(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I bot Crayola from Tang's Kid's dept, they just revamped the place but mostly clothes and the clothes are so ex. I just checked - it does not say washable or not...

MJ paper - can buy from Popular.

She sleeps between u and hb?
Yah I feel shud train her to sleep on mattress...

U take care yah...

You go to Great world city the shop on the 3rd floor that sells clothes and has a cafe inside sells a whole range of crayola products including washables.
QSG, Viv
A thousand apologies. I din even realised I typed your gal's name wrongly. Ya really tired. Gotta administer nebulizer every 3 hrly. Machiam bf a young bb

Chen Chen puts things into his mouth randomly. He oso likes to touch things n put his fingers into his mouth. Dat's y I dun wanna introduce crayon or pen to him. I wanna get him magic board
I dun mind distance but Sat Chen Chen has to attend class @ BJG leh

QSG, Brenda
I envy u gals can shift your tod to another rm.
My SIL wanna set up X'mas tree. I told her Chen Chen will pull dwn the tree. She said X'mas is for children. She set up X'mas tree when there is no child in the hse. Now got Chen Chen all the more shld set up X'mas tree

Ya depends on the char of individual but we can't ctrl the older tod bully the younger tod mah. Juz in case, u never know
I say cannot do tis cannot do dat only in emergency case. I usu say "only naughty boi does tis. R u a naughty boi?" or "if u do tis u r a naughty boi, Chen Chen is a gd boi rite" or "U hv to do it tis way"
U hv the symptons of catching cold. Take a gd rest n drink lots of water
Chen Chen is v much better now. No hissing sound n deep breathing. I gonna reduce to 4 hr interval to administer nebuliser

Deer, Skyblue

Giggler, Brenda
I start spring cleaning my hse too wif my hubby last Fri. We clear our leave to spring clean. I clean 0.5 day than go to my parent's hse, my hubby full day. We can't spring clean during wk n wif Chen Chen ard

Giggler, Pigletz, Stylobb
Chen Chen equally happy to b home n @ my parents' plc

Pigletz, stylobb
Chen Chen sleeps on the mattress on the flr. But hor he always call for me
Ian has only 7 teeth now and he's 17 months + ... so not to worry about Dana's teeth!

Can get Crayola from Toys R Us also... my sister bought some for Ian and he LOVES them! Easy to wash also!

Chen Chen has bronchiolitis? How come need neb? Sounds bad... hope he gets well soon.
your mum sounds like my mum... adores Ian and loves playing with him but really tired out when she looks after him the whole day by herself. And sometimes when we bring him back to Bukit Batok for a day or two so that she can have a breather and we visit my in-laws, she misses Ian SOOOOO much. Sometimes when we're leaving, she's almost teary!! So when we get back to Bedok, she's extremely happy to see us again... but she won't HOARD Ian like viv's mum.... hahaha... but then again, Jana is so adorable!!!

viv, love Jana's pictures.. her cutie pie face... keep the photos coming!

Have tried successfully for 5 days in a row not to latch Ian just before sleeping and he seems to understand... yippee! *but sad that my bfding days are ending* He bites really hard these days and it hurts a whole lot... sigh... no choice but to wean... can't bear the pain from the cuts on my boobs.

StyloBB, I also don't like to have strangers in my house, but I think no choice in your case. I am also going to get a maid about 2 months before I deliver.
StyloBB, Ian touched and "explored" his shit when hubby was changing him yesterday evening and he put his hands to his mouth.... yucks... i didn't see it... can't imagine ... argh.... bath water and crayons don't sound so bad... hahahaha...
Shook, can't believe you actually SPRING CLEAN! Think I haven't done that in eons... the word doesn't exist in my life anymore...
Hi mummies.
Was slowly scrolling and reading all the posts since Tue.

My regards to Chen Chen and hope he recovers asap. My fren's baby also developed bronchitis after prolong flu some time back and it also passed on to her elder son. She had to nebulise both of them daily, i can imagine how tiring it is for u. But they recovered. So take heart for Chen Chen's speedy healing!!

I'm also keen to see your photos with Jem at Goat farm!

Stylobb, QSG and Brenda
Re: Crayons
I also let Alicia scribble on MJ paper at home. Its useful way to keep them occupied during meals outside too!

U tied Jana's hair up in that picture?

U finally appeared after such a long time. YH has shot up so much in height! Last time, i also had the same argument about Gain IQ's steep pricing and alot of comments that it causes constipation. So i never bothered to try my Gain IQ sample, i just simply stuck to Friso and sometimes Neslac for Alicia.

Dun worry about not being able to turn up on monday. Let Nat adjust to her nap times gradually. Our tods enjoyed themselves and Ash knocked out first, followed by Alicia getting sleepy next. Rae had the longest stamina of coz

Didn't manage to talk much with you on monday. Join us for lunch next time. Or maybe, next meetup we have picnic at botanic gdns??? kiv..hehe

Hope Ash is better day by day. I'm ok with afternoon meetup. Depends on where we go.
Defence mechanism or is it Peer pressure??

Mummies, yesterday brought Alicia to Globetrotters to eat for the first time. Alicia went wild in the play room. She loved the toys and slides..etc. But there were few older kids around and there were 2 particularly loud and active ang moh kids there. The boy kept snatching Alicia's toys and made Alicia real angry. My gal usually stands there helpless, shows her displeasure on her face and makes some sound in protest. But yesterday, those 2 kids were so rowdy and loud, screeching at the top of their voices most of the time until suddenly, Alicia shocked me with a sudden scream herself. She stared at those kids and tried to scream at the top of her voice till her entire face turned red!!! Me and the staff nearly dropped laughing coz it was so funny. I've never seen her like this before. I guess it was a good attempt on her part to "let it out for once!"
Morning gals, will be out today so you gals happy chatting yah!

oops, hahhaha. paiseh! i'm not into gambling hobbies so din noe that it's a norm to be in dollars. See how it goes lah, if he's not besotted w ur future son-in-law, he might wan to play too..hahhahah

aye, Jem go to sleep on his own but always on my bed too. Then when he sleep, we transfer him to his bed next to us. U can try!

Jem started from Doodle too. now he only plays it in the car. But yah, that's i find that he do enjoy scribbling. U might want to consider AquaDoodle? The water pen one? More colourful and interesting.

Erm, Jem will put the crayon near his mouth like he gonna eat it and wait for my "No!" Then, he'll chuckle n scribble again. But yah, it really stains their hands n clothes so better wait till Chen Chen stop putting his hands into mouth.

hhmmm, the only things that he puts into his mouth nowadays are toys he use for role play like the spoon/cup he use to feed himself and his teddies. And of course bite his teddies. These i guess will go on for a few more years.

No lah, the tree can get them not to touch lah, like the Fan/VCR/Fishtank in the hse. Just that hb/me too lazy to go thru the initial hussles to keep saying No to him n then gotta find ways to divert his interest on it. Very disruptive o routine..hahhah


Aye... hb n i too busy feeding n sayanging the goats.. forget abt pixs! hahahhahaha. Can't help it, they so adorable!

Ur narration on Alicia's day at Globetrotter, really make me LOL! Way to go Alicia!
chen chen is v sweet, wake up early to say bye bye to mummy. Jana's timing varies leh .. some days she wake up around 5-6am then she'll hv milk, change diaper and we'll put her back to sleep again till 8-9am. else then it'll be around 7am +. think she's feeling sticky to me this few days, my mum said she cried alot yesterday esp during morning when we left for work.

Jana wakes up much later when she sleep over at my mum's place cos my mum installed those curtains that blocks out light totally. back at my home, we dun hv the curtains and when Jana is that its a daytime already, she'll refuse to sleep anymore. my cousin hv the same experience, mabbe u wanna try out those curtains?

Jana also hv 8 teeth!

aiya!!! y u choose 10 dec???? afternoon Jana got lesson, then nite time hubby n i going for a concert! i'll hv to miss the gathering!!

i doll her up so much ...dresses and 2 ponytails ... n u still say she look like boi???? waste all my effort leh!
nothing else i do liao leh ...except put make up for her!! hahaha...

yah ...we used to hv routine until i had bleeding...then the whole routine fall apart. now we ask Jana and let her choose, cos she usually could indicate...think she's regretted her choice on Tuesday nite!

eh ... no leh i wasn't in slumberland yesterday afternoon ..i detoured abit n ended up in orchard rd ...hehehe ...went to thyme and managed to get 2 tops n 1 bottom, then got another top from mphasis too ... good shopping trip!

hey! i just bought crayola too last weekend! i bought the color ink pens which are also washable.

last week tab tv episode on Study mama???

yes, managed to tie her hair up in 2 ponytails ... her haircut is overdue!
good for alicia!!! i luv gutsy girls who can show the boys that they r not to be messed around with!!! hahaha
Eek, gross man!!! Thankfully jesse does not do that, in fact after he poos, he looks at the output and goes 'Yeeee....' hehe....

It was about Study Mamas.. last nite I forgot to watch... felt they were showing quite a bit of 'flesh' for that episode...

How u feeling today?
Btw, I forgot, how many off days does ur maid get in a month?

So good ah, went shopping... me have not been out of my flat for the past few days leh... just cannot walk for long... anyway now feeling groggy, think I'll crawl back into bed soon.

Wanna go Mothercare.
Thyme - makes me wanna go too.. the lady told me to go in the evening cos new stocks arriving.. hehe... but I doubt I will get any cos have enuf XL to wear... your tops are long or short sleeves.. was telling her that now for Canada side is year end, so long sleeves are out but not so suitable for SIN weather..

Crayola - we bot the So Big crayons, but hor, I dun know how jesse still managed to break one of the crayons....??? Sheesh....

How are u and the boys doing???

Wow, alicia fierce siak... some of the older kids can be rather rude... that was once me/jesse walking past this girl sitting on those coin machine and when she saw jesse, she stuck out her tongue at her and I scolded her! Haha....
hahahha, actually i'm given 3rd and 10th from the girls to choose lah. My friend says 10th is a good day for harmony..hahahha. But i'm fine with both lah.

Aye, u gals decide on the date can? I going out soon.
Stylobb/jul/pringles and other mummies with crayola crayons, are the crayons easily broken? Am afraid dana may attempt to break it into 2. I couldn't find the crayola crayons and end up buying the coloured markers quite time back until now haven't let her try drawing with them as not sure if washable...

Mummies, thanks for assuring me about the teeth thingy...

Brenda, i have a suggestion, 26 Dec is a public holiday and also on monday, u wanna consider open house on this date instead as it seems most mummies have things to do on saturdays nowadays?
I'm okay with both Dec 3 and 10. But must confirm soon b4 i arrange other things. Xmas weekend is totally out for me, fully booked liao, paiseh.
i watched the study mama episode last week...yah lots of flesh ... esp the segment where the old man (old tcs 8 actor) is making out on the couch! yucks! they also show clips where an undercover was approach by china ladies in geylang.

i got a pair of shorts, 2 tops, 1 sleeveless and the other spagetti strap which i'll keep for CNY. mopst of my tops are sleeveless or straps cos i'm afraid of heat.
By rite, if u buy the So Big Crayons, shud not break, I also dun know how jesse broke it... maybe he ran his car over one... recommended to get big size for easier grip.

How to come? My tummy is so big and I'm not exactly mobile nor ok, come Dec I'll be bigger. So sorry...
Haha... I was telling hb that old actor dun need to be paid, he already got his fun....hahahaa....
but so yucky hor....

I also have their shorts, now wearing L size... hiaz...
i need bigger sizes for this time round too ...my petite size skirt bought from thyme during last pregnancy cannot be worn anymore, then yesterday when i tried some of the tops, the small size too small, needed M size instead !
re: CC
Ai yeah! I hope this CC will be different. I will monitor Ethan and the CC closely. If prob, I will withdraw him immediately and then my maid will have to handle two. But then, don't u think if our kids go to playgroup or nursey next time, it is the same... will also be prone to bully if they are weak??

QSG, I don't know my maid prior to employing her. I had an Indo maid before Ethan was born and didn't trust him with her. In the end, transferred her and got this maid instead. I saw the way she worked and took care of Ethan and trusted her.... so far so good. Only prob is sometimes she thinks she's very smart and do things her way... then she will get scolding from me. Looks like she's making me angry more often now that I'm preg... maybe it's the preg hormones lah! But so far, I still trust her with Ethan and she loves him lots.
Hi mummies,
Went zoo last sun and here are some pics to share.

He immediately went to pat when saw it. Wonder y.

Told him tats a pig and he show me this face.

Guess this is my fav pic. Hehe... He juz did it by himself w/o "tao" fm him. V seldom for him in such mood.
Randall so cute! Wonder if Ian would pat that lizard hehehehe.... so heartwarming for him to plant a kiss in front of the camera!

QSG, the crayons are not easily broken lah... but of course it depends on how violent Dana is... =)
I keep the crayons.. coz Ryan likes to try to munch on it.. had to dig part of it out from his mouth and forcefully brush his teeth to remove all the stains.. now only give him colour pencils.
Me still abt the same today. Doc gave so much medication. Guess diff docs got diff standards. My hubby also got yellow phlegm but wasn't given antibiotics while I was given. Thot preggie should avoid too much medication but maybe he's trying to speed up my recovery process. Dun dare to take antibiotics and cough mixture yet. Just taking the runny nose Zrytec. Will only take it if still dun feel better after a few days.

Ally's home with me so I dun get that much rest since she doesn't nap that long. But it's nice to be able to spend time with her. Last nite, she coughed while sleeping and puked all over the bed but surprisingly she didn't insist on looking for my maid and allowed me to change her and put her back to sleep. Was a big consolation for me despite the mess she made. hee hee! can't complain much since I've got a helper to clean up the mess.

Ok... me gonna lie down before Ally wakes up. She usu only sleeps 20 - max 30 mins in the morn.
Dun think so much lah. Juz let Dana do watever she likes so long u supervise her. I got those non tonxic crayon. Tat means should a bit ended up in their mouth, its not fatal mah.
Chen Chen is suffering fm bronchitis. Need nuberlizer coz he breath deeply n has hissing sound. Now no longer breath deeply n no hissing sound
Your mum saiyang Ian v v much. My mum doesn't tear but she went to my hse to visit me during wk n esp when Chen Chen wz younger. Now not so often
Luckily Chen Chen doesn't bite. Ian wean off by himself?
U clean your hse regularly so dun need spring clean is it?

Hahaha.... it reminds me of your comment on Chen Chen learned to fight for himself after he cried a few times due to toys being snatched by other tods @ Jul's plc

Where to get AquaDoodle?
Jem so cheeky. Put crayon in his mouth to make u say NO

Chen Chen wakes up early I can't do my things leh. My hubby gotta wake up to attend to Chen Chen
Wow fruitful shopping trip

Randall so....... cute!
Aiyo, so envy u
. Chen Chen's kiss is bite. Ouch!

I worried Chen Chen puts crayon into his mouth. He put pen into his mouth

O poor Ally cough till puke. U got 2 days mc? Take care. Wish u n your family speedy recovery

Chen Chen looks normal today. No deep breething n hissing sound. Thx

Mummies who give your tod crayon
Do your tod use the crayon to draw on the flr, wall n their clothes?
dear mommies,
tks 4 d concern. ash is much beta 2day. so far diarrhoea 1 tx.

desitin blue box w aloe vera. it's v gd.

foreverfrd n ruffy,
i bought crayons 4 ash too but kept it 4 now. instd of drawing on d mj paper, he likes 2 throw them on d floor n leave many marks/stains (thou easily removable). he attempt to bite d crayons too!

my curtains are d thin n light wt ones. yes light passes tru. u're right. he wakes up abt 6am, start talking to himself n kicking in his cot. once it's bright, he std up, sing/shout 2 wake evy1 up. perhaps i shd make a new set of thicker curtains but d tot of changing n washing d heavy curtains, v sian..

mus brg ash to d zoo n c wat he does 2 d lizard, whether he will b so friendly like towards dogs n cats.
ur pic reminds me of d scene tat randall kissed jana on her lip, hahaha..
ash v shy to kiss mommy, only does it once a while.
i can imagine alicia 'screaming' to defend herself, so cute, keke...
u noe ash is v loud n even alicia got a fright hearing him scream. but tell u hoh, he 'er ren mei you dan'. yesdy at imm, he was on a kiddy ride, 2 boys abt 5yrs old came n started disturbing him, made funny face, touch his cheeks etc. ash 'shouted' at them then burst into tears liao. haha!

i m v excited, ash starts to talk a bit more. tis morning, hubby open d bedrm door n d moment he saw hubby, he pointed at him n shouted daddy loud n clear. he does call daddy often but depends on his mood previously. n 2day he followed me ard n said mummy, mummy, mummy. then he watched vcd n shouted rabbit wen he saw d bunny. n wen phone ring, he said hello.
i m jus so happy now cos ash is not v fast in speech compared to many..
stylobb n mummies,
yesdy ash poo out a tiny corner of d bb bite wrapper! i got a big shock. it got stuck 'there' n i got to pull it out. mayb tats d reason of his diarrhoea. i really got to watch him v cloesly now.

brenda n foreverfrd,
ash puts thgs in his mouth too leh thou i alwy tell him no, esp wen i din c. tat day i drop a brocolli floret on d floor n next moment, he was munching it...
Hope u get some rest.
Ally sleeps so few hours... pengz!!!

I was asking u <font color="0000ff">how many days off</font> ur maid gets each month...

The bb bite wrapper is the plastic one??? Wasn't it painful when it came out? Oh-oh... sounds so scary... seems he likes to put things in his mouth... u beta make sure.

I always like to ask jesse 'who loves u?' He will say 'mammy'... and I say 'who else?' He will say 'daddy.'..then I remind him God loves him too.
jesse hardly pukes.
Stimes I am afraid he chokes esp when he eats bananas, he will push as much of it as poss into his mouth.. he just loves bananas.

Medication - I always avoid taking.

I cud not get up for church last week, I was super tired.... now at home also so tough cos I cannot walk for long...
ewwww, ash ate a bb bite wrapper? yikes. Good thing it was just a tiny corner. I don't watch Sarah very closely cos sometimes I have to do things around the house. Hope she doesn't find things to 'eat' too. I know she ate some raw kidney beans the other day and spat out the remnants after chewing on them.

Thank God Chen Chen is better.

Re : Crayola Crayons
Sarah has a set of 'So Big' crayons too. She managed to break the top off one of them. I think it fell off the coffee table.
I instructed her only to draw on the piece of A3 sized drawing block that I blu-tacked to the coffee table. She tries her best to draw onto the paper, but will inadvertently 'leak' onto the table. She also did make a few lines on the floor and wall, but they can easily be wiped/mopped off (with a little pressure applied)

wah, your Randall so cute - kiss mummy.

I went shopping today ;P. Saw the hip seat at mothercare Plaza Sing, last piece, on sale at $77. The lady there was very nice and let me try. I found that it was merely a seat. Sarah sat on it, and I walked around. It was really comfy for me, but I felt that Sarah kept falling off cos she's very wriggly and likes to turn here and there. You have to keep one hand on her at all times, which defeats the purpose. Even for $77, I didn't buy it.
I went to Mums &amp; Babes on the 4th floor and found the Tommee Tippee EZ pack baby carrier for $45.90. Within my budget. More like a pack carrier for the hip. I bought it and tried it on the way home. Not as comfy as the hip seat, but I think it served its purpose for me. hands free... Sarah on the hip. In fact, she fell asleep in it as I was walking home from the LRT station. Hah! But it's only until 40 lbs (18 kg). Dunno if Vane is too heavy yet or not.
This is the product
the hipseat..will bb be able to climb out themselves.. and will is cause u to have aches at the waist etc? have never really considered it but maybe interested in trying it...
tks for the compliments! ok..i buck up n take more photos, realised i hardly take photos nowadays, getting lazy n moreover am always feeling v tired.

dun feel sad, v soon u'll be able to start bfding again, and Ian can join in his sister/brother if he still remembers how to latch on then. ur breast starting to feel sensitive? Jana was playing with mine just last nite ...then she suddenly squeeze!!! OUCH!!! my belly button popping out and the skin there also v sensitive and Jana loves to play with belly button, now gotta run away from her whenever she wanna pull up my tshirt ...hehehe

ur ms better yet?

wat time does chen chen wake up?

when i saw the pic of randall touching the lizard, my eyes nearly pop out! EEEE!!!!

the curtains i got that blockout light need to dry clean one, v ma fan!

u r v observant, i usually only take a v quick look at Jana's poo to c how much she poo... v stinko! cannot tahan!

stylobb, emily, absolut, giggler
din know so diff to train maid, really need to be very specific and explain every little detail! i even got nitemares leh! 2 days ago i ask d maid to put bread into fridge cos its near to expiry. yesterday hubby bought fresh bread and i couldn't find it in d kitchen n ask her where they are, she said she put in fridge! i taught her how to make peanut butter sandwich, 1 slice with butter and 1 slice with peanut butter and then put them together, this morning i told her i dun want any peanut butter today ...came to office, realise that 1 piece of bread hv butter, the other piece hv nothing!! dunno to laugh or cry ...
OMG bb bite wrapper. No wonder he got diarrohea
Great dat Ash is ok liao
We gave Chen Chen pen. He drew on the flr n his clothes
Congrats dat ash is speaking more

Sanrio, Pvl
Chen Chen munched raw onion, chilli, carrot n sweat bean b4

At my mum's plc, sometimes Chen Chen wakes up @ 5+ (most of the time) sometimes 6+; back @ home, he wakes up 6+ or 7+
Wah!! Randall is so brave and cute to touch that lizard!!!!!! Yikes! I was really taken aback coz i'm terrified of reptiles!!!!!!! Dunno if he will still like reptiles when he grows up next time??

LOL!! Ash shouted at those bigger kids then burst out crying? So cute....haha. But ya, it really takes alot out of our young tods when they try to defend themselves for the very first time. Alicia was trembling abit when she turned red in the whole face after shouting back. Interesting watching their behaviour.
Your boy really puts everything into his mouth, first the brocoli florets then now, bb bite wrapper! I saw him chomped the bb bites in a few seconds that day at Spageddies, boy he sure was very hungry!!! Hahaa

Chen Chen not afraid of chilli and onion??
I let Alicia try a teeny weeny bit of curry and she alredi couldn't take it:p
Re: Use of Crayons
Alicia did get away with scribbling on the wall once when i wasn't noticing. But I managed to wipe that off. After that, i confined the use of crayons only on the dining table where i placed the entire MJ paper so there's no way she can create crayon marks elsewhere.
pringles, foreverfrd, stylobb
pple alwy said ash eats v well n fast, so gd...
oh no! so well until he can eat up d plastic wrapper! i shd hav been more careful, thank God he din get choked n managed to poo it out.

mayb 1 day alicia will 'scream' at ash wen ash makes too much noise n irritates her, hahaha!
Chen Chen can't take spice. The chilli he munched wz green chilli padi. I tried it myself after he munched it. It has a v raw taste rather than spicy taste. Bsides he bite a little bit on the tib than turned ard to bite the stalk n he even told me no lar lar yum yum
coz I warn him lar lar dun bite in the 1st plc. For onion, he bite on the bud dat grows out fm onion. No complaint. U believe it or not, he cld take smashed tablet which is v v v v bitter to me w/o blinking his eyes. Initially my SIL wz thinking the PD crazy give little tod tablet to take n worried if Chen Chen will vomit the smashed tablet out

I guess Ash is the type who eats v v fast n bo chap till he din even notice he swallowed wrapper.

Sanrio, Pringles
Imagine during bb gathering the tod screaming @ ea other.
Val arh!
Randall sooo cute! Next time older ask him to go catch lizzies w me can?

Erm... not to frighten you but hor, I visited that ole iguana enough to know that he does snap at ppl when he's in his cranky mood..hahhaha

RE : putting things in mouth
hahhaha, k. now i'm convince its actually the centre's training liao since so many of the tods here still munchie munchie even Ryan. The tods in school had been doing craft n paints etc w the kids, so far a few of us parents din see much prob and all intro crayons already. Can't imagine the tods doing hand paint and start licking their red fingers..hahahah

Saw it at Carrefour.

huh? he'll do the usual things like touch hb's glasses to make him say 'no'. put my book down when i'm reading to make me go 'oei'. Test patience hor... that's how angelic our tods are...hahahha

Jem do scribble crayons on his soles. Then becos i chose to buy oil pastels instead of the usual jumbo crayons etc. it stains his fingers thus clothes too. usually we scribble together, so once he gets bored n gets out of the MJ, i'll announce "time to keep the crayons" and keep it so no chance for him to do his 'art' elsewhere.

So good! Ash definitely say much more then Jem! hahaha. He just managed to pass his third word for his age's milestone.

does Jana pull up her own top to show u her belly buttons? hehehhe

Went to the shop to see the shoes... End up din buy again! argh!
Sorry forgot to reply your qn. Maid gets a day off every month. Not sure if that will change next year if the new ruling takes place. However, she leaves house abt 2 hours earlier to go for filipino ministry and meets us at the 11am service.

Dunno how you cope leh. I'm also feeling so clumsy these days and my walking speed has also slowed down tremendously. Was just sharing with hubby that I dun remember going thru this phase for Ally. Remember I was still moving around pretty quickly etc. But now feel like old lady and my tummy also not as big as you.

Hope I got the right person asking abt my maid going for 2 services? The filipino ministry is more like a fellowship group. It's a small group where they come together and learn a bit more from the bible. Of course, most of them are working as domestic helpers so can't avoid them usu complaining abt their employers and work just like we do sometimes. Anyway that's what my maid told my mom .... that most of them always complaining.

wait til your belly button really pops out and see if Jana goes and scratch it. Ally loves doing that.

styloBB, ya Vane sleeps in bet me and hubby now. And she got the habit to hug either of us to sleep so she makes both of us she bu de to let her sleep on her own lor.

shook, thanks... now I know what to say to Vane liao. I too tired from the flu tablets last 2 nites so no chance to tell her in her sleep.
Good that Chen Chen recovering now. Think he'll fully recovered by weekends liao. I thot of doing early cos my place like got lots of stuff to clear. But in the end didnt do much cos Vane is with me during weekends. Think they alr used to the arrangements at both homes hor? Hahaha... you thinking the same thing as me leh.

jul, think our mums are used to have the kids ard with them hor? My mom will always carry my gal and asked her not to go home with us every nite. Kudos to you for bfg Ian for so long!

pringles, Eureka joined you gals on Mon? Really envy that you mums can gather and meet leh. Hahaha... think Alicia is trying to imitate those ang mohs?

brenda, he like Gareth so much? They can play soccer together rite?
The main prob is both me and hubby cant bear to let Vane sleep on her own leh. Where did u go to look for shoes?

Viv, is it true that Jana is more sticky to you now with your No. 2? Oops... maybe cos I cant see the ponytail lah. Jana's hair so long to tie it up? She lets u tie her hair? I tried to tie Vane's hair once but she kept trying to run away. Hahaha.... your maid is inexperienced? My maid is experienced so I got no such prob. Just tell her what we want her to do, she knows liao.

Val, that shows Randall really love you leh.
I haven brought Vane to zoo before leh.

absolut, yours sound really bad. I'm ok now after I rested yday.
You sure you want to look after Ally yourself since you're not feeling well?

sanrio, did you manage to record what Ash said?

PVL, the carrier you bought is much cheaper. I'll go to Mums N Babes this Sun to try the carrier out. Thanks alot. Vane is 12kg now, think still ok for her but that means cant use for long.

pringles/sanrio, can you imagine all our kids shouting and screaming at one another at our next gathering? Vane will scream at pple if we irritate her too. Hahaha....
