(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

No Ryan was using EQ.. tried prokids but didn't quite like it as there is no urine indicator on it. Also EQ is cheaper then Prokids.

I am no longer working in SGH. Now in Changi. Near my mum's place. Love the picture of Rae in the water!

will go try and find the biscuits in Cold Storage when I have time. Couldn't find them in Isetan!! Couldn't believe it cos my hubby actually bought Ian his first pack in Tokyo.

JG at Evans not full. I was commenting to my hubby that they seem quite generous to give every kid 2 cubes of Laughing Cow cheese plus watermelon and biscuits for tea break... then my hubby said, what you mean generous, you know how much each session costs or not... =P Think with registration fees, comes up to about 60+ per 2-hour session.

how much is the zoophonics set? Does it come with a CD or tape?

is there really a baby fair at Taka? when ending? Just woke up this morning and realised I haven't prepared ANYTHING for my baby.
Giggler, yes will be continuing but at the Parent and Tod class.

Jul, should have the baby fair at Taka but usually only in March. There is a babycare festival at expo in March as well.
Aiyo than I hv to apply leave to bring Chen Chen for trial @ JG

Er.... I thot Giggler said $400+ for 10 lessons. How u get $60+/2 hr session? Is the deposit refundable?
Come back from my checkup liao. Well, my weight remain the same as last week. Bb head not engage yet. Gynae ask if I wanna induce anot, but I prefer to wait till really no choice then go for induction. Anyway, gynae say still can afford to monitor for 1 week and see how's the situation. Cannot always assume that mummy losing weight and bb gaining weight.

Yes, will go for the bbq, unless Bb wanna come out and play earlier. hehe

Ya, will rem to bring ur VCD and swimsuit this sat.

Went to Bugis there to buy those things for confinement today, but didn't buy all cos i go alone, so can't carry too much. Only buy those things required for red dates water that's all. Later will try to packed them into 30 pack so that will be easy for hubby to make the drinks for me. hehe

So happy to see our midnight friend back again. If I were to know someone is there, I would have turn on the computer to chat with you. hahaha, but then, think u should be sleeping by then, cos I woke up at 5am today.
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda, hubby & Jerome - sausages & stringray
Emily, Ethan & maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby & Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
QSG, hb & Dana - coconut agar agar
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce, satay
Sanrio, hubby & Ashrel
B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp & cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow

I sent my address n how to get to the bbq pit by email to those confirmed attending. Pls let me know if u dun receive the email

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">pls let me know if u need me to cook porridge for your tod</font></font>
we joined halfway through the term, paid $300+ for 5 sessions, including registration and deposit... that's why about $60 per session.

thanks for the info. Just saw the brochure for the baby fair at Expo this morning in NUH while waiting to see Mary Rauff.
Ruffy, Ian used to use Prokids too... but Giant stopped selling and we couldn't buy anymore so switched to Nepia full time... hehehe...I think it's quite good... never tried EQ.

which part of ian's development, or rather Jana's development, stresses you out? Crazy mummy, you... =P I am definitely taking no-pay leave... just a matter of how long. I always think it's good that mummies can take time off work for their kids. The sacrifice cannot be measured with money. =) I guess I am quite fortunate that with only one income, we can still spend as we usually do and not feel much of a pinch... guess it's because we hardly ever spend on luxury items. And hubby tends to be more thrifty than me. =P
Ruffy, I saw EQ at Prime, find it cheap too. Actually I dun mind having no urine indicator.

jul, you sure JG comes up to $60 per session? Registration fees so ex? Giants stopped selling Prokids? So difficult to find Prokids?

QSG, I haven try Parents+Tod class before.

shook, I took half-day leave to bring Vane for JG trial class.

pigletz, hurrayyy!!! Can you tell your bb to come out next week so that you can have bbq with us this Sat?
Jul, i like going to baby fair but this year no reason to go lei..haha...not like so many of you can go shop shop. One more reason why you can spend as per normal with one income is bec both of you are high income earners mah

Giggler, i heard the art and craft at the Parents and Tod class is more challenging and the phonics also more chim...we shall see next week...this sat is her last lesson at the parents and babe class..think i am going to miss the class and teachers and classroom. I dun like the classroom at 2nd level for the tods. Vane was in Parent and Babe class for 3 terms right?

Pigletz, glad to hear that your weight is at least status quo.
Giggler, what is the reason why your friend dun like the classroom at 2nd level? i took a peep when i went to make payment sometime back and felt the rooms are small and like not very bright.
you and nat are like 2 peas in a pod!!!! I thought at first that it was the same photo, you were just 'showing off' the sepia function on your camera or something. Then I read the caption....

<font color="ff0000">eureka!!!!!</font>,
(Sounds like Archimedes) Welcome back!!! Was wondering where you had gone to. Don't want us already, issit?
Yah, the loss of our little Sidney was quite sad and traumatic for me, but we have to move on. Sarah also gets some of the letters wrong lah. Like sometimes she says "I" for "T".

Really nice photos, as usual. Very artistic. Elyse looks like a real lady now.
the Zoophonics set is almost $100... so ex! Just called GUG... trial is $38... 1.5hours quite ex mah. And still must wait. And can't buy the Zoophonics set online... must be student then can buy.
PVL, good that you're back "in action". =)Sarah sleeping? You feel allright physically now?

nowadays I only see Prokids in Chinese medicine halls... hehehe... dunno whether me hardly go shopping or what... but Giant definitely doesn't have anymore. Oh well, I'm happy with Nepia. Going to order NB now! =)
Sorry Moms... me bad headaches again so not posting anything...

Come in to say :

Eureka, welcome back and more pics, more pics, MORE PICS!!!
QSG, my fren finds that the classroom too small.

jul, I rem that the Zoophonics at GUG quite ex. But did u check what the set consist? Keep calling Nepia but no one ans the phone. Sigh.......

PVL, that's the way!!! Hope you blessed with a bb real soon.
Alicia just refused to enter the class at GUG after 3rd lesson some time back in oct/nov last year. So i had no choice but withdraw her from it. At least i didn't join at the start of term and there was a refund of our deposit. Anyway, i wasn't very impressed with her teacher then. The main thing I was really impressed with was the effectiveness of Zoophonics when they taught in class.

Jul and Giggler
The Zoophonics set consists of
-3 packs of alphabet cards a)animal with body signal instructions, b)Merged animal with lowercase letters and c) Merged capital with uppercase leters,
-a pack of game cards,
-3 books with instructions, activity for parent and child with progressing levels in use of phonics, consonants etc etc,
-a multi-media cd with intro to zoophonics and
-a kiddie bag.
Actually to me, signing for a term of enrichment classes easily exceeds the cost of the home teaching set($95) so since I didn't send Alicia for any classes and I find this very beneficial to her so far, i decided it was worth getting and using for no. 2 as well next time
I can't get through to Nepia through... and I forgot their email address.... grr... never mind, try again another time.... I was told the ZOophonics set has a CD-Rom. Can ask Pringles lor.
the lady told me only students can buy leh... duh... Alicia didn't attend any classes there? Hmm...

The set sounds complicated. Wonder if I will actually use it if I buy it! =P

Hehehe... was quite proud that Ian actually has quite a few of the books in the JG library.
yes, only students can purchase it. Alicia attended 3 lessons there and we withdrew thereafter. U can actually ask any fren who's kid is a student there to buy for u, no prob with that. Actually, it isn't complicating. I personally find it very catchy and easily memorized all the actions with the letters and various animals. Of course attending a trial class there would give u a better idea how they conduct it. But the CD-rom gives instrucions too.
pringles, you still use the Zoophonics? I also find the Zoophonics very effective. Vane can still rem some of the actions though she stopped GUG for quite some time.

jul, I try to call Nepia again tom. You interested to get the Zoophonics? Can ask QSG or Val for help.
Think Lyn occupied wif Jerald n hse work. I emailed her to join BBQ coming Sat. She said she can't handle Jerald alone while attending BBQ
jul, yes, Sarah was sleeping. Physically, I recovered quite fast. I more or less resumed regular activities from the day after my evac. I do try to do less and rest more, though,but I feel so lazy doing that. Thanks for asking.

brenda, headaches again? Take care. Drink more water.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummies,</font>
Thanks for the welcome notes....thick skinned, i feel motivated to write liao...

<font color="aa00aa">Hi QSG,</font>
Save the scolding of u to last mah....heheheh....
Hmmmm...nowadays alot of working shoes not high still very chic looking leh....all in all, backache, dun play play lah!

Y, u want a ride frm me? Dun risk your life lah!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mum2nat,</font>
Think by looking at our sizes, anybody can predict we will be fat for life

U know...i still blur blur ask that fortune teller u mean i prosperous or fleshy for life? She switched frm cantonese to english...FAT!!! That's it liao....my destiny! hahahahha.....

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Pringles,</font>
Wow, at wee hr leh u logged in! Remember my friend told me when she was expecting, she couldnt sleep n woke up to squeeze her pimples at 2-3am! Back then, i think she did not have forum to log in, unlike you!

Beeef noodles, went in the evening.........

U can get Prokids frm CK, corner shop near the nursery at your mum's place. Try it, it is better than EQ n as gd as Nepia.

Elyse's hair look set to you in 1st foto? U mean the helmet she was wearing look like the hair appliance? Can see her hair meh?

Hahahah, u the same as Elyse, look at the foto n exclaimed 'BALL BALL!'....

Closed up.......underwater creatures lah....


<font color="aa00aa">Hi Shook,</font>
I stress boy gal, nvm....healthy n normal most important!

Hahaha, din hang the laundry within 4min lah...proceed to scold qsg then log off to hang!

Very sad, we find elyse not photogenic at all leh....she is very fun n cheeky! Has been scolding pple 'No, NOTTI you' very often when she is the most endearing notti!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jul,</font>
No wonder......u putting up at mum's place? Then it is wonderful to work so near!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Pigletz,</font>
Can sms at 5am mah, wake me up to jog. Just bot a pair of track shoe, havent open ceremony yet!

Ay, go induce leh, let us know boy or gal...heheheheh....kiddding lah!

Pack 30pack...huh......pack few packets, the rest ask hb to do it himself lah!
hahahha...then someday why so diluted, someday so concentrated! hahahaha.......

<font color="aa00aa">Hi PVL,</font>
Luv ur red font calling out for me! Shows that u are upbeat! Yes, move on n very soon, u will be blessed with another lovely bb! This episode will be over in no time....

U realise u have posted to mum2nat regarding she n nat's resemblence b4?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Brenda,</font>
How's things? Are u resting at home? 1st trimester over anot?
Saw JEm's foto, very charming n dun find him look like a gal lah! I start to imagine ur #2's look...dun know y? If it is like Jem alike, u really are so blessed!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Giggler</font>
C u at shook's place n then u see elyse's curl lor! I will check out how many lotus vane is left with too!

Ayoh, composition leh, very stressed. Machiam got time bomb, always pulling my ear long long check if elyse is awake....

Gotto cook liao, <font color="aa00aa">lyn</font>, are u cooking too?
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda darling,</font>
Laughter is the best medicine for any illness....ur headache...shoo shoo.......

Hb said this man is the lifeguard of the beach....
....wat do u think?

Wah sey, Nat is a carbon copy of u leh. Hehehe...

How come ur MIL unhappy dat Lionel looks like u? He's ur son leh, if dun look like u then wat?

U mean if stress incontinence, urine will leak when we carry our tods?

Have u attended the trial at Actphabets? R there any recent cases of HFMD over at Evans Rd JG?

During my last confinement, i usually eat biscuits with milo or bread. Can't seem to stomach heavy breakfast.

U lost weight again? I very slim liao leh, can't afford to lose any more weight.

*WAVE WAVE &amp; SHOUTS 'WELCOME!!!'* U're finally back!!! I miss ur fotos and ur funny postings. I love ur beach fotos.

Where did u go for beef noodles? 3 sons? Wow!!! dat means u'll have 4 kids!!! :p
Hi Eureka,
Welcome back! eheheee... see so many people miss you. So you going for the BBQ? ehehhe... if so, then I can finally get to see your darling boi and see the lovable gal too.

Hazey, yeah, no prob, will bring the cream and pass to either brendali or pigletz.

Brendali, Ethan came home with a big scratch on his face. I so sim tia now. But anyway, with kids around, you'll never know how things come to be.

Pigletz, when I was expecting Ethan, I was also losing weight the last month. So how many weeks are you now?? Tahan some more... induce pain is very painful... and also take so long before baby comes out coz body and baby is not ready.

Ruffy, can take pic of the training pants that you bought for Ryan and show us so that we have an idea what you are talking about? Am thinking of trying it out soon, but afraid that if I go taka I won't know what I am looking out for.
So taka now have sales is it???
eureka, aiyoh, yah, I knew I posted something to mom2nat yesterday re the photos. But when I did it, the computer went funny, so I thought didn't get through. Then log off, too busy. Couldn't find the post today, so post again lor.
Healthy n normal bb is upmost impt but bb gal is a bonus. Dun u agree??

Buay tar han. Juz now my SIL praised Chen Chen for eating rice wif his hand. I than angry n screamed "Dun eat wif your hand! R u a dog!?" Chen Chen v scared n rubbed the rice off his hands. My SIL told Chen Chen "aunty going to sleep. Your mummy angry aunty cannot help u. U noti boi" wa man

So sad Chen Chen doesn't wanna drink ebm for 5 days liao. All pour away into the sink. I still hv 3 mth stock of ebm All my time n effort wasted. The gd thing is I stopped expressing since last evening.
b2, pringles
i gave 2 ang pows for the CL, one when she arrives, and another one when she leaves. first one is just a small ang pow, some people are taboo abt visiting new mum still in confinement. 2nd ang pow depends on how happy u are with the CL
no fix rate lah ... though i'm using the same CL this time round, but i'm giving less for the 2nd ang pow this time round cos she's charging a higher rate and also the maid will be helping her out.

WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!! miss seeing ur photos leh ... everytime i see them, my hands/pocket itchy ...wanna buy SLR!

since u dun hv much appetite ...it very gd tat u hv maintained ur weight! during last pregnancy, i lost week every week starting from 36 week, most drastic was from 37wk to 38wk, lost abt 500gms.

how come get from bugis? how abt the herbs leh? those r impt also leh ...must pu properly leh. i went marketing last Sat ...to get the last and most impt item for the kitchen ...black vinegar for my pig trotters ..hehehehe...

ur confinement 30days ah? my mummy's confinement is 40 days...very siong.

i've not been tat thrifty
so working half-time and taking home half the pay makes a lot of difference for me ...but like u say ...the sacrifice cannot be measured with money ...can measure with the no. of freckles on my face!! heehee ...no money to go for laser anymore!

take care ...hv u checked with gynae abt ur headaches?

eureka, pringles
which beef noodle both of you talking abt??? drooling .........
No problem lah...I remembered cos I was reading it again n again trying to register new vocab

Ay...u mentioned elyse looks like real lady now? U know wat, when I 1st changed her into the swimsuit, I find it real weird, how come no boobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Emily,
Read abt ur c/c issue....empathize with u! So now u settle with the cc near punggol beach, izzit? We went there 1 round n wow, pretty impressed from outside lah...thot I shared with u b4?

C u ard........

Hi shook,
Ya, agree but all a matter of mindset lah. When I found out I was expecting again, I was lost. THen when I went for my 5th mth scan, i told myself it's another boy lor.....then when told it is a gal, I was still neutral! Let nature takes its own course hor!

Dun be angry lah....kids lah. Occasionally, we will definitely get on our nerve on how outsiders handles n mislead our kids.

Ebm....sayang but in a way, i am relieved for u that u can finally get better rest? So well done having bf for so long liao!

Hi Viv,
B4 I forget, wanted to share with u re those undies frm waterloo st. Do buy PLAIN one in future cos the stickers started peeling off n the undies become very unsightly leh. U find so?

I know nut abt camera. Wat's SLR? The above foto were taken with 2 diff cameras. Those with date were from nikon coolpix.

Good beef noodles.......would u like to try one at macpherson, near jackson market? The soup base is freshly boiled with white carrot/radish etc, very sweet.....very yummy....hainanese stall. Only thing not that gd is that the beef is sliced until very thin. Yet, we luv it....all luv it! drooling!

Hi Skyblue,
Celibate liao...hahahahah....no #3 or #4 lah. Pringles mentioned a gd beef stall near hougang heartland mall. I have not tried so.....
...u also beef fan?

Hi Ruffy,
Ryan lost weight leh but more smiley liao!
The training pants look like normal brief. Wat's the diff b/w training pants n normal brief?
Ryan looks hip in the pic. He loose wt

How come u loose wt? Is it bcoz u ctrl your diet too much? Did your gyne say anything abt your wt lost? 500g /wk is a lot

U ah, no boobs on Elyse, wat a thot. Crazy u
Perhaps u din read my earlier posting. When I told Chen Chen not to use his hands to eat during CNY eve, my SIL told Chen Chen aunty teach u to eat wif hands other days. Wat is tis! Teach Chen Chen the opp thing?
Indeed I m v v v happy dat I dun need to xpress anymore. Ker liang my boobs man. Hand xpress till got mark. Chen Chen still wanna latch on tho

When u leaving to BKK?
Shook, don't worry about chen chen not wanting to have ebm. See at least you can have proper lunch at work... etc etc. If given a choice, I believe Ethan would still be hooked on ebm; coz he's still hooked on latching on. With these preg hormones that make your nipples tender, every latch on is a OOhhh AAAhhh... can you imagine? eheheeee....

Don't get mad at chen chen lah. No point losing your temper like that. Talk to him properly. I feel that he is mature and knows what you what. He's a good boy, u know. Maybe you can ask your hubby to talk to your SIL about how she is making things difficult for you to teach chen chen properly?

Ruffybear, thanks for the pics. Can you please tell me how the training pants work too. Is it really good at absorbing urine?
Ruffy, Ryan looks cute with those shades!

Shook, if Chen Chen is not drinking milk, what is he drinking? Just water / juice? Actually I don't mind Ian eating with his hands at this stage... in fact I think he enjoys feeling the food... anyway whatever we give him is not oily so it doesn't matter.
brenda, how's your headache now?

skyblue, gg to attend the trial class at Actphabets this Sat. Ya, there's HFMD case at JG Evans.

shook, Chen weaning off himself now? Can use the EBM as moisturiser mah, dun waste it.

Viv, hahaha.... I think only laser can help to remove those feckles hor?

Ruffy, wow Ryan's dimples so deep!!! The training pants look like normal pants leh.
You sure you want me to sms you? I can leh. Seems like i wake up everyday at 5am now leh. haha..

In my 38 week now. Not intend to induce unless Gynae force me to. Prefer total natural, and hope that bb wanna come out naturally too.

Ya, 500gm is alot, that's why gynae was abit worried last week, cos i lost 500gm. Good thing this week the weight maintain, just hope that next week will increase and bb continue to kick and kick and kick. I realise bb getting less active compare to the past few weeks.
Chen Chen is still latching on but dun 1 ebm.
Yeah the best thing is stop xpressing. Dat's the thing I like most. May b he din cooperate while I tandam pump. So I kept telling him mummy doesn't like to pump but gotta do it so dat he has milk to drink when mummy is working

Chen Chen is v mischievious. It doesn't register in his brain until he knows I m angry. But hor my heart soften seeing him cui min min or cries w/o sound
My bro, even my mum complained to him abt my SIL he oso no action. He juz told my mum aiya she is like dat 1. Juz live wif it lor. Anyway he saw the scene n din say anything. As wat I can c, my bro says 1 sentance, my SIL argues back 10 sentances.

Chen Chen still drinking milk by latching. He drinks plain water, soup when I m not wif him.
U let Ian eats fish, meat, rice, noodles, vege, etc etc wif hand? I can't stand it man!

How to use ebm as moisturiser?
Chen Chen doesn't want ebm still wanna latch on

I thot 25 Feb is 1 of the days u in BKK
Ian hasn't eaten all those things with his hands lah... only a few rice grains. Fruits, biscuits, chocolate and cheese hold with hands lor. Can I ask you har... there's this other thread which you go to where there is a mum with baby in KKH SCN... what does the baby have?

Shook, where do you store your EBM? You bot a separate freezer? Actually I can't believe I haven't allowed Ian to eat noodles... even though he knows they exist and he sees us eating them. =P
