating yesterday as I'm feeling so horrible.

Now just hope that I can recover fast to eat all the BBQ food on Sat.
Wah, ur SIL so weird one.. eat rice w fingers. actually now i got a prob. the school keep teaching Jem to wash hands. At home, i've a tough following it..hahahha

Aye, thot i told u i'm working, so gonna do all the shopping b4 going up to ur place.

Yeah!! Chen Chen giving u support for no. 2! My 2 bbs kick each other...

Please look at more healthy/pretty babies pics leh. Dun upset urself now... have a happi bb soon.

So u coming on saturday anot? i very gian ur otah leh... if u not coming by, i'll make hb go n buy otah tonite.

u okay already?

hahaha cos initially u'll really feel that admin work is really very diff frm management job n u'll suspect whether the brain cells are utilise or not...

YEah!! Jem's not the only one left to run arnd in diapers only...hahahha

Haiz, have have mixed feelings looking at ur pics now... looks so wen xing. but hahahah, do u shake head when they play rough? Think i gotta learn to close one eye to rough play.

I speed read till WAT DID I miss out ah? WAt happen to viv n skyblue? Jana? Unwell? Chen chen giving support for #2???............
Nvr come across leh? Posted here or via email/sms?

Wait I read........

U got problem on gauging size leh....Skyblue is under-nourished skinny leh, where got slim?? Skyblue seems to njoy food but still not fat....so blessed!
Viv, u aneroxic ah?
can see tints of RA ness in our thread coming back along w ur appearances... BUT I LIKE IT!!!

Why so tiam.. thot this is one of ur fav topic too
U tried jalan kayu roti prata? Evans rd one nice or jalan kayu one? Actually i dun find jalan kayu prata nice at all, but dunno y forever crowded.

U bo sim lah...skip my posts
I heartbroken liao. U're rite man, i've been underweight my entire life. Last time, tchr force me to order milk one. Yucks!!!

Yesterday nite slept early, so today no headache liao. Tink must be the hot weather these days.

Oh dear, so poor thing. Drink more water so dat u're not dehydrated.
yep, there's a CK in chinatown, i saw prokids at the CK @ butkit merah.

should be able to come this sat, but i'm worried u all might be scared of Jana leh ... PD said on Monday that her virus has already cleared but rashes will still take a few days to subside. if mummies not comfy, please lemme know hor...

i like ur size leh ... but diff to achieve!

wat happen, how come u kena diarrhea? Think u need to pu leh ...some more KFC????

yah...not gonna view the pics anymore cos see already too sim tia ...i cannot take it leh.

u hv otah craving ah??? thinking of getting it from Jalan kayu cos near seng kang. they hv those non-chilli ones also...can buy some for the tods. or u hv any special request?

aiyo! u dunno how gd my appetite is! i'm eating about 2 to 3 hourly nowadays. somemore gynae says i'm throwing out alot of sugar, need to monitor closely. so before i eat i need to prick first to check can eat or not ... am pricking myself 2 to 3 times a day for the sake of eating ...like dat how to be be anorexic????

My SIL my bro's wife lar

My SIL not working

Jana will b mei mei by tonight

My dad wz ard. He doesn't say my SIL unless it is a v serious issue. Like PM, he doesn't intervene in every matter
My SIL is not the main care taker. My mum n I r the main care taker. My SIL never feed Chen Chen (wat I seen so far). My mum is the 1 who feeds Chen Chen when I m not available
U v lucky leh. Underwt all the while. I love to drink milk but tis sinful drink makes me FAT FAT FAT

R u given mc to rest @ home?

Ya I remember u working on Sat. I thot u meant Mark will prepare the food @ home. Dat's y I said wow u so lucky Mark knows how to cook. Hey by the time u finish work can still get stingray or not? Mkt usu close b4 noon
Wash hands gd leh. Clean mah. I bring Chen Chen to wash hands, he turn the tap to full blast n wash the basin wif his hands. Peng
Wei wei wei u got open your big big eyes to c the updated list or not
Hi 5, I attack otah, satay n chic sausage during BBQ
