(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Nope... her own time is from 9 - 11am. After service, she joins us for lunch... usu eat out with CG etc and get home abt 3-4pm. Sun quite relax coz go parents house for dinner. Seldom cook.

On her off days, she basically leaves the house about 845am to go for filipino min and she'll be back abt 6 plus. The only negative thing is no matter house how messy, she won't pack it on her off day. Unlike my mom's past indonesian maid. The old one will still make sure she comes back and make dinner for the family. But I close one eye lah... anyway dun really check on her return time coz will make my way to mom's place around that time.

mummies, sorry bn v.occupied over the past many wks.

went to the zoo today, NEARLY SCARED TO DEATH BY A WILD BLACK COBRA!!! ALIVE, REAL THING!!! near the lama's enclosure!!! hubby saw it but didnt want to startle me!!! he only told me to STOP WALKING then i saw it sliding into the bushes!!! i wasnt sure it's a cobra at first till the staff caught it!!! and they still say...IT'S A COMMON SIGHTING SINCE IT'S THEIR NATURAL HABITAT!!!! hubby got a earful frm me whole day!!! as for jerald??? i think he can only remember how stone my face is for that minute!!! for that few seconds, hubby only said, dun scream, dun move... stay still. cannot imagine if i cant hear him or i just ignore him....or worse if jerald is running abt at that time!!!

shook, how's chen?? no objection to chinese physcian since i switch jerald to one for his running nose.

giggler/euraka, all rubbish!!! just happend that i put on SOME make-up that day mah.....appealing??? no gold ($$)/no figure???? appealing to those dirty old man at geylang???

pringles, i didnt get to read the posting that there's lunch too...rushing to get my fish into the fridge asap that day.

brenda, would like to meet if no special prog on 10/12 for me.
seems like you just bought jem shoes not long ago when he accidentally threw his old pairs away...how often do you nd to buy him new pairs?? jerald outgrown his shoes AGAIN!!! each pair only last him 5-6mths....

val, jerald says no to snakes too, dare not touch...but keep beating on the glass when he knows they pose no danger to them!!! v.notty!

MUMMIES WITH SHOOS SHOOS FOR TODS: how do you wash the sole of the shoe?? i got this sticky feel on the sole after sunning?? did i spoilt it or issit normal??
Eureka, the only reason why I was thinking of C/C under my block for Ethan is because of convenience. Then maid don't have to carry a baby, and drag a toddler to cross road or take bus. Besides, I don't think I want to put him in C/C even for half day. 5hrs the most for him is enough. Sigh! I really half hearted now to put him in CC.
we gg zoo on 3 dec. hubby's co has free zoo passes, jus nid 2 apply in advance. do u all walk fr place to place in d zoo or take their bus. yee... i scared of snake..
tink it's tx jerald nid new shoes liao. he is wearing size 4 now right? ash is wearing size 6 now n i jus bought a pair of clarks, cutting quite big, size 6.5 for him, for cny. go check it out, they ar having some offer items.

jus u n randall wen 2 d zoo? dun tink i can manage. w him, his barang n d hot weather. how did u settle randall's lunch in d zoo?

now u ask me, i cant imagine d tiny pc of plastic bb bite wrapper moving tru his intestines then out tru poo. yucks...

wat mtg on 10/12?? can me n ash cum along?
ash loves to go 2 d book shop. he will b busy unloading bks fr d shelves too or will 'rearrange' d bks n put them in other shelves, keke..

dear mummies,
brought ash to take mrt 1st tx 2day, jus 1 station. he din like it. not his usual self, wan 2 b cari all d tx. tink he felt 'threatened' by d crowd. how 2 go town in mrt, w him alone leh...
giggler n eureka,
lots of durian evy day or alt day is d only effective mtd 2 help me put on a bit of wt. i cant take choc, a bit only, next day sure sore throat. if eat too much at 1 tx, next day fever. choc is my enemy.
sanrio, we went on free passes frm hb's co. i let jerald roam abt, that's why it's really lucky jerald didnt spot the snake b4 hubby!!! cant imagine the worst!! i only carry him up only when i saw a tram approaching. tks to it!!! otherwise .... ehhhh it still give me the creeps.
shoes: i gave up!! no use buying branded/expensive shoes!!! it expires within months - and it still looks new!! except his shoo shoo...think i spoilt the sole by washing n sunning too much.

lunch for tods @ zoo: i remember you got a big flask specially for ash's meal??? (saw you using at giggler's chalet and eureka's plc) i gave him porridge at children's playworld at KFC. Aircon!!! while hb munch away on his burger, i fed porridge to jerald. actually i pack sandwiches/cookies....but all snapped up by the 2 boys.

eureka, 1st is flower bath, now chanting....if chanting helps...there's a lots of stuff i hv to chant to him every nite!!! so instead of singing him to sleep...i'll chant him to sleep
No lah. U think too highly of me. I cant handle him alone. Went with my mum & maid. But the maid went there juz you yi ke chuan. Brought her along juz to make her happy then she will work harder. Haha... At the same time she can oso write back to her frens n boast. Dun "play play", my this maid know korean. Found out only when my mum was watching korean drama n she sitting there watched until jin jin you wei and laughed when it was funny. Ask her if she understand then she reveal it.

choy choy choy. I more siao lian. Aunty onli at most.
Is Rae attempting to kiss Alicia? Think he has the potential to be buaya.
Hi Sanrio,
Hey, we can arrange 1 meet for our bbs to terrorise the library then! ahahahaha, those unloading of books! Ash is gd, at least he rearranges them, my elyse will carry on to dance indian dance round the library's pillar.

AYoh, then how, u can only pile on durian puffs now? Go goodwood park or emicakes? Not durian season hor? oh dear, little bit of chocolate ur body cant take it! U drink alot of water type?

Hi siow lian Val,
U very gd in handling ur maid hor!? u better treat her well if not.....! Lately i read they have all those customs in making employers treat them well n gd n i freak out! N i recalled my friend sharing that she found her hb's foto in the plastic bag containing maid's passport. We teased her must be her hb too handsome n suave. Lately then we know it is their belief to send the employer foto back to hometown for some praying, something along this line!

Think treat them human, treat them with lots of respect is utmost important. My aunties have maids that see my cousins frm bb till they become mothers! Very close to the families! Ur randall can learn 3rd language frm her too....korean!

Rae a ABC....alligator, buaya n crocodile! hahahaha....luckily alicia nvr scream like she scream at the ang mo kids! No lah, rae is a decent loving boy!

Hi Lyn,
U better chant those amorous geylang uncles to stay away frm u lor....

My version of chanting is repetition of 'to do n not to do', 'wat is acceptable n not' to our kids till they get it 1day......or in short, 'drill' them through.
Hi All

I'm home!! Been bz!! pumping\expressing\changing nappies!!

Finally also got time to log on.. Haha...

Birth story and ETC..

14th Nov..(scheduled induction date)

5.30AM- woke with intense contractions, more painful then usual.. so decided to poke hubby eac time it came..

BY 6AM or so- pain really unbearable!!Coming strongly for last 15mins. Continued to time while still lying in bed.

7AM-realised this was the rel thing!! Pain up the back and sides..took shower and prepared to leave..

8AM- was dropped off at SGH Block5 while hubby went to park car..each time when the "peace" period came, kept wondering if this is it??

8.10AM- admitted to labour ward, questions asked for admission, and CTG etc etc hooked on..

8.45AM- completed and 2MOs came to see dilation.. 3CM!!!

From here everything is a blur.. anaesthestist I requested was called in, so was my own Gynae.

10.35AM Abouts- breathed in Ethanox while being hooked to epidural..waited for effects..

10.45AM-epidural ended and waiting for it to take effect..

11AM- dilation 6cm!!! Broke water bag.

11.15AM- feeling the urge to push .. like "pang sai" feeling..was told by mid-wife to push hard on the next one..NO idea of how near contractions.. but since epidural taking effect it wasn't so painful.

Pushed on next contraction..guided by hubby who told me when it was coming..BB's head crowning.. midwife shouted to corridor to get my Gynae..

He was already dressed up and waiting..

3\4 pushes according to hubby.. Maxene arrived!! 2.91kg at 1154AM

Just before LUNCH!!

The ETCs..

After it all.. placenta expelled.. cord cells extracted(sadly was not enough to make a collection for studies.. sigh)

I had no episotomy.. but a small tear.. had 1-2 stitches..

Felt sick and threw up till 3pm-4pm.. Lunch was gobbled by HUBBY AGAIN!!

6pm ate dinner

MAx had to be kept in ICU.. cos when they broke water bag it was slightly green.. so tests needed to establish her tummy is ok..

Stayed till 18th Nov!! Friday.. due to engorgement, jaundice tests and gastric.. sigh!!
U v fierce man. Pa pa

Your gyne v v generous wif leave

Agree wif wat your hubby said. Treasure the time when our tod still want to caddle n sleep wif us. When it's past, it never come back

Your way of making Rae walk v stern, dun give chance. Ichiban

Is Crayola crayon w/o the word "washable" washable?
i prefer d 'real' durian, esp those a bit bitter type. i drk lots of plain water, i jus cant take choc, 'mei kou fu' loh..

i tink d shoo shoo shoes cant b washed, can only b 'dry clean'. my sil gave ash 1 pair of nikes & 1 converse, both havnt 'liang xiang' out of d hse, oreadi too tight 4 him. i find both pairs not practical, cutting small, heavy n lots of shoe laces to loosen n tie. nice 2 look at only, n ash is an impatient boy. i like (ash too) his current addidas red sandals, comfy, cool, easy to slip on n remove.

congrats n take care
wen u hav tx, post maxene pic 2 show us can..
Me same like you. Can eat durian but can't tahan chocolates. Eat little bit only .... like wanna get sore throat already. I also drink a lot of water but Eureka... what's that got to do with it? Thot drink a lot of water then won't get sore throat?
Hi Sanrio,
Wish tat i am like u 'mei kou fu' for chocolate esp during my pms!

Ai, have u been to the new national library? Pringles, Lyn, other sahms, shall we have our dec meet there??
Chen Chen is more or less ok but not fully recovered yet.
Where do u bring Jerald to consult chinese sin seh? My mum said there is 1 tui nai near the mkt @ dr 6
We sun Chen Chen's shoo shoo ok leh. But hor not v strong sun more of air dry it

Sanrio, Eureka
Chen Chen enjoys pushing books off the shelves n shouts in library

Chen Chen likes to take MRT n LRT but short distance only. He prompts me "di" b4 near the entrance/exit coz I like him flash link card. He shouts RT when he sees MRT n LRT or the track or passes by the station
Do u eat cheese cake? Can help u to put on wt
I can take durian better than choc too

Ai say man, u recorded the timing for the happening on the delivery of Max
styloBB, no... didnt get sore throat this time round from eating the choc. Hope your boss is understanding and allows you to go on HL.

eureka, hahaha.... I didnt really chant leh. I was so tired that I slept with her these few days. No chance for me to chant to her. Heard of story abt maid sending photos back for some 'black magic' too. They will keep the photo in a plastic bag under their bed to make their employer afraid to scold them. My maid doesnt have bed so we not worry lah. Hahaha.... me too, but dun think gg to give up choc yet, it's the best remedy for PMS so far. Now, got to work hard and do more crunches.

lyn, you sound like the zoo very dangerous leh. Aiyo, you sure you look like those who attract dirty old man at Geylang? Dun think it's that bad lah. You very hardworking leh, still cook porridge for Jerald. He still wants it? That's a great idea leh, think I'll chant her to sleep instead. Hahaha.....

sanrio, Brenda is opening her house on 10/12. You and Ash free to come along? Eat choc also can get fever? Then you can get mc rather easily hor?

Val, wow, where your maid learn Korean from? Those drama serials? My maid knows Mandarin and Hokkein too, luckily we didnt bad-mouth her before we found out.
You also cook porridge for Randall to the zoo?

Nat, you managed to bf Maxene this time round? Congrats!!!

shook, the feeling really heart-warming when Vane just turn ard and place her hands around your neck and her face on your face when she sleeps.
Aiyoooo...I not v smart but not tood oso lah. I tell her off in a joking manner. Hehe... I treat her v nice oso leh. Anyway, I more concern how she treats Randall. But fm Randall's body language I think still ok as he always look for her. Of cos I still take precautious measure. Fang ren zhi xin bu ke wu.
She told me she work in a video company in Jakarta for dont know 6-9 mths. Thats where she picked up from. Anyway, she wrote back in korean. Dont know what she write.
Glad to hear that you're coping well. In the end, your epidural seems like a waste coz you delivered so quickly this time. So the fri nite contractions were false contractions in the end? BTW, have you used the post natal shampoo and body wash that you bought from little dreamers? Thot I'd wait for your feedback before I decide whether to buy or not.

How's your day back at work. Today not good day to go back coz raining... nice to sleep in. Looks like you may have to prepare your boss that you won't be coming in til after maternity already. Seems like your gynae is likely to let you stay home til you give birth. If she's not comfy with your stomach size now... can't imagine how she'll be more comfortable to let you move around as it grows bigger. My mom saw you in church and said your tummy was HUGE!
yeah.. zoo is a nice place for us n the animals as well..heheheh. Best to watch our tods closely cos there's quite a few meant-to-be free roaming animals n uninvited guests around.. not to mention the numerous ponds. You just wun know when they r in their cranky moods hahhah.

but u r lucky leh, i went snake search for so many times only managed to find cobra once.

COme by lor, u can arrang ew pigletz.. bot of u live near each other right?

aye, Jem wear hard sole shoes already.. no more shoo shoo. Hb scare he poke his feet when running round nowadays. I think u should do that for jerald too leh. We getting him a pair of shoes cos he only hv sandals now. Max we willing to spend on the shoes r only 30bucks.

sure, come by lor.

A few more rides on the train will cure the problem. But then u'll hv mine then. Jem will 'chat' w the ppl next to us or shout across to the ones opp. us. He happily touch whatever things near enuf to grab esp. hp n stop anyone who tries to read in front of him. no fear/w fear... both not going to be an easy ride.

Can try potatoes and banana during pms. Both r comfort food too. Fattening too but cos it makes u feel full will consume less of other stuff. Potatoes hor... not chips!

Hi mommies,
my invitation went to archive already so repeat here again.

Opening house on 10 Dec from 11am to 6pm. Feel free to drop by. If really playing mahjong must inform in advance cos jem scribble on most liao.. need to go buy. HAhahahah

Oh yah, its at Jurong West
Hi Nat!!!
Congrats and welcome back
Thanks for that detailed update of your labour and delivery. I really envy you... such a short and quick labour. 3-4 pushes and Maxene was out! It reminds me of my 60 pushes for 1 hour 20 mins before Sarah could come out. And the 8 hours of 'pang sai' feeling.
Val, its true that fang ren zi xin bu ke wu. Though we nice to maid, we still take some precaution lah. Actually they learn things quite fast hor? My maid works here for 2 yrs and she can pick up Mandarin & Hokkien liao.

brenda, think for 30bucks you can get quite gd shoes for Jem liao. Try Bata?

pringles/eureka, you gals really want to bring your kids to National Library? Not scared that the librarian chase you out?
there is a tram service in the zoo if you don't want to walk all the way... so far we haven't taken the tram cos the walk is rather leisurely when the weather is good, like yesterday. =)
Glad to hear that u and Max are both fine.

Next on the list wlbe absolut.

Boss understanding leh... went back to office today and he is ok with all my suggestions: come in as and when I am ok, dun work the full day ie can leave earlier, next week log on from home. The IT dept gave me more space for my mailbox.

Not bad today cos mil drove me/hb to work! Hehehe.. actually she said to use the car but since hb changed job, parking is no longer free as for his ex-co.
Actually if I dun feel tired, working at office is ok and so long as not stressful.
Time passes faster and I dun feel so 'lost' compared to being at home...

Re big tummy - yeah, everyone is making a big deal out of it!!! Met my insurance agent today and she said my tummy is so big but the rest of me is still the same... of course my colleagues also kinda freak out at the size...
Ur mum - she must have seen me when I went to pass some stuff to A's mum (Auntie A)...

Are u gonna work till ur EDD? I have more or less decided to take a week off earlier...

Hopped over to Thyme quickly but they can't find any more blouses for me! Only has one XL that they wl get from another outlet.
Me gonna try and work til EDD. Trying to save my leave for after maternity leave. U should take a week off. Actually think your gynae sure give you HL all the way til delivery then can save your maternity leave. Anyway, I have this feeling that I may give birth earlier this time coz more strained in my pelvic area recently. Never felt that before during Ally's time. Remember still being really active and all even in the week before EDD. Today, walked from Funan area to Raffles Place during lunch time to pick up my medication and run some errands. Was regretting being so garang when I was walking back coz pelvic area and legs felt strained and tired. Think I won't dare to try it again.
Yeah, me pretty happy with the arrangement.
At least some flexibility...

I think u beta not over-exert yourself. Good to walk but dun over-walk. Try to rest once u are home.
just got back frm my harry potter movie...nice.

sahm, that's what i'm going to chant lah...what else??? cant suppose he'll get 'enlighten' by my chanting??
gathering at library: hopefully they wont bring down the glass roof with their screams!!

giggler, most geylang man got no taste...as long as it's a female counterpart...anyone can do.....say till i make myself so cheap...yucks!!!

nat, welcome back to the forum, rest more.

shook, found the park. know how to go liao.

sanrio, if shoo shoo meant to 'air' only...think i spoilt mine liao.

brenda, ur budget for handsome jem's shoes is only $30?? where in s'pore can get??? that's why i often went over to JB and get RM30 shoe....
now i sahm liao....pocket a bit tight...that shoo shoo was bought after pondering and thinking and hesitating....then finally with hubby green light...BUY!! now i act smart, dump into water, throw into sun...now spoilt!!!
Nat had 36hrs labor when she delivered Matt. May b u will oso hv short labor when u deliver no 2

Your boss v pro family hor

How u find the sculpture park?
Does your hubby know Jerald's shoo shoo spoilt?

Wat, Ash shoe size 6.5!! Chen Chen not really 4 yet. His size 4 sandal still drop off easily Luckily ppl pt to us a few times. Once Chen Chen walked back we din realize still asked him y he walked back n wanna pull him back.
Mummies, i have a company D&D next friday. Suppose to wear costumes of other countries. Until now dunno what to wear. Btw, any of you have costumes like cheongsum, kimono or korean type ,etc to lend?

Stylobb, your boss really nice. I am curious to see how big your tummy is. Did you take pictures of yourself for this pregnancy?

Absolute, pei fu you for walking from funan to raffles place. It is quite far for a non-preggie and you preggie still walk so long. What medication you collected yesterday? from GP or gynae?
absolut, you feeling ok now? Is the bb bigger than Ally's time? Take care.

styloBB, you shd be grateful that you got such an understanding boss.

jul, Pok Pok delivered liao? So fast!!! How's she and bb?

lyn, ya lor, why make yourself so cheap? You look so young and pretty mah. Can get $30 shoes in Sing lah, think Bata has.

shook, Vane is wearing size 4 now but seems too tight for her if she wear socks.

QSG, my co's D&D is this Fri but dun think we're wearing to the theme lah. The pple in my co quite boring one. Most of us will just wear what we normally wear to office, I guess. Sorry, I dun have any costume. How abt wearing Malay style? Easily avail and not ex.
Val ah, Tyra oso only wear size 4 leh, like most of the babies here. Randall is at least one mth younger than most babies here, so he is of very good size...not small at all. Don't have to wear size 6 so soon...
I dont hv any. You may want to wear sarong for Malaysia or there was one year my colleague wore a short top n a pair of jeans then used a sari "wrap" across herself. Of cos not forgetting the dot on the forehead. Its like an improvise version. She was the limelight. Very sexy!!!
Giggler, where is your d&d? The d&d chairman was from my dept so strongly encouraged to dress up.

Val, i think sari quite nice but dun have indian friends to borrow from lei. But hor, i can't wear short top cause big tummy...your colleague's figure is very good right?
i din tink ash feet is quite big n long (tot it is jus fat, keke) till i met val/randall, lyn/jerald, n a boy (1 wk older than ash) at clarks shop. their feet all ard size 4-4.5. did a measuremnt at clarks shop, ash feet now is size 6, i got him a pair of size 6.5.

brenda, lyn,
clarks having some offer. i paid $39 4 ash shoes. usual price is $59. but v ltd sizes left.

tks. gd gd, ur hse in d west
mayb we will drop by 4 a while
Went to Raffles Place to buy my thyroid medication from Guardian. Only can take that particular brand coz the rest tends to dissolve too fast and it really taste very bitter. Actually my gynae recently asked for my brand of PTU coz her other patients also complained but I found out that she charges 5 cents more per tablet compared to Guardian. Can come out to quite a bit esp since I have to take 7 tablets a day.

Sorry... I dun have ethnic costumes in wardrobe.

Think this bb is prob bigger than Ally, was 2.22kg at 33 weeks. Ally was only abt 3kg when she was born. Tummy also bigger this round.

I know... thot I should be able to handle it like the last pregnancy. Learn my lesson already

Are you at work today or staying at home. It's a nice weather to sleep in again today.

Did Pok Pok deliver early? Didn't know her EDD was so close to Nat's. Hope she's recovering well.
Sanrio, where did you buy your clarks shoes? Aiyoh, I think for the average shoe sizes, maybe no more size already? Wow, you have to apply for zoo tickets in advance ah? Wait if it rains?

Val, surprisingly, my super skinny monkey is on the 50th percentile too... i was pleasantly surprised as I thot she is definitely the lowest 25%. It's ok lah, each child has their own growth and development, not nice to always compare.
Val & Hazel,
I already don't bother abt the percentile thingie already. As long as my boy eat well, sleep well and play well, can liao.

I agree on don't always compare. Wait become a habit hor, no good for the kids. Imagine when they study and we got this habit to compare their results with other mummies, aiyoooo, very stressful for the kid one.
Tyra not skinny lah. Juz becos u not slim u think Tyra is skinny. LOL~ :p But one thing for sure, Tyra is getting more n more pretty. If not becos Randall got special preference to Dana & Jana, I will chop Tyra.
hahahahahaha! I nvr say I slim hor... Heng I not slim, if not will be super chuan running after her! Yah lah, Randall and Jerome and Rae all dun like Tyra.... so sad...... cos they see how chor lor she is.... they want sweet n gentle girls....
hahaha, i think both will be stressful. Then I pity the daddy, who is the daddy going to help? hahahah

Randall so hua xin ah? special perference for Dana and Jana, can fixed on one anot? hahah

Don't worry for Tyra, Jerome's mummy like Tyra alot.

haha, okay lor. But you really don't have to worry abt Tyra, she will meet better boys than those in here. hahhahaha, there's a world outside this forest. hahahah
