(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi mummies,
after some deep thoughts,I decided to take up the PT job.

Lionel was on high fever for the whole wkend after the booster jab...so cranky...hopefully,his fever will be gone these few days.

My hb is not a very supportive in hsework & i am really tired of juggling hsework & work.Hv told my hb tat we've to be more careful in our spendings since now my salary "skrink".

Err... the Nepia promo never stopped at all wud... I just ordered 2 weeks ago... always been $14.

oh I see what you mean.... what is "zoo phonics"? Actually last week JG was teaching the letter P. So I was wondering if they would teach another alphabet this week... then happened that they didn't. So I don't know what the system is... but anyway, 10 weeks cannot cover all the alphabets.
avocado, think you can do the part-time for 2-3yrs till Lionel older.

jul, GUG has a song to teach zoo phonics and they'll sing this song with action every lesson. eg, Ally Alligator a a a.... Bumber bear b b b.... and so on. Vane still rem some of the actions of the song. I find it very effective to teach phonics in this way.
Gareth eat what we eat nowadays. We don't restrict him as long as he willing to swallow. hehe

I think that's a good decision.
I believe you will be able to get a full time job again next time when Lionel grows up.
Is the song... Big A Little A, wat begins with A. Aunt Ally Alligator A A A.... Hee...

tks for the dvd. I will see if I can find in BKK...

Nat v sticky to me, mil take care oso can't liao. HOw to let nanny take care? I rather have someone trusted to take care than a stranger leh.
Good tat you have come to a decision.
Oh I see, thanks for enlightening this sotong mummy! =) I haven't figured out how to teach Ian the alphabets yet but if you read his blog, you might have seen that kangaroo jigsaw which he was doing and he's learnt some alphabets from there... can do the whole kangaroo by himself now.

I beg ur pardon?She eats rice wf hands????strange

ash looks handsome in his new haircut oso

did u hv difficult time to adjust into admin job?
i shw renee the above pic, i ask her, ur peng you rite, she nob her head: yes yes..

ask her still wana go aunty's hse play with didi anot, she nob: yes yes....

guess she miss it....

Hi mummies,
thks for all ur valuable advices & encouragement.I hope i made the right decision.

actually,to think bk, what's the point of earning so much $ but no time to spend the $ or enjoy?

hi mon2nat,
nat really looks like u leh...my MIL is very unhappy co lionel looks like me
Hi Pringles,
Thanks for the pointers. Have decided to send ashley and maid to my mum's place while i will stay home with the NB. Hopefully this will work out. will be catering confinement food. i don suppose they include breakfast, right???
Yah, i'm oso worried that if i dun take good care of myself during the 1 month, will have alot of problems later. But no choice, dun think finances will allow for a confinement maid PLUS a full time maid. oso i wouldn't know where to put 2 maids to sleep at night.
And the best part, before my confinement fully ended, it will be Ashley's 2nd birthday. dunno how to cope with 2 celebrations, "man yue" and Ashley's birthday.
Maybe u can tell me some of the problems u have when u did the confinement all by yourself??? How much for 1 full time confinement maid n how much ang pow must one give after the whole assignment?

Stress incontinence. Chee... we have the same problem. Maybe its our job, keep needing to be on our feet. I oso very lazy, always forget to do my pelvic exercises. sometimes, when the bladder is only slightly full, can leak too when running. (ok, dun ask why i'm running)

Its the Taka baby fair on??? Need to buy some things for No. 2. No doubt no.2 is oso a girl, hb n i think we should be fair n buy some new stuff for the new member. most prob will need some blankets n clothings. Thinking of gettin a MIM sling too. My previous one dun seem to be doing its job.
Also any recommendation for a huge diaper bag. The one i'm using now is giving way. Want something bigger to pack both Ashley's n Chloe's (the name we have in mind for No.2) stuff in.
You going to the BBQ this sat? If yes, maybe we can exchange some ideas. I'm looking into catering confinement food, get part time maid to clean up the house. Then hubby come home n shower bb during evening time. Other than that, will prepare in advance those ingredient for red dates water and some tonic soup.
Ruffy, the brand is Benini?

pigletz, we also dun restrict what Vane eats also.

Mom2Nat, sorry I dun know the song you talking abt leh. Old folks say that if your kid sticky to you means you having No. 2 soon. Heehee.............. Nat really look like you when you were young leh.

jul, wow... Ian really smart, can fight with Ryan liao.
Vane not interested in puzzles at all.

B2, so Ashley has mei-mei to play with?
B2, so fast you thought of name already!! I haven't really given serious thought.... and haven't bought anything! Going to use all of Ian's old clothes since they're mostly white. Hehehe... maybe I should get some towels, that's it. A new bathtub? Hehehehe...
Can check out the LeSportsac diaper bags... very nice! (Not that I'm buying lah... will still stick to my Samsonite backpack)

Yah, I also run... people always ask me to stop. =P

you and Nat look so alike!!!!
B2, so fast you thought of name already!! I haven't really given serious thought.... and haven't bought anything! Going to use all of Ian's old clothes since they're mostly white. Hehehe... maybe I should get some towels, that's it. A new bathtub? Hehehehe...
Can check out the LeSportsac diaper bags... very nice! (Not that I'm buying lah... will still stick to my Samsonite backpack)

Yah, I also run... people always ask me to stop. =P

you and Nat look so alike!!!!
haha, that's why i always say we can be inlaws. 1st thing we let our todds do most of the stuff and then hor, we likes to play mj. hahhahaha

better stop running, since you stress incontinence. Be more diligent and do your pelvic exercise, so that you can continue to carry Ian even when you are in full term. I still carry Gareth when require but not all the time.
jul, it's req to pay deposit of $200 for JG? Is it refundable?

pigletz, hahaha.... ya, I dun have much restriction on Vane one. That's why I dun dare to say anything when some mummies ask what can give tod to eat and what cant. Hahaha.... MJ is my fav hobby but cut down alot now cos of Vane. Big sacrifice leh.
I totally agree on the big sacrifice on the MJ portion. Imagine, last time i can play full game leh, but nowadays play a while gotta let hubby play liao. Like that play where got shiok? Sometimes i feel like taking leave to play one whole day of mj, but no kakis. hahahah
pigletz, too bad I cant take leave or mc too frequent nowadays. If not, I dun mind joining you for mj session leh. Ya, no shiok if only play a while, must at least play for 2-3 rounds rite? Heehee.... Must train our kids to play mj too so that we can have kakis next time.
u and nat really look alike!!! no prob ..u can find them in MBK shopping centre, the floor where they sell lots of handphones..abt 150baht per piece.

i have just spoken to my immediate boss last week abt switching to part time work when i'm back for my maternity leave. its a difficult choice between earning $$, being financially independant/comfortable and motherhood. also i cant accept tat my helper will be the one taking care of my kids, being there for them instead of me...think i'm kinda possesive
i wanna make sure their bond with me is stronger than with the helper. part of the reason for switching to PT work is also becos of Jana, her development seems to be lacking behind, hope i spend more time with her and help her catch up a little.

dun worry, it's definitely not a wrong decision ...nothing wrong with wanting to watch our children grow up and being there when they need us.

jana is down with false measles, she has rashes all over her body, so we may not be able to make it to the bbq this sat, she looked too scary liao. very disappointing leh ...hopefully she recover in time and if she is mei mei again by this sat, then we'll pop by for awhile.
haha, when you can take leave to play mj, u let me know lah. If i can't take leave, I will also take MC to play mj with you one. hahahha

So what's the outcome? Are you able to switch to do part time?
don't think I paid so much deposit leh... $50 perhaps? Can't remember cos didn't look at the receipt carefully. It's actually more to secure the next term I think.

Hahaha, doing puzzles doesn't mean you're smart lah... just weird that my boy likes puzzles... thought usually girls are the ones who like to sit down to do puzzles.

Viv, I support your decision to go part time. That thought has been crossing my mind several times over the past 8 months! And I don't deny that I'm possessive.
hi mummies,
pls email to me at [email protected] for the job agent contacts

ya..that is exactly how i feel.Lionel's development oso a bit lacking behind.After all,my MIL can't speak english & she can only takes care of him physically.

Had ur boss granted u to work PT?

actually,in previous co.,i can still work fill-time bcoz I can work from home.However,I've to quit due to the frequent traveling.

If u r still keen in full-time,maybe can consider to work in US MNC as they're more flexible in working hrs so long as u finish ur job
Thx for the contact of JG. u signing Vane for JG?

Gd dat u reach a decision. A relief
Is Lionel ok today?

Thot Nat looks like your hubby but dat pic of Nat is like your twin

Ashley may think u dun 1 her if u put her wif your mum during your confinement

O yes, u can return me the vcd n swimsuit coming sat hahaha still b4 your confinement huh

No problem. Wish Jana is mei mei tis sat so dat mummy can hv bbq b4 delivery
Gd dat your co allow u to do pt

It's ok

Price of the training pants fm taka is promotional px or normal px? Find stuff in taka v x leh
not sure yet, my immediate boss is ok, i've already hinted to him in Dec last yr. i seein my big boss this friday, hopefully can get his support.

my sis also working in US MNC and i envy tat she can work from home. but my worries is with the work load, if its heavy, even if i'm at home, i'll still hv to spend quite a bit of time on my work. i've been with my present company for 10yrs..so quite familiar with the way things are run and all, i'm more confident i'll be able to handle the work load on a PT basis and will be able to focus fully on the children when I'm at home.

reading abt Ian's development also stress me out
so how? u come to any decision yet? tot u could take no-pay leave? my big boss not very supportive of staff taking no-pay leave, so tat's y i opt for part-time work instead.
pigletz, heehee... u sure you can play with your big tummy now? Actually Vane's tai jiao is mj leh, I hooked on it when I was preggie.

jul, they mentioned $200/300 and also $50 as deposits leh. Nvm, I confirmed with me if I decide to send Vane to JG. I feel that you smart that you like to do puzzle leh. You dun think so? Do u feel that JG is more appropriate for ang mos or for Eng speaking families? Their mandarin class really up-to-standard.

shook, I haven decide for Vane yet. But so far, I can see that she really enjoy herself at JG. Think it's due to the energetic teachers, the spacious environment, the toys, etc.
Actually last preg, after discharge from hospital, i experienced postnatal blues for a few days at home. Episiotomy wound was damn painful for quite awhile coz i had some tear. Then have to factor in that you will still be bleeding for a period of time and simply wanting to have gd rest at home. But of course with a newborn feeding on demand, we have to be prepared for sleepless nites and frequent waking. If u sleep well in the day, that's gd. But i happen to be a light sleeper and my sleep had always been easily disrupted since then. So when i was tired coping with my own recovery and tending to baby's needs, cooking and marketing was totally out of the question. Coz when i don't sleep well, i'm really like a zombie who can't function well:p

Anway, i think its great that you're planning on putting Ashley and maid with ur mom. I do plan to do likewise with Alicia when the time comes. But of course, she'll come back every nite to sleep with us. Somehow we just gotta be mentally prepared that there's gonna be 2 kids by then, not just 1. But with ur maid's help, should be easier, no need cf lady. I decided on cf lady since i don't intend to get maid. She charges $1700 for a month and does marketing, cooking for whole family and caring for baby's every single need. As for ang pow, i'm still checking on the rates, not sure yet. Ya, i don't think cf food serves bfast, lol, but bfast should be easily solved? Really agree that recovery during maternity leave is important for your health. Otherwise later on prone to fall ill easily.

As for bb man yue, is it a must for u guys to celebrate? Maybe can just celebrate Ash's bday and simplify on the man yue coz i guess its more of formality. The newborn wouldn't even appreciate the celebration at the time?? Just my 2 cts.
Take care!

You and Nat look like duplicates!

Thks for the encouragement. My MS is truly at its worst last couple of days. Which brand of animal biscuits were u asking about? If its the Leibniz zoo biscuits, ya, can get from ntuc or cold storage. Zoophonics home teaching material can be purchased from GUG if you are a member. Can check it online too.

I think Ash's new hairstyle is more boyish and less babyish looking
U can't bear to see him grow up huh??

I'm still using ntuc diapers and nepia pull ups for Alicia. At least ntuc doesn't leak and it works fine for my gal.But day time now we use just panty on her.
shook, ya, think you shd sign up JG trial and assess yourself. Cos every kid is different.

jul, think I quite like Evans Rd environment cos it's like out in the countryside. But the journey back home will be very inconvenient cos I got to carry Vane and walk out to the main road to take cab. Sigh........
pringles, did you buy GUG zoophonics material? Thot of buying it to teach Vane at home but it's so ex! I thot of trying NTUC diapers too since it's so cheap. Heehee.........
wah, my first thought when seeing the photos was that you even bothered to use the sepia function of your camera (if it has one) to make nat's photo look old. Then I read the caption.
2 peas in a pod you are.
ya, i bought the zoophonics set since Alicia didn't continue on with GUG classes and I can teach her at home. I find it effective too.

Yes, NTUC diaper is cheap and gd
I learnt that from the "aunties" in my neighbourhood...hehe
The brand is Benbeni. yes.. white training pants with blue or pink threading on it.
Shook that price $3-$4 is promotional price. normally it is $7-$9 per piece.
Yeah interested to go 4 JG trial dat's y ask Giggler for the contact mah

How much is JG class?

mayb u're right, i miss his bb tx. he is so notti nowadays thou oso fun to play w lah. i can tell him 'no' endless tx n he will still do it 2 'kek' me. i tink tat's d main reason why i lost so much wt. v firm n stern w him oso no use. use soft approach oso cant work. he can b v stubborn.

dun specially cook. ash has funi eating habits n patterns nowadays. give him adult food, he oso not v keen to try, dun noe wat he wan/like to eat liao.. somtx my mil or mum or me cook porridge, he will eat. some days, he c porridge, wont even open his mouth even thou he is v hungry. now he oso dun like apple. he has not been eating brown rice porridge 4 somtx oreadi.

is d pants still on promotional px at taka?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,</font>
SO LONG...................would luv to address to EVERYONE in alphabetical order like old days but time really does not allow.

No time to run thru all the posting at all. It all started off with being a regular silent reader n then totally not logged in. Lately, things have been more settled down and feeling very positive and gd again. Logged in and got stranded on the new heading....'YEAR 200X n earlier mums'??????etc....I got2 recall which yr is my kids!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies</font>, as much as u all have given <font color="aa00aa">BOey and Renee</font> warm welcome, pls give me warm welcome back, ok??
...tks hor

Dun know where to get started.......shall I share some foto of my kids to 'break the ice' and hopefully I got2 catch up with u mums this coming sat, ok??????

Thanks <font color="aa00aa">shook</font> very much for organizing this bbq for us...............

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies</font>, ELyse and I have been constantly viewing very fondly at our mummies' gathering foto at my place, on the fridge. It is really very sweet and nice memory. All our kids are much into another phase liao......really enjoying the company of elyse very much, havent u with ur tods???

Weather has been sunshine great. WE have alot of outdoor activities and 'sad' to say, all of us are much tanned now

At sentosa.........


At the beach........


<font color="aa00aa">Mummies of 2 kids soon to be...b2/brenda/emily/jul/hong/pringles/pigletz/viv/skyblue........ah duh...productive leh...did i miss out any1??</font>...
Enjoy your pregnancy now.....bet when the nb arrives, most things are really easy for you to handle pertaining to the nb, being experienced liao. It is the #1 who is always need to be concerned of and the integrating of the 2 tods together that is more challenging....hmmm, wont elaborate as soon we will be on same boat
. hmmm.....it is really very heartwarming to see the 2 chat n play, even quarrel together! They are really bundle of joy but truth is, it is also very draining and all tied up for the parents.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Absolut, nat, stylobb</font>
Congrats on ur nb!
<font color="aa00aa">absolut</font>...seems like u have got back to ur pre-preg size! <font color="aa00aa">stylobb</font>....just when i remarked to myself that ur expecting tummy is so nice...ur 2 gals popped liao....very beautiful shot of them! <font color="aa00aa">nat</font>....max is so chubby, she has her unique look, does not resemble matt.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Viv...mum2nat</font>
Read some of your posting here and nodding away with agreement with ur remark! So well said!

<font color="aa00aa">mum2nat</font>.....Purple chair frm ikea issit? My kids too and they luv it!
Nat's hair very bowl-like leh this time! hehe! She resembles u lots!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi skyblue...n giggler?</font>
Did u2 mention abt being lazy parent? Includes me, I am too...............

<font color="aa00aa">Hi PVL</font>
Sorry to hear abt Sidney but glad that U are coping well. I am impressed by Sarah's ability on knowing A to Z! My rae still gets some of them wrong at 3yo! Me lazy mama........
Rest well!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Pringles</font>
Have u tried prokids? Prokids is rather economical n gd, I like it. I switch frm nepia to this brand, all fine so far, no leakage, no rashes. Fitti leaked on Rae!
Went for the beef noodle but did not open. Ate the fish head steamboat...yummy but so thirsty after tat!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jul</font>
Was at SGH last week. Saw some doc(?) in patient like attire but with name tag. ARe u dressed in that when u are on duty? Thot of u and kept a look out for u at the canteen...bo leh!

<font color="aa00aa">HI B2, Pigletz</font>
Was like u....b4 elyse arrived, cracked our head badly to derive the best arrangement on how to cope with 2! Nvr thot it is easy, esp without transport then!

<font color="aa00aa">B2</font>, think ur arrangement is rather gd! Except maid got2 shower nb b4 she leaves with ashley to ur mum's place?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi shook</font>
When I 1st graduated, a bunch of us went to a well known fortune teller to have our life predicted (for fun). She mentioned 3 things that I vividly remember.

- I will be fat forever......SO TRUE!
- I will have a skinny hb.....SO true!
- I will have 3 sons.......I wonder where are the other 2??

So u see, 'professional' fortune teller also not accurate, wat's more abt me?! Hahahahah....if ur #2 is a boy, bet yc will still have a great time with his sibling! U save alot....can recycle everything of YC! Boy or gal, not for us to control, it is Lee's doing or god lah. HEalthy normal bb is more important!

Jia you!

<font color="aa00aa">BOMB AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So long post.........c ya! Gd nite!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hi QSG,</font>
I 'frowned' at u! Y are u still wearing HIGH heel when u are having backpain?? No nO, u got2 take care leh!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Avocado...</font>
Ya mann....german co does not pay well at all! Hmmm....I support your decision! Dun look back liao, just look at lionel.....
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Sanrio,</font>
Ash looks ok in his new hairstyle though I also prefer his old hairstyle!

Such issue, dun share with hbs, they think we are simply fussing too much! Mine too
Hi Eureka *waves*
Welcome back! Splendid pictures as usual! Wat are those ball-like things that Rae is staring at in the sky?? Elyse's hair in the first picture looks like she has it set at the salon!LOL. Looks like you have been bringing them out quite a bit! That's nice
Oh, the beef noodles stall was closed? Which day was that? Nvm, can try again another day!Maybe i might bump into u there.
pringles, care to share what is in the set of the Zoophonics material and how much you pay for it? I interested to buy but I rem that it's quite ex that time.

Ruffy, thanks... I'll go to Kiddy Palace to see if they have.

shook, the trial class is $44.10 cos it's weekday. But if you decide to join weekend class, it's $455 for a term of 10 weeks.

eureka, WELCOME BACK!!! If you got no time to post, just post your kids' pic will do.
Btw, where can I fid Prokids? Elyse's hair not as curly now hor?
Hahahahhah... long time ago, my fren "see" fortune for me. and said I will always be FAT!!!! Hahahahhah... but he is not famous fortune teller, at tat time at least.
Pringles, what is the reason why Alicia stop her classes at GUG?

Giggler, thanks for letting me know abut the HFMD at JG Evans Road. Won't be going there so soon so hopefully if we go months later, everything okay liao.

Viv, me working in US MNC but no part-time allowed though.

Eureka, you forgot about me ah? Said bye in your long posting then suddenly come back again...hahaha...finally be able to see you this sat. My heels not very high lah..find it weird to wear totally flats to work at raffles place. You got your licence already?
I will cook porridge for Chen Chen for his lunch. If u need me to cook porridge I will cook bigger portion. OK I cook for Ash, hope he likes the porridge I cook. If not, hmmm....... bbq the porridge for him

Ash wz a big eater now dat he rejects porridge, adult food, apple.... does he eat lesser?

Your Elyse is a xiao mei ren now. Really nu da shi pa bian
U not the only 1 predict my no 2 boi leh - my MIL, tis old Malay ah mak, my hubby's mgr. no 1 said my no 2 gal. 2 boi never imagine the scene.
Ai say man, u hang your laundry within 4 min!!!

JG got trial on wk n or not?

How how how can come to my hse tis Sat?

Ruffy, you also using Prokids? Thanks.

QSG, you'll continue GUG with another term? Hopefully by then, there's no more HFMD at JG Evans.

shook, JG doesnt have trial on weekend.
