(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Want to ask u about the rota vacine that they published in the papers this month. Is it really useful for tods? My mum quite paronoid over it..but for me not that willing to let Ryan take so many jabs whereby there maybe side effects for it..

ryan does use crayons in school but they are supervised.. one child with teacher when any art is being done..so can monitor.

Vane 12 kg already? wow..haha, Gareth slightly lighter then Vane leh. Good Good, means Vane is growing very well.

Bring Vane to Zoo one of this weekend lor, since weekend you are free.
Vane will loves it.
Gareth loves the animals too.
Shook, I think Ian is weaning himself off slowly. For one week so far, I haven't nursed him to sleep. He slept through so far till about 6/7am!! I think that's a big achievement liao... so sometimes I latch him if I can spare the time before going to work.
All mummies,
Its not real lah the lizard. LOL....Otherwise, u think I still so cool snapping pic away. But when Randall 1st saw it,he was running n shouting "pat pat" "pat pat". Behind him I was oso shouting "Randall no. Pls dun touch it!!" "Randall dun" Hehe... Then, the zoo keeper said "Dun worry mdm, its not REAL" Heng man~
But I allowed him to touch the snake. After touching, he gave me tat cheeky smile. Then ask him wanna put the snake ard him to take pic or not. Mummy willing to spend tat $5 for him but he replied "NO" "NO" n ran away. Wonder if he really understand wat I tokking abt.
No lah, mark dun play soccer. He's very amused w Gareth's tricks! ahahhaha

Then dun lor! let Vane cont to sleep w u. U not planning to hv no. 2 SO FAST mah... If not hor, later when they get older, u wish for more cuddle time.. difficult.

We went to Great World City, Colette shop. some designs having 20% discount so thot of geting a pair for CNY. But hb insisted CNY too far off, dun buy now. Say 20% not much different. Argh!

Ur centre so good! One child one teacher, just like One child one mother supervising.
nah, my centre ratio max liao. Even when they eat also 2/3 tods sitting round 1 teacher
hahah, I also tot it's the real lizard leh. Randall really brave to go touch even though it's not a real one.

You think Vane will be amused by Gareth's tricks too? hehe, I must teach Gareth how to impress Vane so that Vane won't look for other guys. hahaha
wow ...5am is really v early leh! does he take a nap in the mid morning?

yes, Jana does pull her tee up to show me her belly buttons too or when i asked her to.

my belly button feeling v sensitive now leh, and it'll get worst later on. during the last pregnancy i couldn't even stand it when my tees rubs against the belly button ...now my belly button is out of bounds from now onwards!

I'm suppose to bring Jana for hair since 3 weekends ago, but somehow all the weekends are so tied up ..no time to go. so now her hair is long enough for me to tie it up and we usually tie it up at home cos she pespire alot. While tying hair for Jana, we tell her mei mei ...u try with Vane and see if she stay still to let u tie? or mabbe she's not as vain as Jana

The maid considered fresh lah, she's a transfer maid, worked 4 mths at the ex-employer. she can be quite automatic but v careless and not detailed enof, she keep knocking the broom into furniture when sweeping, my mum complain again this morning, she say dunno remind her how many times already.
his class has 2 teachers to 9..so the other teacher will watch the kids while the main teacher teachers art 1 to 1. Other times they will do group activities 4 to a teacher or as a whole class.
<font color="0000ff">JUL</font>
U on leave today? Was asking you about if it is impt to have the rota vaccine.
U should bring her to the zoo. I bet Vane will love it. Randall enjoyed himself. The 1st time went with my HB we spent ard 3-4 hrs. Then this time round went w/o him and we were there fm 10am to 4pm. Randall onli napped half an hr in my arms then he is up and awake again then shouting "moo moo" "pig" again. Hehe.... Told hb tat I made a right choice insisted on gg even when he said he not free. LOL~

I oso got the MJ paper for him to draw. But sometimes he draw out of the paper n ended up on the floor. Hehe...
where did you bring Jana for haircut again huh? I keep forgetting.

I suppose to bring Gareth for his haircut also, but hor, I scare by the time CNY not long not short, very ugly. So think, I'm just gonna let him have slightly longer hair during Christmas and go cut in Jan. hehe
There r free roaming iguanas in the zoo previously at the snake enclosure, not too sure if they remove them tho i doubt so cos inside also hv snakes n terrapins etc.

So hor... dun just let ur tod run up thinking its the not real one leh.


My current maid is a transfer maid oso. Worked 2 mths at the ex employer b4. Previous employer elder child dun like her cos the boy is 7 yrs old and wanted someone tat can communicate n play with him but this maid her english "pte ltd". She is quite automatic oso and most imptly she can entertain Randall. Haha.... Randall quite like her now. Everyday "jie jie" "jie jie". Sometimes listen until buay tahan. Ma Pi Jin. Hehe... BUT she do things damn super slow. Everytime I gotta tell her "faster" "faster". Furthermore, I v impatient person. So I told her "U now in Singapore leh. U think u in Indonesia tani(farming) ah? Suka suaka take ur own sweet time? Tani tired then sit down enjoy the sun n drink water? Mdm dun hv this kinda mood to wait for u. Susa lah!!!" Haha...
Ruffy, hi, was skimming thru the postings and missed yours.... at work actually. Clinic lighter today but still have patients lah.... the rotavirus vaccine was on trial last year but Ian didn't qualify for the trial because of his heart defect. Didn't know it's available so soon! I might let him take it when he starts having classes and more interaction with other kids. Maybe good for Ryan to take. But i really have no idea about the vaccine details... sorry, you gotta check that out...
Yes. Its at the enclousure gardern. Tats y I m shoutting asking him dun touch. Juz tat the one tat Randall patted is not real one. But there r real one roaming ard.
u har... tell story must tell whole story leh. I panicked having this image of Ash running up to hug hug only to hv a real one snapping off his ear leh!

Then how? Randall still can play w me snakes next time anot? i'm trained to handle snakes, lizzies and scorpions leh. Thot can show him too..
Inital plan was to bring Randall to watch the SS show in the afternoon. But now plan ruined liao. He kept having loose stool. But dun consider as lao sai :p Refuse to sit on the potty since yesterday. Backside a bit red but shouldnt be tat bad tat its sore. Then this morning refuse to eat cereal n fruits. Hai~ Wonder izzit another round of food strike due to teething. When the pre molars were out, food strike for 2 weeks. I mean it was TOTALLY off solid. Molars, dunno how long??
Aiyah, thot ur school good. no lah, think the teacher only one to do activities w them cos the rest takes care of infants n little crawlers. Think mebbe when he goes to Childcare will get more supervision.

Ay, then how the crayon still gets into his mouth?
not avaliable yet.. Just have KS granny keep asking me to take Ryan to take sucha a jab.

JEm is still in Infant care? Ryan's in Childcare. His got the crayon in the mouth coz was busy with work at home and didn't really 100% supervise him. Luckily what we have at home is crayola non-toxic crayons.. have already kept them with his jumbo crayons. as now he only asks for colour pencils and the colouring book to "colour" in.
CC ratio for playgroup is all 1:8.. unless u send to Children's hub..then is 1:4 or something like that but more expensive. HOw many students are in Jem's class? Hows the ratio?
I m not the mummy of mini giant lah!! Hehe....

Of cos can. I want my boy to be like real MAN. Haha...Dunwan the "chicken" type. But hor, he scare of darkness now. Dun dare to go into the room if the light not on. Ask him go in he ans "pai pai". Then pat his chest
Last week hb took out his army helment as he gg back for reservisit. He saw the helment then said "hair- ment" while touching his head then pat his chest and said "pai pai". So jia lat. Like tat oso scare. Trying to help him overcome.
Wif our tod in the hse, can't do much spring cleaning.

Gd dat Ian wean off himself. The process not painful

chen chen nap 2x in the day
Jem just 16mths leh.. hahah, three more months to CC. hard to tell how many students in Jem's class cos they hv infants, crawlers and tods now. So a teacher will look after the tods in the group. Din expect them to let them hv crafts too, but the staff r confident that they can manage. surprisingly, they managed well n the tods r proud of their work. Jem n sometimes the others kids will pull me to see their exhibits when it's pinned to the walls...hahhah

Aiyah, i blur on the mommies always mix up but not the tods K! hahhah, but worry later other mommies follow follow without knowing got real ones roaming round too mah.

hahahah, darkness slowly lor. who noes later he like jem, go read books, dance w his bears in the middle of the nite when we r sleeping. At least now he can say 'pai pai' n express it, i'm impress! Jem, i think he siao! hahahaha
dun think i'll wan jem to leave his centre unless no choice reach 18mths already. With so many negative thots n stories going on abt centres, i'm very thankful we gotten him loving teachers this time round.

green bean plant? is ryan keen? Jem's been going to the gardens n parks, but still not too interested in the greens. instead, it's the mom that's thinking whether to grow kangkong now
Need to bring him c PD lah. How to go shopping? Furthermore gg to be "housewife (housefly?)" liao. Gotta save. U know my copany got many cutlery, plates &amp; bowls, etc. All v new n EX one. "Pantry Manageress" haha...
ask us to bring back as new co dunwan our exisiting one. So, I brought back some. Including those like resturant salt n pepper, viniger, soya sauce holder. Suddenly, I realised I so cheapo. LOL... V aunty action leh. Cant believe I m doing tat.

Cannot watch SS show, v sian. He unwell v sian, gotta wait to c the PD, v sian. Take my leave n do all these, v sian. I m now super duper SIAN~ LOL....
wahahah Val,
warn u in advance yah. Me 'housefly' for 2 weeks liao. That's when those ting dong ideas starts to surface leh...hahahhaha, hazey n pigletz can vouch for it.

So when u reach ur turn, we share share ding dong ideas k!
CNY that far away leh. I am already looking out for CNY clothes for Ally since I will prob be on confinement til around CNY period. Bought one set for her already. Anyway I usu buy bigger sizes ... started buying age 3 years if I think it isn't that big coz dunno how fast she'll grow.

Me back in office today already. As usual, feel worse in office coz of the aircon. Boss was quite nice and asked me to go back earlier today after my afternoon meeting if still feel lousy. See how lah... already mc 2 days. Not v nice. Think I must have sounded really bad when she popped by my cubicle. haha!

Must check with the mommies, did your gynaes give you antibiotics (amoxycilin) around your EDD? I was given that for my cold but haven't taken it yet. Hoping to recover without it. If by next week, cold still around then no choice lor. But got a shock when I read in another thread that some gynaes gave them to the MTBs as a precaution for infection just before giving birth. Think it's for GBS but didn't do swap test for them.
Oh no...maybe I grow something like sweet potatoes or potatoes then everyone can eat. Kangkong randall dun eat. Wowww....wonderful tots. Can save $$ hor?
haiz, Jem boy! difficult to buy clothes esp. the mommy dun like cartoon stuff. They grow so fast rite! The last time i thot i ve bought enuf to last for the rest of the year, hb already took the last second pc out the other day n say,"can wear liao, look nice hor!" pengz

I remembered my prev gynae mentioned to me too that i've to take extra precautions cos some preggies need to take antibotics for infection - a norm thing. I'm allergy to most antibotics so he was hoping that he will never need to administer to me. I guess if there's no real need for u to take then can avoid rite?
Hi Brenda,
I dun like cartoon stuffs for my kids too! But i super cheapo. Die die bot the cartoon warners bros pyjamas set at $5 for rae! Used to be $14.90! Bet u are enjoying ur temp sahm phase? Tat time of the year.....springclean, beautiful xmas, then dong dong chiang chiang cny.....wow, after valentine then u go back to workforce lor.....

Am i welcome to go ur house? I can meet pigletz there too! Ur hse, jurong? In JB i also stamp passport GO ah! ahhahahah....

HI Val,
Randall is so cute n loving...I luv his charming just right size!
...me very happy that u r turning ah soh leh! Welcome!

Hi Giggler,
Yapp, impromptu i joined the meet. All the babies or tods 'in real' are really so cute n lovely! Lyn after becoming a sahm become more appealing! Wow....power of sahm....maybe not long enuf to turn yellow yet...hahahha....val n lyn, freaking out!

very few foto taken...



HI Shook,
Talking abt springcleaning i sweat n dread each year. This morning was sorting n packing their toys..PEK CHEY of the daddy mann! All the shape sorter, jiwsaw puzzles etc all poured into the toy box.....no wonder havent seem them playing...cos all mixed up n cant find! Papa conveniently just poured all in! Feel like throwing them into the dustbin..hahahahha.......

Hi Emily/shook,
Childcare is an option for working mums. IMHO, I think enrichment classes counting out childcare part is ideal for our kids. They needs the environment to interact n learn better with other kids. Along with these lots of kids, other things are really compromised. Hygiene, focused attention, sincere truthful communication all will have to be closed 1 or 2 eyes. Just my 2cents worth.......I used to be a very pro c/c mum.

Emily, over at Punggol 17th rd or near Marina country club (near punggol mrt), there are many many childcare, u may want to find out more.....just sharing.
pigletz, Vane seems to balloon up recently. No fun if I bring her there alone rite? But it's so difficult to ask others along. Think I also lazy cos I very scared of the hot sun nowadays.

Val, Randall also another brave boi leh. Dare to touch real snake. You went with Randall alone this time round??? I scared no fun if I bring Vane there alone leh. How old is your maid? Wow, you very fierce leh. Till now, I haven tell my maid off yet. Hopefully there wont be such a day lah. How much did u pay for the SS show?

brenda, that's what hubby thot lor. He asked me to treasure the time when Vane still want to cuddle with us. Wait till she gets older, she'll even rqt to have a room of her own liao.
20% quite alot nowadays leh. What tricks does Gareth do? I very curious leh. You found a cc for Jem liao?

Viv, Vane allows me to pin her hair while I tell her mei mei but not tying of hair. Maybe I too rough with her? Guess I got to thank my maid's prev employer for her training. She's very detailed and automatic. Most of the time she cleans very thorough than me. Hahaha....

shook, ya lor... now Vane also wants to help out in housework, she 'sweeps' floor every nite once she reaches home.

absolut, if you still not well, then better go home early and rest lor.

eureka, you mean Lyn looks better now after she's SAHM? Aiyo, Rae like trying to 'court' Alicia but she no interest in him leh. Hahaha.... I got no menses blue this mth cos I took precaution and took lots of choc the past 2 weeks. Now my pants got so tight and made me regret leh. Think I put on 1-2kg liao. Sigh... Not sure to have menses blue or risk putting on more wt next mth.
1 moment on the lip forever on the hip!!!! Hahahhah, knows wat, i gained 3kg on top of my existing spilling flesh!! Those hunt down of sinful cakes after dinner!!! PLUS age is catching up, fat is really stubborn to lose!

PMS blue or A(AFTER)MS blue now? u decide lor....hahahhahaha......i in no position to advise u leh....u look at my size...hahahhahhah!

Ytd, I went library n shopping with elyse without stroller. Very shiok! Library she busy unloading books frm the shelves....running along the aisle, giggling loudly away! At the mart, she was in the trolley....so fun!

U looking for carrier?? I really dun find it necessary. They will on n off want to be carried, even RAE! So how? COntinuously looking for carrier for them?? I always very mean ask rae u got legs for wat, wear shoes for wat, still want us to carry? CHant n chant, threaten to throw his shoes away, he is better nowadays.
. I ever took off his shoe in the public n he was stunned. THen he want to put them on n resume walking.
I waited so long for u to appear so that i can ask whether u mind bringing ur handsome boi n sweet elyse to my place anot?? but hor, let me go take some pics of my empty home first in case u hv the idea like hazey, want to come see 'studio apartment'. Dun wanna waste ur petrol altho just price drop...hahahha

No fun to bring Vane to where alone? If u meant zoo hor, can go w us. We go almost every 3mths.

i also think 20% a lot..hahaha. another sign of turning yellow?

Gareth's a very joyous kid! chuckles easily n playfully active!

CC arh.. i no mood liao..hahahha
Stylobb, i went tangs today to look at the new kids dept, much better than last time. Agree with you the clothes there kinda ex. Btw, the very big crayola crayons you bought dun have the word "washable" right? So when Jesse accidently drew on floor/table/clothes, did you manage to wipe/wash the marks away? Went to see the crayons but dunno which to buy yet.

Priviledged, you managed you can clean the crayon marks by Sarah with a little pressure exerted, is that the washable type?
AIYAH ! Gareth joyfully notti can? adorably cranky, happy? even my quiet jem also test ppl's patience now mah, u gals also like to think he guai..hahhaha.

So hor, conclusions : we have angelic little monsters and our monster baobeis have super lazy moms that dun bother to shout "NO!" hhahahahhaha
eureka, you can talk reason to Rae but I dun think Vane understands reasoning now rite? My back almost break carrying her and I dread to go out with her nowadays. Sigh.... You cant give me advice on PMS or AMS blue??? Now, I trying to think of ways to shed my 2kg. Hmm... thot of drinking lemon juice for a week but scared my tummy cant tahan.

brenda, next time you go, ask me along can? I'll try to make it.
Is it??? Vane also chuckles easily if she's in gd mood leh. Hmm... think they really compatible. Hahaha.... Then where u gg to send Jem to 2 mths later? Hahaha... you got both the sentences rite abt mummies and our tod leh.

pigletz, so that's how Gareth will behave if he's in gd mood rite? Vane also like that leh.
I'm curious, is the wrapper a small pce? The plastic one?? Gosh how it travelled from the top to the bottom?

Yah... big big tummy, getting unneeded stares from strangers and questions too.

2nd kid, putting aside the twins parts, I also feel so chuan this time round, that time can walk and work till delivery. U take care.

Went to gynae's today, no weight gain but the gals gained leh. Gynae again remarked my tummy so big and gave me another 2 weeks' HL.. but I think I will have to go back on Monday lah.. to do some work and then speak to boss about my leave.

So after the 11am svc, is that her own time??

The hugging part is nice yah? U can wait till she sleeps then u transfer her to mattress.

Is it becos u carries her until she is so used to it that she refuses to walk?

Chocs chase away your blues???

My mil (who is a teacher) said beta to buy the So Big crayons cos easier to grip. Hmm...ok, think he drew on the floor, a bit on my sofa and a bit on my blouse, all of which I managed to wipe off with a piece of wet cloth.

Went to MC just now, nothing for the gals, only bot some pressies for my gfriends' bbies...
Got their vip card but dun think it will of that much use cos can get discount on DBS and other credit cards as well.
Theirs is straight 10% off but they also offer 15-20% on credit cards, so I dun quite see the logic.
stylobb, which MC you went just now? Went alone? Your gynae very generous with H leave....but think quite pai seh if keep taking H leave hor?
styloBB, ya the hugging part is nice. She'll just cuddles us before she sleeps. And may also do it after she slept. Think we're like her bolsters. Dun know leh, she'll walk a while lah. But after sometime, she'll ask me to carry liao. Yup, chocs help to chase away my blues but widen my waist. Think you beta discuss with your boss abt your HL. Quite pai seh to take such long leave even before your ML.
CHanting(reasoning/reiterating) starts anytime frm now, 16, 17th mth n takes awhile to sink in for the tods. Rae has been chanted since long time ago n i am illustrating to u that up till today he still want to be carried at times, esp seeing us carrying elyse! U have any carrier for him, he is just 13kg, 1 kg heavier than vane
? Boot him, want me to carry him!
Dun under-estimate vane, she can understand ur reasoning maybe not today, tml but the day after next?
U r sheer modest abt ur house! It maybe empty at some corners but those not so empty portion sure are tastefully filled with warmth n very cosy!

Issit, petrol price drop ah??
eureka, ok... I'll start my chanting from tonite onwards. Heehee.... "Vane, you must walk on your own" (say 10x). Enough?
No lah, did not go alone.

HL - I feel the same too thus wlbe back to office on Mon. And also speak to my boss. The consolation is Dec is actually off peak for us so not so bad.
My gynae is only generous this time due to the twins... last time no such thing. She says 28-32 weeks are crucial.

giggler, u dun get sore throat frm eating too many chocs??
U keep track how many tx u chant n when vane is ard rae's age, u share with me how many time in total u have chanted! hahahhahaha...

'Vane, u must walk on ur own...'
Vane - 'Y MUST I?'..............u faint!
